Heath Ledger Wins Best Supporting Actor!

Heath Ledger Wins Best Supporting Actor!

As it has been that many a man faces adversity and wins this award; Heather Ledger shown bright in his moment of ceremony. Honored by his Father, Mother and Sister, Heath, this one is for you!

By IonParallax - Feb 22, 2009 12:02 AM EST
Filed Under: The Dark Knight

As one of the best and most versatile actors of our time, Heath Ledger has brought us comedy, romance, drama and imagination. His work has been so looked over the past decade it is unreal. His roles in "Monster's Ball", "A Knight's Tale", "Brokeback Mountain" and "The Order (The Sin Eater)" have been been so profound, so uplifting and so true to life it has been a wonder he hasn't been nominated before now.

With the appearance of 5 great actors and winners of the "Best Supporting Actor" category at the Oscars, we delve into the winner who has both made us love him for his sadness and tenacity as both a love-struck Knight and repressed son (A Knight's Tale and Monster's Ball) and loathed him for his maniacal and almost demonical portrayal of a vicious and sedistic Joker.

This man has risen above stardom to the level of absolute greatness. For his many roles and many unspoken hardships, we both salute and congratulate Heath Ledger. You have inspired us and transcended the world of acting into the world of forever. For that, we are forever grateful and wish we will see you again on the other side. Congratulations.

The follwing pictures represent some of Heath's most recognizable roles:

"10 Things I Hate About You" as Patrick Verona

As Gabriel Martin in "The Patriot"

As Sir William Thatcher/Sir Ulrich von Lichtenstein of Gelderland
in "A Knight's Tale"

As Sonny Grotowski in "Monster's Ball"

As Ned Kelly in "Ned Kelly"

As Alex Bernier in "The Order (The Sin Eater)"

As Skip in "Lords of Dogtown"

As Jacob Grimm in "The Brother's Grimm"

As Ennis Del Mar in "Brokeback Mountain"

As Giacomo Casanova in "Casanova"

and his soon to be released "The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus"

In Memoriam to Heath Ledger April 4, 1979 - Jan. 22nd 2008
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THEHAWK - 2/22/2009, 9:27 PM
Your right it is funny that we posted at the same time.
TDK was great, but Knights Tale may be my favorite of his, I honestly can't decide. Oh! Sopia Loren is still alive ! see ya HAWK out.
IonParallax - 2/22/2009, 9:59 PM
A Knight's Tale and The Order are tied for my favorites. I have LOVED Knight's Tale since it came out and I've seen it EASILY 100 times. I absolutely LOVE that movie. The Order is my second fav because it's amazing. If you haven't seen it it's about the last 2 of Carolingian Order of Roman Catholic priests who are trying to uncover the case of their murdered mentor. In which they come across the Sin Eater, who holds the path to salvation for those who have been excommunicated by the church. It also stars Mark Addy (A Knight's Tale and "Still Standing" [tv series]) and Peter Weller (Robocop and "Engineering an Empire" on the History Channel)
THEHAWK - 2/22/2009, 10:01 PM
I need to see it. MArk Andy is one of those actors that is underrated, he is so funny,and yet can be serious.
THEHAWK - 2/22/2009, 10:03 PM
Leger was a great actor, he wasn't a diva like alot of actors. he really was nice, down to earth guy. Spoke with the extras, you know stuff like that.
TheSoulEater - 2/22/2009, 11:07 PM
Go Ledge!
MarkCassidy - 2/23/2009, 6:01 AM
Great article Ion, and i couldnt agree more..except for the sin eater, i saw it in the cinema when it came out and thought it was shocking bad!..Ledger wasnt bad in it though. Not a huge fan of Knights Tale either. But Monsters Ball and Brokeback Mountain were great
Supermike - 2/23/2009, 8:57 AM
WOW so were give people award for dying now that a new low for the human race

jonnybaby - 2/23/2009, 9:28 AM
lol supermike are you just asking for attention? when you post your comments your should read them out load first to make sure your lame as postings make sense. anyways when they were doing there segment on all the actors and such that had died this year i didn't see a tribute to ledger? did i just miss or did they? in anycase even if he was alive he still deserved that oscar. YAYA
IonParallax - 2/23/2009, 9:28 AM
YES! Thank you Supermike. I have been waiting since last night to hear your take on the subject. Awesome. Good job keeping up with your title of trolling chachbag. Thanks for the front page CBM. I was hoping one of the 2 articles about it would make it up there today.
IonParallax - 2/23/2009, 9:32 AM
The list of entertainers who died in 08 is staggering. There's a partial list in THEHAWKs version of this article. But seriously, there were dozens of people in the "biz" who died last year. Heath, Eartha Kitt, Rob Schieder, Sean Lavert, Sir Edmund Hilary, Bettie Page etc etc. The list goes on.

