Bandit: Unwanted Heroes - Episode 1 (Original Content)

Bandit: Unwanted Heroes - Episode 1 (Original Content)

Unwanted Heroes is a story of nine superheroes from different origins and with plenty of secrets. The story starts off in New York City on Christmas day, just after the defeat of an alien invasion by the heroes who now have to realize the world is changing all around them now. The Heroes must face new dangers, more heroes, and the revelation of their secrets.

By Bandit - Apr 27, 2014 09:04 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic
Name: Blue Name: Ember
Real Name: R8I01 Real Name: Amber Harrison
Age: 4 Age: 22
Race: Robot Race: White
Gender: N/A Gender: Female
Job: N/A Job: College Student
Physical Description: Durable titainium alloy built robot standing at 6’ tall. The robot is slim and seems almost jagged exterior. Blue lights adorn it’s entire body which are able to change brightness.  It’s two arms can split into four each controllable and it’s feet have strong claws for digging into the ground. Physical Description: Standing 5’6” tall, a slim build, brown eyes, and medium length brown hair. A small tattoo of a star fish on her left hip.
Bio: Made to lead, this robot was built in Japan as part of an army built to by a corrupt tech company wiling to sell the robots to any buyer seeking to conquer they’re enemy. Blue is made with better tech as it was assigned to lead the army. Blue had escaped but has no memory of the circumstances of it’s escape. Bio: Majoring in biology she always has had a great mind for science. After year of feeling ambitous she embarked on a mission to create a means of healing injuries with incredible speed. Completing her tests she decides to try the serum, her blood boils with speed and power giving her her powers.
Powers: Lv4 armored body, super strong, super dexterity, super reflexes, super intellect, super jump, super alloy katana, computerized memory, night vision, and an internal targeting system. Powers: Heat up body to 920F, fire proof, and lv3 regeration.
Name: Lilium Name: Mountain
Real Name: Lilly Oscar Real Name: Malcom Wallace
Age: 27 Age: 26
Race: White Race: Black
Gender: Female Gender: Male
Job: Ex-Carny Job: Construction
Physical Description: At 5’3” Lilium is rather short, with her long blonde hair and blue eyes she gives off a subtle grace. Her ears are pierced and she has a small cut on her chin. Physical Description: 6’2” and strong build he even with out his powers can intimidate. Very short black stubble and brown eyes.
Bio: A young travelling gypsy girl from a carnival Lilium had gained a number of talents and skills. Her father preformed as a psychic while she was a fire breather.
Bio: Born with the ability to turn his skin into stone he was outcast while in his youth. He ran from home and was drawn into a gang that used him as their enforcer. After a few years while he started to realize what he does he beat the gang and fled.
Powers: Posses any organic humanoid from at most 17’ away (body disappears while possessing people and has access to short term memories), good fighter, and carries a pistol. Powers: Lv3 stone skin armor, enhanced strength, stone protrusions, great fighter.
Name: Parasite Name: Raider
Real Name: Daniel Baily Real Name: Raia Ishka Olrisnamel
Age: 38 Age: 25
Race: White (Yexa, alien parasite) Race: Alien (Hionell)
Gender: Male Gender: Female
Job: Ex-Scientist Job: Thief
Physical Description: Blonde and blue eyes, standing 5’8” Parasite looks fairly normal when relaxed. When using the alien armor there are long obsidian vine like strands cover his whole body. Physical Description: Long blue thick quills instead of hair, yellow eyes, blue skin with intricate yellow markings, fangs, two dog like bottom legs, a long 4’ tail, two long tipped ears, and standing at only 5’1” tall.
Bio: When studying a meteorite at Armanda labs Parasite was infected by the Yexa alien parasite, the parasite can translate it’s emotions but due to the damage it sustained in the meteorite crash it can’t take control of the man. The Armanda company wanted to use the alien for cruel experiments and killed all the other scientists involved. Bio: An alien fugitive on the run from the I.O.D. (I.E. Space Police), her crimes list things like robbery, grand theft, a few murders, and more. She is one of a few dozen survivors of her race.
Powers: Super strength, super jump, lv4 bio-organic alien armor, and lv5 regeneration. Powers: Lv2 alien body armor, Heat bladed plasma rifle, two energy palm blasters, super reflexes, super senses, and super jump.
Name: Soul Name: Valkyrie
Real Name: Yukimora Ishida Real Name: Joshua June
Age: 29 Age: 25
Race: Asian Race: White
Gender: Male Gender: Male
Job: Unemployed Job: Military veteran, many jobs
Physical Description: 5’8” tall, medium black hair, and brown eyes, a slim but toned build. Physical Description: Standing at 5’10”, short blonde hair, brown eyes, and a toned body. The armored suit is mostly yellow and some black, swift and streamline design the suit is built for flight and quick fighting in mind. The suit had originally been paint in military camouflage but had been repainted by Valkyrie.
