How to introduce the Fantastic Four into the Marvel Cinematic Universe

How to introduce the Fantastic Four into the Marvel Cinematic Universe

As Disney is about to buy Fox, We will soon see the Fantastic Four in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Here are my ideas on how to introduce the Fantastic Four into the Marvel Cinematic Universe

By Mrflibbleisverycross - Apr 03, 2018 01:04 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic
Here is How the Fantastic Four Shuld be introduced in the MCU

THe First Debut apearence of the Fantastic Four in the MCU
T’Challa/ Black Panther under the advise of Shuri (Who as watching the Fantastic Four), recruits the Fantastic Four to fight Namor in Wakanda. Black Panher then rewards them with Wakandan Technology, Vibranium and a flying car which Reed Richards would call the Fantasticar.

Who should be the main Villain of the First MCU Fantastic Four Movie?
I Personally would like to see Bentley Wittman/ the Wizard and Frightful Four as the main villain of the first Fantastic Four Movie, Part of the reason is that I personally want to reboot the Inhumans in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and to cast Kara Tointon as Medusa who made her first comic book appearence as a member of the Frightful Four. 

Rise of The Fantastic Four Mini Series on Disney Plus
Set before their first MCU  Appearance in Black Panther 2, The First episode focus’s on the origins of the MCU Fantastic Four and in each episode you get to learn about Each  member of the Fantastic Four
Episode  1
In London, Aspergers Scientist,Reed Richards (Matt Smith) and Ben Grimm (Robert Kazinsky), is giving a speech to their boss Bentley Wittman (Sacha Baron Cohen) of Wizard Enterprises. about mysterious rays coming from the Blue Area of the Moon, proving the theory, populariised by celebrity scientist and Reed Richards former lecturer at University Nicholas Sweeney (Matt Berry) that there is life in the Blue Area of the Moon. Sitting next to Bentley Wittman is girlfriend and famous Model, Susan Storm (Lily James) When Reed Richards was working on his own in his office watching various documentaries by Nicholas Sweeney, Susan Storm goes to meet Reed and takes interest in what he is watching. She tells Reed Richards that she is a fan of his Cult Web series on Youtube, that he works on with Ben Grimm. Reed Richards and Ben Grimm started this web series ever since the Battle of New York in 2012. In Fantastic 2 web series, Reed Richards and Ben Grimm discuss about Science and History of Alien Contacts.
When Reed Richards gets funding from Bentley Wittman for his voyage, Sue Storm decides to join him along with her Older Brother, Johnny Storm (Joe Thomas), Reeds Best friend Ben Grimm along with other employees from Wizard enterprises. Due to Reed Richard's Arrogance, he goes to close to the cosmic rays which kills most of the crew to, leaving only Reed Richards, Sue Storm, Ben Grimm and Johnny Storm Surviving, they Later crash back to earth where they discovered that the Cosmic Rays gave them super human powers and abilities.
Reed gained the ability to stretch his body and limbs, Johnny was able to fly and become engulfed in flames he could control, and Sue was able to bend light around her body and become invisible. Ben gained incredible strength and durability, but his body was tragically transformed. He now had a muscular orange, rock-like hide
All four decided to use their powers to better humanity, and founded the Fantastic Four.
Episode 2
After the Fantastic four move back to East London, Wizard Industries is Bankrupt and Bentley Wittman has vanished. They rent a flat in the Baxter Building in Whitechapel from a Landlady called Lavinia Forbes (Tracy Ann Oberman) This Episode focus’s on Ben Grimm dealing with his monstorous transformation. He struggles with things like getting into cars due to his size. When he decides to move back to His Girlfriend in Stamford Hill splits up due to his appearence with him.  