Some thoughts and opinions on how Captain America: TWS will bring big changes into the highly-anticipated Avengers sequel, Age of Ultron.

Editorial Opinion
By BAMF413 - Aug 12, 2013 07:08 PM EST
Source: EditorialsDontNeedSourcesDummy.com

Not too long ago the directors of the upcoming Captain America sequel, Anthony and Joe Russo, revealed that the movie will bring about a big shift in the Marvel Movie-verse which would further affect The Avengers: Age of Ultron.

So now I'm here to express my own opinion on the subject of the "major shifts" that may occur in the movie. From the changes of SHIELD to the creation of Ultron, I discuss these and much more ahead.

First of all, I would like to tell you guys on what I think will be of Caps' role in this movie (which I am really hoping will be the comic book movie of 2014). Now I get that he has just been taken off-ice and needs to adjust in the modern world, but let's face it, you probably wanna hear what I have to say about the adjustments to Cap's combat. Well for one thing, I think that it's finally time we should see Captain America go head-to-head with the baddies in some epic fight scenes. In the First Avenger, we didn't really get to see him brutalize the villains unless it was with his shield and in the Avengers, he looked more like an acrobatic hero than like a real beat-em-up one.

Now here's the good stuff --

1) So, what exactly will go down with the "special" organization known as SHIELD? Well based on observations and personal break-downs on certain set photos, I speculate that many SHIELD agents are now working for the bad guy. These may or may not include Maria Hill (Cobie Smulders), Agent Sitwell (Maximiliano Hernandez), and Agent Alexander Pierce (Robert Redford). This may affect the Age of Ultron because if select SHIELD agents would happen to become rogue, it might make the Avengers rethink who they are supposed to be working for, mainly Black Widow and Hawkeye.

Or maybe perhaps this guy who was a jerk in Iron Man 2 possibly has something to do with the rogue SHIELD agents:

2) Now this would have to bring me to my next thought, concerning this guy:

Agent Pierce (aka Robert Redford)

What if his character isn't who he appears to be? He could possibly just be the SHIELD agent character, but perhaps he may turn out to be some sort of villian in the end, taking a "page" from Iron Man 3's twist ending. Top contenders for his actual role in my opinion include Dell Rusk and Baron Zemo. So what if he is a villain in the Cap sequel, you say? Well, this can possibly make a bigger threat than Ultron if not revealed in this second Cap movie.

3) What I want to discuss next is Crossbones. You heard me right, the brutal villain may perhaps be part of a bigger role in the future of the MCU, Avengers 2 and beyond. Frank Grillo, the actor behind the character, has already said himself that each comic book character has their own story arc. So perhaps he will only appear as Brock Rumlow in CA: TWS and then as Crossbones in maybe a later movie featuring the Masters of Evil.

4) Another one of my thoughts includes the death of the Steve Rogers Cap in either this next movie or the Avengers sequel. I know the original arc took place after the devastating events of Civil War in the comics, but we also know that Whedon really wants to [frick] with our minds. So perhaps he has talked with the Russo brothers or has plans of his own to arrange this maybe? It would also be a good way to give us a short while of Bucky Cap action before the original Rogers Cap will obviously have to be resurrected by some sort of "Dr. Strange". *wink* *wink*

5) Next on the list is the Winter Soldier himself, James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes. What will be of his new origins of coming back from the "dead"? Will the story take a cue from Ed Brubaker's original origin and have Bucky's body found by Russians who give him a bionic arm and then brainwash him to become their own personal assassin throughout the years, only taking him out of cryonics when needed so that he ages slowly. Or will the MCU version of the Winter Soldier get a different resurrection from "death". One of my guesses is that the next guy I am about to talk about is the creator of the Winter Soldier... and possibly even ULTRON!

6) Here it is, my final thought on how this will be the lead-in movie to the Avengers: Age of Ultron! And this brings me to having to address this guy:

Arnim Zola (aka Toby Jones)

I mean sure the guy has a slight chance of being shown in anything else but flashbacks in this First Avenger sequel, but remember that he was last seen being in military (SSR) custody in the last movie. And since I have decided to take the "Stark being the creator of Ultron instead of Pym" rumor with a grain of salt, Zola is my next top contender of being the true creator. Plus, this guy may also be the one who brainwashes Bucky, transforming him into the Winter Soldier. This could be true because since Arnim Zola was technically the cause of Bucky's death (both him and Cap having to be the ones to capture him on that monorail), Zola would be able to know where Bucky's body fell to from the fall and could dig him out, after he escaped custody of course. So if Zola did actually get his robot suit working and did manage to survive in the modern-Avengers world, he could possibly be Ultron's creator, especially since he also takes an interest in robot making.

So, what do you guys think about my opinions and who do you want to be Ultron's creator? Sound off below!

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Reasonnnn - 8/12/2013, 8:48 PM
Never really thought about Zola creating Ultron. Now that would be ballsy.
Tainted87 - 8/12/2013, 9:17 PM
A TON of things could lead up to Ultron, many of them hailing from the "phase 1" series.
(Ok, I feel ashamed saying "phase 1". Why can't it be "seasons" or "series"? "Phase" just sounds like a bunch of nerds taking it way too seriously)

So yeah, back on track.
The first Iron Man drops the first clue - who is the one who builds... uh.... I guess the Mark II? Jarvis. Now sure, Tony designed it - but Jarvis, the artificial intelligence, is the one who coordinates everything automated.

