Facts VS. TDKR Edition

Facts VS.  TDKR Edition


Editorial Opinion
By eskylz28 - Aug 19, 2011 04:08 PM EST
Filed Under: Batman

The year is 2005, and after 8 long years WB decides to move forward with lesser known but critically acclaimed director, Christopher Nolan's new take on the caped crusader titled Batman Begins. Mixed reactions all around the board, especially after Joel Schmaucher's less than captivating film "Batman and Robin" made its debut 8 years before to scathing reviews and what fans at the time feared as the end of films featuring the bat. Before its release "Batman Begins" wasn't looked at as the film that it is today. People hated a lot of things they saw pre-trailer including, The Tumbler and the addition of Katie Holmes. Straying away from the previous incarnations of what people expected, the film seemed like a huge gamble. After being released in 2005 the movie would go on to achieve a pretty solid amount of success both critically and financially immediately warranting a sequel and giving hope to fans all over that Batman's cinematic future was in good and capable hands (Nolan). 3 years later "The Dark Knight" releases to an even bigger reaction in a record breaking fashion. However, before its release more doubts and ridicule from fanboys, which is actually a term I don't prefer so I'll go with the comic book literate. New Batsuit, Christian Bale's voice, Maggie G., Heath Ledger everybody was a critic and even though anticipation was at an all time high there seemed to be a lack of faith in Nolan's new chapter in the Batman saga. But, once again he delivers and shows the world that he is a capable director and writer along with his team. What happened between then and now? After all of the leaks and MINOR spoilers that have been released TDKR went from being hugely anticipated to what some are considering to be a guaranteed flop. History repeats itself though and it seems after two films there is still a lack faith in Nolan's direction. Why? Well chances are you either are tired of his angle with his realistic as possible approach, you hate him, or you think that by some chance he is some kind of douche bag director that doesn't give two cares about how you feel as a fan of the source material. You hated that Joker had scars, you hate that Catwoman isn't dressed like a giant cat, or that Bane doesn't look like a huge version of Rey Meysterio Jr.. What Nolan has done is completely unacceptable right? Wrong, and the reasons why are in this first version of Fact VS.


*Nolan and Burton are two totally different directors, GET OVER IT!
Both versions are great PERIOD. Why compare things that don't really need comparing. If you are going to compare anything then compare Burton and Schumacher there more along the same lines and one of those directors did unfortunately suck.

*Even if you hated Nolan's Batman Flicks, you are the small percentage.
Even if you hated it you probably saw it more than twice. It made over a BILLION dollars, not quite sure what that means to a lot of people but to me that means that people in and outside of the comic book literate enjoyed the damn thing. It's one of Rotten Tomatoes Highest rated films voted that way by both Audience and critics so where do you fit?

*Nolan Follows Source Material?
You would think in a day and age where information is readily available on just about everything that people can easily go on a computer and do research on what Nolan used for inspiration. I'll let you take it from here.

*He's a Detective, so....
We all love that detective side of the dude dressed like a giant bat, but as much as people complain about not seeing that in Nolan's films I never heard those complaints for Burton's Flicks. Not to mention remember that this incarnation is in the early years of Mr. Wayne. Look it up, I dare you.

*He builds his own gadgets, ditch the black guy!
It's in Batman's early years, once again. Mr Fox is only there to guide him in the right direction. Personally I think that's what TDKR is all about. Batman becoming Batman.

*Throat Cancer
Yes, Christian Bale's voice is a bit...weird. But isn't that what helps him avoid the awkward moment of, "Bruce is that you?".

