Fan Cast : The Eye of Horus' X-Men (Part Two).

Fan Cast :  The Eye of Horus' X-Men (Part Two).

Continuing with my big screen take of the X-Men Universe featuring movies Four through Nine...

By EyeofHorus - Sep 28, 2010 10:09 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

Although I trimmed down most of the storylines a whole lot from the super detailed versions that I originally had typed up, it still a lot of reading. As with the last X-casting it's “What If” style of course.

X-Movie Four : X-Men : Hellfire Rising.

Storyline : The movie begins with Xavier in astral form floating through the “landscape” of the mind of Jean Grey. Due to the revelation that Jean's new increased abilities seem to be growing with no limit, Xavier is in Jean's mind preparing to set up psychic circuit breakers that in theory will keep her powers in check and not increase to a level that Jean will not be able to handle. As Xavier floats through Jean's mind he comes across various random memories from recent weeks of Jean where she is showcasing telepathic and teleknetic feats she normally would not be capable of. Xavier sets the circuit breakers and once he has “returned” to his body has Jean attempt to use her abilities in a test that will force her to call upon the upper limits of her new abilties. When she seems to not be able tap into her higher levels of power, Xavier determines that it seems the psychic circuit breakers are working as they should. Still somewhat fearful after the test, Jean finds Scott and ask if he would share in a psychic rapport with her because she feels his love for her will help insure that the cuircuit breakers will stay at maximum effiency. Scott of course agrees to the rapport. Meanwhile Xavier has found two new mutants he is very much interested in contacting : Teenager Katherine “Kitty” Pryde, whose mutant powers are just now starting to fully emerge and he feels she would be a perfect addition as one of his new students for the Institute and Alison Blaire, a twenty something year old female who according to Cerebro posesses light manpulating abilities that until recently the full potential and strength of her powers were unknown and Xavier feels she would be a valuable asset as an active X-Man. Xavier ask Ororo,Peter and Logan to accompany him to Kitty's home in Chicago, Illinois to make contact with her and her family in order to make a case for Kitty attending the Institute.( Xavier asking Logan to come along is more so to allow him during the trip to make some head way in his attempt to help Logan with his berserker rage issues than in Wolverine adding anything to the recuitment effort of Kitty.) Xavier ask that while he is attending to Kitty's recruitment that Scott and Jean make contact with Allision and gives them the necessary information of when and where they will need in order to contact her since she is a local resident. Despite his unusual apperance, Xavier ask Nightcrawler to accompany Scott and Jean. “If she is to become an X-Man it is best that sooner, rather than later, that she become accustomed to some of the unique aspect of being part of our family will expose her to. Your appearance is only a minor aspect compared to others that may come about.”

The scence moves from the Xavier Mansion in Salem Center to New York City proper and the Fifth Avenue address of the exculsive international gentlemen's known as the Hellfire Club. Within a very private meeting resides the club's secret “Inner Circle”, a group composed of individuals all dedicated to amassing power in order to achieve global domination. The current incarnation of this Inner Circle is composed of three mutants and one cyborg : Kinetic energy absorber Sebastian Shaw , the Inner Circle's Black King. Telepath Emma Frost, the White Queen. Mass manipulator Harry Leland, the Black Bishop. And cyborg Donald Pierce, the White Bishop. We come to learn some interesting fact about the Inner Circle and some of the activities they have been involved in to achieve their goals. We learn that it was through the persuasive arguments of Shaw and Leland as promient and influential members of society that both Bolivar Trask and Stephen Lang were persuaded to begin their whole anti-mutant crusade with the Sentinels and Pierce who provided the finacial means and materiels for them to create the Sentinels. The Inner Circle of course had all intentions of subverting the Sentinel program for their own purposes and eliminating Trask and Lang once they were satified that the program would be successful. They of course had not counted on the X-Men destroying the Sentinels before the program could be fully implemented. The Inner Circle thanks to the newest member to the Hellfire Club, Jason Wyngarde, an mutant illusionist, has come to gain valuable information on who the X-Men are and where their base of operations is located and through various means (mostly the repair and maintence services that regularly service the mansion) have successfully and covertly bug the Xavier Mansion and have been privy to all the goings on at the mansion for the pass several months including Xavier's current plans of recuitment for Kitty Pryde and Alison Blaire. Unknown to the Inner Circle members (and the non comic movie audience at this time), Wyngarde is actually former Brotherhood of Evil Mutants member Mastermind, and he has used the information he had about the X-Men, gained during his time with the Brotherhood from Magneto, for the purpose of relatively unknown social climber and secret mutant Jason Wyngarde to attempt to become a member of the Inner Circle as their new Black Rook. Both Wyngarde and Frost together have devised a plan that will allow the Inner Circle to both payback the X-Men for their disruption of their Sentinel scheme and utilize the X-Men for the benefit of the Hellfire Club. Through use of a psy-device designed by Emma Frost that has been programmed with the specific psychic wavelength pattern of Jean Grey, Wyngarde will be able to enter her subconscious and through his illusion abilities effectively influence Jean's personality and actions.