He meets with his Mother Petunia Grimm (Maureen Lipmann) wo also lives in Stamford Hill, the his Rabbi, Rabbi Saul (David Schneider). Before Ben Grimms transformation, he impersonated Thor for Barmitzvah parties, but he was replaced with a Norweigan man Called Thor Erikson (Marius Jensens, Kara Tointons fiancé), who has an uncanny resemblance to the real Thor. Thor tries to befriend Ben Grimm. But Grimm leaves and goes back to the flat in Bethnal Green where he meets a blind girl called Alicia Masters (Hannah Spearitt) who fall in love with the Thing due to his gentle personality. Her father is Philip Masters (Geoffrey McGivern) who has recently gained  the power to take control of bodies when he sculpts people out of Clay. He gained the power when he encouunterd a meteorite which came from the Blue Area of the Moon. The meteorite contained some clay with mysterious Crystals (Later revealed to be Terrigen). He takes the secret identity of the Puppet Master and secretly uses his powers to take control of Criminals to do his bidding. Seeing the Fantastic Four as a threat, he takes control of the the Thing, forces Alica Masters to impersonate Sue Storm using one of Sue Storms Blonde Wigs that he stole using a resident in the flat, eventually, Alicia Masters turns against him, get help from the Fantastic Four and they apprehend  Philip Masters
Episode 3
The next episode focus’s on Johnny Storm, He was the only member of the Fantastic Four who survived Thanos’s Snap. This episode features flaskbacks of what Johnny Storm Did During the 5  year blip, in which he moved to London to stayed with his former friend at School, Jack Hammer now a Black Market Deaker, who would become Deadpools sidekick, Weasel (Simon Bird). During that time, he befriended a fellow British based Nigerian Black Market Dealer and Taxi Driver Kwaku Adjobah (Trevor Laird). In the present day, he meets Kwaku Adjobah, who would become the Fantastic Fours taxi driver, and his other friend Wyatt Wingfoot (Blake Harrison). They also have to face Peter Petruski/ Trapster (Matthew Holness). Even though they successfully stop his schemes and arrest Trapster, Trapster is saved from the police van by a mysterious man in an Iron Man Suit, who is revealed to be Bentley Wittman. Shuri makes a quick cameo in this episode.
Episode 4
This episode is centered on Susan Storm/ Invisible Woman, Unlike the previous 2 episodes, this episode does not have any villains. When Susan Storm goes in her room in the flat, She removes her Blonde Wig revealing her Natural Brunette hair. We also see flash backs of her Childhood. From  a very Young age she was diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome, not unlike Reed Richards. Unlike Reed Richards, she hides her Aspergers Syndrome. From a young age, he had an interest  Science History and Ancient Civilisations. At the Age of 20, She would later adopt a career of Modeling, Acting and Singing, Donning a Blonde Wig, which she would wear at all times. She would later date the British Business Tycoon and CEO of Wizard enterprises, Bentley Wittman who would expliot her. In the present day, she would meet befriend a British Bangladeshi Muslim neighbour Hasina Chowdhury (Nadiya Hussain).
Episode 5
This episode focus’s on Reed Richards/ Mr Fantastic, like the Susan Storm Episode, there are no villains. In this episode we get to know about Reed Richards and Ben Grimms past. The episode features a lot of flashbacks of Reed Richards and Ben Grimms Childhood and their time in University where they were lectured by Nicholas Sweeney (Matt Berry) in 2003, who is now a famous documentary presenter. From a Young age, Reed Richards was diagnosed with Aspergers. Despite being intelligent has difficulty with social skills. Reed Richards also idolises Nicholas Sweeney. Back in 2003 In his lectures, Reed Richards would occasionally interrupt him by telling facts. At one occasion, even though Reed Richards is Nicholas’s favourite student, warns him about arrogance and even though he is smart, he is not the smartest man in the Universe. During the conversation Nicholas Sweeney would inject himself with a mysterious substance which he claims is insulin. Reed Richards and Ben Grimm would later be employed by Wizard Enterprises, Later on in 2012 after the Battle of New York Reed Richards and Ben Grimm would make a Youtube Series called the Fantastic 2 in which Reed and Ben discuss about Science and History of Alien Contacts.
Episode 6
The final episode would feature the Fantastic Four’s unsuccessful fight with Mole Man/ Harvey Elder (Jemaime Clement)
Fantastic Four Movie
Takes Place after the Events of Black Panther 2. The movie starts of with a flash back in 2003  when Reed Richards and Ben Grimm were lectured by Nicholas Sweeney about life outside Earth, Then we go to a shortened version of Episode 1 of Rise of the Fantastic Four (See Above) after that we see the Marvel Studios Fanfare.
