My Thoughts On ‘Batman v Superman’

My Thoughts On ‘Batman v Superman’

Since ‘Man of Steel’ was released, the internet was alight with what could possible happen next for Superman, now given the fact that Ben Affleck has been cast Batman, there has been nothing but more speculation- so, I figured it’s about time I weighed in on the matter

Editorial Opinion
By TheManWithBigEars - Oct 16, 2013 11:10 AM EST
Filed Under: Batman

'Man of Steel’. It’s a film that really divided the CBM community; it seems you either love it or you hate it. Whilst I thought the film was entertaining and a relatively good reboot, I still think it was a slightly flawed film, which will hopefully rectify it’s mistakes in the sequel. Now, given the way ‘Man of Steel’ ended, there’s been much speculation and guess-work about what exactly will be the state of play in the sequel, and after thinking it through I think I’ve got a pretty solid idea as to what to expect/what will happen and of course, what I’d to happen in hopefully, the biggest team up film since ‘The Avengers’.

1. Metropolis Under Construction

Given the fact that Superman and Zod totalled half the city I think it’s a fair assumption by most to say Metropolis will be rebuilt if not, be in the process of being rebuilt- of course, this is dependent on how long after ‘Man of Steel’ the sequel is set, but realistically speaking I believe it’d be set at least a good couple of months after the last film (round about 6/7 if we’re trying to be precise).

2. Lex Luthor and Bruce Wayne

As Superman’s archenemy was notably absent from the last film, I think it’s also fair to assume he’ll be present in the sequel, of course in some way connected to Bruce Wayne being in Metropolis. Personally, I believe that during the events of ‘Man of Steel’ (which whilst not specified, I assume to have happened in about a week) Lex Luthor was off in Gotham securing some kind of business deal with Wayne Enterprises leading to him returning to Metropolis before concluding his business as means of rebuilding his city. Due to this, Bruce Wayne who becomes aware of the Metropolis situation, aids Luthor in the construction of Metropolis as a ‘gesture of good will’ in continuing their business, but really as a means of closely examining Superman and whether or not he really is a threat.

Now, as for who should play these roles? Well, we already have Ben Affleck as Bruce Wayne aka Batman. Frankly, he’s not who I’d have gone for, but I’m interested in seeing what he can do, and hopefully he’ll own the role and really put all those who doubted him to shame. As for Lex Luthor? Well, I always imagined Bruce and Lex to be a few years older than Clark, and to be round about the same age; seeing as we’ve already got an ‘older’ Batman, I think it’s safe to assume we’ll also get an older Lex Luthor. With that in mind, I think the best choice for the role would be Damian Lewis. A very talented and underrated actor, best known for his work in ‘Homeland’; the fact that he looks good bald, just helps things a little more and frankly, I’d love to see him take on the role as Superman’s nemesis.

3. A Divided Populace

Whilst it’s fair to say, Superman didn’t intentionally ‘destroy’ Metropolis it’s evident that he was reckless, really, really reckless (it was his first fight admittedly, though), but he did save the world. Due to this, I think in the sequel the general population of Metropolis and the world will be split as to what to think about Superman- should they accept him or fear him? I imagine they’d steer more towards fear though as I think Lex Luthor would run somewhat of a smear campaign against the Man of Steel, furthering their fears of him if not warning them to keep their distance, especially in light of the chaos in Metropolis.

Alongside this, I imagine Superman would start operating on a international level; something which makes a lot of governments feel nervous and lead to certain defences being put in to place if ever they need to put Superman down.

4. Sam Lane and Amanda Waller

At the end of ‘Man of Steel’, Superman told Harry Lennix’s General Swanwick to convince Washington he’s here to help. As I mentioned above, if Superman does operate on a more international basis I imagine the governments of the world becoming a little more nervous, especially the United States given that they know Superman was raised in Kansas. With this in mind, I imagine Swanwick to be presented as somewhat of an advocate of Superman’s, only for General Sam Lane and maybe even Amanda Waller to come into play, as an ‘insurance policy’ against Superman- something which I hope and imagine, will allow for a bit more conflict for Lois Lane to engage in.