Bio: A man from the far east, having traveled around the world since the age of 14. Raised in the knowledge of the great spirits that watch over the natural Earth. Bio: Having had served in the army for a few years he was brought into a secret military operation led by a corrupt general and senator, in their quest to overthrow the government. Being given the armor and train to use it, he learns of the mission and flees with the armor.
Powers: Become intangible, sense others by their aura (spirit energy), and Indescrutable spirit blades from his hands. Powers: Lv4 full body tech armor, missles, arm guns, jet flight, electric touch, electric proof, charged electric punch, short distance EMP pulse, electric arm blasts, targeting helm computer, and night vision.
Name: Witch Craft
Real Name: Elliot Macrin
Age: 27
Race: White
Gender: Male
Job: Book store owner
Physical Description: Short brown hair, green eyes, 5’7”, and a tad pale.
Bio: Son of a witch who died giving birth to him, his father died in a car accident. He was raised by his aunt. also a witch, who died later on when he was 19 years old. He learned all his knowledge of magic from his aunt.
Powers: Teleportation (maximum distance of 217 miles, the more weight he teleports with the less far he can go, and complete conscious spatial awareness), blood magick (Use to lash, shield, smash, cut, etc), good magick skills, lv1 leather armor, and spiked steel gauntlets.
Episode Characters:
Name: N/A
Real Name: Fei Mao Ru
Age: 19
Race: Asian
Gender: Female
Job: Unemployed
Physical Description: Only 5’3” tall, with very long black hair and brown eyes. Her body is intact and smooth; she has a beautiful yet cruel grace about her.
Bio: A vicious young woman raised in a small China village, her life has been filled with pain and fear. At a young age she discovered two ancient orbs from thousands of years ago in the earliest days of China’s greatest empires, the red dragon orb and the blue dragon orb. She learned to control them and used them to destroy those she hates.
Powers: Control two indestructible large 3’ wide sphere metal orbs (One painted with a blue dragon and the other a red dragon).



Unwanted Heroes:

IMAGE: An empty street filled with parked cars, a few wondering people, and about a foot and half of snow. A large blizzard has rolled into New York City.
The street lights are off and the buildings are dark, a black out caused by the snow has shut down parts of Manhattan. A brisk thirty six degrees and a constant wind stings with every gust, the people move about slow while wrapped in many layers of clothes.
 (PANNING SHOT) A large Manhattan museum, adorned with large red banners show casing a number of exhibits. A few people walk around the building’s exterior.
BANG! CRASH! Loud crashing sounds echo out from the museum.
IMAGE: FEI MAO RU stands in the middle of the museum with her two orbs orbiting her at high speed. A large door sits in the way, and rather then opening the door she send the red dragon orb through the door with such force to blow it open.
Two GUARDS rush down the hall and turn into the room where FEI MAO RU stands among large Chinese statues.
                                                GUARD ONE
The two GUARDS pull their guns aiming them at FEI MAO RU.
With cruelty FEI MAO RU ignores them, simply waving her hand towards the two GUARDS, her two orbs fly at quick speed smashing into the GUARDS killing them.
FEI MAO RU walks towards a large bronze dragon statue; she uses her two orbs to crash through the glass case and crushes in the hollow statue. A large hole rips open in the statue where FEI MAO RU reaches in and takes out a large scroll.
Turning around FEI MAO RU is caught off guard by WITCH CRAFT standing there.

WITCH CRAFT takes the scroll from FEI MAO RU and teleports to the other side of the room where he joins MOUNTAIN as they’ve come to stop FEI MAO RU.
WITCH CRAFT rolls out the scroll.
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        Now what would a young woman                       
                        such as yourself want with a list of
                        spells written in the language of the
                        eastern dragons of old?
FEI MAO RU scoffs; she summons her two orbs to her side.
                        She’s apparently not very talkative.
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        Considering how [frick]ing cold out it is,
                        I don’t blame her. It’s too cold for any
                        of this shit.
FEI MAO RU hurls her two orbs at WITCH CRAFT and MOUNTAIN.
The red dragon orb flies at WITCH CRAFT who teleports out of the way appearing a few feet to the side.
MOUNTAIN skin turns to stone and quickly leaps out of the way of the blue dragon orb just in time.
WITCH CRAFT sees the red dragon orb fly back around towards him, with a quick wave of his hand a large blast of blood forms from within the air and slashes at the orb deflecting it up into the ceiling.
As MOUNTAIN gets to his feet he’s struck by the blue dragon orb, knocking him back along the smooth marble floor fifteen feet. The orb circles around, MOUNTAIN moves to punch the orb. Hit with such force MOUNTAIN is hurled back once more chipping bits of rock off his hand.
FEI MAO RU stands to the side watching as her two orbs fighting MOUNTAIN and WITCH CRAFT.
WITCH CRAFT see the red dragon orb crash back through the ceiling and flying back towards him.
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        Khey dratel yaot!
WITCH CRAFT shouts a spell that creates large black vines bursting out from the ground that catch the orb in mid flight. The red dragon orb struggles to break free from the grip of the black vines.
