It's been awhile but here's a follow up to my Xmen 4

Man it's hot...maybe it feels like an Inferno????

By Rumblebeast - Mar 17, 2010 04:03 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

I know it's been a long time since I wrote Xmen 4. And this one I kinda wrote with it flowing into another one. So look forward to an Xmen 6 and possibly 7 coming up. But I've been busy so I dont know how long it will take me to type it up and post. But hope you guys like it.

Scene One
It seems like a very dark time indeed, for destruction is everywhere. Abandoned buildings that seem like they should've fallen years ago with missing walls and glass scattered everywhere. Long ago burned cars and other assorted vehicles litter the dark and quiet streets. Two hooded people seemingly materialize out of nowhere, walking down dead, war torn streets.

Hooded Figure 1
(Sneaking through the streets as if trying to avoid unseen predators.) Come on, Onyxx. Be careful. We don't want to get caught out here.

(Trying to keep up with the other hooded female.) Sorry Kitty. It's just that I'm not really good at the sneaking around stuff you know?

Well we have to get this piece back. By any means possible. And fast.
(Just then, two headlight looking orbs in the dark sky light up by a building side.)

(Looking through the computer like vision of the Sentinel. It starts to analyze the data it is getting, but can't see the faces so it turns to the genecoding. It scans them as mutants and silently sends the alarm to the other hidden sentinels.)

Come on, lets go. (She suddenly stops as she hears jets coming from the sky. She looks up just in time to dodge a sentinel landing.) Oh great. We've been spotted.

Sentinel 1
Holt mutants. You are in violation of the Mutant Curfew Act.

Sentinel 2
(Scanning as it also lands to the side of the first Sentinel. It makes out by computer feed what it is that Kitty Pryde has under her hooded parka.) Mutants. You are in violation of possession of an illegal contraband. Initiating termination and retrieval of illegal contraband.

Oh man, oh man, oh man. Kitty what are we going to do? (Spots the third sentinel walking up behind them.) We are surrounded.

Well, we have no choice. Take them. (She phazes right through a metal tentacle meant for catching her and runs right through his foot. The result is shorting out the circuitry and it's vision shorts out like a computer getting fried.)

As you say boss lady. (He turns his whole body into a rock state.) I've always been good at the sentinel scrapping. (He dodges the huge foot that meant to stomp him into the ground punches a huge hole in the side of his foot, knocking the sentinel off balance and it comes crashing down into a building.)

(Fires a hand blast at Onyxx as he turns around, but he's saved by Shadowcat who phazes him through the floor. The sentinel seems to look around until it suddenly just shutters and starts to spurt electrical shocks. The chest part blows open from the inside as Onyxx punches his way out followed by Shadowcat.)

Now that is more like it. Atleast this mission wasn't all that boring.

(She hears a silent wind sound and small electrical frequency before she passes out suddenly going face first into the waiting arms of Onyxx.)

Kitty? What happen? Hey are you okay? (He hears someone clearing his throat behind him. He turns around but now quick enough as all he sees is the business end of a hi tech rifle. Before he sees darkness, he sees the stun blast in his face as he falls straight backwards with Kitty Pryde falling on top of him.)

(Awakes disoriented as she doesn't know how much time has passed. She reaches down into her shirt to realize that she has the electrical part she was after. She tries to phaze out of the handcuffs that are binding tight into her wrists but to her surprise she can't.)

(Notices her moving around in the back of a futuristic cop car.) Up already?

Where are you taking us? (Notices the M mark branded into his eye.) You are a mutant like us. Why are you helping those sentinels. They just want to exterminate all of us. Dont you see that?

Hey lady. My lifes just fine. It's you who are to blame. You mutant terrorists always trying to trash those things. I'm XSE. A cop. And it's my job to ensure public safety from outlaws trying to stir up trouble in my jurisdiction.

You are wrong. (Onyxx wakes up as they start to turn down a road leading to a huge prison. Huge metal walls, fortified and guard towers all around. Onyxx notices that his powers are shut off as well as he touches the collar around his neck.)

(Pulling up and stepping out of the car in front of two sentinels that are posted in front of the main gates.) Yo. I'm Lt. Lucas Bishop. XSE. I'm bringing two mutants in for processing.

Sentinel 1
(Scans him and his badge as they confirm who he is.) Proceed.

(Walks over to his car and lets out Onyxx and Shadowcat. Kitty holds her head down as she keeps from crying, spying a graveyard right to her left. We spot some of the names on the tombstones as Cyclops, Jean, Rogue, Beast, Nightcrawler, Storm, Jubilee and finally Colossus.) Come on and keep it moving.

Sentinel 2
(While scanning the two captive mutants, it spots the illegal contraband that Bishop never suspected her of having.) Halt. These mutants will be terminated. Illegal contraband detected. Known mutant threats, Kitty Pryde aka Shadowcat, Sidney Green aka Onyxx have been known for uncooperation to sentinel law.

(Realizing that they will just be blasted with their collars on.) Whoa. Easy big fellas. What do you mean terminated? You cant just terminate them without going to court first. They have a right to fair trial.

Sentinel 1
Those who stand with mutant terrorists, means that they are helping said terrorist. Lt Lucas Bishop is now stripped of rank and listed as known mutant terrorist. Recent update is to help conceal illegal contraband into federal property.

(Realizing where this is going.) Hold up now. You cant just label me a mutant terrorist.

Sentinel 1
(Moves his giant palm towards Bishop as he can see the energy beam start to light up.)

Ahh what the hell? (He pushes a button on a control near his leg and the collars around Kitty's and Sidneys necks turn off. Then, he's hammered by a huge white hot light that blasts him backwards into his cop car.)

Kitty, run. I will try to hold them off. (He turns rock again and starts to fight with one of the sentinels while getting pelted by the guards from up on the towers.)

(She tries to run, but the ground around her seems to explode all of a sudden and sends her flying. She hits the ground and rolls over to see a sentinel bearing down on her.)

