Comic Book Movie Madness: Round 1 New York Region & Metropolis

Comic Book Movie Madness: Round 1 New York Region & Metropolis

UPDATED:Continuing the voting for Round 1 of Comic Book Movie Madness. Here's the opponents in the New York Bracket. Take a look at the match-ups hit the link to vote. Updated write up coming soon.

Feature Opinion
By wcwpoet - Jul 16, 2015 09:07 PM EST
Filed Under: Comics

Take a Look at the New York Region's match-ups. Like the Metropolis Region I'll be doing a writeup so stay tuned share and vote.

1. The Avengers

Before Warner Bros &Fox tried to create their own shared cinematic universe with their comic properties. There was The Avengers that proved it could be done!  A film that only existed in fans dreams were put on the big screen.  By George THEY SUCCEEDED!!!!! I watched this movies at least 7 times within the first week of it's release.  The Avengers were comics brought to life.

16. The Spirit
Frank Miller is bringing the Spirit to the big screen.  Using the same style that made Sin City so awesome! Samuel L. Jackson is cast as the villain Scartlet Johanssen (pre-Black Widow) and Eva Mendes as the femme fatales! What could possibly go wrong?  How bout EVERYTHING! While the visual style was decent the story was flat out bad the acting A TRILLION TIMES WORSE! This movie is only good if you liked to torture someone.  With that said I humbly apologize to my fiancee that I made go see this with me. I'm SORRY!

8. The Wolverine
I enjoyed The Wolverine.  The fight on the bullet train off the charts.  And Hugh Jackman delivers another solid performance as Logan. It was LEAPS & BOUNDS better than the awful X-Men Origins:Wolverine ok that's not saying much.  The story wasn't great and I was extremely ticked off that when Logan was confronted with a gaggle of ninja he would go BESERKER BARRAGE on them. But instead ran down the street and go shot full of arrows. Look let me stop now before I talk myself out of liking it.

9. The Amazing Spider-Man
Never did I feel we needed a Spider-Man reboot. It had only been like 4 or 5 years since Spider-Man 3. And while that movie was far from perfect I didn't think it constituted a full on reboot.  So my expecatations for this were LOW.  The good Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker, I dug Maguire but Garfield killed it as Spider-Man.  We got solid wise cracks he built his own web shooters and I liked the chemistry between him and Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy.  Lizard was a solid foe. I wish they didn't have Uncle Ben find everyway to go around the line of With Great Power Comes Responsibility but this movie was pretty good.

5. Man of Steel

Man of Steel was easily the best Superman movie ever made. Unfortunately when you're comparing it to previous Superman movies that's like comparing a Steak to a McDonald's burger patty. Yes they're both meat yes they both come from a cow but a burger patty is just there.  But Man of Steel was good the action off the charts.  Would've like to have seen Superman Actually try to save people but hey who doesn't love to make-out in the midst of death and destruction. I kid, I kid the Last son of Krypton. I hope Batman chokes you out.

12. The Dark Knight Rises
Speaking of Batman! Before next summer's blockbuster that is Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice. We've got a showdown now, as Christopher Nolan brought the curtain down on his Dark Knight triology we were offered up the Dark Knight Rises.  After the Dark Knight the ANTICIPATION for this film was palpable.  Sadly that's seemed to be this movies undoing.  I know I'm going to be called a hater but I didn't enjoy this movie at all! I mean even when you had the awesome I MUST BREAK you moment it just fell flat.  Look if I want to see a movie about Batman don't give me OVER 2 and half hours of Bruce Wayne whining about how he lost his girl so he can't be Batman, ugh. (I'll Admit I did enjoy Hardy's Bane voice, okay only due to the comedic effect)

I liked Kick-Ass it was a really good movie. But this was another cause of debate because this seed is too high! But I was voted down so here it is. But it was a great movie. Hit-Girl was awesome Nicolas Cage does what Nic Cage does best!  While I feel like it's ranked a little to high doesn't take away from the sweet action and jokes that were delivered a mile a minute.