Now, as I imagine Luthor, Lane and Waller to be the key players ‘working against’ Superman, this brings to question what could/would result in the conflict between these characters? As I mentioned a before, I imagine the governments of the world getting nervous; maybe Superman oversteps his place a few times or maybe, Luthor like in the comic ‘Superman: Birthright’ creates some kind of device which disrupts Superman’s powers resulting in him being even more ‘reckless’ leading to the Man of Steel being persecuted by the government only to be ‘redeemed’ by Batman.

5. An Achilles’ Heel

Whilst Kryptonite wasn’t present in the last film, I’d like it to be present this time around and I’d like Lex Luthor to discover it. I believe given that a chunk of Earth was semi-terraformed to become Krypton, the in complete process leads to a massive chunk of Kryptonite coming in to existence (though given that Krypton blew up, it could just be that Luthor goes on a scavenger hunt around the world discovering Kryptonite here and there). Regardless, Lex should discover Kryptonite can kill Superman, leading to him weaponising it; as I mentioned above, in the comic ‘Superman: Birthright’ he created a device with Kryptonite which made Superman weak and disrupted his powers- whilst I’d be fine with this, preferably I’d like for him to use it to power the Metallo or Metal-0 suit bringing John Corben into play (I imagine he’s also equipped with a Kryptonian metal suit- possibly scavenged from the remnant of Zod’s armour or the scrap from the Kryptonian ships/world engine).

Now, whilst Lex Luthor should discover Kryptonite I also went red solar radiation to be present. So, who should discover/weaponise this? Batman. Let’s be realistic, Batman is a human being, so ultimately he is killable and given how tough Superman was presented in ‘Man of Steel’ it’s clear in order for a Batman to stand toe-to-toe with Superman or hopefully, even the Justice League he needs to be badass and capable of taking super powered people down. So, like in the comic ‘Superman: Red Son’ I imagine at some point during the film, Superman is taken down by Batman via red solar radiation. Now a few of you might be against this as red solar radiation is ‘indistinguishable’ from Kryptonite, I still think both could work. How? Well, the way I see it Kryptonite doesn’t strip Clark of his powers, but still gives him access to them, only to a lesser and more uncontrollable degree whilst weakening him and making him, very fragile and killable, whilst red solar radiation would completely omit him of his powers making him straight up killable. If red solar radiation is utilised by Batman, I think it’d be a great way to showcase how smart and tactical the Dark Knight is and show general audiences at least, that he can definitely hold his own against super powered individuals.

6. More Lois and Clark

Whilst there has been some criticism regarding the chemistry between Henry Cavill and Amy Adams and the portrayals of their characters, I personally thought they did good jobs but just weren’t given enough time to fully show what they could do. Given that Clark joined the Daily Planet at the end of ‘Man of Steel’ I’d love to see more of him in his reporter persona, and given that Lois knows about his ‘secret identity’ I’d love to see more of a romance bloom between the two- frankly, I think this would probably be the ‘lightest’ aspect of the sequel and allow for some more down to earth moments.

I’d also like for there to be more of presence on the Daily Planet’s behalf. Lawrence Fishburne wasn’t given nearly enough to do and frankly, presenting Clark’s civilian life would be a nice change of pace and hopefully allow for some quieter moments amidst the action and drama.

7. Tease the League

Now, I know there has been some rumours about Wonder Woman showing up somewhere in the sequel, but frankly, rather than such a bold cameo like this to tease a potential Justice League film I’d prefer something a little more subtle. Personally, I think the best thing to do here is to throw in a smaller cameo or even a little shout out referencing a greater potential conflict arising. Whilst the New 52 origin for the Justice League is also something which has split fans, I personally think it’d be the most accessible way to introduce people to the Justice League and think it’d be the best route to take if a Justice League film is going to be made.

