God of War FANCAST

God of War FANCAST

My look in what a God of War Movie should be.

By Yan1999 - Dec 07, 2013 04:12 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic
Source: ComicBookMovie.com

For first, I think that a God of War movie can be made, if it is made correctly. Every player has an intimacy with Kratos, so it is difficult to make an movie about it. But, if they can bring every intimacy of each player in the movie, it would be good. I imagine this as a series, not one film, I don't know if it's better to be set chronologically, but assuming Hollywood knows what to do, the result may be positive in any order.

For first: Kratos
Kratos-(Hugh Jackman) 'X-Men film series' 'Van Helsing'

Kratos is possibly the most difficult character to cast. Personally, I think is because of the player intimacy with the character. Some thinks he is an badass, others just an killing machine, and others and drama character with an sad and brilliant history. (I think they're all right). So, in my opinion, Jackman would play an amazing live action Kratos. He could easily pull off the killing machine scenes, and the most important, Kratos psychological and drama scenes, such as the murder of Lysandra and Calliope, the loss of the people he loves and if he's quest for revenge is right, however, I can see many disagree with me here.

Others considered: Dominic Purcell
Dijmon Hounsoun
Gerard Butler

Lysandra-(Michelle Monaghan)
I really don't know why I choose her. She looks happy but sad in the same time for me, maybe because of this.

Calliope-(Claire Engler)
Like Lysandra, I think she has that happy/sad face, and I bet in young actor, so I think that she can portray an amazing Calliope.

Orkos-(Andy Serkis) 'The Lord of The Rings trilogy' 'King Kong'

Orkos is the main ally for Kratos in God of War: Ascension, he is the son of the fury Alecto. Thinking that the oath of Kratos with the Furies was not right, he helped Kratos in his journey to clarity, freedom and redemption. Andy would be an amazing Orkos, as seeing him not being mo-caped, would be an interesting choice as well.

Alecto-(Famke Janssen)
She looks perfect for the character, and also, could play the cruel and ruthless Alecto, giving her an menacing look, different from Megaera.

Tisiphone-(Maisie Williams)
Maisie is also perfect to be Tisiphone. When I watched Game of Thrones and saw her I think she can play an manipulator and evil character.

Megaera-(Robin Weaver)
Wow, I just remember seeing this woman in Imbetwinners, and its movie, of course, but I like to cast 'unknown' actors to play big roles, so, I think Weaver may be an good choice for Megaera.

Athena-(Evangeline Lilly) 'Real Steel' The Hobbit Trilogy'

Athena is the main ally for Kratos in five games (excluding Ascension and Betrayal), helping him in the time of his servitude to the gods and short-liver god time. I think Lilly are a talented actress and deserves an role like this one. Like Jackman, I think she can play the emotional part very well. Also, Lilly and Jackman already act together in Real Steel.

Others considered: Maria Bello

Ares-(Ralph Fiennes)
Ralph is perfect for Ares. I see some similarities between him and the character. Also, Ralph can portray very negative and evil characters, as seen in the Harry Potter saga, he can be cruel and manipulator, with a tone of fear in his face. With camera effect, make him looks bigger and that is all.

Others I Considered: Gerard Butler

Zeus/The Gravedigger-(Ian McKellen)
I know, the choice is very strange, but I can't see no one, but him playing the role. He may not be THAT strong, but he would make interesting dialogues against Kratos. CG and camera effects can make him look taller and stronger, just how they did with Bane in The Dark Knight Rises. As for the Gravedigger (Zeus, of course), Ian McKellen would be perfect. Some old robes and the same beard of Zeus, but bed headed, would be amazing.

Others considered: Russel Crowne
Liam Neeson

Hades-(Clancy Brown)
Clancy voiced him in the game, and the voice was impressive cool. I think that he has the physical to portray Hades.

Poseidon-(Gideon Emery)
I personally like sometimes to cast little know and not-so-famous characters to play larger roles, and this is an cast. Gideon looks like Poseidon(at least for me). In the couple productions I've seen him, I think he deserves the chance to play an big character in a well-know series.

Aphrodite-(Sasha Grey) (Courtesy of HULK2099)
I was trying to find someone ideal for the role, but no one was in my mind, so I remembered of past fan casts that I read and remembered from the HULK2099 casting. Yeah, he is a genius, Sasha Grey is one of the best options for Aphrodite.

Artemis-(Christine Adams)
Like I said on Gideon Emery, I like to cast not-so-know-actors to portray bigger roles(or important ones). So, for Artemis, I'll cast Christine Adams. I just know that this girl appeared in Batman Begins, but she has the look of Artemis, in my opinion, and would fit well in the role.

