Bandit: Unwanted Heroes - Teaser (Original Content)

Bandit: Unwanted Heroes - Teaser (Original Content)

Unwanted Heroes is a story of nine superheroes from different origins and with plenty of secrets. The story starts off in New York city on Christmas day, just after the defeat of an alien invasion by the heroes who now have to realize the world is changing all around them now. New dangers, more heroes, and the revelation of their secrets. (WARNING - Profanity and suggestive behavior)

By Bandit - Apr 24, 2014 02:04 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic
Name: Blue Name: Ember
Real Name: R8I01 Real Name: Amber Harrison
Age: 4 Age: 22
Race: Robot Race: White
Gender: N/A Gender: Female
Job: N/A Job: College Student
Physical Description: Durable titainium alloy built robot standing at 6’ tall. The robot is slim and seems almost jagged exterior. Blue lights adorn it’s entire body which are able to change brightness.  It’s two arms can split into four each controllable and it’s feet have strong claws for digging into the ground. Physical Description: Standing 5’6” tall, a slim build, brown eyes, and medium length brown hair. A small tattoo of a star fish on her left hip.
Bio: Made to lead, this robot was built in Japan as part of an army built to by a corrupt tech company wiling to sell the robots to any buyer seeking to conquer they’re enemy. Blue is made with better tech as it was assigned to lead the army. Blue had escaped but has no memory of the circumstances of it’s escape. Bio: Majoring in biology she always has had a great mind for science. After year of feeling ambitous she embarked on a mission to create a means of healing injuries with incredible speed. Completing her tests she decides to try the serum, her blood boils with speed and power giving her her powers.
Powers: Lv4 armored body, super strong, super dexterity, super reflexes, super intellect, super jump, super alloy katana, computerized memory, night vision, and an internal targeting system. Powers: Heat up body to 920F, fire proof, and lv3 regeration.
Name: Lilium Name: Mountain
Real Name: Lilly Oscar Real Name: Malcom Wallace
Age: 27 Age: 26
Race: White Race: Black
Gender: Female Gender: Male
Job: Ex-Carny Job: Construction
Physical Description: At 5’3” Lilium is rather short, with her long blonde hair and blue eyes she gives off a subtle grace. Her ears are pierced and she has a small cut on her chin. Physical Description: 6’2” and strong build he even with out his powers can intimidate. Very short black stubble and brown eyes.
Bio: A young travelling gypsy girl from a carnival Lilium had gained a number of talents and skills. Her father preformed as a psychic while she was a fire breather.
Bio: Born with the ability to turn his skin into stone he was outcasted while in his youth. He ran from home and was drawn into a gang that used him as their enforcer. After a few years while he started to realize what he does he beat the gang and fled.
Powers: Posses any organic humanoid from at most 17’ away (body disappears while possessing people and has access to short term memories), good fighter, and carries a pistol. Powers: Lv3 stone skin armor, enhanced strength, stone protrusions, great fighter.
Name: Parasite Name: Raider
Real Name: Daniel Baily Real Name: Raia Ishka Olrisnamel
Age: 38 Age: 25
Race: White (Yexa, alien parasite) Race: Alien (Hionell)
Gender: Male Gender: Female
Job: Ex-Scientist Job: Thief
Physical Description: Blonde and blue eyes, standing 5’8” Parasite looks fairly normal when relaxed. When using the alien armor there are long obsidian vine like strands cover his whole body. Physical Description: Long blue thick quills instead of hair, yellow eyes, blue skin with intricate yellow markings, fangs, two dog like bottem legs, a long 4’ tail, two long tipped ears, and standing at only 5’1” tall.
Bio: When studing a meteorite at Armanda labs Parasite was infected by the Yexa alien parasite, the parasite can translate it’s emotions but due to the damage it sustained in the meteorite crash it can’t take control of Parasite. The company wanted to use the alien for cruel experiments and killed all the other scientists involved. Bio: An alien fugitive on the run from the I.O.D. (I.E. Space Police), her crimes list things like robbery, grand theft, a few murder, and others. She is one of a few dozen survivors of her race.
Powers: Super strength, super jump, lv4 bio-organic alien armor, and lv5 regeneration. Powers: Lv2 alien body armor, Heat bladed plasma rifle, two energy palm blasters, super reflexes, super senses, and super jump.
