In an alternate reality, where my version of the DCCU is realized by WB ... Part 5 Justice League

In an alternate reality, where my version of the DCCU is realized by WB ... Part 5 Justice League

Now, we know that WB is making a Batman VS Superman movie with Wonder Woman, and possibly Lex Luthor, Nightwing, Green Lantern, the Martian Manhunter or Doomsday in it. I am not really happy with these announcements, so I fantasize about my version of the DCCU...

By TheHeroGothamDeserves - Jan 07, 2014 08:01 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

Hello guys thanks for sticking by, I know it has been a while since my last post; and thanks for reading this article and joining me when I dive into my own dream of my ideal DCCU. I previously posted four parts on this site, and you can read them here:

Part 1 Background and Wonder Woman
Part 2 Green Lantern
Part 3 the Flash
Part 4 Batman

In this article, I would talk about my first Justice League movie, the movie which would introduce … nah f*ck my usual intro, the movie which every DC fan on the face of the globe have been waiting for!

Now, let’s have a brief recount of my previous fan-fics, and Man of Steel. (I make no promises on the “brief” part.)

-Superman: Earth’s protector from another planet (embarrassing), protects Earth because he has the ability and because of his fathers’ wishes.

-Wonder Woman: the Amazonian Ambassador from Themyscria, protects humans because she wants to be the bridge between the two sexes (a woman kicking ass? Most unorthodox!), and between her people, the Amazonians and regular humans.

-Green Lantern/ Hal Jordan: the Green Lantern Corps member assigned to protect sector 2814, which includes Earth, protects Earth because the Guardians gave him his ring, and because it is his home planet, duh.

-The Flash/ Barry Allen: the ordinary man who was given extraordinary abilities, sort of the “Spiderman” of the group, protects humans because he is a human and he was encouraged to do so by his friend Jay Garrick. He is also a fan of Superman. (Please read Part 3 for details.)

-Batman: the vigilante who fights for justice and hopes to make sure no more eight year old boys would lose their parents because of some punk with a gun. Exceptionally paranoid, but always has the interests of the people at heart. You all know who he is.

In this movie, I would use Sinestro and his corps as the antagonist, with Scarecrow as a secondary antagonist. I would introduce Aquaman in this movie, and I would leave out the Martian Manhunter in this movie. What did you say? How dare I put Aquaman in but not J'onn Jonnz? Well, as you can see, Aquaman had received a lot of hate for the past few decades, it is until Geoff Johns’ run on him that Aquaman got his dignity back in the public’s eyes, and even then a lot of people still make Aquaman the butt of jokes. Therefore I think introducing him in the Justice League movie would serve the character and the movie better. So my apologies if I disappointed you with the teaser image.

Now, a brief summary of what each member is thinking in the movie, so that you can understand my movie ideas easier. (Again, I make no promises on the “brief” part.)

-Superman: generally overjoyed to see that other people are willing and able to help out during this invasion, but he has his gripes about these people. He does not condone killing, which put him at odds with Wonder Woman. He does not like Green Lanterns as a whole because deep down he feels that Green Lantern are useless and slow because the Green Lantern Corps did nothing when Krypton was destroyed, and they did not send any help when Earth was invaded by Zod (this feeling would not be revealed at least till two-thirds of the movie in.); he does not like Hal Jordan because he thinks Hal Jordan caused the Sinestro Corps to invade Earth, which is at most partially true (more on this later). He is worried about the Flash because he does not seem like someone who can be taken seriously, and he feels uneasy when this fan (Barry) is around, fearing that he might let Barry down. He takes Batman as too cold-hearted and too rational (the end-the-problem mindset ruling the protect-the-people mindset), and thus he does not trust Batman with certain things like damage control. (Before you tell me Superman destroyed Metropolis in Man of Steel, let me make it clear: I think he tried to minimize the damage, or maybe I should say, in my version of Man of Steel, it is made clear that Superman tried to minimize the damage.) Lastly, Superman thinks Aquaman is only concerned with his own empire, and he feels like he is being used as soldiers by Aquaman. He sees the other heroes as fellow protectors of Earth. (I would try to tone down his religious arguments with Wonder Woman to make space for something similar, and less controversial.)

-Wonder Woman: her main goal is to save humanity, therefore she generally sees the other heroes as fellow warriors, though she prefers to fight on her own. She does not see killing as a problem, putting her at odds with the other heroes except Aquaman. She has high hopes for Hal Jordan because of what she heard for Steve Trevor. (Please read Part 1 for details.) She is happy that Flash is helping out in the invasion, seeing that as the “ordinary people” helping. She has no particular feeling towards Batman, though she, and everyone else, is interested in Batman because he is just so damn mysterious! I digress. She dislikes Aquaman because he wields Poseidon’s trident (I would explain how he gets it later), and Diana thinks it is blasphemy. She sees the other heroes as fellow soldiers in a battle.

-Green Lantern/ Hal Jordan: He is the “Thor from Avengers 1” in Justice League. He is here mainly because his friend Loki, oh I am sorry I mean Sinestro is invading Earth, and he has to stop Sinestro because he is a Green Lantern and he is Sinestro’s friend, and he wishes to wake his friend from his delusion of control. He generally does not care how the other heroes see him, as long as they help him in his mission. He sees the other heroes as people who help him help his friend, just like the resistance fighters in Korugar. (Please read Part 2 for details.)

