My X-Men 4

Flames got me thinking if I was in control of Xmen 4, how would I do it? Like this.

By Rumblebeast - Sep 15, 2009 03:09 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

Ok, so this is going to be my second thing to do on the good ol CBM. It's kind of just thrown together. Wish I had more time to really flush it out. But I just finished this tonight, so I'm going to post it anyways. I think it's cool. I got some nods to certain comic books that I remember. See if you can pick them out. LOL. Also I dont know why I wrote it like a movie script. Maybe just cuz I was thinking of it like that and not like a story format. Came easier for me I guess. Well here it is.

X-men 4

Enter the Havok

During the introductions, scenes show that there is public unrest. Because of the Alcatraz incident and the cure crowds, the talk of the Mutant Registration Act is circling the higher up brass. A few in particular are Bolivar Trask and Cameron Hodge. The scene ends where we see that the scenes were all on a television set in a hotel room.

Scene 1
There's an alarm clock going off in an unknown hotel room where we hear a shower running. Sitting by the alarm clock sits a letter. The letter says something marked with an X logo and seems to be signed by Ororo Monroe. A young blonde male gets out of the shower to turn off the alarm. Under his clenched fist, the alarm clock melts. We see the young blonde haired man seemingly to steam as the water sizzles off of him.

Hold yourself together man. They have to be wrong. There's no way. There's just no way that he was destined to go out like that. They will all pay for this. Trust me, they will all pay.

Scene 2
We go back to the scene towards the end of X3, where Magneto sits by a chessboard by himself. He see's a shadow cast over him as he's done testing his powers on the small metal chess piece and looks up.

Erik Lenscherr?

Yes. And who might you be?

Please forgive me, my lord. I am Fabien Cortez. And I think I can help you with that.
Help me with what? Please tell?

I think I can show you better. (Touches Magneto as he feels a surge of energy flow through him.)

(Feels the energy difference and starting to feel like his old self.) Cortez, huh? Well aren't we a special one. (Looks at the chess piece again as it gently glides over the board and knocks over the King.)

We are your Acolytes. (Waves a hand, gesturing towards the people behind him.) We believe in your cause, my lord. The humans are clearly readying for a war and we don't want to be left behind when it does.

Well then. Let's get started. (He uses all the metal in the area to make one huge metal sphere, but big enough for all to easily fit in out of all the metal in the area. Then once inside, the metal sphere floats up and out of view like a super fast UFO.)

Scene 3
Back at the crowded halls of the Xavier Institute, Storm is scanning the hallways as Bobby Drake walk up besides her.

(Looking a bit uneasy.) Hey Storm. Any word from Rogue?

Sorry Bobby. Last I heard she went to go visit her parents. I'm really sorry Bobby. But it was her choice. (Gets tired of looking for someone.) Hey if you see Alison, tell her to come see me ok?

(Clearly still a bit upset.) Sure.

(Standing with a bunch of other students.) Bobby come on let's go already.

(Puts on a happy facade.) I'm coming. (As he passes by, he freezes Robert DaCosta's foot to the ground.) But Sunspot's going to be too slow like usual. (They all laugh as Sunpot heats up and melts the ice.)

Scene 4
Inside what was once Professor Xavier's study, now rearranged to fit Storm's decor, sits Storm, Beast, Wolverine and the same blonde guy from the beginning.

We are all so sorry for your loss Alex.

We never thought that she would do that. Especially not to Scott.

I just don't see it. Jean loved my brother. How could she have done that? And to the Professor? (Havok obviously seething with anger.)

Trust me kid. It wasn't really her. Her powers took over. She really wasn't even Jean anymore.

But you guys said yourself that you never saw his body. What if Magneto still has him? She was with Magneto. What if he's somewhere? I will make them pay. They will all pay.

I saw what happened to Xavier. And trust me, there's nothing left.

(There's a knock on the door.) Storm? (The door opens a bit for Alison to stick her head through.) You wanted to see me?

Yes, Alison. Excuse me gentlemen. I will be right back. (Steps out into the corridor with Dazzler.)

Am I in trouble?

No. I just wanted to tell you that you did wonderfully in your recent Danger Room sessions and I think it's time that we try some team action later today. Would you want in on that?

Like an actually Xman? Umm...girl? Yeah..I'm totally fine with that.

Ok. I will have Hank come and get you when we are setting to get ready.

Thank you Storm. And you know I've been working on something special. Hope I get a chance to show it to you.

Cant wait. Now hurry up onto class.

Ok, see ya.

Scene 5
A nice summer day. Typically hot, as you can see the nice normal folk dressed to impress in their summer attire. We zone in on a crowded public bus carrying a burdened Rogue.

(Having flashbacks of her arrival at her parents house after all the years as a runaway.She hesitates before knocking on the door. She hears her mother say coming.)

Rogues Mom
Marie? Is that you? Oh my God. Owen, get in here.

Rogues Dad
What is it? Marie? Is that really you? (He goes in for a hug, then suddenly remembers and stops.)

Dad. Mom. It's ok now. The cure helped. (They all hug.)