MOUNTAIN runs over to large stone statue of the first emperor of China, QIN SHI HUANG.
MOUNTAIN lifts the statue and hurls it at the approaching blue dragon orb. The orb breaks through the statue but wobbles about as if off balance.
The red dragon orb breaks free of the black vines, and flies at WITCH CRAFT who teleports out of the way. He appears on the other side of the room and see the orb having shifted path heading back to him.
WITCH CRAFT creates a large shield wall of blood, the red dragon orb slams into it but breaks through the blood. The crash throws WITCH CRAFT to the ground.
The scroll drops to the floor where the red dragon orb knocks it over to FEI MAO RU; she then sends the orb back to WITCH CRAFT.
MOUNTAIN runs over to the blue dragon orb and brings both fists down on it, the orb falls to the ground, but the orb then strikes back slamming into MOUNTAIN’S stomach and blows him back on the floor.
WITCH CRAFT pushes himself up from the ground and teleports himself back up to his feet. He waves his hand from side to side, a long blade of blood strikes at the nearing red dragon orb. The orb is blown back to the wall, breaking through into the other room.
FEI MAO RU summons both orbs to her; she leaps on the red dragon orb and sends the other crashing through the glass ceiling. She flies up into the air with the scroll.
IMAGE: WITCH CRAFT teleports to MOUNTAIN and teleports them both onto the roof. WITCH CRAFT sees FEI MAO RU escaping.
WITCH CRAFT lashes out a large spike of blood, knocking the red dragon orb out from under FEI MAO RU.
FEI MAO RU falls fifteen feet to the roof top; she gets to her feet seething in anger. She sends both orbs back at WITCH CRAFT and MOUNTAIN.
WITCH CRAFT teleports out of the way of the blue dragon orb.
MOUNTAIN drops to the ground as the red dragon orb flies over his, annoyed with the orbs.
MOUNTAIN gets up and rips out an air conditioner from the roof and hurls it at the orb. The air conditioner hits the orb and knocks it to the roof top.
WITCH CRAFT teleports once more, evading the blue dragon orb, appearing behind the orb.
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        Heimnon Tre Reikela!
The falling snow starts to attract to the blue dragon orb creating a massive block of ice around the orb, the weight of the ice drops the orb to the roof top.
Unable to free itself the blue dragon orb is trapped, the other orb flies over to help it by crashing into the ice a number of times, breaking the ice more with each hit.
WITCH CRAFT teleports behind FEI MAO RU, she turns to punch. He teleports again, tripping her on her back and he then takes the scroll back.
The blue dragon orb is freed and the red dragon orb flies back over to WITCH CRAFT. WITCH CRAFT not paying attention is hit in the back but teleports before hitting the ground.
MOUNTAIN rushes over stepping over another glass roof window; the blue dragon orb flies up into the air and smashes into the window dropping MOUNTAIN the thirty feet onto the museum interior floor.
WITCH CRAFT teleports as the two orbs start flying back towards him. Both orbs smash into the roof missing WITCH CRAFT.
WITCH CRAFT appears near FEI MAO RU; he creates a blood whip and lashes at her. She drops to the snow covered roof top, angry and believing her mission will end in failure FEI MAO RU draws both orbs to her. She stands and runs along the roof, leaping and being caught by the blue dragon orb.
FEI MAO RU escapes from the museum, losing to WITCH CRAFT and MOUNTAIN.
WITCH CRAFT considers chasing after FEI MAO RU but realizes he may have forgot something.
WITCH CRAFT teleports into the museum next to MOUNTAIN who lays face down on the floor, the ground around MOUNTAIN is cracked from his impact.
MOUNTAIN lets out a small whine trying to get himself back up.
WITCH CRAFT looks at MOUNTAIN and kneels down beside him.
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        I’m a little hungry, want to get
                        some food come dinner?
MOUNTAIN takes a moment and thinks a bit.
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        Sure, sounds good.
WITCH CRAFT helps MOUNTAIN to his feet.
IMAGE: VALKYRIE’S house is a small inner city home with the garage facing to the side covered mostly by trees and his house from being seen from the street. The house is poorly furnished and has little to no upkeep. The garage door is open and a rustic teal 1982 CADILLAC CIMARRON sits outside blocking the view from the street.
VALKYRIE sits outside in a thick jacket and jeans with his welding gear. He has the VALKYRIE armor hanging from rope from the rafters of the garage. VALKYRIE welds the armor back together and repairs the damage received from the battle yesterday.
 (PHONE RINGING) VALKYRIE stops working and takes his phone from his pocket.
                        What’s up?
                                                MOUNTAIN (V.O.)
                                    (Muffled voice over phone)
                        Hey man we took care of that break in
                        thing at the museum.
                        Oh yeah, how’d that go?
                                               MOUNTAIN (V.O.)
                                    (Muffled voice over phone)
                        Shit, we stopped the broad but we
                        still got our asses kicked, we’re going
                        for Chinese later on, want to go?
                        Sure. Call the others, I got some more
                        work on the suit to do but I can make
                        it, when?
