FICTION: MetaWar Chapter Twenty

FICTION: MetaWar Chapter Twenty

The final Chapter for Year One. The week leading up to Day 357 was an eventful one. Thor returns to narrate a tale focused on Lady Sif. She did not gain either her name or her place on Justice easily. The party that brings the year to a close is beyond spectacular. Stars, MetaHumans, Bands and 18 hours of celebration. All because... The World Still Spins!

By TheDarqueOne - Dec 08, 2010 03:12 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

Chapter 20 - The World Still Spins

Day 357

One year since the opening of Olympus. This is Thor and I have some stories to tell about the week leading up to this day.

So much has happened it seems like a decade not just a year.

We lost Webs and Brawler. I will let someone else tell the tale of how they died but they went out as heroes should. In battle doing what is right.


Geo quit Apollo's team. He said it was just not for him.

And I met Sif. That was actually fairly early on I guess.

She was interested in me. I was not interested in her. Problem #1

She was superstrong with no combat knowledge and I was her teacher. Problem #2

Within one week of meeting me she announced that we were going to be together.
MetaBabies were mentioned! Damn Big Problem #3

Don't get me wrong. I love kids. I am not a bad guy so someday sure. But now? In case you had not noticed we were in the middle of a war.

About every other week someone tried really hard to kill me. So far they had all failed but who knows? Did you know I have a special solvent that I use to clean dried blood and gore off of my hammer?

I am on my third jug.

My plan was just to avoid the whole thing. I trained her, spent time with her as part of a group and figured she would get over it.

Like that was going to work.

She is a natural, ever since the first day she picked up a sword people have said that. As far as the science boys and girls can tell we have the same basic strength. Since I have 4 inches of height and about 100 pounds on her, I am stronger, but not by that much.

It came time for her to take a name or for us to give her one. Heimdall, Balder & Freya had been using their new names for some time. She announced she was going to be Lady Sif.

Sif. The Norse Goddess who was the wife of Thor.

No f------ way!

I ranted at her. I feel bad about it now, but I did it. I told her she would have that name over my dead damn body. I said I was sick of this stupid crush. It was a big scary Meta-filled world out there so deal with it. I was not her daddy and I was never going to be.

Now you would think that would have made her cry right? Wrong.

She laughed.

Grabbing her sword she headed out of the gym. She was cinching it over her shoulder when I asked her where she was going.

“To find Pulsar.”

Damn. I followed.

He was in his office off of Central. Psyche was with him.

She did not ask permission and just barged it. With a man that can turn most people into dust that was a bit reckless. I thought it best not to mention that though.

Sif did not waste much time.

“Sir. I have requested the codename of 'Lady Sif', short form 'Sif'. Thor has refused. I contest his refusal and request approval of my choice by you. Sir this is no whim this name matters to me. It has mattered since I was 10 years old and I first read her stories. Somehow I knew that name, that example, would matter. And here the f--- I find myself with a sword on my back and arms that can juggle cars.”

Pulsar somehow looked both annoyed and amused. Psyche had a very odd grin on her face.

“Sif is my name and if Thor objects then I have a suggestion. We go outside. He draws his hammer and I draw my sword. If he wins he can pick my name. If I win I am Sif. But I must warn you my God of Thunder. I will kill you to be her.”


“Psyche would she really do it -- kill him?” asked the boss.

“Are you kidding me?” replied Psyche with a laugh.

“Ok. She wins. Sorry Thor old buddy. Log the name Lady Sif.”

So she won that battle and stopped talking to me for a while.

I refuse to live my life in confusion and I had no idea what was going on with her. So I put it out of my mind and focused on the job. I saw her. We trained it was all neutral even mildly friendly at times.

Pulsar was running a small mission and I had something I had to do. He asked me to suggest one of my new superstrong companions to fill in for me. Without thinking I suggested Sif. She was the best and this was the job after all.

Mistake. Big big mistake.

She did well of course. So well that the next time Pulsar felt the need for some extra strength he assigned her without asking me. Sitting on the plane and she plops down next to me with a big smile on her face.

I was glad she was next to me when the Dinosaurs were charging down at us I cannot lie about that.

Then came the big day. One week before 357.

Pulsar was expanding the ranks of Justice and all the strong boys and girls were going to compete for a slot. Gloves, pads, yeah, but real fights, trust me. Everybody wanted that job and we watched very closely from the sidelines to prevent well death.

It was a hell of a day. A good day for people like us. Sif won her early fights easily and it came down to her and one other.

Eventually you would come to know him as Orion.

He is not nearly as strong as Sif but he had mastered Jeet Kune Do before he became a Meta. For those non-martially inclined people reading this that style of martial arts was created by Bruce Lee. That power combined with that skill was simply amazing to see. Everyone always assumed he was an Acrobat but he was not. He was like me a superman.