Name: Soul Name: Valkyrie
Real Name: Yukimora Ishida Real Name: Joshua June
Age: 29 Age: 25
Race: Asian Race: White
Gender: Male Gender: Male
Job: Unemployed Job: Military veteran, many jobs
Physical Description: 5’8” tall, medium black hair, and brown eyes, a slim but toned build. Physical Description: Standing at 5’10”, short blonde hair, brown eyes, and a toned body. The armored suit is mostly yellow and some black, swift and streamline design the suit is built for flight and quick fighting in mind. The suit had originally been paint in military camouflage but had been repainted by Valkyrie.
Bio: A man from the far east, having traveled around the world since the age of 14. Raised in the knowledge of the great spirits that watch over the natural Earth. Bio: Having had served in the army for a few years he was brought into a secret military operation led by a corrupt general and senator, in their quest to overthrow the government. Being given the armor and train to use it, he learns of the mission and fless with the armor.
Powers: Become intangible, sense others by their aura (spirit energy), and Indescrutable spirit blades from his hands. Powers: Lv4 full body tech armor, missles, arm guns, jet flight, electric touch, electric proof, charged electric punch, short distance EMP pulse, electric arm blasts, targeting helm computer, and night vision.
Name: Witch Craft
Real Name: Elliot Macrin
Age: 27
Race: White
Gender: Male
Job: Book store owner
Physical Description: Short brown hair, green eyes, 5’7”, and a tad pale.
Bio: Son of a witch who died giving birth to him, his father died in a car accident. He was raised by his aunt. also a witch, who died later on when he was 19 years old. He learned all his knowledge of magic from his aunt.
Powers: Teleportation (maximum distance of 217 miles, the more weight he teleports with the less far he can go, and complete conscious spatial awareness), blood magick (Use to lash, shield, smash, cut, etc), good magick skills, lv1 leather armor, and spiked steel gauntlets.

-Unwanted Heroes-

IMAGE: A small bar half destroyed and empty of life.  Chairs and tables knocked about from a panic.
IMAGE: The light flicks on only to brighten half of the bar.
IMAGE: Nine people walk in, the robot BLUE, the burning girl EMBER, the armored VALKYRIE, the traveled SOUL, the alien RAIDER, the rough MOUNTAIN, the magical WITCH CRAFT, the mysterious LILIUM, and the powerful PARASITE. They walk into the bar beaten and bruised after a heavy fight; their outfits are torn and battered. Some sit at the bar, others in at the tables, while BLUE continues to stand firm without pain.
IMAGE: VALKYRIE takes his cracked helmet off behind the bar and grabs some bottles from under the bar to give to the others. He begins to walk about handing out the beer.
IMAGE: PARASITE’S organic alien armor sinks back into his skin as he lets out a heavy sigh while taking a beer from VALKYRIE.
IMAGE: WITCH CRAFT teleports himself next to VALKYRIE getting his beer and teleports back to his seat at the tables.
IMAGE: VALKYRIE continues to hand out the bottles.
                        Next time there’s an alien invasion I’m
                        calling in sick.
IMAGE: MOUNTAIN ties a bandage around his thigh. Blood still drips from the wound but not enough to cause worry. The stone skin on MOUNTAIN’S body starts to fade away as his skin softens out.
                        Well at least you didn’t get shot in the leg.
                        Oh come off it rocky it didn’t hurt that bad
                        did it.
IMAGE: SOUL creates a spirit blade from his hand and gives a clean slice to the bottle top rather then popping the top. He takes a drink and sets it down on the bar.
                        It was smooth sailing until that large ship
IMAGE: VALKYRIE after handing out the drinks sits down next to MOUNTAIN.
                        So cliché, a mother ship, come on son,
                        we’ve seen that in all the movies.
IMAGE: MOUNTAIN taps VALKYRIE’S drink with his in agreement.
                        Besides DANIEL threw that tanker truck
                        at it, probably wouldn’t have gone down if
                        he hadn’t.
IMAGE: PARASITE stretches popping his back.
                        I think it’s fair to say if we weren’t all
                        there we would’ve have been killed. That
                        whole damn ship would’ve landed on me
                        if you hadn’t got me out of there.
IMAGE: PARASITE knocks WITCH CRAFT’S feet from off the table.
                                                     WITCH CRAFT
                        Don’t mention it.
IMAGE: EMBER gets up still sore from the battle.
                        I better get home I got school in the
IMAGE: EMBER looks over to WITCH CRAFT waiting.
