UPDATED: Again on X-Men: First Class! You must Read!

UPDATED: Again on X-Men: First Class! You must Read!

Maybe alot of you talk without knowing things. Now, I can say to you the truth!

Editorial Opinion
By Cyke89 - Sep 08, 2010 02:09 PM EST
Filed Under: X-Men: First Class
Source: Me

NOTE A: I'm Italian. Sorry for THE BAD ENGLISH.

NOTE B: U said [fric] First Class because it's not faithful to comics. But u said also [frick] Spidey's reboot...I don't understand...Because Raimi's Spider-Man's movies are not faithful to comics and the reboot maybe will be. It's so contraddictory, i don't understand!


Look at this image:


Well. All the times I read articles about X-Men: First Class, 90% of users said the movie:

a) will be bad;
b) [frick] First Class;
c) [frick] Fox;
d) Original Five;
e) i don't see it because it will be the worst comic-book movie of all time.

Well, funny. Nobody here has seen the movie and just we know will suck! Hell ya!

C'mon, guys. This are PATHETIC.

Use this article as...Mmm, well...a Wikipedia or a FAQ on the movie.


Where are u when X-men, X2 and X-Men: Last Stand was in cinemas? Where are u?
In X-Men 1 there isn't Angel or Beast and Iceman is a teenager.
In X-Men 2 there isn't Angel or Beast and Iceman is a teenager.
In X3 Beast appears but Angel and Iceman are teenagers.

So if u don't understand...Fox will produce a series of prequels ABOUT THE ORIGINAL TRILOGY. Wolverine was the first one, First Class will be the second one and Wolverine 2 the third one.

So, respecting the CONTINUITY of the TRILOGY, they can't use Angel and Iceman.


U know. Matthew Vaughn is a great director. He has direct Stardust and Kick-Ass.

He left everytime the script sucks.

1. Fox wants him to direct X-MEN: LAST STAND. He left saying the script was bad.
2. Marvel wants him to direct THOR. He left saying the script was bad (and after that Marvel has made rewrite on it).
3. Warner Bros. wants him to direct CLASH OF THE TITANS. He left saying the script was bad.

He left. Simple left. And aren't indipendent movie in which he was lower paid. No. Kolossal. He left kolossal for what was paid alot of money.

He simple left because he won't direct bad movies. He has directed Kick-Ass, indipendent movie, for a lower paid, instead of Clash of the Titans for a big paid.

So i trust him.


This movie is SET in 1960.

Cyclops and Jean wasn't born yet.

Beast it's in it because in X-MEN LAST STAND Hank McCoy say:
1. He was part of X-Men before the beginning of the first movie;
2. He is more old than Storm, Jean, Cyclops (maybe 10 years more old than the others three).

I Think we'll see Cyclops and Jean in the end. This movie is a prequel of Xavier that meet Magneto. Their relationship, their dreams.
And Xavier in the end will form X-Men while Magneto will formed Brootherhood.



The character in WOLVERINE wasn't EMMA. She's similiar to Emma but she's not Emma.

Fox has made fans happy because in the spots they called her EMMA FROST but in the movie:
1. Nobody says she's Emma Frost.
2. In the credits she's Emma/Kayla's Sister. So she can be also a random mutant.

Vaughn and Singer simple forget that character and use the real Emma in First Class.


Many Characters?

In the FIRST CLASS' script Xavier and Magneto goes around the world saving mutants.

So there are some cameos of minor roles. I think to Angel Salvadore or maybe Banshee.

Darwin in the comics is Moira's assistent. Maybe she's also in that movie.

Azazel...Well, the actor who play Azazel is in all Vaughn's movies. And make ever small cameos. So... :D

I'm sure the main characters are:



And yes. They said this is a PREQUEL. Xavier won't be still bald and he use legs.


Remember Singer's ideas for X-Men: Last Stand? No???

He said he wants Sigourney Weaver to play Emma Frost. In that movie Emma was Xavier's old love interest.

Singer is used now the ideas he have for X-Men 3 in this. Simple.


Wow. Good.

