Bandit: Unwanted Heroes - Episode 4 (Original Content)

Bandit: Unwanted Heroes - Episode 4 (Original Content)

Unwanted Heroes is a story of nine superheroes from different origins and with plenty of secrets. The story starts off in New York City on Christmas day, just after the defeat of an alien invasion by the heroes who now have to realize the world is changing all around them now. The Heroes must face new dangers, more heroes, and the revelation of their secrets. (Sorry for the wait, forgot my password)

By Bandit - Jul 16, 2014 10:07 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic


Name: Blue Name: Ember
Real Name: R8I01 Real Name: Amber Harrison
Age: 4 Age: 22
Race: Robot Race: White
Gender: N/A Gender: Female
Job: N/A Job: College Student
Physical Description: Durable titanium alloy built robot standing at 6’ tall. The robot is slim and seems almost jagged exterior. Blue lights adorn it's entire body which are able to change brightness.  Its two arms can split into four each controllable and its feet have strong claws for digging into the ground. Physical Description: Standing 5’6” tall, a slim build, brown eyes, and medium length brown hair. She has a small tattoo of a star fish on her left hip.
Bio: Made to lead, this robot was built in Japan as part of an army built to by a corrupt tech company wiling to sell the robots to any buyer seeking to conquer they’re enemy. Blue is made with better tech as it was assigned to lead the army. Blue had escaped but has no memory of the circumstances of its escape. Bio: Majoring in biology she always has had a great mind for science. After year of feeling ambitious she embarked on a mission to create a means of healing injuries with incredible speed. Completing her tests she decides to try the serum, her blood boils with speed and power giving her powers.
Powers: Lv4 armored body, super strong, super dexterity, super reflexes, super intellect, super jump, super alloy katana, computerized memory, night vision, and an internal targeting system. Powers: Heat up body to 920F, fire proof, and lv3 regeneration.


Name: Lilium Name: Mountain
Real Name: Lilly Oscar Real Name: Malcom Wallace
Age: 27 Age: 26
Race: White Race: Black
Gender: Female Gender: Male
Job: Ex-Carny Job: Construction
Physical Description: At 5’3” Lilium is rather short, with her long blonde hair and blue eyes she gives off a subtle grace. Her ears are pierced and she has a small cut on her chin. Physical Description: 6’2” and strong build he even with out his powers can intimidate. He has very short black stubble and brown eyes.
Bio: A young traveling gypsy girl from a carnival Lilium had gained a number of talents and skills. Her father preformed as a psychic while she was a fire breather.
Bio: Born with the ability to turn his skin into stone he was outcast while in his youth. He ran from home and was drawn into a gang that used him as their enforcer. After a few years while he started to realize what he does he beat the gang and fled.
Powers: Possess any organic humanoid from at most 17’ away (body disappears while possessing people and has access to short term memories), good fighter, and carries a pistol. Powers: Lv3 stone skin armor, enhanced strength, stone protrusions, great fighter.


Name: Parasite Name: Raider
Real Name: Daniel Baily Real Name: Raia Ishka Olrisnamel
Age: 38 Age: 25
Race: White (Yexa, alien parasite) Race: Alien (Hionell)
Gender: Male Gender: Female
Job: Ex-Scientist Job: Thief
Physical Description: Blonde and blue eyes, standing 5’8” Parasite looks fairly normal when relaxed. When using the alien armor there are long obsidian vine like strands cover his whole body. Physical Description: Long blue thick quills instead of hair, yellow eyes, blue skin with intricate yellow markings, fangs, two dog like bottom legs, a long 4’ tail, two long tipped ears, and standing at only 5’1” tall.
Bio: When studying a meteorite at Armanda labs Parasite was infected by the Yexa alien parasite, the parasite can translate it’s emotions but due to the damage it sustained in the meteorite crash it can’t take control of the man. The Armanda Company wanted to use the alien for cruel experiments and killed all the other scientists involved. Bio: An alien fugitive on the run from the I.O.D. (I.E. Space Police), her crimes list things like robbery, grand theft, a few murders, and more. She is one of a few dozen survivors of her race.
Powers: Super strength, super jump, lv4 bio-organic alien armor, and lv5 regeneration. Powers: Lv2 alien body armor, Heat bladed plasma rifle, two energy palm blasters, super reflexes, super senses, and super jump.