The movie storyline would then procede somewhat similarly to what happened in the original Hellfire comic story, with Xavier and his “staff” arriving at the Pryde home in Chicago and meeting Kitty, Emma Frost accompanied by a Hellfire Club merc squad arrive and attack Xavier and the X-Men and proceed to capture them. Kitty manages to avoid capture due to her mutant phasing abilities, but her parents are taken along with the X-Men as levarage to be used to make Kitty surrender to the Hellfire Club when they return to retrieve her after they have secured the X-Men. Frost and her merc squad are unaware however that Kitty has snuck aboard their transport hovercraft and is hiding within a storage hold as they fly back to New York to deposit the X-Men and the Prydes at the Hellfire Club Estate. While back in New York Scott, Jean and Kurt arrive in a former industrial section of the city. They find the address that Xavier has given them to locate Allison Blaire and discover it is an abandoned industrial factor that has been transformed into an urban underground nightclub. Scott and Jean enter the club while Nightcrawler remains hidden in the shadows of the surrounding buildings to keep an eye upon their car. Upon seeing the style of dress preferred by the club patrons, elaborate hairstyles/colors, exotic face paintings , tattoes, piercings and urban street, punk and goth style attire, both Scott and Jean think maybe that Nightcrawler would have fit in better than they would. Scott and Jean, each with micro Cerebro units built within their individual wristwatches, separate in order to find the mysterious Ms. Blaire. As Jean is beginning to move about the club she bumps into Jason Wyngarde who immediately pulls her towards the dance floor. As he does this he activates the psy-device and employs his illusion abilities altering Jean's reality. She now believes herself to be “Lady” Jean Grey a woman of means and standing in the social hierchy, lover of Jason Wyngarde and a candidate for the position of “Black Queen” within the ranks of the Hellfire Clubs Inner Circle. To secure her place as Black Queen she along with her lover must capture the two remaining X-Men as well as neo-mutant Allison Blaire. Meanwhile at the Hellfire Estate the X-Men have been secured in cages that employ inhinitor technology to negate their powers and Xavier and the Prydes are kept sedated. Kitty has made her way through the estate using her mutant abilities to the sub basement where the X-Men are held captive. Unknown to her for now , she has avoided detection from security devices in the estate due to the side effects of her mutant abilites when near any electronic device being rendered useless. In the sub basement are the Inner Circle and Kitty over hears them talking of their plans for the X-Men if /when Wyngarde is successful with his part of their plan. Kitty stealthfully makes her way to Storm's cage to see if she can free her. But Storm gives her a shielded mini tracking /destress device that is sewn into her costume and tells her to hide and alert Cyclops to their current situation by way of activating the the tracking device. It is at that time that Kitty is finally noticed by the Inner Circle and they attempt to capture her, but she is able to escape again, but this time with Hellfire mercs hounding her trail. Back at the nightclub Cyclops has move toward the clubs performance stage, where the club's performing act a singer dubbed the Dazzler takes the stage. Scott along with everyone in the club becomes caught up in her performance both by way of her singing and the entrancing light show effects that seem to surrond her and change with the tempo of her singing. Scott soon becomes aware of the vibration of his mini Cerebro watch as its mutant montiors finally alert him to the precence of Alison Blaire. It seems that Alison Blaire is the Dazzler. Outside Kurt is alerted to the sound of the distress signal monitor with in the Institute's car . He teleports down to the car to see why it is sounding and is surprise to see the alert monitor showing that Storm's location is somewhere in New York. Just as he is about to make his way to go into the club to alert Cyclops and Phoenix he is ambushed by a Hellfire merc. Back inside the club Dazzler has just finished her set and making her way off stage and into the bar area when Scott approaches her . Seeing his style of dress and thinking he is a music exec Allison agrees to talk. It is as she and Scott are discussing her mutant abilities that an altered Jean along with Wyngarde approach and Jean attack s duo. The club crowd panics and rushes out of the club as a squad of Hellfire mercs burst into the club to aid Wyngarde and Black Queen Jean. Moments later Nightcrawler and his merc assailant crash through the roof grappling. Luckly the armored merc is on the bottom and absorbs much of the impact. Nightcrawler and the merc's appearance allow both Cyclops and Dazzler to counter Jean's attack and Scott begins to get filtered images of Jean's altered reality through the psychic rapport he shares with her. Realizing Jean is being manipulated, Scott psychiclly attempts to snap Jean out of her altered state through the rapport and Dazzler puts up photostrobic light display that leads to Jean and Wyngarde running away from the fight and the two X-Men and Dazzler are able to make quick work of the Hellfire mercs. Dazzler quickly realizes that Cyclops and Nightcrawler are members of the “mysterious mutant” team the X-Men and wants in on whatever is going on. Nightcrawler informs Cyclops about Storm's distress beacon location and Scott quickly surmises that the attack upon them and the distress beacon are connected and all three mutants head out into the direction of the of the distress signal secure in the knowledge that the source of the answers to what is currently in happening with the X-Men will be found. Back at the Hellfire Estate, Kitty has managed to avoid the Hellfire mercs and found her way back to the prison sub basement. The Inner Circle has taken their activities up to their private meeting chamber of the estate proper and await the return of Wyngarde. Having learned by accident while avoiding capture that her phasing ability disrupts electronic devices, Kitty phases through and disrupting the control panel for the cages that are holding the X-Men and her parents, setting them free. Storm tells Kitty to attend to her parents and Professor Xavier while she , Wolverine and Colossus plan whether to simply leave and get Kitty and her parents to safety or attempt to engage the Inner Circle. Wolverine suggest that they retrieve their micro comm links and attempt to contact Cyclops to see if he and Jean and Nightcrawler have been attacked and captured. They do this and are releaved to learn that at least Scott and Kurt have not been captured and relay situational information to each other and make a plan on how to engage the Inner Circle and retrieve and help Jean once Cyclops, Nightcrawler and Dazzler arrive at the Hellfire Estate. Upstairs , Wyngarde and an entranced Jean arrive in the private inner sanctum and are immediately beset by the Inner Circle. While pleased with Jean being brought into the fold they are angered that Cyclops, Nightcrawler and Alison Blaire were not captured as well. Jean totally engulfed within the Black Queen persona angrily lashes out at the Inner Circle for their treatment of herself and Wyngarde, focusing the bulk of her anger primarily towards fellow telepath and “Queen” Emma Frost. Unknown to the Inner Circle, Wyngarde has made Jean's Black Queen lpersona fiercely loyal to him more so than the Inner Circle and to view Emma Frost as a rival than an ally. The two woman seem to be about to come to blows when the power in the Hellfire Estate suddenly goes out. The Inner Circle pause and wait for the emergency lighting system to kick on and then hear the sounds of shouting and struggling. They run out of their private chamber to learn what is going on and discover that Cyclops, Nightcrawler and Dazzler have arrived and are attacking the merc guards within the estate. The Inner Circle members proceed to join the fray to stop the invading mutants only to be ambushed by a now unsadated Xavier and the freed X-Men. Once awakened Xavier was briefed on their situation and using his telepathic abilities he scanned the minds of mercs posted outside the sub-basement prison to the lay out of the Hellfire Estate and then transferred the information telepathically to Kitty who used her phasing ability to reach the main junction box of the Estate to phase and short out the power. Kitty and her parents remain the the sub-basement. Battle is joined between the X-Men and the Inner Circle as squirmishes occur between individual members taking the measure of each other. Xavier is able to telepathically get the jump on Emma Frost , but only temporarily preventing her from being a factor in the battle. He then turns his attention towards Jean and snapping her out of her altered state. He succeeds in time as a quickly recovering Emma Frost moves in to strike at both Xavier and Jean, but Jean is also quick to recover and intercepts Frost's telepathic attack. Jean tells Xavier she will handle Frost as the two telepaths prepare to square off against one another. Xavier returns to the sub-basement to escort the Prydes out of the Hellfire Estate. Meanwhile the X-Men and the other Inner Circle members various battles move through different sections of the Hellfire Estate with the X-Men eventually gaining the upper hand in the exchanges through team work and battle experience. But the Inner Circle members except for Leland manage to escape capture by the X-Men after the end of the battles. Jean and Emma Frost face off in a telepathic battle, each testing the others strengths and weaknesses. But the battle is truly no contest. Uncharacteristically, Jean Grey has been toying with Emma Frost allowing her to think she is Jean's equal /possible better in terms of telepathic ability. She's not. Jean soon grows tiresome of toying with Frost and unleashes the full fury of her enhanced Phoenix abilites upon the telepath, literally burning up Frost with her power. The brief time Jean was engulfed within the altered reality created by Wyngarde's psy-device aided illusion abilities has had the unforeseen side effect of allowing her to embrace the darker elements of her psyche and personality now that she has been released from its effects. This has in turn allowed Jean to circumvent the psychic circuit breakers put in place by Xavier. Jean realises that Wyngarde has not been present or participating in the battle between the X-Men and the Inner Circle. She easily reaches out with her mind and quickly locates him in an adjacent room across from her present location using his illusion abilities to keep himself hidden until he can make his escape out of the Hellfire Estate from the X-Men. Jean confronts him forcing him to reveal his true face to her prior to opening up his mind to the infinite realms of reality, giving him the “taste of power” he sought to achieve with his deceptions. Jean walks out of the room and joins the rest of the X-Men , Dazzler, Xavier and the Prydes as they all head towards the main entrance of the Hellfire Estate to make a hasty exit from the property before the authorities, which they are sure have been alerted, arrive upon the scene.

