Comic Book Movie Madness: Round 1 Gotham & Xandar Regions

Comic Book Movie Madness: Round 1 Gotham & Xandar Regions

UPDATED Over this past weekend we just found the winners in Round 1 in the New York & Metropolis Regions. So now to finish off round 1 here are the last 2 regions Gotham & Xandar.

Editorial Opinion
By wcwpoet - Jul 19, 2015 05:07 PM EST
Filed Under: Comics

Comic Book Movie Madness: Round 1 Gotham & Xandar Region

A refresher to those who may not know what's going on starting last Tuesday July 14, 2015.  We started a Comic Book Movie Madness tournament.  Done March Madness style most of the popular/recognizable comic book movies had been ranked and pitted against each other broken into 4 regions.  Over this past weekend we just found the winners in Round 1 in the New York Region & Metropolis Region.  So now to finish off round 1 here are the last 2 regions Gotham & Xandar. Most of the bugs have been worked out thanks for sticking with it have fun and vote for your favorite.  Click the link below to vote.  Write ups on the match-ups coming soon. 

Click here to see the match-ups and vote.  

Gotham Region

1. The Dark Knight 

Not the only comic book movie to have won an Academy Award.  But I do believe it's the only comic book movie to have won in a major category.  With Heath Ledger's award winning performance as the Joker, The Dark Knight shot past comic book movie and into the realm of great film period.  The Joker was chaos incarnate, this Batman was up against a foe he couldn't just bully or beat. Unlike Batman Begins I felt like The Dark Knight truly tapped into what makes Batman great.  He's a detective, a shrewd operator steps ahead of his opponents most of the time, and he values life above all else.  It's not a perfect film but darn near close, you can forgive Christian Bales' growl of a voice as Batman because he nails the other aspects. But let's be real it's Ledger's Joker that makes this film plain and simple, "Why So Serious?"! 

16. Elektra

I'm trying hard to come up with at least one redeeming quality for some of these lower seeds. Thinking of something good rather than just bashing the crap out of these films.  It is a SERIOUS SERIOUS struggle when it comes to Elektra.  Barely even mentioning what happened to her in regards to Daredevil, not that it matters. But this movie is awful as if Jennifer Garner's performance in Daredevil wasn't bad enough it's even worse in Elektra.  You'd think a movie about fighting ninjas would at least be cool, but it's not.  Add in a horrible version of the Hand this movies is the pinnacle of suck.  Good news Elektra like your beau Daredevil you'll find a better life on the Netflix series.


8. Wanted 

Wanted while a little closer to the comic book version then say Red.  Scales back a number of the elements.  But it still serves up a rather entertaining action film.  With special effects laden Gun-Fu, wanted shakes up the standard mild mannered nobody that transforms into a super powered being.  Wanted was more in style with the Matrix as opposed to comic book heroics or villains.  Morgan Freeman giving his best Samuel L. Jackson impression was a bonus.  Alongside with Angelina Jolie during a time when she still actually looked sexy.  Wanted is definitely worth your time, and it's a shame we never got a sequel.


9. Constantine 
Yes Keanu Reeves is a HUGE departure from the blonde British mystic con-man that is John Constantine from the comics.  But Keanu Reeves still actually delivered a non-wooden performance that captured the essence of what makes Constantine who he is.  The guy's an a-hole, but eventually does the right thing, albeit through unscrupulous methods.  Part of my enjoyment of Constantine is whenever you see or watch horror movies dealing with demons or spirits.  The film seems to acknowledge the presence of the devil yet totally ignoring the presence of God. Not to mention the crazy questioned it provoked if you succeed in suicide for a 1 minute does that still count as condemnation? Granted this is Fiction but this was a touch that I appreciated from Constantine.  Sadly no sequel another disappointment for the character along with the great TV show that was recently cancelled.

