I´ve been working on this since I read the article down there. This is how I would go own with the current MCU , not a part of my MCU.

By comics56 - May 19, 2011 05:05 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

Avengers against the Skrulls (lead by Anelle) and Loki (in possession of the Cosmic Cube and the Norm Stones).
AFTER CREDITS : Hill tells Fury the government is thinking about SHRA.

ANT-MAN - 2012
Hank discover the Pym Particles andf starts to work for S.H.I.E.L.D. as a spy. He investigates A.I.M., his girlfriend is too exposed to Pym Particles and gain abilities as him, but also wings and a laser sting. Janet birth was made by the hands of A.I.M., they confront M.O.D.O.K. and explode the whole A.I.M. lab.
AFTER CREDITS: Carol Danvers tells director Fury that she might have acomplished her mission by getting the gennius behind the defeat of Loki to his team. Pym and Janet start to work in Ultron.

IRON MAN 3 - 2013
Tony confronts Mandarin, a terrorist leader who possesses ten magic rings. Tony sees no way to defeat him until he remembers Thor´s lines about magic and science being the one and the same thing. Maria Hill tells Tony that he should be ready for this kind of thing after Loki and all. Tony breaks up with Pepper and hse moves out, he hires Whitney Frost as his new assistent.
AFTER CREDITS : Fury has a meeting with Stephen Strange to talk about the supernatural dissasters that might come to happen.

Stephen Strange origin is told , from his life as a doctor (Donald Blake is a suport character) until his magic learning. He battles Baron Mordo and sends him to another dimension, where he is aprisionated along with his master (Dormamu).
AFTER CREDITS : Doctor Strange meets Odin in a council meeting, Odin handles him the Orb of Agamotto.

Thor and Jane are living on New York, Jane finds out she is pregnant. Odin prepares a celebration for them but Enchantress sends The Executioner to attack Thor while she kidnaps Jane, but she battles Sif. Jane stabs Amora in the back only to find out she is Sif and that Sif is Amora in disguise. Amora don´t let anybody know she was involved so that she and Thor search for them in the Nine Realms along with Balder (Thor´s brother who was in Muspelheim during the first movie) and The Warriors Three. They visit Svartalheim and battle a group of Dark Elves (Algrim is present but unnamed)lead by Malekith. Malekith blackmails Amora, she manipulates Balder to kill him. One of the Dark Elves tells them that the exilated Giants live in Niffelheim, so they go there. Amora manages to kiss Thor before their confront with Skurge, The Executioner, when Thor defeats him and he sees that Amora will just let him die he tells Thor that she was behind it all. Amora battles Thor and The Warriors Three with the help of the controlled Balder. Volstagg and Fandral find Jane and Sif, they ran away from their prision. Enchantress is about to be defeated when she grabs Jane and opens a wormhole, they go to Muspelheim. Thor scream for Heimdall teleport him to where they are, but nothing happens. Balder is fainted and the Warriors Three are hurt, Sif is about to die. Loki appears to them and teleport them all to Asgard, he have a talk to Thor. He tells him that Amora should be stoped, because she will never rest until Thor is hers. Thor asks Loki why he is helping him and the Trickster tells him that if Thor will live forever in misery it will be because of him. Thor teleports himself to Muspelheim with the help of Loki, he battles an army of demons until he finds Amora and Jane. He tells Amora that he loves her and he wants to be with her, Amora believes him and they share a kiss. To make sure they wont be disturbed she creates a spear and stabs Jane in the stomach. Thor is furious ,he attacks Amora until she is almost dead.She falls into a vulcano and he come back to Asgard along with Jane. There she is healed but the baby is dead, Odin tells Thor to hold it, he will be fine. Thor comes back to Earth and decides that he wont ever be back to Asgard, Balder asks him to reconsider but he denies. Odin send a Valkyrie called Brunhilde to stay in Earth and make sure that Thor don´t do anything stupid. Loki materializes himself in Odin´s chamber when his father is alone. Loki tells Odin that he deserves now the throne of Asgard. Odin tells him that he is not the only Asgardian that knows how to lie. Loki is back to a pocked dimension called Isle of Silence.
AFTER CREDITS : Enchantress shows herself alive and manages to get to Midgard. She meets with Samuel Sterns (the Leader).

