FICTION: MetaWar Chapter Nineteen

FICTION: MetaWar Chapter Nineteen

Pulsar and Justice are trapped. Impossible creatures are appearing. Things are not looking very good for our Heros at all. What do you do when your powers desert you? This is the conclusion to 'Thunder in Houston'.

By TheDarqueOne - Dec 06, 2010 01:12 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

Chapter 19 -Thunder in Houston
Part II

Houston was dropping rapidly on my list of places to visit again.

“Everybody over here!” I amped my voice since our local communications were now out as well.

I explained the situation. Kid Flash found more Dinosaurs north. Big surprise.

“This feels like a game. Keep your eyes peeled for Loki.” was my first order.

“But how could he be doing this sir? How could anyone?” came from Valkyrie.

She knew what we all knew that these events were beyond any Meta, or combination of Metas, that we had ever seen.

Except... something I should remember. What it was escaped me.

“I do not know Val but somebody is doing this and we are going to find them. These wide spread targets. Each so different? They temp me to split us up. The Kid could handle the goblins. Nova and Val could take the zombies. Thor and Sif of course want to go after the dinos and you all know how I personally feel about Nazi scum.”

I paused. Time to change the rules. Lets try my rules.

“So what we are going to do is stay together. The zombies are closest so that is where we are headed. We will walk. Kid, stay close. Val, Nova, same for you stay close. Lets move out people.”

“Ummm... love don't we need to deal with these threats quickly?” that was Nova at her most diplomatic.

“No. They are here for us I bet they will wait.”

“Wait? I'm confused. What do you know that you are not telling us?”

“Not a damn thing except that impossible things are happening because someone, somewhere, is f------ with us and it is pissing me off.”

“Oh. Well when we find them and kill them you will feel better.”

I had to grin at that.

We walked on. I expected to have to reinforce my order with the Kid but he stayed almost visible and right with us the whole way.

Zombies. Yep. That was them alright. Shambling, gross, smelly.

Nova ashed them in 60 seconds.

She flew upward and her flames grew. Sweeping forward she caused little fires as she approached the slowly moving monsters. Just before she met their very rough line Nova extended both her arms out to the side. With a very slow motion she began to rotate them forward. From both arms a massive column of fire blasted into the Zombies.

By the time her hands touched there were no enemies remaining. The world glowed red.

Putting out the resulting fires took me longer but that was that. Epic to see I have to admit. My girl is nothing if not epic.


Off we went. We took a break about halfway it was getting to be a long day. Our wrist units said Midnight.

We saw the barricades first. Piles of wood, barrels, carts and other miscellaneous junk. I could not sense the men we could see behind the makeshift wall.

“Kid, disarm them.” I ordered.

Nothing happened. I looked around. Where was he?

“Nova, Val, hang back until I signal. Thor, Sif, follow me.”

We moved forward. They opened fire. Light machine guns mixed with some heavier stuff.

My forcefield faded away.

I pushed it back up. Nothing. Bullets were flying around me and my shield was down. Running seemed like a good idea.

“Get them!” I called to my two companions as I ran past them looking for cover.

Nova and Val were waiting just past the corner when I charged around it.

“What's wrong?”

“I don't know. My shield will not come up.”

“What can I do?”

“I DON'T KNOW!” I screamed at her.

“Sorry. Sorry. I am freaked and we are in trouble.” I blurted.

“I know honey, I know.” She looked grim.

A scream came around the corner. A sound I had never heard before. So unexpected that it took seconds for my brain to put a name on it. Thor. Thor hurt?

“Nova. Go. Help them.”

“They have guns. I will have to...”

“I know. This is the job honey. This is what we do. Go.”

A quick kiss and she flew around the corner.

“Ok you Nazi motherf------! Nova is ready to party!” she screamed.

That's my girl.

Val was still looking at me. She was scared. I was slow to notice.

“Hang in there Valkyrie. We are not out just down.” was not exactly inspiring but it was something.

“I know sir. I just feel helpless. Ah sir. Your ah eyes just well went out.”

I had not felt that happen.

“Go help Nova.” I ordered harshly.

“No sir you need me.”

“Not your call rookie. Move out.”

She went up and then turned to take the corner rapidly. I could hear the sounds of battle nearby but I felt blind.

Moving to the wall I looked around the corner. Thor and Sif had breached the barracades. They did look like authentic Nazis. At close range the Olympus pair grappled and started throwing their opponents about.

My senses were gone. My power was gone.

Nova and Valkyrie were swooping down on the two ends of the line. Bullets made little flares as they vaporized against Nova's shields. The barracade near her was on fire. Men screamed. Val was using a sword and at least one black scumbag went down on each pass. Valkyrie's sword is deep blue in color streaked with red now.

Was I human again?

The battle should be over by now. I had pulled back and was just listening. There were not that many of them but the gunfire, screaming, and... yes that was definitely German, kept on.