Rogues Mom
Where have you been? It's been a long time darling. Come and sit here. You must have some wonderful stories.

(Taken aback by how easy this is.) Aren't you guys mad? I mean I did run away? I almost killed a boy in my room?

Rogues Dad
Don't worry about that honey. It was awhile ago. Plus you dont think we watch tv? We know mutants are out there. Sure we were surprised back then, but now it's not like it was. You said yourself there's the cure. Now come on and tell us everything.

(The memory starts changing somehow and another memory starts pushing its way back in. Rogue wonders what's going on as a person on the crowded bus passes out.)

Bus traveler
Hey, what's going on here? Dude are you ok? (Tries to wake up the guy that was behind Rogue.)

(Turns to help the guy up as the bus stops and another person accidentally touches her. She absorbs the energy from that man as well, as he passes out. Rogue realizes what's going on now.) This shouldn't be happening? I took the cure. What's going on?

Bus Traveler #2
You hear that? She's a mutie? She's causing this. Get her.

(Runs off the bus scared, but confused as to why her powers have resurfaced. Once she gets to somewhere safe, she rifles through her purse until she pulls a calling card from her wallet. It says Dr. Essex, and a number to call.)

Scene 6
Later that night in a rundown part of town where there are abandoned buildings everywhere like huge tombstones. A light blinks on in a doorway near her.

Well that's my cue. (Walks into the doorway and meets the same doctor that administered the cure.) Dr. Essex. What's with this place? Why are we in such a desolate area?

Dr. Essex
Well, this is one of my hidden area's of study my child. You didn't think that we scientist only had Alcatraz Island did you? (Smirks a grin that just seems abnormal.)

Well, I guess not. But I really just called to see if this is real. If my powers have come back and why?

Dr. Essex
Well my dear. It appears that for the cure to work properly, you must take a constant dose. Much like a pain pill. When the affect of one wears off, you must take another one until your DNA eliminates all traces of the xgene. And in some cases, the affect will never be totally eliminated in higher classes of mutation.

There are higher levels? What does that mean?

Dr. Essex
Well it means that some mutations are more powerful than others. Thousands of genetic combinations out there.

Oh. I see now. And actually, truthfully, I just havn't been feeling like myself lately since I took that cure. And if I get my powers back, then so be it. I've decided that I would rather keep them if it's telling me that I have to keep them. I will always cherish the moments I had a normal life. But I do see now that, it's just not me. It's not what I was meant for. I kinda liked helping people.

Dr. Essex
(Still walking forward with a needle contraption.) Congratulations. You sound like you have come to terms with yourself.

Yes, doctor. So put the needle away. (Starting to back up a bit now, fully realizing that something is off with this doctor.) Hey Dr. Essex. What gives?

Dr. Essex
I've kept my eye on you for awhile little one. Now, that I have you, you will see. There's a plethora of mutations out there. And you are going to help me in attaining such power.

(Backing up until she runs up against something like a wall but kinds softer and hairy. She turns and surprised to see Sabretooth and screams.)

Dr. Essex
Sabretooth. Get her to the table. Quickly

(Grabs Rogue with a gloved hand by the throat. He lifts her off her feet and puts her on a table.)

(Desperately trying to touch anything of his skin to hers but his trenchcoat prevents that. She gets put on a table and metal locks close around her feet and wrists.)

Dr. Essex
(He walks toward the frightened Rogue with a strange looking necklace.) Now the fun begins. (The screen goes black as you hear Rogue begging.)

Scene 7
We skip into a scene that plays like a battlefield.

(Leading a group of the younger Xmen through an alleyway until they stop at a point across from a bank.)
Alright troops. Now we wait. (Talking into an earpiece he says hit it Storm. The wall of the bank blasts apart and alarms start ringing through the dark night. In a matter of moments cop cars and police flood the area.)

(Laughs at all the police.) Oooh. What do we have here? Do any of you think that you have a chance against me?

We have the area surrounded. Put the money down and put your hands where we can see them.

Black Tom
You want to see our hands huh? (He points his wooden staff at the cop car.) How's this? (He fires an energy blast that explodes the car and scatters all the cops in all directions.

Good one Tom. Now let's get out of here. We got the touchdown and now going for the extra point. (Juggernaut runs forward and punts another cop car way down the street.)

Ok people. That's our cue. Let's go. And remember this is only a containment exercise. We keep them here and try to incapacitate. Go.

(Running ahead of Logan.) Woohoo. I got the big one. (He takes off flying straight at the Juggernaut. The collision knocks him straight back at the xmen gouging a trail all the way back into the ground.) Ow.

Felt that did ya?

(Holds up his finger and his thumb indicating just a little bit. But now the war has started as both Xmen and Black Tom start firing energy blasts at eachother like a high tech shoot out.)

(Phases up from the ground in front of Juggernaut.) Remember me? Dickhead?

