Fan Fic- Batman: Dark Knights Part 2

Fan Fic- Batman: Dark Knights Part 2

Part 2 of the Conclusion of my Batman Reboot film series!

By UnfriendlySpidey - Oct 20, 2010 06:10 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic
Source: this is final film's 'outline' has become much bigger than originally thought! So there will now be three parts instead of two!! So please enjoy...

Batman: Dark Knights Part 2!

Previously in Part 1...

Meanwhile, Dick & Barbara are searching for the Riddler’s killer. Dick informs Barbara that if the killer did get the information of Bruce’s identity out of Nigma before he died, his next move will be to hit Wayne where it hurts- he’ll attack Wayne Enterprises. As they stakeout the building from a nearby rooftop, they see an explosion erupt from Bruce’s empire followed by gunfire inside the building. They crash through a window and finally come face to face with the murderer- he wears a trench coat and his head is covered in bandaged cloth- similar to that of a mummy.

‘Batman…how did I know you that if I attacked Wayne Enterprises that you would show up? Unless of course you have some sort of importance to this company…’ states Hush with an evil smile.

‘I’m Hush…and it will be my pleasure to kill you.’ as he draws his guns and begins to fire at the duo.

Batman & Batgirl use their acrobatic agility to dodge the bullets. Each time they tried to throw batarangs in an attempt to disarm him, Hush would simply shoot them out of midair before they would ever reach him. When he ran out of bullets and took cover to reload, Batman moved forward to take Hush down before he would do so. Hush anticipated this and leapt out to face Dick in hand-to-hand combat. Dick was astonished to find that this man was matching him blow for blow; until Hush finally got in a jab to his rib-cage, cracking three of his ribs. Barbara comes to Dick’s rescue but is quickly overpowered by Hush. Dick in turn overcomes the pain of his cracked ribs to try and save Barbara, but Hush uses her as a shield and puts a gun to her head.

‘I’m impressed with your student Batman…you have very valuable & worthy allies….you on the other hand, are quite disappointing…I expected Gotham’s protector to be stronger…more worthy of being called my adversary!’ states Hush.

‘As it has always been since the beginning, this is YOUR move….Bruce.’ finishes Hush with an evil smile.

Batman stands in astonishment for a moment and then he smirks. ‘Bruce? Sorry, that’s not my name…’

Hush is bewildered; this voice is not Bruce Wayne’s.

‘Y-you’re not Wayne? You’re not Wayne…IMPOSTOR!! Who are you??!! Where is he?! WHERE IS BRUCE WAYNE?! WHERE IS THE REAL BATMAN?!!’ explodes Hush as he grips tighter around Barbara’s throat & aims the gun from her head at Dick.

‘I AM Batman.’ replies Dick as he quickly throws blinding smoke pellets from his utility belt at Hush’s eyes- causing him to drop his gun & allow Batgirl to get free.

In a blind rage, Hush un-holstered his other gun and began shooting wildly around him. Dick & Barbara took cover to regroup, hoping to finally stop this madman. Hush was unable to see after he had run out of bullets and became frantic; swinging & screaming for the impostor to face him. Dick walks up and goes to incapacitate the killer when Hush opens his eyes and yells:
‘SURPRISE!!’ as he leaps at Batman- causing them to crash through a window and freefall to the streets below.

Hush and Batman collide and fight each other until Dick comes to his senses & realizes he’s still falling- he pulls out his bat-grapple to stop from plummeting to his death. Hush then continues to fall, until he pulls out a throwing hook and swings away, yelling that this is far from over.

After a long embrace with each other, Dick & Barbara head to the Batmobile and head home to recoup. Upon arriving, a familiar figure is standing in the cave with his back to the duo and a certain elder man standing beside him.

‘Bruce! Alfred!’ yells an excited Barbara as she runs to hug them.

Alfred acknowledges her first, but a look of sadness overwhelms his happiness to see her. Bruce slowly turns his head to the side and then completely turns around revealing Tim’s torn-off Robin logo & a red helmet in his hands. Barbara freezes as she realizes Tim is missing.

‘I trusted you two to watch over each other & Tim…and you left him here…alone in the Bat Cave….’ responds Bruce in a cold & quiet voice.

