Who are the Suspects in the Wolverine Movie Leak?

Who are the Suspects in the Wolverine Movie Leak?

Ever since a not-quite-finished work print of Wolverine leaked online on Monday night, Fox executives have understandably been in a tizzy trying to figure out exactly how a copy of their $130 million film escaped their clutches. Just to prove how serious they are about putting the person (people?) responsible on the gallows, Fox has enlisted the help of the FBI in getting to the bottom of this mysterious leak. And while this combined taskforce has been unable to finger a suspect, there have been no shortage of people who have been accused of the crime.

By ComicBookMovie - Apr 03, 2009 11:04 AM EST
Source: NYmag

-- Was it Someone Who Hates Rupert Murdoch? Yesterday, Vulture hero Jeffrey Wells passed along a rumor that, sometime in the days immediately preceding the leak, a DVD copy of the leaked version of Wolverine landed on the desk of none other than Rupert Murdoch. Wells' source said that "most people involved are considering the delivery a big 'eff you' to Murdoch and Fox." Unfortunately for Fox, the list of people who dislike Murdoch enough to harm him in this fashion is as big as the phone book.

-- Was it the Australian Effects Shop Rising Sun Pictures? The leaked version that appeared online contained a few stills that bore the watermark of RSP, who had been one of the many vendors helping to put the finishing touches on the film. The respected shop, which is also currently working on Warner Bros. summer tentpole Terminator: Salvation, quickly issued a statement denying any culpability. Founder Tony Clark had this to say: "From the reports we've had, the stolen material is a work in progress version of the film with many incomplete sections. As we worked on individual sequences within the film, neither RSP or its staff members have ever been in possession of a full-length version, so it would have been impossible for the movie to have been leaked from here."

-- Was It, Gasp, Fox? Occasional HuffPo columnist Scott Mendelson floated an interesting theory on his blog the other day. His theory goes something like this: What if Fox knew that it had a stinker on its hands, one that was going to certainly lose hundreds of millions of dollars, and the only way to help protect their investment was to leak a copy of the film and then try to recoup their losses by filing a claim for insurance fraud? While this certainly makes good fodder for conspiracy theorists, nary a smidge of evidence has surfaced which would help give this interesting yet ultimately outlandish theory any credence. Nothing to see here (we think).

So who was it then? Sharon Waxman is reporting over at The Wrap that Fox is currently chasing down "at least a half-dozen leads," and that the studio has been able to trace the leak to a digital work print that's at least one month old. She also spoke to an unnamed Fox exec who offered up the following list of potential suspects: "There’s the reproduction house sending it to the trailer company or the marketing department, there’s the director, his assistant. Unfortunately there are multiple ways it could get there (to the Internet)."

Whoever the culprit ends up being, they're clearly in a shitload of trouble.

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Pumchavas28 - 4/3/2009, 11:28 AM
Yup... The FBI has nothing better to do....


Who cares!!! It's a movie!!! Not plans to a Stealth Fighter or a Time Machine!
DarkAvengers - 4/3/2009, 11:56 AM
I thought this was just an April Fools joke?
Minotauro - 4/3/2009, 11:57 AM
:( ..I didn't get to see it!?..

I wish someone would tell where the site is to see it, but probably to late by then?!...
DarkJester - 4/3/2009, 12:00 PM
I care, i'm also rather pissed, and won't even go near that uncomplete piece of rubbish that was STOLEN, i think it's good that they get the law involved...The FBI? why not, this person has lost everyone Millions!
when they're caught they're gonna get F***ed
Aiiwolf - 4/3/2009, 12:00 PM
I'm very very happy.

They had the movie's origins messed up anyways....and honestly....I'm glad they wont be make money off of it...in fact when i find the LEAK i will spread it around FOR FREE.

I GARAN_DAMN_TEE you that....FOX F*CK...I hate them with a passion.....their just pissed they wont be able to make their duo, and then screw up the trilogy and piss all the fans....I'm very happy this happened.
NEXUS - 4/3/2009, 12:18 PM
I agree, [frick] fox...the only problem is its a marvel
movie...i wish it was a dc leak, f=WB

NEXUS - 4/3/2009, 12:24 PM
There could be only one person who could of done it.