But yes, Heath would have gotten this alive or dead, the next best choice would have been Josh Brolin in Milk, that movie was fantastic and he did an awesome job. Again, congrats to Heath (RIP Sir) and his family, he's definitely one who will be missed by many. I mean, did you see the amount of people with tears in their eyes at the Oscars? It was phenomenal. Incuding me, I had some tears, big baby I know. But he was a damn fine actor.
GUNSMITH - 2/23/2009, 9:36 AM
Supermike - 2/23/2009, 9:39 AM
LOL You guys and your trolling comments he would of not of gotten this award alive or die because no one gave a ratass about him until his death you guys are moron and a Joke to us real comic book fans
IonParallax - 2/23/2009, 9:41 AM
Again, Supermike, you're so funny dude...
There's that "real fans" comment that I love so much. Classic.
MarkCassidy - 2/23/2009, 9:50 AM
supermike what difference would it make even if people didnt take any notice of Ledger until his performance as the JOker (which isnt even true since he had garnered huge critical and commercial praise for Brokeback mountain and First Knight)..its still a performance worthy of an oscar weather he lived or died, or weather a miserable little attention seeking [frick] like you thinks so or not
loganoneil - 2/23/2009, 10:07 AM
Guys, I hate to do this (I know, hell is freezing over...), but I kinda' have to agree with supermike (GAKKK!). Heath Ledger's performace was BRILLIANT, but because of the nature of the performance (comic book movie), history shows that it would have been typically overlooked by the Academy. Had Ledger not passed when he did (god rest his soul), the award would have probably gone to Frank Langella for his outstanding performance of Richard Nixon in 'Frost/Nixon' and Heath's performace would have been largely ignored.

Supermike - although there are INFINATELY better ways to get your point across than to personally attack a dead man's brilliant performace, I suppose I should consider the source! ...and who died and made you 'God of All Fanboys' anyways (..."real comic book fan" my ASS!!!!)?!!
MarkCassidy - 2/23/2009, 10:19 AM
I get what your saying logan but i really think this would have been an exception to the rule. Hell there was talk of him getting a nom even before he died! Sometimes..not very often..but sometimes those clowns actually get things right..look at return of the king!

Anyway Ledger and Langella were nominated in different categories..Ledgers only real competition was Josh Brolin for Milk
loganoneil - 2/23/2009, 10:21 AM
Oops, my bad - you're right about Langella (spacing out - the coffee hasn't kicked in yet). I agree there was Oscar-buzz surrounding Heath's performance, and yes, he probably would have been nominated. I'm just saying that had he lived, that's probably as far as it would have gone (unfortunately).

Hey, I'm just as glad as the rest of you (with the exception of superdork) for Ledger, it's just a real tragedy that he couldn't be here to accept the award personally and seen the vindication of his convictions...
adamant877 - 2/23/2009, 10:30 AM
Thanks for the wonderful article, Ion. And I have to agree with Rorschach on this one... There was PLENTY of talk about an Oscar nod for his performance, well before he passed. I think, if anything, this performance would have catapulted him into even better roles, and more notoriety had he not died!

(Despite the ramblings of our dear friend "Superdouche", most people could scarcely argue that the guy wasn't a phenominally gifted actor!)
Supermike - 2/23/2009, 10:38 AM
I guess im the only one who can remember Ledger before he die and How everyone though his Joker was no different then Jack and how there was No talk of him winning a award but you guys are like wrestling mark you only remember things You WANT to remember

And Loganeil I was Not making a personal attack on a deadman brilliant performance I disagree with people who are making him out to be a something he not Just because he dead does not make him a God he not prefect his Performance of the Joker was not prefect and his Life was not Perfect. And I have the right to be mad that he won just like you guys have the right to be happy
loganoneil - 2/23/2009, 10:46 AM
Supermike - none of us are saying he's a 'god', and his 'interpretation' of the Joker may not have been one you were expecting - too bad. Sometimes it's playing the risk and taking a charater in a direction that's not expected that makes the difference - that's why it's called 'ACTING'! You're right, his life wasn't 'perfect' either, but then who's really is? In any case, his life wasn't being judged last night, his performance WAS. He won - deal with it!