Up next - the Incredible Hulk. Where on Earth is that clue? Well maybe we've got to look at it from a different point of view. We learn that Cap wasn't the only super soldier experiment, just the only successful one. Ross gives Blonsky a small dose, and we know what happens. But what we learn here is that there are secrets within the government (definitely with SHIELD, but more on that later), and that countermeasures are being used, just not effectively.

Then we have Iron Man 2, which features the hijacking of one's armor - War Machine. Twice, by two different people. First time wasn't so hard, Rhodey just got into the suit. Second time, Vanko took control of all the Hammer Tech, including the newly reconstructed Variable Response Battle Suit. Again with the unsuccessful countermeasures, but the big idea HAMMERED in here is that Stark tech has competition.

In Thor, we've got our first look at everything Asgardian - including the Destroyer. Whether we like it or not, Thor smashed that enchanted machine to pieces, and it was collected by SHIELD. It may be that the outer casing is only vulnerable to Mjolnir, as we see bullets bouncing off. Could be that it is more durable than one of Tony's suits, could be less. At any rate, those alien parts were collected.

In the one-shot "the Consultant", we go right back over to the Incredible Hulk, only briefly, but enough to be meaningful. The WSC wants SHIELD to recruit Blonsky, the Abomination, as a superhero on the Avengers initiative. Whether he's stuck in his changed form or back to Blonsky doesn't matter - this is an important party trying to deal in an alternate to the Hulk.

In Captain America: the First Avenger, we get a huge insight into what our friends in high places were doing during World War II. The Red Skull gets his hands on another Asgardian weapon, which might not even be Asgardian in origin. Using this, he manages to upgrade Hydra's weaponry ten-fold, wielding energy guns. In order to turn the tide, the US of A makes a super soldier out of Steve Rogers, and unfortunately the scientist who developed the serum gets assassinated. Rather than send him out to go kick the Red Skull's ass, we put him on ice, so to speak, considering he's what's left of Erskine's formula. Of course, Cap goes anyway.

In the Avengers, we get a good look at the goodies I've mentioned, and expand on some. The Destroyer remnants were used to create an energy weapon. The energy weapons used by Hydra were also collected to be studied. But before all of that - is the SHIELD energy testing facility - Project Pegasus. Now buried, but there was a lot going on down there. SHIELD held the cosmic cube and studied in, probably with the intent to create a portal from the energy, or simply harness the it's unlimited potential. The way SHIELD and the WSC handles everything though, you get the feeling their willing to do whatever it takes to get what they want.

Now, back to Ultron. I had a theory a while back that doesn't look so hot now. It involved Ant-Man stealing secrets for SHIELD to build a unique response unit (Ultron) so that they wouldn't have to rely on the Avengers. But it looks like we don't even need Ant-Man for that. Ultron is going to be like the Tower of Babel from SHIELD. It'll possess all kinds of technology acquired throughout the series, and will do the math to assess the threats to the public. Definitions on "public" will vary. I'm assuming that the real threat to Ultron will be Scarlet Witch, who can affect probability.
Bearjew - 8/12/2013, 10:58 PM
What if Rober Redford is playing white Nick Fury? I'm serious man. Or he's playing a version of Scorpio?
Bearjew - 8/12/2013, 11:07 PM
Tony should have the ultimate armor in Age of Ultron but Ultron's hacking shit [frick]s it up. So I wanna see the classic "golden avenger" retro armor. Not the mark 1, but something similar Tony has to throw together to fight Ultron
staypuffed - 8/13/2013, 12:22 AM
How's this for a twist?
Robert Redford's character is revealed to be the real Nick Fury and Sam Jackson was undercover the whole time! Dun dun dunnnnnnnn

Also, it's interesting that Senator Stern is back, more film-crossing..
But dude, I highly, highly doubt we're gonna get Bucky-Cap. He's the villain here. There's not enough time for him to become Cap. I don't think Dr. Strange would revive Steve if he did die, either.
CorndogBurglar - 8/13/2013, 3:35 AM
Its way too early to kill Cap.

ruadh - 8/13/2013, 7:00 AM
I don't believe they'll ever do the "Steve Rogers dies" thing. Too many comic fans are expecting it, and Marvel Studios clearly likes surprising the ENTIRE audience.
ROBBEATZZZ - 8/13/2013, 7:10 AM
some good theories..

i've always been curious as to how Arim Zola escapes SSR custody..
EdgyOutsider - 8/13/2013, 8:04 AM
I am very intrigued on how Captain America: The Winter Soldier will bridge into The Avengers: Age of Ultron. Both of them are actually my most anticipated superhero movies since Spider-Man 2 and Marvel's The Avengers. One of these days we MAY get Masters of Evil if they plan on making more Avengers movies after the third, if not then I'd be happy to have the greatest superhero trilogy made. Yes, I am getting ahead of myself and a bit cocky. I know what I will call Avengers 3 until they officially release the title in a couple years. The ultimate superhero trilogy: Marvel's The Avengers, The Avengers: Age of Ultron and the big finale is... The Avengers: Thanos Rising.
WeaponX93 - 8/13/2013, 9:17 AM
I think the whole Iron Man 3 confirms Stark will create Ultron
Tainted87 - 8/13/2013, 9:58 AM
How does one rise in space?
CharlesLord - 8/14/2013, 9:32 AM
@Staypuffed that would be [frick]in epic as hell. But redford already said he plays the villain....but then maybe the real nick fury is looked at as the villain? idk lol
Dinotron - 8/16/2013, 6:03 PM
Cap ain't dying in this film
Chris already pretty much confirmed he is in Avengers 2 in his interviews
And Bucky won't become Cap and Sebastian was somewhat puzzled by the question
I believe shield has something to do with it tho
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