Speculations from the Batman Prologue and Second Trailer

Speculations from the Batman Prologue and Second Trailer

Potterman gives his take on what to expect from 'The Dark Knight Rises', after viewing the prologue and trailers.

Editorial Opinion
By Potterman - Dec 18, 2011 11:12 PM EST
Filed Under: Batman

I know...I know. ANOTHER Batman article from some dude about the prologue and trailer. I am not here to review them, tell you how awesome or lame they were. I simply want to try and speculate on what we did and did not see. So lets get started.

First thing I noticed about the trailer was Selina Kyle's little "get ready" speech to Bruce. She seems to know something is going down. So is it possible she is working with or at least has intimate knowledge of Bane's plans? If so how and why? Most people believed her to be a rogue to the storyline. No direct involvement with Bane and maybe not even an enemy to Batman. Is it possible she will be a straight up villain that is connected to Bane's group?

Second thing I noticed was the complete no show of Miranda Tate. Hmm. Maybe Nolan wants us to have no idea of what she is about or who she is. This definitely leaves the door open for any possibility. Including the Talia rumours. It doesn't look like we will know anytime soon.

Third thing was the Bane comment to Batman about not letting him die until Gotham is in ashes. Could this be the conversation after Batman is broken? Is this Bane paralysing Batman and leaving him to witness the destruction of Gotham as he is unable to help?

Lastly the battle scene between Bane's group and the city. Is it possible Nolan goes full circle with the concept raised in Begins. Batman will fight crime to show the city it has the power to do good? Batman is the symbol of Gotham? Could Batman's ending cause the city to "rise" against Bane and battle his group. Could we actually see an ending where Batman does not win the day but rather the city fights back and destroys evil??

I know a total of 8 minutes worth of footage isn't going to tell us much. I have no answers and this really just a lot of "could it be..."

Would love to hear from the fans to see what they think...
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Caedus137 - 12/19/2011, 1:17 AM
Dude - Miranda Tate WAS in the trailer... She was the fit woman in the red dress....
Potterman - 12/19/2011, 2:31 AM
No dialogue and her little 1 second scene doesn't tell us squat
batters - 12/19/2011, 5:59 AM
is morgan freeman even in this film? ive only seen a couple of blurry set photos from far away
batters - 12/19/2011, 6:00 AM
of him* I mean
batters - 12/19/2011, 6:12 AM
One thing that I noticed is that in the trailer - The Mayor and gordon seem to be stood at a podium outside Wayne Manor? I may be wrong but it looks like it. Kinda odd I thought. Not sure if the scenes of the party indoors after that are also meant to be based there too
Tajin88 - 12/19/2011, 6:36 AM
We expect that Batman wins at the end but what if they both gonna die... But at least we know "People will die"
DoctorSnide - 12/19/2011, 8:06 AM
Calm down. It's only a second trailer which is meant to peak you interest and STILL not give you anything regarding the story. Miranda was def in the trailer so I would edit that. Lastly,

Batters, Morgan Freeman is in the film. He doesn't need to be in this trailer and yes, it was Wayne Manor. The funny thing about EVERYONE on here speculating is NO ONE EVER gets any of it right. Team Nolan are not your average story writers so predictable is just out of the equation here. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride.

I understand it's all in fun but don't you get tired of the guess game. Just wait and watch the film.
TheDetectiveComicRises - 12/19/2011, 8:14 AM
Well said DoctorSnide :)
PaulRom - 12/19/2011, 8:42 AM
@Batters He's in the film, but reportedly he'll be killed off.
@Potterman Good write up, I was thinking the same thing about Batman being broken and unable to save Gotham at the moment.
Alexandre - 12/19/2011, 9:08 AM
i think batman will live and some citizens as well, but his ultimate goal to save gotham city will not come true. hence the buildings in the trailer all coming down.
batters - 12/19/2011, 9:12 AM
Why would the guessing game get boring? Thats part of what makes the whole experience and build up fun isnt it? You are right when you say team Nolan are experts in their craft which is why they are fully aware of what is being released and when. They do it on purpose to spark intrigue amongst the hardcore fans. I remember being hyped when in the dark knight trailer there was a shot of Harvey dent clutching a gun and you could see part of his burnt face. They knew us hardcore fanatics would be pausing the trailer to get a good look whilst the average Joe probably wouldnt even notice.

The pictures of Harvey next to gordon in the trailer are also intriguing
BFGLOOM - 12/19/2011, 10:11 AM
SHe's the ONLY pretty female IN THE TRAILER.....Sexy smile wearing a red dress... She should have been catwoman.
SKOne - 12/19/2011, 11:32 AM
I just realized that if you really think about it, Bane sounds exactly like someone whose lungs are constantly being filled with gas should. I totally enjoyed what Hector Elizando did on the cartoon, but I am very happy with what I've seen so far.
DoctorSnide - 12/19/2011, 12:09 PM
Batters, I completely agree with you on TDK trailer. I saw half of his face also as well as when he was saying "No!" with half of his face in oil and knew Two-Face would be in the film somewhere. My point is geared towards speculation that's just nuts.