Name: Soul Name: Valkyrie
Real Name: Yukimora Ishida Real Name: Joshua June
Age: 29 Age: 25
Race: Asian Race: White
Gender: Male Gender: Male
Job: Unemployed Job: Military veteran, many jobs
Physical Description: 5’8” tall, medium black hair, and brown eyes, a slim but toned build. Physical Description: Standing at 5’10”, short blonde hair, brown eyes, and a toned body. The armored suit is mostly yellow and some black, swift and with a streamlined design the suit is built for flight and quick fighting in mind. The suit had originally been paint in military camouflage but had been repainted by Valkyrie.
Bio: A man from the far east, having traveled around the world since the age of 14. Raised in the knowledge of the great spirits that watch over the natural Earth. Bio: Having had served in the army for a few years he was brought into a secret military operation led by a corrupt general and senator, in their quest to overthrow the government. Being given the armor and train to use it, he learns of the mission and flees with the armor.
Powers: Become intangible, sense others by their aura (spirit energy), and Indescrutable spirit blades from his hands. Powers: Lv4 full body tech armor, missles, arm guns, jet flight, electric touch, electric proof, charged electric punch, short distance EMP pulse, electric arm blasts, targeting helm computer, and night vision.


Name: Witch Craft
Real Name: Elliot Macrin
Age: 27
Race: White
Gender: Male
Job: Book store owner
Physical Description: Short brown hair, green eyes, 5’7”, and a tad pale.
Bio: Son of a witch who died giving birth to him, his father died in a car accident. He was raised by his aunt. Also a witch, who died later on when he was 19 years old. He learned all his knowledge of magic from his aunt.
Powers: Teleportation (maximum distance of 217 miles, the more weight he teleports with the less far he can go, and complete conscious spatial awareness), blood magick (Use to lash, shield, smash, cut, etc), good magick skills, lv1 leather armor, and spiked steel gauntlets.