In the present Day a Bentley Wittman, who has now taken the identity of the Wizard, using an Iron Man Suit that was given to him as a gift by Tony Stark and a mind Control Helmet, with the help of the Mysterious Medusa (Kara Tointon) who has prehensile thick Red Hair, Bram Velsing/ Dreadknight (Alfie Allen) who was a scientist who for treason had his face burned and locked with an Iron Mask exiled from the Eastern European Country of Latveria,, and Peter Petruski/ Trapster, together ras the Frightful Four attack a military facility which contain huge amounts of Vibranium and Chitauri Technology.
Meanwhile using the new Wakandan Technology, the Fantastic Four infiltrate Mole Mans Layerand finally apprehend him. They are congratulated by The Mayor of London Edwin Gladstone (David Mitchell). They are later interviewed on tv about their heroics and a tv deal about producing their own TV documentary series. As they leave the Studios and are about to enter Kwaku Adjobahs Minibus, they bump into Ben Grimms Cousin, former Popstar and reality star Allison Blaire/ Dazzler (Rachel Stevens). In the early Noughties Dazzler dated Tony Stark, before he became Iron Man. Affter they get into the Taxi Sue Storm uses her powers to tease Reed Richards to go invisible to cuddle him, Kwaku also teases him and makes a rude Joke.
Meanwhile at an isolated Warehouse near the Dartford Crossing. Wizard along with Dreadknight Medusa, Trapster, and the Tinkerer plot to take down the Fantastic Four. We discover that after Bentley Wittman went bankrupt due to the disastrous Voyage, he Met with Dreadknight after he was exiled from Latveria and teamed up along with Medusa, who he discovered in a escape pod crash and Trapster who Wizard freed after Human Torch apprehended him.
Meanwhile Back in the flat in East London Reed Richards is watching Finding Wakanda which is presented by his old lecturer Nicholas Sweeney. Sue Storm then sneak into Reed Richards Room and appears wearing a costume similar to that of the 90s comics Sue storm, to tempt Reed Richards.  
Sue Storm noticed how Reed Richards is arrogant and and tries to explain to him that it was his arrogance that lead the voyage to a disaster and the importance of Family and team work. We then bump into The Thing meeting his blind girlfriend Alicia Masters(Hannah Spearitt). Later on they were invited to a party in the Shard in London, During the party there is a sequence where Sue Storm forces Reed Richards to Dance  The party is then crashed by the Wizard and the Frightful Four. Reed Richards due to his arrogance breaks the Fantasticar supposedly killing Sue Storm in the process due to her cockpt falling down. Because of this Ben Grimm and Johnny Storm leave Reed Richards due to his arrogance.
Dazzler then approaches Ben Grimm as he looks at the Cable Street Mural, in which we learn that their Grandfather took part in the battle of Cable Street against Oswald Mosleys Fascists. Dazzler then takes Ben Grimm to a Nearby café own by a Turban wearing Jamaican Woman called Ororo Munroe (Freema Agyeman), Ben Grimm is then invited to Dazzlers house in Hampstead where she reveals to him that she has powers as well and that she is a Mutant. After this Alicia Masters is kidnapped by the Wizard and Dreadknight then lead the thing into a trap. Meanwhile Reed Richards throws away a signed book by Nicholas Sweeney in the street, as he leaves, a mysterious man then pick it up, As Reed Richards is sitting in a bench in the street looking at a poster of Susan Storm, he is then approached by the Mysterious man who drops the book at his lap. As he looks behind him we discover that the man is in fact Nicholas Sweeney, he take Reed Richards to a nearby pub where he talks about Reed Richards arrogance. He also reveals that like The Fantastic Four is a Mutant (Like Dazzler) and his real name is Henry MCCoy how during the 1990’s he was once part of a team and helped saved the world. He also reveals that the sirum that he injects himself with hides his true form. Henry McCoy then leaves and Reed Richards goes back to his flat. As Reed Richards opens Henry McCoys books, he sses a photograph of Medusa with an arrow pointing to hr neck which what appears to be a chip.