Ex. If batman's back was going to be broken Bane may as well have venom pumped in him and we see him do the hulk thing. From what the trailer shows, he will be pretty beaten up and has a home made sling on so if anything's broken it will probably be his ribs and arm. His back, not so much.
smolella18 - 12/19/2011, 1:52 PM
"Calm down. It's only a second trailer which is meant to peak you interest and STILL not give you anything regarding the story. Miranda was def in the trailer so I would edit that. Lastly,

Batters, Morgan Freeman is in the film. He doesn't need to be in this trailer and yes, it was Wayne Manor. The funny thing about EVERYONE on here speculating is NO ONE EVER gets any of it right. Team Nolan are not your average story writers so predictable is just out of the equation here. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride."

@DoctorSnide that is the stupidest thing I've ever hear, yeah its only the second trailer but of course people are going to talk about it and not just pretend like it doesn't exist until the film comes out in july, if you don't like it then don't read articles about it

I understand it's all in fun but don't you get tired of the guess game. Just wait and watch the film.
Potterman - 12/19/2011, 2:56 PM
About the Miranda Tate comment. What I mean is that we have no dialogue and no scene that could point us in the right direction of who she is going to be. The speculation is she might be Talia or she might be working for Bane secretly. All I meant by no show was we didn't get anything to help us determine what role she will play.

@everybody. appreciate the feedback both positive and negative. thanks all.
JMGlasnevin - 12/19/2011, 3:14 PM
"Old Man Wayne
While you may have watched the bootleg of the trailer a dozen times online over the weekend, a lot of the trailer's details didn't translate from the pirated copy. The most intriguing detail has to be the reflection in the dish cover. It clearly shows Bruce Wayne walking toward it with a cane. Spy footage from the set hinted that an injured Wayne would have a cane, but this is the first concrete proof. Is this Bane's work, and how badly is Wayne hurt? This could be the end of Batman that's hinted at in the trailer.

Where in the World Is Bruce Wayne?
The scene from the trailer that remains largely a mystery is the one where Wayne enters the hall of staircases and asks what the chanting means. We haven't seen anything like this setting in the series yet, but Wayne's clothes resemble the clothes he wears in the early scenes of "Batman Begins," during his stint in the League of Shadows. We've all heard that the final film in Christopher Nolan's trilogy will double-back and cover some territory from the first film. Is this our first look at the return of the League of Shadows?

Are You Ready for Some Foootbaaa ... OH SH--!
Clearly the scene everyone will be talking about, in the football stadium, Nolan tries his hand at making a disaster movie. Nothing in the series so far compares to the earthquake in the stadium in terms of destruction. Bane succeeds where other villains haven't, and this more or less confirms the presence of the much-discussed earthquake machine. While many had their doubts, no one can deny that Nolan handles an otherwise outlandish concept with a deft and cool hand. Now imagine that in IMAX!

Oh Hey, It's Tali, I Mean, Miranda Tate
There she is, the most mysterious of the new characters, Miranda Tate. When Marion Cotillard signed on to re-team with Nolan, people cried foul. The press release may have said Miranda Tate, dutiful Wayne Enterprises employee, but hard-core fans smelled a red herring. This is the first time we're actually seeing Cotillard, but the trailer doesn't offer much. Who is Miranda Tate? It's clear we'll have to wait to find out.

Photos from the set gave us glimpses at Batman's new aerial ride, the Bat, but seeing it in action is a whole other monster. I can't even begin to wrap my head around what that scene is going to be like. We know that several tumblers are involved. Bane is there, and at some point, Batman unleashes the Bat on everyone. Even though fans knew about the Batpod before "The Dark Knight" hit theaters, its reveal ranked among the film's best moments. Expect the same treatment for the Bat!"
(Potential Plot spoilers) Watching the new trailer, I have noticed three very interesting tidbits I've yet to read about online. While the incredibly photogenic Anne Hathaway purrs into Bruce Wayne's ear that a 'storm's coming' and that the wealthy will wonder how they ever thought they "could live so large and leave so little for the rest of us." Selina Kyle is shown regarding herself in front of a mirror putting on a pearl necklace. This looks very much like the necklace Thomas gives to Martha Wayne the night they are gunned down in 'Batman Begins.' We all know that Catwoman is, first and foremost, an expert cat burglar. Is Selina pilfering from Bruce's rebuilt Wayne Manor? Is there, like in 1989's Batman, video camera's behind the mirrors of Wayne Manor? Is this what gives Selina away as Catwoman?
During the football scenes, who are the Ra.... City Monuments, the blue helmeted team playing against the Gotham City Rogues? We know that the CIA is part of the Dark Knight Rises' plot. The Monuments is certainly a better name than Redskins, if Washington is going to have a team. But what could Ra... City be?
If you remember the leaked London set photos from this summer, there was an image of a crater or pool of some sort, the surface of which was covered with neon green cloth for the insertion of CG effects. It was suggested that this was the set for Ra's Al Ghul's Lazarus Pit. Much has been mentioned about the strange staircase room where Bruce asks 'what the chanting means.' "Rise" he is told. Later we see several figures repelling down a well into this strange room. Women are among the chamber's fleeing inhabitants. Is this where Bruce goes to heal his broken spine? Are these women part of the League of Shadow's? This movie looks more and more interesting.
Additionally, while Nixon (Matthew Modine) is told that Commissioner Gordon will be canned in the Spring, Gary Oldman is seen at a memorial for Harvey Dent. We know that The Dark Knight Rises is set eight years after the event of The Dark Knight, but I wonder how the film will handle this jump. Obviously some part of The Dark Knight Rises occurs in the months after the death of Harvey "Two Face" Dent, but I wonder in just what way.
Please, any thoughts?
Potterman - 12/19/2011, 4:25 PM