IMAGE: At the three-way intersection of a busy street in the main commercial district a large CREATURE walks the streets, covered in the blood of those who couldn’t escape its four claws.
At twenty feet tall the large bulky CREATURE is covered in hard scales, the CREATURE has four long claws for arms, two clawed legs, a long spiked tail, and two forward facing horns.
PEOPLE flee from the area in terror as the CREATURE chases down more victims for it to eat.
PARASITE jumps down from the roof top of a near by business wearing white loose pants and tank top.
WITCH CRAFT teleports next to PARASITE wearing his red leather armor.
SOUL walks out from the adjacent street dressed in jeans and his blue hooded sweatshirt.
The CREATURE reacts, looking to PARASITE, WITCH CRAFT, and SOUL as they each appear.
WITCH CRAFT, SOUL, and PARASITE join up in the street as they walk towards the CREATURE who has started growling at them.
                        How should we do this?
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        I suggest we start with trying to kill it.
                        Well fools rush in.
                        Nevermind, I’ll just go stab it in the
SOUL starts off separate from WITCH CRAFT and PARASITE.
SOUL extends a spirit blade from his hand and turns intangible.
The CREATURE starts to charge at SOUL.
SOUL runs towards the CREATURE.
As the CREATURE reaches SOUL, SOUL rolls on the ground and turns tangible in time to slice the CREATURE’S head from below.
The CREATURE shrieks in pain and trips onto the ground.
SOUL turns to face the CREATURE.
The CREATURE stands back up as the large gash in its head starts to heal up.
                        Well, it may take some time.
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        Let’s try to at least have fun.
WITCH CRAFT lashes out a wave of blood that slams into the CREATURE but doesn’t pierce its shell.
The CREATURE looks over a small car; it stabs two of its four claws into the car and hurls it at PARASITE and WITCH CRAFT.
PARASITE leaps out of the way and WITCH CRAFT teleports away.
PARASITE runs towards the CREATURE.
The CREATURE’S tail starts to wag and move to slash at PARASITE.
The CREATURE’S tail is cut off by SOUL.
PARASITE reaches the distracted CREATURE and punches it in the head.
The CREATURE’S head hits the ground as PARASITE continues to wail on the CREATURE.
The CREATURE’S tail grows back and smacks SOUL away.
The CREATURE’S tail then wraps around PARASITE and hurls PARASITE away.
PARASITE is thrown sixty feet slamming him into a parked car along the street.
WITCH CRAFT walks out of one of the stores holding an open can of soda.
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        Oh what the hell.
PARASITE heals his injuries and walks over to WITCH CRAFT.
                        Want to help?
PARASITE says with a hint of sarcasm.
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        Why not.
WITCH CRAFT finishes the can of soda and throws it into a near by trash can.
WITCH CRAFT teleports next to the CREATURE, the CREATURE turns towards him.
The CREATURE swipes one of its long claws at WITCH CRAFT.
WITCH CRAFT teleports out of the way and appears on the other side of the CREATURE.
The CREATURE continues to swing at WITCH CRAFT who teleports away and next to the CREATURE.
SOUL leaps onto the CREATURE stabbing his spirit blade into the CREATURES head.
The CREATURE leans back in pain and WITCH CRAFT swing his arm up creating a spike of blood to stab in the throat of the CREATURE.
The CREATURE slams his tail at WITCH CRAFT who just manages to teleports away.
The CREATURE shakes knocking SOUL off its back and to the ground.
SOUL kicks himself back up and turns intangible just as the CREATURE’S tail slashes at him.
The CREATURE is hit hard by a car having been thrown at it.
PARASITE stands back up from having thrown the car.
The CREATURE slams into the ground and struggles to stand back up.
WITCH CRAFT teleports aside the CREATURE placing his hand on the CREATURE’S stomach.
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        Lou dam el trey.
A large concussive blast emits from WITCH CRAFT’S hand and rips apart the CREATURE’S stomach blasting bits of flesh and blood all over.
WITCH CRAFT turns and walks back over to PARASITE.
SOUL runs over to WITCH CRAFT joining him.
                        Nice trick.
As SOUL and WITCH CRAFT face PARASITE as they walk towards him.
PARASITE’S face turns from a smirk to shock and worry.
SOUL and WITCH CRAFT take notice PARASITE’S expression yet are confused why.
The CREATURE’S tail wraps around SOUL and throws him into the air.
WITCH CRAFT turns around to see the CREATURE fully healed.
WITCH CRAFT teleports to SOUL in the air and then teleports him back to the ground.
                        Any ideas?
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        Keep it distracted and bleed it.
SOUL nods and runs towards the CREATURE.
PARASITE leaps in the air and falls on the CREATURE slamming his fists into the CREATURE.
The CREATURE is blown to the ground in pain.
PARASITE jumps off the CREATURE as it stands back up.
SOUL extends his spirit blade in both hands.
SOUL slides under the CREATURE slicing both of the CREATURE’S legs causing it to fall onto its back.
The CREATURE screams in agony.
The CREATURE gets backs up after healing meanwhile PARASITE starts to run back towards the CREATURE.
The CREATURE smacks PARASITE with its tail.
SOUL slices the tail off from the CREATURE.
The CREATURE turns around to SOUL and slices at him with its claws.
SOUL rolls out of the way.
The CREATURE’S tail grows back and wraps around SOUL.
The CREATURE hurls SOUL towards a street lamp.
SOUL turns intangible, passes through the street lamp, turns back and lands skidding on the ground.
The ground below the CREATURE is coated in blood.
WITCH CRAFT teleports back by the CREATURE and starts to teleport at all sides of the CREATURE as the CREATURE swipes at him with its claws.
WITCH CRAFT finally appears behind the CREATURE after a few moments of teleporting.
The CREATURE turns around to face WITCH CRAFT slow and tired.
WITCH CRAFT slams his palm to the ground where he had drawn a large hex on the ground in the CREATURE’S blood.
Several large black tendrils burst from the ground beneath the CREATURE.
The black tendrils wraps around the CREATURE, crushing it, snapping its body and stabbing into the CREATURE ripping it apart.
The CREATURE wails as its torn to pieces by the black tendrils, the tendrils then burst through the body of the CREATURE ripping out the CREATURE’S heart.
The tendrils then drag the CREATURE down to the ground and crushing it to a bloody pulp.
The tendrils then simply fade away into shadows and disappear.
After several moments the CREATURE does not heal but instead starts to burn to ash.
                        That, was so metal.
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        I know right.
WITCH CRAFT chuckles while scratching the back of his head.
