EDITORIAL: The Hypocrisy in the End of Age of Ultron

EDITORIAL: The Hypocrisy in the End of Age of Ultron

Hit the jump to see why Kong thinks Avengers ended poorly, and how he thinks it could've been better. Do I really need to give a spoiler warning? Ooookkkkkkaaaaayyyyyyyyy SPOILERS

Editorial Opinion
By kong - May 09, 2015 06:05 AM EST


Avengers: Age of Ultron was generally a good movie, but I found myself disappointed with the end of the film. This in part is due to me wrongfully coming in with too many expectations, however it still could've ended in a way that could push forward the MCU rather than bring it to a screeching halt. You probably are asking why I think this, well there a couple specific reasons, but the overarching problem is that it ended on such a high note. As if Ultron had no affect on the world after. It was stated that this would be the Empire Strikes Back to Avengers' New Hope. I walked out of this film thinking "This wasn't Empire. They just did two New Hope's". Killing off one character that we had no emotional attachment to doesn't "raise the stakes". Especially when only one character (his twin sister and only family he had left on this planet) has a reaction to the death. 

"I think of these movies as much as anything like war movies. If there's no cost to us for all the damage we've done, if we say 'Oh we can just get through this' and walk away arm in arm and say it's all good, I feel like that's disingenuous." - Joss Whedon

The above quote is from an interview Whedon did with Yahoo Movies. The irony of this statement is that in this film the Avengers don't have much of a cost, say they can get through this, walk away arm in arm, and say it's all good. After Ultron's death by Vision, they have a great new Avengers Training Facility, Hulk disappears as he wished and no one cares other than his rushed girlfriend Black Widow, Hawkeye goes back to his family, Thor goes off to find his answers, Tony just leaves, and Cap finds his true home. Plus we get a new team, two black people at the same time! Yeah! It bothered me that it seems like the Avengers came out of the battle with no repercussions. The same thing happened with the first Avengers, and what really bothered me is that afterwards they tried to act like the heroes felt the repercussions of the "Battle in New York" when none of those repercussions were even hinted at the end of the film. Tony's PTSD in particular. 

In Captain America: Winter Soldier, they dealt with the aftermath perfectly. They showed the world's reaction to HYDRA's attempted attacks, how the heroes dealt with it, and the members of SHIELD moving forward. Hopefully that means that the Infinity War movies will address the repercussions of saving the Universe from destruction. 

So now that I've ranted, how would I have done the ending? Well I won't go in to a plot summary on how the film would play out, but tell you what I would change.


V I S I O N   W O U L D   D O   M O R E   I N   T H E   F I N A L   B A T T L E

The Vision was my favorite part of Age of Ultron. Paul Bettany did a great job and I'm so glad we'll get to see him again in Civil War. As someone who not only can lift Mjolnir, but also has an Infinity Gem lodged in his forehead, they didn't portray him as the super mega OG badass he could've been. Though they did see him, as @NovaCorpsFan said, "reverse bear hug" the shit out of Ultron bots, and fire the dopest energy beam I've ever seen at Ultron, he could've done more. In the INCREDIBLE shot where we circle around the Avengers who are surrounded by Ultron bots, we see Vision fight like the rest of the team. Vision should be above that. Yes he was just born the day before, but I'd love for him to use his powers to a larger extent. I that shot where the Avengers are surrounded it would've been great to see Vision fly in above them and take out all of Ultron's minions in one blast. Hopefully we see some more ass kicking in next year's Captain America threequel.


H A W K E Y E   W O U L D   K I C K   T H E   B U C K E T

This entire movie set up that Hawkeye was going to die. As it should have. Having Quicksilver die was a total waste of a character. Maybe my love of Aaron Taylor Johnson (no homo) is blinding me, but I still stand firm in my opinion. Jeremy Renner gave my favorite performance of his in this film, and I love Hawkeye. That's why he should've died! I had such an emotional connection to him throughout this film. Quicksilver's death didn't affect me, it just made me say "There goes a wasted character". We've been invested in Hawkeye since 2011, and killing him would've raised the stakes more and given the movie a more dangerous feel. It would've been great to see Quicksilver have a relationship with the Inhuman princess Crystal like he does in the comics. He could've fit in to the Inhuman movies great and would've loved to see him fight in Cap's new team in Civil War and beyond. 