Meanwhile Johnny Storm goes back to the flat where he is attacked By Medusa and Trapster. Johnny Storm then calls Reed Richards to help him, Reed Richards then come fight Medusa. Meanwhile In a Taxi Henry McCoy accidently drops his serum as he is about to inject himself. He then leaves the taxi and jumps into a canal. Meanwhile back in The Baxter as Medusa trap Johnny Storm in a bubble filed with water made by Trapster and glue Reed Richards to a Wall, as they are about to apprehend Human Torch A Hulk like Blue Beast attacks Medusa and Trapster, The Beast rescues Johnny Storm from his bubble and Unglues Reed Richards from the Wall. We learn that the Blue Beast is Henry McCoys true form Reed Richards and Henry McCoy removes the unconscious Medusas microchip from her Neck. As Johnny Storm foolishly tries to kiss her, Medusa wakes up and attacks Johnny with hr prehensile hair. As Reed Richards and henry McCoy try to fight Medusa, She lets go of Johnny Storm and orders them to stop.  She reveals that she is a Queen of an enhanced race called the Inhumans who are based in the Blue Area of the Moon. She then tells the history of the Inhumans and reveal that the cosmic ray that gave the Fantastic 4 their powers is in fact Terrigan and they have Inhuman genes. Allison Blaire along with Kwaku Adjobah pop up to help them. Reed Richards then pick up Trapster’s radio Transmitter and the Wizard calls and tells him that he has Ben Grimm and Susan Storm, who has survived. She was kidnapped by the Wizard before her cockpit of the fanatsticar blew up. Wizard tells them to meet him in his hideout with his Vibraniun. Kwaku Adjobah takes Mr Fantastic, Beast, Human Torch and Medusa to Wizards Hideout near Dartford Crossing, while Allison Blaire takes Trapster to the Police.
When they arrive, They face the Wizard and Dreadknight along with with the brainwashed Ben Grimm and Sue Storm/Malice. They are overpowered and as Wizard, Malice and The Brainwashed Ben Grimm were about to kill Reed Richards, Allison Blaire as Dazzler then appears using the Warehouse Sonus with the help of Kwaku Adjobah sing “More More More” and uses her powers to defeat the Wizard and free Sue Storm and Ben Grimm, Dreadknight reveals that he has secretly created a weapon to use to take over Britain and eventually take revenge on the Ruler of Latveria which e blames his creation on the Fantastic Four, Reed Richards, Sue Storm, Ben Grimm, Johnny Storm, Henry McCoy and Medusa stop him, destroying the weapon which critically injures Dreadknight. As Dreadknight is about to die, he warns Reed Richards that “The Ruler of Latveria” is planning revenge on him and when he is ready, there will be Doom”. Ben Grimm rescues Alicia Masters from her cage, Reed Richards reunites with Sue Storm who cuddles him. When Dazzler gives Sue Storm her Wig, Sue order reed to put the wig on her. As Medusa approaches Bentley Wittman, he asks her for another date, Medusa than smashes Wittman to the floor with her hair in a similar manor to when Hulk Smashed Loki in Avengers. She then says “I am a married woman”. A giant teleporting Dog appears out of nowhere, Medusa jumps onto its back and disappears. Henry McCoy, then calls a mysterious person to erase the memory of Trapster and Wizard about his identity
A Few days Later The Fantastic Fours first show airs Guest staring Henry McCoy, Still posing as Nicholas Sweeney and it is a success, Henry McCoy then gets a Taxi to go to a plane to New York, where he will cross paths Spiderman.
Later on at the roof on the Baxter Building, as Reed Richard look at the view, Susan Storm approaches him and speak to him how much she loves him and like Reed Richards also has Aspergers Syndrome. Reed later reieves a Holographic Message from T’Challa that for his deeds of defeating  the Wizard, he sent a new Fantasticar, Reed Richards, Sue Storm,  Ben grimm And Johnny Storm all decide to go on a vacation together.
We then go to the End Credids sequence with the Lead single of Family by S Club 7 in the Background
The First Mid Credits Scence features Medusa  reuniting with the rest of the inhuman royal Family in their hideout which include her husband Black Bolt (Jon Hamm) her sister Crystal (Hannah Tointon),Karnak (Kayvan Novak), Triton  (Shazad Latif) and Gorgon (Temuera Morrison).
In final end credit Scene Dazzler returns to her home in Hampstead where she meets Charles Xavier (Simon Callow) (A similar manor to how Tony Star meets Nick Fury at the end Credit Scene of Iron Mans first outing) who was told by Henry McCoy about her heroics and reveals that he is reopening the Xavier school of Mutants and reforming the X-Men.
Iain Morris and Damon Beesley (Inbetweeners) as Directors
Iain Morris, Damon Beesley, Taika Waititi and David Baddiel as Writer
Music By Joby Talbot, with additional works by Matt Berry, Neil Hannon and S Club 7- Even though Joby Talbot would do the main score, the Main Fantastic Four themw would be written by Joby Talbot, Neil Hannon and Matt Berry. As you can see as well as an actor, Matt Berry is also a very good musician,  Matt Berry will also do a cover of the theme tune of the 1990s Fantastic Four Cartoon theme. The Lead Single will be Family By S Club 7

