MrDonut Presents: 'The Batman'

MrDonut Presents: 'The Batman'

An alternate fan cast for the Dark Knight

By MrDonut - Feb 25, 2014 12:02 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

With my previous casts I’ve always cast actors who are/were young for a younger/earlier take on the characters I cast them as, but this time round, I thought try my hand at casting older actors as older and more established versions of characters in a more established and slightly more faithful (to the New 52) take on an older universe. Now, as I’ve already done a fair few casts, I’ll admit to have recycled certain actors and actresses here from my previous DC casts as different characters, but that’s because this cast is different from my previous casts; essentially they’re not part of the same cinematic universe- this is just an older cast for an older and more established cinematic universe. So, like before I’ve maintained my generic view with casting so, rather than cast one specific film entry in a franchise I decided to cast of characters I’d expect to be around in essentially a 10-15 year window of Batman’s existence, and who will hopefully crop up in his future films.

Now, before I get started I’d just like to mention majority of my casting decisions were made prior to Ben Affleck and Jeremy Irons were cast for Batman v Superman or whatever it's called, so admittedly I haven’t cast them (at least in the roles they have been as), but as for the supporting cast here? Well, to be honest, I believe most of them would work equally well alongside them in the inevitable next Batman film. So personally, I hope they go for something that is tonally a little more in line with New 52 and a cross between Tim Burton’s Batman and Chris Nolan’s Batman Begins, why? Well, personally speaking, this in my mind is the best approach to take with the character given that it’d be a perfect marriage of the best elements of the character’s history combined.

So, given that I’m casting for a 10-15 year window, rather than start with a new origin story for the Dark Knight though, I’d expect to be introduced to a very well established Batman; basically the a Batman in his peak, who’s earned Gotham’s respect and is essentially the current comic book incarnation of the character- think a cross between the Batman from Batman: Hush and Scott Snyder’s most recent rendition of the character. As Warner Bros. are already going for an older Batman, this kind of take on the character, I think, would be the best way to make a very badass and different Batman for the big screen.


Anson Mount as Bruce Wayne/The Batman

As mentioned above, I’m looking forward to Ben Affleck taking on the role, but he was nowhere near my 1st choice for an older Batman; that honour instead goes to Mount. He’s a pretty underrated actor, I admittedly was mainly introduced to him via his work in Hell On Wheels but he proved his talents there very well. He can play rough, tough and gruff and is very badass and very capable with drama, and is also capable of playing, cold, ruthless, smart, smooth and suave with ease too as seen in his work in Safe. So, put simply, I think Mount could’ve brought a great balance to the character and really just shined with portraying the detective/master strategist/intelligent aspect of the character and essentially, be the happy medium between Michael Keaton’s take on the character and Christian Bale’s and Nolan’s.

Only other thing I’d like to mention though, is with the suit, whilst there has been all sorts of rumours floating around, I personally would love to look a cross between the New 52 and Arkham Origins suit (with the latter of the two taking more precedence), albeit with the black and yellow colouration – Click Here to See

Jonathan Hyde as Alfred Pennyworth

Like with Affleck as Batman, whilst I’m looking forward to Irons in the role, I initially had someone different in mind; Jonathan Hyde. So, just want to mention, I personally am more a fan of the gruffer and tougher Alfred we’ve seen more and more lately, but it has to be said Hyde would actually be perfect as the classy and suave incarnation we were all raised on (and essentially what I originally expected to be the case). I’ve seen him in a fair few things now and it’s safe he’s a very talented actor; he’s been praised critically for both his theatre and film work. Regardless of this, I cast him here ultimately because of two things; he looks the part and he essentially played a lighter incarnation of the character before in Richie Rich. So, if cast, I think like Hyde would be able to work brilliantly as a smooth and suave father figure to the obviously, rougher Batman.

Lennie James as Lucius Fox

James is very underrated and underappreciated actor, I’ve seen him in a fair few things now and it’s pretty clear he’d be a strong candidate to rival Morgan Freeman. He’s versatile; capable with both comedy and drama and is just genuinely quite a likable personality- something which often shines through with his characters and works in their favour. Despite all that, James is admittedly closer in age to Mount (and even Affleck), but I still think he’d be a solid choice for the role as personally, I prefer Alfred to be the sole father-figure to Bruce and Lucius to be more of a childhood friend to Bruce or even a protégé of Thomas Wayne’s; something I think James could work well with. So, if I had my way, he’d definitely have a chance at the role.

Anyway, just wanted to mention, unlike the last take on the character, I want Fox to be portrayed next time round just as Bruce’s armorer; he should just make/provide the Batsuits, gadgets and vehicles whilst Bruce himself, does the detective work and science stuff; I think this would be a more realistic depiction of Batman’s intelligence and show that he can work without Fox’s aid to a degree.

