Why Nolan's Batman does not NEED a Robin..... YET!

Why Nolan's Batman does not NEED a Robin..... YET!

Its an age old argument... DOES BATMAN NEED ROBIN??Let the words of Mankind fill your Mind...

Editorial Opinion
By Mankind - Jun 17, 2010 11:06 AM EST
Filed Under: Batman

It's crossed our minds over and over again! And lets face it I'm sure we have all read our fair share of articles, scoop and rumors about The Boy Wonder. But I want to throw it out to you guys & girls and really battle this one out to define and understand why Nolan's Batman doesn't need a Robin YET.. But if we are going to watch this franchise grow how we might need or even have to rely on our sidekicks in the future.

We all know the story its as famous as Batman's. Boy's parents die in a horrible situation. Boy's on his own. Man comes along and takes Boy under his wing (mind the pun). Its the story of a boy being given a second chance at life and also shown through Batman's mentoring ways that no matter how violent and horrible a situation is, revenge is not the answer and it is never the right path.

This is something that Nolan has already hinted at with the last 30 minutes of "The Dark Knight" between Gordan, Dent and Batman. Its a constant theme that is tackled in nearly EVERY Batman comic. And i HATE to say was poorly depicted in Joel Schumacher's DISGUSTING (yes that's the only way to describe it) Batman Forever. When (god damn it, just thinking about the scene makes me want to puke) Two Face played by Tommy Lee Jones is hanging off the cliff of the Riddler's hideout and Robin played by Chris O'Donnell hold his hand out to save Two Face.

At the moment with the new franchise there really isn't any room for the Boy Wonder to hang his cape and boots as we really haven't established Batman as the leader and trusted hero of Gotham City. His on the run and for the first time in Comic Book Movie history we don't have a happy, everything is going to be fine ending. We are left on the edge of our seats asking ourselves questions we'd never even thought of asking.




I'm not speaking on behalf of all you readers and viewers out there but from what my understanding is, is that most people really love what Nolan is doing to and for Batman. Sure Tim Burton started it and YES Joel DESTROYED IT! But Nolan has given Batman the edge that everyone has been searching for. His movies are for Fans, Adults, teens and really mature kids who's parents don't mind them watching dark violent movies. I personally would never have interpreted the character of the Joker the way he has or even the reality of Harvey Dent. I'm sure that if Nolan does take on Robin (and by the way, I think the only way he will is if Goyer writes one hell of a back story or if WB twist Nolan's arm) will be as interesting and exciting as all of his other interpretations of Batman characters.


We have to remember that Batman is a franchise!! Somewhere down the track they will want to embrace and widen there audience to a much YOUNGER fan base and hell the only way to do that is to add the bird boy. His going to sell heaps of toys and lunch-box's and god forbid have his own spin off movie. But who are we kidding? This is DC they wont have there act together for another 30 years and by then... I'll be ... SHIT 50!! and would have watched and enjoyed hundreds of Marvel films (but that's a topic for another day)

Who knows, maybe he might be an annoying brat or an eager student, a cunning teen detective or a 27 year old actor trying to be 18 with nipples on his shinny suit. At the end of the day if Nolan does decide to add Robin to the mix we all know his going to do it the right way and for the right reason.

Have a Nice Day!


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Kaedus - 6/17/2010, 12:50 PM
I never want to see Robin in a Batman film. I think he's a terrible sidekick.

Look at someone like Bucky, now he's awesome. And he always looked right beside Cap.

With Robin he just seems to make Batman a bit of a joke. You have this awesome dark character in a frightening black costume with this little brightly coloured kid next to him. I really don't like Robin lol :P
TheUnknown - 6/17/2010, 5:46 PM
what about a girl robin....
Mankind - 6/17/2010, 5:47 PM
@Gaston I don't see how you couldn't. Nolan can do what ever he wants its his movies.
BIGBMH - 6/17/2010, 6:01 PM
@Kaedus, I'm pretty sure without Robin there would be no Bucky. How can you say he's a bad sidekick when he's pretty much the prototype of what a sidekick is?
@Mankind, I agree Robin shouldn't be in Batman 3. However, here's my response.
I think I make a pretty decent argument for Dick Grayson's inclusion.
OhioJones - 6/17/2010, 6:44 PM
Nolan's Bruce Wayne would never willingly put anyone but himself at risk. It would work, oddly enough, if he took a page from Schumaker's book. That's the one thing I always liked about Joel's take on Robin: Dick went and became Robin on his own. Bruce never liked the idea and they had a story arc in the 4th movie about how he was overprotective and wouldn't let him jump between statues on his bike bla bla bla. Nolan could take the "I work alone" attitude we saw in TDK but apply it to a headstrong Dick Grayson who won't take no for an answer. For it to work he would have to have hand-to-hand skills comparable to Bruce, so he can't be manhandled like the Batman wannabes at the beginning of TDK. He'd probably be fighting smalltime street thugs as opposed to trying to take down the mob like Bats, though. I don't think I'd want to see a sidekick scenario in the "traditional" sense. But it might be cool if there were a younger hero running around Gotham that Batman tolerates because he can't really stop him. As Dick gets older and earns his stripes I can see Bruce working with him a little more.
Basically it comes down to the title of the article. Nolan's Batman doesn't NEED Robin. It could work in a lot of ways, but it isn't necessary unless its the linchpin of the script, which doesn't even exist yet.
Mankind - 6/18/2010, 4:01 AM
Great points so far guys!! but remember its a franchise! this might come into consideration, even if Nolan leaves the films.. they might keep going.. this is something you have to think about
flames809 - 6/18/2010, 6:33 AM
Bruce Wayne is still to young to have robin as his sidekick
TheQuestion - 6/18/2010, 7:57 AM
Here's my thoughts. Robin is crucial not only to Batman's mythology, but also his story and growth as a character. I hate when people say "Bruce is too responsible to ever allow a child to be put in harm's way...", um, obviously he's not, because, you know...he DID it...repeatedly..for 70 years. Bruce Wayne is clearly a pretty unhinged guy, by the count of him dressing like a bat and beating up criminals and all. If Bruce thought Dick Grayson could help him in his fight against crime, he'd do it.