Matt Smith (Doctor Who)as Reed Richards/ Mr Fantastic- As I want the MCU Fantastic Four to have a Doctor Who vibe, I originally wanted David Tennant as Mr Fantastic, But as Tennant is Kilgrave, I decided to cast Matt Smith.

Lily James (Downton Abbey, Mamma Mia) as Sue Storm/ Invisible Woman- As Matt Smith and Lily James are boy friend and girlfriend I think that it would be a good idea to cast a real life couple as Reed Richards and Sue Storm.

Robert Kazinsky (EastEnders) as Ben Grimm/ The Thing- Even though Robert Kazinsky played a small role in Captain Marvel, it is possible to get him as Ben Grimm/ The Thing, They castedGemma Chan as Doctor Minn erva  from Captain Marvel and Cersi in Eternals. Due to Ben Grimm/ The Thing being Jewish and Robert Kazinsky being Jewish. I think he would very good as the Thing. Robert Kazinsky also played CGI characters before. 

Joe Thomas (Inbetweeners) as Johnny Storm/ Human Torch- The main Reason I picked him is because is is Hannah Tointons boyfriend and I want Hannah Tointon as Crystal in the Inhumans reboot. In the Comics Crystal fell in love with Johnny Storm.

Matt Berry  (IT Crowd, Toast of London) as Nicholas Sweeney/Henry McCoy/ Beast- This Character will first appear in an end credit scene of Thor Love and Thunder, where he presents a documentary about New Asgard, However, we will not learn is true identity until the first MCU Fantastic Four movie. I think Matt Berry would be brilliant and funny as the MCU Beast, due to his opera like voice and his portrayal of Steven Toast In Toast of London. Matt Berry also has some resemblance to Beast. The MCU Beast will be CGI in a very similar fashion Professor Hulk

Sacha Baron Cohen as Bentley Wittman/ The Wizard

Tracy Ann-Obermann (EastEnders) as Lavina Forbes

Maureen Lipman as Petunia Grimm

David Schneider as Rabbi Saul – An Original Character that I made to be Ben Grimms Rabbi

Marius Jensen as Thor Erikson/ Thor Impersonator- Another original character

Hannah Spearitt (S Club 7) as Alica Masters

Geoffrey McGivern as Philip Masters/ The Puppet Master

Trevor Laird as Kwaku Adjobah- Another Original Character that I have made,  He will be very similar to his other character in Toast of London Nick Swivney, But without the Homophobia. He will also play a huge part in the MCU Deadpool Series.

Blake Harrison (Inbetweeners) as Wyatt Wingfoot

Emma Rigby (Hollyoaks, Inbetweeners) as Frankie Raye

Nadiya Hussain as Hasina Chowdhury- She is another original character that I had made for Nadiya Hussain, As the East End of London has a lot of Bangladeshi’s, I think There should be a character of Bangladeshi origins

Jemaine Clement as Harvey Elder/Mole-Man

Kara Tointon (EastEnders, The Halcyon) as Medusa/ Medusalith Amaquelin- One of my top Celebrity Crushes, The reason I picked her as Medusa is because she has a Younger sister called Hannah Tointon Just like Medusa who’s Younger sister is Crystal. Kara Tointon and Hannah Tointon both played Mr Selfridge’s Daughters in the Biopic Mr Selfridge. I think it would be perfect sense to cast siblings as siblings.

