Lazarus Pit

Lazarus Pit

TDKR: Lazarus Pit:
Real or Fake?

Editorial Opinion
By TheShadow - May 07, 2011 08:05 PM EST
Filed Under: Batman

Ok, we have all seen the pictures of the apparent "Lazarus pit" in TDKR. But, many people seem to be pushing it aside. Yet, I do feel as if I need to point a few things out.

C'mon guys, Nolan's universe isn't as realistic as he want's it to be. Why would Nolan OFFICIALY(key word) cast a young Ra's without casting Talia? Well, because Ra's used the Lazarus pit, which made him appear younger. It would make sence, unless your one of those skeptics who believe Talia is truely being played by Marion Cottilard.

Yet on another note, the Lazarus pit is a little more unrealistic than the most unrealistic things in the Nolan verse. May be go back to the official announcement from Warner Bros. regarding Marion Cottilard. It states that Marion would "APPEAR as" Miranda Tate. Which does not mean she "WILL play". Keep in mind Ra's was also listed under an alternative name. Which would make sense, considering Ra's said they had fully infiltrated Gotham.

To be honest I would like the Lazarus pit to stay out of the Nolan verse. Simply because the Nolan verse is possible, and the Lazarus pit is not. So even though some of the things in Nolan's films aren't common today, they are all very possible. Especially since the government hides many of our modern advancements.
So is this a cover-up, or is Nolan taking a big leap? Well, a pictures worth a thousand words. So we will just have to see. However, I would like to know what you all have to say.

Thanks, and please comment.
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Ghostt - 5/8/2011, 12:59 AM
why do we fall down, Bruce?
So we can lean to pick ourselves back up...
Twenty23Three - 5/8/2011, 4:13 AM
a man with half his face missing and can still talk and walk about and a guy with a horrifically scared mouth who somehow has no records of his real identity in the system...pretty sure not everything is possible in Nolan's movies.
TheShadow - 5/8/2011, 9:48 AM
The Lazarus pit is TO unrealistic for even Nolan. As far as Joker, he did what a lot of most wanted criminals, slip under the radar. Which, if you really want to do, is possible. As far as Two-Face, when his face was on fire it caused the wounds to actually seal faster, stopping blood loss and creating scar tissue. The only hole he had was in his mouth, which you can live with. The eye is also possible, although it would be nessecary to use a lot of eye drops. The clear speech he had is unlikely, but they made it clear so we didn't have to guess what he was saying all the time.



Thanks.Although I am not a huge Cage fan, it would be interesting to see. What many people don't realize is that Cage is put into film's that even good acting can't fix.
Twenty23Three - 5/8/2011, 10:05 AM
the point I was making though is that Nolan's films are not actually possible. I mean you say the Two face thing is possible but in other discussions on this site I am pretty sure people have proven it isnt. And the joker thing? I mean flying under the radar is one thing but I am guessing if you had scars like that on your face you have been to hospital, they at least should have had knowledge of his real identity underground or not. At the end of the day its a fantasy world in which a man dresses up like a freaking bat, people need to let this "realistic, could totally happen" thing go.
TheShadow - 5/8/2011, 10:12 AM
Yes, but the joker probably would of stiches them himself. But I see where you're going with this. However, I just feel as if the lazarus pit is a little more unrealistic than the things we see in Nolan's films. I just don't see him doing it. But we never know do we?
LMFA0 - 5/8/2011, 11:11 AM
This is the reason i dislike Nolan's movies! You shouldnt have to ask "Does this fit in his realistic universe?" ITS A COMIC BOOK! They are fictional! Its a man that dresses up like a BAT! Nolan needs to have supernatural aspects in this movie in order to bring Batman back into the COMIC BOOK REALM! I liked Batman way before Nolan and i can not wait for him to stop.

If you are a real Batman fan, you would be applaud at what he has done to Batman
TheShadow - 5/8/2011, 12:40 PM
I am a TRUE batman fan and love what Nolan has done. If Nolan hadn't of done Batman Begins, comic book movies would dtill be dead. We would have no Thor, no Captain America, no Green Lantern, nothing. Nolan isn't in for entertainment. He makes his movies to create a symbol that everyone can look up to. You are one of the few unfortunates that dislike Nolan, while th general pop. loves him. Mind me, I wish we hade a more comic book version. AND WE WILL! But let's enjoy what we have shall we!
Checkmate - 5/8/2011, 3:41 PM
Completely agree @JokerFanHAhaHA
CanadaMan - 5/8/2011, 5:04 PM
Anything is possible. ;)
BigK1337 - 5/8/2011, 5:16 PM
I have to go with CanadaMan here, anything is possible.