-The Flash/ Barry Allen: he idolizes Superman because he sees Superman as the guy who made all the sacrifices for humanity. (Please read Part 3 for details.) He can see why Wonder Woman kills, though he is put off by it; and he is attracted to Wonder Woman because … actually let’s just make all five members attracted to Wonder Woman because she is hot, she is caring and she kicks ass. He sympathizes with Hal Jordan, and the two understands each other the most because of their similar carefree mindsets. He is amazed by Batman because he sees Batman as himself without the powers. He does not have the “Aquaman is using me as a soldier so f*ck him” mindset, but he dislike Aquaman’s royal/ barbaric behaviour. He sees the other heroes as a fan sees his idols.

-Batman: he still has fresh memories of the Scarecrow’s fear-gas-induced nightmares, so he is determined to stop the Sinestro Corps from using fear to rule the general populace (while he has no problem using fear against those who prey on the fearful). He can see Superman’s desire for the best of humanity, but he also sees Superman as a potential danger to humanity. He does not like to see Wonder Woman killing, but he tries to accept it as upbringing. He sees Hal Jordan as another metahuman who help in the invasion, and he treasures Hal’s knowledge of the enemy, rather than hate Hal for indirectly causing the invasion. He initially thinks Barry would not have a place among the “gods”, but he grows to respect and look up to Barry, as the comic quote goes, “Barry is the kind of man that I would've hoped to become if my parents hadn't been murdered.” Batman is the only person to understand Aquaman’s “I’m here only for my kingdom” attitude, as he went through that as Batman in the past; still he takes no crap from Aquaman’s royal/ barbaric behaviour. He sees the other heroes as fellow protectors of Earth, same as Superman.

-Aquaman: a king from Atlantis who would not tolerate anyone who want to rule Earth because that by extension who mean ruling the oceans, his turf. His “I’m here only for my kingdom” was taken from Han Solo’s “I’m only in this for the money” attitude in Star Wars: A New hope. He does not respect Superman because he sees Superman’s decisions which considers more than the oceans as stupid, and he thinks Superman is not experienced enough (all you did was fight your own people? pfft!). He has a similar “warrior” mindset as Wonder Woman, but they argue over religious reasons. He dislikes Hal because he thinks Hal brings the invaders here, just like Superman. He thinks the Flash is just some metahuman who just don’t get that he does not belong in the group. He respects Batman for his experience in crime-fighting, something he sees as similar to his battle against monsters under the sea, but he underrates Batman because he does not have any powers. He sees the other heroes as a group of people who happens to want to take down Sinestro; therefore he agrees to partake in their action.

I am currently on page 4 in Microsoft Word, I had stalled enough. It’s time to tell the story!

We starts with a single ball of yellow light cruising through space, it stops for a moment, the camera zooms in, and we see a rotating yellow power ring. The ring suddenly stops rotating, and it speeds off, and the camera follows the ring for a while, and then stops when we can see its destination: Earth.

The ring arrived at Earth when USA is at night, and the ring remains unseen by the population (satellites did pick it up however, more on that later). The ring scans a piece of newspaper with the title “Professor I-don’t-care-what-name Starts Fear-gas Experiment Following Dr I-also-don’t-care-what-name”, the ring then zooms in on the words “Dr. Jonathan Crane”, “inventor”, and “currently in Blackgate Penitentiary”, and it flies off. We sees the ring flies to Crane’s cell from the outside, and then there is yellow light glowing through the barred windows, and we see Crane bust open the wall, and he flies out from his cell. Guards on the ground shoot at him, but a few energy balls from the ring knocks them down, and suddenly the energy balls shot later have lethal effects, crushing ribcages/ skulls and damaging the penitentiary’s security systems, leading to a prison riot, as we hear a few inmates yell, “down with the guards!”. Crane flies away as soon as the riot in the prison starts.

We then immediately see Bruce, in his pyjamas, in front of his Batcomputer with a cup of coffee beside him, reading reports of the prison riot and reports of abnormal energy influx (the ring). He then type in some command, then we see reports of Abin Sur’s spaceship and Hal’s flight away from Earth, and we see Batman doing his science thing of comparing the energy spikes and characteristics, things like that. Then when Bruce has finished analysing the energy report, we see him relax for a second, take a sip at the coffee, then look up again (at a different part of the giant screen), then he starts typing and reading again, we see pictures of the battle between Ares and Wonder Woman on the screen, and words like “supernatural”, “magic”, “unheard-of”, etc appears on the screen. Bruce then drains his cup of coffee, sink into his seat, and say, “I’ve been lazy.”