Aiiwolf - 4/3/2009, 12:25 PM
I personally find WB a better company than Fox, thats the only reason I said screw em....im not rooting for a company that doesnt take their time with films, and rush the directors. MARVEL movies not done by FOX have alot of potential...

Their has been a single DC movie thats disappointed me yet...All the Batman's were good. If there was any Dc movie I wish was leaked I wish it was SUPERMAN RETURNS that movie pissed me off....you know I went to the first show for that midnight...and what did i get? Nothing. Ideas from Superman 1 and 2 put together...no creativeness what so ever.

Dc and WB dont bother me, in fatc that WARNER BROTHERS is willing to FUND Nolan for his next movie, so he could come back to complete the Batman Trilogy. Thats exactly why I love WB, they see something, they pursue it, and they take their TIME. While, Fox is another story lol.

Aiiwolf - 4/3/2009, 12:27 PM
Or you know who else might have done it?

Ryan Reynolds lol....he probabaly all pissed about the fact hes agent 11....and how they ruined deadpool's origins for a spin off....so what does he do....he [frick]s fox right in the ass! uahahaha! Waiting 3!
Pumchavas28 - 4/3/2009, 12:30 PM
I'd be willing to bet the movie loses no money & is #1 when it comes out anyway...

So to say they are losing millions is a HUGE over-statement!
Pumchavas28 - 4/3/2009, 12:31 PM
@darkjester - If you (like me) chose not to see the stolen release, good for you...

But to get the FBI involved... Geez. What a waste of time & money...
Aiiwolf - 4/3/2009, 12:50 PM
lol... I'm going to see it at the theatres alright...I'll pay for another movie, and sneak into this one :)

That way I wont give my money to this peice of crap, or wait why dont I just see both in the price of one lol
NEXUS - 4/3/2009, 12:52 PM

Its atleast 1mill lost...@$8.00 a movie they said
75,000 downloads that $600,000.

If it was my comp. I wouldnt want to loose a cent.
NEXUS - 4/3/2009, 12:54 PM
watch out I might have to report you to the FBI! lol
Aiiwolf - 4/3/2009, 1:00 PM
uahaha ....Nexus ...U R HE LARRY US lol

Well there are sites now where you canw atch them for free, like meagaload, MT, etc.

I know because I watch movies on there...When they leak it out you can get a copy, and then you can burn it on a disc, and then make 100 copies....and give them out for FREE.

Btw their DVD copies, how else did i get a canadian copy of Clint Eastwood Gran Torino....

If I get my hands on it, I'll make sure to spread the wealth...Sorry Jackman....but I have to FOX [frick] in the ass!...in her pretty big ass ghetto boottttah!
dogchasingcars - 4/3/2009, 1:03 PM
Aiiwolf all the batman's were good are you serious i can name one batman that was horrible and due to its shittieness i will not speak its name (damn you arunld and george clooney) and i know who leaked this movie it was col. mustard in the kitchen with the revolver.... oh wait wrong thing sorry
NEXUS - 4/3/2009, 1:11 PM

You want to [frick] Fox, i got the perfect idea...ha
May 1st, you stand infront of the Movies and just start
handing out copy's.

just let us know your real name so i can look for you on the news...lol thas would b some funnnnnnny shit
adamant877 - 4/3/2009, 2:25 PM
CaptainAmerica - 4/3/2009, 2:56 PM
Hey gaiiwolf, how bout you shut the [frick] up already and get that dick out of your ass. Who cares if you hate Fox, whoever leaked it should be sent to jail, and have Big Bubba fondle his testes.
CaptainAmerica - 4/3/2009, 2:57 PM
lol see what i did thur? Gaiiwolf, get it?
Nycguy84 - 4/3/2009, 2:58 PM
Bar none Aiiwolf is the stupidest poster I've ever come across on any movie website. You're devoting so much time & angst against Fox, for what reason? Somehow it must be filling in a void in your life. What did a pet of yours die recently? Get over yourself no one gives a shit.

