FAN FIC: Alphadog's Star Wars The Sequel Trilogy

FAN FIC: Alphadog's Star Wars The Sequel Trilogy

My take on the sequel trilogy of star wars coming our way in 2015.

By Alphadog - Sep 22, 2013 02:09 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic


Since episode 7 is so far away, the plot is still very mysterious. Do to that we all speculate a lot about the theme of the sequel trilogy. Having seen many propositions that I find inappropriate I have decided to post my own idea.

The Plot

The Setting
In order for it to shine on its own and so that the threat has enough time to settle the movies should distance itself from the last movie, ideally 2 centuries later.

The Crisis

The first two trilogies were based on the Roman Empire, the prequels on the rise and the original trilogy on the fall. With the sequel trilogy, the plot should also depict some kind of government or even a regime as a threat. In my vision the trilogy would depict an intergalactic war (Star War?), between the Hive (equivalent to the Axis) and the Colonies (equivalent to the Allies).

The Second threat

Even though not heavily delved into it is fair to assume that the empire hurt many planets. With its fall, a lot people were sure to have much anger in themselves, with that I think it would be logical for a second crisis to arise, the persecution of the Sith.
During the trilogy there would be a universal hunt for anyone associated with the Galactic Empire and the dark Jedi. It would be similar to the Nazi hunt and it would be as horrifying as the actual Nazi movement or the slavery of African-Americans.

The fallen Jedi

One other plot point would be that the Jedi have turned dark in a vendetta against the Sith, they’re not completely in the dark side of the force but they are now only focused on destroying forever the Sith.

The Characters

1 The main character / Jade (early twenties caucasian) – I think the main character should be a female human from a family pursued do to her Sith ancestry, she would discover her ability to block the force after being attacked by a Jedi group. The character was unrelated to the Skywalkers and the Empire or the Sith. (I also think she should have pink short hair, but that’s not important)

2 The mentor / Thal-Sul Kin (mid-Forties but in great physical state) – after encountering a group of Jedi, Jade is saved by a dual light saber wielding, Native-American, rogue who didn’t turn into the dark side.

3 The gun sling b*stard / Marcus (mid-thirties African-American) – a smuggler that helps jade and Thal-Sul. He has a similar role to Han Solo but plays a more comedic part similar to Don Cheadle in Ocean’s Eleven. (He should wear an old west cowboy’s type of scarf)

4 Chief Commander Amanda Tate (mid-thirties brunette) – the niece of a high ranking republic member, she is the leader of the rebels and has a relationship with Thal-Sul.

5 Alkyne – An android assassin connected to the Sith. He would appear throughout the trilogy and would be like Jango Fett and Darth Maul. He would look like a sleeker and more agile Darth Vader with a predator style head. His weapon would be a long staff that could release energy blasts and cut anything.

The Sith

In this trilogy the Sith should not at any point be the villains. In my proposal, their place would be taken by the Wadji, a force supremacist cult that aim to spread chaos in the hopes that from the destruction the force sensitive will rise up and unite to conquer the galaxy.
Despite, that I still think that the Sith should have a small presence in one of the films.


There are many things that make the Star Wars movies great but a lot of the times people just forget that, so here are a few elements that the next trilogy needs to have.

The Designs

What distinguishes the aliens from the Star Wars movies and Star Trek, is that Star trek as either highly complicated designs or almost identical to humans with only slight differences do to the cheap make-up, whilst star wars has designs more akin to cartoons like C3-Po, R2D2 and Yoda, which is why I think that Thrawn and Yuuzhan Vong don’t belong in the star wars movies since they go to both extremes.

The Spaceships

With the evolution of CGI it’s to expect that the space battles will be much more exciting, but one of the things that I fear will be done is that they will be over complicated. For the sequels I want simpler space battles with few ships and angles that allow catching the beauty of both on screen. One movie that I think captured the beauty of its space ship was in fact Wall-E. Every moment with the spaceship was astonishing.

Sound and Robots

Star Wars is probably one of the only franchises with a music that anyone can recognize. With the new trilogy one of the most important things to adapt is the music. Electronica is a very big genre of music that could very well represent the evolution of the series. With that characters like R2-D2 and C-3PO should have different sounds more akin to those featured in Wall-E.
On a side note, those 2 characters would ideally be butlers to Thal-Sul, with a reference to them being saved by him and throughout the trilogy they would act as companions to Jade and Thal-Sul.