Alfie Allen (Game of Thrones) as Bram Velsing/ Dreadknight

Matthew Holness (Garth Marenghis Darkplace) as Trapster/ Peter Petruski

David Mitchell (Peep Show) as Mayor Edwin Gladstone- Another Original Character

Rachel Stevens (S Club 7) as Allison Blaire/ Dazzler Another of my celebrity crushes, I would think she would be a good Dazzler. 

Freema Agyeman as Ororo Munroe

Jon Hamm (Mad Men) as Black Bolt/ Blackagar Boltagon

Hannah Tointon (Hollyoaks, Inbetweeeners) as Crystal/ Crystalia Amaquelin- 
The Reason I Picked Hannah Tointon as Crystal is because she is the younger Sister of Kara Tointon who I want to Play Medusa.

Kayvan Novak (Fonejacker, Four Lions) as Karnak Mander-Azur

Shazad Latif (Toast of Londonm, Star Trek) as Triton Mander-Azur

Temuera Morrison (Star Wars) as Gorgon Petragon

Simon Callow as Charles Xavier/ Professor X

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Nebula - 4/3/2018, 9:11 PM
MNLawyer - 4/4/2018, 6:03 AM
Despite his Bond success, after watching Hot Fuzz I've never been able to shake the Timothy Dalton is a "bad guy" vibes

Drakenxtreme - 4/5/2018, 6:59 AM
I keep saying it to you ALL THE TIME...You all the time you need to expand your limit yourself to BBC and British TV and small film actors from Britain...Maybe your from England or maybe you just love BBC America but Disney would never have a strictly English cast of Marvel characters...not saying they would never cast anyone from England but majority of the cast would not be...FF4 would be either big hollywood names or new gen hollywood that could carry a limit yourself so much with all your cast the same people in different roles throughout all your FANCAST!! research and expand your fan casting...imma have to take a hard pass at the casting!!!
Mrflibbleisverycross - 4/5/2018, 7:32 AM
@Drakenxtreme - what do you think of plot?
Drakenxtreme - 4/5/2018, 8:05 AM
@Mrflibbleisverycross - Well it falls to the same issue as start off with them in London for no reason...but thats just nitpicking..overall the plot is not fleshed dont really explain how for years FF4 have never been seen or heard off but all of sudden are dont supply us with any backstory to where they FIT into the just insert them in with out any regard to the 10 years of film universe history...another issue i have is HYDRA...HYDRA was phased out after Phase 2...yea it plays a minor role in the tv and one of its agents plays a role in Civil War but overall that organization influence is kinda over...the MCU will be shifting to a more Cosmic storyline especially when they acquire FF4 and i do agree that the first film should be a lil grounded on Earth but using HYDRA or even Frightful Four is a lil too obscure..maybe a invasion from Negative Zone to add a lil Cosmic to the Earth storyline would be a more realistic route that MCU would take with them...