Asa Butterfield as Damian Wayne/Robin

Butterfield is admittedly a little older than the character, but quite frankly he’s the only choice there is to me for the role. He’s just a really talented young actor who could bring a solid balance of light and darkness to the role, and can even elevate the worst material to something very watchable. Ultimately, I cast him because of his most recent turn in Ender’s Game where I thought he perfectly captured a lot of the attributes the character is known for. However, despite that, personally speaking, looking at him, especially with shorter hair, I think he’s a dead ringer for the character, especially if Damian was a little older.

Only other thing I’d like to mention is rather than give Robin a bright ‘shoot me, I’m a target’ costume, I’d expect the Boy Wonder (and the other Bat sidekicks too) to be given a similar coloured suit to the Dark Knight himself; again I’d like something in line with the Arkham Origins, thought with the colouration of the Young Justice stealth suits – Click Here to See

Imogen Poots as Stephanie Brown/Batgirl

I’ve seen Poots in a fair bit now and it’s pretty clear she’s a young actress to watch. She’s very cute, talented and has very bubbly kind of energy to her which I personally, associate with the character and think would work very well for her take on the character too. End of the day, like I said she’s talented, so I’d be willing to see what she could do in the role.

Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Barbara Gordon/Oracle

Finding a right fit for this role was pretty tough for me, but ultimately I cast Winstead due primarily to her work in Live Free or Die Hard and The Thing. Might seem like a strange choice of films to refer to when considering Winstead’s talents, but despite them getting poor/mixed receptions, Winstead shined throughout and displayed a lot of the traits the character is known for. She can play tough, intelligent, do drama, comedy and handle both dark and light material pretty well. Ultimately, I cast her though I think she could bring a lot of depth to the role and bring the right balance of intelligence and toughness, and in particular, play up the (post-Joker) survivor aspect of the character really well.

Garret Hedlund as Dick Grayson/Nightwing

Hedlund’s a rising up and comer, whilst some argue he had his ‘big break’ and failed (Tron: Legacy), I thought he did a serviceable job, but with recent roles he’s shown he’s really grown as an actor and can really handle much more weightier material as seen in The Road. Regardless, the way I see it, when you get down to basics, his character Sam Flynn from Tron: Legacy was essentially, a much more laid back version of Dick Grayson, so if given a chance, I think Hedlund could do great job as Nightwing and bring a good balance of charm and grit to the role too.

Alden Ehrenreich as Tim Drake/Redwing

Note: Red Robin is a kinda crappy superhero name, I mean, there’s a restaurant with the same name, and as it’s the character’s second super identity, I feel that it falls back too much on his former identity, whilst it should reflect a certain progression like the name ‘Nightwing’. So, personally speaking again, I think ‘Redwing’ would be a much better alternative to what Drake goes by at the moment.

Now, I’ve seen Ehrenreich in a few things now and it’s pretty clear he’s a rising talent. He can play the dark and brooding intellectual with ease and he brings a certain weight and wisdom to his roles which I think would apply greatly to this role and do nothing but just make the character more interesting and allow him to own it. Despite that though, personally speaking, I think he has a very strong resemblance to the pre-52 incarnation of the character, in particular, the version drawn by Jim Lee seen in Batman: Hush- either way, hopefully, if ever the character is brought to the big screen hopefully it’ll be more reminiscent to the pre-52 incarnation as opposed to current New 52 version.

Jaime Alexander as Helena Bertinelli/Huntress

Alexander was and still is to a lot of people as a fan favourite for Wonder Woman, and whilst I think she’d do a solid job in the role, I personally don’t think she has the presence to carry a role of that calibre, however Huntress? I think she’d own the role absolutely. She’s a talented actress, who’s clearly capable of shining even with a small amount of screen time, but despite she has a talent at being badass, capable with drama and balancing it all nicely by not making things to serious. Alongside this though, personally speaking, she too reminds me a lot of the pre-52 incarnation of the character, and again, in particular Jim Lee’s take on the character as seen in Batman: Hush.

Chris Cooper as James Gordon

Cooper’s more or less always played/playing tough and gruff authoritative characters well and in a role such as this he’d only do nothing but elevate the material and his fellow actors performances. Whilst he might not be a popular choice for the role given his notoriety in playing bad guys and villains often, I think like Oldman he’d really shine in the role and definitely bring some depth to the role and definitely bring a wise kind of presence to an older and slightly more weary incarnation of the character.

Alec Baldwin as Harvey Bullock

Baldwin might seem like a bit of strange choice for this role, but honesty, in my mind there is no other actor fitting for this incarnation of the character. He’s very versatile, capable with both comedy and drama, and can definitely bring some weight and presence to the role too, but despite all that, I mainly cast him because of his work in 30 Rock and The Departed. Put simply, his work there was essentially an audition for this role to me, so personally speaking, if given the chance I’d love to see him take it on.

James Cromwell as Hugo Strange

This might seem like another weird casting decision, but after seeing Cromwell in American Horror Story: Asylum I knew he’d be perfect for the role. There he essentially already played the character, albeit more weird and creepy, so to me, it’s clear he qualifies greatly for the role.