Bruce is working for S.H.I.E.L.D. until he is attacked by a creature called Bi-Beast. He is helped by a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent called Ricky Jones. Samuel Sterns reveals himself as the mind behind Bi-Beast. Bruce is captured by Sterns as well as Ricky. Thunderbolt Ross decides to contact Sterns to see if he has something to do with Bruce´s kidnapping. Sterns makes some experiments with Ricky until S.H.I.E.L.D. agents invade his lab. Sterns run away, General Ross starts injects something from the laboratory in himself and is seeing passing out at home. Betty is worried with her father and she goes talk to General Fury, but Coulson tells her that she has no autorization for such a thing. S.H.I.E.L.D.´s Vault (which is containing Abomination) is attacked by a deformed female version of the Hulk and she frees Abomination, they go back to Leader´s base. Sterns asks Blonsky to go after Genral Ross after he watches a security camera from his lab. Ross was turned in a Red version of the Hulk, he battles Abomination. Bruce go search for Betty only to find her passed out in her home, Sterns then attacks Bruce using a robot armor. Abomination is killed by Red Hulk and he leaves to battle the Hulk, they battle but after that they join forces to kill the Leader. Red Hulk breaks the Leader in two, the Hulk runs away. Red Hulk is defeated by S.H.I.E.L.D.´s Hulkbuster unit. Betty is seen in a chamber being examinated by Hank Pym ,Selving and a S.H.I.E.L.D. team. Rick is seen in his aprtment while his eyes turn blue and he passes out.
AFTER CREDITS : Ultron, a robot created by Hank and Janet, racks into Sterns computer files while his eyes turn red.

Steve still trying to learn to live in modern days, he works for S.H.I.E.L.D. ,but he is acting director of one facility (we see him in his Heroic Age clothes). Sam Wilson and Sharon Carter are supporting characters. A assassin is killing some mob bosses and Steve starts to investigate, he finds out that Winter Soldier is that assassin. They battle until Steve notes that Winter Soldier is Bucky, what pushes him back in the battle. Winter Soldier leaves Steve in a almost death state, he is working for Alexander Lupkin. Steve tells Sharon about the Winter Soldier situation, she tells him that must be something wrong with Bucky. Lupkin is in possession of the Cosmic Cube, Winter SOldier managed to stole it from S.H.I.E.L.D. and put a replica in its place. Steve confronts the Winter Soldier again after he invades his apartment and hurts Sharon, Bucky tells him that he is familiar so Steve tells him what happened. This time the Winter Soldier is defeated but he manages to run away. Lupkin managed to reach the full power of the Cube, but when he is about to use it he is killed by one of his men, who is actually the Red Skull. The Winter SOldier and Steve team-up to take down Red Skull, but Bucky stoles the Cube and go back in time. He stops Alexander Lupkin to be bron by destroying him in his childhood home and impess himself to be killed by the eplosion of the missile during World War II. Buck goes back to modern days and talks to Steve. He tells Steve that he didn´t mean to hurt Steve or anybody around him, after Bucky goes back to the modern days s like Red Skull has never revelated himself and still arround in disguise.
AFTER CREDITS : Lupkin is reveled to be a robot created by Ultron.

It´s like a prologue of how they became members of S.H.I.E.L.D. and romanticly involved. As agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. they must take down the terorrist organization H.Y.D.R.A. (Baron Von Strucker, Madame Viper and Grimm Reaper act as leaders). The invade a hidden Island where is H.Y.D.R.A.´s base, they are almost killed. They are only saved because Natasha managed to steal Satan´s Claw (Strucker´s way of being alive since the first arrival of Odin in Earth). Fury destroyes the Island, but Strucker runs away without his claw. The Grimm Reaper is arrested and its revealed that Viper was actually Julia Carpender working for S.H.I.E.L.D. (who is Analle in the Avengers).
AFTER CREDITS : Fury asks Doctor Strange to examinate the Satan´s Claw.

