Fan Idea: Netflix Original Marvel's Spider-Man Live Action Tv Series Season 2

Fan Idea: Netflix Original Marvel's Spider-Man Live Action Tv Series Season 2

After the success of Spider-Man Homecoming, Marvel, Sony and Netflix continue the adventures of Peter Parker on Netflix with Season 2...

By Drakenxtreme - Sep 24, 2018 04:09 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

So Season One has been a success...Spider-Man Homecoming is being filmed right after and once its done filming Season 2 is in production and airs Summer of 2017. In my vision Spider-Man Homecoming takes place right after Season 1 dealing with Peter's first homecoming year...Season 2 will have a homecoming as well but for his Sophmore year. I dont know details of the film and my series will only make mild references to the movie and etc..but in essence it will be like a veil memory for the series...


Season 2 (12 Episodes)

Contract Cast Members

Tom Holland as Peter Parker/Spider-Man
15 years old now and has been Spider-Man for a year. Battled with the Avengers, Fought The Vulture and Tinkerer, but still trying to navigate High School and being a Super-Hero. This season Peter deals with his new gf MJ knowing his identity as well as keeping it from the rest of his high school classmates to include Kong. He struggles with his bestfriend Harry losing his parents and tries hard to reach him but there are obstacles standing in his way, his role in Norman's transformation and susposed death.  

Zendaya as Mary Jane Watson
15 years old and a little more confident in her role as GF of both Peter Parker and Spider-man. Things become a little complicated though as she deals with life as a super hero's gf and the prospective competition of Gwen Stacy who she bumps heads with. MJ tries to be there for Peter but it scares her that he could be killed at any moment by whatever super villain that outmatches him one day. 

Marissa Tomei as May Parker
The legal guardian of Peter Parker who during Season 1 deals with the tragic death of her husband Ben Parker and raising her nephew Peter. May goes through many ups and downs in Season 1 and tries to cope with life as a single parent and her life without her husband. She is unaware of Peter's crime fighting but notices his distance from her and his schooling. During Season 2 she concentrates fully on making sure Peter is out of trouble not knowing that Peter is in fact Spider-Man. She dabbles in trying to also find her own way through the world without Ben and frequently has spiritual conversations with him when she worries about Peter. 

Reccuring Cast/Guest Stars

Patrick Dempsey as Ben Parker
Peter Parker's biological uncle who after his brother Richard's death takes Peter in when he is 7 years old. Ben is very wise and tries to instill on Peter the notion of taking responibilty for his great mind and bright future. He dies in the first half of the season but his message of Great Power comes with Great Responibilty resonates in Peter throughout his crime fighting career. He appears to May frequently in how to deal with Peter by herself. 

Sabrina Carpenter as Gwen Stacy
Fiesty rebillious 15 year old Gwen arrives with a bang as she is not afriad to do whatever she wants and get what she wants. Her father is Captain John Stacy of the NYPD but it doesnt stop her from being a rebel. She befriends Peter in the second season and it causes some tension between Peter and Mary who see's her as a romantic rival for Peter's heart. 

Laura Harrier as Liz Allen
15 year old Liz Allen is smart and popular and her first real encounter with Peter is a drunken night out in which a kiss almost occurs. Throughout Season 2 she is very distant and tries to understand this new world of mutants and inhumans along with the bad things occuring around school.

Tony Revolori as Fred "Flash" Thompson
A 16 year old bully who is contantly berating Peter but as he hates Peter he is a huge fan of Spider-Man. Throughout Season 2 he is seen as a constant enemy of Peter in his high school career.

Jacob Batalon Batalon as Ned Leeds
One of Peter's bestfriends and confidant in Midtown High School. He is aware of the Peter's secret life and continues to support both lives in anyway he can

Hugh Laurie as J Jonah Jameson
The brash, loud mouthed chief editor of the Daily Bugle who see's Spider-Man as a menace and tries at any chance to make the people see that as well. He hires Peter as a web designer part time.

Jessica Lowndes as Betty Grant
Smart but sassy Betty Grant is the assistant of J.J. and most of the reporters at the Daily Bugle. She is usually seen chatting it up with Robbie as he tries to uncover a connection between KingPin, Justin Hammer and the OsCorp explosion.

Malcolm Jamal-Warner as Joesph "Robbie" Robertson
Senior Reporter and right hand man to J.J at the Daily Bugle he is the voice of reason at the paper. 