Several hours later we find the X-Men and Dazzler back in Chicago at the home of the Prydes. The Prydes are now fully aware of what the true purpose of the Xavier Institute as well of course of Kitty being a mutant. Due to the actions of the Hellfire Club , the Prydes have agreed to allow Kitty to attend the Institute as soon as Xavier is ready to start a new class. Xavier has promised due to Kitty's actions and assistance with the Hellfire Club, once she has graduated from the Institute if she so wishes, she has earned a spot as an active X-Man on the team. As the X-Men return to the private airfield to return to New York Xavier and Allison talk about how he can help her learn to bring forth the upper extent of her light abilities as well as what she could bring to the X-Men if she chooses to join the team. She accepts, but only on the condition that she is still allow to be able to perform in underground club venues from time to time as she is still dedicated to becoming a legitmate recording artist. Since leaving the Hellfire Estate Jean has been unusally quiet and distant, everyone attributing it to what she has just gone through and just needs some time. But she is changing. Her darker nature slowing coming more prominetly to the forefront. As the Xavier private jet finally lands at the private land pad at the Xavier Mansion, both Xavier and Scott by way of his rapport with Jean become aware that something is amiss with Jean. Suddenly Jean's form is engulfed in a blinding flash of pure energy. When the flash subsides the X-Men are confronted with the sight of Jean in a darker altered version of her Phoenix costume. “Here me X-Men!! The woman you knew as Jean Grey is no more!! I am fire!! I am life incarnate!! I AM PHOENIX!!!!! And with that she unleashes her Phoenix Energy Form, totally engulfing the X-Men within it........

Madeline Carroll = Kitty Pryde. A talented and solid young actress that has been in a ton of TV series, commericals and movies. I think she be pretty good as a first appearance version Kitty Pryde.

Joss Stone = Alison Blaire/Dazzler. Primarly a singer , Stone has vertured out into a few acting roles, most notable to date on Showtimes “The Tudors” series. My take on this intital appearance version of Alison Blaire is as a blue eye soul singer with a goth/punk stage look and over the top stage show enhanced by her light abilities.

Inner Circle of the Hellfire Club. All will be played by British actors, but using American accents since the member are all American. I went with British actors to give the Inner Circle that authentic old world nobility/snobby feel since the Hellfire Club originated in Britain.

Clive Owen = Sebastian Shaw/Black King. Top notch acting skills. With a toned and properly bulked up physique, the Black King would rule.

Nicole Kidman = Emma Frost/White Queen. This is of course the initial somewhat mature looking version of the White Queen. Kidman's character of Marisa Coulter in the lackluster Golden Compass movie was a mini blue print for how Emma Frost could be played.

*The end of the fight with Jean were Emma is “burned up” is basically my way to set up for the current incarnation of Emma Frost we see in the comics if/when she would return sometime in the future of my movie universe. Emma survives of course and must receive extensive experimental cosmetic surgery to repair her burns, hence “the younger, hotter “ look she has. The mental trauma she receives from her encounter with Phoenix leads to her mental powers “re-inventing” themselves and developing the diamond form transfomation powers so she can protect herself and survive any possible attacks simialar to the one she endure at the hands of Phoenix. Chandra West is my choice for the new and reborn Emma Frost for any of her future appearances*

Ray Winstone = Harry Leland/Black Bishop. Another quality actor who's looks and personality would work to bring this character to life.

Paul Bettany = Donald Pierce/White Bishop. And yet another solid actor with the skills neccesary to pull off the snotty cyborg of the Hellfire Inner Circle.

Brad Pitt = face and form of Jason Wyngarde (with Robert Kneeper reprising the true face and form of Mastermind). Prettyboy Pitt with the proper style facial hair and maybe a Southern drawl (think southern aristocrisy to play against the other Inner Circle members' northern upper crust personalities) is how I envision Wyngarde in this movie take.

X-Movie Five : X-Men : Dark Phoenix.

Storyline : Basically a modified retelling of the Dark Phoenix storyline as it played out in Uncanny X-Men 135 thru 137. The story picks up immediately were it left off in the previous movie with the X-Men being engulf by Phoenix's energy form and leading them to battle the newly unleashed “Dark Phoenix”.

Steve Bacic = HankMcCoy/Beast. As most folks probably know Bacic had a brief cameo role as a non furry Hank McCoy in the X-2 movie and I decided to go with him as my choice for the Beast more so on the physicality of the role , but since he did the cameo in an actual X movie already, I assume he would have no problem pulling off the brainiac personality qualities of Hank just fine. Hank will be just a few weeks removed from becoming an Avenger and it is while ending a monitoring duty shift at Avengers Mansion that he becomes alerted to the X-Men's battle with Phoenix and decides to lend a helping hand to his old team.

S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Super Agents: Since I have not introduced the Sh'iar as of yet in my movie universe, I still wanted to have a similar authoritarian body present as was the case the the original comic story, so who better to fill this part than S.H.I.E.L.D. And since no Sh'iar, no Imperial Guard, so decided upon the S.H.I.E.LD. Super Agents as enforcers. The Super Agents for those who may not know were first introduced way back in the 70's in Captain America and was S.H.I.E.L.D 's attempt at having super-hero agents within their ranks. Both Quasar (in his intial apperance in comics under the name Marvel Man) and the Falcon were a part of this short lived group. Both Nick Fury's current team of Secret Warriors and the “Ultimates” could be looked at as offsprings of this concept. S.H.I.E.L.D. becomes involved in the Dark Phoenix affair due to Boliver Trask. Trask after being turned over to the authorites by the X-Men ends up in S.H.I.E.L.D. custody where in order to avoid jail time for his actions agrees to work on a Sentinel/Mandroid project for the law enforcement agency, since he still believes mutant's are a threat and informs Nick Fury of Jean Grey's transformation into Phoenix and suggests that she is threat to watch. Fury takes Trask's suggestion with a very big grain of salt, but never the less begins to monitor the X-Men and Phoenix's activities just to be safe. The Blue Area will now be a still under construction off world prison facility under S.H.I.E.L.D. supervision designed for the containment of “Omega” level superhuman threats who can be contained in “The Vault” prison facility located in Colorado. Being an off world prison, it would make it harder for prisoners to escape and greatly reduces the threat to the civilian population as well as the amount of property damage if a prisoner does escape.The Blue Area will still have its own atmosphere and contain various ancient alien technology, which S.H.I.E.L.D. technicians and scientist are attempting to reverse engineer for use in the prion facility to help contain any prisoners they would receive. It is one of the primary reasons S.H.I.E.L.D. will have chosen the Blue Area to place the facility. After the X-Men with the aid of the Beast have seemingly neutralized the threat of Dark Phoenix, and returned Jean Grey seemngly to her former Marvel Girl level of power, Fury has the mutants teleported onto a S.H.I.E.L.D orbital transport and brought to The Blue Area facility so Phoenix can be contained there permanetly. The X-Men of course refuse to hand Jean over to S.H.I.E.L.D. and resist. For the moment escaping from Fury and his agents and hiding within the enormous Blue Area facility, the X-Men attempt to find a way to escape from the moon and return to Earth. Fury sends for the Super Agents to find and capture the X-Men leading to a confrontation between the two groups. It is during this confrotation that Jean Grey begins to feel the return stirrings of Dark Phoenix within herself. Realizing that the X-Men's efforts to neutralize Dark Phoenix were just a very brief respite and that Phoenix will return even stronger and be a constant threat to Earth and perhaps the universe, Jean Grey uses her abilities to locate a piece of alien weaponry within the Blue Area strong enough to end her life, thus ending the threat of Dark Phoenix.

Viggo Mortensen = Nick Fury. There should be no questions about Mortensen acting abilities. Thinking of his take on Fury as being along the lines of the classic 60's Jim Steranko version. Of note during the movie will be a conversation between Fury and Wolverine in regard to his departure from Department H. It seems that if Wolverine had not left Department H, he would himself have currently been a part of the Super Agents roster if Fury would have had his say in the matter.

Brendan Gleeson = Timothy “Dum Dum” Dugan. I'm kind of surprised that I haven't seen anyone else have Gleeson as Dugan. Strong acting skills and the perfect looks and attitude to bring the character to life.