Kelly Reilly as Vicki Vale

I’ve seen Reilly in a fair amount of things now and it’s clear she’s a very capable actress who has knack for playing smart and feisty characters. She can do drama well and has dabbled with both drama and comedy, plus is very beautiful and strongly resembles the character, so if cast I think she’d do wonders and just further help elevate the Bat’s supporting cast.

Sharlto Copley as the Joker

Replacing the late, great Heath Ledger is going to be a monumental task for anyone, but if we’re going for an older and more established incarnation of the Joker, I honest believe there is no one better than Copley for the role. He’s a really underrated and very capable actor who I feel has yet to truly shine in a role, but undoubtedly has the most potential to revolutionise the role like Ledger did before him. From his work in The A-Team, Elysium and Old Boy in particular I think Copley would absolutely own the role, bringing the right balance of badassery, creepiness, intellect, madness, humour and intimidation. So put simply, if cast, I think Copley is truly one of the very few actors who could bring the right kind of balance between Jack Nicholson’s evil prankster and Heath Ledger’s agent of chaos and really just make the role his own, especially given that he shares quite the resemblance with the traditional version of the character.

Only thing left to say is, next time the Joker is brought to the big screen I want him to be more capable a fighter; Batman: Lovers and Madmen portrayed him as a nihilistic adrenalin-junkie hitman prior to his transformation, so this might be a good place to draw from, though I would like his brief stint as the Red Hood to be shined upon (hopefully as done by Scott Snyder recently). Anyway, as most of you’d expect, I’d also like the Joker to look like the above picture, but a little bit more scary; a cross between the above look and Nate Belegarde’s redesign would be a great look to adapt – Click Here to See

Jon Hamm as Harvey Dent/Two-Face

Hamm has been fan cast notoriously for a wide range of comic book related roles including the Dark Knight himself, but personally speaking, none of them have ever really fit for me except this one. He’s a great, versatile actor; capable with both drama and comedy, but ignoring that, he has a very ‘classic hero’ presence to him like Aaron Eckhart, and with his roles in Mad Men and The Town I feel he’d be a perfect choice for the role. Anyway, given that now his buddy Ben Affleck has been cast as Batman, this is one role I feel could actually shape up somewhere down the line.

Stephen Graham as Oswald Cobblepot/the Penguin

Whilst I’m more inclined to my ‘younger’/original choice Eddie Marsan for the role, given that this is an older and alternate cast Graham would be my next choice for it. Graham’s a very talented actor who has consistently proven his talents with This is England, his small stint in Public Enemies and more recently Boardwalk Empire. He’s a very versatile individual and has a clear knack for playing charming and savage shady characters/villains, so I’d definitely be willing to see what Martin Scorsese’s ‘British Joe Pesci’ could do with the role.

Hugh Dancy as Edward Nigma/the Riddler

Dancy only caught my attention with his role as Will Graham in Hannibal; quite frankly, whilst I've been aware of him, his work there blew me away. It’s clear to me now that he’s a really talented and pretty underrated actor. As seen in the aforementioned show alone, Dancy can play unconventional and socially awkward geniuses very well and also knows how to handle dark material well too. End of the day, given that he already knows his way around light material and more than proven his talents with darker material I think he’d be a very interesting choice for the role and definitely be able to bring more depth and a bit more edge to the role and just make the Riddler that much more interesting and appealing.

Cole Hauser as Roman Sionis/Black Mask

With his roles in Pitch Black and 2 Fast 2 Furious I think it’s safe to say Hauser qualifies for the role. He’s a talented actor capable of playing deranged, psychotic, unstable, manipulative, calculating and badass characters very well and always brings a slightly eerie/intimidating kind of presence to his characters and quite frankly, for a role like this that’s necessary. Anyway, given that he has also worked alongside Ben Affleck in the past, this is another role I feel and especially do hope, could actually shape up somewhere down the line.

Leana Headley as Selina Kyle/Catwoman

Headley is a very talented, and sexily powerful actress. She has a clear talent with drama and comes off as naturally pretty badass, but she also has this natural feistiness and strong sexual presence to her which I can’t quite explain but associate very much with the role. Regardless, with her work in 300, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles and Game of Thrones I’d say she more than qualifies for the role.

Only thing I’d like to say, whilst I’m not expecting the character to look too high tech, I do like Stanley Lau’s take on the iconic femme fatale, so hope this is the eventual suit/look adapted to the big screen next, simply as its sleek, simple and slightly high tech/end looking – Click Here to See

Jaime King as Harleen Quinzel/Harley Quinn

This might seem like a bit of a strange casting decision but with her roles in White Chicks and Sin City I can’t help but picture King as Quinn, especially given the fact that she shares a resemblance to Lee Bermejo’s incarnation of the character as seen in Brian Azzarelo’s Joker. She’s a talented and capable actress and is obviously very attractive but despite all that, I think she’d do wonders in the role given that she is capable with both dark and light material.