Alexander Skarsgard as Captain John Stacy
NYPD Captain John Stacy is fair, deligent and married to the job. This shows in his dealings with his rebellious daughter Gwen Stacy. Throughout Season 1 and 2 he can be seen dealing with aftermath of some of Spider-Man captures and investigating KingPin. His view on Spider-man is that though he is doing good he cant trust someone who he doesnt know and wants him unmasked and brung in. 

Amanda Peet as Det. Jean De Wolff
Det. Jean De Wolff is one of Capt Stacy chief investigators and she is brash and has no problem getting her hands dirty. 

Peyton Meyer as Harry Osborn
16 year old rich teen who is one of Peter's bestifriends. After the death of his parents he is barely seen but returns to MidTown High but acts strange. Peter tries to reconnect with him but it appears something is off with Harry this season.

Mark Pellegrino as Norman Osborn/Green Goblin
Narcissist, God Complex, and in some cases maniacal, Norman has used these traits to build a successful company. After seeing Peter get big by his genetically modified Spider, his first instinct was to kill him but after seeing Peter gain special ablilities he chose to observe and eventually use the serum that modified the spider on himself. It resulted in an explosion which transformed him into a monster and he went on a spree of destruction before being stopped by Peter as Spider-Man. During Season 2 he returns in the second half to enlist Peter in his plans by threatnening Harry. He has gained semi control of the OZ formula's transformation to the Green Goblin and uses it to his advantage. 

Tom Welling as Doctor Otto Octavius/Dr. Octopus
Esteem brillant scientist Dr. Otto Octavius works at OsCorp for Norman Osborn, but secretly he has been conducting espionage for Justin Hammer. After the explosion the doctor was thought dead but he returns with his metal arms he used for work fused to his body and mentally linked to him. He is fuel by revenge on Justin Hammer who he feels is responible and ends up clashing with Spider-Man.

Kristen Kreuk as Rose Octavius

Joe Manganiello as Sergie Kravenoff/ Kraven The Hunter
Sergie Kravenoff is a reality star whose show is about Hunting the hardest challanges in the world. He has his eyes set on NYC's Spider-Man and tries to take him on but he is a little out of his league when he deals with both Spider-Man and Dr. Otto Octavius. 

Sam Rockwell reprises the role of Justin Hammer
Sam Rockwell returns as Justin Hammer, after being released from prison thanks to corruption and blackmail, he decides to go into the super soldier serum business by stealing OsCorp progress on it. In the meantime his company has been illegally testing humans to give them abilities one such person was Max Dillion. During Season 2 he becomes the target of revenge by Otto Octavious.

Emily Van De Camp reprises her role as Agent Sharon Carter
Agent Carter is secretly tasked by the new Director of SHIELD to handle Dr. Otto Octavuis and contnues to stone wall Captain Stacy in their investigation into him. 

Perry Shen as Agent Jimmy Woo
Agent Carter's wise cracking Partner who helps her with her operation.

Samuel L Jackson reprises his role as Col. Nick Fury

Cobie Smulder reprises her role as Agent Maria Hill

Setting/Theme: The show air would air after Civil War the story takes place in 2 time periods..first half before l. 2015 New York City, which is still rebuilding and regrouping from the Chituari attack and the events of Ultron. Peter is just starting High School and will be 14 goin on 15 for the first Season..This will allow the series atleast for the first 4-5 seasons to have Peter still young and exemplify the theme of dealing with teenage issues while struggling to be a super hero and how that effects his life both at home and school. Besides Spider-Man's costume and look most of the villains outfits and appearance will be modernized. For example Green Goblin will not be a huge CGI monster, it will be practical effects and make up similiar to how Joss Whedon had the demons look on his shows Buffy and Angel...Doc Oct suit will not be spandex looking but more so an outfit of more modern look and realistic feel similar to X-men leather outfits but will be colored to his usual color scheme of green. 

Episode 1: Doc Ock
Peter narrates whats been going on since we last saw him. He defeated Green Goblin, failed a jail break by King Pin but has him on the run for murder. He battled it out with The Vulture (Events from Spider-Man Homecoming), Not only does Ned know his idenity but MJ knows he is Spider-man as well, they are a couple and he is entering into his Sophmore year of High School. All things considered things are looking up for Peter. Midtown High is prepping for its Homecoming once again with the theme being Super Heroes. Peter officially meets the bad girl Gwen Stacy which sparks a little jealousy from MJ but their relationship remains good and solid despite Gwen's attempts. Ned begins thinking of ways to improve Peter's crime fighting by being his support guy. Meanwhile SHIELD has been keeping Dr. Otto Octavius alive in a unknown facility. He has fully awaken and is shocked at the level of trauma to his body including the fact that his 4 mechanical tentacles are attached to his body. He rampages out of the facility and vows vengence on those who have wronged him. 