For movie story purposes only all the “Super Agents” will be acting S.H.IE.L.D. Agents even though their actual comic book counterparts may not be.

Melinda Clarke = Natalia Romanova/Black Widow. Another character that I tried to stay as true to the character as possible. Clarke is the perfect sexy older woman for the role and has action cred to boot : Return of the Living Dead 3 and Spawn. Black Widow will be the team leader of the Super Agents. Another moment of note will be a brief conversation that occurs between Fury and the Widow just prior to the Super Agents confronting the X-Men with Fury remarking that he appreciates Natalia stepping in at the last minute to replace Carol Danvers as team leader of the Super Agents after Danvers was attacked and left in a comatose state by a person or persons unknown. (Yes the particular person/persons “unknown” responsible for this will be showing up in a later movie.)

Idris Elba = James Rhodes/ War Machine. For the longest time I 've had Idris Elda as my pick for James Rhodes. Strong and talented actor who would have done the character some justice if he had been chosen for the role. Since he wasn't pick for the official movies , I'll use him in my own movie universe. Originally I was going to have the Falcon be a part of the Super Agents as a nod to the actual comic team, but decided to go with someone with a little more “muscle” to go against the X-Men. Rhodes' military background makes him a good fit for the Super Agents.

Paul Walker = Wendall Vaughn/Quasar. I've had Walker in mind as various characters at various times (Iron Fist, Jim Hammond the Orignal Human Torch, Johnny Blaze, Havok) before I decided he'd be a decent match for Quasar.

Henry Cavill = Dane Whitman/Black Knight. Strong actor with great precence. Going with Cavill as Black Knight because I can actually see him in an actual Avengers or solo movie as the character and would do wonders with the part if it actually happened.

Andy Whitfield = Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver. This is the older , adult version of Pietro Maximoff. My take movie on him is this : After he and Wanda turn their back on Magneto and leave the Brotherhood, the two of course end up joining the Avengers in order to prove that they no longer believe in or follow the doctrines of their father. When Wanda becomes romantically involved with the android Vision, Pietro has a hard time excepting this. When he learns of S.H.I.E.L.D's efforts to start the Super Agent program Quicksilver contacts Fury seeking to join more so for himself to cement the fact that although he is the son of Magneto he definitely is not following in his footsteps, since he reluctantly acknowledges that in regards to some issues (Wanda and Vision) his viewpoint and how he would resolve problems mirror his father's. I chose Whitfield because he has the right mix of looks and attitude for the character and could do justice to both the positive and negative sides of the character given the chance.

Rhona Mitra = Ruth Bat-Seraph/Sabra. A pretty decent actress with solid action cred behind her. There are a crap load of female comics characters she would be great as, but I think she would bring something to the role of the deadly Israeli mutant agent.

Yvonne Strahovski = Laynia Petrovna/Darkstar. Another solid actress with some action cred who also could play a variety of female comics characters, with my take being the Russian mutant mistress of the Darkforce.

Josh Lucas = Paladin. Lucas is a decent actor with a somewhat prettyboy/ ladies man vibe about him, something that Paladin at times has been shown to have. Playing Paladin in this movie take as the “bad-ass” role for the Super Agents, the role Wolverine would have held if he had become a Super Agent.

Seen in an Avengers Mansion sequence that would serve to introduce the Beast: into the storyline: Alicia Minshew = Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch and Christopher Heyerdahl = the Vision. Had to find a way to sneak an adult Wanda into the picture since Quicksilver was going to show up and this is how I'd do it.

X-Movie Six : X-Men :Wanted Weapon X.

Pre Title / Credits Prologue sequence:

Several hours after the events of the previous Dark Phoenix movie : Quebec , Canada. A covert military installation that serves as the base of operations for Canada's special operative branch Department H. Inside the installation within the office of Department H's current head of operations Major John Chasen a highly secure video-communications transmission comes through for his eyes and ears only. The communication is from a former operations specialist attached to Department H and now assigned to S.H.I.E.L.D. He passes along to Chasen that S.H.I.E.L.D has just had some type of encounter with the mutant group known as the X-Men and that among it's active members is someone of interest to Chasen : Department H's one-time top operative Weapon X codenamed Wolverine. Wolverine's still questionable departure from Department H (at least that is how Chasen has told his superiors it was) is something that Chasen considers a black mark upon is other wise spotless military service. He still views Wolverine as a operative of Department H. The former op specialist gives Chasen all the information that S.H.I.E.L.D. has concerning both the Xavier Institute and the X-Men. Chasen tells his secretary to locate Dr. James Hudson and inform him that he is to report to him immediately to discuss detailed plans for a recovery mission utilizing him as Weapon Alpha.

Storyline : Several months have now passed since the events of the Dark Phoenix Movie and much has occurred at the Xavier Institue. After the death of Jean Grey, Scott Summers has taken an indefinite leave of absence from the Institute and the X-Men, and Ororo Munroe has been chosen to replace him as field leader of the X-Men. Xavier has finally gotten his new and larger class of students enrolled into the Institute, with each of the active X-Men participating in some form as instructors or staff for the Institue when not engaged in active missions. Both Moira MacTaggert and JaimeMadrox have now become apart of the Xavier Institute, with Jaime himself now taking an active role as an X-man. Sean Cassidy's powers have returned to the level that they were prior to his being injured and he too again is an active X-Man. And Hank McCoy has also voluteered to act as a part time instructor at the Institute when ever his duties as an Avenger will allow him to.

After a trying day with the young Institute's students the instructors decide to unwind with a picnic out on the estate grounds. After getting a bite to eat, Logan excuses himself from the X-Men at the picnic and goes out into the wooded area that surrounds the Xavier Estate to give his tracking skills a work out by way of the local wildlife inhabiting the woods. Meanwhile aboard a special covert airtransport that is heading from Canada enroute towards the Xavier Estate, Dr. James Mc Donald Hudson is checking over the cybernetic links to the helmet/mask of the electomagnetic battlesuit of his of design that he dons as Department H operative Weapon Alpha. Chasen chose him for the retrieval mission of Wolverine due to his history with Logan and he has mixed feelings about what he must do due to his own issues that he has with Chasen in regards to how he oversees Department H. The pilot of the transport informs Hudson that the special sensor array has locked upon Weapon X's unique adamantium skeleton signiture and that they will be arriving at their target drop zone within minutes. Hudson dons his helmet/mask and powersup his battlesuit. Back on the grounds of the Xavier Estate Wolverine has been tracking a deer. He stealthfully works his way closer to it in order to touch it when the deer is suddenly startled by something other than his presence and bolts. Wolverine's own senses kick in seconds later as he becomes aware of something not natural in the vicinity. Suddenly a large spear of energy strikes down from the sky missing Wolverine by mere feet. Quickly recovering from the strike Wolverine observes a glowing Weapon Alpha emerging from the impact strike zone. “Hello Weapon X. It's time for you to return home to Department H.” The two men exchange words over Wolverine's cloudy departure from Department H as well as their one time friendship as they square off against each other, their battle eventually taking them out of the wooded area onto the grounds of the Xavier Mansion proper. The other X-Men quickly come to Wolverine's aid against Weapon Alpha , who is suprisingly able to hold his own against the X-Men until one of his energy blasts richochets off of Colossus and accidentally strikes Moira, sending Banshee into a super charged sonic rage attack upon Hudson. Realizing that his battlesuit's force field can't stand up to the amount of power Banshee is putting into his sonic attacks should they connect, Hudson beats a tactical retreat and uses a special technique with his suit to escape. Once the battle is over and Moira is found to be not seriously injured, the X-Men discuss what has just happened. Wolverine explains to them that is over his departure from Department H and he will be heading off to Canada to rectify the situation once and for all. A still angry Banshee asks to accompany him and Storm tells them both that all of the X-Men will be going. “The X-Men are a team and Wolverine is one of us. Dispite some reservations I may have about him at times, Wolverine has proved himself a valuable member of the X-Men and deserves our support. An attack on one X-Men is an attack upon us all.” Wolverine is stunned by Storm's statement , but agrees that he may need the X-Men's help once they arrive at Department H's base. “ Chasen was always an ass, so no tellin' what kinda surprises he'll have up his sleeve once we get there. I'd rather be safe that sorry when dealing with his kind.”