Wolverine is going to open at 100 million on it's way to 250+ domestically (at the very least). Only the slightest harm done.
jh2481 - 4/3/2009, 3:50 PM
fox's only hope is too redo the movie with extra scenes and add more face time for character development. So ppl who have seen the movie online will go and watch it in the theatre
CaptainAmerica - 4/3/2009, 3:54 PM
@Jimmy Huynh, not really, the version that came out didnt have the extra Deadpool scenes that they filmed afterwards.
darkcrow - 4/3/2009, 6:05 PM
Meh, at least the FBI have something to do other than get them pesky terrorists and drug cartels.
SoulAllFlush - 4/3/2009, 7:03 PM
Fox should be arrested for wasting police time

oh wait, Fox are rich I forgot
parascythe - 4/3/2009, 8:26 PM
the challenge for them would be..the story they have to change or reshoot and advertising it that there's a change in the movie that the leaked workprint doesnt have.
KeepItReal - 4/4/2009, 12:16 AM
That dancing spiderman...hee-heehee..kills me! =:)

This is like JK Rowlings again with the Harry POtter book being leaked on the internet by some teenager in France and they translated the book and all!!! Not fair to the people who put their time and effort into the work. Not cool.

They should make a who done it movie about this! It was Rupert Murdoch... in the green room.. no... Australian Effects Shop Rising Sun Pictures on the dark moon... NO! Was It, Gasp, Fox... no it was Al Roker! bom, bom, bom!!!
TheMyth - 4/4/2009, 2:46 AM
The conspiracy part is smells like bullshit... and I'm a person who will tell you the government did 9-11.
ManThing - 4/4/2009, 5:19 AM
All I have to say is that it's hilarious that someone put a picture of an ACTUAL Wolverine up to go with this article! ROFL
wolf1469 - 4/4/2009, 7:42 AM
Has anyone seen it yet? I just watched it yesterday a friend burned it for me. Save your money at the theatres. All of the cool shit you see on the previews is the movie. It's one of those movies were the previews are the movie>
MarkCassidy - 4/4/2009, 8:05 AM
captainamerica, has anyone ever told you your a c#nt?
KeepItReal - 4/4/2009, 9:33 AM
To: MYth... and I'm a person who will tell you the government did 9-11.

The govt certainly knew of it and did not act on the credible source and information they had. Funny how one hour they "didnt know who" was responsible & the next day they had all this surveillance and photos of the suspects. It started when CLinton was in office, he swept it under the rug, and it blew up on Bush's watch.

I will still see the movie if my I can. Going to the theater with kids is not in good form I think. Babysitter... lol.. I would probably come home and find the babysitter tied up and gagged!
shibazz - 4/4/2009, 11:44 AM
Keep It REal..... watch "ZeitGeist" online
shibazz - 4/4/2009, 11:44 AM
Keep It REal..... watch "ZeitGeist" online
shibazz - 4/4/2009, 11:44 AM
Keep It REal..... watch "ZeitGeist" online
yanky820 - 4/4/2009, 12:56 PM
I've seen it online, and it's still online on the site i saw it on the movie was good I think, the only bad part about it was that when ever the special effects came on you can see the wire work, and everything is like 3D animation. Over all it was ok 3 out of 5 for the movie.
CaptainAmerica - 4/4/2009, 3:12 PM
@Rorschach01, kinda, your sister told me to lick her c*nt. Im pretty sure thats the closest ive been to being called one.
Aiiwolf - 4/4/2009, 4:56 PM
@ DogchasingCars

youre right that movie was terrible. But I dont really count that as batman...neither do I count Xmen 3 or spiderman 3 as marvel movies....oh yeah and how can you forget the brokeback hulk movie made in 2002 or whatever....ugh. Just terrible. All the Batmans except Batman & robin were great. there if that makes you happy :)


You know that isnt a bad idea...to [frick] fox over like that...lmao. Hey guys I have the copy right here for Wolverine...forget seeing it....just take this and go home lmfao!

KeepItReal - 4/4/2009, 5:06 PM
shibazz..."Keep It REal..... watch "ZeitGeist" online"

Thank you.. =:) I'll check it out tonight.
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