Episode 2: Confrontations

Ned begins trying to test Peter's suit and ablity so he can be familair with more of the unlockable features. At High school Flash continued bullying catches the eye of Gwen Stacy jumps into it to defend Peter and things get a little violent and a knife is involved which lands Gwen in hot water with the school and her father Captain Stacy who is dealing with an attack at Dr. Octavius old residence. Meanwhile Robbie has a theory that Dr. Octavius is alive and is out for a little revenge on those responsible for the OsCorp Explosion. Captain Stacy and Det. De Wolfe begin to investigate the wherabouts of Dr. Otto Octavius but are stone walled by Agents Carter and Woo. Robbie is also given some resistance by the 2 Agents as he is feels Dr. Octavius maybe the link between Justin Hammer and the OsCorp Explosion.  


Episode 3: Kraven The Hunter

Otto has broken into Justin Hammer's new building and vows to take him down for what he has done. Meanwhile everyone at Midtown High and even at the Daily Bugle are discussing the latest epsiode of Kraven The Hunter. Peter doesnt seem very interested and feels the guy is all fluff. Captain Stacy and Gwen's relationship is put on the forefront of the episode as they try and get to the route of her rebillious nature and acting out but it becomes shadowed by Robbie's investigation into Dr. Octavius. Peter overhears Robbie and Betty talking bout Dr. Octavius and Peter realizes that Dr. Octavius knows he is Spider-man and needs to find out what is going on. Meanwhile Justin Hammer is visited by Agent Sharon Carter and Jimmy Woo regarding Dr. Otto Octavius. Agent Carter reveals that whatever deal Hammer made to be released after his involvement in Iron Man 2 will be revoked if he doesnt cooperate. Hammer remains quiet about his connection to Dr, Octavius. Spider-Man hears about Justin Hammer's break in and overhears the conversation Hammer is having with the Agents. Agent Carter informs Justin that Dr. Octavius has gained ablities to control metal tentacles and is dangerous. Peter realizes that "Doc Ock" could become a problem but before he can think the Agents shoot at him not knowing it's him, Spider-Man. Elsewhere Kraven is hearing about the Spider-Man and on his next tv appearances declares he is on his way to NYC to catch the infamous Spider-Man. 


Episode 4: The Hunt

We see a look into the show and life of Sergie Kravenoff. We then flashforward to him in his hotel in NYC working out and his manager praises him on his annoucement of taking on Spider-Man. They are soon joined by his girlfriend Calypso. Kraven wants to hunt the biggest game and that its more than just about ratings but the joy of the hunt. Meanwhile Peter and Aunt May are at home watching the news on Kraven's big annoucement. Peter is off to school while Aunt May decides to go out and enjoy the day. At school the class learns that Gwen is being allowed back in school after she pulled a knife on Flash. Many dont feel comfortable about it but the subject moves to the Super Hero theme of Homecoming in which Liz is uncomfortable about glorifying people with ablities. Justin Hammer is on the way to a press conference and is discusing with his Genetics Department bout the latest and he is informed of the testing of Flint Marko codenamed Sand Man, as well as the lost of Electro. At the press conference Justin reveals plans for new energy sources and his renewed image but Robbie questions his connections to OsCorp and Dr. Octavius. Justin denies any connection but the press conference live feed of his facility is high jacked by Dr. Octavius who cant wait to reunite with Justin. Back at Midtown High the principle introduces Kraven who plans on filming some segments at the High School for his Spider-Man Hunt. Peter and MJ are worried of what this can mean but before they can think its annouced that there is trouble in the area with Justin Hammer's new Energy facility and that they should remain in the school. Peter instead sneaks out and heads to the action and Kraven feels that the danger will lure out Spider-Man and gathers his gear to start his hunt with or without the cameras. Spider-Man heads into the building and encounters Dr. Otto Octavius who is suited and armed with his metallic arms. 