GIANT-MAN - 2015
Hank and Janet are setting up their wedding, but there are happening too many attacks on New York (by the Serpent Squad, a terrorist group). Hank is working with Elijah Starr for S.H.I.E.L.D. ,they want a way to open a portal to Asgard without the help of Thor. When the wedding day come they are attacked by the Serpent Squad and Janet is kidnaped. She is being contained in a eletric recipient which she can´t leave. Hank find Janet and discovers that Elijah was the one leading the Serpent Squad. Hank battles the Squad, but Starr manages to use Pym Particles and Fight Hank. Janet is set free by Carol Danvers and she grows to Hank´s giant size and uses her eletric sting on Starr, what leads him to die. Ultron is revealed being manipulating Starr. Hank and Janet get married, Ultron cofronts them but he is destroyed.
AFTER CREDITS : Ultron is rebuilding himself using Stark´s tech and making himself two robots, one female (Jocasta) and one based on Stark´s Mark VII (Vision).

The team is brough together by aFury, but once they meet at one location they find ot that the call wasn´t from Fury, but Ultron. He wants to destroy the heroes because once they are killed there´s nobody who can stop him from anihilate human kind. The Avengers battle Vision, but Tony manages to prove technologically that Ultron theory is fail to Vision and the robot malfuctions and they get t to Tony´s workshop. Fury is dealing with some attacks on the whole world by machines. Hank tells the team that they must find the Hulk, because Ultron has used Gamma science before and he might need him. Tony starts to work on the Vision to make it help them, Fury meet with Tony and tells him that he want to help the Avengers. Fury sends Black Widow, Hawkeye and two other agents (Bobbi Morse and Simon Williams) to help the Avengers. Ultron sets Grimm Reaper free and the Rulk, the Rulk fights Ultron, but the robot uses his weapons to defeat the monster and it comes back to General Ross. Thor, Black Widow , Wasp and Captain America go after the Hulk, ultron don´t manages to capturate the Hulk, but he captures Wasp and gets a blood sample from Steve. Hank and Tony are working on Vision, Simon is helping them. Bobbi and Hawkeye are interrogating General Ross about Ultron, they are attacked by War Machine Mark I (was in S.H.I.E.L.D.´s custody). Tony, Hank and Simon battle Tony´s armors and Vision, they only stay alive because Simon sacrificed himself by being hit by Vision while he is in the way for the computer to activate the safe protocol of the armors. Tony and Hank battle Visiona and Hank manages to transfer Simon´s mental paterns to Vision´s body. Vision is being put in a chamber to make sure that Ultron don´t infects him. Bobbi and Hawkeye are saved by James Rhodes in a new War Machine armor. Ultron activates the missile lauches in the whole military bases of the world. Ultron manages to copy Janet´s mental paterns and insert in Jocasta´s body ,he tells her that for him she is the perfection (Hank made him to think so) but she still human. The Avengers find Ultron in S.H.I.E.L.D. underground facility ,they free Wasp and fight Ultron. Jocast come into play when Ultron is almost defeating the whole team, she hits Ultron with a laser gun. Ultron is then defeated when Thor takes him to the atmosphere (as Thorun did in the Next Avengers movie). It´s revealed that Fury was killed by Ultron and now Maria Hill is the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Natasha and Clint leave S.H.I.E.L.D. when she announces her support to SHRA. Tony ends his sex relationship with Maria, Carol is designated general in Steve´s place when he quit due to her support to the SHRA, as do Sharon and Sam. Tony and Rhodes go on they different ways due to their different thoughts about SHRA. Hank studies Jocasta, who happens to be just as Janet and Vision is now living on Avengers Mansion with Bruce Banner , Clint Barton , Natasha and Betty Ross.
AFTER CREDITS : Fury happen to be alive, but he is being kept prisioner by Amora, General Ross and a third man using a purple mask (Zemo).