The Locations

In Episode 4 we had Tatooine, in episode 5 we had Hoth and Dagobah, and in episode 6 we had Endor. In every episode since the prequels we had new amazing worlds. With the technology that have right now, the sequels could have amazing planets. Imaggine a rocky planet ful of high mountains with large bridges conecting them and half man half lion warriors with helmets that put wolverine to shame. The possibilities are endles and it will be very sad if JJ doesn't use this opportunity.


The prequels had many parallels with the original trilogy, something that I think should continue with the sequels.
Episode 7 – A modest teen becomes an apprentice and meets a set of characters.
Episode 8 – The protagonist learns how to become a true warrior while her friends keep fighting the enemy.
Episode 9 – The protagonist now mature goes after the enemy along with the good guys.

The Episodes

Star Wars Episode 7: The Great Deception / An Imminent Crisis – With the fall of the Empire, an era of peace settled throughout the galaxy until a galactic war begins with a series of assaults on all 7 planets. Who staged those attacks? And does the fate of the world stand on the hands of a young farmer girl who can block the force and rogue Jedi?

Star Wars Episode 8 Havok on Naboo - It’s been 7 long years since the destruction of the Wadji satellite and now begins the second stage of the war with the invasion of. As the Colonies prepares for a series of assaults on the Hive, Jade stars the final year of her training with one of the greatest Jedi to ever exist. (This episode would focus on the history of the Jedi and how the force connects life)

Star Wars Episode 9 Rebellion of the Slaves (ROTS) – In the last chapter of this epic trilogy the dawn of the war has reached as the Colonies and the Hive fight harder than ever. Many have died but a new age is coming.

At the end of the day this is just one of the million ways the next trilogy can go, so which one do you think is the best, let me know bellow and if you liked this article and want more don’t forget to hit the thumbs up button. In the meantime you can read my other article about which superheroes I think deserve their own show by going to the features section or by clicking the link bellow, till next time and may the force be with you young padawans.

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BatmanHeisenberg - 9/22/2013, 2:10 AM
Nice job man! I like it.
Archangel82 - 9/22/2013, 5:04 AM
Very nice write up. Their is one aspect that you may have missed. In your article you mentioned the take over and destruction of certain planets by the empire that were greatly effected by the empire in a negative way very similar to the Nazi movement. This is true. But let's look at the other side of the coin. What if certain planets that have become accustom to the empires way of life were in fact angry and bitter towards the rebillion for taken down the empire and leaving there planet in ruins with no solid infrastructure. I'm not for the empire or a
Totalitarianism government at all but it would be an interesting topic to tackle. I say this because if you look at the USSR, most countries that were under Soviet control were happy when the government collapsed but there were a few Eastern European countries that never came back after the Soviets left. Leaving there countries in worse shape than before. I think this would be an interesting sub plot to tackle.
Alphadog - 9/22/2013, 6:40 AM
Thank you man.

That's actually a great point, you should write an article one of these days.
Lhornbk - 9/22/2013, 11:07 AM
Wow, that was just so absolutely terrible that I don't even know where to start. It was actually fairly pointless, since the one thing that has been made clear about the sequels is that they'll take place about 30 years or so after RotJ. Which is the way it should be because fans will need some connection to the characters, beyond R2 & C3PO (oh, and btw, R2-D2 is NOT a butler. His main function is actually as a mechanic, although he did more than that in the first 6 movies. And yes, I know Jabba the Hut used him to serve drinks on his barge, but that was an insult. C3PO could partly be described as a butler, although that was more of a secondary function. His main job was as a translator.) Also, that is more than enough time to build up a new threat, you don't need 200 years. It didn't even take 20 years for the Nazis, Fascists, & Communists to arise as a threat in Europe after World War I.

The prequels were NOT about the rise of the Roman Empire, but about the fall of the Roman Republic, with the Emperor being the equivalent of Julius Caesar. The rise of the Roman Empire stage would have taken place in the years between the prequels and the original trilogy. And the original trilogy was NOT about the fall of the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire died gradually, from internal corruption and a series of invasions by Germanic tribes (with the official "Fall" being attributed to one specific invasion & defeat, although the eastern Empire, the Byzantines, lived on for another 1,000 years.) It did not die from a rebellion.

Lucas did partly intend for it to show the fall of the Roman Empire, but that just proves that while he may make great films, he doesn't know everything about history.(He also wrote the Ewoks into RotJ as a supposed parallel to the Vietcong-a technologically inferior group that defeated a technologically superior foe, the U.S. That was just unbelievably stupid, since the Vietcong were supplied with plenty of advanced weaponry by the Soviet Union, were helped by North Vietnam, and since they didn't really beat us anyway, we just basically gave up.)

