The Dark Knight Continuation with the Riddler by me the Soul Eater

The Dark Knight Continuation with the Riddler by me the Soul Eater

A promo of what the 3rd Batman movie may be like with the Riddler, by ME. This is a preview of what Nolan COULD'VE done with a continuation to Batman Begins and the Dark Knight if he had used Riddler.

Editorial Opinion
By TheSoulEater - Jan 13, 2009 12:01 AM EST
Filed Under: The Dark Knight Rises
Firstly, in this rendition, the Riddler will be played by Johnny Depp. So get
that in your minds as this portrayel inssues. For all those Depp haters, STOP READING AND DON'T COMMENT!!


Words apear on the screen.

"The night is always darkest before the dawn. But I promise you, the dawn IS coming."
-District Attorney Harvey Dent.

"Mr. Reece, are you still with us?" comes an eerie voice.

Coleman Reece was tied up, from his shoulder's down in a fold out chair. His feet were touching the ground, which he could tell was some kind of metal. He was blind folded, so all he could see was the vague images of a few figures in front of him, because of the light beheind them.

He finally got enough gumption to ask: "Where am I?"
"I'll be asking the questions Mr. Reece, at least for now." the same voice said from somewhere he couldn't place.

He was scared out of his witts, not only out of fear of his cercumstance, but because he knew WHY he was there. Ever sence he opened his big mouth about knowing who batman was, he'd been looking over his shoulder. He could see people rumeging through his garbage, watching him leave his house. His nieghbors, fellow employee's, even his friends looked at him differently
now. Always asking, "Come on, between us, just give me a hint. Who is he?"

And the dreams, they never stopped, always either being about himself being chased by masses. Half wanting to know who Batman was, the other half wanting to shut him up for good.

Or a situation like this, he'd be tied up or in a jail cell, with them demanding they tell him who the Batman was, but Batman was always there in his dreams, waiting to break his neck if he told. "You'd betray me?" he'd say.
And everytime he'd wake up in a cold sweat.

This time it was for real, and it felt totaly new. Likened to a speach someone has to make before an audiance, that they were so familier with, but once they're actually there on stage, all sence of familiarty is gone.

"Who are you?"he asked wihtout thinking.

"WHAT, did I just say?" came the voice, much deeper.

Reece got the hint,
"What would you like to ask me?" he asked nervously.

"Thats the spirit." the voice said in the lighter tone it was before.

"WHO, are you?" the voice said.

Reece thought about this, he didn't ask about Batman at all. He didn't know what this man wanted in as an answer or what he'd do if answered wrongly.

"C-coleman Reece." he blurted out.

"Hmmm....." The voice mused to himself,
"Mr. Reece. Like...Mysteries."

Silance for a brief moment, Reece didn't know if he was supposed to say something else or...

"Do you know WHY your here?"
the voice asked suddenly.

The lump in his throat could've been the size of a tennis ball to him.

"What-" He stopped himself, he remembered his warning about ONLY answering questions. He was GOING to ask What would happen if he give the wrong answers to the question. He swallowed and said what he thought could only be the logical reason. "..The Batman??" he said, voice quivering.

"Hmm hmmm, very good." the voice said, suddenly something clanged on the floor that sounded like the blunt end of a metal stick. Then footsteps were heard around the him. This person was pacing.

"Now, I want the truth MR. REECE."
He said, voice still slightly cuing, yet hissing.

"Here it comes..." Reece thought to himself.

"Do you know WHY, you know WHY your here?" he said again in serious tone.

Reece wanted to blurt out "BRUCE WAYNE! HE'S BRUCE WAYNE LET ME GO!!" But he held his togue which felt huge in his mouth.

"I won't ask again." the voice said.

"Bec-cause..." Reece started out, "Because...everyones wants to know that?"

"To true Mr. Reece." The voice said in agreement, "But why come to YOU?"

What was this guy getting at?!? Reece thought, "Cause they think I know."
He ventured.

"Why is that?" The voice said, tone unchanging.

Reece's head was soaking wet, "Because, I told everyone I know." he said nervously.

"Do you know, WHO batman is?" the voice said, very seriously.

Reece couldn't take this anymore, "I'll tell you who he is! He's-"

In an instant Reece heard 2 great strides towards him, and then felt the back of a leather gloved hand go across his face, making his head spin.

Someone grabed the arms of his chair and leaned into his face, he could feel the breath of the man on his eyes.


The man belted out,

"What POSESSED you to think I wanted to know WHO HE IS!!"

The mans spit was on Reece's trembling face.

He felt his hands get off of the arms of his chair and heard two steps going back.
"Now....Mr. Reece." the man said again, back in his calm, yet menacing tone.