(Peeling himself outta the car, he channels the energy he absorbed from the sentinel right into the back of the sentinel about to attack Kitty. The blast is so powerful that it blasts a white hot hole right through the sentinel sending in sputtering into the ground.) Come on, then. We have to get out of here before they arrive.

Who arrives?

(Points up into the sky as five more sentinels descend from the sky.) Them.

We have to go back for Onyxx.

And do what? We cant help him now. We have to move.

I know where we can go. (She looks back at the six on one fight with the sentinels and Onyxx.) Sorry Sid.

(Doing his best to take down as many of them as possible.) Come on you murdering bastards. (He goes to swing, but a white hot beam disintegrates his rocky arm and the ground explodes under him. He closes his eyes then rolls to his back exhausted. He looks up in time to see the three remaining sentinels taking aim at him. Both hands extended, they discharge their white hot beams of energy. All Kitty can see in the distance is a big explosion.)

(Back to walking through darkened war torn streets, but this time dirty, tired, and Bishop as the running mate.)

(Following closely behind, but faintly aware that someone is following them.) We cant keep walking out here forever.

Hooded man
And you wont be. (He jumps out of the shadows and attacks Bishop. They fight for a quick second before the hooded man sweeps Bishops feet from underneath him and three metal claws extend to just about the tip of Bishops nose.)

Logan wait.

Why should I?

He helped me.

(Lets Bishop get to his feet.) What happen munchkin? You and Onyxx shoulda been back hours ago. So Forge sent me to look for you. I tracked your sent into a sentinel fight, and then I catch you being led by this guy who's scent I picked up by the sentinels, so I thought he had you leading him to us. And where is ol' mountain boy?

(Once again looks to the ground as tears fill her eyes.)

He was a brave boy. He sacrificed himself so that Kitty here could get to safety. I was just there for the escape.

This is Lucas Bishop. An ex XSE member now.

Aww. A cop? You managed to bring a cop in on us? Are you nuts lady?

An ex cop old man. Thanks to whatever it is that she's carrying.

Then let's get it back to Forge. Come on sprite. We gotta get there quickly. (They all take off running off into the shadows.)

(Later on, they come up on a door that looks simple enough until Kitty pulls out a homemade device she uses to open the door.) Come on. It's just through there. (She points her finger inside and to the hallway to the left. They all walk in and down a hallway into a room with highly advanced computer equipment that seems dusty.)

(Recognizes a big cylindrical glass machine hooked up to a metal platform but some stuff he hasn't seen before.) You guys have a working time machine?

(Walks into the room.) Apparently so. As long as the part I required got here safely.

(Gives the piece to Forge who puts the final piece together making the time machine hummm and crackle to life.)

So the plan is to go back in time to what? Change something in the past and make it all better?

Theoretically yes. A single crucial point in history that can be changed would theoretically change the outcome of the future.

And I'm just the mutant for the job. I'm going back in time to make sure none of this hell hole comes true. When they.....(You hear alarms going off and booms echoing around the vicinity. Wolverine sniffs the air.) Sentinels. They didn't allow you guys to escape. They were following us.

What do we do now?

We have to protect the time machine. Theres not enough materials to make another one. It's now or never. (Forge armors himself with hi tech weapons that he had surrounding him. He throws one to Wolverine and Bishop. Wolverine goes to run for the time machine, when the door bursts open and a huge sentinel hand emerges with a bright white light that blasts Wolverine back against the back wall.) Bishop. You gotta go. (He pushes Bishop into the time portal.)

(Seemingly stuck in mid air for a minute as strange swirling energy contorts his vision.) Forge. What am I suppose to change? (He looks at Forge who says something he can't understand as he's gone in a bright flash.)

Scene Two
Enter the Xavier Estates. It's a nice and bright sunny day with limited clouds in the sky. We focus on an outing where a group of young teens are playing baseball. The mutants that are on the field are Colossus as catcher, Psylocke as the pitcher, Sunspot on first base, Meltdown on second, Jubilee as shortstop, Gambit on third, with Rogue in center field, Dazzler in left field, and Husk in right field.

(Dressed in umpire gear.) Blue team 7. Gold team 6. Bottom of the 5th, and Blue team has 2 outs.

(Steps up to the plate. He stares down at the pitcher. Psylocke throws the ball, and Iceman turns the bat into a huge ice club that sends the ball rocketing towards a very high homerun. And Iceman starts to run towards first.)

Several kids all at once
Hey no powers, Bobby.

No problem I have it. (She uses her flight to fly up and catch the ball.)

Spy 1
(Using a pair of binoculars that seems military class at least. You see all that's going on. The view switches as they see a car pulling up to the main house. A man with red colored sunglasses steps out with a red haired lady and a baby.)

(Walking towards Scott with open arms.) Scott. I'm glad you came back. And this must be Madelyne. Scott has told us much about you.

(Blushing a little bit.) Well there's really not that much to tell. I mean compared to Scott here.

(Rushing through the rest of the people waiting to greet them.) Okay where's my nephew already. (Walks past Scott.) Hi ya, bro. Can I hold him?

Ofcourse. (She hands Alex his nephew.)

(Shows Nathan off to his girlfriend Polaris.) I'm officially kidnapping him. (He starts walking off with Polaris to show Nathan off to everybody at the school.)

Alex. Wait.

Scott. It's ok. Let him play with his nephew. He's alright.


Are you back for good this time?

Yep. After all this place has always been home.

Because you have always been too much of a teacher's pet to ever leave.

(Turns to see Wolverine eyeing Madz.) Logan.


Madelyne. Logan. Logan. Madelyne. (Sees Wolverine still looking at her.) Dont start this crap again.

What? Dont worry. She dont even smell the same. Nice to meet ya darlin. (Walks off back into the house.)

(Later on in the day. He's walking through the hallways and down into the hidden parts underneath looking gloomy without his wings.)

