Green Lantern: A Fan Fic By The4thWall

Green Lantern: A Fan Fic By The4thWall

I've decided to make my own Green Lantern trilogy...

By The4thWall - Jun 21, 2011 01:06 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

So firts things first: I am keeping some things from the Martin Campbell film. I am using that story as a basis for the trilogy. But, instead of keeping the story EXACTLY like how it was in the film, I will be changing it a bit for the better, in my opinon. So, lets start off with the director of the trilogy.

Martin Campbell is a fantastic director, but he didn't (imo) do so well with Green Lantern. I think this Green Lantern trilogy should be something more along the lines of LOTR, where each film is roughly three hours long. That is epic. So, for this trilogy, I think we should have a director who has dabbled in epic filmmaking. Someone who develops characters brilliantly. Someone who can work well with actors. Someone who knows how to make an epic film. The director I have chosen is...


Yates is most known for his work on the last four Harry Potter films. Of those last four, Deathly Hallows (both parts, as it would seem) is a brilliantly made film. An epic conclusion to a phenomenom. Yates would be perfect for a Green Lantern trilogy.

Now onto the writer(s)...

One of the biggest complaints about Martin Campbell's film is that its potential is wasted due to a poorly written script. For this film, we would need writers who can tell stories with purpose. Writers who know what they're doing and are able to condense the story into a 2-3 hour movie or a 6-9 hour trilogy. The writer(s) I have chosen are...


David Benioff is a writer who is no stranger to epic storytelling. He is the current writer for Game of Thrones on HBO and also wrote Troy. Mark Fergus & Hawk Ostby are tremendous writers who have written great films such as Children of Men and Iron Man. They have also done a rewrite on the yet to be released Cowboys and Aliens. These three would creat a perfect balance for the Green Lantern trilogy.

Now the cinematography...

Let's face it. Martin Campbell's film had bland cinematography. Now some of you might be saying "who cares" but the cinematography is an important part in the way a film is made. It helps to show how a film will look and feel. If it is bland, the movie looks bland. So, for a trilogy like this, I have chosen a masterful cinematographer in...


Andrew Lesnie is most famous for working with Peter Jackson on every film since The Fellowship of the Ring. He won an Oscar for that movie. He is perfect for Green Lantern. I can't really say anymore than that.

And we conclude the crew with our music...

James Newton Howard did the score for Green Lantern. And it was incredibly underwhelming. I mean come on! This man helped create the score for Christopher Nolan's Batman movies. He's great and he wasn't able to strike gold with Green Lantern. It upsets me. So, for this trilogy, we need a composer who has a great track record and is a great composer for the job. I have chosen...


Patrick Doyle did the music for Thor, Goblet of Fire, Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, and Henry V. His track record also includes the upcoming Rise of the Planet of the Apes. He is great for this trilogy and he would fit alongside my chosen crew.

Now, onto the main cast...

This trilogy's main focus will definitley be Hal Jordan. He is the first human Green Lantern and it just feels right to me. But, the second and third films with introduce the other human Lanterns such as Guy Garnder, Kyle Rayner, and John Stewart. But Hal is the main focus. And I have decided that he should be played by...


Reynolds' performance as Jordan in Martin Campbell's film is one of the film's high points. I think he should stay on for this trilogy. Same should be said for Mark Strong, Geoffery Rush, Michael Clarke Duncan, and Peter Sarsgaard (YES, I enjoyed his performance!) They should all stay because they needed to be more developed.

Onto Carol...

I thought Blake Lively was good in the film but we need a stronger actress to fill in Ms. Ferris' shoes. And Blake failed to do so :(. So, for this Carol, I have decided to go with...


I had chosen Bush as Carol in my fancast for Secret Origin a while back and I still think that she would work great as Carol. Just my opinon.

Now for Abin Sur...

In this first film, Abin Sur will play a biiger role then just dying in the first five minutes. I want to explore on his relationship with Sinestro and his fight with Parallax that leads him to Earth and to Hal's destiny. For this film, we need someone who can make you believe that he is a fierce warrior and who could lead you into battle. I have chosen...