The next scene is in daylight, Clark Kent goes to work with a file under his arm, he goes into Perry’s office, hands him the file, and say, “here you go, Mr White, last night’s press conference on LexCorp’s Rebuild Metropolis Plan.”
“Put it down and get out, Kent, Lex Luthor has another press conference today, on his powered exoskeleton project.”
“I get it Mr White, on my way.”
Lois Lane walks in, looking tired and unkempt. “Lois, what are you doing here looking like this?”
“Because of this, Perry, the prison riot in Blackgate Penitentiary that happened last night.”
“Prison riots happen all the time, why do you even bother to write an article on it? Lex Luthor has a press conference today on his powered …”
“Because there is a giant gaping hole the size of a sofa on the walls of the prison block, and …”
“And guards with crushed skulls and ribcages, crushed using the same tool that crushed several watchtowers and barbed fences. Lois, can you let me have a look? This looks interesting.”(This is Clark, taking the piece of paper with the story on it) “a ball of yellow light is seen to fly away from Blackgate Penitentiary…”
“Enough! Kent, you go and prepare for Luthor’s press conference. Ms Lane, I’ll read your article; you go comb your hair and wash your face.”

Lois Lane got a call when she is tidying up herself in the washroom. “Miss Lane, this is General Swanwick, we know you know who the guy they call Superman is, and we need to speak with him. So tell us who Superman is.”
“I didn’t tell you who he is when you debriefed me after the invasion; I am not going to tell you who he is now. I can tell him you want to see him though, he can find you.”
“Miss Lane, I know you don’t fear me because of General Lane, but you best relay the message to this Superman right now, it is urgent.”
“Does it have to do with last night’s Blackgate Penitentiary prison riot?”
“And it is confidential.”
General Swanwick hangs up the phone, and Lois Lane continues tidying up herself. When she steps out from the washroom, she bumps into Clark. “Oh I’m sorry Lois; I don’t mean to … I wasn’t looking. I mean I heard you, but …”
“That’s okay Clark, are you alri … did you say you heard me?”
“Yes.” (Cue knowing stare, and slight nods.)
“Well, then out of my way, I have to see Perry.”
Clark Kent leaves the Daily Planet building, find a dark corner and he changes into Superman, and flies off into the sky, to the military base; as Lois Lane goes into Perry’s office, and fight for her article with new reasons just in case.

We then sees a nametag pinned on a uniform, with the name Diana on it, and the camera zooms out to reveal it is Wonder Woman, working in Taco Bell. (Make it less conspicuous than the product placements in MOS.) She was taking an order when suddenly, “crash!” The roof caved in, debris is everywhere, dust caused a few people to cough, and standing at the centre of the restaurant, is a fearsome looking guy, dressed in sackcloth, wearing a mask and a large straw hat, holding a long scythe in his hands and with a glowing yellow ring on his right middle finger, the Scarecrow. Wonder Woman immediately tears away her uniform to reveal her Wonder Woman suit and charges into battle.

Scarecrow, using the fear of the customers, makes big and rigid energy constructs, and keeps Wonder Woman occupied while he sprays the customers with his fear gas. Seeing that she is not winning the fight, Wonder Woman begins to go berserker and starts smashing things and trying to incapacitate Scarecrow, putting the trapped customers in danger while doing so. Just as some new debris is about to hit a trapped, extremely frightened, and drugged customer, we see a flash of red, and we see everything slow down to reveal Barry Allen, in his costume, pulling the customer away from danger. (Yes I make the Flash and Wonder Woman lives in the same town, not exactly canon I know, sorry. I’ll add a few lines of dialogue to explain why WW is not helping out when Captain Boomerang is robbing banks, she is new to town or not interested or something else.)

Surprised, Scarecrow stopped for a second. This allows Wonder Woman to knock him down. Unfortunately, before she can incapacitate him, Scarecrow knocks her down as he flies up, and he picks up two cars and hurl at Wonder Woman as he leaves. Swatting the two cars aside and distracted for a moment, Wonder Woman lost track of the Scarecrow. Luckily, Barry Allen used his whirlwind technique to levitate the cars and slowly lower them onto the ground. Seeing that she would not be able to catch Scarecrow, Wonder Woman heads back to her flattened workplace and starts clearing the debris and helping Barry carry the customers out. During this scene, Barry can fan the fear-gas from the restaurant into the air using his superspeed, if showing his whirlwind technique is not enough. Wonder Woman greets Barry, and Barry says hi enthusiastically, saying something like he recorded five hours of news reports of her fighting Ares or something like that, and it is an honour to help her. Wonder Woman at first is amused by the Flash’s “geek-out” reaction, but then is annoyed when she heard the Flash says he ‘helps” her fight Scarecrow. She thinks “I don’t need your help, and yet with your help, I cannot defeat this escaped convict. This is shameful.” Or something along these lines.

We see Scarecrow flies out into the space, where he sees Sinestro and his corps member approaching. Scarecrow greets them, claiming that he had already started “educating” the “filth” and “scum” of the rule of fear and order. Arkillo is surprised, and asks Sinestro why the Scarecrow hasn’t been taken to Qward for reconditioning. Sinestro responds by saying that the Scarecrow should be reconditioned, but when it comes to Earth, recondition can wait, because “someone” has to be taught that “my way of order works, it worked on my planet, and it would work on his planet”. Sinestro then speaks to his ring, “some-alien-name-I-don’t-care-what, how is your progress?”
The ring replies (actually it is another Sinestro Corps member), “Hal Jordan has yet to see us; using his own slang, we have him chasing his tail here in Ungara.”
“Just don’t disturb Abin Sur’s family, and keep Hal alive.”
“I understand.”
Looking up, Sinestro says to Scarecrow, Arkillo, and the other corps member, “let’s go.” And they fly towards Earth, and to be greeted with Superman in a spacesuit. (Or we can have him breathing in space.) “What are your purposes in coming to Earth?” Superman asks sternly but politely. “It is my planet, I am going home, and this guy wants to rule it.” Scarecrow replies while jabbing his thumb at Sinestro, and he blasts a beam of yellow energy towards Superman, followed by other corps member, only to be stopped by a giant yellow shield, made by Sinestro. “Enough! Stand down! Whoever you are, (point at Superman), go back and tell your government that I am here to bring order to this planet, and if they treasure their lives, they will yield to me.”
“They will not yield to your rule, stranger, and neither will I. I must ask you all to leave.”
“Pity.” Sinestro utters this as he creates the same giant shield, but this time he uses it to push Superman towards Earth, and the other corps member fly towards Earth, flanking Sinestro.

