4 Reasons A Justice League Movie Could Destroy Avengers

4 Reasons A Justice League Movie Could Destroy Avengers

A Marvel Maniac On Why He'd Love A JL Movie

Editorial Opinion
By NBAfanaddict - Aug 11, 2012 12:08 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

First article so please be nice....ah forget it. "imitates Joker from Arkham Asylum" DO YOUR WORST!!!" :D

Let me state this at first: I am a Marvel Movie Maniac. I can recite the 2002 Spider-Man trailer by heart; The Iron Man movie cemented him as my second favorite hero ever, and i considered Avengers movie to be not only the greatest CBM ever, but the best movie i've ever seen. Add that to the fact i've always thought DC's characters were kinda weird, and outside of Aaron Eckhart's strong showing, and Heath Ledger brilliant performance, i thought TDK wasn't that impressive, and you could say DC isn't exactly my cup of tea.

Wait, don't click away! Before you start typing angry "WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!?!?" let me explain. Even though i'm a more of Marvel guy, i loved, repeat: LOVED the JL animated series. And i believe that if they followed a model like that, then Justice League could be even bigger then Avengers. These are reasons DC needs to put JL on the front-burner. So put down the pitchforks and torches for two seconds, k? Cool....

Their In A League Of Their Own (Pun Intended)

I'd wager before Iron Man came out, Spider-Man, Hulk, Wolverine, Fantastic Four were the Marvel characters people thought of. Up until recently, the big name guys like Spidey, and Wolvie weren't on the Avengers. The Avengers were a collection a b-list heroes, who came together to become something even bigger. Now flip to DC. Their biggest heroes? Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern? Those guys (and girl) are core members of the League And they are already ridiculously successful standalone. Anyone of those members could have their own successful franchise. Throw them in a movie all together? Green Lantern wouldn't be the only green thing Justice League would have

Six In One Hand, Half A Dozen In The Other

There are two models they could go through to make a good movie. They've got the the animated JL approach (though theirs was more incidental). Introduce Superman and Batman, have them team up in a "World's Finest", then go full out into a Justice League movie. Then you can delve into the solo movies. Kind of a Reverse Marvel. Or they could go with it how Marvel did. Now some would call out "Hey, their just copying!" So? Superhero movies as a genre are basically the same, and all movie genre have similar traits. Line up the solo movies, and boom, JL movie. How to connect them all together? Little easter eggs here and there. Use the Daily Planet as a way to let everyone know what new Leaguer has popped up, and have some characters from each film mention someone else from another one. Since their's no S.H.I.E.L.D., i'd use Batman. You know if random people with unbelievable abilities started coming out of the woodworls, the Bat would want to keep tabs on everyone. Here's how i imagined it going

Superman and Batman break J'onn out of millitary custody, and he informs them of the coming doom. And Batman, (who's been watching GL, Flash and the rest) has J'onn telepathically call all of them together. Something like that. Either way, their are a few options DC has that they could effectively go with.

They've Already Made A Connected Universe: It's Called The DCAU

Bruce Timnn and Paul DIni have already proven they can created a complex, fascinating universe. Replace the A in DCAU with a C, and you've got yourself one successful cinematic universe. They know the characters, know their audience, and i think would be brilliant directors/producers/what ever the heck they want to be. DO THIS DC!!! DO IT!!

The One Time I'd Pay To See 3D

Transformers proved to us that guys will go see movies with hot girls (though Meagan Fox looks more like Gollum to me...), lots of explosions, and sick special effects. Well Wonder Woman covers the first aspect, and anything with superheroes is going to have a crazy number of sh*t blowing up. And SFX? Can you imagine that?? Green Lantern's constructs, Flash's speed, J'onn's phasing abilities? That would look sick.

So those are my reasons for why the Justice League movie would blow Avengers out of the water. True, it seems to take Warner Bros half a century just to have exploratory talks about looking into the possibility of what it would concievably cost to make a Justice League movie, but i think if they get their act together, it would be a spectacle.

Plus, if they gave Batman the costume David Araya created, i would watch it just for that. That suit is my all-time favorite costume. EVER.

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GuardianAngel - 8/11/2012, 1:05 PM
True it could, but right now I'm not trusting Warner Bros.
FightAs0ne - 8/11/2012, 1:06 PM
Could a JL movie be potentially better than Avengers? Yes.
Is there any chance the WB and DC getting it together properly? They haven't proved to me they can.