After all, this is a fictional movie; there is a way to include the Lazarus Pit and not be "unrealistic" about (God I hate it when I use words dealing with realism over a comic book movie).
siddhant1138 - 5/9/2011, 3:40 AM
@BlazeCage, TDK is a great film, probably my favourite of all time, but different people have different opinions.

As far as the pit goes, it will probably appear, but not as a magical source of life, Nolan can fit these things in without making them seem unrealistic
Organa1978 - 5/9/2011, 7:27 AM
Thirdly, I do believe that Cotillard will play Talia. Why cast a talented star to play some insignificant character like Miranda Tate? I think she will be Wayne's love interest. He will fall in love and then have his heart broken when he discovers her true identity.

This,@Blaze Cage,I think this is what will happen.
GillytheKid33 - 5/9/2011, 8:03 AM
Guh, Miranda Tate is Miranda Tate. Get over it. Stop the BS speculation on that. If Talia was ganna be in this I'm pretty sure Nolan would have said it. And if I was Bats I for one would deffinetly be on my tippy toes about people using false names to get close to him. Ive said it before, but if Miranda Tate is "Talia" then Batman is a pretty shitty "Worlds Greatest Detective" to get that stunt pulled on him twice... BY THE SAME FAMILY!

And for the Lazarus Pits... I honestly dont care. I personally dont think they will be in it but I wouldnt be suprised if they were.

The only thing we can be certain of for this film thus far is that Batman will have a cape, Gordon will have a stache, and Bane will be played by a dude... oh, and there will be a CGI hole in the ground.

Your Welcome CBM fans.
Opt1mu5Pr1m4l - 5/9/2011, 9:10 AM
I have to agree that I don't think Nolan will have a Lazerous Pit in his last instalment. He just wont chance it. As for Cotillard being Miranda Tate. Come on please? Nolan is know for throwing us off the scent. She's gonna be Talia end of discussion.
CorndogBurglar - 5/9/2011, 9:39 AM
@ blaze

you're a dick head
Coldblood6 - 5/11/2011, 3:49 AM
@ JokerFanHahaHa

Dude, well said! Stand up and be counted. I too like BB and loathed TDK and there are many, many people out there who recognise TDK for the boring, pretentious, poorly written, sickeningly overrated crap that it is. We have your back on this. Nolan has sucked all the fantasy and mythos out of the Batman movie franchise. Do not let the Nolan-worshipping @$$wipes get to you.

Coldblood6 - 5/11/2011, 4:01 AM
@ TheShadow

Please think before you write. Nolan has done NOTHING for the CBM genre and suggesting that THOR and Captain America movies being made are somehow due to him and his Nolanverse franchise is insulting to Marvel fans. Get your facts straight! Looking at the history of the CBM genre, Batman & robin killed the genre dead back in the 90's, then Blade and especially X-men ressurected it. Then Spiderman showed that they can be mega-blockbusters, and the floodgates opened. The genre was doing PERFECTLY FINE before Nolan came along. BB did nothing for the genre as a whole; it simply resurrected the Batman franchise. Marvel Studios creation, plans, and success have in NO WAY been due to Nolan! The only thing he may have influenced in some way was made WB willing to take a chance on GL and at this point we are not sure that was a good thing.

I would go so far as to suggest that, while he has made the Batman franchise the top one in the genre, he has actually made it more difficult for the CBM genre on the whole. The fantasy elements of CBM are always difficult for the GA to accept; many of them inherently see it as silly. CBM need to get the GA to love these fantasy elements and not view them negatively. By achieving success with a franchise that has literally sucked all of the fantasy and comicbook mythos elements out of it, I believe Nolan has made it more difficult for franchises that embrace these elements and which cannot abandon them, e.g., GL. Now when the GA sees movies like these, there tends to be a stronger view of them being silly and unacceptable because they are not gritty and realistic like TDK.

But I must say that this is only a personal theory which I cannot prove.
TheShadow - 5/11/2011, 3:17 PM
MustI point out that EVERY SUPERHEO MOVIE except for BB and TDK has gotten bad to ok reviews. however, I love all superhero movies. But it's a matter of what the general public likes, and that's Batman. I must say I agree with many of your points, but we all have opinions.
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