We see the exterior of Lex Luthor’s press conference venue, we see Lois Lane all neat and tidy, walking up the stairs, muttering, “I guess I should cover this for Clark, Swanwick can be long-winded and Clark can have his missions.” Then she hear some noise from the sky, and she looks up, and so does the receptionists and other people on the stairs. They all see numerous yellow spots on the sky, and one big yellow disc at the centre, growing larger and larger. Suddenly the yellow disc shatters, and they see Superman flying up to fight Sinestro. Everyone is speechless, deciding whether to cheer for Superman or to scream for help because of the other yellow spots approaching. They see Sinestro distracting Superman with several bladed energy constructs, and as they shift their eyes onto the other yellow spots, someone suddenly scream, “It’s the Scarecrow!” And everyone starts running for cover. The Sinestro Corps member starts blockading the streets to take hostages, and the blockade spans several street blocks. Lois Lane is caught in the blockade, and she tears away a page of paper from her notebook, which we see has the words “Press Conference” and “powered exoskeleton” on it, and starts jotting down notes for this invasion event.

We then see the battle between Superman and Sinestro up in the air. We can see Superman is losing due to him not knowing how Sinestro’s constructs works, and him being constantly distracted by new constructs that jabs him or knocks him away from his course. Sinestro, however, is straining because Superman is just annoyed by the constructs, and there is little fear to drain and increase the powers of the constructs. Seeing Sinestro is straining, Superman lands a lucky punch and sends Sinestro flying away from the blockaded site. Seeing that Sinestro is the leader, and knowing that he cannot take on a legion of power ring users, Superman flies after Sinestro, determined to take him out.

We then cuts back to Bruce Wayne, in a meeting with his employees on how to retake the Rebuild Metropolis Project from LexCorp, and how to keep Queen Industries out of this competition. We can hear someone saying something like, “We can use Oliver Queen’s political stance against him, if we can think up something in this project that clashes with his views.” (Comic reference time.) “The real question is how can we take the project from Lex Luthor, who has far more assets and pull in Metropolis than we do.” Suddenly, Bruce Wayne’s mobile phone rings, and he leaves the meeting room to answer the phone without even looking at his employees. The meeting briefly stops as everyone watches Bruce Wayne leaves, and they start talking again, but not for long, as Bruce Wayne rushes back into the meeting room, and turns on the TV at the corner, and the employees all stare at the TV, as the news channel covers the Sinestro Corps invasion, and the several street blocks of hostages. We see reporters (can be Vicki Vale) standing outside the blockade, guarded by alien monsters made of energy constructs, and we see that almost everyone near the site is terrified. Bruce Wayne says, “Gentlemen, re-work my proposal, there would be more rebuilding required as the Man of Steel is involved. Send me the time of the next meeting.” And he walks out of the meeting room again, leaving the speechless employees behind, still staring at the TV.

We then see Wonder Woman and the Flash just finish clearing the mess that was a Taco Bell, and they are resting and watching TV (let’s just say there is a electrical appliances store nearby.) The TV is playing some commercial for a TV series on ancient Greek culture, and Wonder Woman is making remarks on how bad the artefacts look, when suddenly the commercial was cut in the middle, and we see the opening of news reports being broadcasted. Instead of seeing news anchors, we see Sinestro filling the camera with his face, “I am Sinestro, leader of my corps and your new ruler, and I have just commandeered this news station so that you can hear me. I am here to bring order to this uncivilized world and root out chaos. I will be going to your world’s government after this broadcast, and if your government values their lives and yours, they would surrender to my rule within one hour.” After saying this, the TV screen briefly cuts to black, and then the commercial about the TV series on ancient Greek culture is broadcasted again. We then see Wonder Woman and the Flash horrified and silent, crouching in front of the TV with the window glass between the two heroes and the TV. After a while, the Flash says, “I think he means the United Nations Secretariats’ Building. Are you coming?” Wonder Woman straightens up and say, “I am getting my plane.”
“See you there, then.” The Flash runs off immediately. We see Wonder Woman being impressed, and she leaps onto her invisible plane and follows the Flash.