IRON MAN 4 - 2016
Tony is no longer talking to Rhodey, who is now working for S.H.I.E.L.D. in special missions. He is having an affair with his assistant (Whitney Frost). The Stark Industries are destroyed by soldiers of a terorrist organization called Maggia. Tony battles them but is defeated by Madame Masque. Rhodes and Tony talk about the SHRA,Tony´s mansion is attacked by Maggia. Tony and Rhodes take them down, Tony uses his Silver Centurion Armor and Rhodey uses Tony´s Mark VII. His MarK 15 plans are stolen and he follows Maggia, but when his mansion is about to blow up he chooses to save Rhodes and not follow them. Rhodes and Tony conciliate. Tony traces Maggia to Count Neffaria, who is the father of Whitney. Tony finds out that Whitney is Madame Masque. Whe he is about to kill Neffaria , Whitney shoots Nefaria in the head and frames Stark. Coulson arrest Tony, but Rhodey helps him run away. They face Whitney, who has her own personal bodyguards (TITANIUM MEN), Rhodes and Tony defeats them. Whitney is killed by ne Maggia agent who is actually working for Justin Hammer. Tony and Rhodey are framed, but Tony makes a deal with Hill (who blackmails him) saying that he will support the SHRA. Pepper sends Tony an invitation to her wedding with Happy Hogan.
AFTER CREDITS : Hammer talks to Enchantress and tells her that he is in. They share a kiss.

Odin asks for The Warriors Three to eliminate the monster who is killing many Asgardians and Vanirs. They acvcept the duty and travel trough the Nine Realms in search for Fenris. Fandral meet Loreley (Amora´s sister, who is also a witch) and they develop a romantic relationship. She sacrifices herself to save Fandral from fenris. The Warriors Three fight Fenris but he runs away. Is revealed that this was Loki´s plan.
AFTER CREDITS : Loki congratulates his son, Fenris and tells him that everything is falling into place.

Stephen Strange is now the Sorcerer Supreme, he is also close friends with Tony Stark (only appear in one scene). They are working on something to turn anybody able to teleport by the dimensions. Dormamu uses it to free himself as long with Baron Mordo. Dormamu kills Mordo and takes over the world with his magic powers. Strange uses the Eye and the Orb of Agamotto to fight Dormamu. Once he defeats Dormamu and his creatures (Mindless Ones) he decides that Dormamu should never be freed again, so he traps him in the Orb of Agamotto.
AFTER CREDITS : A dark star falls in Earth and it turns into Kanilla, who projects an image of Baron Mordo and smiles.

Steve is now dealing with S.H.I.E.L.D. protests and his missions. He is fighting many neo-nazis, what he finds strangew. Sharon tells Steve that Skulls seems to be alive and he is behind this group.Steve fights a group leaded by Sin (actually Skull´s daughter), when he is about to kill her he is attacked by Crossbones. Falcon is captured and almost killed by the Red Skull, Bucky decides to dress as Captain America and go against Skull by himself. He kills Crossbones and when he is about to kill Sin, the Red Skull stabs him and kills him. Steve goes trough a traumatic phase by losing Bucky again. Sharon tells Steve that there´s something in possession of S.H.I.E.L.D. that might help them preventing Bucky to die. Steve invades S.H.I.E.L.D. and steal the Cosmic Cube. He returns in time and saves Bucky by killing Sin before he could. Back to the present we see the world dominated by Nazis. He is almost killed by Red SKull,but a young african american (Elijah Bradley) sacrifices himself so Steve gets to the Cube. Is revealed that Red Skull is working for Zemo, who wants to control the world. Skrull is killed by Zemo, who confronts Captain America and tells him that this is way bigger than him. Steve (in present reality and time) goes after the boy that saved him in the Nazi reality. Bucky is saved.
AFTER CREDITS : Zemo talks to Enchantress about destroying S.H.I.E.L.D. from the inside.