(Walking generally in the same way with Colossus.) Hey Warren. What you up to?

Bobby, Peter. Well honestly Im feeling a bit ground bound if you know what I mean. I don't know how to explain it. I miss being up there. The wind. The freedom of flying. So I asked Storm if I could borrow the jet and go to Muir Island. Atleast the ride will get me into the air again. I hope.

Excellent. Do you mind if we tag along? I wanted to see how Katya was doing anyways.

Alright, road trip. Um, I mean flight trip?

I just have to grab some things from my room. I'll be right back.

Ok, Bobby will help me with the pre flight. Let's just get a move on ok? (Angel and Bobby enter a smaller jet than the Xjet, but fitted to seat atleast 5 people.)

Scene Three
Somewhere in a high class Washington, D.C. meeting place with high and mighty people of the federal government. Bolivar Trask walks in with Cameron Hodge and Donald Pierce.

Councilman 1
Trask. Why have you asked to meet with us?

Gentleman. I introduce to you my friends and allies, Cameron Hodge and Donald Pierce. As you well know I have been trying to convince the president that mutants need to be controlled. Yes we may have lost Senator Kelly's vote and that was a big blow, but we need to push this through. Do any of you want something happening again like on the Alcatraz Island incident?

Mutants are out there. They rise in power as we speak. You all know that there has been atleast two attempts against our government already. What happens when more follow those mutant terrorist like Magneto?

We are merely asking for the funds to be ready when it does. I myself am a well known businessman around the world. But I am also one of the foremost doctors in robotic engineering. If we knew we were backed by the government. We could do far better than our weak defense of Alcatraz Island, my friends.

So what say you all? I'm going to keep the presidents nose down on the registration act until he gets so tired of looking at it that he will have to choice but to sign it. And then we will already be ready for them this time.

Councilman 1
We will have to discuss this matter internally ofcourse, before such decisions are made.

Oh but ofcourse gentlemen. Then we will be on our way. But before we leave, we have a little presentation for you all to look at. (Hands each of the council members sitting around the meeting table a folder with red stamped letters that read top secret. Then the trio retreats through the door they came in at.)

What do you think Trask? They didn't give us too much of an oppertunity. (Walking down the hallways of the government installation.)

Have you guys heard on the news recently that a new found island calling itself Genosha saying that they are considering being mutant friendly? What is that about?

I have heard of the news. What an interesting way to get people to come to their island? What do they hope to accomplish?

I'm not even thinking of them at the moment. Pierce. How fairs your people scouting that school of Strykers? Any luck?

Actually I just got bad news earlier today. If my reports are correct, then a certain red haired lady has just returned to that school.

What? Damn McCoy. He assured me she was dead. Obviously his loyalties lie elsewhere. (Thinks for a bit.) Alright Pierce. Go ahead and infiltrate that so called school and finish what Stryker couldn't. Kill that red haired demon girl before she incinerates another tourist attraction. Maybe this time it will be a city. That way the president would have to sign that damn registration act. She's too dangerous to live.

Ahh, yes. Gladly. Besides I have a certain Lady in waiting who would like nothing better than some sweet revenge. (He departs from the duo, smiling a sly grin.)

Scene Four
In a back alleyway in New York, kids are playing soccer kicking the ball back and forth. Suddenly there's a brief bright light.

(Comes out of the light in an offensive rolling manuever that scares all the kids.) What the hell? It worked? (He gives himself some time to reorrient himself because the last thing he remembers is being attacked by sentinels tearing away the ceiling and walls around him and Wolverine getting blasted while Forge pushed him inside.) What am I doing here? Is this where I'm suppose to stop something from happening to prevent the future? Damn. I don't even know what to do here. (Just realizing something.) How the hell am I suppose to get back? Oh yeah Forge. Great idea. Throw the guy who doesn't know what's going on into the time portal without telling him what the [frick] is going on and how to get back. Shard. Man. Shard I will find a way back to you my sister. (He walks out to the bustling modern day city.) Hmm. (He spots a telephone booth and looks inside at the phone book.) I hope I can get it from here. We weren't called the Xavier Security Enforcers for nothing. Maybe if I can find him, I can find Wolverine and find out what's going on. (He flips through the book and finds the Xavier estates address he remembers from school.) Found you.

Scene Five
Storm and a few of the Xmen are dressed in their sunday best attire for what it looks like some kind of meeting between Storm and a voluptuous blonde bombshell dressed in all white.

Come on Ororo. Be reasonable here. You won't get a finer offer than what I'm suggesting. Seriously, with Xavier gone, your biggest financial backer is gone as well. Even Worthington Industries has fallen back. What I'm offering is combining the two schools. Not a total takeover here. Your place as headmistress of the Xavier Academy will stand. It's just that my decision will be final on all the financial dealings. That's all. My school is backed by several of the richest people in the world. With my help we might even get Worthington Industries back.

I'm sorry Emma. But I have to respectfully decline. The Xavier Institute will stand as the sole heart of Charles Xavier himself. He raised the school, built it and it shall remain to him always. So I'm sorry, but I will have to walk away from your offer to buy.

(A little frustrated at Storm for refusing her. She's not use to not getting her way, so she tries to ease herself mentally into the mind of Storm. To simply coerce her to say yes.)

(Well trained from Xavier, she instantly activates her powers and creates mental static. She now turns to Frost, eyes white and crackling with energy.) It is nice to know that another female mutant is in charge as headmistress, but the answer is and shall remain no. Now I said No respectfully. That's the last time. (Things turn cloudy dark for a second outside the window, and electricity shoots throught the storm clouds within eye sight of Emma. A thunderous boom of thunder outside the window, as Storm and the other Xmen exit the boardroom and head to the elevator.)

(Now really frustrated that she couldn't get to Storm and seeing the power she wields. Pierce and Shaw both walk up behind her, as she looks out the window to the now clearing storm clouds.)