“That’s channel six sir, but it is the news studio of channel seventeen.”
“Are there any news crew working behind the camera when this Sinestro broadcasted his message, Alfred?”
“According to my record, no, sir, and you can always check the security camera footage to see for yourself.”
Bruce and Alfred are in the Batcave, both staring at the giant screen of the Batcomputer. “Did you send the message to Dick, Alfred?”
“Yes Master Bruce, tell him to remain in the campus and help maintain order there, as you told me. But may I ask, why do you want him out of this? Why don’t you want him to be with you in this invasion?”
“Because I don’t think I can face this, let alone Dick, Alfred. That Man of Steel was chasing this Sinestro, and yet Sinestro can break into an empty news studio and broadcast a message without breaking a sweat, and the Man of steel still haven’t catch up with him yet. How can I take on his fellow ring-users, when the guy who beat me last time is in that army, and there are dozens more of him?”
“Perhaps you should ally yourself with this Superman, and the Wonder Woman, and those other super-powered people?”
“Well, I …look!”
Bruce and Alfred both stare at the screen, as the live broadcast of the hostage situation in Metropolis, which spans several street blocks, is suddenly covered by a giant wave and half of the yellow energy constructs are destroyed.

Superman is flying through the air, pondering what to do, as he lost Sinestro when he is chasing him. He flies past the financial district and he sees Sinestro’s message being re-broadcasted on the giant TVs on the side of buildings. Angered, He flies towards the United Nations Secretariats’ Building to try and stop Sinestro. Then, his super-hearing picks up the sound of water waves near the sound of Lois screaming. (A tough Pulitzer-prize winning reporter is allowed to scream when she is scared, right?) Stopped dead for a moment, he changes course and flies towards the blockaded street blocks, to see what is happening.

Back in the blockaded street blocks, it’s just past dusk. We see Lois Lane is scribbling details on her notebook as we see a man wearing a set of strange armour battling the Sinestro Corps member. The man wields a trident in one hand, and he controls the wave with another, sending walls of water to knock the corps member over, or bringing the corps member onto the ground using solid water hooks/ nets. (A la water-bending, I intend to do water bending justice on the big-screen to make up for M. Night Shatupon’s horrible The Last Airbender.) The crowd trapped by the corps member cheers for the man, and the corps member, seeing that there is little fear to fuel their power rings, fled from the place, and releases the crowd. Superman arrives at the scene just as the Sinestro Corps member leaves, and he is reunited with Lois Lane, happy to see that she is safe. Lois tells Superman that the man with trident saved the people, and Superman walks up to him to thank him. He is greeted with Aquaman’s barbaric behaviour, which puts him off, and he tells Aquaman that he thinks Sinestro would be in the United Nations Secretariats’ Building when Aquaman asks where is the man “who dared to proclaim he rules Earth.” Upon getting the answer of “United Nations Secretariats’ Building”, Aquaman says, “I must go and meet the man who wants to rule my seas, and you will come with me, flying man.”
“Excuse me, your seas?”
“I am the King of Atlantis and ruler of the seven seas. I will not have anyone say that he rules my kingdom, nor will I have people disobey me. Lead me to this ‘United Nations Secretariats’ Building’, flying man.”
Superman does not want to be commanded, but he put up with it for the moment, and leads Aquaman to the United Nations Secretariats’ Building. He chooses to fly in the air, claiming that it is faster for him, and his face fell when he sees Aquaman makes a 30 storey high tidal wave to carry him to the United Nations Secretariats’ Building.

After broadcasting his demands, Sinestro flies away from the news station, on course to the United Nations Secretariats’ Building. During his flight, he receives a distress signal from Arkillo, who should be holding the streets blockade. “Sinestro, an armoured man who can control water came out of nowhere and starts attacking us! We cannot hold him! There are only five of us standing!”
“Then leave! Sinestro Corps members on Earth, listen. Meet me up in space, directly above the United Nations Secretariats’ Building. Destroy any satellite you see on your way.”
Gritting his teeth, and muttering to himself, “the movement to order will not be stopped.”

Superman arrives at the United Nations Secretariats’ Building first, and he sees Wonder Woman and the Flash sitting on the stairs, looking bored, staring at the night sky. Recognizing Wonder Woman as Superman had seen her on TV, he asks Wonder Woman what is going on, what is the Flash and her doing here, and why are they idling. The Flash answered Superman before Wonder Woman could; and he tells Superman, like a fan speaking to his idol, that the two of them had waited for Sinestro to arrive at the United Nations Secretariats’ Building to make his demands an hour ago, and they have not seen him yet. Right after the Flash finish speaking, Aquaman arrives on his wave, and before Wonder Woman can stop him or command the invisible plane to fly away, the wave crashed into the invisible plane. Wonder Woman is shocked, but Aquaman refuses to apologize, instead stating that it is Wonder Woman’s fault as she could not put things in a “King’s way”. Angered by Aquaman, and noticing his trident is Poseidon’s, Wonder Woman begins fighting Aquaman in front of the UN, saying no mortal should wield a god’s weapon.

Superman pulls the two apart, getting hit on multiple places by both parties, without flinching; and the Flash helps him separate the two by creating a small whirlwind between Winder Woman and Aquaman. Superman asks the two to stop fighting over their differences because the situation at hand is far more important. Wonder Woman says she can stop fighting Aquaman if he says sorry for crashing into the invisible plane, and for using Poseidon’s trident. Aquaman calls BS on that, and demands Wonder Woman to apologize for insulting Aquaman for his weapon, and for slandering a “king”. The Flash suddenly receives a phone call. “It is Batman.” Everyone become silent, and they hear Batman speaks from the Flash’s mobile phone. Batman informs the four heroes of two things. One, several satellites were taken down, meaning communications is impeded. Two, judging by sensors readings, the Sinestro Corps has retreated to space, and they are probably planning for the next attack. Superman yells into the phone, asking why Batman chooses to hide from the four heroes. They then hear a soft engine noise, as the Batplane appears in the clouds. It deploys Batman onto the ground, and it flies away. Batman hands each of them a com-link so that the five can communicate with each other.