In closing, it's whatever floats your boat. Hell, I like a lot of what all of the films have offered. These are just some of THE FACTS.
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sonofsamadams - 8/19/2011, 4:37 PM
Great article! Now expect a shit ton of hate comments come rolling in
eskylz28 - 8/19/2011, 4:42 PM
Thanks @justsomeawesomeguy. They can hate the article all they want, the facts however...lol
hotkarl8083 - 8/19/2011, 4:58 PM
People are going to hate on the facts as well. Granted I loved the dark knight its just the jokers entire plan went off a little too precisely. I don't know about anyone else but when I make plans they fall apart quicker then I can make them. Oh well lol
ScionStorm - 8/19/2011, 4:59 PM
I wouldn't call Nolan's Batman realistic as possible. I'm not sure Two-face should be able to talk with half his face in the condition it was in. It has that hard gritty noir-reminiscent feel though. For the most part it does a good job at making you feel the things in it are possible. :D
Sarah - 8/19/2011, 4:59 PM
Solid article, I agree with u on mostly everything, only thing Im a bit iffy about is Catwoman's new duds; the fanboy inside of me is screaming for a cowl, but if she's badass that wont b an issue
ScionStorm - 8/19/2011, 5:02 PM
lol your article just made me realize people complain about Spidey's reboot coming to soon but we went without a Batman reboot for only three more years than him.
SigmaCenturion - 8/19/2011, 5:03 PM
@scionstorm i think twoface would have died from shock without pain killers. batman begins was good but then the dark knight dropped the ball.
WinterSoldier24 - 8/19/2011, 5:18 PM
@eskylz28 Nice write up bud! The entire article probably could've been split up into two maybe three paragraphs but I'm just nitpicking. :P

I'm assuming this article is kind of an indirect in-your-face retaliation to my previous one? If so then fair enough. In the 'Facts' section you wrote that people should 'get over' the difference in direction by both Nolan and Schumacher for the Bats, but why should they? They both put in their own visions into the same character and while each had a drastic one at that, people have the right to compare two different directors for the same character. Fact.

The rest of your 'Facts' are more of an opinion. As someone has said before, it's all depending on the version of Batman you're familiar with, respectively.

All in all nice write up! A tad one sided but this isn't from a subjective point of view but either way nice write up!
Hellsing - 8/19/2011, 5:19 PM
Why would Catwoman be dressed as a giant cat, most people are asking for a cowl or some thing that might partially cover her face, you know she's meant to be thief and high tech goggles don't exactly hide her identity, thats a fact. I love Nolan he's a great director I was over the moon when I heard he landed the Batman gig, unlike the Nolanites I knew who this dude was before Batman. He made Batman Begins the best Batman movie ever. But I am not going to ride the dudes dick or start bashing him before I've even seen a proper trailer.
Hellsing - 8/19/2011, 5:19 PM
by the way your facts aren't really more like opinions well besides the movie making a billion.
marvel72 - 8/19/2011, 5:36 PM
six months at the cinema to make billion,harry potter,pirates 4 & transformers 3 done it in a month or so.batman begins & the dark knight are good but definetly not great.i'm not gonna repeat the faults with both movies i've said them plenty of times.
BigK1337 - 8/19/2011, 5:44 PM
Dude, facts number 4 and 5 are pretty off there buddy.

For fact number 4, Batman DID do detective work such as figuring out the combination formula the Joker uses for his laughing gas and deducing that the Penguin is a fraud in the Burton movies.

For fact number 5, well, even in the early days of Batman he did infact create his own equipment with the money he uses. Pretty much, like everyone else says, these "facts" are more of opinions you are just making; and that, ironically, is a fact.
golden123 - 8/19/2011, 7:01 PM
How about you actually use facts for this new series of articles you're, planing to make.
eskylz28 - 8/19/2011, 7:22 PM
Appreciate the comments guys :)

@wintersoldier24 kind of lol, all in fun though. Not being one sided I like most of what the Batman Films have offered as a whole. Even the black and silver costumes in Batman and Robin. haha

All my facts have sources, last time I checked Nolan and Burton are totally different people. All I'm saying is WHY compare them. They are both great films which received credit where it was due so the FACT in that is to stop comparing and get used to the fact that both directors created good if not great and beyond films FACT.

@Hellsing Your right, don't ride dick if you don't like guy or do for that matter. I totally agree with you about making judgement before we've seen anything proper. Now about those FACTS: Nolan and Burton: Both made great films whether you look at it as financially or critically that garnered success. Nolan also used material directly from Year One, Long Halloween, etc. Nolan clearly stated in many interviews that this franchise takes place in Batman's early years. It would definitely be a dead giveaway if his voice didn't differ in someway from his normal tone. So why are these not facts? But it's all in fun.