                                                MOUNTAIN (V.O.)
                                    (Muffled voice over phone)
                        Eight tonight.
                        Deal, call me later on about where
                        we’ll meet and I’ll get there.
                                               MOUNTAIN (V.O.)
                                    (Muffled voice over phone)
VALKYRIE ends his call and goes back to working on his suit as the snow falls just outside the open garage.
ZAP! A small spark from the suit hits VALKYRIE and shocks him; he wags his fingers from the pain and smacks the suit.
                        Don’t be a prick.
VALKYRIE goes back to welding.
IMAGE: In the partially destroyed bar that the group had been in the night before PARASITE stands with two MEN, one dressed in a cheap suit and the other in simple black jeans with a tucked in tight black shirt.
PARASITE purchases the bar from the owners. Without the alien armor the two MEN don’t recognize PARASITE as one of the heroes that defended New York just yesterday.
The two MEN sign a piece of paper for PARASITE who fills out his part, the three shake hands. The MEN leave the bar leaving PARAISTE with his new bar.
At a near by table sits SOUL and EMBER talking.
                        Could you teach me how to fight? I
                        know have the heat thing but that
                        really didn’t seem like enough.
                        Yeah I guess.
PARASITE walks over and sits down.
                        I need to stop making decisions while
                        Come on, it’s your bar now. We are
                        getting free drinks right?
SOUL taps the table.
                        Oh yeah, hey RAIA, BLUE, you can
                        come out now.
BLUE and RAIA walk out from the bathroom.
RAIA sits down with the others while BLUE simply stands near by.
                        Please tell me I can soon stop hiding.
                        No idea.
The TV still on from the night before showing the news talks about both the recent attempted alien invasion from yesterday as well as the blizzard and blackouts in New York City.
The TV news shows a breaking news report about a large office building that was damaged in the alien invasion that has begun to tilt and will soon fall over with people still trapped inside.
PARASITE, EMBER, SOUL, and RAIDER look over at the TV.
The news reporter talks about the office building.
                        TUCKMAN INCORPORATED has begun
                        to tilt at an angle near eighty degrees
                        and seems to be falling even faster.
                        Last night in the invasion a number of
                        aliens had bombed the support beams
                        around the front of the building. The
                        front entrance and many of the others
                        had caved in since the attack.
                        Who’s going?
                        Um, I’m going to work on the bar.
                        I guess I’ll go.
                        I am available at this time.
EMBER nods to BLUE’S statement.
                        I can go.
                        I’d rather help with the bar.
                        Okay so me, BLUE, and YUKIMORA.
                        BLUE where’s TUCKMAN INC.?
                        TUCKMAN INCORPERATED’S
                        address is 771 8th Ave, New York City,
                        New York, 10036.
                        That’s only like twelve blocks or so
                        from here.
                        Okay, so we might need to run there,
                        BLUE let’s find you a coat, no need to
                        scare the hell out of people or attract
                        unneeded attention.
EMBER looks over around the bar and spots a brown trench coat on a chair.
IMAGE: Outside TUCKMAN INCORPERATED the large office building that has begun to fall now reaching eighty degree angle.
EMBER, SOUL, and BLUE wearing the brown trench coat sneak about to the back of the building. They move past the news reporters and the people on the streets who watch on.
EMBER, SOUL, and BLUE reach the back of the building where the building has started to lift off of its foundation by a few feet.
SOUL concentrates and steps through the wall of the building while EMBER and BLUE wait outside near the emergency door.
After a moment SOUL’S spirit blade cuts through the emergency door. With the door cut and clear he kicks it open.
EMBER and BLUE leap up into the door following SOUL into the building.
IMAGE: The inside of TUCKMAN INCORPERATED is a mess, the bottom floors are almost complete caved in. Pools of water, debris, and torn down walls crowd every room. The black out has affected this building as well; the only was to see is from the bits of light that peeks through in from the outside.
BLUE’S body lights brighten up, illuminating the whole back room. The light shows EMBER, SOUL, and BLUE the wreckage.
EMBER’S body starts to glow hot red and heats up. With her burning molten core her clothes ignite and burn away leaving only a Nomex like wrap covering her from her shoulder down to her knees.
                        I hope this thing holds, I really need
                        some fire proof clothes.
SOUL starts to cut through some of the wreckage that stands in their way.
BLUE draws his super alloy katana and gives a clean slice through a large desk that had fallen in from the second floor.
                        Where should we start?
                        I’ll go to the left, YUKI’ you go right.
                        It’s YUKIMORA.
EMBER pauses and looks from BLUE and back to SOUL.
                        Sorry, BLUE can you go up and lead
                        people on down, me and, YUKIMORA,
                        will also clear the way.
With out missing a beat BLUE uses his sword to slice holes into the ceiling of the first floor and leaps through it to the second floor.
EMBER places her hands on the wall to her left, the wall heats up and bursts into flames, crumbling to the ground EMBER walks through.
SOUL uses his spirit blade and cuts through the wall.