As Superman is the only one among the five who can attack the invaders up in space, he deems it unwise to attack now, and he suggests that the five stay put and guard the United Nations Secretariats’ Building boundaries. Aquaman refuses to do so, as he does not want to put the land in a higher priority than the oceans, his realm. Batman calmly makes a little speech, something like the speech Merry made to Pippin in The Two Towers, something like a modified version of “The fires of Isengard will spread, and the forests of Tuckborough and Buckland will burn. And all that was once great and good in this world will be gone. There won't be a Shire, Pippin.” Aquaman responds by saying the armies of Atlantis can more than hold its own against the Sinestro Corps invaders. Superman then asks Aquaman to ready his army to aid the heroes should they fail to contain the invaders. Aquaman turns and walks towards the ocean.

The Flash asks what should they do if the Corps split up and attacks multiple places. After a brief moment of silence, Superman says he can get the military to help, though he is not sure if they would do so, as General Swanwick asked Superman to contain the situation, thus he doubts the military’s willingness to participate. After saying so, Superman flies off.

The following shot of the three remaining heroes have to feel lonely. The three heroes have to look around, seeing nobody in the streets because of the curfew, hearing distant sirens of the emergency services trying to restore order and help civilians in the formerly-blockaded street blocks. There is a look of hopelessness in Flash’s eyes, a look of frustration in Wonder Woman’s eyes, and we see Batman reading from his mobile batcomputer/ tablet, looking blank. He suddenly looks up, and says, “The invaders are spreading out; none of them is heading towards the United Nations Secretariats’ Building. We must spread out too.” “Where should be go?” The Flash asks. “Superman, if you can hear me, tell the military to guard their missile launching sites. If my analysis is correct, the invaders will try to take over those sites and the missiles.” Growing bored because of no action or fight, Wonder Woman offers to use her plane to shoot down the missiles should any get fired. Batman refuses, stating that shooting down missiles is plan B. The three of them make for the nearest military base, where they see several Sinestro Corps members fighting the guards there. We see the Sinestro Corps Member growing stronger and stronger because of the fear increasing from the guards, seeing that bullets have no effect on the invaders. The Flash grabs a handful of bullet shells and start throwing them at the invaders. Wonder Woman uses her Lasso of Truth to pull a Corps member down and starts questioning him for their plan as Batman covers her, using his batarangs to destroy energy constructs, and shielding himself and Wonder Woman against energy blasts from the rings using broken military equipment. Their involvement does not seem to make such a difference until fighter jets join the battle and finally take down the Corps member. Superman helps by grabbing the invaders and sending them crashing onto the ground, knocking them unconscious.

(This scene could be in day light or at dawn, due to different time zones.) In the sea, an aircraft carrier battle group, led by an aircraft carrier with missile launching capabilities, is trying hard to defend itself from attacking Sinestro Corps member, and suddenly the water surface shake, as creatures of the sea erupt into battle. Sharks jump out of the sea, like dolphins, and grab the invaders in the air. Something like this:

The figure in the centre of the sea creatures’ formation is Aquaman, doing his water-bending techniques again, and using his trident to produce energy attacks to counter the Corps member’s energy blast from their rings. However, we can see that Aquaman has no personal love for the aircraft carriers battle group, and the ships’ damages does not stop with the arrival of Aquaman. Therefore, the powers of the Sinestro Corps members does not weaken; rather, they fight with better energy blasts and constructs, resulting in a three-way battle, among the invaders, Aquaman’s armies, and the aircraft carrier battle group with its crew. In the thick of battle, suddenly a great beam of green light, with branches, knocks all the flying Sinestro Corps members onto the ocean, resulting in their capture by Aquaman’s men. Hal Jordan descends from the clouds, and quickly makes tug-boats to pull the ships away from the other two sides.

Seeing that the “yellow ring users” are neutralized, but there is a “green ring user”, Aquaman blasts a bolt of energy from his trident towards Hal Jordan. Barely dodging, Hal Jordan yells, “What’s your problem, crazy guy?”
“Are you not one of those invaders?” The energy bolts from the trident keep firing.
“I am not one of them, I am their sworn enemies.”
This makes Aquaman stops his armies, and he calls Batman to update him of the arrival of a new ally. Batman asks if the new ally uses a similar weapon with the enemy. Aquaman is surprised, and Batman tells Aquaman that his sensors picked up Hal’s energy signature, and a squadron of fighter jets is heading their way. They agreed on a new meeting point. Before the two can head off, the squadron of fighter jets arrives and prepares to start shooting. Luckily, one of the leading pilots is Steve Trevor, who knows Hal Jordan, therefore they let him and Aquaman go.