Excellent addition to the post. Some really interesting comments. I did see on the site somebody posted about the pearl necklace. Maybe it was you. It does look very similar and make you think why her putting on Pearls deserves a scene if it has no relation to the Bruce's mother.

Also it seems that Nolan is taking things a step further in the evil department. Where as Joker was pretty cold blooded himself it seems Bane is going to be absolutely ruthless. He will kill alot of people and isn't going to play games like Joker (see boat scene in TDK). Bane may yet rival the Joker on the BA villian scale.

About Miranda. completely agree.

Very intrigued about the Lazarus Pit being for Batman. quite possibly onto something there.

Not sure what to think about the crazy staircase room and what it is. It definitely is not a normal prison and could very well be a LOS domain.

One thing i forgot to mention in the post was John Blake. one scene in the trailer with him running through a door. I am not sure why I have this feeling but I am putting my money on a good guy that will play a very integral role in defeating Bane.
LAWLZY96 - 12/19/2011, 4:38 PM
@JMSGlasnevin Well said, Well said. Interesting points
I might as well throw out some conjecture.

Bruce with a cane is very heavily evident in the trailer, so much so that it makes me think all these scenes couldn't possibly happen after a Bane encounter. My guess is that perhaps he was injured as Batman sometime after the Dark Knight, thus explaining the eight year gap and him retiring as Batman.

Selina's pearls are eerily similar to Bruce's mother's pearls. It seems highly unlikely that an eight year old Bruce would have gathered up his mom's pearls to remake the necklace. Equally unlikely that Joe Chill would have a daughter to whom he would give the pearls. So maybe Selina got/stole a similar looking necklace and is wearing them to get into Bruce's head. How Selina would know that Bruce's mother was wearing a pearl necklace at the time of her death is beyond me but you never know. There are also cat ears hanging in the background while she is admiring the necklace, these cat ears appear to be the same ones she is wearing during the masquerade/ball scene meaning that this scene happens either right after or right before the masquerade scene. From the actual footage in the trailer of the masquerade scene, it appears as though she is indeed wearing pearls while dancing with Bruce, maybe she is messing with his head during the masquerade?

I have no idea whats going on during the scenes where thugs appear to be ransacking someone's home and kidnapping what appears to be an old man.

As to where Bruce is during the "rise" scene. I have no idea. Perhaps some other sect of the league of shadows? I doubt Bruce would return to train with the league if they still have a lethal punishment, destroy Gotham agenda, and if Bane is at the head of the League(which seems like a legitimate possibility)then I doubt even further that Bruce would be talking casually to a member. Perhaps some group that was trained similarly to the league but was against killing, similar to Bruce himself, broke off from the rest of the league. This could be where Bruce goes to train when he realizes that Batman needs to return to combat Bane.

Speaking of Bane, he looks awesome! Hardy looks imposing and menacing as Bane, the voice is cool(although it hopefully is improved from the prologue) and he really comes off as Bane from the comics to me. Seeing as Bruce looks gravely injured and maskless, I'm guessing that Bane finds his identity and brutally beats him in the Batcave/Wayne Manor or unmasks him during said brutal beating.

Catwoman seems to know that Bane is coming, but she could be taking about her own plans to rob Gotham's rich. If she does know what Bane is planning...well thats very interesting. It could be a similar situation to Scarecrow working for Raas in BB. Scarcrow(now Catwoman) thinks that Raas(now Bane) and the league of shadows are holding the city for ransom when in reality the plan is to simply destroy the city. I think Catwoman, unlike Scarecrow, will probably catch on that Bane really wants to destroy all of Gotham and so she teams up with Bats to take him down. However, it is notable that she is absent during the big riot battle which, to me at least, appear to be the climax of the film.

Overall the trailer, while revealing very little about the plot itself, has intrigued me. Now I have no idea what Nolan's plans are for this film and it could be mindblowing.
alucard365 - 12/19/2011, 6:13 PM
Miranda Tate and Catwoman will been shown more in the 2nd trailer, the 2nd trailer they always explain the story.
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