My opinion on how i read Fancast and even how some people want to fit FF4 or X-men into the MCU is very critical..if you sell me a believable and realistic approach to what Marvel would do..not fanboy..not OH let me put what i want to see....NO i prefer i can say to myself oh wow this guy is provably sitting with Marvel right now...i can see them doing something like that based on their history and style...thats why i say do HEAVY RESEARCH!!...I have plenty of ideas of how to fit FF4 and X-men but i haven't posted them because i dont like putting out things that haven't been throughly researched both casting and plot...i want things to fit nice into the scheme of things...
Mrflibbleisverycross - 4/5/2018, 8:23 AM
@Drakenxtreme - The Fantastic 4 just got their powers after Infinity War. Before Blaxk Panther 2 they were already operating and famous in London already faced the likes of the Puppet Master and Mole Man. Anyway you said that the Frightful Four should not be the villains because they are unknown, Vulture from Spider-Man Homecoming was unknown. I just want to use the Fantastic 4 to reboot the Inhumans which I want to see as a Fantastic 4 spinoff tv series
Drakenxtreme - 4/5/2018, 4:51 PM
@Mrflibbleisverycross - but you title is HOW TO INTRODUCE FF4 To MCU n you didnt introduce anything you not tellin us how they got they are assuming we know what you know..and now you stating that you really just want to use them to reintroduce Inhumans is a bad reason...FF4 are the first family they should be the focus not introducing someone else...and if you want a tv series then do a tv series pitch with research because if you do a tv pitch you cannot use a British only cast because it will be airing in America..n more than likely on ABC which wont go for a all British cast for an American super hero family...just do research and go Beyond your really limit yourself
Mrflibbleisverycross - 4/5/2018, 10:54 PM
@Drakenxtreme - We already know how they got their powers, we seen it Twice. Spiderman did not have a origin story in the MCU
Drakenxtreme - 4/6/2018, 12:19 AM
@Mrflibbleisverycross - Your not getting it...Spider-man was done by not showing his origin of his powers but we were on his journey of being Spider-man...he wasn't well known he was a youtube celebrity until he got his suit from Tony and started doing minor stuff and then even the big things he did in the movie NOBODY knows about except for a select few people directly are introducing characters as if WE and everyone else in MCU should know who they asks too many questions..if you included like Post Credit of Infinity Was Part 2 FF4 get their powers then i can sorta see it...and then you could have a brief monologue of Reed explaining what happens in the first movie...sayin the origin in brief clips explaining how they got their powers or how they became celebrities...they didnt just insert Spider-Man as a famous you can't compare the two...

Im being extremely nice and trying to give you feedback...NOBODY else is telling you anything because they probably can't get past the bad casting and storyline...most of your casting get telling you if you want positive research!!..think heavily on story structure..whats believable...its shows in your fan casting that not a lot of thought went in to it if i can punch holes in your plot and casting....