IMAGE: WITCH CRAFT realizes what she is waiting for.
                                                     WITCH CRAFT
                        Oh yeah, right. Come on kid I’ll get you
IMAGE: WITCH CRAFT stands and places his hand on her shoulder and teleports her and himself out of the room.
IMAGE: A moment later WITCH CRAFT teleports back and sits right back down in his seat.
IMAGE: VALKYRIE seems distracted by something in his ear.
                        What’s up?
                        Run away train in the subways.
                        Who’s still awake and capable of doing it?
IMAGE: PARASITE stands up and he forces out the black alien armor that covers most of his body like black obsidian vines.
                        Anyone else?
IMAGE: The bar stays silent.
                        Fine, I’ll go, WITCH CRAFT.
                                                     WITCH CRAFT
IMAGE: WITCH CRAFT gets up while PARASITE and MOUNTAIN stand up, placing their hands on his shoulder. The three vanish leaving only BLUE, VALKYRIE, LILIUM, RAIDER, and SOUL.
IMAGE: WITCH CRAFT Arrives back where LILIUM stands up next to him, she whispers something in his ear. She then turns back around to the others.
                        I’m heading out, see you guys.
                                                     WITCH CRAFT
IMAGE: WITCH CRAFT teleports away with LILIUM.
IMAGE: BLUE, SOUL, VALKYRIE, and RAIDER sit in the bar as they continue to drink.
                        So, RAIA, you ever run into the RIKETT
                        while out in space?
                        They keep to themselves and are always
                        looking to conquer new worlds. But yeah
                        I have a few times.
                        So you’re saying that we might deal with
                        them again.
                        No idea.
                        BLUE, sure you don’t want to sit.
IMAGE: SOUL, VALKYRIE, and RAIDER just nod as BLUE being an emotionless robot always seems to be difficult to really talk to.
IMAGE: PARASITE and MOUNTAIN stand in the subway tunnel.
                        So how should we handle this?
                        I don’t know, we can push from the 
                        If we do that it might derail got to have
                        two or more points trying to stop it.
IMAGE: The light of the subway train coming down the tunnel starts to shine, MOUNTAIN and PARASITE don’t respond.
                        If you try to stop the front I can maybe
                        get to the back.
                        Could work.
                        You get the front and I’ll get to the back.
IMAGE: PARASITE runs towards the train as incredible while MOUNTAIN braces himself ready to hit the train.
IMAGE: PARASITE leaps into the air and crashes through the window of the train. The conductor who had been struggling to regain control of the train panics when PARASITE breaks in. PARASITE starts running back to the tail of the subway train.
IMAGE: MOUNTAIN on the tracks of the subway tunnel, he limbers up and his skin transforms back to stone. He braces himself ready to catch the train.
IMAGE; The train smashes into MOUNTAIN, the front of the train crumples up a little and also pushes MOUNTAIN back against the tracks.
IMAGE: PARASITE bursts through the subway train doors scarring each of the passengers. PARASITE reaches the back door and kicks out the door; he leans down and slams his claws into the ground, tearing up the tracks with his hand. PARASITE braces himself against the rest of the subway train to keep himself from thrown out.
IMAGE: The train slows but still doesn’t completely stop. MOUNTAIN still struggles to stop the train as he’s still pushed back against the tracks.
IMAGE: From behind MOUNTAIN a light shines, he struggles to peek behind himself while still being slammed into the train. The light shows the back of another subway train moving slower.
                        Oh for [frick] sake.
IMAGE: MOUNTAIN grabs onto the front of the runaway train as the two trains crash into each other. MOUNTAIN is smashed in through the back door of the now front train.
IMAGE: The people in the first train are knocked about from the impact. The crash forces the first train to move a bit faster but also slows down the back train.
IMAGE: The front train conductor is thrown into the train panel knocking him out.
IMAGE: MOUNTAIN gets to his feet and runs towards the front of the first train.
IMAGE: PARASITE still trying to hold on to the train while dragging his claw into the ground starts to tear away at the train interior that’s holding him inside. Ripping the metal door frame PARASITE is flung out of the train, he manages to hold on to the train’s coupling link while still dragging his claw into the ground.
IMAGE: WITCH CRAFT and LILIUM teleport into her apartment. The apartment is nice but poorly furnished.
IMAGE: LILIUM walks over to the door and checks the lock.