What happen Frost? I thought you said that it was guaranteed that we would have that school?

You failed us White Queen. (Said kind of sneeringly.) I think this is the first time you ever failed to do as you say.

Tread carefully Emma. The Inner Circle doesn't take failures too keenly. (Shaw and Pierce leave Frost by the window.)

(Walking away half glad at Frost's failure.) I have things to do so I will leave you with your recent failure. Maybe I will handle things myself.

(Tries to reach the school telepathically. You see her astral form flying super fast over buildings and trees. She flies quickly towards the Xavier Institute, until her astral projection runs into what it seems to be an invisible wall. An unseen force repells her.) Ugh. I still can't seem to penetrate their defenses. And Ororo's mutant abilities make it extremely hard for me to manipulate. What are they hiding in there? (She looks down through the window as the Xmen get into their car.)

(Getting into the car and greeted by Psylocke.)

Storm. That's definitely the psi print that has been trying to breach our defenses. She just tried again while we were leaving. I don't think I can easily keep her out anymore and stay hidden. She's too powerful for that. She's an extremely powerful psi. Maybe even better than me. Probably on Xavier's level.

It's ok Betsy. You've done well enough. But I've had Beast and Kitty working on something since the first time you started having trouble keeping her out. (The car moves forward as the leave back to the Xavier Institute.)

Scene Six
On Muir Island, the Beast is on a video call home to Storm.

I understand Ororo. I am over at Muir Island to help Xaviers condition but I have had the time to finsih the psi program with Kitty and Forge. It really is a piece of work. Kitty somehow had the idea to use Cerebro. Cerebro of all things. Hah, she is definitely an inspiration.

How are things over there anyway? Any good news?

(Phazes up through the floor behind Beast just as she says that and waves hello to Storm.) Wala. (She does a fake bowing.)

Well yes. We have found the solution to Kitty's dilemna. And an interesting fact about both her and the Marauder named Harpoon. You see Harpoons weapon of choice is well, the harpoon, but his real mutant power is to disrupt on a cellular level. This usually causes the mutants own power to burn out, killing the mutant. How much control he had I could only hypothesize. It is likely that he could use his energy to stun, paralyze, explode or even disintegrate an object. In Kitty's case here, it reacted to her own mutant abilities. Since she can control her stability to literally pass through solid objects, it somehow reversed the way her power works.

(Interrupting the Beast to avoid his rant.) So long story short Storm, I just have to reverse how I use my powers. (She sees Colossus, Angel and Bobby walk through the doors.) Peter. (She runs towards him.)

(Surprised but happy she is out of the containment unit.) Kitty. How?

Did you bring me something?

Ofcourse. (He takes a painting from behind his back and gives it to her, making her shriek with joy.)

Sorry Hank, but we are going to need that psi program.

It's ok. I will tell them we will be heading back as soon as we can. See you in a bit. (Turns off the screen.)

Scene Seven
It's night time at the Institute as Bishop is seen walking up to the front gates.

(Walking carefully up to the gates, not knowing what to expect. He jumps over the stone wall and avoids the security camera, but one farther towards the school, hidden, picks him up. It sends a silent alarm to the Xmens war room. Unknowingly he still tries to sneak in, trying to be avoidable. He makes his way deeper into the school where he comes up on Gambit who was walking down the hall.)

(See's the hi tech rifle and somehow thinks he's there to take him back where Stryker's Island or another one has sprung up.)

(Before Gambit can ask him anything, Bishop acts aggressively.) You? What are you doing here?

(Confused.) What? What are you doing?

(Reaches for his rifle and fires a couple of times at the evasive Gambit. Gambit dodges and blocks some of the guns energy bolts with his staff. He charges some cards and throws them at Bishop but to his surprise, Bishop absorbs the energy and shoots it back at Gambit through his hand.)

(She sees Gambit jump out of the way of the blast and looks at the mutant that she doesn't know. She grabs Bishop from his hands.) Now what's going on here?

(Surprised to see how strong she is. For such a little pretty girl, she has a grip like a vice. He can't get free so he channels all the remaining energy he absorbed earlier and uses it to blast Rogue in one quick explosion that blasts her away from him. Now more Xmen who have heard the commotion run over.)

(Her lightning at her fingertips, ready to fry Bishop.)

I got him Storm. (Ruby beams shoot from his visor and strike Bishop right in the back, launching him face first into the wall in front of him.)

(Sits up and turns to fire Cyclops' own ruby colored beams out of his eyes right back at Cyclops. Everybody scatters except Scott her stands there and nothing happens.)

Im immune to my own blasts, mutant. And as Im speculating, you can absorb and rechannel energy.

(Jumps from out of nowhere and lands on the unsuspecting Bishop. They tangle for a bit but Wolverine is just too good for him. Bishop lands on the floor as Wolverine takes the feet from under Bishop and drives an adamantium enforced knee into his chest. Wolverine looks down at Bishop and three razor sharp adamantium claws come inches from Bishops face.) Well let's see if he can absorb these.

Wait. Wolverine. I know you.

Well I don't know you, bub.

That's because when we met it was the year 2085.

Oh now I know you must be crazy. Say goodnight future boy.

Logan wait. (Using her psi powers to decipher the truth in his mind. She sees the old and gray Wolverine, Kitty, and Forge.) Logan. He's telling the truth.

(Let's him up slowly.) Dont tell me your believing all this quantum leap mumbo jumbo.

What I see is inside his mind Logan. And his memories are real. He is from the future. But the future he comes from is horrible. How can things go that badly?

Cool. Um, can I get some stock tips?

Then, why attack Gambit? How does he fit into your future?

Well in my time he's the leader of the Thieves Guild. They are a lawless bunch that steal from anybody.

(Standing a little behind Scott, as she suddenly gets a huge headache that almost knocks her unconscious.)


Scott. Take her to the Med room.

(Picks her up and carries her into the med room.)