@marvel72 So, what does that have to do with the movie?? If you judge a film by what it makes in how long, you must have loved Titanic lol. The faults in the movie are your opinion unless you are THE ABSOLUTE! jking

@bigk1337 I never said he didn't do detective work. I was just making a statement bro I know he does detective work its some other people I'm worried (or not) about. Tu-she on the fact 5, but obviously he is there to help guide Bruce Wayne and that my friend is a fact.

Once again guys appreciate the comments!

eskylz28 - 8/19/2011, 7:25 PM
@golden23 Thanks for the constructive negativity. Your pic says a lot.
WinterSoldier24 - 8/19/2011, 8:18 PM
@eskylz28 Lol no worries bro its all good. I thought we were comparing Schumacher more so than Burton lol but my statement still stands.

Understand what I'm saying is that yes, all three have given us three different versions of Batman and some like one more so than the others. But people have a right to compare the three solely because all three have had the chance to give us their own take on the bat. They all fall into the same group for distribution of the same product, therefore people have the right to compare, you see? Its like comparing different brands of jeans against one another.

One last thing before I head out for the night concerning your 'facts'; the reason they should be considered as more of opinions is because its all a matter of material you follow. Nolan used "Year One", "The Long Halloween", "The Killing Joke" and "The Man Who Falls" (according to ShadesAtKnightII) whereas Burton used an already established and well-known-to-Gotham Batman and Schumacher followed Burton.

To each his own though, cheers bud! :P
JackDexx - 8/19/2011, 8:44 PM
Explaining why it's bad doesn't make it not bad.
JackDexx - 8/19/2011, 8:51 PM
Realism isn't batman and it shows.
the Flat 2d joker didn't work.
but he got an award because he died.
the voice is stupid, no one noticed bruce's voice in the comics.
even if he follows some comic points its a completely different character.
the watered down nolan villains really are lame.
its an okay movie, but a terrible batman movie.
JackDexx - 8/19/2011, 8:52 PM
not to say burton was much better, but slightly.
sonofsamadams - 8/19/2011, 10:27 PM
@ Jackdexx

Watered down villains?

ROFL Trek Gif - ROFL Trek
see more Gifs

Give me some of that weed you're smoking. It HAS to be good.
JackDexx - 8/19/2011, 10:54 PM
Master of Fear


Potato sack

the crazed clown prince of crime


well... the flat lame master Hannibal smith wanna be

the twisted dual personality EX D.A.


a villain that died just as quickly as he came.

i think by "weed i'm smoking" you mean common sense. well you kind find it anywhere, but you have to able to see whats right in front of you.
can you do that?
JackDexx - 8/19/2011, 10:56 PM
and what was with the cut-smile bullshit
sonofsamadams - 8/19/2011, 11:10 PM
Funny Animated Gifs - It’s all downhill from here
see more Gifs

Is that weed of yours laced with estrogen?
JackDexx - 8/20/2011, 12:42 AM
way to avoid the question fvck-tard i'll give you a day or two to come up with some half baked excuse as to why nolan would choose a shitty route for his films.
kong - 8/20/2011, 4:32 AM
BEST ARTICLE I'VE EVER READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
marvel72 - 8/20/2011, 4:47 AM
@ eskylz28

it was a reply to hellsing comment,its alright you can defend the movie as much as you like,i still think its good just not great.
OptimusBurgundyMaximus - 8/20/2011, 6:27 AM
Yes, Christian Bale's voice is a bit...weird. But isn't that what helps him avoid the awkward moment of, "Bruce is that you?".