IMAGE: WITCHCRAFT’S armor sticks a little so he takes it off and places it at the side of the couch and then he sits on the arm rest.
                                                     WITCH CRAFT
                        I still think we shouldn’t being doing this,
                        it just seems like a bad idea to run the risk
                        of an emotional relationship developing
                        with us putting on lives on the line all the
IMAGE: LILIUM takes off her shirt not really listening to WTICH CRAFT.
                        Shut the hell up.
IMAGE: LILIUM knocks WITCH CRAFT onto the couch and jumps on top of him as they start to have sex on the couch.
IMAGE: SOUL, RAIDER, VALKYRIE and BLUE still sit at the bar drinking. VALKYRIE picks up the remote to the bar’s television and start flicking through the channels.
IMAGE: RAIDER and SOUL sit about in the middle of their conversation while BLUE still stands motionless.
                        Considering we met like what two days
                        ago I think we make quite the team.
                        Doesn’t mean we should form a group.
IMAGE: VALKYRIE leans back to the two of them.
                        Face it man, we’re already in a group.
                        Yeah I guess.
                        Bet you that we made the news.
                        Considering that an alien invasion just
                        happen, on your Christmas here in New
                        York, and we beat them, I’d probably say
                        it’s on the news.
                        What a hell of a way to celebrate
IMAGE: VALKYRIE changes the channel to the news, where the media has been covering the events of the invasion and acts of the nine heroes all night long.
                                                     REPORTER ONE (V.O.)
                        Is there anything that we learned so far,
                        about these aliens and about the heroes?
                                                     REPORTER TWO (V.O.)
                        So far what we’ve learned from federal 
                        sources is that these aliens have not been
                        identified. As for the heroes the only
                        information is still from that mid battle
                        Mid battle interview?
                                                     REPORTER ONE (V.O.)
                        For those just tuning it we had earlier in
                        the battle got a quick interview from one
                        the heroes.
IMAGE: On the bar’s television the news shows a filmed interview of VALKYRIE in the middle of the battle. VALKYRIE’S armor is mostly intact and his face plate has risen for the interview.
                                    (On Television)
                        What are these things?
                                    (On Television)
                        Uh, RIKETT I think, our friend RAIA
                        who’s out here somewhere, she told
                        us about them. They apparently just
                        go around conquering planets.
IMAGE: VALKYRIE looks back at the others to see their disapproving looks, he then looks over at BLUE who looks back at him with no expression. VALKYRIE rolls his eyes and looks back up at the TV.
                                    (On Television)
                        And who are you guys.
                                    (On Television)
                        I’m VALKYRIE, we got some magic guy,
                        an alien chick, two other chicks, some
                        super dude, my friend MOUNTAIN, some
                        guy, and a robot.
IMAGE: On the television the interview is interrupted by several energy beams fired around VALKYRIE who then blasts off to go fight in the battle.
                        Some guy?
                        I forgot your name in the heat of battle
                        give me a break.
IMAGE: VALKYRIE laughs nervously and rubs the back of his neck.
IMAGE: PARASITE struggles to hold onto the train while still dragging his hand in the ground. Sparks fly out from underneath the train.
IMAGE:  MOUNTAIN smashes through the door into the front of the first train, finding the conductor out cold he moves out of the way and starts to look around the controls trying to find the brakes.
IMAGE: PARASITE starts to loose more of his grip, in a lot of pain the force of the train and his claw in the ground rips his arm off. He lets of the train and hit the ground.
IMAGE: MOUNTAIN gets a huge boost in speed from the train behind him, he regains his composure in time to find the brakes, and he hits them. The train slams on its brakes, the force knocks MOUNTAIN forward. The back train’s engine breaks down from the pressure and the two trains drag to a halt just before reaching the platform of its next stop.
IMAGE: MOUNTAIN steps out from the back of the last train to find PARASITE there with two arms.
IMAGE: MOUNTAIN looks down and behind PARASITE to see an arm laying on the tracks.
                        Lost another one huh?
                        Shut up.
IMAGE: MOUNTAIN chuckles to himself as they start looking for a way out.
IMAGE: VALKYRIE sits at the bar thinking quietly while RAIDER and SOUL talk.
IMAGE: VALKYRIE snaps too with something to say.
                        Wait a minute, we forgot about Christmas, 
                        I mean I know you’re an alien, you’re a
                        Buddhist, and BLUE’S a robot, but we need
                        to get gifts. Should we do normal gift giving
                        or name drawing gifts?
