Part 4/6 of the script of my story (All Rights Reserved!)

Part 4/6 of the script of my story (All Rights Reserved!)

From here on out, it's about to get real!!!

By Tylerman - Mar 21, 2014 07:03 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic


PART 4/6


Setting: A televised argument is being televised in regards to the swine flu pandemic with Casanova.


Sara: Good evening folks, now we have been discussing a few matters lately one of the biggest “possibly the biggest one of the decade.” Is the horrifying virus going around “the swine flu”


Sara: Ya’ know I have to say as I have said it before in the past, the death toll is starting to make its mark here in the US and in other major countries around the globe. It has been a year and a few months now since the virus has spread in enormous numbers. Are they showing any signs of doing anything about it? No! Is there any word on progress to finding a way to counteract the virus? No! I mean I just don’t get it?


Peter: Ya’ know, I couldn’t agree with more Sara, I mean the death toll of this virus killed 3,000 people in the U.S, and a whopping...15,000 people through the globe. And what have we heard from the U.S Government and United Nations was just warnings on what to do, and what not to do. I mean nothing on what should be revealed to general public which is: What is being done, and where we stand on finding a counteraction.


George: Wait a minute, there has got to be a very logical explanation on why nothing is being said, let’s look at the facts. The general public is petrified. I mean could you imagine if they start saying “Oh, we haven’t found anything yet.” There would be a panic right there, and that’s not what they want right now. Maybe, they haven’t found a secure enough method to counteract the virus. They will counteract the virus, but it will not be revealed until it is a forsure thing.


Sara: Well Maybe your right, we have someone here that can answer these questions. Let’s make him feel welcome from everyone here at the studio. Please welcome Dominic Blain.

Dominic: Hello, Everyone thank you for having me.


Sara: Oh’ it’s our pleasure, now Dominic you are the liaison for the U.S Government and the United Nations is that correct?

Dominic: That is correct.


Sara: Maybe you can settle the biggest question that’s on everyone’s mind, is there anything being done about the swine flu? And if there is, what is being done? Because we believe that someone should say where we stand because of the fact that this is a pandemic, and it is currently growing.


Dominic: Ya know I have to agree with you 100%, right now as we speak we have medical researchers working on a way of taking care of this. I can’t say for more of a counteraction to the virus, but more along the lines of a perminate cure.


Peter: Wait, are you saying that our US medical researchers are working not on a counteraction, but a cure?


Dominic: That’s correct, and this is actually what they have said. “This virus is one of the most dangerous virus to hit our global history. A counteraction to this would not take care of the problem, just cover it up.”

Sara: Absolutely.


Dominic: They could’ve most definitely found a counteraction months ago, but they are working day and night around the clock, and pulling all their resources together to finding a cure to destroy this illness forever.



Sara: Well, that’s very reassuring. There you have it, finally someone has spoken.

Now another topic, and I may say a more uplifting one. The president’s anogeration is tomorrow. Any thoughts on this?


Dominic: All I can say is this is magically, I mean for the first time we have a leader from another culture is stepping into the white house


Sara: Well, we at the studio are attending maybe we will see you there.

Dominic: I will be looking forward to it.


Sara: Well, that’s it for now, see you next time.  




SETTING: The President's anogeration. 7:30pm. The Vice president and Cassanova are talking about the past decade's work.)



Vice President: Cassanova, I can't believe I'm saying this... You did well!

Cassanova: I never thought that our lord's main office would be questioning me?


Vice President: Not Questioning, just watching.


Cassanova: Yah' know, there might be a problem. Titan, Rayne, Apollo, Alex. Their all missing.

Vice president: There gone...If we meet them again. I know you won't let them get away next time. As of right now their nothing to us.


Vice president: All we need now for our lord is the necrosphere.

Cassanova: They are if They become the Alliance...



(Vice president looks at him weirdly. And pulls him away.)


Vice President: I thought that every known existing person from that rebellion died back in 1942?!

Cassanova: They did, but just...what if?


Vice President: Well, after we find the necrosphere, nothing can touch us. Exspecially him.


Cassanova: I am Allab's second in command until he is exposed to every nation in the world.


Vice President: I’m controlling the swine flu’s outcome.


Cassanova: That was never exposed to anyone, how did you?...