Now how would Hawkeye die? 

Well remember when those bullets almost hit Barton, but Maximoff came in and sacrificed himself? Let's have that scene, but Quicksilver doesn't reach Hawkeye in time. On top of that Hawkeye saves the kid, but not himself. This ending does so much for the characters involved. Hawkeye dies a hero, saving the little boy. Quicksilver goes through his character arc, fully coming around to the side of the Avengers. The team loses someone important to them, truly making this movie an empire style sequel. Those are all the immediate effects on the film, so what are the longer lasting ones. Quicksilver feels guilty and blames himself for Hawkeye's death. He "wasn't fast enough" and this puts him in a state where he's in a constant race with himself. This could be revisited in Civil War and maybe even Marvel films after that. Hawkeye's death could also be another driving force for Tony's support in the SHRA. We'll get back to that later. 

U L T R O N   W O U L D   L I K E . . . . A C T U A L L Y   D O   S H I T

Now, don't misinterpret what I'm saying. Ultron did so A LOT of damage in this film, but not enough so that I really cared. This movie again felt like it didn't have a global scale. Yeah they traveled around, but that didn't mean anything to me. Yes if his plan succeeded the human race and many other species would go extinct, but I didn't feel that. I felt like the only people that would die would be the people of Sokovia and that's it. We should've seen the people that Ultron would be destroying. Just simple shots of people around the world watching footage of the fight on the edge of their seats would've made it feel more global, but that still wouldn't be enough.

How could it have been better?

Ultron sends his drones to various places around the world, causing the Avengers to divide and conquer before congregating in a central area to help Vision (who's locked in a battle of epic proportions with Ultron) defeat Ultron. Not only would a battle with Vision make Ultron look more powerful, but would help build on my first point of making Vision look badass. It would also give more meaning to him upgrading bodies, showing how much improvement he's had since Mark I (BTW, he would go through a slower change than he did in the film. He want from 0 to 100 real quick). Ultron's drone's would specifically be sent to some of the most populated cities in the world; Shanghai, Delhi, Lagos, etc. 


T O N Y   F E E L S   S U P E R   G U I L T Y

We finally can get the Iron Man storyline we've wanted since 2008. Demon in a Bottle. Well not in it's true form with Bethany Cabe, Justin Hammer, and Namor the Submariner (unfortunately), but the major themes of the story arc would be introduced in AoU and be built upon in Ant-Man and Civil War. It would've been great to see Tony indulge in some alcohol after the fight in Sokovia. Despite his arrogance, Tony would still feel guilty for Ultron and almost indirectly caused the extinction of the human race. These themes of alcoholism could still be used in future MCU films, but it'd be even more believable in this version of the film. In this version of AoU Tony would be responsible for the deaths of Hawkeye, Helen Cho, and countless other people that died in Ultron's attack on densely populated areas. That's enough for a man to turn to alcohol, something he's used frequently in all his cinematic appearances. 

How would we show this alcoholism?

Well obviously we'd see him drinking...a lot. In Ant-Man we can just see some footage where paparazzi are asking him about the SHRA (which is introduced through newspapers and other media in the background of Ant-Man) as he walks out of some building. He may even show up to a press conference with some booze in his hand. This will be further explored in Civil War, Pepper even leaving Tony because of his rising problem. It'd be great to see Tony even go in to battle drunk, showing the weight the events of AoU had on him.


T H E   R E - C A P   M E E T I N G  
I N S T E A D   O F   T H E   H A P P Y   E N D I N G

This last one is basically the re cap of everything talked about in this article and more. Nick Fury calls all the (remaining) Avengers back to the Avengers Facility (yes they still have one afterwards). The scene starts off with everyone their (including Maria Hill, War Machine, Falcon, and Vision) except Banner, Barton, and Stark. They all know why Barton's and Banner aren't their (Hulk goes away in the same fashion he does in the real film), but no one know's where Tony is. Tony walks in, seemingly drunk. Nick Fury addresses the team on Hawkeye's death and tells them of how his family is doing. He explains where they theorize Hulk is, but they don't know for sure, this causing Natasha to tear up a little bit. Throughout this Tony has been making snarky, rude, and inappropriate remarks and the team finally has enough of him. Tony and Steve get in to an argument before Tony shouts over Steve and has a powerful monologue, showing the guilt he has built up inside of him. Tony storms out. Thor tells the team that he has to find the answers to the visions Scarlet Witch gave him and he flies off. This only leaves Captain America, Black Widow, War Machine, Falcon, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, and Vision. "Well then," Nick Fury says, "I guess we have our new Avengers."