Reece's lips were quivering as he said, "Please, don't hurt me, tell me what you want, please don't-"

"I'm going to ask you again." he said, ignoring him, "Do you know WHO the Batman IS?"

Coleman Reece gulped, "Y-yes?"

"This is the truth now, I really want it." He said.

Reece yelled, "YES, its true! I know who he-"

"THANK YOU MR. REECE!!" The voice said loudly and triumphantly.

He didn't know what to do, quite stunned by the loud outburst. Did he say something else? Was he done?

"Did you tell anyone ELSE who Batman is! Anyone, who didn't KNOW before?"
the voice asked, getting back on track.

Reece thought, VERY hard. Mr. Fox? No he knew already...Anyone at the bar? Any of his friends, was he drunk at the time?

"Take your time, please." The voice said

"NO." Reece finally said shaking his head violently. "NO. Thats the truth, no."

"Exemplary Mr. Reece." The voice said with aproval, he could hear two gloved hands clapping as he said this.

"Did you wish to ask a Question?" He said, quite frankly.

Reece was taken aback, what kind of game was this? Was this one of those wacko's like the clown that wanted him dead?

"Are...are you working for the Joker??" He asked quivering.

"No." came the reply, firm, consise, yet disgustedly.

"Are you going to kill me?" He asked, knowing the answer already.

"Why do you think that?" The voice asked.

"Because, I'm the only one who knows the identity of Batman." Reece said, awaiting another blow, a gunshot, anything.

"That-! ...Would be a good reason, but no. I shant kill you. Niether I nor my men will harm you." The voice said frankly.

"Why is this city on a witch hunt for the Batman?" The man asked again suddenly.

They were back to questions again. Reece reseponded imediatly this time, "Because he killed cops?"

"Riddle me THIS, Reece!" he suddenly outbursted, "Why would the Batman, after doing SOOOO much to stop the crime in Gotham, and not resorting to the killing of ANYONE, kill of all people...Cops?"

"Bec-cause..." Reece started, mulling it over.

"THE ANSWER IS, HE DIDN'T!!! The man suddenly said, not waiting for Reece to answer. "I mean really, the Clown maybe...but COPS! HE'S BATMAN! HE WOULDN'T STOOP TO THAT!!"

Reece didn't know what to say.

"Riddle me THIS, Reece!!" He said again, his voice getting louder by the sentance. "Why WOULD Batman willingly take the blame for the deaths of 2 police officers and allow himself to be chased like a rat in a kitchen?"

What did this guy WANT? Reece was thinking, then he thought:"Maybe he wants me to ask."

"Why?" Reece replied quitely.

"BECAUSE HE'S A GENIUS!!!" The man bellowed in a voice which reverberated off the walls that were apearntly ALSO metal,

"A COMPLETE AND STARK, GENIUS!!" The man went on. "OOOOOOOHH! How I've waited for someone of HIS class of intellect! Of HIS IQ! To challenge mine. He's answer to prayer!! Someone who can stretch out my psycholigical joints that have long fallen asleep! To scratch the itch in my mind I CANT REACH!!!!"

He bellowed this out as if he yelling it to an unseen audience. There was passion in his voice, passion as if his whole life was about to take hold on THIS moment.

"Oh you have NO idea how fearfull I was, that I would have to play this game with that FREAK of a man!! THAT DISPICABLE EXCUSE FOR MENTAL PRODOGY! I mean think of it! Playing the game with HIM?!? The Joker?! That Jester of a fool who thinks life is some kind of joke- IT ISN'T A JOKE!!!!

He hollared at him, with anger in his voice.

Reece could hear his slow foot steps coming closer, "LIFE, is not a joke Mr. Reece." He said in a much lower tone then before.
"Life has NEVER been a Joke, but a Game. THE GAME, for those who can apriciate it. And the game is VERY serious."
He was right in front of Reece now, "DEADLY, serious Mr. Reece." he said.

"Deadly serious." Mr. Reece repeated out of confusion.

"Think on this Reece," He said now, "What do you have that makes you so...VALUBLE? Important?"

"...I know-" Reece started.

"YES, because you KNOW. YOU sir, have KNOWLEGE." The man interupted, "And knowlege, is POWER! SO, by that reckoning, IF knowlege indeed be POWER,and power corrupts, what does that make YOU?"

"Oh no...." Reece thought, "Corrupt?" he squeaked out.

"Hmmmmhmmmhhmmm" THe man laughed to himself, it was low and soft and menacing.

"Your very a very smart man Mr. Reece. Now the world will never know." He said in an almost sad voice.

Suddenly he heard footsteps all around him, "No! Please NO!" Reece said trying to feeblely struggle in his chair.