(Growls and then swings at Kitty, going right through her. She dodges out of the way after as she was just blocking the view of Dazzler behind her. He charges at Dazzler but she blinds him with some of her bright sparks. He covers his eyes blinded temporarily as Psylocke jumps up on top of him and tries to loosen the helmet. Colossus powers up behind him and tries to hold Juggernaut. But the Juggernaut grabs psylocke with one hand that broke free and tosses her off, turning his attention to Colossus.) Hmmm. I wonder if you are recyclable? (Colossus and Juggernaut throw some huge punches and kicks at eachother.) I admit you're pretty good. But nothing stops the Juggernaut. (He throws a haymaker out of nowhere that catches Colossus and sends him flying through the air and into a nearby building. Wolverine jumps in and tries with Shadowcat to use the hit and run technique, but Juggernaut catches Shadowcat with a thunderous hand clap and she flies into Psylocke who was trying to point Black Tom's staff at the back of Juggernaut.)

Black Tom
(Now free of Psylocke's control, blasts the advancing Sunspot dead center. He flies backward past Havok.)

(Starts having this illusion of that's how his brother Scott died and gets mad, his power seeping out of him.)

(Climbs out of the building wreckage and back into the fight with the Juggernaut throwing his own combination and power punches that could put holes in mountains.)

(Stands up angrily and points his hand at Black Tom.) You. You are dead. (He fires a massive power up blast that incinerates the whole area where Black Tom once stood.)

Tom!!!! (He runs out of the area and gaining speed, he smacks Colossus again with blazing speed.)

I got him. (She gets ready to charge for her move that she was talking about earlier.)

(Picking himself up off the floor.) Move Dazzler.

I got him. It's my most powerful move. (She claps her hands together to make a fake gun. She focuses her power to the tip of that finger and fires and intense laser beam dead on Juggernaut.)

Not today lady. (The beam just manages to bounce off of him.)

(In disbelief.) What? That was my most powerful shot? I put all my energy in that one.

(Out of nowhere she phazes them both through the floor as Juggernaut runs storming by.)

(Looks at Havok.) What the hell was that Storm?

(Through the command center where she was watching.) Now you know why he's named Havok.

Ok. But Scott never had that much power. I wasnt exactly close and I still felt the heat of that blast.

Scott trained very hard to control his optic blasts. He only used a fraction of what he could really use. (Turns the Danger Room program off. The Xmen exit the doorway and down the hall.)

Scene 8
Out in the Ocean a cruise ship had to anchor near a small island the night before.

(Washed up on the beach, and now he starts to regain consciousness.) Uhh. Where am I? Jean? (He opens his eyes as unfiltered optic blasts pound the sandy floor gouging a huge hole before he closes his eyes.) My glasses. Where are my glasses? (He hears foot steps that sound like running and a female voice yelling out to other people.)

He's over here. There's a guy that needs medical attention over here.

I'm ok. I'm ok. (He makes a cover for his eyes out of his tattered shirt.)

Your eyes. You are hurt.

No, it's ok. I'm blind. Really, I'm ok.

Ok. It's lucky we found you. We just anchored to the island last night because of the storm and today we just wanted to peek around before heading off and I saw a weird light. And here you are. I'm Madelyne. What's your name?

Hello. My name is Scott.

Well Scott. Let's get you back to the ship huh? (She grabs hold of Scott's hand and helps him back towards the voices and back to the cruise ship.)

Scene 9
In a popular mall in downtown Massachussets, a couple of young ladies go shopping.

(Walking into a clothing store.) Now this would look great on me.

Really. Right?

(Not really that into shopping, trying to keep the psychic voices out of her head. She notices an older man looking at her. She smiles and walks away. But she notices that the guy keeps a close distance to the side so he can still see the girls. Then an image pops into her head as the guy is staring right at her.) You wish creep.

(Taken aback at the girl talking to him?) Sorry? I didn't say anything.

I know what you thought. (Turns to her friends who are horror stricken that she just accidentally said she read his mind in public.)

(Now has a small crowd gathering at the unintended outburst.) Look, I never said anything to you ladies. (Something clicks in his head that she might have seen what he was thinking. But that means she must be a mutant. And he doesn't like mutants.) Wait. You are a mutant. Hey everybody, there's a mutie in here.

Man. Now our shopping is apparently over.

Sorry guys, but I couldn't stand what that guy was thinking. It just sort of came out.

It's ok. We just better leave before this group gets uneasy. (Looks around and she can tell that it already has.)

Run. (She throws her sparks in the air, temporarily blinding everyone close by as they sneak by and out the door.)

(Stops shielding his eyes.) Follow them. They used their mutie powers on us. Get them. (The angered crowd runs after them yelling stop muties. They chase the girls until they have them cornered.) This will teach you muties to use your powers on us. You think you can just go around and use your powers just because you can?

Young man
Now, now people. What is going on here? (He walks a little too agile to be quite human.)

These muties used their powers on us. We weren't doing anything and they attacked us. I say we show these muties what they got coming to them. You should've taken that cure freaks.

Young man
Hey now, monsier. There's no need to go name calling. (Slides his sunglasses down revealing black eyes with red iris.)

(Before the guy can warn of another mutant, Gambit flicks a hidden ace of spades down his arm and into his hand charging it. He throws the card up into the air and tells the girls to run. The girls follow him through the now jumping out of the way humans, as the card touches the floor and creates a small explosion. Very small but just enough to have smoke to cover their exit.)