Vice President: I'm pretending to be his Vice President...



(The anogeration is going on.)

President: I believe in the future of this country. The people of this nation will be back on track, This I promise. We will soon have peace, a stronger economy, and a brighter future. All we have to say is Yes we can...yes we can...yes we can.


(People cheering yes we can.)




(The anti-christ/president is leaving the anogeration with his fake vice president.)


Vice President: My lord, now that you’re in the white house I think it's time to let me in on the matters at hand.


Anti-christ: Which is the Alliance.


Vice President: Oh, yah.

Anti-christ: It’s almost time, they will come again this time around for a greater purpose in their fight. We’ll have the strongest rebellion ever.


Vice President: What should we do about it?



The President: Get me Casanova on the phone.


(The Vice president calls Cassanova.)



(Cassanova is heading towards his new military base.)

Cassanova: Hello?

Vice President: There's something he need's you to do.

Cassanova: What's the word?


(The vice president looks at The Anti-christ. Waiting for his next word.)


Anti-christ/President: Send this message...


(NEWS report: Good Morning America, our top story tonight is a message from a terrorist organization that is planning to over throw the world government. Not a trick, or a scam. Our latest intellegence is telling us this is the real deal folks. The terrorist group’s whereabouts are unkown, also what they are called. All we have is this message from one of the members. Now we at the studio’s must warn the viewers out there that this message is disturbing. “In the very near future, we will rise to the occasion. Our first attack will cause a global catastrophe like none other. We plan on starting this party, with one hell of a bang! Could this be Al Qaeda? Or could there be something out there worst than Al Qaeda? More on this later on tonight. Well be back after these messages.


(Chicago, IL. 10:41am, Apollo is sitting at a book shop outside with a map.)


Apollo’s thinking: All of Iraq, Iran, the persian gulf, and arfghanistan. Tomorrow scope out, Bagdad. I just hope that guy Alex made it out alive back at the Al Qaeda Compound. That’s another place I have to wipe out. Jesus this is gunna’ take forever. But I have to find it, and soon.


(Apollo looks up and see’s a couple sitting at a table drinking coffee and laughing.)


Apollo’s thinking: Rayne...God, what I wouldn’t give to see you again. 


Rayne’s thinking: Turn around.


(Apollo turns around and Rayne is standing across the street leaning on the building.)


(Apollo’s walking over to her.)


Rayne: I told you we would see eachother again.


Apollo: Where did you go?

Rayne: Into hiding, really I’ve constantly been on the move.


Apollo: How ‘bout this time, I take us to eat. (Smiles)

(Rayne smiles)


(Sitting outside in a restaurant)


Rayne: You first, were have you been?


Apollo: The necrosphere fell back down. It fell somewhere in the Middle East, it was prior to the attack of 9/11. I’ve been searching for it for the past few years.


Rayne: Anything?

Apollo: Nothing...But I feel I’m getting close. On my search, I met this soldier I had the fortune of crossing paths with. He was a NAVY SEAL on a mission with 6 other’s on his team. Their mission was to find Allab and kill em’. Pretty unfortunate that his best friend happened to be Casanova himself.


Rayne: Where is he now?

Apollo: I don’t know? Probably out there somewhere, trying to figure this all out like us. I don’t know if he killed Allab or not. I think he did.


(Brief silence)


Rayne: Don’t say anything, I have been trying to contact you.


Apollo: I hate it when you do that.


Rayne: This was the first time you were in the city.

Apollo: I know you did.

Rayne: How?

Apollo: Don’t have to be psychic to figure it out.


Apollo: What about you?


Rayne: I’ve been on the run most of the time. Not spending more than a week in one place. I traveled the entire country. I spoke with my father. He got a hideout in the abandoned boxing ring here in the city. He’s just bringing down possible illuminati affiliates with the New World Order.


Apollo: You happen to mention me?

Rayne: I don’t think it’s time yet.


Rayne: Anyway, this not what I need to tell you. I’ve been having these visions.

Apollo: What kind of visions?


Rayne: Awful ones. Explosions, death. I’m telling you Apollo, I feel something really bad is coming, and when it comes it’s gunna’ be something we are not gunna’ be prepared for. And I don’t know what it is.