So, who should make the cameo? Well, I have two characters in mind; either Steve Trevor or J’onn J’onzz, or at least his human alter ego, John Jones. With Steve Trevor, I imagine someone like Sam Lane or Amanda Waller being informed of a distress call from Trevor about crashing into a ‘mysterious island’, or if you want something a little more bold, maybe him meeting with up Lane or Waller in regards to his ‘visit’ to Theymsicara and how ‘the world is changing’.

As for J’onn, well personally I like the idea of him operating like the Watcher (yes from Marvel) at first; maybe after the events of the sequel as Clark is getting back to work he’s visited by J’onn in his human form, who informs he knows who he is and warns him to prepare himself for an upcoming threat. Either way, I’d be happy, but like I said, I’d like something a little subtle, nothing too ‘on the nose’ like Marvel.

So, that’s my thoughts on ‘Batman v Superman’. Hopefully you liked what I had to say, if not agreed with it and if you did, please give me a thumbs up and of course share your thoughts as to what think would happen and what you’d like to see in the sequel.

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TheManWithBigEars - 10/16/2013, 11:47 AM
@ ManOfReal

I don't usually say shit like this, but suck a [frick] you excited [foo foo]. You don't care about what I have to say a topic? Don't click you retarded mother[frick]er.
BatmanHeisenberg - 10/16/2013, 12:23 PM
Awesome, I agree. I think if Lex owned the Daily Planet and forced Perry to publish anti-superman media, it would create a great arc for Clark, because he has to write about how Superman is bad, but he IS Superman.
NovaCorpsFan - 10/16/2013, 1:07 PM
Do you spit on books when you think they're shit? Do you spit on roadsigns when you don't like the place they're marking? Do you spit on the work you do in your office? Do you spit on someone's t-shirt if you don't like the caption? Do you spit on comics if you don't like them?

Just saying, if you spit whenever you read shit, those things apply.

Oh, do you spit on your own comments, too?
6of13 - 10/16/2013, 2:58 PM
I do agree with your ideas. It would make sense for Bruce Wayne to lend the resources of Wayne Enterprises. I reckon Lex would hate this (even though he won't show it) since he probably will see it as Bruce Wayne stealing his limelight.
I think a Batman/Superman film is perfect to introduce Det. John Jones and then at the relevant moment have him reveal that he knows Clark is Superman and that he is the last Martian.

You have my vote for more Lois and Clark.

If they introduce Kryptonite, the fact that it weakens Superman must be discovered by accident. I hated how in the Donner Superman, Lex just knows that a radioactive rock from Krypton would immediately kill Superman. It bugs me how he could even come to such a conclusion. By that logic, the Martian Manhunter would be allergic to Martian rocks. It's non-sensical thinking.
6of13 - 10/16/2013, 3:00 PM
Tony Goldwyn for Lex Luthor.
Prime - 10/16/2013, 4:52 PM
The Black Zero destroyed Metropolis...not Superman.
EdgyOutsider - 10/16/2013, 5:24 PM
Enjoyable but highly flawed film. Barely any substance, all style. We need a smaller, more character and story centric film with SOME action. First film didn't feel like a Superman film, it was dull and lifeless. Shit, the actors couldn't save the film. Speaking of which, no chemistry between half the cast. Clark and Lois' relationship should be like Steve and Peggy or Peter and Gwen, a relationship you like and can root for. Captain America is the only hero that is more substance than style and is a hero you can root for before he is a hero and general audience and comic fans found The First Avenger boring. Yep, [frick] logic. Seriously though, the post credits scene should tease the film for, The Flash (if it's truly the next one in development) so people can get excited. This film should be a smaller, more personal and intimate story with some action and for [frick]s sake, someone develop these [frick]ing characters. David Goyer is a hack outside of the first two Blade films. Man of Steel is what happens when you mix Goyer's shitty writing with Snyder's style over substance attitude.
JoeMomma29 - 10/16/2013, 5:54 PM
I did like your idea on Lex discovering Kryptonite in the place where the terraforming started.
OdinsMissingEye - 10/16/2013, 5:54 PM
This isnt a Batman movie its lead up to the Justice League movie so we will see alot less of Bruce Wayne and more of Batman.
MightyZeus - 10/16/2013, 6:28 PM
Great editorial. I agree with your points. I'm eager to see what the studios does with Batman vs Superman and how they would tease the Justice League.
Greengo - 10/16/2013, 6:31 PM