There were winners in other catagories that I didn't agree with, but you don't see me bashing their achievements in order to justify my choices, do you? It sounds cliche, but it IS true - just to be nominated for an Acedmy Award is an honor, and ALL the nominees TRULY deserved the recognition!
MarkCassidy - 2/23/2009, 10:52 AM
No supermike, thats how you remember it in your twisted little universe..you know, the place were cats chase dogs up trees. You can google all the pre death hype stuff about Ledger if you dont believe it..check out the reviews of his movies, the critical acclaim for his turn as the Joker. But you wont do that will you? why should you when you already know im right

And no shit he wasnt perfect, who is? or is everyone perfect in the land of Mixtupalotolis?
loganoneil - 2/23/2009, 11:11 AM
Uh Logan, you say we're just '...fans of movies more than [we] are of comics and comic movies...' and that you went to see 'Dark Knight' because you love Batman, but I put it to you this way, without '...acting, plot, story, writing, directing...' there wouldn't BE a movie for you to watch. You said you just love Batman, so by that reasoning, you must have LOVED the Schumacher films, right? Screw the bat-nipple fetish suits, the neon accenting, the one-dimensional acting, the plot holes big enough to drive a Batmobile through - it had Batman so the Schumacher films MUST be OK, right?

For the record, I think they SHOULD have at least nominated Brandon Lee for an Oscar, not because he passed away during the filming, but because his performance was that good! It was partially because of the narow-sighted view of the times on the Academy's part of comic book films that 'The Crow' got snubbed! And, I think Jack Nicholson is an over-rated windbag in love with himself (yeah, I said it - who wants some?!). His Joker was A JOKE (nothing more!)!!! He deserved NOTHING for his 'interpretation' (how can you truly call it 'acting' when you play the same obnoxious person - namely "yourself" in ALL YOUR FILMS?!). You say his performace was 'dark'? It was only if you watched it with your eyes closed!

I said it before:
"There were winners in other catagories that I didn't agree with, but you don't see me bashing their achievements in order to justify my choices, do you? It sounds cliche, but it IS true - just to be nominated for an Acedmy Award is an honor, and ALL the nominees TRULY deserved the recognition!"
IonParallax - 2/23/2009, 11:21 AM
It doesn't take balls to say what you said. It takes your opinion. I understand you have not liked Ledger for his acting, and you though TDK was somehow, all about Ledger, but it wasn't really. I think you're just blowing off some steam there about your dislike for TDK. Which is fine, opinions are free, and this is a website where you can use that to say whatever you would like.

Jack didn't deserve an Oscar for his role, he wasn't at all dark, he was comedic. The movie was dark, but Jack was Jack. The only role the man plays EVER, himself. He just so happened to be dressed up as the Joker that time. I agree it was a fantastic portrayal, but seriously, the balloons? The giant magnum that he shot the Batplane down with? Break dancing and a giant boombox? Seriously? Not happening.

The Crow became #1 because it was a good movie. You don't even SEE the shot where he gets killed, it's not in the movie at all.

I never said Heath was God as that is both ridiculous and absolutely inflammatory. He was a good actor, IMO, I enjoyed his films from the beginning and will continue to do so. I know, people die all the time blah blah blah, well, you're right. But regardless, I feel he did deserve it, and he would have won it either way, although like I and ROR have already stated, Brolin did a PHENOMENAL job in Milk.