SOUL walks over and picks up the CREATURE’S heart, the only thing that didn’t burn away, but right off it’s also clear that the heart is not made from the same thing as the CREATURE.
The CREATURE’S heart is a two feet wide synthetic plastic polymer like material shaped like a heart.
SOUL walks over to the PARASITE and WITCH CRAFT holding the heart to show them.
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        The [frick] is this?
                        There are some marks and a roman
                        numeral on the side here.
SOUL turns the heart showing a “I” and a symbol, a bold yellow circle with three triangles one facing right, another down, and one in-between them.
                        Any ideas?
PARASITE’S face turns to anxiety and dread.
IMAGE: EMBER starts her new job working at WITCH CRAFT’S book store.
EMBER listens to the radio reporting about the incident with WITCH CRAFT, SOUL, and PARASITE.
After a moment EMBER scoffs and turns the radio channel to 1980s pop rock.
EMBER goes back to stocking new books.
The door opens and WITCH CRAFT walks in covered in the CREATURE’S blood.
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        Hey how’s it going?
                        Good, no probl…
EMBER turns around mid sentence and it startled to see WITCH CRAFT covered in blood.
                        Christ what happen to you?
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        It’s not mine.
WITCH CRAFT chuckles and shrugs at EMBER.
                        Doesn’t really make it any better does it.
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        Good point, it’s that beast that we
                        killed, turns out there’s more to it
                        then we know, DANIEL’S going all
                        science on it and shit.
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        Don’t worry; I’m sure he’ll let you
                        check it out after work here. Look,
                        I’m going up to my place to change
                        and shower this shit off of me.
EMBER nods and goes back to work.
WITCH CRAFT teleports up to his place upstairs from the store.
IMAGE: In the kitchen of VALKYRIE’S small house the window is lifted up and MOUNTAIN crawls in.
MOUNTAIN closes the window and locks it behind him while smirking.
MOUNTAIN starts sorting through VALKYRIE’S kitchen and finds himself a box of Trix cereal.
MOUNTAIN smiles and nods his head holding the box.
IMAGE: VALKYRIE sleeps on the pull out bed from the couch; he tosses and turns appearing to be suffering from a nightmare.
VALKYRIE clenches the blanket and showing pain on his face.
VALKYRIE bursts up from sleep with a loud shout; he places his hand on his head and breathes heavy.
After a moment VALKYRIE looks over to see MOUNTAIN standing in the doorframe eating a bowl of Trix.
VALKYRIE sighs and smiles a little.
                        You better not have eaten all of that.
                        I’ll buy you another box.
VALKYRIE gets up from the bed and puts on the shirt that was on a chair near by; he shuffles his jeans and grabs his phone, wallet, and keys.
                        What’s going on?
                        Not a whole lot, just thought I’d stop
                        May I ask what that was all about?
VALKYRIE pauses and shakes his head no.
                        To the bar?
                        To the bar.
IMAGE: LILIUM walks out from her apartment as the clouds cover the sun giving the day a dark heavy overcast.
As LILIUM walks to her car she looks over to see a MAN trying to break into someone else’s car.
LILIUM walks over to the MAN and gets his attention.
                        What do you think you’re doing?
                        Get out of here.
The MAN gets angry waving his hand to shoo LILIUM away.
                        Just give up; you’re not getting the
The MAN pushes LILIUM away.
                        [frick] off.
LILIUM takes a second, becoming more and more annoyed with the MAN.
LILIUM focuses for a moment and then posses the man.
The MAN wobbles around a bit but LILIUM gains complete control.
The MAN/LILIUM starts to slam his head on the hood of the car.
After five to six hits LILIUM leaves the MAN’S body, he slumps to the ground in pain, his nose broken and teeth cracked.
LILIUM kneels down next to the MAN.
                        Had enough?
The MAN gets up aching and tries to run off, stumbling with each few steps.
LILIUM heads back to her car.
IMAGE: PARASITE and SOUL walk into the bar where BLUE and RAIDER are sitting at the tables.
PARASITE carries with him a large cooler with its lid duct taped shut.
RAIDER notices the cooler.
                        What you got there?
                        Something I hope doesn’t become a
                        huge problem later on.
                        It’s a mechanical heart that we got
                        from that beast.
                        So it was a machine?
                        Both, it was both.
                        Interesting I guess.
PARASITE rushes down stairs leaving SOUL, RAIDER, and BLUE.
SOUL walks over to the table and sits down.
                        So how was the fight?
                        That thing regenerated fast, real fast.
                        How did you guys stop it then?
                        ELLIOT did a spell that crushed, ripped
                        it apart, and then shredded it.
                        Ah, magic, always an incredible thing.
                        Oh yeah? Do they have magic out
                        there in the rest of the universe?
                        It’s a little different depending on
                        where you are, but yes.
The door to the bar bursts open and in walks VALKYRIE and MOUNTAIN, Under VALKYRIE’S arm is a Nintendo 64, four controllers, and a couple of video game cartridges.
                        What that?
                        Yarrgh we be commandeering ye TV
                        to play some games.
                        We’re going to hook this up and play
                        some video games.
VALKYRIE seems disappointed.
                        I thought we agreed to talk like
                        No you did, and then didn’t pay
                        attention when I told you I wasn’t
                        going to.
                        You never let me have anything.
MOUNTAIN rolls his eyes.
                        Can I play?
                        We got enough for four players, as
                        well as super smash bros, golden eye,
                        and Mario kart.
                        By the way YUKIMORA, we heard
                        about that monster on the radio,
                        what’s the deal with that?
                        DANIEL’S got its heart downstairs,
                        apparently there’s something going
                        on with it.