U know. U are pathetic because you're criticize every news of that movie without knowing things.

Look at this pic:

Mmmm, hat and all this stuff. But hey

READ THE SIGNAL...Which language is???
Ohhhh the TANK...Has a symbol...Which symbol is?
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH the soldier...???

Oh yes, SHE'S IN RUSSIA in that scene. Now i know because he wears the hat and all the other things. But wait


[Frick] First Class...


Give it a chance. If in June this movie will sucks, i'm the first one to say it. But for NOW...Wait the damn movie and after you'll see it...


X-MEN: FIRST CLASS Was Partially Written In Claudia Schiffer's Hospital Room Due To Rushed Production

X-MEN: FIRST CLASS Was Partially Written In Claudia Schiffer's Hospital Room Due To Rushed Production

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LEEE777 - 9/8/2010, 2:19 PM
Dude, sort out your article and no to FIST ASS!

Whats wrong with wanting a real X-MEN movie?

First Class with no First Class is NO CLASS! ; P
LEEE777 - 9/8/2010, 2:24 PM
P.s. How can this be a prequel when EMMA FROST is older than in BORIGINS?!?

They are not even respecting their very own twisted x-franchise!

I gave FOX a chance after X3 and look how that turned out lol!
ElBicho - 9/8/2010, 2:25 PM
I agree with you buddy, First Class could've been a real start to the inevitable X-Men re-boots that will come.

And Cyke, nothing personal, but you should really try and follow grammatical guidelines for posting articles.
LEEE777 - 9/8/2010, 2:27 PM
Cyke89 @ How can we read the article dude LOL,,, dude at least use google spell check, thats what its for!

I for one am not putting my A$$ up high for another FOX's X-MEN movie ever!

The problem with you defending sh1T, is we'll get more of it and we'll never see a MARVEL STUDIOS X-MEN movie!

And P.S. She was EMMA lol, FOX is just foxing it up again! BORIGINS sucked btw too!

ElBicho @ Hellz yeah buddy!
LucasMend - 9/8/2010, 2:33 PM
Like I said, [frick] FOX! and their timeline lol.
For a original five First Class the movie must be in the 90´s or 80´s not [frick]ing 60´s, now Emma should be then 80, same with Xavier and Erik. Just [frick] that movie up.
LEEE777 - 9/8/2010, 2:34 PM
CYKE @ IRON MAN 2 may of been a poor mans IRON MAN I but it was far from being bad... I agree it wouldn't make the top 20 but FIST ASS wont even make top 100 I reckon!

Of course MARVEL wants SPIDEY and X-MEN back, also FF what planet are you on lol!?

SOONER @ LUCAXMEN @ 100% agree!

CYKE @ If you want ppl to take this article seriously, I suggest you hurry up and edit it using spell check at least my old mate lol!
TheDarqueOne - 9/8/2010, 3:05 PM

First of all it took guts for you to come here and write what you did. You knew you were going to get slammed still you felt it was worth it to write. Congrats on that.

Comic Fans are not unified in ANY of their opinions. They will trash one Movie for changes and embrace others with little logic. What is really important to most people are individual Characters. Get them wrong and people scream.

See Wolverine is not a bad movie. Sorry folks but it made waaaaayyyy too much money to say it was horrible. I think what really bothers everybody is simple: Deadpool.

There are a lot of people who love that smart-ass and the fact his Character got mangled almost beyond recognition is painful. I would bet you any amount of money if Deadpool had been able to wise-crack as he fought ALL else would have been forgiven.

marvel72 - 9/8/2010, 3:15 PM
fox as dropped the ball far to many times,i can't trust fox to deliver us another decent x-related movie.

they were given a chance to sort out the problems with the previous trilogy with a simple reboot.

& they f*cked it,f*ck x-men fist ass & f*ck fox.
dlineman517 - 9/8/2010, 3:58 PM
this is my first time posting and i want to give Cyke89 credit for standing up and something i agree with 100%.

Wolverine and X-men 3 were crappy movies because they were poorly done not because they took liberties with the characters.