But again, this is dedicated to Heath Ledger. Great performances, great movies. RIP.
IonParallax - 2/23/2009, 11:25 AM
BTW, enough with the "real fans" comments. That just makes you sound like a complete idiot. We're ALL fans here, otherwise we wouldn't be here in the first place. We know what we're talking about when we spout out information. We've done research, we've written articles, we KNOW what we're doing. (Most of us)

There's no reason for you to say you're a "real fan" and we're just assholes because you don't agree with what we're saying. Keep the insults to yourself and try to be a little more eloquent in your comments. Insults and "I told ya so" comments are ridiculous. Even if you ARE entitled to them.
mpelzer659 - 2/23/2009, 11:26 AM
Ledger definatly deserves it! One of the best performances i've ever seen. He did an awesome job with the joker
MarkCassidy - 2/23/2009, 11:37 AM
"They care about acting, plot, story, wrighting, directing, witch actor is playing what, how many lines some ones says, how long they were on film for. Now tell me what comic book fan cares about that?"

Congradulations logan x, that is officially the biggest brain fart of a statement that i have seen on these, or any other forum or website
LastSon1027 - 2/23/2009, 11:45 AM
Supermike you're a tool and so is your boyfriend logan x. Heath's Joker was closer to the sadistic and psychotic comics version then any other actor has ever come. Perhaps before your moron's call yourselves "REAL COMIC FANS" you should go out and read a comic book.

Ledger deserves this award, you couldn't even tell it was him in the movie that's how well he brought this character to life. Congrats to Heath!
loganoneil - 2/23/2009, 11:47 AM
Ion (guys) - supermike and Logan have a right to their opinions, just as we have the right to ours. Just because they disagree with us, doesn't give us the right to sink to their level and start calling each other names. After all Ion, aren't you just insulting all the morons in the world by comparing them to supermike? Right now there's a village out there somewhere crying for its lost idiot!
IonParallax - 2/23/2009, 11:51 AM
Hey, I said they were entitled to them, and where di I compare someone to someone? I must have been ranting...
loganoneil - 2/23/2009, 11:52 AM
IonParallax wrote:
"BTW, enough with the "real fans" comments. That just makes you sound like a complete IDIOT."

Don't rant too hard, you might pop a vein! (LOL)
IonParallax - 2/23/2009, 11:54 AM
Oh, I did say that didn't I. Oh well. My bad for stooping. CBM, where's my administrative rights? I want the title of Nazi douchebag writer because I want to censor or just flat out delete peoples comments...

I do that sometimes and my eyes feel like they're going to bleed from looking at this damned monitor. Oh well though, it usually just ends up looking like I've smoked WAY too much pot.
MarkCassidy - 2/23/2009, 11:56 AM
Sure ther entitled to ther opinions but if they dont back up ther statements intelligently we also have the right to rip the piss out of them for it!

seriously though, they wont be on here again now with any kind of well thought our retort..if they do post again it will just be more inane bullshit with no point to it..wait and see!
loganoneil - 2/23/2009, 11:57 AM
"Deutschland, Deutschland über alles,
Über alles in der Welt,
Wenn es stets zu Schutz und Trutze
Brüderlich zusammenhält..."

IonParallax wrote:
"Oh well though, it usually just ends up looking like I've smoked WAY too much pot. "

Well, that's ONE way to alleviate pressure (LOL)!

Rip away, ror!

Betty - 2/23/2009, 12:11 PM
I cant remember. Is this the first time someone in a comicbook movie has won something?
evilinprogress - 2/23/2009, 12:13 PM
Does supermike actually speak english or is he just piecing words together that his retarded brain actually thinks makes sense?
zinext - 2/23/2009, 12:28 PM
10 things i hate about you, that movie was filmed out here in tacoma but I was 2 young to remember, anyways, heath made brokeback mountain and people had alot of bad things to say about him, but after this joker he played, not only did he win every award he could for suporting actor, but we all have a hard time really wanting to replace him, It just sucks the man had to die so young.
Juicerules - 2/23/2009, 12:43 PM
I would just like to say congrats to the Ledger family. What a terrible, tragic loss at such a young age.
KeepItReal - 2/23/2009, 12:45 PM
My favorite movie of his, of many really, but the most favorite of mine is- Casanova. I like A KNights Tale also. I love all his movies except maybe Broke Back Montain. That one not so much.

I think he did really well as the Joker- enough to win the Oscar? maybe not but he still did a good job, he's got talent obviously. I think imo perhaps Frank should have won the award but as they say "there's always next time".
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