Hugo Weaving (before Mark Strong was cast) was always assumed to be the perfect Sinestro. Well, now that Mark Strong has been chosen to be Sinestro, I believe that the man who everyone thought could have played him should be the man to play Abin Sur in the film's opening sequence.

That really does it for my main cast of the first movie. So, I guess I should tell you my plot for the first movie.

It sticks closely to Hal's origin, but I am also using elements from the current Green Lantern film in order to show how the next film could go from there. So, let's get started...

The film opens up with the Guardians of the Universe being informed by a Green Lantern of a planet's destruction at the hand of Parallax, an entity that feeds on the yellow power of fear. In order to defeat this enemy, they decide to create a yellow ring. However, Abin Sur, believing that the Guardians could fall to fear's power, decided to go out and capture Parallax himself. Abin Sur is able to fight Parallax, before it follows him to Oa. A large fight occurs there where all the Green Lanterns fight against Parallax. A Guardian named Krona takes the yellow power ring and decides to use it against Parallax. Instead of fighting it, the yellow ring makes Parallax stronger and Krona is consumed while Parallax's former host (a random alien) is killed. Krona becomes Parallax's new host. The Green Lantern Corps is able to capture Parallax and he is sent to the Forbidden Planet. After 15 years, Abin Sur has been told in a dream that his ring will fail him at a time of great need. So, he decides to use a spaceship to cover Sector 2814 and keep his ring charged. Sinestro worries that Abin Sur is becoming fearful, but Sur reassures him that he can take care of himself.

On Earth, Hal Jordan is a cocky, rash test pilot who crashes the newest model he has just flown. His boss and fellow pilot Carol Ferris scolds him for being irresponsible. Another pilot, Laminski, scolds Hal and the two get into a fist fight. Hal is grounded because of his actions. Hal goes to a bar where he hits on a beautiful girl. The girl's boyfriend comes over and Hal gets into another fist fight that turns into a bar brawl. Hal leaves the bar and is confronted by his brother Jim. Jim tells Hal that their mother is dying. Hal wants to go see her, but Jim says that he can't because Jack still refuses to forgive Hal for the past. Against Jim's wishes, Hal follows him to the hospital where he see's his mother in pain. Jack sees Hal and yells at him, blaming his mother's sickness on Hal, whose recklessness has lead his mother to worry about him constantly. Jack kicks Hal out of the hospital before he gets a chance to talk to his mother.

Back on Oa, the Guardians call Abin Sur to a meeting. They say that the beast Atrocitus has killed the Lantern of Sector 2815. They order Abin Sur to find Atrocitus and bring him back to Oa for punishment. Sur readies his ship and heads off. When he reaches Sector 2815, he sees Atrocitus' corpse floating in space. He detects traces of yellow power in Atrocitus' body. The trail starts to lead to Sector 2814. Abin Sur races to his Sector. He messages Sinestro of his discovery and believes the yellow power to be Parallax. Sinestro tells Abin Sur that Parallax is still imprisoned, but Abin Sur believes it to have escaped. Just as Sur reaches his Sector, he is attacked by Parallax. They have a battle before Parallax gains the upper hand and mortally wounds Abin Sur. Sur uses the escape pod to escape as Parallax destroys the ship. Abin Sur sends his last message to Sinestro, saying that Parallax has escaped, that he is dying, and that a replacement will be recruited on the nearest inhabited planet.

On Earth, Hal learns by phone call that his mother has died. Hal attends the wake, where Jack punches him. Jack says that, when dad died, Hal became the loose canon he is today and always left his mother worrying for her son. If Hal had not been so out of line, his mother would still be here. Jack makes Hal leave the wake. At the funeral, Hal stands in the distance as his mother is buried. He has a flashback to his father's death. Hal was 11. At his father's test run for a new jet, Hal met Carol and Carl Ferris, the former boss of Ferris Air. Hal wants to get a closer look at his father's achievements in the sky, but instead, he sees the plane go down and crash, killing his father on impact. Hal gets in his car and sits there for a while.