BLUE runs along the second floor with all of his robotic senses firing in an attempt to locate any stranded people. With every obstacle in his way he slices through with incredible speed with his katana.
BLUE stops dead in his tracks staying alert to the sounds around him. He turns to his right and smashes his way through the wall but in doing so the coat rips off from his metal frame.
Inside a large break room, large chunks of the ceiling has fallen into the room, dust everywhere and many of the furniture has been smashed to bits. Five EMPLOYEES huddle together at the corner of the room next to the black and blue coffee maker with three espresso options.
The five EMPLOYEES react in terror and confusion to the man sized sword wielding robot that just burst through the wall.
BLUE crawls over the rubble towards the EMPLOYEES and stops standing near them, BLUE stands silent and motionless as the EMPLOYEES look on in fear.
                        Come now please, the building’s
                        collapse at this floor would have a
                        eighty three percent chance of killing
                        all of you.
BLUE stands there for an uncomfortable moment, the group of EMPLOYEES still huddle scarred but after a while of BLUE standing there again motionless and quiet they start to come around.
One by one the EMPLOYEES start to stand and join BLUE; one of the EMPLOYEES is being carried by two others as his leg has been injured.
                        I will take you to a hole I had punched
                        through the floor that leads to the
                        lobby floor, take the hall to the back
                        of the building at thirty two feet. The
                        door is cleared away and available for
                        you to leave through.
The EMPLOYEES look to each other confused and worried, EMPLOYEE ONE looks to BLUE and nods.
                                                EMPLOYEE ONE
                        Uh, okay.
                        I’ve been tasked to find and rescue
                        other people within the building; do
                        you know where I may find others?
                                                EMPLOYEE TWO
                        Understood, if you will please follow
EMBER burns through her fourth wall looking for any people she can help. She checks each wall she passes through hoping she doesn’t start a fire.
Finding herself in a large office room with rows upon rows of cubicles EMBER looks down each row slowly.
EMBER shouts out looking for anyone to help.
                                                UNKNOWN VOICE
EMBER snaps too and looks about to the closed off offices where the cries for help came from.
In the office window EMBER sees a MAN wearing a grey suit and tie on the other side, his door is slammed shut by a large water line pipe that fell from the ceiling blocking his exit.
EMBER runs over to the door, reaching the pipe. Closer now she sees the MAN is covered in dust and is coughing loudly.
EMBER places both hands on the pipe, her body still burning hot she starts the pipe. The water line melts to a pool of liquid metal. She bashes in the door the best she can.
The MAN stumbles out of a dusty and smoky room coughing hard. EMBER cools her body and leads the man back to the outside where it's safe.
SOUL finds himself stepping through wall on his way through a series of rooms ending up in a large bathroom. He pulls out a cell phone from his pocket and uses the screen light to illuminate the room.
The building shakes as it tilts further down, the ceiling starts to cave in and SOUL responds by turning intangible once again.
With rubble around him SOUL finds a clear spot and goes back to being tangible. Light pours in from the second floor where the room above has a number of large windows. SOUL puts his phone and goes back to looking for survivors at a quicker pace as the threat of the building’s fall gets closer.
IMAGE: PARASITE cleans the bar he had recently purchased for an incredible deal considering the poor condition of the bar.
RAIDER watches PARASITE clean, looks out the window, and back to PARAISTE.
                        What is that stuff?
PARASITE looks up and looks out side.
                        You mean the snow?
                        That white stuff falling from the sky.
                        Uh well, it’s basically just precipitation
                        in the air under freezing temperatures
                        that form into crystalline ice.
RAIDER nods her head.
PARASITE goes back to cleaning.
                        You really have a Yexa in you? Not
                        many species can survive being a host
                        to one of them.
PARASITE stops working and seems somewhat flustered.
                        Yes, I have one in me, on my spinal
                        How did it happen?
                        I’d rather not talk about that now.
RAIDER turns back to the window and PARASITE sighs taking a moment before returning to his chore.
IMAGE: Opening on a long hall filled with the rubble of the higher floors that continue to collapse.
BLUE wedges himself between a large slab of concrete and metal, his arms split into four he grips the stone chunk while facing the group of people he’s discovered. A group of seven new EMPLOYEES found in the higher levels of the building walk past BLUE now with the path cleared away, yet they still try to keep distance from the robot.
With the path cleared BLUE leads the seven EMPLOYEES to the elevator. With his arms rejoining and his blade sheathed BLUE pries the elevator door open.
The elevator sits two floors below and BLUE takes out his katana. With a quick slice the elevator cables are cut and the elevator plummets to the lobby floor with a loud crash.
With the cable cut a ladder is revealed leading down to the bottom floors, the lobby lined up with the top of the elevator.
A WOMAN leans over to BLUE, still keeping a short distance; she seems nervous yet still strong enough to keep calm in the situation.
                        Isn’t this dangerous, taking the
                        ladder in the elevator shaft?
BLUE turns to the WOMAN and takes a moment to answer.
A moment of silence falls, the WOMAN realizes she won’t get much from the robot.