If you look past the fact that they are not using the original first class this movie is shaping up to be very good with good actors, writers and a good director.

Like Cyke said this movie does fit into the continuity of the movie universe. The Beast shown in X-men 3 looked much older than Storm,Cyclops and Jean.
LEEE777 - 9/8/2010, 4:05 PM
Wolverine and X-men 3 were crappy movies LOL?

And so will FIST ASS.... who wants an X-MEN movie called First Class with no First Class? Okay Beast I think.. wow, how is SCOTT's younger brother in this? Its beyond a cluster [frick], you can ignore so much things for so long!

HELLIONS are about when NEW MUTANTS are about?!? No true X-MEN fan will enjoy this or wanna see another ballz up by FOX and thats all this is gonna be, all their doing is spitting in our faces and some of you are just opening your mouths and swallowing! : D

DEADPOOL @ 100% True bro!
LEEE777 - 9/8/2010, 4:27 PM
Cyke @ Dude... theres change and then theres cluster [frick] spit in your face change... think about it! ; P

DEADPOOL @ [frick]ing check your e-mail dude! : D
joekerr93 - 9/8/2010, 4:31 PM
the only thing about first class that really ticks me off is that the timeline is ridiculous. other than that, i could care less. i will probably see this, i trust matthew vaughn to do a good job. this could be an interesting period type cbm.

it took balls Cyke89 to do what you did, and see what you're getting at, but i can also see how the fans are pissed. i think you went digging for landmines with a pickaxe.

and people were pissed about spiderman 3 from what i heard. i only wished peter wasn't a gay emo, and that venom had more screen time
blah - 9/8/2010, 4:34 PM
as long as the story is strong,and well made, and the continuity is still intacked,and there are no holes in the films itshould be alright well see. ohhh and Beak better be in this one.
dlineman517 - 9/8/2010, 4:38 PM
@LEEE once again the movie continuity is not the same as the comic continuity. For all we know Havok is being set up as Scott's father which i will be fine with if it is a good movie.

Besides the deviations from the original comics give me one good reason as to why this movie will be bad.
blah - 9/8/2010, 4:40 PM
also beast was not blue in x-men 2 so what are they gonna do about that just make him blue and say that that doesnt matter? just keep the continuity in tact. i think that the reason i get angry is when they completely change a character like deadpool, and blob they way they did, and lose continuity, and leave holes in the films. ohh and focus way to hard on the action instead of the story, characters,and drama of the films. i meen it does need some action but not non stop, just use things like comedy,action,effects, and drama wisely and spareingly.
blah - 9/8/2010, 4:43 PM
bring in BEAK! and glob, chamber,husk, anole,rockslide,mammomax,sinister,apocalypse, and the night of the sentinels story line as the main story for the sequel. sorry about the rant but i do this.
dlineman517 - 9/8/2010, 4:46 PM
I agree with what you're saying, but as far as I know they haven't said anything about what color Beast will be in this movie for all we know they wont go into his color change at all
Denn1s - 9/8/2010, 4:58 PM
i think it will be a good movie given that it is a prequel to the x trilogy but a shitty adaptation. it should not be named first class. i would prefer reboot with the originals. and set in 60s? cool for a reboot. for a prequel? not so much. i mean, how old is xavier in first class and how in x trilogy, set at least 40 years later? around 70? they [frick] their own continuity up.wolverine was set in the 70s. he gets arrested in vietnam and then he lives in the mountains with kayla for some years. so it is set in the 70s for sure. and it is established that it takes place 17 years before the first x film. so the first movie is set around the beginning of the 90s? wtf...and as for beast, do not forget his cameo in x2 in a tv interview and he was human. in x3 he was blue. in first class it is confirmed that he will begin as a human and then become blue...sigh...thing is, we fanboys are the only one who care for these details. the average moviegoer who has no knowledge of the comics history of a cbm will simply enjoy the movie no matter how bad. that is why wolverine did good in box office numbers. and fox only cares for the average moviegoer, not fanboys. no matter how much we bash this film, it is gonna do good because most of the people who watch it will not be fanboys and their only knowledge of the x-men will be from the x trilogy. they won't know the original x-men weren't beast, emma, havok etc. they will enjoy the movie for what it is...
Kyos - 9/8/2010, 5:07 PM

You got some balls for writing another pro First Class article on this site, congrats! I still disagree with you on many points. I don't care that much if a movie deviates from the comics, for in many cases I'm not even familiar enough to notice it. But the changes should make any sense, and the result must be a good movie.