113 - 10/16/2013, 6:55 PM
No Kryptonite!
JorL5150 - 10/16/2013, 7:56 PM
"...its about time 'I' wieghed in on the matter"


TthhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnK yoooooooouuuuuu!

NOW we can aaaaaalllllllllll sleep at night!
KiddSoul - 10/16/2013, 8:06 PM
All good points in this editorial. I'm in agreement. However, why just leave it up to just Lex Luthor and Bruce Wayne to repair Metropolis? I think the angle could be well played if others get involved in the aftermath to rebuild the city.

For example, I think to have other characters that are wealthy and affluent to help rebuild Metropolis would be genius. Oliver Queen, Maxwell Lord and Simon Stagg are some of the wealthiest men in the DC universe. At least a cameo of these characters would be cool.
Rokyn - 10/16/2013, 8:16 PM
Excellent points my friend. Great article and you seem to have a great grasp on the characters.
Prime - 10/16/2013, 8:49 PM
Hopefully they won't over saturate everything with Bat-bitch....I mean Batman.
YearOne - 10/16/2013, 9:54 PM
Insurance premiums will now feature coverage for 'Alien/UFO Attacks' as an option on their policy sheets.
Bruce Wayne will at least have his insurance companies rebuild the Daily Planet. That much we know.
At the end of M.O.S. the city was rebuilt, however.

I thought it was the worst superhero movie since Catwoman. Schizophrenic storytelling, lame plot, really his father had the time to imprint his collective conscience onto a storage unit, but not that of his mother's? He let his adoptive father die out of responsibility? LOL, they even stole Spider-man quotes, I couldn't respect this movie if I tried.

The problem is, Goyer helped write the script, but Snyder directed it.

Was it the direction, or the entirely [frick]ed script that made me hate the movie?

The pacing was off, there wasn't enough actions between scenes to keep you interested, a monotone Superman, and the flashbacks were headache inducing. Then, suddenly, at the the end of the movie there's a ton of action, but we don't care for the characters, we don't know what drives them, and there's an emptiness inside the whole cast.

This might come as a shock to you, but I thought Superman Returns (2005) was way better. At least, more enjoyable. I liked the action in M.O.S., but nothing else.

The actor, I couldn't get an accurate read. I couldn't tell you if he was good or bad. A the end of the movie, I was clamoring for boyscout Superman, because, at least he had a personality.

It seemed to me they attempted to erase Superman's boyscout persona, and replace it with something dark, like Batman.

Except, every iteration of Batman had a personality, and wasn't just an automaton that would brood, or lie still until something happened. Batman focuses on prevention, so does the Superman, but no, nothing here.

Batman also has the privilege of entourage to demonstrate his various personas, who did Superman have in this movie? Lois, his mom, and a cave. He was a loner, which is definitely not what Superman is.

I can't stand Snyder, so I'll blame him.

I think they should make the Batman reboot before BvsS, and reboot the tone of the D.C. universe.

I didn't know what to say coming out of this movie, but now that Ben Affleck is on board, hopefully he can help direct the movie, because he is really good at that. And, of course, he will be a great Batman.

I don't know if this is Warner Bros fault either. Something is [frick]ed.

They need to hire some Marvel Studios directors fast. Warner Bros gave Nolan a green light for direction, but maybe the same amount of rope wasn't given to Snyder.