Apollo: Shh, it’s okay. You’re safe now.


Rayne smiles!


(Inside the white house)


Lady: What should we do with these papers?


Vice president: Shred them


(Walks into the president’s office. The president is sitting with the Secretary of Defense.


Vice president: Sir, I’m afraid I must speak to you at once.


President: Can this wait?

Vice President: I’m sorry sir, but this is very high priority.


President: Two minutes secretary.


(Walks outside in the hallway.)


President: What’s wrong?

Vice president: Rayne is with Apollo, Casanova located them both in Chicago, IL.

If you want the final phase to go into full affect sir? I suggest we start preparations for it effective immediately.


President: Absolutely, tell Casanova to spring a trap, makesure he get’s them together. We both know that is essential...

Vice president: …No problem.


President: Excuse me, don’t interrupt me.

Vice President: Forgive me my lord, I just had an idea.


President: I’m all ears.


Vice: We need them together, Apollo and Rayne? Well I got somethin’ better, something that will save us alot of time. We’ve had a message from one of our high ranked members that a man by the name of Mickey jones is on his tail. Same member ran into Alex manor a few minutes prior to that. I’ll handle this one sir, you just take it easy.


President: Good work, when this is all over, you will be of great power my friend.

Vice President: Nothing will make me happier my lord.


(Vice president picks up the phone)


Vice president: Casanova, time to kick it into second gear.

Casanova: What do ya’ need?


(Back to Rayne and Apollo having lunch.)


Apollo: Ya’ know I gotta’ say, this chicken parmesian is fantastic.


(Rayne clenchs the table.)

Apollo: Rayne, what is it?


Rayne: Something’s wrong, we have to go.

Apollo: Where?


Rayne: The taste of Chicago. Casanova is up to something…wait…


Rayne:...My father is there. He’s following someone. Something doesn’t seem right?


Apollo: Come on, let’s go find out.


(Taste of Chicago, Mid-day. Mayor is giving a speech to everyone about the new’s on the terrorist organization.)


Mayor: Hello Chicago!


Mayor: Now I know that all major cities are a little shaken up regarding the terrorist message we have received, exspecially after the attack on 9/11.


(View of everyone)


Mayor: I can tell you this much. Are government stands stronger now than it ever has. We as a city stand strong in itself.



Mayor: Let us put aside this bone chilling update, and do what we do here at this major event...Eat, drink, and have a blast. God bless you all.




(A little girl is walking with her mom.)


Little girl: Mommy, I wanted a beef sandwich.


Mom: Ok, come on hunny.


(Titan is watching from a distance the guy the he needs to take down.)


(Casanova is in a van parked in the lot. Keeping in Contact with the followed member.)


Soldier: Ok sir, were live.

Casanova: Alright, can you hear me brother?


Member: Loud and clear. It’s just...

Casanova:...what’s the problem?


Member: I’m being followed by a guy that can pull apart a tank in secs.


Casanova: Don’t even worry. Your being watched by 100’s of the illuminati’s finest soldiers. And there all mine that I have recruited myself.


Casanova: Just lead him to the vantage point and we’ll take care of it.

Member: Alright.

Casanova: What’s the word on the street? Any sign of the rest of them?


(All of Casanova’s army is disguised as cops.)

Soldiers: Nothing yet sir, but we have a full perimeter watch. There’s nowhere for them to hide.


Casanova: Alright, just keep me posted.


(Rayne is walking through the taste.)

Apollo: Did you find your father yet?


Rayne: Not yet, we need to find him fast, something’s wrong.


(View of Apollo.)

Rayne: Remember it’s only us in this right now.

(Apollo looks shocked)

Apollo: Oh, I wouldn’t say that.


(View of the member through a scope.)

(Shot of Alex looking through a scope.)

(View of titan through the scope)


Alex: What the hell do you want with him?


Apollo: He’s following him.

Alex: What the hell are you doing here? I thought you were searching for the necrosphere?

Casanova: Is he there yet?


Member: Were in position.


(Member turns around and smiles.)


Casanova: Alright were ready, take em’ down.



(The member gets shot.)


(Titan looks in shock.)

(Rayne in shock)

(Apollo and Alex in shock.)


(Everyone is trampling over everyone.)


Alex: Let’s go!