We're in the same room that the meeting detailed above takes place in. It's darker now, no natural light pouring in anymore and only a single overhead light illuminating the room. Tony walks in, now sober.

Ya think they bought it?



Fury stands up out of his seat.


Couldn't have them hating you even more, now could we.

Doesn't really make a difference anymore...

There's a moment of quietness.


It was hard...looking at Nat while we lied right to her face.

She's the last one you want on the other man's side. 

Still....she think's he's in Fiji.

We sent him to a peaceful place. He won't hurt anyone ever again. Not out there.

Another moment of quietness.


Kind of jealous. Of course Banner's the one who gets to see all the extra-terrestrial stuff i've been dreaming of since I was 10.

You couldn't survive on a different planet all by yourself for the rest of your life.

Yeah you're right. I'd kill myself.

There's another moment of quietness before Tony begins to leave. Fury interrupts him.

Oh...The drunk act was a nice touch Stark.

What can I say, I'm method.


Tony exits the room. His countenance becomes one that looks...ashamed. We soon realize, he wasn't acting.

So incase you didn't get it, Tony and Fury sent the Quinjet in to space after Banner climbed aboard for his escape. This is because of the damage he'd caused in the African city during the fight with Iron Man, and some civilian casualties while fighting Ultron bot's in one of the large cities. He was a threat, so they removed him from the equation.

This will definitely come back up in Civil War, maybe even causing some side switching from a certain super heroine.



Tony is sitting at the bar in Avengers Tower. 

Friday! Reload.

Yes sir, Mr. Stark.


Two robotic arms, similar to the ones Tony uses to assemble and disassemble his suits, come out from behind the bar. They fill his shot glass and begin to retract.



No, no, no. Just stay out here. I'm gonna be a while.

Your guest has arrived Mr. Stark.

Bring 'em in.

Tony takes another swig before turning towards the door. General Ross walks in.


Ya know last time one of us had a preposition for the other, I was at the bar and you were the one walking in with a boatload of confidence.

Whaddya want Ross.

What if I told you we were putting together an act?

I assume you're not referring to on of the three parts of a play.


What for?

Tony takes another swig.

Superhuman registration.

This scene sets Civil War in motion. and reintroduces us to General "Thunderbolt" Ross. The mid-credits scene in Age of Ultron didn't do much of anything for the MCU. Yay Thanos, who we cant use as a tease anymore since he got so much screen time in GotG, has a meaningless glove. He gained no power from that glove, but rather now has a cool accessory that has some holes for powerful items. Both of the above scenes push the MCU further, unlike the one we got.


Thanks for checking out my article. Make sure to comment your thoughts down below. How would you have ended Age of Ultron? Did you like the ending or hate it? Do you agree or disagree? Tell me in the comments. Thanks again! I'm Kong, and this has been a Skull Island Editorial. See ya next time, and don't forget to put on your...



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SauronsBANE - 5/9/2015, 2:08 PM
I actually agree with a lot of this (I skipped all the fan-fic, no offense intended whatsoever), but I can't get passed this:

"It bothered me that it seems like the Avengers came out of the battle with no repercussions."

Their entire team became disbanded, at least 2 members are in locations unknown, 1 is dead, 2 may be retired, and 4 new members are joining the team. The events of the movie certainly had an impact on them.

Now, I also wish that we got more set-up for Civil War at the end...but having Tony and Cap end on good terms will only make the start of Civil War all the more heartbreaking. Plus, they still have the specter of their log-splitting conversation over their heads - they both have fundamental differences on how the Avengers should operate, and they butted heads over that in BOTH Avengers movies. You can bet neither of them have forgotten that.

I do wish we'd gotten more focus on the world's reaction to what happened, though. 100% agreed. Parts of South Korea were destroyed, Sokovia now is a smoking ruin...but none of that is ever touched upon by the movie. I mean hell, you'd think Tony Stark would now have a warrant out for his arrest or something, seeing how the entire damn thing was his fault. That was pretty disappointing, IMO.