As the X-Men board the Blackbird and head to Canada , Wolverine reflects back upon how he came to part of Department H and his friendship with James Hudson. We see flashback glimpes of Wolverine chasing a figure through what appears to be an industrial complex. We hear maniacal laughter followed by the sounds of enormous explosions. From Wolverine's P.O.V. we see tons of steel and concrete raining down upon him and then darkness. Next he recalls fleating glimpes of images and conversation, all highlighted by his feeling nothing but extremely inhuman levels of pain. “ … has some kind of mutant healing ability. That's why he's still breathing . All his tissues and organs have mostly healed and are funtioning normally after being crushed under tons of rubble. To bad the same can't be said for his bones.” Blackness “ The humane thing to do would be to put this guy out of his misery. Eighty five percent of his skeletal structure has been reduced to power. Even with all the drugs their pumping into him, which keep getting conter acted by that healing factor of his, he's got to be in enormous pain. Chain of command says he's to valuable of an asset to put down though.” Blackness “ ….rass says they figured a way to get this guy back to misson operative status. His being a mutie with that healing ability is what makes it possible.” Wolverine recalls his first somewhat coherent memory after “the incedent” awaking within a padded room dressed in a hospital gown with his hands and arms bandaged, his head filled with nothing but confusion and pain. Anxiety fills his being as he trys to recall who he is and how he came here. An intensely painful burning sensation runs through his hands and arms and then suddenly blade like metal is extending from the backs of each hand. His mind cannot comprehend this and all of his instincts are screaming to him that this is wrong and should not be. His already fragile psyche is pushed to the edge and he begins to lash out. He uses his “claws” to strike at the walls and simply seem to slice thru the stone and concrete as if they are nothing but paper. He continues to lash out at his surroundings until he suddenly finds himself outside. Sirens are now sounding. He runs towards the wooded area surrounding the compound area he has made his escape from. He runs nonstop for miles until he can no longer hear the sirens. He remebers how he stumbles across a young couple seemingly picnicing in the middle of the woods. Both initiailly seem frightened , but the tall dark haired male quickly gains his composure and begins to speak to him in a calm and confident manner. His instincts tell him both the male and his reddish blond female companion can be trusted. The two take him in to their cabin home a few miles away and over the next several months bring him back around to a somewhat sane frame of mind. It would be another several months later when he was more stable and lucid that he would learn of the full story of then newly weds James and Heather Hudson and that the Hudsons home was actually part of the Department H compound since James himself was a scientist contracted to work for Department H. James and Heather's picnic in the woods was James' way of giving his new bride a romantic getaway since they were officially confined to the Department H compound due to Hudsons work and their cabin home away from the main compound had been provided to give Hudson a semblance of a normal life and time with his wife since he had newly been brought into Department H. Wolverine also recalls his interactions with Major John Chasen after he learned that Department H was responsible for his recovery after “the incedent” and he was to be an operative for under Chasen using his old and new skills on various mission that Department H was assigned to handle. He remembers the various times he confronts Chasen about his concerns over his spontaneous besreker rages, rages he never experienced prior to “the incident”. Logan fondly remembers his first official mission for Department H, his battle against the Hulk and the creature called the Wendigo. He remembers as well his final confrontation with Chasen that led to his leaving Department H and joining the X-Men.

The X-Men arrive at the location of the instillation that serves as Department H's headquarters and as Wolverine has suspected it is not an easy thing to confront Chasen. Not only do the X-Men have to contend with the normal military troops who guard and serve on the base, but after they have tactically dealt with the troops with out causing serious injuries to them, they are met by Hudson now accompanied by Department H's own team of super human operatives : Alpha Flight. The X-Men and Alpha Flight engage each other in a heated battle, which only ends due to Hudson calling off Alpha Flight so that both he and Logan together can confront Chasen about the exact nature of Wolverine's departure from Department H. Once confront face to face with the two former friends, an angry Chasen reveals that he is the reason that there is even a Department H or that Wolverine is even able to function today. It seems that years earlier an then Captain Chasen, always ambitious and seeking the next big step to make it big was assigned to a weapons devlopment project involving combat androids. The androids were to be outfitted with adamantium chassis skeletons and bladed weapons systems. But when he learned that the ledgendary mutant black ops operative Wolverine was rendered no longer mission ready and military higher ups were seeking ways to put a valuable and skilled operative back into action, Chasen proposed that the android skeletal system be refitted to replace the damage skeletal system of Wolverine. Not only that but that the blade weapons could also be added to make Wolverine a more effective and deadly weapon. Chasen also proposed that Wolverine become part of a new superhuman division for the Canadian military. Military brass impressed with Chasen's proposal decided to not only utilize his suggestions but also to put him in charge of the new division that became Department H. Unknown to anyone Chasen also instructed the doctors who were responsible for Wolverine's skeletal replacement and claws, he also had a microchip implant placed within his skull attached to the micro cybernetic linkages that allow him to extend and retract his claws. The implant's function was to heighten Wolverine's aggression factor during times of combat stress, in theory making him a more effective fighter. This chip it turns out is the source of Wolverine's beserker rages. Chasen insists that Wolverine for all intents and purposes is his creation and as such should and will always be subject to his command. Learning of all this both Logan and Hudson demand that Chasen releave himself of command or they will force him to. But Chasen as Wolverine has suggested has something up his sleeve and will not go down. Chasen activates a switch and his skin and clothing begin to dissolve away revealing a cybernetic body underneath. It seems that the years that Chasen has been in command of Department H he has used his position and authority to have himself augmented and fitted with cybernetic parts and weaponry. Chasen now finally standing revealed as a power crazed mad man that he is goes on a rampage attempting to destroy both the X-Men and Alpha Flight rather than give up his command and power of Department H. It takes the combined might of the X-Men, Alpha Flight and the military troops of the military installation to stop Chasen's rampage. After the battles aftermath and Chasen has been taken away by military law enforcement, Canadian officials finally allow that Wolverine is officially no longer classified as an operative of the Canadian government due to Chasen's actions. James Hudson also request that Alpha Flight also be released from Department H. control. The officials agree to this but only if Alpha Flight will remain together and operate as a sanctioned but unoffical law enforcement body similar to the Avengers. Hudson and the rest of Alpha Flight agree. With his operative status now cleared up, Wolverine and the rest of the X-Men bid farewell to Alpha Flight and return to back to the states and the Xavier Mansion.

Michael Madsen = Major John Chasen/Cyber. Basically I combined two characters associated with Wolverine into one. Chasen is of course the Major that Wolverine butts heads with when he resigns from Department H in Giant Size X-Men #1. And although he won't officially be call “Cyber” in the movie, his cybernetic form at movies end would be somewhat based on that character. Madsen is a solid actor and has the acting skills necessary to pull off the potrayal of this character.

Eric Dane = James MacDonald Hudson/Weapon Alpha. Although Dane played Madrox in the third offical X-film, I always saw him as more James Hudson and so he's my pick as the character.