(Rayne is running through the crowd trying to get her father.)

(Titan looks and see’s the cops coming after him.)


Titan: They can’t be serious?


(Titan leaps in the air and smashes down on a few of them.)

(Rayne gets mixed up with other Cops.)

(A woman stops and looks up in the sky.)

Woman: Look!


(Helicopter is flying over head.)


Helicopter: Evacuate immediately.

(People are trampling over eachother.)


(Apollo is flying over head. Drops Alex off.)

(Alex is running through the crowd, fighting off the crowd.)

(Alex, Rayne, and Titan are there fighting together.)


Alex: Who the hell are you?!


Rayne: My name is Rayne! I’m a physic and possess telekinetic powers.


(Soldier’s are coming for them.)


Rayne: For example.


(Rayne picks a broken light pole and chucks it at them.)


Alex: Ya’ know before the elemental air pilot who can literally fly, that would have been amazing.


Titan: Let’s save pleasantries for later, huh?!!


(The crowd is mostly gone.)


Rayne: You must be the soldier Apollo was talkin’ about!


Titan: Who’s Apollo?!


Rayne: The guy I’m seeing!!


(Titan looks at her, and goes beserk on the rest of the cops.)


Titan: Excuse me.


(Apollo blows all the cops away. Comes down and helps them.)


Apollo: Where’s your father?

Rayne: This is him, Apollo this is my father.


Apollo: Wow, your alot bigger than I thought?


(More soldier’s starting coming out of the air.)


Alex: They just seem to keep coming!


(Smoke fills the air. Around them.)


Alex: Apollo are you doing this?

Apollo: It’s not me?


(The Cops just keep dropping in the smoke.)


(The nightwolf leaps out of the smoke and starts fighting them all off.)


Nightwolf: Let’s move now! Follow me!


(They go into a plan down the street on a roof and take off.)


PAGE 10:

(Back at Gerards underground secret apartment. Alex is standing by a fireplace.)


Titan: I’m wasting time here, Casanova’s army which is! The new world order’s army is currently rising as we speak. There could be 100’s upon 1000’s building right now.


Apollo: Well, the necrosphere is needed to obviously enpower Cassanova's army. So the necrosphere first.


Siege: I don't care what happens first. There’s alot going on right now and we need answers, like how to find Casanova and kill him. He can’t live much longer.


Gerard: And he won't...



(They look at Gerard entering the room.)


Gerard: But it's not gunna' be that easy.


Titan: Do you wanna' explain what the [frick] your talkin' about?


Gerard: Gladly, First off. My name is Gerard, I fought in world war 2.


Apollo: So in other words. Your an old veteran?


Gerard: Not exactly.

PAGE 11:

Siege: I don't understand.


Gerard: I fought in ww2, but the real war...I was the one who truely killed Hitler. And now a new fight is coming. You all are already are a part of it. More than you even know. You only know a small portion of the true. The illuminati age's back to the time of the mayans and aztecs. We formed years after...


Gerard: It's been a while since something big has happened and this is what I have been waiting for for over 70 years.



Rayne: Who's we?


Gerard: I was the leader of the one group of freedom fighters that could stand up against the illuminati...we were known as...The Alliance.




Gerard: Since the beginning of recorded civilization, the illuminati have ruled everything and anything that they could. They were ruthless, and evil. But there were some who cried out for help. When will the madness end? And then came the knights templar, or as so everyone thought.


PAGE 12:

Titan: I think your wrong pal, I have been reading up about that and people say that they are the illuminati as well.

Gerard: Did they now?


Gerard: The knights templar was created in secrecy, but their true origins tell like this. They have formed together to fight off executions and wars that carried out from the illuminati, They were the first rebellion against the illuminati...They were, the first Alliance. The illuminati are crafty and incredibly smart. If they can't beat you physically, they will break you down spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. They were responsible for pinning them as the illuminati, so the world around them would turn on them. Over the years others have joined the cause, and they died off so on and so forth until now.



Siege: Why now? What's so different now?


Gerard: The illuminati have not just been planning the new world order.

(View of Titan.)

Gerard: Or the search for the necrosphere.

(View of Apollo)

Gerard: Or even the rise of their Lord.

(View of Siege.)