BLUE’S silent and cold disposition unnerves the other six EMPLOYEES but they all take the hint taking the ladder down. They reach bottom where the EMPLOYEES escape through the lobby floor’s elevator doors.
Sheathing his blade BLUE turns and restarts his search.
EMBER enters a conference by burning through the wall. The conference room has several paintings hanging from the wall in slanted angles and a long cracked table from where the large chandelier has fallen.
In the far corner of the room EMBER finds a MAN’S body, a man who had his head smacked in by a fallen chunk of concrete.
EMBER’S body heat subsides as she checks the MAN’S pulse to find that he’s still alive but his pulse is weak.
EMBER looks about the room trying to think about what to do. She kneels down and starts to pick the MAN by holding him under the arms and dragging his feet.
EMBER struggles as she tires to take the MAN out of the building while doing her best not to hurt the MAN any further.
SOUL has found his way into the basement. The rooms are completely dark with the exception of the few red emergency lights that illuminate only the smallest of areas.
SOUL takes out his phone once again to light his way showing only a long concrete hall with a few doors, a wash room, a boiler room, and janitor closet.
With the ability of becoming intangible SOUL checks the other side of the door, he checks the wash room and janitor closet, finally coming to the boiler room.
Entering the boiler room SOUL finds three WORKERS, each of the men are sitting on the floor under a red emergency sign, one of the WORKERS spot SOUL.
                                                WORKER ONE
                        Hey, hey! You got it here, we can get
                        out right?
WORKER ONE asks yet is already getting up with the other two believing the answer is yes.
                                                WORKER TWO
                        Who are you?
SOUL nods and waves the WORKERS to follow.
                        Come on, the building is tilting above
                        and we’ll need to get out here before
                        it collapses.
SOUL rushes over to the door followed by the three WORKERS, SOUL creates another spirit blade and cuts out a hole around the door handle trying to keep it from being seen by the men.
Leading the WORKERS through the halls the place starts to shake, dust and small chunks of debris falls from the ceiling. The whole building starts to lean farther down and begins to speed up.
                        Let’s move it, this whole place is
At the higher levels of the TUCKMAN building BLUE slices his way through the rubble that stands between him and any remaining survivors. With each shake of the building the whole place tilts more, at this point the whole office building is at a point of near seventy degrees.
Large pieces of furniture and rubble slide through the rooms, slamming up against the walls facing the street. The lights are still out and a table has smashed through the windows falling to the street below letting in a cold draft.
BLUE slices through a pair of large wooden door where the whole office room has slid to the left towards the front of the building.
An EXECUTIVE of the company a late thirties woman lays pinned against the wall by a large desk, blood drips from a large cut on her forehead, and she seems tired and near unresponsive.
BLUE walks over and with one hand flings the desk off the injured EXECUTIVE.
Being careful to lift the EXECUTIVE, BLUE splits his arms again and lift her up by the lower set.
Each step becomes increasing harder as the building has now started to lean at a much quicker pace, the building is only a short distance from smashing into the other building across the street where the whole place has been evacuated.
BLUE uses the claws of his feet to scale the floor back towards the stairwell and elevators, but with the increasing amounts of debris coming his way becomes a danger to both him and the EXECUTIVE.
BLUE makes a risky decision of letting go of the floor, he flips landing on his back and slides down towards a large window pane.
Smashing the window BLUE uses his feet and top two separated arms grabbing the wall’s edge and swings himself and the EXECUTIVE. BLUE now scales the underside wall of the leaning building with his four free limbs with the woman in his other arms.
BLUE’S metal claws dig into the concrete wall, scaling down the face of the building trying to reach the bottom, thirty two floors down, before the building’s collapses.
Out back of the building SOUL and EMBER meet up with most of the survivors having already taken off to a safe distance, the rest are helping the others or the ones in need of help.
                        Seen the robot?
                        Nope, think he’s still up there?
EMBER looks to the other survivors.
                        Let’s help them get to safety.
The building has just smashed into the opposing building across the street. Large chunks of debris falls to the streets, smashing cars, and scarring off the spectators.
The angle of the building has made it near impossible for BLUE to hold on and now the massive shakes in the building jar BLUE’S claws from the building side, BLUE dangles with the EXECUTIVE woman still in his arms.
BLUE spots the middle of the TUCKMAN building begin to crack and break apart, caving in towards the street below. BLUE swings placing his feet on the office building, getting the best grip he can, he lines up his aim, and jumps over to the adjacent building.
BLUE and the EXECUTIVE fly through the air placing all four arms on the woman to keep her safe until smashing through the window of the opposing building.
The EXECUTIVE is still alive and BLUE continues to take her down through the new building he’s found himself in.
The TUCKMAN office building breaks apart completely, the top falls in on the bottom half sparing anymore damage to the other buildings around.
IMAGE: PARASITE cleans his bar while RAIDER avoids him asking for help.
EMBER, SOUL, and BLUE walk into the bar covered in dust and roughed up.
                        Did we miss anything?