Beast and Moira are still at Muir Island with Xavier. Maybe we should take her to the hospital? After all she's not a mutant so she will be fine there. (A little later as they make their way out the front doors into their car, it doesn't go unnoticed by a pair of hi tech binoculars.)

(Working on something with Hodge, when the video cam pops up.) Yes?

Scout 1
Pierce. The red haired mutant is heading to the hospital.

Oh? (Thinking.) Now is the perfect time to get at her. Get the Reavers together. We will come up with a plan. (He looks at Hodge as he nods in agreement.)

Scene Seven
Later the next day, Scott wakes to things floating around the room and a shaking room.

(Looks at Madz in shock as he has flashbacks of Jean's powers. He looks down at Madz who is having a nightmare.)

(Wakes with a start as things in the room come crashing down. She holds her head again having another headache.)

It's okay Madz. Go back to sleep. You were just having a nightmare. Shhh. Go back to sleep. (As Madz turns to go back to sleep, Cyclops turns out of earshot of her and activates his comlink.) Storm. This is Cyclops. We have a problem here. Bring Hank.

Storm voice over comlink
Alright. Be there as fast as we can.

(Walks into a huge gymnasium type structure. Huge in space. There a work out equipment everywhere. Regular looking ones and ones that seem very futuristically advanced. Gymnastic equipment even fit in this great space across from the workout side. Storm walks up into a crowd and see's the Beast underneath a futuristic bench press machine.)

(Lifts an incredible amount of weight to awes and oh's of the crowd.)

(Spots Colossus staring off into space, but follows his gaze to see Kitty in a dance practice class and playing around with her girlfriends.) Hey Petey. Get in here and show the old furball how it's done. Work on the old throwing arm, huh?

(Wolverine breaking him out of his seemingly longing stare. He walks over as the Beast agilely gets up from under the press machine. He lays down where the Beast once was.)

Careful there Pete. Some mutants can't turn their powers on and off as easily as some others, son. Maybe you should turn your armored self for this?

(He looks at the Beast and smiles as he easily lifts the extreme amount of weight to even higher awes of the crowd. He slips up from the bench machine and notices Kitty walking off with her friends.) And that's how it's done. (He smiles at the crowd and gives the Beast a friendly slap on the shoulder as he chases after Kitty.) Kitty. Hey wait up.

Ow. Who knew he would be so strong in his human form? (Wolverine smiles and shruggs as Storm remembers why she's there.)

Scott called. He needs help. We gotta get there quick. It seems there's more to Madelyn than we thought.

I'll gather the troops.

Scene Eight
A couple of hi tech soldiers creep up and look through binoculars at Madz hospital room. They spot Madz in bed, with a pacing Cyclops and Storm sitting in the chair next to the bed. A doctor in a white doctors lab coat is clacking away at the computer in the room.

(Disguised as a doctor by his image inducer, he sits at the computer looking over the results of the lab tests and comparing between his own of Jean Grey's on his laptop set up on the side.) Remarkable. Her DNA is a genetic match for Jean. How can this be?

What? What do you mean? She's like Jean's clone?

I don't know how but she is. Well 98% a match. There would be room for little changes like facial structure or some other minor differences. That's why she resembles Jean I suppose.

Who would do this? Who could have done this? I mean it's impossible. Madelyn is a genetic what? Clone of Jean?

Well they would of had to imprint her own memories. So to her she doesn't even know Jean. She still is Madelyn.

And what of her powers? I mean since she is a genetic match, she would have the same powers?

She does possess the X gene. It is probable that she would have, yes. (At that moment, a gas caninster crashes through the window and fills the room with smoke.)

(Uses her powers to clear the room of smoke out of the busted window.)

(Before any of them can react, there's a gunshot that rings through the air and stops mid air before Madz. She raised a telekinetic shield at the right moment, but grasps her head again as her head starts to pound again.)

(Fires his optic blasts in the general direction of the bullet, even though he can't really see where it came from.) We have to get her out of here. (He uses the com to activate the other xmen waiting around.) Wolverine. We're under fire up here.

Wolverine voice over comlink
Yeah Cyke. We have picked them up.

We've been made people. Let's go. Kill that red haired mutant and anyone who comes in between. Let's go Reavers. (The Reavers and Xmen clash.)

(Puts up an ice wall to shield the Xmen from their guns.)

(Isn't really that impressed with their guns as the bounce off her and Colosssus' armored form, as the go about smashing through the Reavers mechanical defenses.)

(Having a ball as he tears his own way through the Reavers until he gets kicked in the face from around the building corner.)

Lady Deathstrike
(Steps out from around the corner.) Logan.

(Looks like he's seen a ghost.) Yuriko. Look. I know what it looks like. But you didn't give me a chance. You just attacked.

Lady Deathstrike
(Doesn't want to hear it as she lunges at Wolverine, claws popping from her fingertips.) And you will never get the chance. Thought you killed me back there in the underground labs didn't you? Where you just left me there?

Look Yuriko. You attacked me. You didn't give me a choice. (All this talking is done as he bobs and weaves around Deathstrikes attackes.)

Lady Deathstrike
It doesn't matter now. Now you die. (What follows is a bunch of claw to claw fighting underlined with swift martial arts strikes and kicks.)

(Seems to be in a commandering mood as he just barely dodges out of the way of Cyclops beam and walks up to Colossus who just throws one of the Reavers like nothing.) You filthy mutant. You think you are better than me? (He throws a haymaker at Colossus as theres a metal to metal cling.)

(Unaffected he just stands there, but Pierce tries to grab at him. Colossus doesn't want to hurt a human so he just holds Pierce at bay in a mercy type of hold. He notices that his hand is damaged and sparking. He really looks and sees that his arm is metallic. Robotic even. The gears of Pierces arms are running at maximum capacity but Colossus easily over powers it and rips one of them off at the elbow.)