                        I’ll go see what’s up.
MOUNTAIN heads downstairs while VALKYRIE starts to set up the Nintendo 64.
IMAGE: EMBER finishes talking with a CUSTOMER, the CUSTOMER leaves and EMBER goes back to wiping down the counter.
WITCH CRAFT teleports into the store, wearing more casual clothes and holds a towel he using to dry his hair with.
                        Feel better?
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        It’s just nice not too covered in blood,
                        brings up some bad memories.
                        Huh, don’t want to know.
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        Well it’s about two in the afternoon,
                        want to head out?
                        Yeah just let me finish up a little
                        cleaning and I’ll leave.
                                                WITCH CRAFT
A few minutes pass as EMBER finishes cleaning.
                        Have I told you that it still weirds me
                        out that magick is real?
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        Well it’s been roughly a year since we
                        met, but I guess it’s still a lot to get
                        used to.
                        Yet I still know very little about you.
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        And I envy for it.
EMBER nods and looks about.
                        Well I’m pretty much done here; I
                        guess I’ll head out.
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        Oh, here.
WITCH CRAFT hands EMBER a check.
                        Thank you.
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        Not a problem.
                        Great, I’m gonna’ go cash it.
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        Alright, you take it easy.
                        Yup, see you later.
EMBER walks out of the store as WITCH CRAFT takes over.
About fifteen minutes later LILIUM walks in to find WITCH CRAFT playing solitaire on the desk.
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        Oh hey.
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        Everything okay?
                        Yeah, yeah, I was wondering if you
                        wanted to screw later on?
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        Not really, it’s fun and all, but it’s
                        been a long ass day.
                        You really don’t like all this?
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        Look I’ve had my share of wild times,
                        and I’m still up for it, but this whole
                        thing we got is just uncomfortable.
                        We’re on sort of this team thing now,
                        you insist on keeping this relationship
                        secret from everybody.
                        Why would you want to mess this up?
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        I’m not I’m just saying this, what ever
                        it is we have is a mess already.
                        All it is, is a basically us having fun.
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        Why should it be so secret?
                        Because I don’t want the others to
                        find out.
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        What for? If it is just for fun, and even
                        then I don’t know if that’s what I
                        really want.
                        I just don’t want people to know I’m
                        with anyone, and I’m not ready for
                        anything serious.
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        I don’t even know if I am either, but
                        something about this whole thing is
                        bugging the shit out me.
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        You say it’s for fun yet you dread the
                        idea of anyone else knowing about,
                        we’re a part of some group shit going
                        on, and yet you know as well as I do
                        this is definitely already caused some
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        Before the invasion, two weeks prior,
                        when there was the high speed chase
                        through the city.
                        That had nothing to do with us.
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        And yet you tried to push me out into
                        traffic when I checked out that chick,
                        you insist this is just for fun yet you
                        got jealous, you say you’ve nothing to
                        hide yet you keep this whole thing a
                        secret, I honestly feel like I’m being
                        I don’t want this to be romantic.
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        And maybe I do.
                        Do you?
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        I don’t even know, practically every
                        time I try to talk to you about it you
                        run or start blowing me.
WITCH CRAFT starts to drift in thought with a smile, but then snaps to.
                        You said you were open to this.
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        But I don’t want it to be some dirty
LILIUM looks down thinking to herself.
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        Don’t be, you do what you feel you
                        need to. All I’m saying is I’m being
                        left in the dark here, I don’t like it.
A couple of CUSTOMERS walk in.
                        We’ll talk about it later.
                                                WITCH CRAFT
                        Alright, take it easy.
LILIUM nods and leaves.
IMAGE: VALKYRIE, RAIDER, and MOUNTAIN play super smash bros on the bar’s TV. SOUL watches them while BLUE sits alone in the back.
PARASITE walks upstairs with a notebook.
                        Hey, so what was that thing?
                        I’ll tell you later, and, what they hell
                        are you guys doing?
                        We’re playing video games, want in.
PARASITE seems annoyed at first but blows it off.
                        No thanks.
LILIUM walks in and goes straight for the bar, grabbing a beer.
                        What’s up?
LILIUM walks over to BLUE who sits along at one of the tables simply looking at the TV screen.
                        Hello BLUE.
                        BLUE can I talk to you downstairs?
LILIUM and BLUE head downstairs.
In the game being played on the TV, VALKYRIE plays as STAR FOX, MOUNTAIN plays as PIKACHU, and RAIDER plays as SAMUS as suggested as by the other two.