‘Bruce…’ answers Barbara in a hurt voice.

Bruce turns his back to Batgirl and walks to the computer: ‘Computer, access the content last viewed- main screen.’

The computer obeys Wayne’s command & show two files that were opened only a couple hours ago- the first was the file on Bane & followed by a file Tim created for the Exo-Suit. Bruce stared at the screen- realizing what Tim had built & what it was for.

‘No…Tim, what have you done…’ whispers an astonished Bruce as he reads the Exo-Suit file.

The technical readouts show that there was recently a printout made of its schematics- as well it had been activated & is currently online. Bruce now knew without a doubt who the intruder that took Tim & the Exo-Suit was. Bruce then told Barbara & Dick to tell him everything that has happened since he has been gone. When they finished telling him, Bruce was silent for a few moments- there’s a gun-toting psychopath that knows Bruce & his secret identity, Bane and the Joker are still on the loose & Jason IS in fact alive & in Gotham.

‘Dick, you kept your promise to protect Gotham as Batman and for that I thank you…now it is time for me to fulfill my end of the deal…’ said Bruce turning to his partner.

‘I want you to retake your mantle as Nightwing, but not yet… first, I need you and Barbara to take a few nights off…’ continues Wayne.

‘Bruce, you can’t expect us to just ignore the fact that Tim is missing…let us help!’ plead Dick.

‘…Gotham is going to become hell on earth before this is over…I can’t promise you we’ll come back from this…’ warns Bruce.

‘I’ll take my chances Bruce... we’re partners remember?’ assures Dick as he puts out his right hand to Bruce ‘I’m with you til the end…’

Bruce looked at his adopted son and smiled- realizing he isn’t the little boy who ran around in vibrant tights anymore; he was a man. Wayne took Grayson’s hand and firmly shook it, knowing he couldn’t stop Dick even if he wanted to- and he was proud of that fact.

‘Barbara, I need you to go to your father…he’ll need you more than ever with what is about to happen…after what you’ve been through tonight, you deserve a break.’ informs Bruce to Batgirl.

‘I promise if we need you, we’ll call’ he finishes.

Barbara reluctantly agrees, hugs Bruce & Alfred and tenderly kisses Grayson before departing.

We then see Dick re-don his Nightwing persona & Bruce become the Dark Knight once more as they depart the Bat Cave side by side once again.

Meanwhile we find the Joker & Harley Quinn in the abandoned toy factory hideout, hatching a new plan. The Clown Prince of Crime informs his men that he is well aware of the rumor that the Dark Knight is alive & well and that mystery will make this scheme all the more fun. He then lays out the plan that not even the big bad bat boy or his little kiddies can even stop; a plan that will bring Gotham City to its knees.

On the other side of Gotham, we finally find Bane- who has gathered up the last of the city’s crime lords & killed them in front of all their men. Bane looks to all of the petrified thugs & tells them that if they don’t want to suffer the same fate, they will all drop their colors & unite under his banner- making him the sole ruler of Gotham’s Underworld. Most of them unanimously agree- those who are foolish enough to remain loyal to their dead bosses are mercilessly killed on the spot by the titan. It is finally in this moment, Bane is ready to take Gotham for his own; or so he thought. At that moment, the entire room went dark & multiple bullets can be seen flying around, while the screams of those hit are heard echoing over the sounds of gunfire. Suddenly the room is silent & the lights slowly flicker on to reveal that all except Bane are dead. Bane screams for the unknown killer to show himself. We see two familiar white-slit glowing eyes flicker to life behind Bane & as the brute turns around to face his attacker, a mechanical arm from the figure sending him flying across the room. Bane whirls around in surprise as he sees what appears to be Batman in a robotic power suit.

‘I knew…I knew you would come back…you’re too powerful to be put down for long…Bruce…’ chuckles Bane. But then he looks around the room and realizes that the men weren’t incapacitated, but in fact killed by this person who stands before him.

‘No…you’re not Batman…not Bruce anyway…he would never kill…’ asserts the brute as he puzzlingly stares at the charlatan.