Scene 10
The girls plus one, stop as Gambit ducks into an alley around the mall and down the street a bit.

Thanks for the save. For a second there I thought I was going to have to phaze us out. That would've really freaked them out.

I really do apologize. I didn't know it was going to ruin our shopping day out.

Don't worry about it Betsy. Besides, we got a consilation prize. (Looks at Gambit.)


(Fakes a blush.) Ah mon chere you are too kind.

Hi. My names Kitty. And this is Alison, Betsy and Tabitha.

Remy. But I do believe the pleasure is all mine. (Out of the corner of his eye, he see's a young mutant heading for a hidden sewage passage, trying to cover his way and checking to see if anybody is watching him disappear.)

So you are a mutant too?

I guess I am. Don't know much about it. Been on my own for awhile now.

You know, we go to school not too far from here. You are welcome to come back with us if you would like.

Me? A school. I'm sorry chere but that doesn't sound like my kinda scene.

It's a school where you can be free to be who you are. It's kinda a hidden mutant school. At first I was like you, but at the school I've learned how to do more stuff with my powers.

(Thinking.) Alright. You've intrigued 'ol Gambit's curiousity. Lead on.

Storm's going to be pleased.

Scene 11
It's dark at night. A blonde woman is walking home and senses that she's being followed.

Blonde lady
(Turns fast but doesnt see anybody behind her. She picks up her walking, as she turns some corners, then starts to walk fast.

Man in trenchcoat
(Stealthily following her without being seen.)

Blonde lady
(She's almost running now as she twists and turns down some alleys and streets. But eventually gets tired of walking so she stops in an abandoned alley.) Ok Victor. Stop this cat and mouse game. I know it's you so come on out.

(Laughs a low growly laugh.) You were always good Carol. (Jumps down from the rooftops where he was following her.)

Tell him I dont work for him anymore. I havent for a long time. You know that.

Oh, but he still has a thing for ya.

Im not going back. And you know as well as me that you can't take me.

(Laughs that same growly laugh.) Oh I've been through some changes since last we danced darling.

Victor. (Getting into a more fighting stance.) Come on now. I work for SHIELD now. I don't owe him anything.

It's not me you should be trying to convince. (He smiles an evil, fangy, smile and points behind her.)

(Turns around just in time to see a crazed looking Rogue jumping right at her, wearing the strange necklace.) What the??

(Grabbing and holding on to Carols face with both hands.)

(Looking on and smiling the whole time as he watches the struggle of Rogue and Carol. In the end, it's Sabretooth and Rogue who win this round. Carol is left on the ground, face steaming.)

(Grabs Sabretooth by his hand and flies off into the night with Sabretooth.)

Scene 12
Heads back to the Xmansion.

(Giving Gambit the full tour.) And this is where all the dorms are. Guys on the West wing and girls on the East wing.

(Iced up in his ice form and running down the hallway laughing as you hear girls yelling Bobby.)

What's going on?

(Standing beside Boomer and Shadowcat dressed only in a towel.) Well he froze the water when we were taking a shower in the girls bathroom.

(Voice from down the hallway.) Can't prove it.

Well prove this. (She charges one of her timebombs and chucks it down the hallway towards Iceman.)

Hey. Wait a sec.

(Snaps her fingers as you hear a loud boom.)

Tabitha. If you've destroyed anything....

Relax Storm. It was only powerful enough to throw off his equilibrium.

(Crawls out of the room now human form and a little shakey as he heads down the hallway.)

And Bobby. What did I tell you about icing up in the mansion? Your ice melts and makes the carpet wet.

Nice place ya got here Stormy.

(Notices him checking out the girls in towels.) It's just umm Storm. Now run along ladies and get ready for bed.

Well then, night. Stormy. (Walks off and passes Wolverine in the hallway as they look at eachother but he decides not to say anything.)

(Walks up to Storm.) I recognize his scent from somewhere, but I can't quite put my finger on it yet.

Yeah, he's definitely one to keep an eye on. (Watching the giggling girls head back towards their dorms.)

Scene 13
Later that night in Gambit's room.

(Something wakes him up. He stealthily sneaks his clothes on and opens his window. He jumps down into a tree and runs across the grass and jumps over the wall and out of the mansion grounds, heading towards town.)

(Sitting, waiting for Gambit to arrive. He see's him walk around a familiar alley looking across a well wooded area where there's a hidden tunnel.) Bout time you show up.

It wasn't easy Victor. And tell him that this is our last deal. After this I'm out.

He has kept his word. After this you are free from any agreement you once had with him. He told me to hand you this and you would understand that he means it. (Hands Gambit an old silver looking small chest.)

(Instantly recognizes it.) Ok, it's over here. (He leads the group of mutants over to the hidden tunnel. They need to look around for a bit but eventually find it and head down into the tunnels.) Boize moi. This thing is huge. So he wants to know what kind of mutants down here huh?

Something like that.

(Looking at all the mutants that are living down there.) This place must run for miles. A whole underground society under the city.