(Screams in pain.) Arggh. You mutant freak. What have you done? (He calls for a retreat as he holds his sparking, damaged robotic arm. Running off thanks to some heavy cavalry retreat fire.) You won't see the last of me mutants. I will return.

Lady Deathstrike
(Hears the retreat sound and doesnt want to go but she knows she has to as the fight with Wolverine is going nowhere. She manages a smoke powder out of a pouch at her lower back and throws it in Logans eyes.)

(By the time his vision clears, Lady Deathstrike is already gone. He rejoins the Xmen that have regrouped.)

Is it ol Remy or does he look familiar, no?

Yeah. He was at Emma Frost's school.

Well I guess it's time to rethink her proposition huh?

(Smiles as she knows what he wants.) Ofcourse. It's time I think to arrange a meeting with good Ms. Frost.

I think that's our cue to get, y'all. I hear sirens. (They all agree and clamor into two of their special vans and peel out before the cops get there.)

(Notices the piece of robotic arm still in Colossus hand.) Amazing. Mind if I look at that Pete?

Not at all. Here. (Throws it to Beast.)

Exsquisite. This robotic arm is highly advanced even on the military level. Forge will have to look at this.

Scene Nine
At a rundown, undisclosed place the Reavers are disgusted at their own failure at their loss to the Xmen.

(Trying to fix his destroyed robotic arm.) Arggh. Look what that filthy mutant did to my beautiful arm. Oh, they will pay for this. And Deathstrike. Where were you? I thought you said that you would kill Wolverine the next time you met?

Lady Deathstrike
Don't you dare blame me for your insufferable limb or I will make sure you are missing another one.

(Enraged at the threat from Deathstrike.) What? You dare? Who is it that saved you from your watery tomb? Who is it that gave you those upgraded bionics so you could move again? Hmm? Now you dare to threaten me? (Now during their heated debate, energy crackles and a weird opening starts to split the very air itself.)

(Opens the portal the rest of the way and steps through to see the confused Reavers, jumping for cover.) Now, now my friends. Do not be alarmed. My name is Trevor Fitzroy and I came to help.

Help with what? Give me one good reason why I shouldn't blast you where you stand?

Because I can help and I can. (He see's the hand made of spare parts that Pierce was working on and picks it up. He reaches for a disk from a compartment in his pants and gives it to Pierce.) I am from the future. And that my friend is future technology you can use.

(Plugs it into his computer and the schematics of a bunch of future weapons and applications flash over the screen.) Amazing. I've never seen anything like this. This is far advanced than what I was planning with Hodge and Trask. This is going to blow their minds.

Now as I was saying. Im tracking a mutant through the time stream. And my little associate here, who I was lucky to run into in my imprisoned hell, can somehow see where my time portals go. And he says Bishop should be here. I have escaped from my years prison just to kill that miserable bastard who incarcerated me.

(But Pierce is half listening as he already applies one of the schematics on the disk to his arm, and it seems to reattach and replicate on it's own. He smiles an evil smile.)
Alright everyone. How about upgrades?

You do know it's rude to ignore someone who just gave you the future don't you?

I am listening. You are a teleporter huh? Even make jumps through time? Like Chronomancing?

(Thinks that he like the word chronomancer.) Chronomancer? I like it.

(The evil smile returns.) I have just the place to teleport. Just give us a second to regroup.

Lady Deathstrike
(Walks over to Pierce.) What are you doing?

Relax. I'm going to use him to gain control of the Inner Circle. And then we will find this Bishop or whoever he's talking about. It will be extremely easier if we had the Inner Circles resources to do so.

Scene Ten
Out in the middle of nowhere, where all you can see is snow and ice. Out of the blinding snowstorm you see a group of people forcing themselves through the snow.

(Walks up to the leader.) Apologies master. But your people back here are losing hope. They are freezing out here. Some doubt that we will ever get out of this storm. They have come to me and asked me to ask you if you are certain of this path?

(Stopping to look around.) Quite sure, Cortez. (He turns to speak to his follower.) Patience my Acolytes. We are almost there. Do you see the base of those mountains? (He points to a huge mountain, and the base of it is gigantic even.) At the base of those mountains lies our destination. We are close brothers. Come. (He turns and cuts a straight line to where he just pointed. Everybody picks up the pace with renewed vigor. They make it to a cave in the base of the mountain he pointed to. They walk inside and instantly feel a heat running through it.)

(Stripping off his snow gear.) Amazing. How can this cave be so hot, when it's surroundings are nothing but snow and ice?

Come my Acolytes. It's just a little further. Through this cave. (They walk farther into the cave as more of the Acolytes strip their snow gear off and follow. They walk out of the cave into a completely different place. This strange land looks like it comes straight out of a text book Dinosaur book. Magneto turns to face his people.) I would like to introduce you all to a unique and savage land.

Scene Eleven
Cyclops, Madz, Storm, Beast, Wolverine, Bishop, Gambit, Rogue, Psylocke and Colossus are at Emma Frosts school. Emma doesn't seem to trust them as she has her students here as well.

(See's Cyclops.) I see the tales of your death are misleading, huh?

It looks like it.

Well let's get on to business then. (She takes out the folder with all the necessary papers to sign.)

(Standing next to another big member of the Hellions. But for some unknown reason he starts to resent the fact that he's standing so close and staring at him.) What's your problem?

(Starts to feel the same way.) My problem is that you think your school is just soo much better than ours, huh?

And what if I do? (Both members are practically face to face about to fight.)

(Walks out and past another mutant.) Empath. Stop it. We're not here to cause trouble.

I just wanted to see who would win? Our Beef or their Colossus. Which one is stronger? I think Beef is.

Now isn't the time for such things. They are not to be underestimated. (She replies through the mind, instead of words.)

(Suddenly feeling like normal, he walks away to stand by Beast.)

(Surveying the room, he has a suspicion that the mutant Frost was talking to somehow made that happen.)