Only in TDK is it weird in begins it was normal
OptimusBurgundyMaximus - 8/20/2011, 6:28 AM
not to say burton was much better, but slightly.


well considering Jack you have a pic of Drake of all things

i wont take your opinion in to account
OptimusBurgundyMaximus - 8/20/2011, 6:30 AM
@ marvel72

to make billion,harry potter,pirates 4 & transformers 3 done it in a month or so.

and they are all incredibly inferior films in every conceivable way ....thanks for pointing that out
djohnpi - 8/20/2011, 6:55 AM
They were good not great and this new one gonna be good. Did it stick to the source material somewhat but do any CBM. If you want to impress me work some more DC heros in it. JUST ME!!!!!!!!!!!
Supes17 - 8/20/2011, 7:00 AM
He DID do detective work in TDK. He took fingerprints off a shattered bullet. He also found the identity of the person whi had committed the crime and found his location, where he encountered the officers tied up by the joker
JM4Superman - 8/20/2011, 7:07 AM
Great Article can do one on the Man of Steel?
Hawksblueyes - 8/20/2011, 8:13 AM
Dude...this is a good write up but you need to look up the difference between FACT (which you throw around as if it's inclusion will cower rebuttals into fearful silence) and OPINION (which is what almost all of your facts turn out to be).

And in my OPINION...Batman Begins was a much better film all around.
BruceVain - 8/20/2011, 12:46 PM
I have always liked Tim Burton's style... From Edward Sissorhands to Batman '89 because of the gothic feel and epic music from the awesome man that is Danny Elfman. I personally think Tim Burton was at the top of his game during the 80's and early 90's but thats just my opinion. Anyway I like Burton's Batman but I like Nolans more because its more realistic to a extent and I love how the characters are portrayed. I like the recent marvel films because their fun and entertaining but I RESPECT nolans batman films because they make me stand up and pay attention, they make me feel for a character and think for them and I believe thats where the tie with the comcis comes into play because when you read a comic you read it as if you are there and that you are that person. At the end of the day you cant please everyone and you have to give credit to Nolan because he does care about the character of batman whereas past directors ( Joel S anyone? ) couldnt give a rats ass and just wants to make money for the studio by aiming at a "kid" aged audience. Considering these past two batman films havent been really "kid friendly" it goes to show that more adults are getting more interested in batman and that cant be a bad thing coz sooner or later we all grow up...
Minato - 8/20/2011, 4:30 PM
@BruceVain Agreed I couldnt have said it better

"At the end of the day you cant please everyone and you have to give credit to Nolan because he does care about the character of batman whereas past directors ( Joel S anyone? ) couldnt give a rats ass and just wants to make money for the studio by aiming at a "kid" aged audience. Considering these past two batman films havent been really "kid friendly" it goes to show that more adults are getting more interested in batman and that cant be a bad thing coz sooner or later we all grow up... "

PS Bruce Vain was my Rap moniker in High school.
goatmilk - 8/20/2011, 4:55 PM
On IMDB right the cast lists Joey King as young Talia Al Ghul does anyone know if there's any truth to that?
PapaEmeritus - 8/20/2011, 5:53 PM
Great article! Amen to that. It's a simple fact, but some people just can't admit it and fights so hardly to convince themselves the opposite! It's almost a pathologic behaviour!

So, last night i watched TDK again... [frick]! I think the question is about real cinema, transcending the genre. We can easily keep the flick stuck in the mind. Sure, everybody has taste in movies, so... move on!
WorldsGreatestdetective - 8/20/2011, 9:38 PM
Bad ass article!!
Minghagz - 8/20/2011, 10:35 PM
@JackDexx - Your picture comparison is just as opinionated as this article (no offense to the guy who wrote it because it was well written but it was also mostly backed up with opinions). So to say that you're only providing common sense is irrational. As the article said, "whatever floats your boat," we all have our own opinions. I'm like you, I would have loved to see a scarecrow like in Arkham Asylum in a movie or a longer lived two-face but I enjoyed Nolan's and Heath's Joker. But what it boils down to is: to each his own.

Now if you want to consult someone who's full of wisdom then teabag is the one to talk to. I don't think anyone could have said it better teabag! lol
SpiderFan35 - 8/22/2011, 11:34 AM
Fact: There have been some excellent animated films that have done a helluva good job capturing the essence of Batman better than Nolan's films ever have.

Fact: Christian Bale is terrible as Bruce Wayne and worse as Batman.

Fact: Tea is a true man of the arts, be it comic books, film or tastefully shot erotica. Does anyone else see Mickey Mouse ears in his first pic? Is it wrong I like her better that way? lol
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