Michael Spears = Michael Twoyoungman/Shaman. Spears has been on a number of other fan casts as this character and I think he would be perfect as this character myself.

Kathryn Morris = Snowbird. I went with someone who straddled the line of being youthful but having a mature air about herself for Snowbird. Morris is a strong actress and fit what I was going for with this character.

Clancy Brown = Voice of CGI Sasquatch. Brown's gravely voice and personality would be a perfect fit for this character.

Ian Somerhalder = Northstar. Somerhalder has the proper looks, personality and acting skills to pull off Alpha Flight resident bad tempered speedster.

Olivia Wilde = Aurora. Wilde has the proper looks and skills to pull off both of Aurora distinct personalities if necessary for a Alpha Flight spin-off movie.

Martin Klebba = Puck. Klebba's another one of those actors who's shown up in other fan cast as Puck and since I think he's a good fit as the character he's my choice in this movie.

Seen in the flashback sequences : Rose McGowan = Heather Hudson. McGowan is a very strong actress and she has the proper looks and the personality for Heather Hudson. I'd have her return as the character for an Alpha Flight movie spin-off.

X-Movie Seven : X-Men : The Return of Magneto.

Pre Title / Credits Prologue sequence:
Timeframe : One of the various X-Adventures that occured between Movie One and Movie Two.

We find Xavier and the original X-Men team somewhere in the middle of a rainforest in South America inside of what appears to an ancient Aztec or Mayan pyramid facing down Magneto. Standing behind Magneto is a tall cloaked and hooded figure. The X-Men and Magneto were each on a quest to find this mysterious cloaked figure known as “the Stranger” whom legend says is immortal and may possibly be the world's first and most poweful mutant. Magneto , now minus the Brotherhood (which soon disbanded after their encounter with the X-Men in Movie One) , wanted to find this mysterious mutant to use as a weapon in his ongoing attempts at world domination. The X-Men of course were attempting to keep Magneto from finding him. But Magneto does indeed find and releases “the Stranger” from the tomblike chamber that he had been imprisoned in. “If you can somehow understand me Stranger , you are now indebted to Magneto, Mutant Master of Magnetism for your freedom! And as your first act of payment to me for that freedom, if it is within your power, is to must destroy my enemies! Destroy Charles Xavier and his accursed X-Men!!!” The Stranger steps forth and a tangible tension of power fills the air and then the X-Men as well as Magneto are caught within a blinding flash of energy. Instantly they all are bombarded by a wealth of images and emotions from the Stranger. And then just as quickly as that the energy and the impressions stop. The X-Men and Magneto are now aware of who and what the Stranger is : he is an alien. An alien who landed here on Earth thousands of years ago to repair his damaged spacecraft and was captured and imprisoned, his spacecraft stripped of it's technology by the true “first mutant”. The Strangers “information flash” also allowed him to receive impressions of the mutants gathered within the pyramid. A telepathic exchange is then received by all as the Stranger then address them. He relays to Xavier and the X-Men that he sees their cause to fight for all of humanity as noble and very similar to how his own race conducts themselves. But to Magneto he relays that his intentions are exactly the same as the mutant who stole his technology and imprisoned him and although he is grateful for his releasing him he feels that the Earth would be far better with one less selfish would be conqueror around. Suddenly the stone pyramid floor underneath Magneto flows up and surrounds his torso entraping him. Magneto attempts to use his magnetic abilities to free himself but to no avail. The Stranger then informs Xavier and the X-Men that they must now quickly depart the pyramid. The pyramid is actually his spacecraft and since Magneto freed him from the chamber he was imprisoned within, which negated his ability to “commune” with his race, allowing them to locate him and finally retreive him after all these centuries. He will take Magneto with him to his home when he departs in the hope that the would be mutant conqueror will learn the ways of nobility being among his people. The X-Men depart the pyramid and within seconds they witness the arrival of a second larger pyramid spacecraft appearing in the sky above the grounded pyramid spacecraft and engulfs it within a brillant beam of light. The small pyramid craft rises up within the light beam and is quickly taken inside the larger craft. The light beam shuts off and the giant pyramid craft instantly jets off into the up atmosphere taking the Stranger and Magneto with it.

Storyline : Present Day - Approximately eighteen months earlier : A shooting star is seen shooting across the night sky along the state of New Mexico. The “star” heads towards the desert wilderness of White Sand where it makes a spectactular crash landing in the desert sands. The “star” is a smoldering and white hot metallic orb the size of a mid size automobile. As it instantly begins to cool its shape begins to shift and stretch. Suddenly the orb bursts apart into multiple mini orb fragments, with these fragments hoving upon the air , surrounding a humanoid figure that stands in the center of the impact crater created by the orb , it's features obscured by the smoke and heat coming from the crater. The figure gestures with one of it's hands and the metallic fragments swiftly glide toward and engulf the figure, forming from neck to toes into a form fiting body sleeve. The smoke and heat begin to dissapate and we finally see the figures head and face : it is the face of a slighty older Magneto. After years held upon the Stranger's world he has finally made his escape and returned to Earth. As we will later learn Magneto spent the majority of his time after his arrival to the Stranger's world appearing to be compliant to changing his domination driven attitude, but in fact he was biding his time and learns about the technologies emloyed by the Stranger's race until he gaines a decent working knowledge of them to allow him to create a unique mode of transportation that would utilize a combination of their necessary space related technologies and his magnetic abilities. He also gathers all advanced technologies that he deems as useful to help him in his goal of conquest once he returns to earth such as tech that will amplify his magnetic abilities to levels greater than he currently can achieve on his own. This is the purpose of the body sleeve and he plans to make great use of it in a glorious way to herald to the world his return. But first he must learn all that has changed in the world during his absence. Then he must repay a debt. A debt to Charles Xavier and his X-Men.