(Walks back into the conference room, where Scott and Storm are with the papers.) So? Shall we have a drink to future success?

Actually we want to know where your colleague Pierce, I think his name is?

Pierce? I have no idea actually. Why do you want to know about Pierce? He's an insignificant little man.

We only came here to find him. We want answers lady. I want to know why he attacked me and my wife yesterday. Him and his techno soldiers attacked us at a hospital.

(Looks kinda shocked.) I dont know what you are implying but I had nothing to do with it. I have no idea why he would attack you and your wife. (She looks to Shaw, who merely shruggs that he doesn't know either. Then, just as she was going to speak again, the same wierd portal opens up in the huge living area. Both the Hellions and the Xmen are forced to stand on one side.)

(Walks through the portal with Pierce and the Reavers.)

Pierce? What is the meaning of this?

Well hello all. I think it's time I bid for ruling control over the Inner Circle.

Like hell you will. Hellions. Tear them apart.

(See's Trevor and goes for him. Taking out his rifle and exchanging fire with Trevor.)

(Activates his armor and holds the room at bay with his arsenal of weapons.)

Lady Deathstrike
(Goes for Wolverine, but gets stopped by Psylocke. The two of them test their martial art skills fighting back and forth.)

(Surprised that the Xmen were there.) Reavers. Attack that red haired demon. She must die.

Me? Why me?

Get behind me Madz.

(Thinks to herself why Pierce is so interested with Madz so she uses her mental might to ease herself into the mind of Madz, but to her surprise she encounters resistance.)

(Turns to face Emma.) Stay out of my head.

(Fires his optic blasts defensively, just trying to keep them away from Madz. It's mass confusion as the Reavers try to fight the Hellions, and the Hellions fight the Xmen, and the Xmen fight the Reavers. Everybody is just going after whoever they dont call a teammate and is closest to attack.)

(Using alot of her telepathic strength to try and get through Madz resistance, sensing her lack of skills. But what she see's next is unexpected. She see's the fiery form of the Phoenix take shape in Madz mind and it is powerful enough to mentally toss Emma back into the wall behind her. She stands up to see a seething Madz, telekinetically lift and throw an expensive couch at her. Emma switches to her diamond form and tears the couch in half before reverting to normal and renewing her mental assault at Madz.)

(Awakes in a telekinetic bubble that somehow shatters when she awakes. Not knowing where she is, she doesn't care as she's called to another place. She breaks free of the bonds that were keeping her telekinetic bubble and flies up through the ceiling. She hits the sky looking like she has Phoenix fire wings.)

Nasty Boys
(They all run into the room and see it's a mess, with a missing Jean.)

Gorgeous George
Sinister's going to be pissed.

--Back at the Xmansion, there's an explosion at Jean's burial site. You see a fiery type of energy lift off and vanish into the sky.

(Notices that he's kind of close to Trevor. He runs at him thinking that he can overpower Trevor close up.)

(Punch Beef hard, using his tech advanced armor and blasts Beef right out the window.)

(He goes out the window and bounces off the building next to the window and falls screaming to the streets.)

(Realizes that he needs more energy, he goes around absorbing energy from the Hellions that are closest to him. He makes a bigger portal this time.) Bishop. You are going to like this one. This is specially for you. (He opens a portal to his time inside the jail walls. Futuristic prisoners from Bishop and Trevor's time run through, but seem to be panicked and scatter once they go through.)

(Trying to fire and keep from getting hit, he recognizes some of the bio energy coming through. And one in particular as a white hot beam comes through.) Trevor. You need to shut the portal down, now.

You would like that wouldn't you?

Listen. You are going to let the sentinels through. Close it.

(Looks back at the panicked guards and inmates of the prison and sees that a sentinel is pushing its way through.)

Close it or we are all going to die.

(He tries to close it, but one of the sentinels is able to make it's way through. The buildings in tatters and the sentinel is too heavy for the level, so they all fall through the floor to the bottom level and the fight takes to the streets.)

(Just starts firing at every mutant it detects, doing what it's programmed to do.)

(Siphons more energy from some of the captured Hellions that the Reavers had and opens another portal. What's left of the Reavers and Lady Deathstrike run through and disappear.) Bye bye Bishop. Doubt that you will escape. I had wanted to drain your life energy myself but I guess this will have to do.

Pierce. You're just going to leave us?

And why shouldn't I? I'm going to be the new leader of the Inner Circle. Especially with you two gone. (Walks through the portal and vanishes with Trevor.)

(Forming a plan in his head while under attack in this mass confusion. Everybody ducking, dodging and trying to escape from the Sentinel. He also has the psi fight going on behind him with Madz and Emma. He activates his comlink.) Colossus, Beast, Psylocke, and Storm. You guys are in charge of rescuing what's left of the Hellions. The rest gather on me. We need to take control of this situation. (The Sentinel fires a blast from his hand at Madz, but Cyclops counters with his optic blasts that cancels them out.) Listen. I have a plan.

(Distracts the Sentinel by causing mini explosions that detonate on metal plating, blowing huge holes in it with his cards, but not enough to stop it completely.)

(Shoots a little metal coil out of it's fingertip towards Gambit.)

(Intercepts it and catches the metal cable. She's strong enough to throw the Sentinel up over her head to crashing it down on it's metallic back with the sound of a metal train wreck.)

(Jumps down onto the sentinel and just starts to shred into it's chest and anything that's close to his claws.)

(Helps out Wolverine by blasting away at the giant robot with his gun until the robotic eyes burn out and it's stops moving.)

(Rocked back again by a violent outburst from Madz. But this time she truly looks worried.) Scott?

What do you want witch?

Look, I just wanted to see why Pierce wanted her dead so badly. But, umm, I think I might have pushed past a psychic barrier from something calling itself the Phoenix. But the Phoenix entity seemed to be called someplace else, but it has left a hungry void. Terrible things are emenating.