Abin Sur crashes on Earth in the middle of the desert. He is dying. He sends his ring to find his replacement. To "choose well". A green orb flies through the world and finds Hal. It takes Hal to Abin Sur's ship. Sur gives the ring to Hal and tells him that he has joined the Green Lantern Corps. Hal returns home with his ring and the lantern Sur gave him. He attempts to recite the oath, but it does not work. He eventually puts the ring to the lantern and is able to recite to oath with ease. He recieves a knock on the door and quickly hides the lantern, but keeps the ring on. At his door is Carol. She tells Hal that she is worried for what is happening to him. Hal tries to change the subject and asks her out for a drink. They go to a bar where Hal and Carol are able to actually talk to each other. They seem to hit it off before Carol brings up Hal's brother. Hal then leaves the bar. He goes outside where he is jumped by the girl from the other day's boyfriend and his large friends. Hal is beaten up before he is able to use the ring to create a giant fist that hutrles the men across the street. The ring activates and Hal is sent through the sky all the way up to space and over to Oa. He passes out before he lands on the planet.

Dr. Hector Hammond is brought over to a disclosed, military location, where he is introduced to Amanda Waller. Waller brings Hammond to Abin Sur's body, where she wants Hammond to observe the body. Hammond jumps at the chance. He studies the body and touches the wound, where a dying piece of Parallax, desperate to find a host, lashes onto his finger. Hammond gives Waller his diagnosis before being told that he can't not inform anyone of what has just occured. Hammond returns home where he starts to have nightmarish visions of Parallax speaking to him. Parallax tells Hammond to destroy the ring of Abin Sur. While this happens, Hammond is able to see how Parallax escaped: his chamber was disturbed by another Guardian, Ganthet, who was trying to save his lost brother. Ganthet was abel to escape death while Parallax broke free. Hammond tries desperatley to escape these vicicous thoughts.

Hal awakens on Oa, where he is introduced to everything by Tomar Re. Tomar Re brings Hal to training, where Kilowag beats Hal down. Sinestro reveals his distaste for Abin Sur's replacement and challenges him to a fight. Hal accepts and is completely destroyed by Sinestro. Sinestro tells Hal that his weakness is his fear. The only way to escape his fear is to face it and destroy it. Hal expresses his distaste for everything that is going on and says that he does not want to "police the cosmos". Hal attempts to give the ring back to Tomar Re, but it returns to him. Tomar Re says that once the ring has chosen, it cannot be replaced until death. Tomar Re says that the ring is a gift to Jordan and he is free to leave, but he should seriously consider what he is doing. Hal returns to Earth.

Hammond discovers that he has powers of telekenisis. He is able to read people's minds and control certain objects. Hammond visits his father, Senator Robert Hammond, and hears his father's disappoinment over his son. Hammond returns home and the brutal realization that everybody hates him, along with the thoughts of evil sent to him by Parallax, cause his to lose his mind. Hector returns to Waller to see what is happening to him. She promises to bring him to a safe place. When Hector's back is turned, he is detained by several men and is sedated. Hector awakens in a cell. His head has grown considerably and Waller and his father stand on the outside, staring at him. Hammond learns that Waller plans to test on him in order to learn what is going on. Hammond continues to try and fight back Parallax's evil thoughts.

Hal returns to Ferris Air, thinking about everything that has happened to him over the course of a few days. Nearby, a jet starts to loose its power and goes into a nose dive. Hal's ring goes off and he sees the trouble that is happening. Hal turns into Green Lantern and saves the falling jet. Green Lantern becomes a sensation. Hal confides his secret in his best friend, Tom Kalmaku. Hal goes around as Green Lantern, saving the day from place to place. Hal enjoys his spot as a hero and considers going back to the Green Lantern Corps.