Now: We find the X-Men (Storm, Wolverine, Banshee, Night crawler, Colossus, Dazzler and Multiple Man) in engaged in an intense Danger Room training session. Hank McCoy having come to the mansion earlier during the day to give one of his part-time instruction classes to the Institute students, sits within the Danger Room's control booth monitoring the session. Xavier and Moira Staggering along with the Institute students are out in the rear forest area of the Xavier Estate engaged in an impromptu picnic/teaching session. The Danger Room session comes to an aburpt end as the entire mansion is suddenly rocked by what seems to be an earthquake. After waiting an appropriate amount of time in the event of any aftershocks, the X-Men go to exit the Danger Room and find they are locked in, the doors magnetically sealed shut. Hank also finds himself lock and sealed within the control booth with all of the Danger Room controls and instruments now non-funtional. Suddenly from both the control room and the Danger Room audio systems emminates the voice of Magneto. Via the tech of his alien body sleeve, he explains to the X-Men the that he has magnetically ripped the Danger Room from the Xavier Estate ( also due to the body sleeve which also let him detect activity within the Danger Room) encased it within a magnetic force bubble and they are now enroute to a location of his chosing where they may “properly be introduced”. After a half hour's journey in which the X-Men continually attempt to find weaknesses in their prison as well as question how Magneto has returned and what his intentions are, they arrive at one of Magneto's many secret bases that he has scattered across the globe. This one is located in Antarctica within an active volcano shielded from the magma by a magnetic force bubble generator housed within the base. This base is highly advanced with it's design and operational equipment upgraded Earth level equivalents based upon some of the alien technology and designs that Magneto studied during his “imprisonment”. Danger Room is lowered into the base and released from Magneto's force bubble and the X-Men rush out intent on taking Magneto down and forcing him to return them to the Xavier Estate. But due to his enhanced powers thanks to the alien sleeve, Magneto easily defeats the X-Men in the brutal skirmish that occurs humiliating and rendering each of them unconscious in turn. When they awaken they find themselves within a room outfitted with a large array of video monitors and audio speakers with each of them strapped into sophisticated restraining chairs with built in inhibitor fields to keep them from using their powers to escape. Magneto explains that rather than kill them out right he has a better plan : he will “destroy them” via endlessly repeating transmissions of himself expounding his mutant doctrine. The goal is they will either be driven insane by the constant non stop bombardment of rhetoric or become “conditioned” to his doctrine and become willing agents dedicated to his cause. ( He's added of course bits of the stole alien technology he acquired to video and audio hardware to enhance the effects of the transmissions, making them far more potent than they would normally be) Basically this is his take on what he had to endure while trapped on the Stranger's world. Magneto then departs and slowly and with deliberation launches an attack upon a military missile base located in the America Southwest with the intent of allowing the media to capture what is going on as both a way of openly alerting the world of his return and taunting Xavier that he is helpless to stop him without his X-Men. When Magneto finally returns to his base he finds it totally dark and is immediately under siege by the X-Men. While he was out attacking the missile base, Storm was able to stealthfuly and carefully remove her headdress and gain access to a set of sophisticated lock picks hidden within and using only her mouth pick her restraints and eventually free herself and the rest of the X-Men. Due to his boasting and his absence the X-Men have had time to come up with a plan in order to defeat him. With Storm strategically drawing off all the humidity around Magneto in order to dehydrate him, the other X-Men use hit and run strike tactics to keep Magneto off balance as well as cause damage to the alien sleeve underneath his costume in order to cut off the source of his power increase . Their strategy is a success, but during the course of Dazzler's strike run against Magneto she uses her light powers to zap him with a lazer burst and he is sent crashing into the control panel that operates the base's magnetic force bubble, damaging the controls. The magma and heat of the volcano begins to fill up the base. Although defeated, Magneto uses the momentary confusion caused by the realization of their circumstances as a means of escaping from the X-Men. Without Magneto the X-Men have no way of escaping from the volcano deathtrap. As the base begins to disintegrate under the onslaught of magma as it desends , Beast and Dazzler become separated from the rest of the X-Men due to falling debris and lava. We next see a battered and bruised Magneto, having made his way out of the volcano and now rapidly soaring away from his base as it suddenly and violently erupts as it is claimed by the volcano. He has lost his most advanced base of operations as well as his power boasting alien sleeve, but he is content in the knowledge that now any future plans for conquest are free from interference by Xavier's latest team of X-Men. Minutes after Magneto has departed, several miles away from the base of the volcano a powerful blast of laser energy erupts from the Earth's surface and emerging from the blast hole are Beast and a now weakened Dazzler. She was able to use her light powers to laser a way to the surface for herself and Hank. As Hank ponders the fate of the other X-Men and how he and Allison will survive their current circumstances in the fidget tempertures , lights from a helicopter belonging to an area geologic survey team investigating the volcano's sudden eruption, catch his attention. The weaknened Dazzler is able to summon up enough energy to release a light flare to attract the helicopter's attention. Hank and Dazzler are now safe and must now make their way back to the Xavier Estate with the sorrowful news that the X-Men are dead.

Scene Change : A undetermined amount of time later on a mountainside in a vast primodial tropical jungle, we see small tremors vibrating a small section of the mountainside. Suddenly a metallic fist erupts from the mountainside sending vast amounts of rock and debris flying . Emerging from the hole in the mountainside is Colossus followed by the rest of the X-Men. Thanks to a now exhausted Storm and Banshee, the X-Men were about to tunnel out of Magneto base, but rather than tunnel upward as Beast and Dazzler did they tunneled down ward. They are alive and now find themselves unexpectedly in a lost prehistoric jungle : The Savage Land.

Anthony Head = Magneto. As with the older take of Xavier I went with someone who radiated “mature” but doesn't come across as too old. I went with Head as a non big name choice because he has the acting skills and presence to pull a pretty good Magneto.

X-Movie Eight : X-Men : The New Generation.

Storyline : Learning of the reported deaths of the active X-Men team, Scott Summers finally ends his leave of absence and returns to the Xavier Mansion. Coming to the realization that Jean would not want him to spend his life grieving for her, Scott returns to help instruct and train the new students at the Institute since that is exactly what both he and Jean would be doing if she had not died. He has assumed the responsibility of training the current class of Xavier Institute students and turning them into a viable replacement for the lost X-Men as well as act as field leader if circumstances call for the need of an active X-team. Allison Blaire is still remaining as the only active X-Man and Hank McCoy has now decided to dedicate more time at the Xavier Mansion as well to help prepare the young mutants for all the possible dangers that come with life as an X-Man. After days of intense lessons and improptu training sessions (while the Danger Room is rebuilt), the Xavier Mansion receives tickets and directions for the staff and students of the Institute to be the first to attend a special opening for a new and exclusive amusement park . Seeking to relieve some of the stress of the past few weeks and days the Xavier Institute accepts the invitation for what they hope is a day of fun and relaxation for all. It turns out to be anything but that. The amusement park turns out to be a highly sophisticated and technical deathtrap nicknamed “Murderworld” created and operated by an eccentric young assassin for hire calling himself Arcade. Unknown to Xavier and his staff , Arcade, along with his assistant/body guard, Miss Locke and technical engineer, Mr. Chambers, have been hired by Sebastian Shaw to kill Xavier and his staff and students as pay back for the defeat that the X-Men delivered to the Hellfire Clubs Inner Circle. The young students of the Xavier Institue are about to be put to the test inan actual live or die trial by fire. Pray that they all paid attention in class.

The Bad Guys:

Jamie-Bell = Arcade. Spider-Man?? Oh, somebody must have had access to some high quality, high dollar weed, crack or some other mind altering substance to even think he shouldhave /could have been Spider-Man , but I think he has the right looks and personality to pull off Arcade. Spoiled, whiney , self- centered, and egotistical just because he can is my take here for Arcade.

Erin Cummings = Miss Locke. A sexy chick that can play bad ass. Just right for this part.

Bruce Campbell = Mr. Chambers. Movie take : Although Arcade is the boss, Chambers is the brains and soul of all of the tech and gizmo that make “Muderworld” tick and he has no qualms at all reminding Arcade of this. Smart-assed and sarcastic, Bruce Campbell would be perfect for this take on the character.

The Xavier Institute Students: Along with the already introduced Kitty Pryde now given the training codename Shadowcat, the other Institute students will be a mix of members from the New Mutants and Generation X series.

Alex Pettyfer = Sam Guthrie/Cannonball. A decent young actor with the right look and build for this character. If he can pull off the Kentucky accent, we're in buisness.

Kirsten Prout = Paige Guthrie/Husk. Despite being in the snozefest Elektra, she's a pretty decent actress and I think she would make for a decent younger sister to Sam.

Q'Orianka Kilcher- = Dani Moonstar/Mirage. A solid young actress with the perfect look and personality for this role.

Elijah Kelley = Everett Thomas /Synch. Here's another solid young actor. Most of the roles I've seen him in seem to match personality wise for the character of Synch.

Lily Cole = Rahne Sinclair/Wolfsbane. It will be a younger unknown actress for the very brief appearance that she makes in the Mutant X movie. Now here we would see the full on deal. Lily Cole's actually somewhat taller than the character of Rahne Sinclair, but that would work to the advantage of when Rahne is in her semi human wereform. Just use the necessary movie tricks to make her appear shorter as Rahne and she's spot on for the character.

Christian Cooke = Jon Starsmore/Chamber. Another solid young British actor, he has the proper looks and personality that works for this character.