So I agree with the general premise of this, but I do think the Avengers certainly felt the repercussions. It's just that we never got any insight of what the world thinks, and I'm sure we'll get that in spades with Civil War.
DrKinsolving - 5/9/2015, 2:09 PM
Cool article....

Not really sure how Planet Hulk would work though, not only because Marvel doesn't have the rights for a Hulk solo movie, but because the movie would basically be all CGI, which would be really hard to pull off, imo....

Hulk somehow ending up in GOTG 2 might be cool, but it would be really hard to explain

Also, in Avengers there was the portal that opened up. I'm not sure how they would send Hulk to another planet, I know, it's the MCU, so anything is possible, but I'm not sure how they would handle that/write it

I do wish Quicksilver survived, and I hope he comes back....

At this point, I think it might be too late for Demon in the Bottle, not only is Tony sober, and obviously taking care of himself, but his sobriety adds to who he is.... He's fully rehabilitated so instead of drinking, he will try to fix everything, no matter how stupid his plan is to everyone else, this is why the Cap vs Stark struggle works so well. If Stark was just an alcoholic, Cap could just say that and have everyone on his side already.

I also liked Ultron in the film, and you could see that everybody was freaking out when Stark searched the news, before the Hulkbuster fight
DrKinsolving - 5/9/2015, 2:12 PM
And, I know it wasn't in the movie....

But, they are touching on Stark and the world's reaction in Agents of Shield

I really wonder how the meetings for these movies go, like, if they decide that they are going to have the Tv shows play out certain parts of the story....

But, Maria Hill did talk about the aftermath of the Hulkbuster battle and how they were possibly going to try and arrest Banner
pesmerga44 - 5/9/2015, 2:58 PM
Truth be told I am glad Hawkeye survived and QS got killed even though I didn't want QS to die. If somebody had to die it was down to these two and I feel Hawkeye is a stronger character and the movie really showed it so I am glad he made it home.
MisterSuperior - 5/9/2015, 4:12 PM
The only thing I even had a huge problem with is that once again, Hulk tosses around the main villain like he's nothing.
LeeroyJenkins - 5/9/2015, 5:10 PM
I like your movie better
staypuffed - 5/9/2015, 5:15 PM
Nice work! There are things here that I really like, such as Hawkeye's death and Quicksilver realising that he "wasn't fast enough." That's fantastic.
MisterBatfleck - 5/9/2015, 5:25 PM
YES to all of this! Especially if we got to see a scene like this in a future flick:

Shane Black actually wanted to do a proper DIAB story for IM3, but Disney didn't let him because of the children, ironic considering that Disney has done shit in the past that's 10 times worse and disturbing.
gmoney0505 - 5/9/2015, 6:16 PM
100% agreed with every single one of this notes.
DrKinsolving - 5/9/2015, 6:34 PM

Can you imagine how much of a mind [frick] a scene like that would be for RDJ

That shit would be INTENSE
MisterBatfleck - 5/9/2015, 6:45 PM

He's been preparing himself for a scene like that for YEARS :D
DrKinsolving - 5/9/2015, 7:02 PM

That would be rough, I don't think we'll ever get it for a lot of different reasons, at least not from RDJ....

I actually don't even think I want to see that at this point in the MCU though

But, RDJ is awesome, I have met so many people through work that are so inspired by the guy, he's such a big inspiration for a lot of people
MisterBatfleck - 5/9/2015, 7:11 PM

Yeah now that I think about it, I'm worried that if they ever do film a scene like that, RDJ would break down right there.

But still, I wish something like Demon in a Bottle could happen in the MCU.
CombatWombat - 5/9/2015, 7:41 PM
I'm glad I finally saw this movie, because now I can join in the revelry.

...get it? ...Revelry? Like in the movie? Rev-

Yeah I thought the movie was good ... satisfactory ... but not as mind-blowing as a might have hoped. It felt like there was SO MUCH happening that none of the characters actually got much development. Feel free to disagree, but for most of the characters that's just how I felt.

Too much setup for Civil War, not nearly enough dwelling on Ultron and what makes him a cool villain. The scene where he was first "waking up" was amazing, and I wished there were more like that. Like, what would it actually be like to be a cybernetic consciousness? That kind of stuff could have been dwelled on a bit more.

James Spader was awesome as Ultron, but I don't think he was nearly threatening enough for me to really take him seriously. I admit though, some of his jokes were good.