Young Mutant
(Curious at the never before seen mutants.) Hello.

Parent of Mutant
(Runs over to gather up the mutant.)

Elderly lady
Hello, young ones. I'm Annalee. Welcome to the Morlock tunnels. Everyone is accepted here. It's a haven for people like us.

Oh. We're not like you. We're called the Marauders. And we kill mutants.

(His horror is mirrored in Annalee's face as the whole Marauder group goes into a killing frenzy.) What? This isn't what was suppose to happen. (He opens up his staff that he always carries and blocks an attack of Sabretooth's on the kid with strange looking bones sticking out of her. He fights Sabretooth almost to a standstill momentarily until he has to dodge a harpoon, which leads Sabretooth into ripping all the way into his side as he tries to jump out of the way.)

You should've just looked the other way cajun. Now, theres no chance that you will be working for anybody else ever again. (He goes to finish off Gambit but he grabs a nearby rock and charges it. He hits Sabretooth dead on which launches him over across the huge tunnel.)

(Manages to barely make it to his feet and grab the morlock child and run for the exit as he dodges harpoons and gunfire from Scalphunter.) Mon dieu, what have I done? I'm sorry little one. Had I known this is why I was asked to put them together I would've said no. When you get older I hope you wont hold this against poor Gambit, huh. (He cant run much farther as he is severely injured. He has to use his staff to use to walk as he heads back to the Mansion.)

(Talking to Harpoon.) Look at this guy. (Points to Fever Pitch as he tries to use his fire powers to keep the Marauders at bay.) Harpoon?

Gladly. (He energizes a harpoon and throws it with deadly accuracy at Fever Pitch. Fever Pitch disappears in a flare of his own powers, disintegrating while screaming.)

Now that was classic. (Then he himself enters the fray and goes about killing some of the Morlocks.)

Help me. Somebody help me. (She's trying to scramble away from someone who's tailing her. She slips and falls and runs into a corner.)

It's time you learned why they call me scalphunter. (He whips a knife out and slowly, methodically, walks over to the histerical Annalee.)

(Running down some tunnel with some other Marauders but stops and sniffs the air.)

(Her eyes open as she had hoped they had ran by her. She used her mutant ability to make herself up against the wall.)

Sorry, darling. But you can't hide your smell. (Before she can even scream, she's cut down by Sabretooth's claws.)

Scene 14
Back at the Xmansion, it's now past early morning and about 8am in the morning. We slide over to the girls dormitory and find Psylocke tossing and turning in her bed.

(Tossing and turning as having a nightmare. But it's not a nightmare. She's hearing the mental cries of thousands of dying Morlocks. She wakes with a scream.) Storm. (She slips on her robe and runs towards the headmistress.)

(Seconds later, all the xmen are present in her office, pajamas and all.) Are you sure about this Betsy?

(Hands at her ears like it's going to help her block out the psychic cries.)

She doesn't look like she's playing Storm. Why don't I go and check it out. Everyone get ready, just in case.

Ok. Here's what we do. Logan, you go and see what's going on. Betsy will psychically key you into the entrance she saw. Beast, you assemble a small team together just in case he needs some back up.

Alright. Finally some real action. (They all walk out and go their own ways to get ready.)

Scene 15
Wolverine rides his motorcycle with expert skill until he gets to the same tunnel opening as the Marauders.

(Instantly goes rigid, when he sniffs the air.) Sabretooth. And I don't believe it. (He sniffs the air again, and pushes his communicator.) Hey Storm. The kids right. Something's going on down here. And I dont know why but Im picking up Rogue's scent down here. And blood.

(Over Wolverine's communicator.) Oh God. We will be there in a minute.

Scene 16
Literally within a couple of minutes, what looks like a black ops van pulls around the corner and stops by the exact tunnel opening.

Logan? You don't think he went in by himself do you?


(Pops his head through the hidden opening.) Lets move it people. (Everybody climbs out of the van and into the tunnel where Wolverine is leading them down into. Storm, Beast, Havok, Dazzler, Psylocke, Colossus, Nightcrawler, Angel, Iceman, and Shadowcat climb out of the van.)

(Looking at the destruction that was left in the Morlock tunnels. Bodies laying literally all over the place.)

Oh my stars and garters.

Who could've done this? I mean they killed everybody.

Storm. I suggest we split up to cover more ground. We have to handle this fast. Or who knows how many more mutants they will kill down here. I recognize two scents. Sabretooth and Rogues, but there are more of them. I just dont know them. They probably have Rogue captive.

But why would they want Rogue? She took the cure. She's powerless.

Maybe Sabretooth doesn't know that. Last time he knew Magneto wanted her and we stopped him.

Okay, we split into two teams. Wolverine, Psylocke, Iceman and Havok are with me. Beast you take Colossus, Kitty, Nightcrawler and Angel with you. If anybody see's the mutants responsible, you call before taking action. If anyone happens to get seperated, and their communicator is destroyed head back out of the tunnels and back to the van. All agreed? (They all nod their heads in agreement.)

I hope we get them first. (Closes his hand and makes a fist.)