Jessica Chastain as Pamela Isley/Poison Ivy

Once again, this might seem like a bit of a strange casting decision, but quite frankly, Chastain is one of the very few actresses I feel could elevate the character and make her seem like a credible threat. We all know she’s a talented actress and obviously, very beautiful too, but despite all that I cast her as she naturally comes off as very intelligent and also I feel, has somewhat of a hidden edge to her, which I think would do nothing but benefit her in the role.

Michael Sheen as Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow

Sheen is a really talented actor who has also been notoriously fan cast in a variety of different comic book related roles over the years, though personally speaking, Scarecrow is the only real role that fits to me. With his roles in the Underworld series, Unthinkable, Tron: Legacy and Masters of Sex in particular, I think Sheen would absolutely own the role and just make it his own, really that simple.

Anyway I’d just like to say, with Scarecrow like a few characters I've cast here, the Arkham look found a special place in my heart so I’d love to see it influence his eventual look next time the character's brought to the big screen – Click Here to See

Michael C. Hall as Thomas Elliot/Hush

What can I say? Despite how the show ended, I did cast Hall here because of his work in Dexter; there he essentially played a ‘heroic’ version of Hush and beautifully displayed his talents. If cast here, I think Hall would really do wonders and just serve as a very great and memorable villain for the Bat to face.

Vincent D’Onofrio as Lazlo Valentin/Professor Pyg

D’Onofrio is a really great actor who has a great kind of intellectual and dark presence which elevates most of his roles. He’d bring a great sadistic and creepy vibe to the character and I think if given the chance he’d be brilliant here and also prove to be a very memorable and creepy villain- but personally speaking, I’m not quite sure why but I think he’d bring a great creepy Eyes Wide Shut kind of vibe to the role too.

Toby Kebbel as Jason Todd/the Red Hood

Some of you maybe scratching your heads at this choice, and those of you who aren’t might be thinking this is a weird casting choice, but quite frankly, in my mind there is no better choice for the ‘bad Robin’ than Kebbel. He’s a really great and underrated actor who isn’t quite getting as much attention he deserves. He’s very capable and can easily play cool, charming, weird, badass and very simply frightening and cold with ease, and with his roles in films like Wilderness, RocknRolla and The Veteran I’d say he more than qualifies for the role and would definitely be able to play up the ‘damaged survivor’ aspect of the character well.

Only other thing I’d say though, rather than his current New 52 standing with the Bat family, I preferred his pre-52 standing; essentially, if brought to the big screen, Jason shouldn’t be on good terms with the Bat family- he should be their enemy who might be required to cooperate with them from time to time; I personally, just loved this as it further emphasised he was the one kid Batman couldn’t help.

Pedro Pascal as Morgan Ducard/Nobody

Pascal is a relatively unknown actor, and I admit to having only seen him in Burn Notice: The Fall of Sam Axe and an episode Nikita, but with the later in particular he more than proved his talents and essentially auditioned for the role already. There, he played a cold, calculating and manipulative elite assassin who got rid of his victims by dissolving them in acid; essentially a neutral and lighter version of the character, so quite frankly, if cast, I’d love to see what he could do.

Moon Bloodgood as Sandra Wu-San/Shiva

Casting this role was a little tough for me given that there are so many popular and well-fitting choices for the role, but ultimately I decided to go differently with Bloodgood. She’s a pretty cool actress, actually comes across as tough and smart, can fight, is exotically hot and very capable with drama. I’m not expecting her to reinvent the wheel, but I can definitely see her kicking ass and making the character shine so would love to see what she could do.

Christoph Waltz as Victor Fries/Mr Freeze

Once again, I’m (a little) more inclined to my ‘younger’/original choice of Daniel Craig for the role, but given that this is an older and alternate cast Waltz would be my next choice for it. Now, this might seem like another strange casting decision, but for an older incarnation of the character I really see no other choice than Waltz. He’s a great weird (borderline creepy at times), intellectual actor who’s very, very versatile and more than capable of playing great ruthless, cold and calculating villains. I think he could bring a lot of depth to the role and really make the character very interesting and memorable in a good way, as opposed to Arnold Schwarzenegger’s pun loving take on the character.

Still, worth mentioning, whilst I like the above look of the character I’d like to see more of an Arkham City influence brought to the big screen; just looks more badass – Click Here to See

Deobia Oparei as Waylon Jones/Killer Croc

Oparei is a relatively unknown actor, but he’s not the greatest actor around but he’s got talent and has proven himself to be a pretty capable character and can definitely play more than brainless thugs. He’s capable with drama and comedy and has knack at playing intimidating tough guys, plus he genuinely is just a very big guy and with his roles in films like Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides and Death Race 2 I think it’s safe to say he’d do the job right.