Sif and Orion faced off.

They engaged in three rapid exchanges. She hit him once. He hit her five times.

They circled. At that moment I thought she was going to lose.

My fears seemed to materialize as Orion drove his next attack home. A hard spinning kick sent Sif down to the ground.

She did an odd thing then. She rolled and kept going until she reached the edge of the mat.

She lay there, panting, obviously hurt.

Orion waited.

The Lady Sif got to her feet. I really wish I could describe the look on her face. Not angry but so fierce. Determined. I guess that is the best I can do.

They engaged again. He was still in command of the fight but she pulled one hell of a tricky move that changed that.

I have watched this from every angle, zoomed and slowed, so I know exactly what happened.

Sif threw a blow with her right hand. A full on attack properly balanced and executed. She had put her whole body behind it as one is taught. Orion had to and did block it. He shifted his body to absorb the hit and not lose his own balance.

Following a split second behind the first blow she struck out low with her left fist aiming for his body.

Now everybody will tell you that the second blow cannot do much. All your power is focused in the first and there is just nothing behind the second.

Nothing at all except MetaHuman strength and the determination of a Goddess.

The blow connected. 2 ribs cracked and Orion went down.

I pronounced her the winner. Pulsar welcomed her into Justice and that was that.

She and I became friends again. Not really close but we were on the same team. She was helping me to train other Metas and so we saw each other quite a bit.

Day 357 neared. The one year anniversary of the opening of Olympus.

We planned a party. Well when I say we I mean Janice, Erin and a small army of other people. I taste-tested a bunch of stuff. They said that did help.

It would begin at 12 Noon on 357 and continue until 6am on 358. Held in a special structure that Geo created that was dubbed Valhalla upon completion. I am sure you have seen pictures of it. It is a cozy stadium with the world's largest stage.

He found the largest performance stage in the world and made his three times larger. Put it this way. Atlas at his full height can not only stand on the stage he has room to move around! There are a number of huge side-rooms off the center floor as well.

We were celebrities at this point and everyone who was anyone wanted to go to this particular party.

So what Admin did was to list every performer, every traveling show, every band, everybody that offered to play the party in a database. Any resident of Olympus over the age of 15 could vote on a selection of choices. We picked the music, the handful of shows and even the famous people who would be in the audience along with us.

We got Jack Nicholson, Angelina Jolie, Diane Lane, Demi Moore, Denise Richards, Marina Sirtis, Linda Carter, Lara Flynn Boyle, Helen Mirrin, Nicole Kidman, Michael Caine, Matt Damon, Robert De Niro, Woody Harrelson, Ed Harris, Christopher Lee, Michael Keaton, Adam West & others.

Then there were about a dozen Bands of various sorts. Nickelback, Aerosmith, Terri Clark. Both Fleetwood Mac and Led Zeppelin had come back together for tonight. Zeppelin was for Pulsar. Sports personalities. Yes it was good to see some old friends. Some had never realized who I used to be.

It was really something. No cameras. No reporters. Just friends.

Everyone who came to the party who was not already a regular visitor to Olympus had to agree to a telepathic scan. We minimized the depth of what the PsiInt people would be seeing when we explained. It is a scary thing to have happen if you truly understand it.

Oddly most of the people who wanted to perform or attend did not seem to be all that worried about having someone poke about in their brain. Psyche told me that most of them really did not have any idea how much was being read.

Most famous people in the world and they know less about us than a kid on a street corner.

Janice took the stage when it was time to get started.

"Good evening everyone. Welcome to Day 357!" she began and then waited for the thunderous applause to die down before going on.

"We are here today to celebrate a year of effort. It has been hard on all of us. We have built and fought. Won and lost. Cheered and grieved. The cost has been high but through it all we have endured. Although he would be the first to point out how many people have helped there is on man here who deserves a lot of the credit for what Olympus has accomplished this year."

Eyes started going towards where Pulsar and Nova sat in the front center table. I was there as well but I knew what was about to happen and he did not.

Janice continued...

"Commander Pulsar when we started to gather the ideas that would make this party there was one that kept coming up. Everyone wanted to do something for you. To thank you for what you have done for the world and all of us."

Janice smiled as she looked at the boss.

"But you don't want things do you sir? What you need you have. So we simply have something to say to you. The reason we can all be here tonight. The mark of success. What matters. Because of you sir..."

Janice raised both her arms. On all the screens in huge letters and from the mouths of every Olympian in the stadium it came.


Cheering and clapping rocked Valhalla.

In all honesty I had never seen Pulsar smile like that. For perhaps 3 seconds everything was perfect in his world. I hope to see that smile again someday.

Janice concluded her time on stage for the moment with...