The closest parallel in history to the original trilogy is partly the American Revolution, partly the French resistance in World War II, and Nazi Germany, with stormtroopers, a Holocaust (using the Death Star to wipe out entire planets), an evil dictator, and the dictator's henchmen who help him rule through fear. (Parallels could also be shown between the Empire & Stalin's Soviet Union.)

Your idea for a first crisis kind of makes sense (although where did the Republic go? You have to assume it was reestablished, but you only mention the Hive and Colonies. And btw, whose colonies?) Your 2nd crisis, however, makes no sense. You said it was 200 years later, no one is going to be hunting people associated with the Galactic Empire anymore. That would be like people still hunting down those involved with the Confederacy during the Civil War today. And really, the persecution of the Sith? The Sith aren't a race. They might be considered a religion, but since their primary goal is always taking control of the galaxy, and killing whoever stands in their way, I think it's probably okay to try to keep that from happening again. So unless you're gonna completely change the nature of the Sith in the Star Wars universe, turn them into some misunderstood religion that doesn't really intend harm, your 2nd crisis is just stupid. Your fallen Jedi idea doesn't work either. In that universe, you don't turn partly dark, it's either all or nothing. And why would they have a vendetta against the Sith? The last 2 Sith died in RotJ. More have probably risen, but unless you provide context about this intervening 200 years, no one will understand the vendetta. And they're not gonna understand the good guys from the first 6 movies suddenly being not so good.

You say your main character should be hunted due to her Sith ancestry, but then turn around and say she should not be associated with either the Skywalkers, the Empire, or the Sith. Make up your mind already. Another character is a Native American? Really, Earth is suddenly part of the Star Wars galaxy? And some of your characters are suddenly associated with the Republic and rebels. What happened to the colonies and Hive. And you have the Sith not being that bad, but, wait, there is an android assassin who is like Darth Vader & Darth Maul & Jango Fett who is associated with the Sith. Again, make up your mind.

You mention an attack on all 7 planets. What 7 planets? There are much more than 7 planets in the Star Wars galaxy. Your other episodes seem kind of all over the place. Rebellion of the Slaves? What slaves? That's the first time you mentioned slaves.

Oh, and a big, huge, gigantic NO to electronica being used for music. Maybe during a cantina/bar scene or something, but definitely not for the main score. And no to copying sounds from Wall-E. If it ain't broke don't fix it, and R2's sounds work just fine.(And if you liked Wall-E so much, write a sequel idea for it.)
NovaCorpsFan - 9/22/2013, 12:45 PM
Jesus, Lhbornk, way to tear an article a new one.
Cozmo2525 - 9/23/2013, 3:59 PM
^ What he said
IronLeprechaun - 9/24/2013, 4:10 AM
Am I the only one who wants the villain to be kind of like an Alexander The Great kind of villain?

Nice write up, I agree with most of it

I think the new trilogy should focus more on Luke and Leia forming the New Republic, rather then their children. But... There children can be a big part of it. I want to see the Hutt Clan get reformed by some survivors of the Dune Sea battle from ROTJ.

Leia's Jedi powers MUST DEFINITELY be looked into, maybe she has more dark side then light side? I mean... Sometimes the daughters are more evil than the sons. That's how it is in my family. Lol.

Bounty Hunters!

Smart villain that doesn't just use a lightsaber, I want to see an Admiral villain. Not exactly Thrawn because I know that he's not going to be in it. But Grand Moff Tarkin doesn't get enough credit. He was the one who blew up Alderon. I want to see another villain like him but 10 times worse. Maybe he'll invade the new Jedi temple!

I also want this to be more of a space adventure then political speaking and bullshit like that. Because lets face it, it's a SPACE ADVENTURE OPERA

Han's character could still be developing. I love Han. I feel the story is LUKE SKYWALKER. But the HEART is Han Solo. So if anyone, he's got to make the sacrifice for the greater good like he was supposed to in ROTJ. It'll be sad. But it'll be awesome at the same time.

Another big Planet battle! With an alien force to be reckoned with, but I want to see scary lizard-dragon like creatures

Some new Jedis introduced

Luke training both Leia and the children characters

NO CHILDREN! Just teenagers and adults. Kids are cool, but not on the big screen. Ever.

R2 and C3PO have to return. But have to have a purpose. Unlike the prequel trilogy

No re-hashed stories from the Original Trilogy!
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