Gerard: They have been planning, the end of history. We have entered the time of the illuminati's plan for their apocalypse and the rise of their lord who's like Satan here on earth. This same man is after the necrosphere, he needs it for only one purpose, to rule over the nations.


Apollo: That’s probably why the commanding office back in element city was so high bent on protecting the necrosphere.


Alex: Back in the Middle East when Operation team 6 was in full effect, Dominic said something about this bastard you’re talking about. I was the one who killed him. It was Allab Abdhul right? He’s gone; all that’s left is Casanova?


Gerard: It is Allab Adhul, but the man you killed wasn’t him.


(Brief silence)


Gerard: When Alex thought he gunned down the terrorist responsible for the attack it really wasn't was a decoy to create confusion upon his secret escape, how he escaped we don’t know. The real Allab abdhul, the man responsible is now risen to his power but the general public believe’s him still alive and at large. He is our president. Taken under a new disquise ofcourse. He is their lord and savior. He is the one to bring the end of the world and enlightenment to all the illuminati and the rest of us. The illuminati enlightenment is like their power source for knowledge and their ideal of the perfect world. They believe this enlightenment is an actual thing that can be seen. Like I said, you only Know a small portion of things. Their plan isn't totally clear. but all I can tell you is that what lie's ahead will make the holocaust look like a friendly gathering.

(view of people on the street.)

The public everyday goes on with their lives blinded by the truth. Everything that happened throughout the history of the world was either a lie or a cover up. There was no wars, no bombings, no assasinations. From the beginning, it was always just the Illuminati vs. Us.


PAGE 13:

Gerard: But now it is your turn.


Siege: And why should we? Knowing this it may to be to big for us to handle?


Gerard: All of you are fighting this individually with your own personal grudges and vengence's. But let me tell you something. If you all go your seperate ways and fight without eachother I promise you you will fail, and you will fail hard. But all together against the illuminati you stand as a force to be reconed with. The world we know doesn't need soldiers, we don't need an army, or a team...we even need something more than just a rebellion...what we need...Is an Alliance.


Titan: And what’s your deal?


Nightwolf: My name is Ethan Black, for some time now I don’t exist to the world. Now all I go by is the Nightwolf.


Siege: I read about you in the paper. A vigilante stalks the streets of Chicago. They said your like a shadow or a myth.


Nightwolf: I was like a myth, but now it’s different when you’re fighting in a war that’s hidden from the entire world, there’s not to many shadows to hide in.


Titan: I heard about ya’ to, the papers said you took down some of the cities most secretive underground operations.


Nightwolf: A few of them, the ones that I needed to.


Gerard: I’ve been reading about him in the papers, I followed his stories. I found him half dead, patched em’ up and he’s been working with me ever since. Following up on every move the illuminati has been making up to now.


Nightwolf: The titan is right about one thing, Casanova’s army will be the new world order after the end of this world siezes to exist, and his army is growing as we speak. There’s no telling how many he has right now.


Apollo: Where is he getting his new recruit’s?


Nightwolf: Everywhere, military, street gangs, rebel soldiers, everywhere. With an army as large as his and only 5 of us, when he does make his next move we’ll have to be extremely ready for it.


Titan: When are we suppose to know when he’s gunna’ strike next, Rayne sure as hell can’t figure it out.


Rayne: What do we do now?


Gerard:...We wait.




(Alex is outside on the roof of the building. Thinking about Cassanova.)


(Gerard walk's up behind him)

Gerard: Your ol' Friend is dead Alex...That much is certain. The memories you've had together must be thrown in the fire.


Siege: I can't believe it. The one person I could look upon other than my wife is gone, and so is she. And the one thing I wanted was to be a leader. To stand in front and do things the way I know how. The only chance I got at that was framed, fake, and fony just like not only this country but the whole world. I didn't want something fake. I want something real!


Gerard: Hope is not lost. You have them. And they have you. Everything is not lost...just changed. And in case you haven't noticed...I'm an ol' man. I can't become Siege anymore.


PAGE 15:

Siege: Siege?