5. The Rocketeer

I had this as a 4 seed but was voted down.  Look The Rocketeer was awesome!  If it's still on Netflix I implore you to check it out you will leave it happy.  At least that's the feeling I get after each time I've seen it.  You can't go wrong with pulp man! Be it orange juice or good ole fashioned comic heroes.  The mans powers are simple he throws on a jet pack and flies!  Add in great acting from a ridiculously hot Jennifer Connelly, Alan Arkin, the Rocketeer Billy Campbell, and Timothy Dalton in is scene chewing villain Neville Sinclair.  Dang IT what are you doing still reading this go watch The Rocketeer now!


12. League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen is a great concept.  The comic by Alan Moore is top notch, what if all the great Victorian era literary characters knew and interacted with one another. Not only interact but formed the world's first super-hero team!  Sadly the film never quite reached the awesome of the comic, but it was still a decent watch.  I enjoyed the Indiana Jones style action, and the acting was ok.  Even though this was clearly Sean Connery with his action star days far far behind him.  But the inclusion of new characters like Tom Sawyer didn't make sense and why was Mr. Hyde like the Incredible Hulk. Though the villains plot did match that of the Moriarty from Robert Downey Jr.'s Sherlock Holmes sequel A Game of Shadows. Though like most I seriously doubt they saw this film.

4. Iron Man

This is it the birth of Marvel Studios! Now a bonafide blockbuster machine before the juggernaut that is Marvel Studios could get off the ground.  They delivered a mega-hit with B-list character Iron Man.  Robert Downey Jr. is Tony Stark and while the casting choice at the time seemed crazy. It clearly was a stroke of genius seeing how you couldn't possibly imagine anyone else in the role.  While we get to see 3 versions of the suit, Iron Man was a great origin story that took comic book movies to another level.  What's now standard fare with post credits tease of more to come, all started right here!  If this wasn't a success would we ever see The Avengers? Or even Batman v Superman for that matter?  No way in the world, Iron Man changed the game.

13. Sin City 2
A Dame to Kill For was the first Sin City story I ever read.  From that moment I was hooked on the stories that took place in Basin City.  Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller's first go round with Sin City was beyond fantastic.  Sin City 2 wasn't bad still keeping in tack the visual style and the essence of that awesome story.  But I think it suffered more from a little too late to the party.  Every summer we're treated to comic book movie gold.  Not to mention it was darn near a decade since the original Sin City blew up the big screens.  I'd still tune in for more, but the box office bomb may have done Sin City in.

6. Batman 

I can even recall where I was when I first even heard there was going to be a Batman movie. This was before the internet where every little tidbit of production is on display.  This was before the colossal even that is San Diego Comic Con had entrenched itself into the mainstream.  So the first true theatrical version of Batman was enough to make my kid's head explode.  This wasn't like Adam West which I remember loving watching the re-runs as a kid.  This Batman was no joke! Along with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles due to the constant re-watching I could quote over and over again regardless how insignificant the scene.  I seriously questioned Mr. Mom Michael Keaton but those doubts disappeared when you heard this exchange:
Batman:"I'm not going to kill you. I want you to tell all your friends about me." 
Thug: "Who are you!?"
Batman:"I'm Batman"



11. The Mask of Zorro
Criminally lowly rated in my opinion.  The Mask of Zorro is definitely a top 10 comic book movie one could argue it even higher.  Granted I freaking LOVED Zorro as a kid, but save for an awesome TV show that used to come on the Family channel back in the 90s. You didn't get a truly epic version of the character of Zorro.  That was until you got this blockbuster from Antonio Banderas and Anthony Hopkins.  Man this is a movie I could watch over and over again, and Catherine Zeta-Jones was SMOKING.  I hate that this is up against another one of my childhood favorites that's Batman. But if it beat it I wouldn't even be mad, because it's not hard for me to say I actually think it's better.