(Night again.) The other five heroes finally meet Hal Jordan. Superman feels uneasy; Wonder Woman is interested to know more about Steve Trevor’s friend; the Flash is happy to meet someone; Batman is stoic and blank; and Aquaman feels uneasy. After Hal Jordan briefly recounts his time with Sinestro and shares his knowledge of the yellow ring, Superman is even more sullen; Wonder Woman and the Flash sympathizes with Hal; Batman look more stern; and Aquaman is the first one to flip out and accuse Hal Jordan for bringing the invaders to ‘his realm’.
(Here I found myself stuck: why hasn’t Aquaman help out when the Kryptonians invade Earth? And I don’t have an answer to that. It’s a plot hole in this fan-fic.)

(Near dawn, still night.)Batman tell the other five that despite their efforts, Sinestro and his men has secured all the American missiles save for those in that military base and those on that aircraft carrier, which they intervened. All six of them watch Sinestro do another broadcast, this time in the United Nations Secretaries’ Office. He tells the rest of the world to submit to his rule and submit to order. (Upon mentioning of the word make Hal grit his teeth) “And to the heroes who dare to try to stop me, I am here to establish order, not to cause chaos. Everyone would be equal under my rule, there will be no crime committed, and everyone would be happy. Think about that, and ask Hal for details if you like. You have half an hour to come to here and surrender. If anyone disobeys me, my men will start using the computers they wear on their fingers and start cracking your launch codes.”

(Dawn to daylight.) Knowing that it would be futile to focus in retake missile-launching sites because there are too many, Batman decides to split the six heroes into two teams. Superman, Wonder Woman in her invisible plane, Batman in his Batplane, and Hal Jordan would assist the military and try to take down launched missiles; Aquaman and the Flash would try and retake as many missile-launching sites as possible. Here we can cue some awesome action for several minutes.
-The Flash disassembling equipment to prevent missile systems from working. (We have to show Aquaman is impressed and amazed by the Flash for Aquaman’s and Flash’s character growth.)
-Aquaman being awesome with a trident, its energy attacks and water-bending. A scene of he “controlling” the water inside an invader can be added.
-Superman sending missiles into space; and slicing missiles into half using heat vision.
-Wonder Woman shooting the missiles down.
-Batman shooting missiles down. And if it is necessary, include a scene where he uses the bottom of his Batplane to destroy a missile armed with magnetic repulsors, as homage to the Justice League Unlimited episode The Doomsday Sanction. He can always glide away and use the ejector seat.
-Green Lantern slicing missiles into half, or using missiles to detonate other missiles.
During this sequence we can have Superman and Green Lantern bond, when Superman talk about his opinion on the Green Lantern Corps and on Hal Jordan, as I stated in the beginning of this article (long way up I know), and he decides to put aside his perceptions and accept Hal Jordan as his teammate.

After the missile sequence, Sinestro can see that his plan failed. Therefore, in a fit of rage, he calls back everyone in his corps back to the United Nations Secretariats’ Building. The heroes follow the invaders closely. Sinestro then orders the surviving corps member to start destroying New York/ Metropolis as punishment. “Knock down every building, blow up every car, kill every human who would not surrender, just stay close to one another so that the fear you created can fuel nearby corps members.”
(I know it sounds stupid, that Sinestro would tell his men to reassemble then start wrecking stuff. I know it makes more sense that they spread out and wreck Earth, making the military and our six heroes’ work much more difficult. I have considered sending Hal Jordan to destroy their main power battery on Qward, which is too big a scope for this already-very-long movie. However, I think I can provide one kind of flimsy reason to place all the protagonists and all the antagonists together for the final fight.)

-Show Scarecrow resurface (though we can put him in some earlier scenes too), and enjoying himself.
-Show that the other Sinestro Corps members, especially Arkillo, are showing no mercy. They are exterminating humans efficiently as Sinestro commanded.
-Show Wonder Woman and Aquaman actually killing certain alien invaders, which puts another hero (say Green Lantern) off, but then he does not have much time to complain.
-Have the Flash save people with his superspeed, to establish why people like him.
-Have more “superhero combo moments”, like those in Avengers; and those hero pairs who had quarrels (Wonder Woman/ Aquaman, Superman/ Green Lantern) fight together.
-Show more Batman badass moments without making him Batgod.

After taken down the entire Sinestro Corps member, the six heroes head towards Sinestro, the last one standing. Pretending to surrender, Sinestro suddenly lets out one giant beam of light which blinds the six heroes. When each of them open their eyes, they see their worst nightmare, namely dream sequence with skulls in Man of Steel/ Crime Alley/ mother getting shot at home/ Themyscira desolated/ Atlantis fallen by monsters/ near death in Korugar by out of ring energy. (This scene is used to show glimpses of Atlantis and the Flash’s back story.) Hal Jordan is the first to overcome the fear induced by Sinestro, and he proceeds to fight Sinestro, freeing the other five heroes. Hal and Sinestro then battle each other, with Hal held at a disadvantage as the yellow ring trumps the green ring. The other four heroes can see that this is a personal battle, and choose not to participate, and they separate to guard the “arena”; however the Flash can only see that Hal Jordan is losing, thus he runs up a building, and leaps out of a window and crashes with Sinestro, giving Hal Jordan a chance to knock him out. Hal makes a construct to catch the Flash, and then another to trap Sinestro in it. The three land, and Hal says to the other five heroes, “thank you all.” Then he flies away with Sinestro, after removing his ring. Superman turns to Aquaman and says, “Thanks for staying around till the end.” To which Aquaman replies, “Thank you all for helping me defend my kingdom, I am forever in your debt.” The Flash says, “Thank you for letting me fight with you, it’s good to finally meet all of you.” Batman utters in a deadpan manner, “Thanks for stopping the invasion. I gotta go.” Wonder Woman says, “Wait, shouldn’t we keep in contact? In case there is another invasion?” Superman blushes briefly, and says, “It is okay, Ii know how to contact him.” The Flash says, “And I think he knows how to contact me.” (Must make Wonder Woman’s interest towards Batman subtle, and yes I don’t think she fits Superman.)