The Exo-Suit wearer retracts his helmet to reveal Jason, still wearing his scarlet Robin mask:

‘No monster…I am not my father…it should be him who destroys you…but he fears the other side. And so do my brother and sister…which is the only reason you’ve lived this long…but it all ends tonight. For I do not fear the other side…let the punishment fit the crime is how I look at things…’ states Jason in an icy tone.

‘Father?...Who are you?’ asks the intrigued Bane.

‘…I…am dead…and so are YOU!’ explodes Todd as he makes the helmet re-cover his face and charges the Man who Broke the Bat.

A brutal clash ensues as Jason matches the Venom fueled titan blow for blow. Finally, Bane is able to get away from his attacker & crank more Venom into his bloodstream- making him stronger. He rams into the Bat impostor, knocking him over and begins to pummel Todd on the ground. As Jason is immobile, Bane wipes the blood off of his bleeding lip & begins to gloat over him:

‘Ah…you are a worthy opponent, even if you are not the real Batman…you have his fire though…unstable as it may be…’ states the invigorated Bane with a bloodthirsty smile.

‘Do you want to know my secret? What the ooze flowing through these tubes is?? It is Venom…the miracle drug that can turn the most average man into a behemoth…or in my case, make me a god!’ continues Bane as he places his foot on Jason’s neck and begins to press down.

‘HAHAHAHAAAAA WHAT WILL YOU DO NOW LITTLE BAT??’ screams Bane with a blood curdling laugh as the excess amount of Venom begins to cloud his mind with madness & rage.

‘THIS!’ yells Jason as he shoots a batarang from his gauntlet and into a large group of propane tanks- causing them to explode.

The force of the blast caused Bane to lose his balance, giving Jason the opportunity he was looking for. He leaps up and begins to blast Bane with a flurry of powerful blows, until finally the brute is disoriented. Todd hits him with a strong punch in the back of the neck, causing Bane to fall down. Jason plants a firm footing on his back and presses down hard to keep Bane in place.

‘One thing you villains all have in common- you NEVER know how to shut up…and now, thanks to you, I know how to break the Man who broke the Bat…’ states Jason in a victorious yet sinister voice as he reaches down to the Venom tube implanted in the back of Bane’s head and firmly grasps it.

‘Even a mortal can kill a god…he just needs to know their secret...and now I know yours BANE!’ bellows Jason as he rips the Venom tube out of Bane’s skull- causing a flurry of Venom to spew everywhere.

Bane screams in agonizing pain as the Venom begins to drain from his body, as Jason picks up the giant and continues to rip all the embedded tubes out of their ports.

Completely drained, Todd throws the defeated Bane to the ground and proceeds to mercilessly beat the man until finally; he decides he’s had enough.

‘I want you to know Bane…in the final moments of your life… that you never did kill my father. Nor did you break him permanently…’ quietly states Jason.
‘I know the Joker hired you to hurt Batman…and YOU’RE gonna tell me where he is…because I have…UNFINISHED BUSINESS with the Clown…’ continues Todd as he picks up and holds the battered Bane by his neck.

‘Now…WHERE IS HE BANE? WHERE IS THE JOKER?!’ inquires Todd as he tightens his grip around Bane’s neck.

‘T-the abandoned toy factory on the west side of Gotham…A-Acme…Acme Toy Factory…’ gasps the barely alive Bane.

Todd aggressively pats Bane on the head ‘Thaaaat’s a good Bane…’ as he then grasps the beat-up titan by his skull and begins to holster him above his helmeted head.

‘Look familiar Bane? Like I said before…’ continues Jason as he then grabs Bane by his legs & hold him above his head just like the brute did to Batman.
‘Let the punishment…FIT THE CRIME!!’ yells Jason as he slams Bane forward to break his back over his knee- only to be stopped by an electric batarang that penetrates the Exo-Suit & causes the armor to freeze in place.

Jason forces his head to move in the direction of the thrower- to reveal Batman & Nightwing.

‘No…it’s too soon…’ whispers Jason.

Batman stands frozen for a moment- looking at the power the Exo-Suit is capable of & how it could even take down Bane.