Skyler Samuels = Amara Aquilla/Magma. She seems like a pretty decent actress from the handful of things I've seen her in and she has the right look and bearing for this character.

Annamaria Perez deTagle = Jubilation Lee/Jubillee. Went with this “Disney Kid” over Brenda Song as my choice for Jubillee because she's a little more closer to how I picture the character in my head. A decent little actress who could bring the right amount of spunk needed for the character.

Noah Gray-Cabey = Roberto de Casta/Sunspot. Yeah, the “Heroes” kid. Besides being a decent actor, he's the right age and has the proper looks for the character. Plus it would be nice to see him play a character a little bit more edgier than he's use to doing.

Cassandra “Cassie” Ventura = Monet St. Croix/M. When with the unknown/not many roles yet choice for this character. This for me works in the character's favor since she would be played as “mysterious” like she was in the earlier days of her appearance. Plus Ventura has the proper exotic looks needed for the character.

X-Movie Nine : X-Men : The Savage Land War.

Storyline : The events in this movie take place simultaneously as the events of the previous movie occur. After extracting themselves from Magneto's volcano lair and finding themselves in the lost prehistoric Savage Land, the X-Men soon find themselves allying with young displaced British lord , Kevin Plunder known to the natives of the Savage Land as Ka-Zar the Savage and his wife Shanna aka Shanna the She-Devil as they defend the United Free Tribes, who are caught in the middle of a war between two rival tribes each bent on being the dominate ruling tribe of the Savage Land : the Sun Tribe , lead by their “god” Garokk and his high priestess Zaladane and the Swamp Tribe, lead by their “god” the human mutate pterodactyl known as Sauron and his band of Savage Land Mutates. At the movie's conclusion the X-Men, by way of a secretly hidden transport plane that is utilize by Ka-Zar and Shanna on the occasions that they deem it necessary to go into the civilized world, are return to the Xavier Institute for a joyous reunion with Xavier and the rest of the extended X-family.

Bradley James = Kevin Plunder/Ka-Zar. Originally I had this guy in mind as a young Clint Barton, but since he is British and Ka-Zar is British I thought....hmmmm.....tone up and cut up the physique, grow out the hair and ….BINGO!! And his acting turn as a young pre-king “Prince Arthur” in the series Merlin would be a plus for a haughty take for the Lord of the Savage Land.

Rachel Nichols = Shanna O'Hara-Plunder/Shanna the She-Devil. I know she's on a few others list as Shanna. She a decent actress with the right look and action cred for the part.

Wes Studi = Chief Tongah. Studi is of course a top notch actor and has the presence to pull of the this character. In the comics Chief Tongah was a long time ally of Ka-Zar's and leader of the Savage Land tribe known as the FallPeople. For movie purposes he will be the leader of the United Free Tribes, a tribe that is composed of people from all the various distinctive tribes that inhabit the Savage Land and has been displaced due to the war. Tongah will die towards films end in an effort to destroy Garrok, leading to his daughter Nereel becoming the new leader of the Free Tribes at movie's end.

Nadine Velazquez = Nereel. A decent actress and a perfect fit as this character. Everyone familiar with Nereel's appearances in the X-Men comics knows that she had a kid by Colossus from the first time that the “New” X-Men came to the Savage Land, so Peter and Nereel having an attraction to each other and a hookup would go down in this movie. Being her father's daughter she is both a leader and fighter and plays a big part in winning the battle against the Sun and Swamp Tribes.

CGI Zabu.

Garokk/Sun Tribe :

Patricia Velasquez=Zaladane. Originally I had Velasquez in mind as a possible Selene, the eventual Black Queen of the Hellfire Club , but looks and personality wise I think she'd work better as Zaladane.

Ben Cross = Garokk. A top notch actor with the proper looks and presence and voice need to bring this character to life. Just add the proper EFX makeup to the mix to give him the necessary petrified look.

Paul Telfer = Gaza. Although he's one of the Savage Land Mutates, for this movie take he will not be part of the group with the others. He'll serve as Zaladane's lover/bodyguard as well as commander of Garokk's Sun Tribe army. Telfer has the right look and acting skills needed for this take on the character.

CGI Worm. Another Savage Land Mutate that will not be part of the group proper. Worm will be Zaladane and Garokk's secret edge in the war using his mind controlling slime to convert any of the captive warrior from Sauron's Swamp Army into soldiers to their cause as well as any Free Tribe members they come across, there by insuring the Sun Tribe Army is always superior in numbers.

Sauron/Swamp People:

CGI Sauron.

End of movie cameo reveal : Hugh Jackman = Karl Lykos. As I stated in part one of my casting I had no problems with Jackman's overall performance as Wolverine, if I were casting him as an X-Character this would be the character I'd go with.

Clint Howard = Brainchild. Howard has the proper looks and personality to pull off this role Brainchild will act as Sauron chief strategist.

Matthew Willig = Barbarus. Barbarus will be the big brutal and savage commander of Sauron's army. Size, looks and personality wise Willig is a perfect fit for this character.

Taylor Swift = Lorelei. She has the proper looks and height as well as the “innocent” demeanor of the character. Her singing ability would as so play well with the character.

CGI Lupo.

CGI Amphibius.

As always feedback is welcome. I may not respond immediately due to offline activities, but I will respond back to feedback given.

Coming soon : The third and final of my X-Fan Casts with moviesTen thru Twelve featuring appearances by Juggernaut, Rogue, Gambit, Mystique, Cable, Bishop and Apocalypse.

Part One of X-Men Fan Cast:
DC & Marvel Team Up In Awesome Fan-Created Infinite Crisis Video

DC & Marvel Team Up In Awesome Fan-Created "Infinite Crisis" Video

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DDD - 9/29/2010, 1:42 AM
Wow, this is extensive!

Wonderful casting!

Head's a damm good pick for Magneto!
I had him for Prof X in my Whedon X-men!

Bacic would make a great Blue Beast too!

Cavill is perfect for BLACK KNIGHT!

This is all pretty damm near perfect casting
Ryden - 9/29/2010, 12:34 PM
Great cast, really detailed and fleshed out.

Just ONE complaint....Taylor Swift has singing ability?
ager - 9/29/2010, 3:42 PM
wow aside from not liking paul walker as an actor but thinking you picked his comic counterpart i liked EVERY one
LEEE777 - 9/29/2010, 5:08 PM
WOW dude, epic casting there, must have taken u forever!!!

HORUS @ Always quality and top notch!

Luv 'em all, hey I got CAVILL 4 Knight too, yeah he'd own it!

Swifts gr8, don't worry bout the h8trs!!

Perfect but PERFECT role for OLIVIA WILDE... PERFECT!!!

Hi 5 and thumbs up dude! : )
EyeofHorus - 9/29/2010, 7:13 PM
Thanks for the feedback so far.

@ DDD: Yes, very exstensive. As I said at the beginning of the article I trimmed down the text considerably from what I originally intended to post. Just think, I still have three full storylines and cast left plus "DVD Extras" of all the X-characters I have cast that I didn't have storylines for.

@ Anil Rickly: Thanks for the props on the Hellfire Club. I really think those choices would kill in an official movie.

@ Ryden : Another thanks for props. Taylor Swift does have singing ability, I never said it was good, quality singing ability. :)

@ Ager : Yeah, I use to be iffy on Walker's acting abilities, but after I saw him in a movie called Running Scared he went up a few notches for me. Thanks for the props also.

@ Lee : Yeah I think Wilde would be great as Aurora. I've been surprised that I haven't seen her posted before now by other people as Aurora.
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