Episode 5: Cycle

We flashback to before the incident as Dr. Octavius inflitrates Justin's facility. He tears it apart and attacks everyone. We then catch up to Spider-Man coming through trying to help survivors but he is stopped by Dr. Octavius.  The two battle it out with Spider-man using humor to throw him off but Dr. Octavius throws him out of the building onto a dock where he is surronded by police. Before he could react Agent Carter and Agent Woo arrive and inform the police that Spider-man is an assest of SHIELD. Spider-man is thankful for the help but he doesnt necessary need the big guns like Tony or the Avengers to handle Doc Ock. Its his city and he needs to handle it on his own or else he will be useless as a hero. Sharon admires Peter's resolve and lets him go. Spider-Man returns to the building but Doc Ock has vanished. Peter returns home where him and MJ watch Justin Hammer whitewash the incident. They discuss how wrecked his costume is and that maybe he should ask Daredevil who his tailor is. Peter likes his costume cause it was a gift from Tony Stark and he has back ups. MJ just worries about Peter and hopes he takes it easy. Meanwhile Kraven is at the site of the fight between Spider-man and Doc Ock and tries to gather clues as to how to track Spider-man. At home after MJ leaves, Aunt May comes to his room while he is half in costume and he worries she will find out he is Spider-Man


Episode 6: Hammer
We get a retrospect episode of how Justin Hammer ended up free and what he has been up to since his release. Hammer uses Senator Stern's affilation with Hydra to get him released from prison, claiming he was under duress from both Whiplash and Hydra to cooperate. After being released Hammer can continue to his business but his contracts and dealings are monitored. Hammer meets Norman Osborn who has basically taken his place since being imprisoned and wants to return to his former glory. His opportunity happens when The Sokvia Accords are implemented and Secretary Ross offers to bankroll Hammer in researching Genetics and in return Hammer gets full autonomy in regards to his company but he is in competition with OsCorp. This allows Hammer to return to business as usual with the added bonus of delving into the same field as Norman Osborn and getting back on top. We then flash forward to present as Justin Hammer does damage control after the Doc Ock situation. He gets a visit from Spider-man who didnt appreciate being blamed for the incident but Hammer decides to offer him money to take care of "Doc Ock". Spider-man declines to do something he already was going to do and leaves. Hammer decides to use some of his genetic experiments to take on Otto but Otto has taken over his facility and vows to make Hammer pay for turning him into a monster. As Hammer rushes to his genetics facility, news stories are being leaked and broadcast of Dr. Otto Octavius activties at the facility. Kraven see's this and decides to go as an opportunity to confront Spider-man, while Peter is seen on top of Hammer's car awaiting his confrontation with Dr. Octavius. Hammer flashes back in his memory to him hiring one of Fisk's men to sabotage Norman's experiment which resulted in the explosion at OsCorp. When Hammer arrives, Dr. Otto Octavius broadcast to the world that Hammer is responsible for what he has become. 

Episode 7: Lives
A Retrospect of Dr. Otto Octavius life, We see a young Otto in college befriending a young Norman Osborn. They talk about changing the world through science. After graduating with his PH.d, he reunites with Norman, at this time the battle Of New York occurs. Norman and Otto in the aftermath believe if aliens and super men exist they will crack the code. Norman starts OsCorp but pushes Otto to mere assistant citing that Norman is more persuasive. At a tech conference this when Otto meets Hammer and starts being manipulated to spy for Hammer, causing tension n resentment within Otto to betray Norman. We then flashforward to Otto present day attacking Hammer's limo. Meanwhile Kraven and his crew are watching it on the news on a tour bus on the way to the incident. MJ is watching on tv as Peter steps in as Spider-man to take on Otto. Peter as Spider-man tries to reason with Otto but his rage and anger at Hammer is fueling him. Spider-man at first has the upperhand but Otto slings across facility. Otto continues his assault on Hammer until Spider-man returns and finally subdues Otto, but it's short lived when Kraven arrives donned in his Hunter outfit ready to take on the Spider-man. Unforturnately for him Kraven has no powers to defend against a simple kick from Spider-man which sends him flying knocked out in one blow. Spider-man gives a quick interview explaining his mantra and why he is a hero and then takes off. Agent Sharon Carter and Agent Jimmy Woo arrive to clean up the mess and take Otto away to the RAFT. When Peter arrives at home Aunt May confronts him about his late nights and his relationship with MJ. She notices his brusies and puts her foot down and grounds Peter for staying out late again. Meanwhile at the RAFT Agent Carter interrogates a heavily subdued Otto for information on OsCorp and Hammer experiments but he doesnt talk. When they leave Otto does mumble that Parker is Spider-Man revealing his memory has returned.