Karnilla is palnnning to take over the World using her magic abilities along with Baron Mordo´s. Doctor Strange fells a disturbance in the magic balance ,Brunhilde goes to talk to him. She tells him that she has been living in Earth for a while and that an Asgardian witch has plans to destroy the world as they know. Doctor Strange and Valkyrie go in search for the Satan´s Claw, which is in possession of S.H.I.E.L.D. ,because it can be used to increase Karnilla´s power. They are helped by a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who works with the Vatican, his name is Dane Whitman. Baron Mordo uses a demon to attack S.H.I.E.L.D.´s containing facility. They battle against the heroes ,but Karnilla steals the Claw. Karnilla know only one being with vital energy enough to give her maximum power, The Hulk. Baron Mordo and Karnilla kidnap Bruce Banner with the help with a half demon, half hulkish creature (Madman). Karnilla absorbs Hulk´s energy, but Doctor Strange battles her before she can make the spell to recreate all, Valkyrie kills Baron Mordo while Dane battles Madman. The Claw falls from Karnilla´s hand, Bruce reaches it when he is very close from his death. and touches Karnilla´s ancle with it. Bruce becomes the Hulk and breaks the Claw, which opens a dark hole. Karnilla is pushed into the hole along with Dane Withman, who sacrifices himself to save the rest. He has an armor with a lot of explosives and once he enters the hole it explodes and close. Madman is vaporized by Doctor Strange. Strange invites Bruce to join his team, Bruce tells him that he might call him once he needs. Valkyrie laments the death of Dane and goes back to Chicago, where she lives.
AFTER CREDITS : Kang watches the heroes going on their separate ways, he smiles. He was the one who sent Karnilla there somehow.

Loki leads an attack on Asgard with the aid of Kurse (one of the dark elves from the first movie) ,Ulik (king of trolls) and Fenris. Odin knows that Loki will bring the Ragnarok to them , so hprepare an army. Thor learns about the war and travels to Asgard. He is emprisionated by Loki, who is now the king of Asgard. The movie is made in four point of views : Odin´s, Thor´s, Loki´s and Balder´s. Loki plans to kill Balder and Thor in the front of the Asgardians. The Warriors Three are trapped in an Island in Muspelheim. Sif managed to scape to Earth and Heimdall was blinded by Kurse. Thor sets himself free, he manage to set Balder free. Loki battle his brothers but he is defeated. Kurse manages to kill Balder before thor could smash him with his hammer. When Thor´s hammer and Ulik´s fist are hitted by each other a huge explosion happens and Asgard is destroyed. Odin makes a deal with Hela, and prevents the death of the Asgardians, but Asgard can´t be saved. In change he will give her his soul. Thor falls in Earth as he did in the first movie , he meet Sif and Jane. The others Asgardians are seeing inside human bodies, once a person looks at the mirror it reflects the Asgardian inside. Thor is in morn for his kind.
AFTER CREDITS : Amora smiles to find a human whose Loki is inside.

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comics56 - 5/19/2011, 5:50 PM
@Xenix - He would be living with her since The Avengers. They´ll so it constantly until they find out she is pregnant.
Rumble - 5/19/2011, 9:13 PM
Damn, So we would have to wait til 2015 for Hawkeye & Black Widows solo movies? Lol
Rumble - 5/19/2011, 10:45 PM
And what about a Black Panther movie?
airrun2000 - 5/20/2011, 4:00 AM
Excellent work!
comics56 - 5/20/2011, 12:07 PM
@Rumble - Guess so. He will come before the Avengers 3.

@airrun2000 - Thanks a lot ,man!
manymade1 - 5/20/2011, 4:01 PM
OMG I love how you make Ultron the main villain at first. Great work man, especially about Loki and the Norn Stones + Cosmic Cube. Never thought of that.
jjmeylar - 5/20/2011, 7:37 PM
I'm too lazy to read through every single detail. However: I loved what I read...ESPECIALLY the stuff about Ultron.
comics56 - 5/21/2011, 4:27 PM
@Manymade1 - Oh , thanks a lot. I had that idea by EMH and Siege. I forgot to tell about Fury and Thor teaming up to defeat Loki while The Avengers are fighting. Fury uses a machine that de-power Loki (made by Hank).

@JJMeylar - Thanks a lot.
Jefferys - 5/27/2011, 3:51 AM
Just a one thought, out of the blue. Why isn't Namor in the Defenders movie?
Etrigan7 - 6/19/2011, 10:11 AM
I definitely agree with the Red Hulk thing! but maybe see him in later movies too instead of just one. Maybe joining the avengers when hulk goes renegade or something
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