Scene 17
Down deep into the tunnels, Beast's team makes it's way across all of the destruction.

(Leading his team of young Xmen across a tunnel when it opens up into a new big intersect with the same destruction.) Angel. Anything?

(Flying and landing atop of a high post, scanning the area.) Nope.


(Barely manages to aerial dodge a shockwave sent by Arclight.)

Everyone, watch yourselves. It's a trap.

(Steps out of the shadows.) Ofcourse. I could smell you traitors from down the tunnels. Now die. (He lunges at Beast but finds that he's faster than he looks. This fight takes a chase vibe as Sabretooth finds that he's hard to catch, as the bouncing Beast seems to attack him on all sides.)

(Phazes through a shockwave by Arclight and spin kicks her out cold. She starts feeling dizzy as Vertigo sets her powers on her.)

(Climbs down the wall to behind Vertigo.) Hello.

(Turns and tries to use her powers on NIghtcrawler but he seems fine.)

(Teleports out of the way as some Blockbuster tries to grab him.) Sorry, but your powers dont work on me. I'm an acrobat, I'm use to vertigo.

(Mad and tries to hit him.)

(Teleports out of the way as Vertigo tries to hit him, but really see's Blockbuster winding up a hit. He teleports just as Blockbuster blasts Vertigo clear across the tunnel.)

(Looking for Nightcrawler as he is a constant teleporting attack on Blockbuster. Although he's too strong really for Nightcrawler to truly hurt him.)

(He see's a hidden sniper lay his sights on Colossus so he swoops down and drops Scalphunter to the ground, where he's put away by a mighty punch from Colossus.)

(Revs up his powers and throws some super speed stars at Angel, but Colossus steps in the way.)

(Kind of in agony and surprise as the ninja stars actually stick into his metal form and dont bounce off. He turns to see Harpoon get the drop on Kitty.)

(Isn't that afraid of the thrown harpoons because she goes to phaze but it hits her anyways. Kitty cries out in pain as Colossus rushes to her side.) Peter....(That's all she says as she passes out from the pain.)

(Enraged at Kitty getting hurt, rushes over and goes to grab Harpoon but Blockbuster blocks his way. Blockbuster hits Colossus on the side of the head, but Colossus uses it to turn and back kick Blockbuster through the side of the tunnel wall. He looks up to see Riptide throw hundreds of high speed stars everywhere to eventually catch and injure a teleporting Nightcrawler. Seeing another one of his friends go down, he rushes Riptide and grabs him by the neck and squeezes. Before Riptide can utter another word, Colossus breaks Riptide's neck with a snap. He's surprised at how easy that was and drops to one knee as you start to see some energy escaping from the stars he took from Riptide.)

(Flying and going to help Beast with Sabretooth, when Blockbuster jumps on top of him and drags him to the ground. They get up, but Blockbuster throws him against a wall. Just as Angel gets up, he spreads his wings to fly, but out of nowhere a harpoon pins one of his wings to the wall. Agony shoots through him. Then another harpoon pins his other wing to the wall. Pinned up against the wall, Angel screams in pain.)

Look at the poor little bird boy. Let's see you fly your way out of this one. (He punches Angel hard enough in the stomach to drive all the air out of him and cause dust to come off the walls.) What's the use of these anyways? What will happen when you dont have these anymore? (Blockbuster grabs one of Angels wings and snaps it.)

(Again in agony.)

(Drawn to the attention of the screaming Angel, he loses his guard and Sabretooth makes him pay for it. Wounded, Beast calls a retreat from his group as he manages to avoid Sabretooth, and kick out Harpoon before slamming Blockbuster into the ground. He unpins Angel and rushes down the tunnels with Colossus carrying the injured Shadowcat and Nightcrawler.)

I will hold them off. (When they find a good place to hide. But Storm's team comes upon them.)

Hank, what happened?

We were ambushed. They are quite the group. All killers. Absolutely ruthless. I have to go back to the van and get some equipment. I will set up a medical area. Just keep them off of us for a bit. They are on the way.

Good. (Unsheathes his claws.)

Logan, no. We have to help them first. Bobby set up an ice wall.

(Fills the entire tunnel opening with a solid ice wall.)

(Coming back down with Wolverine carrying medical equipment.) I brought these for them. I never thought we would be using them for us.

Ok. Set up Beast. We are going to go and see what we can find out. I want one captured to see who they are and what they're really doing down here.

I will try. (They go out another hole in the wall that Colossus was guarding.)

Peter. Come here my boy. Lets see about you next.

(Mad.) I'm fine.

Ok, we could use the muscle. Come on. (They leave Beast there to tend to himself and the others. Later down into the tunnels they run into the Marauders again, but this time Wolverine warns them of the scents.) Everybody ready? (Everyone nods okay and they run out of the tunnel temporarily surprising the Marauders. Or what's left of even their team.)

(Notices Rogue out in the corner.) Rogue? What's going on?

(Drops a beaten Morlock.) What's it to you?

(Tries to get her psychically.) Storm. I'm getting too much interference. It's like something's in there with her. It's not Rogue.

(Comes out of the shadows, claws and teeth bared.) Hello, again. Wolverine.