Gerard: Since the beginning, the story of the knight's templar. There has always been a leader, the true leader. Everyone thought that king arthur was the leader, but they were wrong, He was a decoy protecting Siege. The definition of Siege is "To create a surrounding blockage and then attack from the outside in.". Now I believe that definition explain's your strongest skill. Through every forming of our secret rebellion there has always been one that lead the others in times of conflict...That man was Siege. And that man is now you.



Siege: I don't think I want it anymore...I'm sorry.

(He tells him as Gerard is walking away.)


Gerard: You wanted something real, Something pure, and something worth fighting for, and to lead the way right in the middle of the action? Well this is the realest it gets, and there is no other fighters like yourselves, and written history is bringing mankind to an end. And now fate has callin' your name...And when all of this is happening...Your walkin' away...Why?


(Gerard walks away. And Siege is watching him walk away.)


PAGE 16:



News reporter: Good Afternoon, Now we have been getting reports that president Abdama is making a peace treaty with the middle east. We have confirmed that his intentions are the prevent further terrorist attacks and create a less hostile foreign relationship. He states and I quote "The people of this great nation will not have to suffer from the tyranny of war to have peace, but use peace to receive peace with our enemies." If all goes well, we can expect a great change, and what our greatest president say's, a brighter future. Back to you in the studio.


PAGE 17:

(President Abdama and The prime minister of pakistan are discuss the future matters and the necrosphere.)


The Prime Minister: I'm sorry my lord, the time can't be more critical than to send out more search parties other than the war for the necrosphere.


President/Anti-christ: The necrosphere will be with me I promise. But you know what I'm here for, and don't disappoint me.


Prime Minister: Yes sir, I have for you over 13,656,550 missles from north korea and iraqi, and over 15,345,650 missles built by the Russian intelegence.


President/Anti-christ: Very good, very good indeed. What about the nukes?


Prime Minister: The Nukes are ready, their already in position where you said they were suppose to be. I figured you appreciate that? But why are the missiles and the Nukes in different locations my lord? The missles I could understand why they’re there. But why the nukes in their current location?

President/Anti-christ: Although I appriciate the sentiment, it could also be ruined by questioning my authority...We wouldn’t want an accident.



President: Now, for the tunneling system...?

Prime Minister: Ahh yes, our long construction has finally been finished. They are ready for use my lord.  


President: Fantastic, I hope Casanova can keep the Alliance away? Everything needs to be perfect.


Prime Minister: What do you mean?

Prime Minister: Another Aliance rose again?!...Oh' dear...this is bad. This is berry berry bad.


PAGE 18:

(Apollo is dreaming about the past when he was in the elemental temple.)


(A Baby is Crying.)


Father: He’s going to be very strong.

Wife: What are we going to do? We can’t turn to anyone?


Father: Yes we can.


(Fast forwards to right before the illuminati killed his mother. She is talking to one of the knights.)



Linda: When Apollo becomes the necrosphere Protector. Tell him...(Mumbling)


(Linda is staring at a man that can’t really be seen.)


The mysterious figure: This is the answer.


(Apollo jumps out of his sleep.)


Apollo: What the hell was that all about?

Rayne: Apollo what's wrong?


Apollo: Nothing just...a weird dream.


Rayne: Would you like to tell me about it?

Apollo: Even if I wanted to, you'd probably read my mind anyway. haha.


PAGE 19:

Rayne: Actually I kind of like the mystery with you. I never want to know what's on your mind.


Apollo: God you are something else.



(Right before they kiss, the titan comes in and sits down between them.)


Titan: Excuse me. I was just gunna' watch some TV. Care to join me.


(Rayne and Apollo look at eachother.)


(Titan looks at Apollo and says.)

Titan: Back off hero.


PAGE 20:

(The nightwolf is talking to Siege. As their leaving the workout room and going into the locker room.)


Nightwolf: So it looks like Gerard filled you in on who you are now huh?

Siege: Ya' I guess so.


Nightwolf: Alex...your not alone in this ya' know.

Siege: I know, you guys are my family now, I get that.


Nightwolf: That's not what I mean. Along time ago, I lost the person I loved as well... I was married, lived up town on lakeshore drive. Had a good job, a wife, two kids a boy and a girl. Until one day, the unspeakable happened.


Siege: They all...

Nightwolf: I had to watch them. I watched, as they were all tortured and killed like animals.



Nightwolf: My father was once the greatest detective the city had ever seen. But to what I know now kills me everyday.