Cronos-(Ron Pearlman)
C'mon, Ron Pearlman (like Doug Jones and Andy Serkis) portrayed too many iconic and different characters... So why not Ron be Cronos, the father of Zeus, Poseidon and Hades? He even looks like the Cronos from the games, so I decided that he was perfect for Cronos. I imagine the Titans cast being remodeled versions of the human captors and voice artists, so Pearlman would be perfect again.

Gaia/The Narrator-(Linda Hunt)
Gaia, mother of the own Cronos. Linda voiced Gaia/The Narrator (and the Village Oracle) in all of the games. Gaia's voice was one of the most enthusiastic and epic of all videogame universe. Like Pearlman, I imagine her being captured and having her face modeled into Gaia. Also, imagine Gaia narrating the film series just like Dilios in 300 would be epic.

Atlas-(Keith David)
I would go with Michael Clarke Duncan (that provided the voice of Atlas in the series), but since his death in 2012 I have to change the actor role. So I decided to go with Keith David (that provided the voice of Arbiter in the Halo game series). His voice is strong but also beautiful. I think that Atlas would be very well portrayed by him. Also, like Cronos and Gaia, I imagine the face of Keith modeled into the Titan.

Persephone-(Jada Pinkett-Smith)
I know that most are thinking that Persephone isn't black, but wait: have you seen the art of Persephone before it make into the final game. She was most beautiful then in the actual game, I she IS Jada Smith in that art. Anyway if most disagree at least it would be an interesting choice.

Helios-(Joaquin Phoenix)
I cast Joaquin because I think Helios have that manipulating personality, and even scary face, so, for Helios my best option was Phoenix.

Eos-(Emma Watson)
Eos, the sister of Helios who begs help for Kratos. Watson is an extremely beautiful girl, and I think she looks like Eos a lot. Seeing her emotional in Harry Potter lead me to cast her as Eos.

Hermes-(Greg Ellis)
Since Greg voiced Hermes in the game, and actually looks like him, its an good option to cast him as Hermes.

Hercules-(Kevin Sorbo)
I don't know why I cast him as Hercules. Okay, he played Hercules in the series, but he doesn't look like Hercules. But considering that many have already habituated with him as Hercules, I'll keep him. Also, with camera effects he can looks more muscular and taller.

Others I considered: Gerard Butler (again)

Hephaestus-(Rip Torn)
Torn IS Hephaestus, just look at his face. Also, the voice of both are similar, and Torn's can make people impressed, just like how Hephaestus made when he betrayed Kratos.

Pandora-(Carey Mulligan)
I think, like Emma Watson, that Mulligan is an talented and beautiful actress. I think she looks a bit like Pandora, and could play the emotional very well.

Charon-(Doug Jones)
Doug plays amazing and strange characters in almost every film he appears. Charon is one of my favorites, and I always like to cast Doug, Andy, Ron and Ray Park in my castings, and Doug is similar in shape with Charon for me, so, Doug Jones.

Deimos-(Elijah Wood)
I know that Elijah Wood may be too young to play Deimos, or nothing alike him, but in my opinion, I think he would totally rule as Deimos. Deimos is an character full with hatred, hatred maybe even worst than the Kratos. Wood could play this part very well, and a reconciliation of Hugh Jackman and Elijah Wood in the end of a Ghost of Sparta movie would be epic. Just let a bear grown and he is ready. Also, Wood voiced Deimos in the Pool of Blood in God of War III

Callisto-(Helen Mirren)
Callisto is the mother of Kratos and Deimos. Helen Mirren was an perfect choice. I would not choose her at first, but then I remember her acting in The Madness of King George, and she has to be Callisto doing the dramatic role.

Thanatos-(Hugo Weaving)
Thanatos is the God of Death. I choose Weaving because he looks like the guy that wants to kill, and kill just looking at you. He has the cruel, but friendly face that Thanatos needs to be perfect.

Erenys-(Eva Green)
Erenys is the daughter of Thanatos. I choose Eva Green for the same reason of Weaving, but she looks more sadistic and cold than Weaving, exactly what Erenys are. If you see her with the death Spartan in Ghost of Sparta, you know what I'm talking about.

Lahkesis-(Gemma Arterton) (Lahkesis and Atropos COURTESY OF HULK2099)
Lahkesis is the most beautiful of the three sisters of fate, the sisters that are even more powerful than the gods, and controls the fate of all. In Prince of Persia she looks like an warrior to me, and I think that again with the camera taller effects and makeup, she can play an perfect Lahkesis.

Atropos-(Lizzy Caplan)
In Cloverfield, Lizzy looked like an strange and disturbed girl. Use it and put an very scary makeup, big hands, fingernails, teeth and white hair. Atropos is ready.