Anyway, once again worth mentioning, whilst I like the above look of the character I’d like to see more of an Arkham Origins influence brought to the big screen; just looks more badass – Click Here to See

Dylan McDermott as Lincoln March/The Owl King

Once again, this might seem like another strange casting choice to some of you guys, but McDermott is a very underrated actor and definitely capable of playing dark characters very, very well. With his work in Dark Blue, American Horror Story, The Campaign and Olympus Has Fallen it’s clear he can play smart, badass, damaged and calculating all very well and he naturally happens to be very charming and charismatic, so it’s clear he could bring a very deep and multifaceted performance to the table. So, personally speaking, I think McDermott would be great and I dare I say it, ideal choice choice to play the Court of Owls’ lead disciple.

Peter Stormare as Basil Carlo/Clayface

Stormare is a really great underrated actor, who has a knack at playing creepy and sleazy bad guys and villains really well. With his work in Prison Break and Constantine in particular, I think it’s safe to say he’d absolutely own the role.

Javier Bardem as Bane

Replacing Tom Hardy is no easy task but after a long and tough search, but if I’m being realistic, for an older Bane, there is only one choice; Javier [frick]ing Bardem. Since seeing him in No Country for Old Men and then Skyfall, I’ve wanted him in the role. He’s badass, intimidating, cold, calculating and manipulative- put simply, a perfect fit for the role, especially given his nationality.

Bérénice Marlohe as Talia Al Ghul

What can I say about this? Whilst I only know Marlohe from her work in Skyfall, there she essentially played Talia already, and even better than Marion Cotilard. She’s hot, exotic and has that femme fatale quality necessary for the role, so put simply, if ever the character is again brought to the big screen then I’d like to see her take on the role, especially given that we’re getting a more established Batman.

Jeremy Irons as Ra’s Al Ghul

I get he’s now been cast Alfred (which is really great), but I love Irons as a villain and hell, he’s probably one of the very few actors who could surpass Liam Neeson’s epic portrayal of the leader of the League of Shadows. He’s a great and often underappreciated actor who has a really great knack at playing villains, in particular villains with a strong authoritative presence who are charismatic as well as cold, calculating, manipulative and eerily badass. With his work in The Lion King, Die Hard With a Vengeance and The Borgias in particularly, I think he’d really be great in the role and serve us with a very memorable and dare I say it, maybe even surpassable take on the character than the great Liam Neeson’s.


So, that’s my ideal cast for an older Batman. I hope you enjoyed checking it out, and if you did look out for anything else I drop!

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Klone - 2/22/2014, 1:34 PM
I like most of them. But I, for some reason, would love to see John Hurt as Alfred.
MrDonut - 2/22/2014, 1:43 PM
Thanks dude. I like Hurt for the role too, but I see him as like a The Dark Knight Returns kinda Alfred, think it might be his age... Yh, must be; just can't really picture him with an established late 30's/early 40's Batman for some reason lol...
MrBlueSky - 2/22/2014, 2:09 PM
Great cast, dude! I love your older Batman pick (my pick is Jim Caviezel). And we also have the same Catwoman pick (she's hot as hell.

Anyway, I can't wait until your next cast. I'm going to post my editorial soon.
kong - 2/25/2014, 4:51 AM
I really like this!! Nice job!!
MikeZ - 2/25/2014, 5:29 AM
- You know, Asa would make a perfect Damien Wayne during the character's middle run for an Injustice: Gods Among Us movie!
- Well, Imogen Poots looks a lot like Stephanie Brown! Can't go wrong with that pick!
- I've always thought Jessica Stroup would be better as Oracle. Like I stated before, her work on 90210 shows she can handle Barbara Gordon's emotional content. Plus, she'll be playing a cop in season 2 of The Following.
- I think Dick Grayson should be in his mid-to-late 20's when he becomes Nightwing. Nonetheless, Garrett's a ridiculously great actor who needs a good movie role.
- Isn't Alec Baldwin quitting from acting right now? He would've made a good Harvey Bullock, although after seeing 24, my pick would be Domenick Lombardozzi.
- What do you think of my picks for Hugo Strange: Eric Avari and John Noble. Both have distinct voices and could nail the characters very well. Plus, the former has the ideal look of the character.
- I'm down for Elizabeth Banks > Kelly Reilly as Vicki Vale... at least based on what the character looked like in the video game.
- I saw Jon Hamm as Harvey Dent in a fan trailer for Brian Azzarelo's Joker.

- Stephen Graham is also a great pick for Penguin. You sure helped me find a great Penguin pick that isn't Ray Winstone!
- I have an affinity towards Gabriel Mann for Riddler after seeing his sly performance in Revenge. Though I'll have to see what Hugh Dancy can offer up.
- That's a very solid Black Mask. I know Hauser gets knocked for his talents, but he can be impressive given the right material. He even appeared with Ben Affleck in Good Will Hunting back in 1997, so that's a good reference for the current guy who's playing Batman even!
- Don't forget to credit Lena's turn in Dredd which also further qualifies her as a great Catwoman choice!
- I have a few alternate good choices for Harley Quinn: Autumn Reeser, Diora Baird, and Anna Faris. That's based on the Bruce W. Timm version, mind you. But Jaime could easily nail the version as well after seeing her in White Chicks. I can't get past those sexy cat eyes in that picture!
- I too have thought of Jessica Chastain as Poison Ivy for my Arkham movie series fancast. [frick], you beat me to it! Damn it!
- I've no idea if Moon Bloodgood will do action anymore (unless she's Lena Headey and is up for a few more rounds). Though she does have Asian blood on her mother's side, so what do I know. But what do you think of Elodie Yung?
- I see Basil Karlo as someone who looks like a traditional movie star. That's why I think Jeffery Donovan would be a slight better choice than Peter Stormare, who I think is just as great an actor!
- Glad you agree with my - and axelbratoski's - pick for Talia!
- I think WB hit a casting home run with Jeremy Irons as Alfred (I've seen Irons cast in the role here plenty of times). He would've made a great Ra's, although I'd like someone who has the character's heritage in check.