‘That’s enough.’ states Batman in a cold tone. ‘If you do it, you’ll be no better than he is…’

Jason stares at the Dark Knight for a moment, looks at Nightwing & then back to his father:

‘Then you never really knew me…’ sadly states Jason in a voice as low as a whisper. He lets go of Bane and forces his arm down to remove the electrified batarang that pierced the armor- pulling it out & throwing it back at Batman & Nightwing in one motion.

The duo quickly moves out of the batarang’s path, only to be met by more that Jason shoots at them from his gauntlets. By the time they dodged them all, the cybernetic Batman was gone- all that remained was a broken and battered Bane- barely alive and shriveled down several sizes to a body-builder size from the lack of Venom.

Batman tells Nightwing to stay with Bane until the police arrive & that he is going after Tim’s kidnapper. Bruce sprints outside to see the Exo-Suit wearer off in the distance- the suit increases the wearer’s endurance and speed as well. But Batman doesn’t give up; he’s determined to catch the wearer- he had to be sure without a doubt that it was Jason & that he is alive. Bruce realizes that whoever this person is, wasn’t trying to escape, but was leading the Dark Knight somewhere. Batman freezes as he sees where the figure is leading him to- it was Gotham City Cemetery.

As Bruce descends with his cape into the graveyard, he knows exactly where he is being led and sprints to the location. It is here we see Bruce arrive at Jason Todd’s tombstone; his grave dug up & casket wide open & empty.

‘Tell me…what do you hope to accomplish from this?? Why did you bring me here?’ calls Batman as he scans the graveyard preparing for a fight.

’I already knew it was you Jason…bringing me here just removed all doubt.’ continues Bruce in a softer & remorseful tone.

‘Please Jason…let me help you…’ begs the Dark Knight on the brink of tears. ‘I’m so sorry…it was all my fault…’ as he drops to his knees.

We then see a shadowed figure come into view and walk slowly towards Batman. Bruce looks up in the figure’s direction to see a gun raised and a shot fired from it. The bullet grazes his arm as he barely maneuvers out of its path. Clenching his arm, Bruce looks in disbelief at the figure that shot him- it wasn’t Jason. Out of the shadows with a gun pointed at the caped crusader was none other than Hush.

‘At last…the REAL Dark Knight…it’s been far too long...BRUCE.’ happily states Hush with an evil smile on his face.

And there you have it- Part 2! Be sure to check back soon for....

Batman: Dark Knights Part 3!!

As always, thank you for checking out & my Fan Fic! Comment in the usual place!

Til Next Time!

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TANKGIRL - 10/20/2010, 11:46 PM
didnt read it all of it but i will try
DDD - 10/21/2010, 3:00 AM

Took me a long time to read it! LOL

Very interesting and pretty unique,
like Xenix said!

Will be looking for #3!
DaenerysTargaryen - 10/21/2010, 5:04 AM
awesome! Can't wait for part 3 :D
LEEE777 - 10/21/2010, 10:57 AM

Gr8 stuff dude!
UnfriendlySpidey - 10/21/2010, 6:36 PM
thank you everyone!! sorry I haven't been on here to comment at all, but I really do appreciate all of your comments!!! :D
LEEE777 - 10/22/2010, 11:07 AM
Cool @ SPIDEY!: D
AverageCitizen99 - 10/25/2010, 3:50 PM
Haven't gotten the time to read it yet but I'm glad to see you're getting a positive reception out of this! :)

Keep up the good work!
TheDarqueOne - 11/15/2010, 6:40 AM
This is looking pretty good.

Just to be honest the whole Jason/Red Hood storyline has gotten very, very stale for me. It is just too obvious, too 'oh-well-that-had-to-happen' for me to find interesting.

I did watch the Red Hood animated and boy did I hate it.

But I do like what you are doing here. And I know I am the guy that likes multiple characters and share universes but I think you have overloaded the story just a bit. I mean I don't like the Red Hood story but if you are going to do it it does deserve to be more of a focus. But I realize this is the end of a trilogy so I have obviously missed all the previous build-up.

This script is very nicely steeped in Batman lore and on that level I do appreciate it.
TheDarqueOne - 11/15/2010, 6:41 AM
Nice BatSuit there LEEE. No freaking trunks and looks good.
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