Clotho-(Lawrence Makaore)
Look, I'm don't trying to be rude, but I didn't see Clotho as an female actress portraying her. She sounds like Steve Blum, and maybe, I think, Lawrence Makaore could play her, as I seen as Witch King of Angmar, Gothmog and Lurtz

Prometheus-(Sam Elliot)
Sam Elliot is an very talented actor. His voice always makes me reminds of cowboys and old-west. Prometheus also has this voice, so why not cast Sam Elliot as Prometheus. He will only appear in two scenes, but this will be epic.

Theseus-(David Morse)
David look a lot like Theseus. Just let his beard grown a bit, and let the visual effects do the rest.

Alrik/Barbarian King-(Ray Stevenson)
I've always imagined Ray as Alrik, especially since The Punisher. Alrik is an very emotional character (if you read God of War comics, you know that this is true) and I think that Ray could pic up this. I imagine the movies all connected, with characters that appeared chronologically remembered in flashbacks and things like this, other thing that Ray could pick well.

Euryale-(Di Botcher)
I don't even mind who cast for Euryale. But while searching in the internet, I found out of Di Botcher. For me, using motion capture and putting her face in Euryale would be good.

Perseus-(Sam Wothington)
Personally, i just cast Sam because i think he was amazing in Clash of the Titans (1) and could play Perseus again. Perseus VS Kratos was one of the most epic battle (in my opinion) in the series. And imagine this would be amazing.

Daedalus-(Malcolm McDowell)
Malcolm voiced Daedalus in God of War II and I think, that with characterization, he may look like the character.

Icarus-(Brad Dourif)
Icarus was easy to cast. He WAS Brad Dourif. Brad can be crazy and mental defective if he want. Seen him falling with Jackman to the underworld with he shouting would be epic.

The Last Spartan-(Thomas Brodie-Sangster)
I already cast Thomas Sangster from an old fan cast of mine. Well, he doesn't look like the character, but the Last Spartan is an very psychological character, so I think he can play the role easily.

Midas-(Marc Joseph)
An very minor actor, that I cast because of his similarities with Midas(in my opinion). However, this could be an interesting role for an unknown actor.

Lanaeus-(Lee Arenberg)
Lee can looks cruel but ridiculous scared, this lead me to choose him as Lanaeus.

Kratos (Young)-(Tyler Max Neitzel)
After watching this guy playing Leonidas in 300, he is perfect for a young Kratos.

Deimos (Young)-(Asa Butterfield)
After watching him in Hugo, he impressed me, and would play an interesting Deimos, even for a short scene.

Herodius-(James Franco)
James is one of the best actors I've ever watched. He puts so emotional in his works (as director and actor) and makes me think he is growing each day, so, for a character of the comics, that requires emotional, I will cast Franco as Herodius.

Pothia-(Penelope Cruz)
Pothia just appeared in the comics. Since I read the comics I think that Pothia look like Penelope, so, I cast her.

Danaus-(Jamie Campbell Bower)
Danaus always looked like an psycho for me, and I think its the kind of act that Jamie would do better.

The Boat Captain-(John Malkovich)
John looks like the Captain, maybe not in appearance, but in its karma. Seeing him being scared as Kratos kills him again and again would be interesting.

Body Burner-(Ray Park)
Like Andy, Doug and Ron, Ray plays different characters, so I think about him playing the strange Body Burner, and after watching him as Snake Eyes and Darth Maul, he could play him, even not fighting.

Dark Griffin Rider-(Dark Griffin Rider)
Now, it will show more of Ray's fighting skills, as the creepy Dark Griffin Rider.

Alrik's Father-(Shaun Toub)
I just seen Toub in The Last Air bender Movie, but I think he can be that kind of
dramatic actor, who can play an dramatic character like Alrik's Father, the former king of The Barbarians of The East.

Nikos-(David Wenham)
Since Captain he was Dilios in 300, and I think he looks like Nikos from the comics, I casted him as Nikos. Also seeing him and Jackman together in
action would be great.

King of Sparta-(Gerard Butler)
And for last, finally I have an role for Butler. He IS Leonidas, so why he can't be the King of Sparta in the God of War universe?
Also, Leonidas appears in Ascension multiplayer, something that double the fun. As for Wenham, seeing Jackman and Butler together would be great.
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l0rdleg0las - 12/7/2013, 8:39 PM
Personally I say shave Jason Momoa bald, have him bulk up again, throw some white paint on him and then cast around that.
DangerMan - 12/8/2013, 2:21 AM
At a couple of pictures
Yan1999 - 12/9/2013, 9:32 AM
MexicanSuperman, I know. I'm uploading few images because my PC is broken. But I'll try to upload more.
l0rdleg0las - 12/9/2013, 4:50 PM
I like most of it except for Sasha Grey. 2 reasons she is a porn actress not a real actress. She doesn't have a body like Aphrodite from the game, in truth she looks about 12 years old and that is just creepy.
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