                        Got a call from ELLIOT, him and
                        MALCOM are offering to take us out
                        to dinner.
                        Nice, although when you say offering,
                        we’ll still be paying for our own
                        I’d plan for it.
                        Nice job of the cleaning.
PARASITE looks around at his work, the bar is cleared of most of the rubble and the furniture has been stacked to the side with the exception of the chair RAIDER is still sitting on.
                        What are ELLIOT and MALCOM up to
                        No idea.
IMAGE: WITCH CRAFT and MOUNTAIN enter into a small gas station, MOUNTAIN grabs a rice crispy treat and WITCH CRAFT takes a soda from the coolers.
MOUNTAIN stands over by the corner of the shop looking over some of the other snacks.
WITCH CRAFT joins MOUNTAIN as he tries to make up his mind.
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        There’s some mini donuts.
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        Not in the mood for that.
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        What about these chips?
                        They get stuck in my teeth.
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        We can nuke some of the popcorn.
                        I don’t know man.
WITCH CRAFT and MOUNTAIN continue to discuss the snack foods oblivious to all the other stuff in the store.
                        Give me the money now!
WITCH CRAFT and MOUNTAIN stop what they are doing, hearing the commotion coming from behind them at the register.
                        Don’t turn around, just leave it.
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        I should.
WITCH CRAFT lets out an annoyed sigh.
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        Hold on.
                        Got it.
The ROBBER wielding a shotgun takes money from the register, when the CASHIER lets out a loud yell as WITCH CRAFT teleports right behind the ROBBER.
The ROBBER looks up at the cashier confused.
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        Excuse me man.
The ROBBER turns around to see WITCH CRAFT still in his red hide armor and covered in the bruises from his fight with FEI MAO RU.
The ROBBER aims his shotgun at WITCH CRAFT, but he teleports to the ROBBER’S side.
The ROBBER turns to aim once more but WITCH CRAFT again teleports to his other side.
WITCH CRAFT grabs the man by the head and jacket, moving to flip the man over his shoulder but then teleports again.
The CASHIER and MOUNTAIN stand alone in the store wait for half a second wondering where the ROBBER and WITCH CRAFT had gone.
A loud thud comes from outside where the ROBBER has fallen to the snowy parking lot from twenty feet up. He lays in the snow hurt but not seriously, stunned and unable to move.
WITCH CRAFT teleports back over by MOUNTAIN.
MOUNTAIN jumps back a little still not used to his new friend WITCH CRAFT’S ability to teleport.
WITCH CRAFT grabs a snack bag from the rack.
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        Pop tart?
MOUNTAIN nods his head and takes the pop tart to add to the snacks he plans to buy.
                        That guy still alive right?
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        Oh yeah, I only dropped him like
                        twenty feet, but he’ll be there until
                        the police arrive.
                        Before I forget we got to run by the
                        mall, I’ve got to buy some stuff.
WITCH CRAFT and MOUNTAIN look over at the CASHIER who’s on the phone with the police yelling about what had just happened. 
IMAGE: PARASITE, EMBER, LILIUM, MOUNTAIN, WITCH CRAFT, SOUL, and VALKYRIE sit at a long table eating Chinese food in their regular street clothes. BLUE and RAIDER sit at the table as well, scarring the other CUSTOMERS and restaurant STAFF.
VALKYRIE and MOUNTAIN are the most talkative as they’ve been among the longest friends of the group.
                        Like the food RAIA?
RAIDER takes a moment to swallow the food in her mouth.
                        Probably one of the few things on this
                        planet I do like.
LILIUM and WITCH CRAFT share a few awkward silences as it seems LILIUM doesn’t want to talk to him. While WITCH CRAFT wouldn’t bring it up at dinner she knows he still feels odd about their relationship.
                        Where were you today?
                        I was dealing with some stuff, just
                        some stuff that’s all.
                        Me and ELLIOT took on some chick
                        with floating balls.
                        You make it sound so dirty.
VALKYRIE notices BLUE not moving or saying anything.
                        What’s the matter BLUE you haven’t
                        ordered any food at all.
MOUNTAIN and VALKYRIE chuckle like idiots.
                        You two are so juvenile.
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        How’s the bar?
PARASITE puts down the glass he was about to drink to address WITCH CRAFT.
                        Good, considering the price I got for,
                        and since I got all this super strength
                        and all it’s not such a difficult task of
                        rebuilding it.
VALKYRIE interjects into the conversation to ask PARASITE a question.
                        What are you going to name it?
                        Well the name it has now isn’t bad.
                        Really going to call it Hogen’s Bar?
                        Come on son, name it something
                        like the hero’s pub, or the super
                        I’ll consider it.
                        How long have you known each other
                        since we first all met four days ago?
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        I knew AMBER.
                        We met a few months ago when there
                        was that hostage stand off.
VALKYRIE clears his throat when EMBER finishes talking.
                        We’ve been friends for almost a year
                       or so.
                        We were kicking ass and taking names
                        when that anarchist gang was going
                        around planting bombs and what not.