"The most precious metal on earth, and they use it to make a frisbee."
CombatWombat - 5/9/2015, 7:52 PM
That opening scene was also a giant WTF moment for me. Hawkeye and Widow are shooting everybody, Cap is dragging that guy behind his motorcycle, and I think my girlfriend and I are like, "Are they straight up murdering these people??"
agni17jun - 5/10/2015, 4:04 AM
The ending is actually the one MCU needed. Thanos one is just catering to the mass...it didn't serve any purpose as told here correctly!
Ace101 - 5/10/2015, 4:41 AM
great write up. I honestly thought, going into the movie that the movie would end on not such a high note. I thought there would be a lot more accountability. Ending was great though, just not what i was expecting. And i am super glad that they arnt going down the Planet Hulk line. GOTG 2 needs to be its own story and not Planet hulk.
Ace101 - 5/10/2015, 4:53 AM
What would have been awesome is when Scarlet Witch sensed her brothers death and went psycho for that short while, then could have been a quick scene with Dr Strange reacting to her power.
CaptainAmerica31 - 5/10/2015, 11:54 AM
I agree wit everything, Ultron was weak and it would have been WAYYYYY more emotionally impactful if Hawkeye died. Hawkeye had a family and really came into his own, him dying would have a very meaningful impact on the team and really shed light on how they deal with tragedy.
CaptainAmerica31 - 5/10/2015, 12:36 PM
I think the kiddie nature of the MCU prevents a major protagonist like Tony from drinking on screen a lot
MisterSuperior - 5/10/2015, 4:32 PM
Can anyone explain something for me?

Why exactly was the yellow mind gem inside a blue crystal? I get it that maybe no one thought that out in the first Avengers, but could there be a reason for why the yellow gem kept its color hidden inside a blue crystal? Because the blue space gem obviously made the Tesseract blue.
Pedrito - 5/10/2015, 7:41 PM
That ending contradicts the fact that Tony loves it when Banner hulks out and shows what he's got.

Also PTSD a isn't instantaneous, so it makes sense that they wouldn't show that at the end of Avengers.
Pedrito - 5/10/2015, 7:43 PM
And no, killing the weakest Avenger would've been underwhelming. it doesn't take a killer robot to take out an archer.
DerekLake - 5/11/2015, 1:25 PM
The only thing that I think absolutely should have been the case was Stark's guilt. He displayed no guilt at all by the end. Instead, he simply looks forward to a quiet retirement. He should have been quite guilty for the damage and deaths he caused. Just as he was guilty in Iron Man 1 for the fact that his own missiles were being used by terrorists. There, he spoke of accountability. But IM 2 did a complete 180.
SeansDevil - 5/11/2015, 9:08 PM
I really think I would've preferred pretty much all of this. I won't blame joss, just like how I didn't blame Shane black, but it's clear that Disney needs to let marvel move with at least one story involving demon in a bottle. Not just mention it like what Shane was able to get away with in IM3
TheRedCondom - 5/12/2015, 12:28 AM
What Pedrito said about the Hawkeye point.

And I do wish the film finished with bigger odds. But if I had to choose between the ending we got and this one, I'd go with the ending we got every time. Badly written the one you wrote, IMO.

I do like your idea for the 3rd act though. That would have been awesome to see.

And no to those credit scenes, you don't want to put in major plot points for these scenes. Ever. They are just teasers, nothing more. A much cooler one would be one introducing Black Panther and him finding out about the vibranium situation.
THORION76 - 5/12/2015, 8:02 AM



Gigacrusher45 - 5/16/2015, 1:03 PM
How about you shut up and enjoy that we have any of this in the first place. I love how you think that Hawkeye being set up to die wasn't done on purpose. It's called A TWIST!!!! THEY TRICKED YOU!!! Quicksilver a waste of a character? So you're saying you're disappointed Quicksilver died? That means the film WORKED! If you weren't upset in anyway that Quicksilver died then the film didn't work. But you do care, so therefore his death worked.

Side note: Maybe they didn't want competing Quicksilvers since X-Men's is more popular and planned for future movies.

ALSO I don't get everyone's problem with Hawkeye it's seriously annoying. Think of it this way. Imagine you had the power to shoot projectiles with different effects and hit your target 100 percent of the time. Sounds cool right? THAT'S HAWKEYE!!!!
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