Episdoe 8: Reflections
Taking place after Spider-man Homecoming, Peter has gained some fame for not just those actions but his actions taking down Doc Ock. After taking down some common thugs, Peter barely makes it to class. Once class is over him Ned, and MJ talk about Peter's fame but it is cut short when Harry Osborn shows up, after returning from being with his uncle in Colorado. Harry gets welcomed by not just Peter, Ned and MJ but also Flash and Gwen. Harry dismisses Flash for not calling him while Peter, Ned and MJ always called and wrote. He then introduces himself to Gwen which kinda sparks a possible thing. Later Harry informs Peter that his father Norman Osborn wants to see him. Peter is shocked because Norman was the Green Goblin and he thought he was dead. Peter tries to avoid confronting Norman but Norman sends over Harry with a escort to bring Peter to the penthouse. When Peter arrives he is on edge and it get worst when Harry tells Peter to meet his father in his office. Peter is shocked to see tv screens with all of Peter's exploits inlcuding footage of him getting bit by the spider that gave him powers. Norman reveals himself and then proceeds to inject himself with something that transforms him into the Green Goblin. 

Episode 9: Ultimatium
We flashback to the aftermath of Peter's battle with the Green Goblin. Norman resurfaces in human form and ends up in a secret lab trying to piece together everything that occured. He watches footage of his battle with Peter and notices how powerful he is in his Goblin form and decides he has to control that power. We see toying with the serum, testing it as events unfold in the outside world. He see's Spider-man's battles with KingPin, Doc Ock, and Vulture. He then contacts Colorado where Harry is and request Harry see a Doctor to relieve him of his painful memories. After which we see his final injection leads to him being in control of the power and decides its time to resurface. Back to the present, Peter is face to face with the Green Goblin who has told him everything that has occured from their battle including brainwashing Harry. After the transformation subsides Norman implies that Peter will soon work for him or else he will destroy everything in Peter's life. Peter gets so raddled he leaves frantically and returns home where he apologies to Aunt May for everything that has happen from late nights to worry her. Later that night Peter talks to MJ and tries to tell her what happen but he is interuppted by Gwen Stacy who has run away from home. Peter tells Aunt May that Gwen's mom left town out of nowhere and her father is at work. Aunt May cooks them a late meal until Capt. Stacy arrives. The next morning MJ is curious about what happen last night and he tells her that Gwen came over due to her mother not being home. Gwen then hugs Peter which sparks a lil jealousy from MJ but she plays it off. Peter is asked by a faculty member to speak with her privately. The faculty member doesnt look familiar to Peter but to us its Maria Hill who begins questioning Peter on the events at the Osborns penthouse. Peter is too shocked and gets a even bigger shock when Nick Fury appears. Nick informs Peter, Tony has asked to keep an eye on Peter but it seems Tony's request and SHIELD's own interest have aligned, specfically Norman Osborn. Nick wants Peter to be a asset to investigating Norman but Peter is terrified and doesnt want anyone involved for fear of Norman retaliating. Peter heads home and see's that Norman has a limo outside his place again. This time he has invited his Aunt May which sparks Peter to refute the invite and decide to actual confront Norman tonight as Spider-man. As he is out and about he runs into Green Goblin who appears in control but seem's confused. The last thing we see is Green Goblin eyes set on Harry, Ned, MJ and Harry in which Peter screams NOOO!

Episode 10: Blood Ties
We flashback a few mintues earlier and Harry is in the middle of a therapy session with a Dr. Warren who continues to wipe his memory, meanwhile Norman is awaiting Peter's arrival. After Harry's session is done, the Doctor worries the side-effects of the intense mind warping but Norman doesnt care. Harry leaves to meet up with Ned and MJ after telling his father that Peter declined the invite. Norman is furious and decides to make Peter pay. He injects the serum and we see the effects on Norman's mind when he is in Green Goblin form. His confrontation with Spider-man is put into new persepctive as voices tell him that they connected by blood and we see a distorted version of Spider-man. The voices then tell him to go after the girl in which he see's MJ and goes after her taking her from Harry and Ned. Peter chases after him but he is too fast, Peter believes that SHIELD must be watching so he screams out for help from them but nothing. They reach the bridge and Peter urges Norman to stop but he is not listening but SHIELD Stealth Craft appears and shoots at Green Goblin which releases MJ but she begins to fall from the top of the bridge. Peter rushes to save MJ and grabs her and holds her tight worried he was going to lose her. She awakens and he is relieved she is ok. Peter gets her to safety as he decides its time to stop Green Goblin once and for all.