I mean come on....If you can't do GL right, what makes you think you can get JL together what any character development...
FightAs0ne - 8/11/2012, 1:07 PM
*without any
NBAfanaddict - 8/11/2012, 2:36 PM
@FriendlyJoShFest: Thanks for the welcome!

@BattlinMurdock: Good point about scenes. I hadn't thought of that. They'd need to have a director familiar with ensemble casts. Plus, WB doesn't exactly seem to have a plan on where they want to go with their movies.

@GuardianAngel: No real reason to trust them.

@FightAsOne: Hehe, WB seems to be the biggest problem in this whole scenario.
DarkGrifter - 8/11/2012, 5:03 PM
I agree The Justice League has the potential to become huge on the big screen, however there are just too many variables, too many things that can go wrong; that doesn't mean to say it can't be done. The Avengers wasn't a perfect film but it ticked all the right boxes it needed to in order to impress both the comic book fans and the general audience. The Justice League can do the same, it just needs to find it's own formula, something different from The Avengers, especially due to the lack of solo films. The task will be monumental, but I'm staying relatively optimistic for the time being.
Great article by the way :)
SimyJo - 8/11/2012, 5:50 PM
One way it could work would for it to be an animated CGI creation and hand it to an outfit like Blur Studio for the actual production.
Get the screenplay great, get the VO work accurate, get a great director but let Blur totally handle the actual making of the film and co-direct creative-direction and artistic look of the film.

DC's attempts at live action have a terrible track record. They really don't know their arse from their elbow when it comes to live-action adaptations.
Batclooney - 8/11/2012, 8:55 PM
But their first attemts in the 70's and 80's were incredibly successful.
Now it seems to be reversed.
Advocate - 8/11/2012, 11:07 PM
I still say the only way to successfully tackle this DCCU is to chronicle the telling of the JLA assembly with solo films AND team ups. Sure, it's the longer route, but as everyone here understands, there's a lot at risk with bigger icons. It's only logical to flesh out each of them before exploring the big "finale" (of course more movies would follow).

Have some solo films that lead up to a World's Finest blend with DC Trinity as well as Flash/GL team up, then set up the basis for a Justice League part 2 of the team up, so that the first part is of the big plot unfolding, and the second part is pure epicness and no need for as much character development (due to how much was done prior to). But of course, things are going to turn out differently and I only hope ny expectations aren't let down.
CPBuff22 - 8/13/2012, 10:58 AM
Four reasons why Justice League wont destroy Avengers:

1. Not enough build up. Avengers have been built up since the first Iron Man movie creating an anticipation in the general public.

2. Time Warner is involved. This is the same company that put WCW out of business, sold them to Vince McMahon, and watched him make millions of dollars off of the tape library. And lets not forget the merging of New Line & WB thus limiting New Line Blu-ray releases that early adopters were clamoring for. This is also the company that brought you Superman Returns & Green Lantern.

3. The Nolan Batman Trilogy was too recent. Three years after a movie that some claim to be the best Batman movie ever you want to reboot him in one of two ways. The first being appearing in Justice League with no lead in and the second being having two movies featuring Batman in the same year. The Nolanites will not be pleased. Top that off with the fact that violence erupted all over the world last time Batman came to the big screen and you got the general public nervous.

4. Who will your villain be? The general public have no idea who Darkseid, Anti-Monitor, Amazo, Prometheus, or Despero are. With no lead in films you cant establish the villain like Marvel did with Loki. This leaves you with having to fit in an origin of the League plus the origin of its villain. As WB has shown before when they have too many origin stories their products suffer. See Green Lantern, Batman Forever, & Batman & Robin.
CPBuff22 - 8/13/2012, 11:31 AM
Batclooney - the reason the 70's & 80's were better for DC films than recent is simple:

The merger of Time Inc. and Warner Communications was announced on March 4, 1989. During the summer of that same year, Paramount Communications (formerly Gulf+Western) launched a $12.2 billion hostile bid to acquire Time, Inc. in an attempt to end a stock-swap merger deal between Time and Warner Communications. This caused Time to raise its bid for Warner to $14.9 Billion in cash and stock. Paramount responded by filing a lawsuit in a Delaware court to block the Time/Warner merger. The court ruled twice in favor of Time, forcing Paramount to drop both the Time acquisition and the lawsuit, and allowing the formation of Time Warner which was completed on January 10, 1990.