Why just me?


No! This was not happening. This was not real. Something inside me said no.

“You really are annoying you know.” said a voice some distance away.

I opened eyes that I did not know I had closed. He was standing in a doorway about 30' away very back lit. A little blinding in the gloom. I idly wondered how long it had been since anything had blinded me.

“I have heard that before.” I finally replied.

“I spent a lot of time constructing the perfect puzzle for you. Each part was a clue."

He looked very relaxed. Used his hands quite a bit as he talked.

"If you had let the muscle-brained ones go after the dinosaurs they would have found the nest. If you had let your little slut go after the Zombies should would have found this address. You were supposed to come here together after you had beaten all my pawns. Very annoying. So I accelerated my schedule." he rambled.

Likes to hear himself talk.

"How does it feel to be human again?” he asked slowly. Enjoying the moment.

My face wrinkled in a bit of a snarl but I was silent.

I was up and walking towards him already. The guy could dress I would have to give him that. An impeccable suit that would do James Bond proud. Complete in every detail right down to the cigarette in his left hand.

“Feels wrong actually. Fake.” I said casually.

“Oh it is quite real. Reality is my power and you are caught in it. Did you honestly think you were one of the most powerful of us? How wonderfully arrogant of you. Fine. Come on in, wrong door, but oh well.” he said with a sigh.

“Are you Loki?”

“Who? No. What a silly name. You may call me Mysterio”

I swear I heard thunder outside right when he said his name.

What looked like some sort of industrial structure seemed rather different once we were inside. Rich paneling along a wide corridor lead deeper into a huge room.

The place was rather spectacular. Vaulted ceilings. Works of art on the marble walls.

And a raised dais at the end with a big chair. A throne room. How nice.

“You friends are coming. I left the door open.”

“Nice of you. Any point in me asking you why you are doing this?”

“You people, and you in particular, are the only things standing in the way of our ruling the earth asshole. What did you think was going to happen? By now we should just be squabbing over who got the best piece. We do not all want the whole planet you know. A lot of us just want a little piece. This city. This city is mine. It is all I want.”

He continued. The ranting aspect of his speech grew more pronounced.

“Some people want whole countries of course and then there are those other guys. Bet you do not know about them do you Mr. High and Mighty Pulsar? Five powerful men who all want the planet. Know what they decided? Of course you do not you were not there but I was. They decided they would destroy you first, all of Olympus, and then divvy up the rest.”

He was really getting into it now. The King speaking from his throne.

“But when I kill you. When I kill all of the feared Justice. No one will ever contest my claim to Houston. I suppose I should claim the whole state just to have some room for later.”

I would love to say that at this point I had figured it all out and was just waiting for the others to make my move. Sorry. All I had was a nagging doubt. I was waiting for the others but just because I wanted to know they were alright. It turns out that going from being a god to being mortal is just as mind-bending as the reverse.

“Here come your people. Bet they are covered in blood.” jeered Mysterio.

The team arrived. Everyone was covered in blood. Everyone.

Something was wrong with that. One rule too many violated. It finally clicked.

"Is this him?" Nova asked me in a neutral voice.

I nodded.

She snapped both arms up and unleashed 2 tight hot blasts at our tormentor. They got within 10' of him before spreading across a forcefield.

Mysterio grinned and looked very pleased with himself.

Nova could not be covered in blood because her flames prevented it. Because of her I know what blood steam looks like.

“We came here to find two MetaHumans. They don't exist do they?” I asked.

“Of course not. They were just the bait to get you here.” taunted Mysterio.

“Thanks. I always like to tie up loose ends.”

I did not enjoy what I did next. Necessary or not it was going to cost me. I turned to Nova.

“Well this just sucks!” I started. “Why the f--- did I bring you along anyway? You just get in the way and you burn more than you save. Do you still visit the little girl from Chicago? Yeah, thought not. I mean look at you. What made me think you were a fit consort for a god? Short, flat-chested, what did I ever see in you?”

Nova was confused. It was so sudden and harsh. I could tell she wanted to say 'What the f--- is wrong with you' but I did not give her time.

“At least you have not bored me to death today. Every time you go off about those insipid old languages I want to kill myself. Don't you realize how much I DON'T want to know that crap?” I shouted.

That did it. She was confused but I had pushed too many buttons. She was pissed and holding it in because there were people close way too close. The intensity of her shield started to climb. Her hair was flame. Each breath brought a blast of superheated air. Those lovely eyes burned with flames and anger.

I had her right at the limit of her control. I hoped.

Mysterio had crept up to the edge of his little dais.

I twisted to face him and pitched my voice for him alone, “I know this place is not real. I know none of this is happening. I think you are doing all of this in our heads. And there is one more thing I know. Everyone has their limits.”

With that I turned and slapped Nova as hard as I could. My hand burned on impact but that was lost in the

E X P L O S I O N.