3. Thor

Maybe it was my low expectations, maybe it was the fact that Kenneth Branagh the Shakespeare guy was directing, maybe it was Tom Hiddleston's awesome performance as Loki, or Chris Hemsworth as Thor. Perhaps it was all of the above.  Whatever it was Thor was magnificent!  The 4th puzzle piece to The Avengers was in place.  While Iron Man 2 suffered a bit from Avenger set-up Thor was it's own movie.  Solid work from Anthony Hopkins, Idris Elba, and Stellan Skarsgard added to the mix. Kenneth Branagh known for his serious roles and direction seemed like a crazy choice to direct a comic book movie. But in the end who would've been better to direct a Shakespearian type hero than a guy that had mastered Shakespeare.  
14. Superman Returns
A plane is spiraling out of control, as a blue blur tries to grab it, it breaks apart like an overloaded nacho.  Careening towards a pack baseball stadium before it impacts Superman halts the impact inches from the ground, the crowd on screen and off cheer.  After that I literally thought Superman would be the greatest comic book movie ever! Boy was I wrong.  I'll give props to Bryan Singer's ambition the premise seemed solid. After decades of no Superman how bout a story where Superman seemingly returns after years of absence following the events of Richard Donner's Superman II. Here's the problem Singer was way to beholden to Donner's version of Superman (which let's be honest weren't that great).  One followed the thrilling plane rescue was a WAY TOO LONG movie that pretty much mirrored the original Superman. Right down to Kevin Spacey's Lex Luthor with a ridiculous real estate scheme, you know what I've spent too much time on this awful movie already.

7. X-Men 

The opening scene which takes place in a Nazi internment camp showed you right off the bat X-Men wasn't your standard comic book movie.  For the first time these characters were going to be taken seriously.  When X-Men first came out I was blown away.  Out at the same time as Spider-Man, these were comics we dreamed about being on the big screen that became a reality. For years fans had been picturing Patrick Stewart as Professor X, but Stewart wasn't the only bit of perfect casting.  Hugh Jackman a complete unknown seemed born for the role of Wolverine.  Now upon re-watching X-Men doesn't hold up too well but it's still worth a re-visit every now and then.


10. Mystery Men
I am not ashamed to say I loved Mystery Men.  Yes this movie bombed so hard you can still see the craters left in the theaters it was shown. But I found this movie that based on an extremely obscure comic absolutely hilarious.  I can't tell you the number my family members and I quote the lines from this movie.  Upon re-watching I still laugh, before superhero movies became the norm, Mystery Men was already a unique entry that went against the conventional.

2. Spider-Man 2 
Full disclosure this is probably my favorite movie on this entire list.  I was already blown away by Spider-Man, but Spider-Man 2 took it to another level.  People forget before The Dark Knight it was Spider-Man 2 that was getting Oscar considerations.  The action amped up and a story that truly captured Spider-Man in his truest form.  Ever other Spider-Man movie is compared to this film.  So many great scenes from the opening to Spidey delivering pizzas, to Doctor Octopus emergence in a hospital ER that tied back to Sam Raimi's Evil Dead days, a bank robbery foiled that leads to a fight along the side of a skyscraper, but the absolute best a battle on top of a speeding elevated train!!!!!! Good Lord this movie was transcendent!

15. Ghost Rider
Look even Nicolas Cage doing his best crazy Nic Cage couldn't save this movie.  While the effects weren't bad to the point you could buy you were seeing a flaming skull motor-cycle biker.  It was just action was average at best.  The villains ridiculously weak, and Eva Mendes wasn't at her best here.  While not a complete failure it did warrant a sequel. Which I could've lumped here heck you know what fine Add in Spirit of Vengence. Still wouldn't do much to add to the quality or lack there of in this film franchise.  Hang in there Ghost Rider maybe since the rights have gone back to Marvel you can be brought back like the rumored return of Blade.

Xandar Region

1. Guardians of The Galaxy 

When Marvel Studios said they were doing a movie based on the obscure comic Guardians of the Galaxy.  Most people thought were they nuts?  Myself included, little did we know we would get perfect casting and a hilarious action packed story.  Guardians expanded the Marvel Cinematic Universe into the cosmic, was entertaining while teasing what's to come.




16. Hulk      
When you first heard the same director of Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, would be directing a Hulk movie you had to be pumped.  Sadly that excitement quickly faded.  While I'll give Ang Lee credit for his direction literally shooting it like a comic book come to life.  The plot was terrible, slow moving, weird new back story of Bruce Banner's dad killing his mom, and two words HULK DOGS. Ugh do like the MCU block this from your mind of ever existing.