(Stunned.) What? (Turns around and see's a change in Madz.) What did you do? (The change is looking very similar to the change of the Phoenix of X3. But this time even her clothes take on a darker costume.) Madz. It's okay. It's over now.

(Looking very eerily at Cyclops.) Madelyn Pryor is no longer. This time it's the rise of the Goblin Queen. (Power emenates from her now as modern things take demonic shapes. Even everyday stuff like lamp posts and mail boxes seemingly come alive in demonic forms. The Xmen who are trying to protect the Hellions are now defending themselves from demonic entities.)

(Pleading to Madz.) Madelyn. Look what your doing.

She's not going to listen. Maybe this will bring her to her senses. (She transforms into her diamond state and punches as hard as she can, landing right on Madz face.)

(Her face doesn't even move as if there was some kind of telekinetic forcefield stopping it. Then, using the same energy around her fist, he plants her fist into the diamond hard stomach of Frost that sends her feet skidding back and into the car behind them.)

(Gets up and tries using her telepathy on her. But now Madz is way more powerful. She seems to be destroying things at will.)

(Uses her telepathy on her as well as both her and Emma team up to try and take her, but barely manage to stay even.)

(See's energy gather in the sky as three different fire types of energy merge into one fiery phoenix and lands next to him. He's shocked that it's Jean.) Jean?

Scott. It's me. I promise this time.

(See's Jean and her powers go through the roof. She easily knocks back Frost and Psylocke.) Well if it isn't the beloved Jean. Welcome to my Inferno.

This ends now. (She uses the totality of her powers and they clash against the total power of Madz. They are both pulled into a psychic battle.)

(For some reason, Scott gets pulled into this as well. Scott see's Jean destroying everything thats put in front of her by Madz.)

(Has the upper hand due to her skill and pure power. She's killing Madz through every memory they fall through and Cyclops is there for the ride. Memories of when she first met Scott. Dates with Scott. The marriage with Scott. And finally baby Nathan. Now it seems as if Madz is pleading with Cyclops to help her, but he can't. But He doesn't even know if he would help her against Jean. Jean, his true love. Madz seems to understand this, and suddenly gives up allowing the phoenix force to kill her.)

(Disappears in flames.)

(Using her psychic abilities to shield the minds of everyone around and let's them all escape with an exhausted Jean. They clamour into their cars and take off.)


(Was left with the whole clean up mess. She talks to the cops, while firefighters try to put out the fires. She tries to smooth over everything and uses her powers when she see's fit.)

Scene Twelve
Back in the President council room, the Board is talking with the president.

This would be the perfect time for the Mutant Registration Act. Look what they have done to that city block.

(Walks in and takes a seat next to Hodge, Gyrich, and Trask. They are watching photos and videos of the mutant machine.)

I thought that the Registration Act and Program Sentinel were not authorized yet.

We haven't. We are just in the development stages, sir. That isn't Project Sentinel. It's a bit smaller than our original schematics. But it's a shame those mutants destroyed it. It did eliminate alot of those mutant terrorists before it fell. We have rumors that other countries have been interested in the Sentinel programming. Maybe it's a foreign robot?

As did alot of innocent bystanders and buildings. I'm still going to have to decline for the safety of the general public. Now I have to ensure the public that it wasn't us that launched that thing. (Pierce, Hodge, Trask and Gyrich all get up and walk away disappointed.)

Come on. Follow me. I have a surprise for you all. (They walk around a corner where Fitzroy is standing and they all vanish. What they walk into the portal and out the other side, they see the dismantled robot.) Once I reverse engineer this thing we can even the score with those mutants. (He looks around as they all smile and nod. Only Fitzroy and Pierce know the truth about where or I should say when the sentinel came.)

Scene Nine
Back at the Xmansion

(Opens her eyes as she sees Scott next to her. She see's the crib in her room as she walks over and looks down at Nathan. Madz memories flash in her head and her confusion ends. She picks up Nathan and goes to open the door to walk outside, but the sound wakes Scott up.)


Yes, Scott. It really is me.

How? (He sees her holding Nathan and sadness creeps over him.)

(Senses in her head what Scott is feeling and sends her warm thoughts to him. Somehow their minds have been psi linked together.) Don't worry. I have all of Madz memories. An evil man may have cloned her from me, but I am Nathan's mother.

(He starts to say something else, but can't find the words.)

(Telepathically reassures Scott and says that he doesnt have to say anything. She already knows. They walk into eachother's arms and hug. Then, they start to kiss as Jean telekinetically closes the door with her hand.)

(Just outside the door, he turns and walks away down the hallway with his head hung kinda low.)

Scene Ten
Magneto and his Acolytes come upon an ancient looking citadel.

Well now. What's this? This wasn't here before. Get ready for anything. Who knows what traps the person who built this has. (As soon as they walk in, heavy defenses are displayed but rendered useless to Magneto. He uses his power to crush all the weapons and deactivate them. They manage their way to what looks like one of the main chambers with a fantastic view of the savage land. Magneto spots an ancient looking Egyptian sarcophagus. He uses his powers to float it over to him and lay it down on the floor. But it locks down where Magneto put it, seeing there was a distinct whole to put it in. The coffin opens and Exodus opens his eyes.)

I am Exodus. Beware the awakening of Apocalypse.

The End.

Hidden Scene
An ancient looking rock skinned mutant still dressed in ancient egyptian clothes seems to be in a cave somewhere scrawling onto the wall. He is drawing ancient texts.

Incredible. It has begun. (The strange writing on the wall behind him starts to take shape. It forms to read Rise of the Apocalypse.)

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Rumblebeast - 3/18/2010, 12:52 AM
wow....i posted this in the morning and still no one has even commented?? I guess nobody liked it huh?
Scarface - 3/18/2010, 3:13 AM
I don,t think people want to read a script
I started to read and stoped right away.
Maybe a good detailed plot outline would have been good
add a good well thought out cast, originality is key
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