Overall, a strong cast! A+
Pasto - 2/25/2014, 5:39 AM
And circle hits the square. I saw your picks for Batman and Robin and such and thought they were great, then I saw your picks for Gordon and Bullock, and could not help but smile. Baldwin in 'The Departed' is one of his best performances, and I think thats the kind of role he should do for Bullock. And then the rest of the cast you simply hit the nail on the head with. Kudos, one of your best casts out there.

Anyways, you get an A+ from me.
TheClemster - 2/25/2014, 5:39 AM
Wow you nailed it!!!!

Awesome job mate

Here is for you

LEEE777 - 2/25/2014, 6:13 AM
^5's DONUT!

You put so much into your castings and so much passion an info too, you da man!

Top Quality an original too!

Love ya Batman pick, so much better than Affleck, Jamie King as Harley = Quality, hell they all are... fav is Jaime Alexander as pre New52 Huntress!

Awesome pick and much better than ppl choosing her as WW when shes also played SIF that's not that different, she'd own the role also, yeah, personally I'm not a fan of the New52 a lot, in fact not at all, DC comics have gone way downhill since they messed it all up just to make a quick buck, every things so messed up it ain't even funny. Need the real Modern Age DC Universe back in comics now, maybe Wally West comes through the other reality and in the New 52 one where he doesn't belong and brings back a lot of the best DC Universe with him :p

Great castings thumbs up!
LEEE777 - 2/25/2014, 6:14 AM
TheClemster @ I'm gonna nab one of them green donuts up there, damn making me hungry lol :p

Shhhhhh lol
CherryBomb - 2/25/2014, 6:40 AM
Really nice casting choices :)
TheClemster - 2/25/2014, 6:41 AM

Help yourself sir :)
WakandaKing - 2/25/2014, 12:48 PM
once again I see you have made a strong cast Mr. Doughnut. I'm almost done with the samurai jack one, and the uncanny xmen, as well as a new transformers saga and Marvel's the Illuminati
MrDonut - 2/25/2014, 2:05 PM
Wow! A damn lot of comments here lol...

Thanks buddy! Caviezel would absolutely own in the role too, but I just like him more as villain; can see him being great as somone like Vandal Savage or Maxwell Lord- [frick] lol... I want that to happen now lol... But yh, glad you like Headey in the role, she definitely fits it.

As of the moment, I admittedly haven't really got any other casts planned; some choices here and there, but nothing to equate to a cast, but have got a feature/editorial in the works so look out for that, and as said before, will defo give your editioral a look ;)

Thanks man! I thought he was rumoured for the role or considered or something at least... Hmm... Shame... Would've been great, but hell, if Batfleck is at least half as badass as Affleck's character from The Town, we should b sorted.

Got to admit though, am unfamiliar with your Ra's pick, but he's got the right kinda look I guess... Still thanks for the comments and praise dude, really means a lot!