8. Batman Forever
I know that Joel Schumacher is responsible for one of the worst Batman movies.  If not one of the worst comic book movies of all time in Batman & Robin.  But I enjoyed Batman Forever, I thought Val Kilmer put in a solid performance.  I thought the action was better thaen any previous Bat film.  While some hated Jim Carrey's Riddler I thought he was good.  Tommy Lee Jone's awful Two-Face was a drag, but I'm not ashamed to admit enjoying this movie.


9. Thor: The Dark World
While Thor The Dark World definitely gets overshadowed by it's other MCU brethren.  It was a good movie, yes the villain was weak.  But in some aspects I enjoyed it more than the 1st Thor.  Chris Hemsworth still shines as Thor along with Tom Hiddleston's Loki.  Marvel gets accused of making there movies too funny, Thor 2 gets hit with this complaint.  But I love the balance while they provide solid action, some somber notes, and quality jokes.  The MCU has been fun because comics are fun it'd be different if they were corny or overly cheesy, but their comedy works.

5. Hellboy
I knew very little about the comic book Hellboy.  My most exposure was a crossover between him and Savage Dragon.  I knew that the guy that directed Blade II Guillermo Del Toro was directing this and that was enough to sell me. I'm glad I did Ron Perlman killed it as the Right Hand of Doom. Hellboy also delivered to me what I've always love old school pulp like action with a modern edge.  Funny and action packed what's not to like?


12. Iron Man 3
A lot of comic book movies seem to suffer in the 3rd act.  Iron Man 3 had the misfortune of being the first Marvel Studios movie after The Avengers, the first trailer had me PUMPED! Similar to when fans were anxious to see Venom on the big screen, so were fans pumped to see Iron Man's greatest foe the Mandarin.  Again after that first trailer and seeing shots of Ben Kingsley as the Mandarin how could you not be fired up.  Sadly we fell for the bait & switch, I'll give them credit it was done well. But The Mandarin switch wasn't why I hated Iron Man 3 try a plot that was all over the place and a movie where Iron Man spent the majority of his time outside of the suit.  Plus if this Iron Legion is so tough why did Extremis soldiers slice through them like paper. Not to mentioned he had to be saved by his Girlfriend you know what let me stop now.

4. X2: X-Men United
Before X-Men First Class, X2 was hands down without a doubt the best X-Men movie ever made. You could still argue it is, from Night-Crawler's introduction.  To the raid on the X mansion.  Magneto having to team up with the X-Men to fight against Brian Cox's awesome William Stryker.  X2 was beyond awesome. It's also the only movie where you actually get to see Wolverine come as close to the BESERKER BARRAGE as we'll get. 

13. Fantastic Four(1&2)

Yes Similar to where Kick-Ass went up against 4 Supermans. Look Fantastic Four 1 and 2 were HORRIBLE MOVIES. I couldn't put one above the other and frankly I didn't even care to try and differentiate.  While I thought Chris Evans Human Torch was the only thing good to come out of this dreck.  Everything else was pure unadulterated garbage.

6. Incredible Hulk
Along with Marvel Studios people seem to forget that the Incredible Hulk was only the 2nd film released from Marvel Studios.  Following Iron Man we got the next puzzle piece to the Avengers.  Why the Incredible Hulk is forgotten I will never understand, because it was an excellent movie! A simple story basically The Fugitive with Bruce Banner as the man on the run.  Add in Tim Roth's first display of Super Soldier abilities, it got you pumped for Captain America.  Then to cap it off a great no holds barred battle with The Abomination in Harlem.  The Incredible Hulk is an underrated blockbuster. Come on Marvel give us Planet Hulk!