And I typically hate when people feel that you have to greatly alter Grayson's origin to make him work. His origin has already been told PERFECTLY in Batman: The Animated Series, Season 2, Robin's Reckoning.

Mankind - 6/18/2010, 10:31 AM
@The questions... all i have to say to that is... Nice
CorndogBurglar - 6/18/2010, 3:09 PM
@ flames

i actually agree with that statement! Robin is what helped pull Bruce up from a pit of despair. He hasn't gone that far down the flusher yet.
kyle - 6/19/2010, 9:58 AM
tim drake is the best for this. why? cus the joker kills him. joker shoots barbra gordon. my god, someone will take over the mantle, and ruin what made nolan's good. not me of course, but zack snyder is doing the dark knight returns. not a bad idea since snyder is one of my favorite directors, tho there's too many interviews. hmmm. bruce needs to die in this batman, and let snyder do wat he wants. third batman shud be called batman's narcisisst, which is the title of my batman short but oh well.
marvel72 - 6/19/2010, 6:19 PM
have robin in the film for about half hour,but make him become nightwing.
odie00 - 6/19/2010, 7:04 PM
@kyle- dont you mean jason todd cause the joker does kill him but he is alive now which is weak, i never liked jason as robin he was a whinny punk kid.

as for the topic in general about robin thats stupid. i love nightwing hes one of my favs, i like him just as much as batman. but for them just to make him nightwing is ridiculous. he doesnt become nightwing until hes maybe 18? he might have been older. just because his nightwing outfit is dark instead of the bright red and green and yellow colors, so it would fit better for nolans style sure. and bucky is better then robin? bucky is weak compared to dick grayson, grayson is a thug. i especially liked frank millers version of robin in all star batman and robin. also dark victory the one that jeph loeb was involved in, robin was also badass in that. i just think people dont want to see a kid fight. they can totally get a kid that does martial arts. look at the kid playing the last airbender. or hit girl in kickass was awesome as long as the kid can do that sort of stuff it would be cool. haha probably fight better then christain bale in the movies i never got how he never fought like an actual martial artist when he is one? even if theres no robin but a dick grayson would still be cool just to introduce him.
Woodinator - 6/21/2010, 6:30 AM
I have pondered over how Robin could possibly fit in the Nolanverse and I have to say... I don't see it happening. After such a long set up in "Begins" about Batman needing Head protection, there's no way you'll ever see a kid with a simple eye mask running around with Batman. At the end of the day Robin's costume change would be sooo different what would be the point of adding him as a character?
elcaballerooscuro92 - 6/21/2010, 7:51 PM
i think robin should not be in the third movie even though he's the best, and is along with alfred what completes batman, i still would love to see dick grayson. it would be interesting to see bruce wayne acting like a father figure with dick, and if they add dick grayson to the third film is have to be a 12 to 14 year old boy not not a 20 something guy who is playing a 16 year old boy.

ps: clive owen for hush
KeithM - 6/23/2010, 6:08 AM
Robin should die.

But if he's going to be in it, he should only ever be in it as a villain - an insane Batman "fan" who engineers the murder of his own parents, stalks Bats, tells lies about how they team up for adventures and eventually is brought down and put away by Batman himself.

As a psychotic Batman wannabe the character becomes vaguely interesting and sinister - as a sidekick he's just lame to the max.
odie00 - 6/24/2010, 12:42 PM
heres the thing about dick grayson hes naturally talented unlike bruce wayne ever was. bruce became a master detective and martial artist by going around the world and using his billions of dollars to finance it. and he started at what the age 14? and took him a while to be badass. in nolans version, batman is 28 years old if im not mistaking. i guess nolans reason for not having robin was because batman himself was still young and robin was just a boy? but robin was a boy when he first joined his age ranging from 8-12 depending on which origin you go by. and batman was probably was about late 20's early 30s when he got robin so i think thats just nolans excuse not to have robin.
comicrelief1 - 6/29/2010, 9:33 AM
If anyone can do a realistic and powerful Robin, Kenneth Nolan can. His success with Batman is proof of this. Yet he has to have a strong reason to launch the character. And believe me if he wants Christian Bale, to accept his decision; the actor will cave. Currently without much box office credibility (Terminator and Public Enemies), little critical appreciation (Supporting actor Heath Ledger was nominated for an Oscar on the last film) and his own tabloid melt down scandal to outlive. Bale isn’t in a position to be too picky.

The anger that we frequently hear regarding Robin derives from DC’s lack of ingenuity regarding the character and nothing else. Unpopular and dead for most of Marvel’s history, we shouldn’t get too excited over Bucky’s recent promotion to Captain America. Being one of the most popular and first superheroes ever created, Dick Grayson will have a spectacular future once the character is placed in the right creative hands.

****Please stop using pictures of Chris O’Donnell to represent Robin. He isn’t Robin anymore than George Clooney was Batman.
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