Thank you 13th Jason Todd lol :P

- [frick]ing hell lol... That's brilliant casting. I like him in the role generally, but he'd especially the Injustice version, nice choice lol.
- Lol thanks. Outside her looks though, she's played a fair few characters similar to Stephenie in the past plus she just has that kinda bubbly vibe to her so, I think she'd own.
- Stroup is cool in The Following; nothing too amazing yet, but not too shabby- I think she'd be interesting the role though defo, but personally went with Winstead as not only do I think Barbara should be a little older than Dick, but given her last couple of roles, she reminded me a lot of the character so I figured she'd work it well.
- I have a similar sort of timeline in mind for Nightwing, but went with Hedlund as not only does he fit it but he has one of those faces where he could pass off both older and younger.
- I wasn't aware Baldwin called it quits... Damn... That's a shame, oh well... Lombardozzi is interesting. Can see him working it defo, I just opted for Baldwin as he was a little older and obviously has quite the resemblance to the character too.
- Noble as Strange is really cool, can see him upping the 'creep' factor really nicely, just prefer Cromwell cos of American Horror Story; he basically played the character already lol.
- Banks is a cool choice, but given her more comedy orientated background, I just think she's a little too up-beat for the role; I personally imagine somone who's a little more like Lois Lane for it but, a little hotter and superficial (or at least good at portraying that); Banks jus doesn't quite do it for me there.
- That was a pretty well put together trailer lol, but I cast him mainly because he reminds me so much of Aaron Eckhart (lame reason I know), but he's obviously got the right chops for it and given that his buddy is now the Bat, I think this is one casting choice that could actually (hopefully) shape up.
- Glad you like it! Winstone seems too tough for the role to me, but with Graham, I like him in the role but much prefer Eddie Marsan for it; would actually prefer he gets/got the gig if ever the character is brought back to the big screen.
- That's an interesting choice, if not for Dancy I may have actually gone with it, but all I can say is you need to watch Hannibal; his work there? Perfectly translatable to the Riddler.
- Glad you agree Hauser is underrated, defo deserves bigger roles, and yh! Hopefully he will get the role if the character is brought forward ever!
- Oh yh lol... Damn, the more I think about it, Mama is kinda like an older/more bitter Catwoman...
- Some solid choices... Never considered most of them, but [frick] yh; Baird would be cool. I personally opted for King given she reminds me an awful lot of Brian Azzarello's take on the character, but hell, those cat eyes did play a small part in influencing me lol :P
- Haha, my bad lol.
- Yung ironically (lol) seems too young to me for it, given that this is an older cast I deliberately wanted someone older, but for a up and coming Batman, I think she'd be perfect.
- That's an interesting interpretation (can see Donovan working that beautifully), but I actually think the opposite lol; like a sleazy ex-porno, B-movie actor who's not really very good and has ties to organised crime, then when he becomes Clayface, he tries to become the 'best actor' lol- Stormare just fit that description for me lol...
- Wasn't aware she was your choice too, oh well, great minds think alike lol, am I right lol?
- I too would like a Middle Eastern actor as Ra's but admittedly, my knowledge of (quality) Middle Eastern actors is scarce, but glad you approve and hell yh, think he'd defo outshine My Cocaine as Mr Pennyworth lol.

Loving the praise though dude, thanks for the comments!

Thanks Prison Mike; your praise hit me like a shiv made of love :P

Thank you and... Diabetes lol... :P

Thank you kind sir. I admit to preferring Mount, but have since become pretty sold on Affleck, especially after rewatching The Town, but glad you like the other picks too.

I'll admit the New 52 has royally [frick]ed certain things up, but as a whole I prefer it to the Pre-52, maybe it's cos I was more of an animated series guy as opposed to a comic guy, but it was essentially a full on and proper comic book intro into DC for me, whilst I've read a few comics in the past, I never really went in too deep, was mainly raised off the old animated series' and lived off them lol.

But hell, if the DC cinematic universe combines the best elements of the New and Pre 52 (which I hope they will) I will actually fangasm lol.

Anyway, thanks for the commments bud!

Thank you, kind Miss :D

I'd watch the shit of you watching the shit, out of this shit... Shitception! Lol... I'm sorry... Replying to soo many comments get's a little long after a while; gotta find a way to keep it fresh lol... :P

Thanks bud, will defo give them a look when you drop them; just don't take too long lol ;)
LEEE777 - 2/25/2014, 2:53 PM
Fangasm sounds awesome to me too buddy :PPP heh heh

Yeah difference with me is I've read and reread and bought many many DC comics from the past since CRISIS (the original one).

New 52 to me is like what Marvel did with the Ultimate Universe, difference is Marvel didn't [frick] up all their rich histories of their Marvel characters and replaced everything, just put 'em in their own line (Universe).

Cool for new guys tho that never read much pre-52, just shit for the other fans that invested so much (years/decades/Etc) of money and time just for it (mostly) to get all wiped).

Looking forward to your next casting dude, yeah not seen THE TOWN yet but I've seen JERSEY GIRL :P

Affleck's ok I suppose, it now their damn Lex pick lol, maybe they did that just to take all the negativity off Ben : D