11. The Phantom
The Phantom joins the rest of the pulp heroes movies that we have left in the tourney.  I'll give Billy Zane credit for putting in a good performance in spite of a really comical costume.  While I definitely don't hold it in the same regard as say The Rocketeer or The Mask of Zorro.  The Phantom to me was a poor man's version of Indiana Jones or more accurately a jungle Batman without the gadgets.  Treat Williams was a crappy villain, but how can you hate a movie that introduced Catherine Zeta-Jones before the Mask of Zorro. 

3. Blade
Many may forget that Blade was the very first Marvel movie period to hit the big screen. Yes it wasn’t Marvel Studios, but before X-Men and Spider-Man there was Blade.  Wesley Snipes was the very definition of PERFECT CASTING.  I mean you can’t tell me after seeing the opening scene that you’re not on board for this ride.  Non-Stop action great performances, decent effects, and upon re-watching still holds up.  Blade is a high quality piece of cinema. 


14. X-Men Origins:Wolverine

It’s a miracle that The Wolverine even exists.  Why? Because before it was X-Men Origins: Wolverine, well what can you say.  Hey it was Wolverine’s first solo adventure…uh…how bout that opening sequence? Yes that was cool, but like Superman Returns after the exciting plane rescue, after Wolverine’s walk through time fight scene it was steadily downhill from there.  So yes any movie involving Hugh Jackman as Wolverine after this disaster is a miracle. Also Ryan Reynolds miraculously being able to make a new Deadpool movie that thankfully will ignore the on-screen travesty that showed up in this movie.

7. Hellboy 2:The Golden Army
Guillermo Del Toro’s follow-up to Hellboy was a nice sequel, while not quite reaching the level of the first I enjoyed this movie.  The opening scene with Professor Broom telling child Hellboy an eerie fairy tale of the Golden Army was interesting and visually appealing.  The definite high-light was the team visiting the troll market which many compared to the Cantina scene from Star Wars.  The exciting thing to me about Hellboy 2 was the bigger world of the mystical that was introduced.  The crime here while the film was lauded by critics didn’t reach box office expectations, and it’s left a potential trilogy wrap-up in serious doubt.


10. Batman Returns

This is another movie from my childhood that I watched on repeat and have fond memories in spite of its obvious flaws.  Like Tim Burton’s Batman before it Returns was seriously dark.  Catwoman just wasn’t some basic cat burglar but a woman actually resurrected by cats, a scene by the way that makes me cringe every time I saw it (ew the cats nibbling her fingers).  While I thought the action was slightly better and Keaton was still awesome as the Dark Knight.  He was still way to stiff movement wise and I hated Danny Devito’s Penguin way to gross and not what I ever had in my mind for that character. Still the kid in me still remembers this fondly.

2. Avengers:Age of Ultron
I loved the Avengers love, love, love that movie.  Yet in my mind and heart Age of Ultron its sequel is superior.  While Avengers was great it was a bit slow not picking up until Cap & Iron Man showed up to take down Loki.  But Age of Ultron sky rockets into the stratosphere from the opening as the team takes down Baron Von Strucker’s Hydra base.  James Spader’s Ultron finally provided another villain to go alongside Tom Hiddleston’s Loki.  While the movie was chock full of characters Joss Whedon made it work.  My only complaint was I honestly wish this movie was 3 hours because I was begging for more. The world building that took place in this film with the scope and scale HAD ME GOING BESERK! I can’t wait for the Infinity War.


15. Blade Trinity

As mentioned before I don’t know why comic book movie 3rd acts struggle so.  Blade Trinity took what was built up from two masterpieces in Blade & Blade II and flushed all that goodness down the toilet.  Wesley Snipes didn’t change as Blade, too bad that director David Goyer (writer of the first 2 Blades) thought it’d be better to build towards a Night Stalkers spin-off rather then tell a decent story for the final act!  Look I like looking at Jessica Biel and I like Ryan Reynolds BUT GOOD GRIEF THE MOVIE IS CALLED BLADE TRINIITY. NOT LET’S SET-UP A NIGHT STALKERS SPINOFF BECAUSE WE DON’T KNOW IF WESLEY SNIPES IS GOING TO KEEP DOING THIS.  Sorry, sorry it’s just I hate this movie!

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