                        I tracked the guys through some
                        contacts and JOSHUA found them
                        through back tracking the bombs.
                        I’ve seen those kinds of explosives
                        back in the military; some of the
                        soldiers know how to make them
                        because they needed to know how
                        to defuse them.
                        I.E.D. right?
A moment passes.
                        I hit BLUE with my truck back when I
                        still had the truck.
VALKYRIE chuckles while everyone simply smiles or sighs.
                        RAIA, are things like the spirits and
                        magick known about in the rest of the
                        Yeah, but most planets don’t really
                        know of it and some do to a large
                        degree. The ratio between those with
                        magick and all in comparison are
                        diminutive to everyone else.
                        Oh, MALCOM, presents.
MOUNTAIN gets excited.
The rest of the group act confused as they didn’t know about the fact that both VALKYRIE and MOUNTAIN had bought presents, with the exception of BLUE who simply observes.
VALKYRIE stands to address the others.
                        Okay, I know some of you aren’t of
                        the faith, like YUKIMORA you’re a
                        I told you, I’m not a, ah nevermind.
VALKYRIE smiles having known to some degree that SOUL wasn’t Buddhist.
                        …RAIA doesn’t know about Christmas,
                        BLUE’S a robot, and ELLIOT is, is, what
                        are you?
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        I guess Wicca, but, it, it gets a little
                        muddy sometimes.
                        And AMBER and DANIEL are godless
                        atheists who practice the devil’s art of
VALKYRIE lets out a small laugh.
PARASITE lets out a small chuckle knowing VALKYRIE is kidding while EMBER face palms.
                        …Kiddin’. MALCOM and I bought you
                        all presents.
VALKYRIE and MOUNTAIN place their bags on the table; they start to hand out the presents to everyone including BLUE.
The group starts to open their presents while MOUNTAIN and VALKYRIE watches.
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        I’m buying your food for this you
                        I was already hoping you would.
VALKYRIE and WITCH CRAFT both chuckle.
WITCH CRAFT unwraps a red lava lamp and seems to love his present.
PARASITE opens his gift finding three Bill Nye the science guy DVDs, one on the earth’s crust, on the planets, and magnetism. PARASITE tries to control his laughter but truly appreciates the gift.
EMBER giggles as she pulls out a Doctor Who Lego set.
SOUL receives a gift he truly finds appealing, miniature record player with two albums one of JOHNNY CASH and the other of QUEEN.
RAIDER finds her self an Aliens Xenomorph plush toy, RAIDER likes it but doesn’t understand why the others are laughing so hard about it.
BLUE takes a moment to realize what to do and pulls out a small necklace with a gear cog hanging from it.
LILIUM opens a box pulling out a small dancing and singing toy flower with a motion sensor, LILIUM lets out a sharp laugh finding the gift to be ironically funny.
                        You’d two would die if it weren’t for
                        irony and humor huh?
                        Don’t like it.
                        JOSHUA, I love it.
VALKYRIE and MOUNTAIN smile, feeling they made an accomplishment.
LILIUM helps BLUE put on the necklace.
(Ring! Ring!) WITCH CRAFT pulls out his phone and answers it.
                                                WITCH CRAFT
A moment passes.
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        Got it.
VALKYRIE notices WITCH CRAFT as he hangs up the phone.
                        Who was that?
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        I had an old friend of my aunt check
                        out that scroll that MOUNTAIN and I
                        got today.
                        What about it?
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        There are two others.
MOUNTAIN Rubs his face and groans.
A MAN rushes into the restaurant in distress and approaches the counter, talking about something in a panic.
The group takes notice and a few of them listen to the MAN.
                        There’s a fire over at the FISHER’S
The group looks at each other.
                        I got my suit in the car.
WITCH CRAFT places money on the table.
                        I’m staying.
                        I’ll race you.
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        You’re going to loose, but you’re on.
PARASITE places his card on the table, and looks to SOUL.
                        Can you bring me back my card?
                        You count on me.
                        I’m gonna’ stay, I got classes in the
                        Let’s go.
VALKYRIE rushes from the table and runs at full sprint to his car.
WITCH CRAFT leans back in the chair and takes another drink of his water.
                        I’ll grab the gifts.
                        Aren’t we racing him?
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        I’ll get you there, but let’s give him
                        head start, to be fair.

(By the way I meant for this script to be longer then this, a standard hour, but I didn't want to do unneeded padding. I'll try to plan these scripts out more to offer the best read.)

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solidsnake512 - 4/28/2014, 7:56 AM
First and this is just awesome
TheHero - 4/28/2014, 8:22 AM
Great Job, Bandit!!!! Keep it up!
Bandit - 4/28/2014, 4:28 PM
By the way, I've no plan for where this story goes, so I'm open to requests on what characters to focus on, story ideas, and so on.
Hulksta - 5/1/2014, 10:34 PM
Great work Bandit! can't wait to read more. It's nice to see a story that's fresh and original.

Tom Hardy also approves of this.

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