Though a lot now warmed to ol' Ben so cool.
MikeZ - 2/25/2014, 3:07 PM
@ MrDonut

- Haven't seen Jess in The Following. I'll get into that show very shortly.
- Well, I went with Elizabeth Banks for Vicki based on the character in Arkham City. Plus, she's played a news reporter on 30 Rock, and she definitely gives off a Lois Lane vibe that you've described.
- I have Hannibal in my Netflix queue; hopefully it becomes available to rent. Then I can see what Dancy is capable of.
- I see why you went with Jaime King, and I'm glad you like my other choices.
- If Moon Bloodgood can still do action, I can be down for her. But I just saw Elodie Yung on someone's fancast on deviantART, and I thought with her work in G.I. Joe, she'd be MY pick.
- Interesting thoughts on why you went with Stormare as Clayface. Nothing wrong with that! I just got spoiled with the Bruce W. Timm version of Clayface, as well as the Arkham version.
- Well, my pick for Ra's would be Oded Fehr. Besides voicing him in Young Justice, he's of appropriate decent and has done action in The Mummy and Resident Evil.
MightyZeus - 2/25/2014, 5:26 PM
Fantastic casting. I love it.
I would watch this Batman film if it where real, heck you did a better job than what WB's casting of Batman vs Superman.
EmmJai - 2/25/2014, 6:05 PM
Honestly, there are some "what...?!" choices, but one of the better fancasts that has been on here in quite a while! James Cromwell has ALWAYS been my Dr. Strange, but I have never ever seen the choice before so kudos to you!
MrBlueSky - 2/25/2014, 6:40 PM
@MrDonut That would be [frick]ing brilliant. Weird thing is, I considered Ben Affleck for Lord before he was casted as Bats.
MBZ1993 - 2/25/2014, 7:36 PM
before i clicked on this i wondered why isnt Anson Mount in any of the batman fancast or even considered then i see this and im glad im not the only one who thinks he would do a great job as Bats
MrDonut - 2/26/2014, 10:24 AM
Lol... Understand where your coming from dude, obviously to some it seems like a slap in the face. All I can say though, is the New 52 isn't all bad; some of the titles they have are really great (anything with Scott Snyder and most of Geoff Johns work is gold), but besides all that personally, everything seems much more cohesive and connected- I'm not sure if it's just me, but I was never quite able to get into DC comics pre-52 cos it all seemed kinda all over the place, just read a few short arcs like Hush and Red Son every now and then...

But defo give The Town a look; one of his best films- makes me hope that he will also direct the eventual next Bat-films. Haven't seen Jersey Girl so wont be able to comment on that though lol...

Gotta agree though, Eisenberg as Lex is still rubbing me the wrong way; I mainly wanted somene round Affleck's age for it, I mean I think Eisenberg could pull it off, but he just looks so damn young and that partially undermines any grit his performance could bring... Who knows though? Maybe he'll pull a Ledger and define the role for a generation...

- She's not really anything to rave about, but she's only been in like 3/4 episodes so far, so still plenty of time.
- I get where you're coming from and defo agree that she has a kinda Lois Lane quality and defo could pull it off, but I just prefer Reilly for my take on the character I guess... I kinda see Vale like a 'corrupted' Lois Lane if that makes sense; essentially, someone who sold out to make a name for herself only to find 'redemption' when Batman first started showing up, essentially restoring her career and what not, etc.
- Trust me, you won't be disapointed. I never really cared for him as an actor before Hannibal, and now? Well, I think it's safe to say he's one of my favourite actors around.
- Yh, I can defo see Baird doing the Arkham version or even the animated series take; she's defo got that kinda zanny energy to her.
- Did Bloodgood quit action? Hmm... Shame... But yh, Yung like I said would've been ideal for a younger Batman- I just see Shiva as being round about the same as Bats.
- Lol, defo agree with you there, but glad you like my take!
- Fehr is cool and he was pretty badass in The Mummy films but I wouldn't consider him for the role, as not only does he seem a little young for it, but he lacks a kind of physical presence that somone like a Neeson or a Mortensen or an Irons brings- vocally though, he's got the right kind of subtle accent for the role though.

Lol... Thank you, you're too kind :D

Lol, thanks!

Right lol? You know, I remember fresh after Man of Steel when Justice League rumours came back into play, Affleck was mentioned as a potential director so long as he got a role- apparantly that role was meant to be Maxwell Lord, but obviously, it seems like if he was in talks for Bats for a while, it was actually Batman they were negotiating about.

Thanks! Great minds think alike, I guess ;)
ager - 2/26/2014, 2:14 PM
PERFECT!!!! OUTSTANDING!!!! these are LITERALLY all amazing. I dont see one mistake and for that i say thank you. i was getting tired of the garbage others were spewing out. it was turning me off of this section quickly. THANK YOU
HulkOnion - 2/26/2014, 3:05 PM
this is great casting love it
schneider625 - 2/26/2014, 5:28 PM
F@#$ing amazing! Lennie James is my Lucius Fox pick as well.
My top pick fir Bruce is Luke Evans though, but Mount was a good second choice for me.
One of the best fancasts I've seen.
MrDonut - 2/26/2014, 5:30 PM
Thank you, kind sir :)
Trully do appreciate the praise, and the thanks lol.

Thanks bud!

Thanks man!
I like Evans, but think he'd make a better villain; maybe someone like a young Black Mask or Ocean Master...
redhood2710 - 3/8/2014, 7:35 AM
Excellent Cast!
I like your Batamn choice Mount would be pretty good as Batman my choices for Batman were Richard Armitage,Luke Evans or Jim Caviezel but I like your Mount as Batman. I really like your Nightwing and I hope if Nightwing is in Batman vs Superman then Garrett Hedlund does end up being Nightwing he is an excellent choice for Dick. Your Fox,Joker,Riddler,Bane,Mr.Freeze,Damien,Selina and Harvey are also good.
MrDonut - 3/23/2014, 5:27 PM
Some solid choices you got there, but glad you like my choices; hopefully some of them do pan out down the line...
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