Episode 11: Ciricles
Maria Hill is on a HeliCarrier watching the battle unfold. She asks for constant updates on the situation and to try and take Norman Osborn quietly as possible. Green Goblin is on top of the bridge cackling at SHIELD's efforts and produces a fireball to shoot down the carrier but Spider-man interrupts. Meanwhile MJ meets up with Ned who wonders where Harry went. MJ wonders if Ned knows whats going on but Ned doesnt know since Peter has been acting wierd since Harry came back. Spider-man and Green Goblin continue their battle as Maria Hill watches on a monitor the battle. She informs Nick Fury that Spider-man is holding his own and may not require their backup after all. Green Goblin appears to be losing strenght but he flies towards Osborn penthouse as Spider-man pursues. Harry arrives home confused and frantic as he hears the noise in his father's office. When he walks in he see's the Green Goblin about to inject more serum into himself. Green Goblin flings Harry away and continues to inject serum after serum til his form becomes more demonic. Spider-Man enters and witness the new form and is overpowered. Harry stumbles back and see's Green Goblin strangling Spider-man with no mask and is shocked to see Peter.

Episode 12: Trauma
We Flashback to Harry in Colorado, he is drinking and self medicating to forget about the events. Harry's uncle tries to talk to him but he is unrecepptive. He has nightmares of his father turning into the Goblin and killing his mother. Harry tries to jump off the balacony but his uncle stops him. Harry's uncle gets a call from Dr. Warren who was appointed by Norman to treat him. In the present Harry see's the Goblin strangling Peter in his Spider-man outfit. Harry realizes that the Green Goblin is his father and tries to reach him. Maria Hill gets a status update that Harry Osborn is in the way of a clean shot, but Peter escapes his grasp and continues to fight the Green Goblin. Green Goblin gets the upperhand until Harry stabs him in the back which causes the transformation of Green Goblin back to Norman. SHIELD agents arrive and take Norman into custody and escort Harry elsewhere. Maria Hill tells Peter he did good and that he maybe Avenger material after all. Peter leaves to head home where MJ waits for him. Peter and MJ talk about recent events, and that Peter cant keep stuff from her or Ned if they are going to support him. MJ is terrifed of what a relationship with a super hero will be like. Elsewhere Harry is in a room awaiting SHIELD agents to talk to him, a man named Shaw arrives and informs Harry that they will take care of him. Harry is distraught and when Shaw leaves his eyes glow yellow


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frieseray - 9/17/2016, 12:57 PM
Isn't the big Asian kid playing Ned Leeds?
TheSoulEater - 9/17/2016, 1:38 PM
*reads....reads........gets to your Octavius pic*

ILoveStargirl - 9/26/2016, 12:49 PM
Again, another masterpiece. Great cast, episodes, EVERYTHING!!!
Drakenxtreme - 9/26/2016, 5:17 PM
@ILoveStargirl - i haven't finished yet it will be done in a few weeks keeps posting ahead of time lol
ILoveStargirl - 9/26/2016, 5:20 PM
Well, I noticed that Episode 7 to 12 are identical in both season 1 and 2. Don't worry I know you'll do your best in order to fix it.
MikeZ - 10/2/2016, 12:04 PM
Some good casting choices here (Sabina Carpenter as Gwen Stacy, Malcolm Jamal Warner as Robbie Robertson, Amanda Peet as Jean DeWolff, Mark Pellegrino as Green Goblin). However, I've seen Hugh Laurie cast as J. Jonah one too many times, Jessica Lowndes deserves a better role than Betty Brant, Joe Manganiello may be too busy with the DCEU to play Kraven the Hunter (even though he has the look!), and I really don't want to see Tom Welling play Doc Ock (unless this is the Ultimate version, then... whatever).

By the way, I've done a fan cast myself that I'd like for you to check out and judge yourself. It's my take on a Suicide Squad movie:
clogan - 10/7/2016, 11:58 AM
Spider-Man in Netflix is something you will never see.
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