"Well done everyone. For those not of Olympus that statement belongs to Pulsar. It is his standard of success. There is more to it. Listen."

From the speakers everywhere in Pulsar's voice came the whole thing...

"The world still spins. People get to live their lives as they choose. That makes this a good day."

The lights on the stage went down with only Janice still visible.

"This is a good day and we are here to celebrate. It is Day 357 and Olympus stands strong. I am proud to be your President and prouder still of each and every one of you. Tonight Olympus well... time to party!" with a bit of a blush at the unpresidential-like statement and Led Zeppelin took the stage. 'Rock and Roll' was a fine way to get things going right.

The party kicked into full swing. We ate every six hours but there was plenty to munch between times. Drinking. We did a lot of drinking.

When there was no a Band on stage there was something else going on. Bits of Musicals and Plays that were particular favorites were done. There were these massive screens all along the upper walls. At times we got condensed versions of movies. The best bits of action or fun and a little more to tie it all together.

Pulsar and Psyche got together and planned a little special security. The speedsters would have one of their member running missions off of their List. We did not want to completely interrupt their rescue and other helpful efforts. One speedy boy or girl would be on Olympus patrol. Looping around our entire territory and inside the walls. They would rotate these positions every 30 minutes.

Psyche laid down the law for the whole group. “If you are not on duty, you will be at the party and you will be VISIBLE. Stand, sit, talk, whatever, but vis-i-ble.”

They did pretty well.

Over the course of the 18 hours they collectively snuck out of the party 137 times to run a quick mission off of the List or to join whoever was patrolling to just run. Psyche was happy enough so I guess it was cool.

A few hours into the party and I sought out Pulsar. The festivities swirled around me but something was just not quite right. Loved seeing some old buddies and I would look them up again before it was over.

Just something that I could not put my finger on.

When I found him he was standing along a side wall with a drink in his hand. He looked pretty much like he always did. Face somewhat neutral with a hint of frown. His eye glow was slightly muted.

"You look like you have something on your mind my friend. Psyche does not want to see that look on your face tonight. Party remember?" he said without looking at me.

"You don't look exactly festive yourself. And I am actually looking at you. What do you think she would say about that?" I tossed back as a friendly jibe.

He twisted his head to look in my direction with a slight grin. His powers no longer spook me the way they do most people. But I still tease him about it sometimes.

"I am very happy right now." he said in a fairly convincing way.

Pulsar pointed a finger. I looked over to see Nova. She was holding court with a mixed group of Clebs and Olympus staff people. As far as I could tell she was using her hands alot telling some story. By the look of it she was describing a battle and enjoying doing so quite a lot. Looking closer I did not see a hint of flame anywhere. Even her eyebrows were a normal red.

"I have a forcefield on her. Nobody can tell but she can be normal for a while."

"Oh. Makes sense. She does look like she is enjoying herself."

"She is. I am. So why aren't you?"

"Not sure. I feel like there is something that I should do. I just don't know what that is exactly."

Pulsar did smile a touch.

"Yeah... Yeah. Alright. This is nice tonight. Tonight we celebrate but tomorrow we go back to war. If anybody at Olympus has a target on their backs it is you and I. Hell Mysterio just about punched both our tickets." he sounded light but it still bothered him. He does not like to lose and we came very close to doing just that.

"I have all of you fooled. Do you know that? You all seem to think I am some altruistic Saint or some other imaginary person. I'm not. I started Olympus because someone had to. Something positive had to exist or none of us would be alive today. Including me. But the reason I do it is not for the human race or even for our own. That is too abstract a thing to fight for. Or to die for. How does anyone save the world anyway?"

"Then why?"

Pulsar nodded towards Nova.

"For her. Simplest and oldest reason in the world. I lead. I fight. I kill. For her. To keep this planet intact for her. Nothing original or even all that noble about it. I am a man protecting my woman. But the subject is your little problem. I will tell you what Mysterio taught me. I might die tomorrow. So might you. Don't risk dying with regrets."

"You mean I should tell her..." I began but he cut me off.

"Stop. If you want romantic advice go find Psyche or one of her mind witches. Don't risk dying with regrets. That is all you get out of me tonight."

I looked at him and considered.

"Alright. Thanks. I think? But you are wrong about one thing. It does not matter why you do it. What matters is that you do. That is what we honor sir. Enjoy the party."

He nodded in reply.

A drink seemed logical so I found a bottle.

Sif was there of course. Enjoying her still new status as a member of Justice. She had been putting me through another bout of the silent treatment. We were best friends after Houston but a couple of weeks later I made the mistake of inviting her to one of my private parties.

She said no rather coldly and left. My parties are for adults only. We drink and have a very good time. And ok a lot of the women who show up are somewhat like one might call a well groupie. Hey people try to kill me all the time when I relax I want to relax ok? Anyway the point is that Sif was pissed that I invited her and had barely spoken to me since then.