IMAGE: The group sits in silence while VALKYRIE waits for a reply.
                        Okay, I’ll just ask the others.
IMAGE: Another pause in the room adding to the uncomfortable atmosphere.
                        I’m not a Buddhist.
IMAGE: VALKYRIE face palms.
IMAGE: VALKYRIE stands up.
                        Hey MALCOM we forgot Christmas.
                        Shit, you’re right. We should do a hat draw.
IMAGE: PARASITES skin turns back to a normal human look.
                        This is a nice bar.
                        You should buy it, like you told us you’re
                        basically being hunted down, no expects
                        the bar owner.
                        Yeah I could buy a bar.
                        Didn’t Elliot say he owned a book store?
                        Elliot Macrin had stated that he had been
                        gifted his book store through his aunt who
                        had willed it to him at the time of her death.
                        Thank you BLUE.
IMAGE: PARASITE looks around the bar measuring things out with the idea of buying it.
                        Anyway I better get home, got to work on
                        this suit.
IMAGE: VALKYRIE leaves the bar.
IMAGE: MOUNTAIN heads to behind the bar and grabs a few beers.
                        Anyone else want a beer?
IMAGE: WITCH CRAFT and LILIUM lay in her bed after intercourse. After a moment they get out of the bed and begin to get dressed.
IMAGE: WITCH CRAFT gets dressed first.
                        Well I’ll see you later.
                                                     WITCH CRAFT
                        Um, yeah alright, see you.
IMAGE: WITCH CRAFT teleports out of the apartment.
IMAGE: LILIUM sits down on the bed staring off into nothing.
IMAGE: Above his book store is WITCH CRAFT’S apartment, he teleports into his place, the lights from outside flash through the apartment. Nice décor and well furnished but the place seems empty and hollow.
IMAGE: WITCH CRAFT starts to strip once more, to get comfortable while getting some food from the fridge. As he moves about the room becomes clearer, the door is painted with blood in hexes to protect from evil and the door doesn’t seem to have been opened in years. Around the apartment there are a number of spell books sitting about.
IMAGE: WITCH CRAFT turns about to the window and looks out on the city, watching the panic that still exists from the alien invasion.
IMAGE: MOUNTAIN watches PARASITE walk around the bar as he still considers buying it. The others still watch the news as they talk about the invasion more.
                        What are you doing?
                        JOSHUA said I should buy the bar; it’s
                        not a bad idea.
IMAGE: WITCH CRAFT teleports in the bar, wearing only a pair of pants, no shirt, and a messy hair. He has his tooth brush in his mouth as it looks like he’s heading to bed.
IMAGE: WITCH CRAFT walks behind the bar and grabs six bottles of beer in his hands and a bag of chips.
                                                     WITCH CRAFT
IMAGE: WITCH CRAFT teleports back out of the bar.
IMAGE: The TV news now shows the president of the United States now giving an emergency speech on the situation. MOUNTAIN looks over at PARASITE.
                        Hey, what do you think will happen?
                        Not sure, they’ll probably start some
                        operation to monitor crazy shit from now
IMAGE: RAIDER watches with confusion and curiosity.
                        I’m surprised you guys have never dealt
                        with outside species before.
                        Don’t rub it in.
IMAGE: SOUL gets up and watches the TV with the others.
                        We’ve already got the spirits and magic,
                        bunch of other stuff, aliens even caught
                        me off guard. Thankfully you got here to
                        help us about it RAIA.
                        Thank you.
IMAGE: MOUNTAIN yawns, checks his phone.
                        It’s getting late and I think it’s supposed                        
                        to snow.
IMAGE: PARASITE looks behind him.
                        I’m so buying this bar.
                        According to the national weather service
                        it’s going to snow from one at night to nine
                        in the morning, reaching over a foot of
                        snow with a temperature of thirty six.
IMAGE: MOUNTAIN looks over at BLUE.
                        Wait, you get Wifi?

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TheHero - 4/24/2014, 5:30 AM
Great job, man! I really like it.
solidsnake512 - 4/24/2014, 1:21 PM
Wow man this is great im really into it please show more
TucksFrom2015 - 4/24/2014, 7:22 PM
nice use of HTML tables.. but you might wanna embolden the character names to make it look more like a script.
Bandit - 4/24/2014, 7:23 PM
I will do that, thanks Tucks.
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