Batflick save us.
acheronmagnuz - 10/16/2013, 9:54 PM

I think you lost credibility when you said:

"The pacing was off, there wasn't enough action, and the flash backs were headache inducing."

Really? Not enough action? I heard people complain that there was too much action. In any case, you also admitted that you liked the action.

YearOne - 10/16/2013, 10:07 PM

I admit, I re-read what I wrote on my smartphone when I got home. So, I deleted that post since there is no edit feature.

I liked the action, but it was clumped together at the end. The rest of time, I was waiting for Superman to save Metropolis from a minor villain to demonstrate his prowess, and establish his persona. But nope, just random acts of kindness from an unknown stranger.
acheronmagnuz - 10/17/2013, 1:00 AM

I know that there may be valid complaints on MOS, based mostly on preferences as some people liked specific scenes in the movies while some disliked them.

However, calling it the "Worst Superhero Movie" is just pushing it a bit. It's not perfect, but a lot of people liked or loved the movie despite its flaws.

And fans like me, just hope that the concerns raised in the first movie will be addressed in the second.

Snider was not that bad too (atleast in my opinion), although the shots were not that clear due to shaky cam, Snider brought to live action what fans can only hope to see in animated movies.
RyKnow - 10/17/2013, 1:40 AM
If Wonder Woman DOES turn up in the sequel, you might aswell write it off. It's not really a Superman film anymore if you have Batman AND Wonder Woman in it. Don't even make this film. It sounds torrid.
mook - 10/17/2013, 4:18 AM
Good write up - I think/hope all those points will be touched on in some way in the film.

I like the idea of Bruce Wayne and Lex working together to rebuild the city and find out more about Superman. Clark Kent can even be involved covering the story or put on the story by the Daily Planet as an investigative journalist - but of course all three of the have alter egos and/or a hiden agenda...
dripdry - 10/17/2013, 4:58 AM
Wonderful EDITORIAL.

I think most of your points are spot on with what I was thinking apart from the guy cast as Lex.

There is only one man for the job (matthew mcconaughey).

I think he would be incredible as Lex and I think just like in Lex luthor man of steel book - bruce and Lex team up to try and rebuild the city or invest in the city.
I would love to see them kick superman's blue ass all over the screen.
MrDonut - 10/17/2013, 5:52 AM
Congrats on making main! Nice write up though man; share a lot of the same thoughts with you, if the sequel shapes up like this then we'd be in for a treat.
CommanderCobra74 - 10/17/2013, 6:24 AM
Ben Affleck? Matthew McConaughey? Now let's get the rest of the cast from Dazed and Confused for this Batman/Superman film.
dripdry - 10/17/2013, 9:55 AM
@ CommanderCobra74 .

ha ha l.o.l, funny observation bro, never though about the Dazed and Confused cast.

But you must admit , I don't care much for Affleck but McConaughy is a phenomenal actor , he is playing some excellent roles of late.
and he has the look - man he is perfect ...remember Van Zan in 'reign of Fire' Movie.
lurch313 - 10/17/2013, 1:07 PM
Bring on Martian Manhunter. No Cyborg!
AnthonyLantern - 10/17/2013, 4:11 PM
I like your ideas man. I would definitely like to see something like this on screen.
TheManWithBigEars - 10/17/2013, 4:58 PM
Wow! I go away for a little bit and get this kind of response? Thanks everyone who had something positive to say and contributed to my theories.

@ ManOfReal

I get your a troll, but I hope you drown in a cum-filled hole, preferably, your old man's anus.

@ Greengo

Lol! Unfortunately that was a result of writing this editorial over the course of a few days lol.
ScottMontgomery - 10/17/2013, 6:29 PM
Solid article! I like your ideas and if we get anything even close to this I'll be happy. I honestly want to see Jimmy Olsen in the World's Finest movie, I really don't understand why he wasn't in MOS
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