I grabbed a bottle of the expensive Champaign and a couple of glasses. I spotted her talked to a bunch of people near the center of the floor. There was a small empty table nearby so I sat down at it and arranged the glasses.

She noticed me fairly quickly but it is almost a full 30 minutes before she came over.

"What is this?" was her question.

"A peace offering." was my reply.

She pursed her lips and I was sure she was going to tell me to go to hell. But after 15 long seconds she sat down.

We drank and we talked about nothing of importance at all.

Later that night we were still together. We had talked with a number of people and even participated in a little Meta fun on stage. One place we had not visited was the side room where the lights and sound were set-up for dancing.

We went in and we danced.

You have seen us fight but you have never seen us dance. We had a whole section of Valhalla set up for our kind of dancing. People who could fly or jump rooftops played for once. It was a scene from days long past. When gods lived on the real Mount Olympus or when the rainbow bridge still lead to Asgard. I cannot describe it but magical is a pretty good word.

Valykrie and Atlas spun past us. Time slowed a bit.

I did not make any sudden decision. It just happened.

Sif and I kissed.

The music stopped. The people stopped. I am not making this up. Speed had been watching and when our lips met he stopped the music and the people.

The kiss did one of those forever things.

When we did finally realize that others still existed in our universe we both blushed. Everybody clapped and cheered. Speedsters can make thunder with their hands and damn if they all did not show up to do so.

We ran.

And that is all I am going to tell you about that. The party was great. Very long and few people made it all the way but it was without incident.

Best damn day of my life.

The End of the Beginning.

Pulsar, Psyche, Thor & Speed

Lady Sif, Valkyrie, Nova & Atlas

Janice, Erin & Orion

MetaWar written by Christopher Darque

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TheDarqueOne - 12/8/2010, 6:21 PM
356 days in a year. So you party on day 357. This is Olympus and they are establishing their own traditions. Much like with birthdays which are done via a group present rather than individual ones.

Sir Lizard asked so I thought I would add the answer as a comment.
TheDarqueOne - 12/9/2010, 6:09 AM

LEEE777 - 12/9/2010, 7:01 AM
Pulsar has gotta be my fav in this!!!

DAR @ Soz dude, I saw u pimp this last nite but I was too [frick]ed too read it lol. I wouldn't of enjoyed it half asleep anyways lol!

Gr8 stuff, love the 'The End of The Beginning' ... thats is one classy line bud! ; )

Gotta say you didn't dissapoint and kept me in there as always!

Damn man, how f'ing cool would it be if Hollywood was watching... ; )

This needs to be told to the masses, the rate your going DARQUE, you'll have a whole book bro!

Awesome stuff and...

Ibz - 12/9/2010, 11:46 AM
another great chapter
TheDarqueOne - 12/9/2010, 2:48 PM
Hmmm... I am having trouble posting. Perhaps others are as well.
TheDarqueOne - 12/9/2010, 2:56 PM
Short Stuff seems to work.
TheMyth - 12/9/2010, 3:57 PM
I can see you put a lot of yourself into Pulsar. Zep performing together is prob the most far fetched thing in the entire 20 chapters lol. I'm a Zephead too. I'm glad the party didn't get crashed also, very classy.
TheDarqueOne - 12/9/2010, 4:00 PM
Still cannot get long replies to post for some reason. Hopefully it will clear up soon. Don't think it is on my end.

Pulsar & Thor are very different from me in any number of ways. But they are also Older & Younger Me as well. Thor enjoys his moment and Pulsar worries about the next one.
TheDarqueOne - 12/9/2010, 4:18 PM

I think the Pulsar/Thor dialogue is the best I have done so far. 43,000 words published with lots more to go.


Glad to have had you with me mate. I appreciate the support.
TheDarqueOne - 12/9/2010, 4:19 PM

Every SuperHero party gets crashed. Just too obvious for me. They deserved a night off so I gave them one.
emeraldprince - 1/4/2011, 8:34 AM
I just finished reading chapter 20, and I must say that you've had me clued to the screen since I finally decided to see what the story was all about. GR8 stuff you got going here. Im with LEEE, someone needs to get hold of ur story and get it out to the masses. :-)
TheDarqueOne - 2/5/2011, 10:43 AM
Sorry for such a long delay EmeraldPrince but I am no longer active here on CBM.

Your comment is a fine way to end my run here and I appreciate that quite a bit. Thank you.

I think MetaWar has promise but it still needs more work. The simple fact is that it does not grab enough people's attention. What is published here is Revision IV and I am working on V now. Anyone who wishes to know where is welcome to email me.

*waves to everyone*


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