Hammond is once again contacted by Parallax. Parallax tells Hammond that it is closer to Earth and that Hammond must remove the wearer of Abin Sur's ring from the ring. If Parallax is to enter Earth and consume it, it needs to be able to do so without a ring as powerful as Abin Sur's. Hammond, having lost his mind from the visions and solitary confinement, agrees and escapes from Waller's grasp. What Hammond doesn't know his that, when Parallax attacked Abin Sur, the piece that was left inside him was an important part of Parallax's DNA. Without it, Parallax cannot take it's revenge on the Green Lantern Corps. So, even if Hammond succeeds, he will have his power taken. During Hammonds escape, he totures his father and belittles him. He exclaims how his father had been disappointed in him, but Hector is now one of the most powerful beings in existence. Hector then takes control of his father and makes him slash his own throught. Green Lantern appears too late and him and Hector fight. Green Lantern is able to subdue Hector, but Hector is able to escape after seeing Hal's memories.

Hal is left in despair. After Carol, who has learned of Green Lantern's identity after Hal saved the failing jet, assures Hal that he can beat this enemy, Hal returns to Oa for more training. On Oa, Sinestro and Kilowag are able to train Hal into a great Green Lantern.

Hal is able to discover about Parallax's plan to destroy Earth and Oa and goes to the Guardians. They confirm that Parallax is coming to destroy Oa, but they assure Hal that the Corps has defeated Parallax before, so they can do it again. Hal, fearing for his planet's safety, asks Sinestro to help him stop Parallax from destroying Earth. Sinestro, seeing Abin Sur in Hal, agrees and the two fly off to Earth.

On Earth, Hal and Sinestro ready for Parallax's arrival, but Hal is summoned by Hector. Hal visits Hector, whose head has now grown even larger than before. Hector also brings in Carol, whose mind he is controlling. Hector takes over Hal and Carol's minds. He looks through their memories and then orders Hal to give him the ring. Hal gives Hector the ring. Just then, Sinestro comes in and subdues Hector. But, Parallax bursts in and knocks out Sinestro. Hal's ring is thrown to the side and he is still recovering from Hector's mind control. Parallax takes Hector's yellow power, which leaves him a vegtable, but still alive. Parallax turns its attention to Hal. It starts to take his soul, but Hal's will is too strong and it cannot. Sinestro fights back and Hal gets his ring. The two fight Parallax and are able to lead him to Oa. A massive fight (reminscent of the opening battle) occurs and the entire Green Lantern Corps fights Parallax. Hal realizes that history may not repeat itself and that Parallax might win this time. Hal, thinking on his feet, decides to lead Parallax to the Sun. There, Hal is able to lead Parallax to it's death by burning on the Sun's surface. Hal is saved by Sinestro and brought back to Oa.

The Green Lantern's praise Hal as a welcomed warrior to their Corps. Hal goes to the Guardians and tells them that he knows that they are "human" like him. They are far from perfect. But he assures them that that is not a weakness, but a strength. Hal leaves the meeting with the revelation that Ganthet tried to free Krona. This leads the Guardians to speculate that a piece of Parallax has been left in Hal's brain and that he might become the new host in time. The Guardians assure each other that they will be ready to fight him if that is to happen.

Back on Earth, Hector is once again in Waller's control. Hector thinks to himself how he will be able to escape and how he will be seen as a "hero". He assures himself that he is feeling better already. The truth is, Hector is a vegtable with a giant head. He is unable to do anything other than think.

Hal talks to Carol and tells her that he will be back to see her. That he will not always beone. Carol agrees and they kiss. Hal leaves and follows Sinestro into the sky.

Well, thats the end of the first movie. Like I said, similar to Martin Campbell's film, but different and able to set up two more films. I hope you enjoyed it.

Tell me what you think in the comments below. ;)

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goneforever - 6/21/2011, 2:52 AM
I like this idea for your fanfic since it definitely increases the screentime for Oa which was significantly downplayed in the film. Like to see how you handle Sinestro and how your sequel goes
MovieGuy2178 - 6/21/2011, 1:05 PM
Great Job, Man. This way better than the movie. Although I disagree with your choice for Abin Sur. I also feel that Hugo Weaving should play Sinestro. But, dont get me wrong I like Mark Strong's performance as Sinestro in the film. I also didnt understand why Sinestro was a good guy and wasnt possed by the Yellow Ring.
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