We cut to the next day, we see Clark going to work. He walk passes a newspaper stall, and he takes a look at the newspaper. He sees headlines such as “Metahumans beats the Invader’s Order”, “More Aliens exist”, “Water-bender: Who is he?”, “President Called Off Curfew”. He smiles as he continues walking to the Daily Planet Office. We then see Barry Allen working in his office, talking about receiving evidence from Metropolis to Central City Police Laboratory for analysis. Bruce Wayne is talking about the Rebuild Metropolis Project again, only this time, he has a few more committees dedicated to projects on rebuilding other cities. Diana is working at a new Taco Bell store. Clark walks into the office, and he hears Perry White yells “Lois, the other newspaper companies have their big stories, and we don’t even have the story about LexCorp’s powered exoskeleton. What have you got?”
“The story on the invasion should be covered with as little rumour as possible. I intend to straighten a few accounts today.”
“Then at least give me a name to print onto the headline. Superman and his friends? No that’s dumb. How should we call those people who defended us from those yellow aliens?”
Clark interrupts, “why not Justice League?”

Credits roll.

I am currently on page 18 in Microsoft Word. I spent quite some time writing this, and I hope you enjoy this. To me, what I want to do is to give everyone a character arc, even if it is a tiny one. Superman learnt to let go of his biased opinion; Batman learnt to work with other superheroes; Wonder Woman learnt to work with someone she does not like (Aquaman); Hal Jordan learnt to see his friend Sinestro as who he is; Barry Allen learnt that he can be part of a team comprised of his ‘idols’; and Aquaman learnt to see other people as equals and to care for other people’s problems.

So this is how I imagine the first Justice League movie should be. I know this is not perfect, there are a few plot holes, the tone has strayed from the serious tone I wanted to middle ground between Avengers and my intended tone, and there are other problems. When I was writing this, I felt like I had set out to do something with a scope so big that I had bitten off more than I could chew. Well, you be the judge on this.

This concludes the “phase 1” of my dream DCCU. Stay tuned as I work on the first movie in “phase 2”, Aquaman.
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MrCBM56 - 1/7/2014, 11:43 AM
kong - 1/7/2014, 12:26 PM
I'll make sure to read when I have the time.
Bearjew - 1/7/2014, 4:14 PM
Not bad but do wouldn't this make Green Lantern useless seein as he'd just be fighting a bunch of bad guys with the same power as him? It'd be like if the Avengers fought an army of guys in Iron Man suits
MikeZ - 1/7/2014, 5:45 PM
Interesting stuff. Would you mind checking out my fancast for Injustice: Gods Among Us? I'm also casting for an alternate DC cinematic universe.
TheHeroGothamDeserves - 1/7/2014, 7:48 PM
@RedHood13 take your time.

@Pratorian perhaps, but I would see it in another way. Hal Jordan is fighting an army of people with a "superior" weapon (if that's the right word to use), led by Sinestro who hats him, and Hal likes and respects Sinestro (in my version). That's pretty rough for Hal. If that's not enough, i can tweak some of the action scenes to make him more useful. I can make him use his ring to do other things, stabilize falling buildings or throw things at the Sinestro Corps to knock them down.

@RoadDogXXIV, just read through your fan-cast, I would post my comments there. Thanks for reading my fan-fiction.
MightyZeus - 1/7/2014, 11:29 PM
Great write up. This was an amazing read and i love your ideas.
TheHeroGothamDeserves - 1/8/2014, 7:35 AM
Thank you @MightyZeus, and sorry in advance if I make you a dick in Wonder Woman 2/3/...
Lhornbk - 1/12/2014, 4:09 PM
Really? You really have Wonder Woman working at Taco Bell? I'm sorry, but that is just beyond stupid. That alone makes me hate this. Not that there aren't other reasons to hate it too. You want Wonder Woman to end up with Batman? Yeah, you've watched too much Justice League Unlimited.
TheHeroGothamDeserves - 1/14/2014, 12:46 AM
@Lhornbk I heard that WW did work in Taco Bell once in the comics, but I have no source on that, so my apologies for ticking you off with that, but I am not changing it, not unless you can prove to me that "WW working in a fast food store" never happened in the comics.

I personally dig the idea of Wonder Woman being interested in Batman, because of Justice League Unlimited of course, but also because I think their mentality is more similar, compared to Superman and Wonder Woman. Of course, you can say, "then don't pair her up with anyone stupid!" And I am totally cool with that. Pairing WW with someone may seem shoehorned to you, and that's fine.

Thanks for commenting, and thanks for being nice.
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