But the foot steps only passed him by as they either walked away from him, or AROUND him and away from him. As all the foot steps went to the back part of the metal room, the light went out, everything was completly black.

Before he could call out for help, there was a metal creaking noise and a door opened head of him. Light poored in, hitting him in the face, he squinted despite his blindfold, but the added light helped him make out the figures of 3 men exiting the door into the light outside.

Lastly, he heard the *clang, step, clang, step, clang, step, clang* of the leader who was asking the questions, leave with some sort of cane. He turned his head, though his face was indistict, even with the light pooring in.

"Riddle me this Reece." the man said again, "Why do we hide the secrets to Riddles?"

Reece thought then decided to answer, "Why?" Suddenly he heard the door creak,

"Because, sometimes the best riddles. Are better left unanswered." The last bit of light began to disapear, "Good bye Mr. Reece." he said. Then the door slammed SHUT, and a bolting noise was heard outside.

Reece was left in total darkness now.

"Hello?!" Mr.Reece said finally, "Is anyone there?" Suddenly the room jolted, "Hey..." he said.
The room violently jolted, "HEY!" he yelled. The room didn't stop, it rocked until his chair tipped over on its side.

*Oof!* he grunted, "HEY SOMEBODY LET ME OUT OF HERE!"

SUDDENLY THE ROOM SHOOK VIOLENTLY THEN STOPPED BREIFLY, THEN ROCKED LIKE IT HAD HIT A WALL. He bounced from the momentum, up and down again on the floor. His cheeks were on fire from hitting the hard metal floor. The room was still now, but yet... no, it was moving slightly from side to side, like it was on strings, or floating on....

*SPIT* He spit out some water that rushed into his mouth, more brushed against his face and side that was on the ground. The room was filling up with water, "HEEEEEEEEEY!!!!!" He yelled with all his worth, "SOMEBODY LET ME OUT OF HEERE!!!PLEASE!!!!!" He gulped in another mouthfull of water.

Meanwhile on the doc's, a group of men watched as the huge metal crate sank, slowly into the deep.

The one in a trench coat, so dark green it was nearly black, picked a card out of his hat band.

"Dead men, tell no tales..." He said, and threw the card out on the sea, right were the last of the crate sunk benieth the tide.

It twirled and then fell finally on the water with a plop. On it was an intricatly designed question mark.

"At least...not the RIGHT ones, Mr. Reece. Now no one, can ruin the game for anyone..." he said smiling, and tipped his hat to the bubbling water.

He turned around and strode back towards the warehouses by the docks. A Hyundai pulled up, and the passenger door opened. He got inside and waited for his men to do the same. Once inside it drove off, away from the scene.

The long haired, bleached faced man called Riddler gave one final look at the peir. "Pawn to Bishop 3." he said, "Now for the KNIGHT..." he produced a picture of the batman on a roof top.

TITLE: Dawn of the Bat.

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TheMyth - 1/13/2009, 6:31 AM
You have yet again delivered a great idea. But this time, unlike with Morbius, Riddler should be in this movie. Kudos to you. And who the hell has a problem with Depp as the Riddler?

All i know is, they better put Catwoman in it too. Bruce Wayne needs to get some booty.
rushr - 1/13/2009, 1:53 PM
i like the way you started off the story. depp would make a badass riddler.
zinext - 1/13/2009, 8:07 PM
Is that charlie and the chocolate factory on the poster??lol, yea i can really see this in the movie tho.
TheSoulEater - 1/13/2009, 9:41 PM
Thank you zinext
gamerjoe - 1/14/2009, 7:33 AM
i likr the story but i would have to say that unlike other people i dont want Depp i just dont see him sorry bu thtat is who i am
TheSoulEater - 1/14/2009, 2:30 PM
Thats cool. But please don't comment anymore about it.
havoc - 1/16/2009, 4:20 AM
Wow, that was awsome. One thing though, did the Riddler have henchmen? I thought he worked alone.
TheSoulEater - 1/16/2009, 8:07 PM
Oh no, Riddler didn't make all his contraptions, and puzzles himself. Well some of them, but not the city scale ones.

However the ones that follow him are usually made up of some thugish big guys, and mostly computer nerds. People who are pretty bright themselves but veiw Riddler as an intelectual god
legder20 - 1/17/2009, 1:39 PM
that rocked!
MrYetti - 1/21/2009, 7:23 AM
Good idea - I'd like to see him surrounded more by super-intellectual types rather than typical thugs. I'm thinking something among the lines of the group of computer nerds who took over America in the 4th Die Hard flick. They didn't even need guns for half of the crap they pulled off. However, there should be at least 1 thug - Bane, perhaps? Or some other super-strong roid-induced goon who I'm not thinking of.