Sorry, dude, but Wolverine just is a really, reeeeeally bad movie! ;) Okay, that's my opinion, but seriously, "it made waaaaayyyy too much money to say it was horrible" is not an argument. People are stupid. People pay to watch Transformers 2 and Twilight movies. Box office isn't all.


Whatever people say, they ruined their own continuity with Emma Frost alone. Sorry, that's just how it is. If they actually want to continue their wicked movie universe (which they apperently do), they can't just ignore the cluster[frick] that is X-Men Origins: Wolverine...
dlineman517 - 9/8/2010, 5:13 PM
i didn't know that about Beast thanks for correcting me.

I'm not sure if setting the movie in the 1960's will really mess up their continuity as both the Ian Mckellen and Patrick Steward were in their 60s when the first X-men came out and Magneto's part during the holocaust. With Wolverine i was under the impression that it ended in the 1980's which would make more sense considering Cyclops' age in his cameo.
Denn1s - 9/8/2010, 5:14 PM
@Kyos, box office IS everything to fox. i hope for the best and i will watch this movie with open mind but i don't have much faith in it. after all it's fox... @dineman517 you are right man. maybe wolverine did end in the 80s. who knows. after all we don't have established timelines and dates for each movie of the trilogy. we only know about wolverine that it starts in 1845 if memory serves, and he gets arrested in 69 in vietnam. and first class is set during the 60s. that's all we know
Kyos - 9/8/2010, 5:42 PM

Well, last time I checked I wasn't FOX. :P 'Made tons of money' doesn't necessarily equal 'good movie'.
lalosuper3001 - 9/8/2010, 5:44 PM
@Cyke89: First of all, the signs are in Puerto Rican! Not Russian! So it makes no sense that she is wearing a Japanese Catholic school girl attire.

Second, the more you point out how this movie is more and more related to the X-men trilogy, the more we hate it!

Third: I don't care what people say, I will LOVE this movie as long as it is not in Puerto Rican because I don't speak French.
TayDee - 9/8/2010, 6:59 PM
I'm with Denn1s, I think this movie will be good, matter of fact I think it will be the best in the series, but as far as it being an adaption its gonna be horrible
StuckInPanels - 9/8/2010, 7:02 PM
@cyke....welcome to my side of this fence...I'm on the pro-side of this......While I have some animosity towards FOX, but I seem to be the only one who remembers that they made GOOD movies....they just only care about the $$$ nowadays but it seems that they are aiming to gain the notion back.
TayDee - 9/8/2010, 8:30 PM
I'm with Denn1s, I think this movie will be good, matter of fact I think it will be the best in the series, but as far as it being an adaption its gonna be horrible
flames809 - 9/8/2010, 8:58 PM
cyke- im in your side. movie will be good people just like to bitch and they have TO REASON TO BITCH ABOUT THIS MOVIE. and in raimi spiderman he kill all of the enemy's spiderman faced and the movies were a great adaption
fanboiii - 9/8/2010, 9:42 PM
The movie will be good? LOL, based on what? There's reason to bitch because Fox's X-Men movies have been BAD. Wait, let me correct that. Fox's superhero movies have been BAD for a long time now.

Of course there are some people who will watch anything. I'm sure you guys had no problems with X3 or Origins, so it's not wonder you think people are complaining for no reason. You guys probably supported Dragonball Evolution.

It's not about being against changes. It's about not losing the spirit of the characters and their stories.

Sure First Class might turn out good and improve upon what Singer started, but there's more reason to be cynical given Fox's last poor efforts with the X-Men franchise and the many other superhero franchises they ruined.
ecksmanfan - 9/8/2010, 11:14 PM
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