IMAGE: LILIUM sits on the back of the couch while BLUE stands by.
                        I’m just having a rough day and want
                        to talk to someone about it.
                        So this is all secret, between you and
                        me. For a while now I’ve been having
                        sex with ELLIOT.
BLUE stands silent.
                        Well, but I want it to be a secret, and
                        I’m really more into doing it just for
                        fun, but he kind of doesn’t, I mean,
                        he doesn’t want to keep doing this
                        because he’s unnerved by it all.
LILIUM looks at BLUE.
                        This is gonna’ tough.
IMAGE: Late in the afternoon PROFESSOR MATT DOLLAN, old friend to WITCH CRAFT, he sits in his office at the college. Alone he goes over some tests from his class.
Behind PROFESSOR DOLLAN along the wall are large cultural masks from different societies in history.
The lights dim as a MAN shrouded in the shadows, his face is covered by a silver mask with no face yet with four yellow glowing eyes.
                                                PROF. DOLLAN
                        Oh it’s you.
The MAN stays silent.
                                                PROF. DOLLAN
                        Really, I don’t think that wa…
The MAN doesn’t react.
                                                PROF. DOLLAN
                        Okay, okay, why though.
The MAN doesn’t speak or move.
                                                PROF. DOLLAN
                        I understand.
PROFESSOR DOLLAN gets up and takes out from his briefcase the scroll that he had been given by WITCH CRAFT.
PROFESSOR DOLLAN hands the MAN the scroll.
The MAN takes the scroll and stands still not moving.
                                                PROF. DOLLAN
The MAN doesn’t say anything.
                                                PROF. DOLLAN
                        Very well, you can go now.
The MAN leans back to the shadows and seems to simply vanish.
IMAGE: EMBER walks into her apartment; she places the money she had gotten from her work check on the kitchen counter and turns around holding her phone.
EMBER looks at her phone in deep thought and then dials a number, placing the phone next to her ear.
The phone rings, time and time again but no one picks up but she then gets the answering machine.
                        Hey MOM, DAD, how’s it going? I
                        thought I’d call, see how every thing
                        is. Tell little MIKEY I said hello. Call
                        me, if you want to. Bye.
EMBER hangs up and places the phone on the counter, and then sits on the floor.


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Bill Cosby Says He Wants To Be In A Superhero Film

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TheHero - 7/17/2014, 10:24 AM
Finally. I was wondering when we were going to get a part 4.
Great Job as usual, Bandit!
TitanicByMyself - 7/27/2014, 10:57 PM
This was very good! I need to read from the beginning. Part 5 soon please.
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