The kid gloves are off this time Sabretooth. (Snikt goes both of his claws. Sabretooth growls and they both rush eachother. This fight is fast and ferocious as both give as good as they get. But Wolverine is just that much better.)

(Flies at Storm, trying to grab her.)

Sorry for this Rogue. (She launches lightning at Rogue that don't bring her down at all to her surprise.) What?

I've picked up some powers from here and there. (She goes for Storm again but an invisible something blasts her sideways and out.)

Sorry Rogue. You left me with no choice.

(Looks at Prism.) Last chance to surrender.

Let's see what you got.

(Fires a blast at Prism, which his power to absorb and amplify, fires it back at Havok. He tries to move out of the way when his own blast hits him and nothing happens.)


Well it is my own. But let's see if you want to take it. (He charges pure power out of himself and toward Prism. He overloads Prism and Prism shatters in millions of pieces as Havoks energies were amplified and released violently in all directions causing everyone to dive for cover. The blast is so fierce that it purges the tunnels clean of everything.)

(Squaring off against Sabretooth.) Come on Bub. Let's see who's got the better claws. (Snikt. He pops both claws on both hands. Wolverine and Sabretooth fight to a stand still with Logan given the slight edge because of his claws and adamantium bones.)

(Even though he's losing energy from the stars that were stuck in him by Riptide, he stands toe to toe with Blockbuster refusing to go down.)

(Flies towards Dazzler with murderous eyes. The being called Malice edging her on.)

Since when can you fly? (Dodges just enough to cartwheel out of the reach of Rogue.)

(Trying to psychically to reach Rogue.) Alison. It's not her. There's alot of psychic interference, but I believe I'm picking up two distinct personalities. One is suppressed. It's Rogue's. This lady has control of her. She's called Malice.

(Nearly dodging another grab from Rogue. As Rogue lands on the ground now and heads towards her, she blasts a piece of the ceiling that comes crashing down where Rogue was walking.) Hate to do this to you Rogue, but you are giving me no choice.

(Catches the heavy piece of ceiling with ease and tosses it at Psylocke who was trying to close in on her.)

Lets see how you handle this. (She let's out a kick that would've leveled most anybody, but ends up hurting her foot against Rogue.)

Like the new me? I'm practically invincible. (Then as she almost grabs Psylocke, a beam from behind blasts her off her feet and across the room into the far away wall.)

(Still in the stance of using her ultimate photon beam.) Hope that hurts you more than me.

(Gets up and dusts herself off.) Ooh I'm going to love smashing that pretty blonde face of yours into the ground. (She leaves her feet for the ground again, flying towards both Psylocke and Dazzler.)

(Using her psychic abilities this time to lock onto the Malice persona.) How about giving us our friend back. (She psychic blasts Rogue so hard that the hidden necklace that hosts Malice is completely blown off and Rogue lands unconscious almost at their feet.)

(Looks at Psylcocke.) Good thing you had her Betsy because to be honest, I hit her with my best shot. I don't know if I would have the energy left if she came back.

(Trying to jump around and hammer Storm who manages to keep out of her reach. She claps her hands together, trying to sonic blast her out of the sky.)

I've had enough of this. Enough of all this madness. (Blasts Arclight with enough power to take her out of the fight without killing her.)

(Steadies his aim as he's going for Storm.)

(Surprised when a Harpoon gets stuck in ice behind her.)

Uh uh dude. Now that's just rude. Attacking a lady. You know you just need to chill out for a bit. (He drops the temperature surrounding Harpoon. He goes to throw another harpoon at Iceman, but his quickly devoloped ice wall rebounds his harpoon right at himself, with a resounding flash of light.)

(Walks into the more lighted area after his brutal fight with Sabretooth had them carried off for a bit. He comes in dragging a half unconscious Sabretooth after him, wounds abundent, but apparently healing. He looks like he got brought to his limit though.)

(Nearly energy depleted, he ends up having the strength enough to over power Blockbuster and land a huge right hand that blasts Blockbuster through the tunnel wall but the tunnel wall after that. He walks over to Storm and nearly collapses.)

Shadowed Man
(Walks out of the shadows as if he just showed up out of nowhere.) Enough. Enough you insignificant genetic fools.

What's going on here? Who are you?

Shadowed man
Names are unimportant. I have come to ask my minions why the genetic cleansing as been abandoned and I come and see this.

You were behind this? Why?

Doesn't matter why, just needed to know if he was worth slicing. (He moves at incredible swiftness to claw the shadowed figure. He punctures right through his abdomen but to his surprise, the shadowed man just smiles at him. Wolverine steps back and they watch as the wound instantly heals itself even faster than that of Wolverines. It seems to just melt back together.)

Shadowed man
(Blasts Logan back with an energy blast from his hand.) My band of mutants have been defeated. Feel free to kill them if you would like, for they are no longer valuable to me. They have completed most of what they were sent to do.

What? You can't just discard me. (He lets out a ferocious roar and lunges for the shadowed man.)

Shadowed man
(Easily catches Sabretooth by the throat, and forces him to his knees.) You see? I'm willing to kill my own people. Truly killing each of you is of no consequence for me.