EXAMPLE:: i'll give you a brief plot idea of mines and it will show i did research..understood what Marvel has in mind and what they may or may not do....there are two ways FF4 could be way is to have them be introduced before their powers in Avengers 4 and then their own movie would explore their powers and what it means for them and the MCU..this allows us to grow with the FF4 on their journey similar to Spider-Man where we see their rise to what we know them to be but also not have to go thru a whole origin movie completely...The second way is an idea someone posted on YT and i think this site which i liked but altered which is have the FF4 show up at the end of Avengers 4 coming from Negative Zone...and then the movie would take place both in the past and present...I liked the second idea because it stays true to the core of FF4 being the old school family dynamic of the past but thrust into a new time where that dynamic doesn't work anymore..where Teed the patriarch who in his time is head of house hold is in a world where its not all about what the man of house says...and Sue who lived in a time where woman had their place and role deal with this time of feminist and woman empowerment and the new role of husband and wife...we would also learn where they have been and who they faced and how that threat has followed them to Earth...both ways explain how FF4 are just now appearing and gives us a chance to follow them and is realistic and most likely the ways Marvel would do it or its believable they would do it that also leaves the option to either cast young or cast older depending on the route....the second way is a lot better because in the comic Reed is considered the smartest man in the world but in the MCU thats Tony so the second way allows Tony to still retain his title while also we can pay nod saying that Tony studied Reed but Reed and his family disappeared...while as just inserting Reed would leave questions of how this smart guy was never under HYDRA or Tony's radar...
Mrflibbleisverycross - 4/6/2018, 12:31 AM
@Drakenxtreme - I would have the Fantastic 4 as newcomers in the MCU. we see flashbacks origin story in the beginning of their firs solo outing which take place before Black Panther 2. Who would you cast as thet Fantastic 4 and who would you have as villains?
Mrflibbleisverycross - 4/6/2018, 12:36 AM
@Drakenxtreme - I would also show in the prequel comics how the events of the Battle of New York affected Reed Richards interest in life in outer space. I would also show how Reed developed a relationship with actress Sue Storm. Before the fantastic 4 gained their powers, Reed Richards was a scientist employed under Bentley Wittman's Wizard Coorporation, who secretly had dealings with the likes of Klaue.
Drakenxtreme - 4/6/2018, 12:45 AM
@Mrflibbleisverycross - My casting is not important YOU have been doing these casting for YEARS...ive seen all of have shipping this cast for atleast 2 years...ive read every comment..NOBODY likes them in the MCU...each time i have told research..think carefully...flesh it out...and you just copy and past the same thing over and over...nobody is going to change their mind...stop trying to convince us and try harder changing your methods of fan casting...its gotten to a point that half the time i think you are trolling...but im giving the benefit of the doubt and assuming your are from the UK and enjoy these british entertainers and would love to see them in the MCU...and some of them are talented but you can't put ALL OF THEM in a film...I dont who i would want or would cast in the FF4...I look at different fancast and see what works and what doesn't and use that as a template...right now me personally I actually liked the last films fancast 4stick...the movie sucked but the casting i believe was great they had powerhouse actors...they just were treated badly and given shitty material...i would keep everyone except Michael B Jordan and recast him and start over...Marvel would never do that but its not my final fancast its what i would actuality..for overall i would go younger..just a tad bit younger like Tony in his prime in the first Iron Man...i would have Human Torch Peter's age because they are friends and close in age in the comic...i would fit to what works within what we know about the FF4 and what the current MCU is...that comes from doing RESEARCH and FLESHING OUT YOUR IDEAS
Mrflibbleisverycross - 4/6/2018, 12:48 AM
@Drakenxtreme - I am from UK
Drakenxtreme - 4/6/2018, 12:51 AM
@Mrflibbleisverycross - Your telling me this stuff trying to convince when you SHOULD have done this already and had it on your Fancast...thats what im saying you do your FANCAST very sloppy...i have literally 7 fancast in my account still not done over the years because i refuse to submit until its perfect that means it explains everything...their are no questions...there is no doubt...i always have ideas for Fancasting and plots or even pitches but i dont just slap it together i hope people can see my vision...I flesh it out and show them my vision to the point that i get comments saying it should be reality!! im not sayin im better or the simply informing you how to produce better articles to receive better feedback
Drakenxtreme - 4/6/2018, 12:55 AM
@Mrflibbleisverycross - So instead of trying to convince us that Marvel would cast all UK actors...label your fancast "If MCU UK FANCAST" or "IF BBC Produced MCU" then people can go with it..n get a feel for tryin to shoehorn that American Disney would cast all british for a american comic is not realistic at all
Mrflibbleisverycross - 4/6/2018, 1:04 AM
@Drakenxtreme - I just want to pressure Disney to cast these actors. Any way I have done some castings with all American actors. Check out my Stripperella fancast.
Drakenxtreme - 4/6/2018, 1:12 AM
@Mrflibbleisverycross - its not just your casting your plot atleast for this one is not fleshed out nor does it stay true to any ive said HYDRA is done!! n you make a first movie tryin to introduce others...the first movie should always focus on the main other first MCU movie had the focus or attention on anything else BUT the main are tryin to sell these characters to the audience.. They cant focus on that with introducing others for a spin off...its distracting..thats what BVS did n look what happened
Mrflibbleisverycross - 4/6/2018, 1:16 AM
@Drakenxtreme - Hydra is in the Black Widow movie not Fantastic 4. The villains of the Fantastic 4s first outing is the Frightful Four alone.
Drakenxtreme - 4/6/2018, 1:23 AM
@Mrflibbleisverycross - again stop tryin to convince me...its just a just shows you dont understand the current direction of MCU or research...the new phases are more cosmic..they are moving away from spy games n Hydra...n honestly im glad they stopped Hydra..MCU was brilliant in how they shifted from that it wasnt overdone... Going back is lazy...stop tryin to sell me your idea when i said your fancast n plot is flawed... Learn from it n do better i guarantee you will get a better response from others
Mrflibbleisverycross - 4/6/2018, 1:30 AM
@Drakenxtreme - Actually I am makiny Phase 4 focus on Galactus. The Fantastic 4 sequel will focus on the Skrull and Super Skrull
Drakenxtreme - 4/6/2018, 1:35 AM
@Mrflibbleisverycross - smh good night..good luck on your future seem stuck in your ways n no amount of feed back is doing anything..idk why you post fancast if they are just for you...good night..
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