Pain. Oh, my head hurt. Where the hell am I?

Lying on the floor with my friends inside some sort of warehouse. Empty warehouse.

Not alone. Off in a corner lay our attacker. His eyes were open but he was blackened and quite dead. I raised my right hand and squeezed. Power flowed into it. The blue glow of electricity crackled.

Nova stirred and I moved over to her. When her eyes opened she pushed me away, tears were visible. I stood up. I knew what I needed to say but I was in no rush. She looked around.

“What was he?” she asked.

“I am guessing this is what they meant by Mental Illusions. Psyche did not think it could really be done. She was wrong. When I... struck you your power pumped out so much energy the overload fried him. He must have been afraid I would try that so he made me think I was human again.”

“Oh. Thanks for saving our lives. And you are an ass.” Nova spit out.

Probably shouldn't have but I laughed.

“Yeah and a sorry one at that.”

She grinned at me but there was still a shadow. Some things, no matter why they are done, leave a mark. I hoped this one would fade with time.

“Do you really hate my languages so much?”

“No. None of what I said was true. I. Hated. Every. Single. Word. Domina Novus, Amor omnia vincit.”

“Lady Nova, Love conquers all.” she translated.

She favored me with a smile. I still felt a bit like a heel.

"How did you know that would work?" asked Val as she got moving again.

"I didn't." I replied with a shake of my still sensitive head. Bad idea.

All eyes turned to me.

"If I had been wrong Nova would have roasted us all. Better than remaining Mysterio's toys for the rest of our lives."

Nova and I walked out with everyone still staring at me.

Central had been going nuts. We had been missing for hours and they had everyone looking for us. Houston had more MetaHumans than Olympus that day. Home sounded like a great idea and we headed there as quickly as we could.

Later I had time to ponder the feeling of being human again. It still felt real although there is a touch of dream about it now. I had not liked it. My team was in trouble and I could not help that was part of it. Nova was in danger that had played a part too.

But it was more than that. I resented being human. I felt cheated. Weak. Useless. Did I now feel I deserved my powers? Was this a step down the road to godhood?

I did not like that thought.

And yet...

What was I doing if not fighting a god war? I was Zeus of Mount Olympus as much as I complained about that title. I could throw thunderbolts. Sound and fury signifying... what?

If I was going to win did I not have to step up? All the way up?

A thought came to me that you might not be able to understand. If your life becomes too hard. If you see no hope of getting through then perhaps you might consider ending your own life. Don't. There is always a better way.

When I feel that way I consider ending all life.

I could never do it. I do not believe it is within me to do such a thing. But I think about it.

That night I thought about it. A part of me always believed we were going to lose. A tiny part. I considered it my realistic side and it helped to keep me from growing too cocky. But if I did lose? If the Earth did fall to chaos I could stop the suffering.

Was that to be my final role? To end existence?

And if that was what fate had in store then why not do it now get it over with quickly?

Think of all the pain I could spare so many people. Billions of people.

Oh hell. I was tired. My brain felt like Thor had worked it over with his hammer. I needed sleep.


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Ibz - 12/6/2010, 2:33 PM
i had feeling it was a mysterio like character, another great chapter i like the fact that pulser is questioning himslef
TheDarqueOne - 12/6/2010, 6:50 PM
*smiles* Yeah not exactly a tough one to figure out at least from the outside. But my assumption was once Mysterio had them under control he did not allow them to think of that. Mental Illusions was a power they suspected did exist.

Once Mysterio was in control everything was an Illusion. Mysterio mentally just kept Pulsar from being able to access his powers but they were not gone. Same for Nova. The difference is that Nova is constantly charging. If she does not release energy on a regular basis she explodes. Pulsar gambled that by provoking Nova in the Illusion it would cause her to generate more raw power than Mysterio's Psi could handle.

As he said it either would work that way or her flames would have killed them all.

TheMyth - 12/7/2010, 9:14 AM
Did I call it? Yup, I called it! Too bad this baddie couldn't escape to make more trouble... or mehbeh the charred corpse is also an illusion ;P
TheDarqueOne - 12/7/2010, 2:09 PM
Might Mysterio have survived? Maybe. We are talking about Illusions here. It does seem rather unlikely considering how things went down but you never know.

I will be introducing 4 new major Villains when the second year starts. None of them will go down easy and they will have some time to develop along the way.

NEXT UP: Day 357

The mother of all parties. Thor & Sif. Celebs. Fun for everybody and a good break from the life and death struggles of the previous year.

TheDarqueOne - 12/7/2010, 5:33 PM
I have done a fair bit of new work on Chapter 20. Pulsar and Thor have a little heart-to-heart that I think is very good.

Also added a lot more actual detail to the 357 Party itself. Janice has a good introduction and Pulsar gets a bit of a special honor to kick things off.

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