And I would love a lead-in to Catwoman. But, we don't want to get too over-the-top like the Batman franchise-killers of the 90's. He already hinted at Catwoman in this last one, when Fox said the suit would stop a Cat's claws. I say we give her a solid intro, maybe work her in as a serious love interest for Wayne, and then kill her ( not sure how that idea will work out in the new "realistic" imaginings of the Batman universe) and bring her back as the Catwoman.

None of this Halle Berry shit either - I don't want her to be the good girl - she needs to be cold-blooded, pure evil (this is the sole reason why Angelina Jolie could have nailed that role - look at her eyes. Bitch is the devil!)

Moreover, let's not forget that the Joker is NOT dead (though the great Heath Ledger - rest his soul - is gone), and we have no FULL confirmation on the demise of Two-Face. Harvey didn't even begin to fully define the Two-Face role, and I think it would be cool to see him back, albeit completely over the edge due to his serious fall after the burns and everything else that happened.

I might be alone on this, but I really DON'T want to see the Penguin, even if they get an A-List actor to play him. There were a few Bat-Villains that I don't believe should be on film, especially in this "realistic" universe, and penguin is almost at the top of these rejects. His part might work, if written just right. But the risk is pretty big. I don't know - who else should be used, besides Joker, Two-Face, Catwoman, and the Riddler?
jtwicked - 1/21/2009, 11:01 AM
that "what happens when you lose control" poster is AWESOME!!!
TheSoulEater - 1/22/2009, 11:30 PM
Thank you, in my idea Catwoman is INDEED part of this.
And Bane works for Penguin, not Riddler. Riddler's muscle is Deadshot
SPANISHVEGETA - 1/26/2009, 7:40 AM
A COMPLETE AND STARK, GENIUS!!" The man went on. "OOOOOOOHH! How I've waited for someone of HIS class of intellect! Of HIS IQ! To challenge mine. He's answer to prayer!! Someone who can stretch out my psycholigical joints that have long fallen asleep! To scratch the itch in my mind I CANT REACH!!!!"

WOW you hit it right on the button man a appload u sir, and the whole life aint a joke and that jester comment im speechless that was and i quote russell peters "MIND BLASTING" LOL
TheSoulEater - 1/26/2009, 6:42 PM
Why thank
PowerBlast - 1/26/2009, 9:13 PM
Wow! that's pretty frekin' awesome! I like Johnny Depp but I couldn't see him as the Riddler until I saw your posters, I know its not what he's gooing to look like but it gives me ideas. Which poster was harder to make?
Megabattle0 - 3/9/2009, 10:36 AM
I totally agree MrYetti...
But i think that they should bring in either Clay Face or Killer Croc.
I think that with the right aount of special effects, they could pull it off, cause none of the 90's versions of Batman, had the Croc of Clay Face, and not everything in Chris Nolan's universe of Batman does it have to be logical or real-ish??

Maybe he's kinda tired of the whole, "Real villans that could be possible in real life" theme? Me, personally would want a CGI villain, to make it look like im not just pleasing the nerdy/comicbook movie fans (like myself), but also to the fans that love special effects and would like a change of face every now and then....

I was also freaking out when people were saying that Two-Face was dead, cause they cant just introduce him in the middle of the movie and kill him off.
At least with Scarecrow in the first film, they had him return with a cameo in TDK.
And Two-Face is a much more important character than that.

But yeah, i dont think that Two-Face is dead at all. And yeah, i also dont think that they'll return with the Joker, becuase frankly, no one can play it like Heath Ledger. They might do a cameo with him in a jail cell, but they cant do it for long, otherwise it might be too weird.

Talk to you guys later, and tell me what you think of my Clay Face and Killer Croc possibilities???

TheSoulEater - 3/12/2009, 11:39 PM
Two Face isn't dead, eckheart said that he was told he was dead, but then turns out he may or may not be dead
Barkerman - 1/15/2010, 4:06 PM
Dude I love the idea its amazing.

But I need to correct you on your over generisation of the Riddler. He has been show to be evil and with henchman before in some unpopular versions of the Batman comic, but in the main arc storyline the Riddler is a mearly someone looking for a challange and sees one in Batman.
Batman keeps beating his riddles resulting in more dangerous and more grand riddles. Eventually the Batman shows him the error of his ways and he ends up as an accomplise.

He is never shown as truely evil or twisted and he NEVER kills anyone intentionally.

Though this wouldnt be very interesting in a story line for this film I suppose.
TheSoulEater - 3/3/2010, 12:00 AM
Riddlers let people die before...and this is a new Riddler
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