13 Superman (1-4)
This was a seeding that I know people may bash us for. But I didn't enjoy the Chris Reeves Supermans. I mean yes Reeves was good. But these movies were boring, plain and simple. Boring with a level of ridiculousness that's only been matched by Batman & Robin. YOU CAN"T FLY AROUND THE WORLD AND TURN BACK TIME. Even still I loved the heck out of Superman II but it still wasn't good enough to stand on it's on in my book so here you go. I do pull for you slightly to upset Kick-Ass. LOL

6. X-Men: Days of Future Pasts

Little does this movie resemble the classic story that it's based on. But the important elemenents are there an X-Men travels to the past to stop and assassination that will destroy the future. And you know what they pulled it off.  I would've like a little more Sentinel fighting action, but that's a minor gripe.  It doesn't surpass X-Men: First Class in my book but it was still good.  Bonus it erased the horror that was X3 from all reality so I'd vote for this movie based on that alone.

11. The Shadow
Controversial opinion to be sure but dag nabbit I loved The Shadow.  Just as Hollywood starting getting back into the Super-Hero game The Shadow was a solid work. I'm a sucker for the old school Pulp.  But who didn't like Alec Baldwin's smooth Lamar Cranston and the effects for that time not bad. You know watching again doesn't hold up to bad even in this day and age.  Look if Sam Raimi were ever to get to do this now I'd be first in line but I greatly enjoyed this movie. Who Knows What Evil Lurks In The Hearts of Men? THE SHADOW!

3. Spider-Man
I'll admit it a 3 seed probably way too low for Spider-Man! Again this was a movie I saw 5 times in 3 days! I absolutely love Spider-Man.  Before this movie never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd see an aireal battle between Spider-Man & and the Green Goblin over Time Square. But here was in all it's magnificent glory.  A gut wrenching origin story done right the look on Pete's face as the gunman was revealed to be the guy he let get away SWEET! 


14. Green Lantern
Honestly I'm not even sure how Green Lantern got ranked at 14.  This movie was horrendous, I'll give credit to the effects team. That was was solid they did bring the Lantern's power ring to life. To bad it was just a boring story that made zero to no sense. And the Green Lantern Corps while looking cool were freaking pointless.

7. Men In Black
I had never even heard of the Men In Black comicbook before this movie. But that's what this was based on so it counts.  Coming off of Independence Day after Men In Black, I wouldn't be mad if all Will Smith did was fighting aliens movies. This movie was great, and it still holds up.  The chemistry between Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith created gold.  While the sequels never quite matched the first, Men In Black is a great movie period.


10. Daredevil
I know I'm in the minority but I didn't hate Daredevil.  Yes I groaned when Murdock and Elektra fought in the middle of the park. Yes Jennifer Garner's acting was attrocious. But this wasn't a bad movie and while Colin Farrell was over the top with his Bulls-Eye potrayal it worked and I dug it.  Plus Michael Clark Duncan's Kingpin was pretty good.  While this movie may be the reason that fanboys cried out NOOOOO when Affleck was cast as Batman. Watch it again he's not bad and he's got what it takes to pull it off.

2. X-Men; First Class
This is my favorite X-Men movie period.  After the abomination that was X3:The Last Stand this was a fine pallet cleanser.  Nazi-Hunter Magneto was awesome, as well as playboy Charles Xavier.  Kevin Bacon's Sebastian Shaw was a fantastic villain.  Setting in the sixties with the backdrop of the Cuban Missle Crisis was a stroke of genius.  I only wish Matthew Vaughn would come back to helm more X-Men flims.  Oh and Hugh Jackman as The Wolverine with the best cameo ever.


15. Jonah Hex
Jonah Hex wasn't an outright horrible movie. As to more it was just a meh who cares kind of movie. Honestly I saw it but couldn't even tell you what the plot was.  That's how little of an impact it left on me.  So I don't know check it out maybe it wasn't that bad, but the fact that I can't even register a solid memory of it means that it was. So bad that apparently I've blocked from my memory.

So there you have it the First Round in the New York Region click this link to vote!

Please make sure you head over to the Metropolis Region to vote.

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erth2drew - 7/17/2015, 12:28 AM
Wtf is this?
Erik10101 - 7/17/2015, 12:37 AM
This doesn't belong on "News," especially when it leads to an ad-infested site.
MisterSuperior - 7/17/2015, 11:12 AM
One movie vs four?
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