In 2000, AOL purchased Time Warner for US$164 billion. The deal, announced on January 10, 2000 and officially filed on February 11, 2000, employed a merger structure in which each original company merged into a newly created entity. The Federal Trade Commission cleared the deal on December 14, 2000, and gave final approval on January 11, 2001; the company completed the merger later that day. The deal was approved on the same day by the Federal Communications Commission, and had already been cleared by the European Commission on October 11, 2000. Due to the larger market capitalization of AOL, they would own 55% of the new company while Time Warner shareholders owned only 45%, so in actual practice AOL had acquired Time Warner, even though AOL had far less assets and revenues.

The Time Warner/AOL Time Warner company runs business with an executive board made up of members from different media and financial backgrounds. Unlike Disney allowing Marvel to have one person in charge of the film division everything in the Time Warner company has someone you can go to who is higher on the chain of command than the person you answer to. When Time Warner purchased Turner Broadcasting in 1990 this became apparent in WCW. If you read the history of WCW you will find that many claim that bigger name stars such as Hulk Hogan or Ric Flair wouldn't follow rules set forth by their superiors and instead would set up meetings with the board to plead their cases. The board would usually side with them because they figured they were still huge stars because they knew their names. The board knew nothing about wresting much like they no nothing about comics. This is why the history of bad comic book movies from DC & WB. The reason Christopher Nolan & Christian Bale completed a trilogy with out a huge amount of interference is because they are both big names.
NBAfanaddict - 8/13/2012, 11:41 AM
@DarkGrifter: Thanks!! There are a lot of variables, i'll give you that. To make this movie would require WB to have very descriptive plans for how to make it work.

@SimyJoe:That's a cool idea. I've never thought of that before

@Spidey23: Haha, true..

@Batclooney: Yeah. I've never seen the Burton films, but i enjoyed the first Superman

@earzmondo: Exactly. And the public loves alien invasion movies

@Advocate: I like them going with solo films. Makes me care about the characters, and get excited at seeing how the giant egos deal with each other

@ItWasMe Yeah, Star Trek did seem small compared to Star Wars. I think DC could make it big, if they don't emphasize it being a "Superhero" movie. Make it about this great group of characters, who just happen to have incredible abilities (like Batman's ability to be a total badass :)

@CPBuff22: I like the title of your comment ;)

1. I would build them up. Solo films, WF then JL

2. ....yeah i don't have any good response to that. I can't even play devil advocate...

3. The Nolanites will still go and see a Batman movie because their CB fanboys. Second, Batman is such an iconic figure, if he just appeared in Justice League, it wouldn't be too confusing (though, as i said, i prefer solo films. The single JL FIlm was just an idea). And third, though i'm not sure about violence all over the world, I think at least in the US, the public is going to be a little nervous going to any movie now, not just a Batman one.

4. Braniac would be my thought. He could appear in a Superman movie, then return for a JL movie. Or he could appear in Justice League and Superman recognizes his Kryptonian design. You get a guy (or...thing) who could have an army attacking earth, plus you get the jump on Marvel using Ultron. Or they could fight Darkseid (who could also appear in one of 'Supes's movies) and he would bring the armies of Apokolips.

Either way i would have all of the movies have lead-ins.
CPBuff22 - 8/13/2012, 12:03 PM
@NBAfanaddict - Unfortunately for DC, Ultron could be in Avengers 2 and that is a May release. A fifth reason I didn't cover was that Marvel plans to have Avengers 2 and another film come out in 2015. That most likely means slating for May & July. So if you put out Batman first then you have Batman in June & Justice League in August. That puts them the fourth super hero movie that year if Sony & Fox don't put out any. If they don't release Batman they still wont do Justice League in June just one month after Avengers because they are too similar in regards to how they appear to the general public.
NBAfanaddict - 8/13/2012, 1:19 PM
@CPBuff22:Your right, it's very unlikely, WB will get their act together in time, and also have enough time to make a good JL movie without it being rushed. I just think it would be cool to see one (provided they did everything else right)

On another note, i seriously hope Ultron is in A2. That would be aweeeesommeee!!
jimdotbeep - 8/13/2012, 7:54 PM
I don't know why Warner Bros didn't start their own line of movies when they say Marvel getting the jump on them. Now WB is talking about having the Team up movie first and then doing the idividual franchises? How retarded is that. DC kicks Marvels ass every day of the week. WB should be bringing the heat not lazily skipping to the last step of the program.
NBAfanaddict - 8/22/2012, 1:08 PM
Jimdotbeep: For some reason Marvel just seems to have their act together better than DC.
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