That's just sinister. You can't just use people and throw them away like trash.

Shadowed man
That's Mr. Sinister to you.

(Gets up off the floor, returning to her old self.) What happened?

(At first takes offensive, for being attacked by Rogue already once earlier, but then realizes that it's Rogue. She helps her stand, without touching her.) Man your heavy. You don't look it girl but you are definitely heavier.

(Realizing something about herself.) Yeah, I do feel different.

(Talks to Storm close enough to try and not have anybody else pick up what he's saying.) Storm, something is off. I see him but I dont smell him.

What are you saying?

I'm saying it's like the Danger Room. I see him but I don't smell him.

(Psychically picking up what Wolverine was saying gave her an idea. She starts to summon all of her psychic might and tries to force her way into the Sinister's mind.) There's so much psychic backlash. Clearly he has some kind of psionic powers.

Let's see how he handles this. (Charges up another massive beam.)

Alex don't.....

(Let's his energy release out of both of his hands, as it blasts through most of the upper torso of Sinister, leaving just mostly a head and some shoulder. But still he was just there staring at them.)

(His body reforms once again, looking like it just melts back together.)

Gotcha. (She summons her whole psychic might and let's it fly as she hammers Sinister with all she's got.)

(He raises his hands with a sinister grin preparing to start attacking the Xmen, but just fades with a surprised look on his face.)

(Almost in the motion of acting offensively when he stops.) What happen?

Well when I picked up your thought to Storm, I decided that while you guys kept him occupied I would look for the source. It was indeed an intriquite psychic illusion. So I gave him a taste of my psychic power by tracing his thought patterns directly to the source.

Good job, Betsy. I bet he wakes up with an incredible headache tomorrow.

(Looking around for Sabretooth and notices that he has escaped once again.) Alright, let's get out of here. Time to go back home.

Scene 18
Back at an undisclosed location where it looks like a tornado had torn right through the room. Picking himself up off the floor is Sinister himself.

(Wiping his bloody nose.) Psylocke, huh. Well we will be keeping a closer eye on you my dear. (Smiles his usual sinister smile.)

The End

After credits roll, I have an extra hidden scene.
Scene 19
Back in the sick bay of Muir Island.
Man in bed
(He sits up uneasily.) Moira don't be alarmed. But I've gathered enough strength from the psychic plane. I have returned. We are indeed in for some dark days.

(Just looks shocked as Professor Xavier turns to sit on the bed, and touches his feet on the ground. She's shocked again as he stands up on his feet a little uneasy.) Charles?

The End

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DDD - 9/15/2009, 4:54 AM
See that's what I'm talkin' about! Action, suspense, character development, and action, action, action!
Nice @Rumble, really nice!
AshleyWilliams - 9/15/2009, 5:17 AM
Yeah very good!
Cyclops had to come back!
DDD - 9/15/2009, 6:30 AM
@Rumble, I have quite an extensive education in scriptwriting and general writing and your way with words here is fantastic! You described things here in a very exciting way. That's the way scripts are supposed to be...real page turners!
KidFReSHofKrypt0n - 9/15/2009, 6:36 AM
First time I have read an entire screen play that someone has wrote on here...I would definitely pay money to see this. Kudos.
flames809 - 9/15/2009, 2:10 PM
wow i got u thinking huh good script doe that's how part four should go and what happen to gambit,cyclops at the end and were did Cannonball go to
KEROSENE - 9/15/2009, 6:22 PM
brilliant.. keep it coming.
THEHAWK - 9/15/2009, 7:38 PM

Nice man. Makes me want to finish my X-4 story, but i don't have the time now ;( I'm working on something, something big
supermarioworldE - 9/15/2009, 10:40 PM
Damn near perfect script rumblebeast. You must have been writing this script since x-3, because this story was really thought out and it pulled me in. My ONLY criticism is that this story expands on that shitty x-3, but even that can't really be a criticism, because this story uses that movies weaknesses to its strengths to make it a better story. Congrats!
Rumblebeast - 9/16/2009, 2:20 AM
Thanks, im glad everyone liked it. I think I might try some follow up..LOL, I can't wait to see what you do cuz I always like what you do dude....

@DDD...Thanks man. Glad you liked it.

@flames...yeah man you got me thinking around the time we were doing the fan casts, then you put that article up of what we would I went for it. LOL and let me think for a sec....Cannonball still at the school with the New Mutants. I put Sunspot and Boomer in there. I just think if Wolverine is tactical, he wouldn't bring Cannonball into tunnels. I wouldn't. Not much manueverability. So he's still at school. Cyclops, well he's on a ship with Madelyne who knows what could come of that. Hehehehe....and Gambit is already welcome at the mansion, so he's coming back...Maybe in the next one we will see a little danger room session with Gambit and Wolverine. LOL. Who knows???
flames809 - 9/16/2009, 2:52 PM
make a second part to it and cannonball could be doing a party in the house like he did in x men: evolution
Rumble - 9/21/2009, 9:01 PM
That was a great script. Something like that could save the X-Man movies.
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