Nightwolf: The man I looked up to everyday...was one of them, He was a member of the illuminati. Just like Cassanova was once your friend and had his secrets, My father held back from me as well.


Nightwolf: Were not so different. But over time, that pain and agony goes away. And you find other ways to replace them.


PAGE 21:

Siege: I did already.

Nightwolf: What's that?


Siege: The truth has set me free. Now there's nothing else but the truth, and the truth I was meant for this.


(Rayne is laying on Apollo's chest watching TV.)

(Apollo looks around and notice's Titan isn't around.)


Apollo: Well it looks like your father isn't around.

Rayne: I guess not.


(Right before she kisses him she gets a vision.)



(The olympics in london are going off. The torch is lite and the runners are off. Cassanova is in the audience in a disguise holding a detonator. The runners are still running, The illuminati soldiers are placing the Missles under the stadium. Cassanova gets the word when he sets off the bombs and The arena Crumbles.

Pages 21,22,23.)


PAGE 24:

(Rayne comes back.)


Apollo: What happened? What did you see?

(They’re looking at the TV. It’s showing the london olympics.)

Rayne: We need to get!


Titan: Rayne are you certain about this?

Rayne: I was never wrong about my visions. For a while now Casanova was always behind these visions. In his actions people can get hurt possibly even die. Can’t afford to ignore this.


Nightwolf: If Cassanova is attempting something as big as this and it's only the beginning. Were gunna' have to act on this now!


Siege: Dominic is gunna' atempt the attack a couple minutes after torch is lite. Were gunna' have to infiltrate before the torch is lite to find him.



Gerard: If I were you guys I would leave as soon as possible. Cassanova Atempted to trick you's before, he'll try it again. But, if it’s not then you all have to get to the olympics fast.


Titan: Wait, love can't you read his mind to find out the truth just in case?

Rayne: Sorry dad, my mind can't read other telepathic minds, member?


Gerard: This is the test for all of you to figure out how strong the enemy can be. Remember, this is the beginning, it's gunna' get worst...Much worst. In the end secrets will be shown...And the truth will no longer be covered from you.


PAGE 25:

(Gerard hands Siege his suit.)


Siege: What's this?


Gerard: The goods. Since your the only one without any special abilities. I figured I give you top of the line soldier tactical warefare. Your these are high tech goggle’s. Night visions, Heat, thermal. Also there binoculars, microphone receiver, and a walky talky receiver to keep in touch with the rest of the others.


Siege: And what about these?


Gerard: These bad boys are dual semi automatic custom made machine hand guns. Holster’s up to 35 bullets and capable of firing either one at a time, or 10 rounds per second, serious nail drivers.


Siege: Thanks, for everything.


Gerard: No problem.

Gerard: Now, go wreck em’.


PAGE 26:

(The Audience is going crazy at the olympics in london. Is standing in the entry way to the arena. Talking to the illuminati soldier.)


Cassanova: Is everything set?

Soldier: Ofcourse, now are you sure this is gunna' work?


(Cassanova slaps him.)

Cassanova: Don't ever question my authority again. Now when the missles go off, remember. Get the message to President Abdama, then blend in with the crowd.

Soldier: Sir, What about the Alliance?


Cassanova: I'll handle them as best I can. But if not. Attack on sight. Move out!


PAGE 27:

(The President is in his office waiting to here from Cassanova. Cassanova calls Abdama.)


Ring Ring!

President: Hello?


Cassanova: Were in position.


President: Good, Cassanova?


Cassanova: Yes my lord.


President; Don't you dare [frick] this up!



(The Alliance arrives and is approaching the arena.)


Titan: blimy, There must be over 500,000 blokes in there.

Apollo: More!


Siege: I don't care how many lives are in there, We have a mission to do and thats it. Guys, this is it. Ready or not. Were goin in. If any trouble happens be ready to take these son's of bitches down.


Siege: Rayne what's the status?

Rayne: There's just few of them in there. Maybe 20 to 25 at best. Rest of em' are hidding. I can read their thoughts. Theres 10 of them at the watching posts in the sky on around the stadium. 10 of them are watching guard at the entrances to the arena, and theres acouple surrounding the building watching for us.


PAGE 28:

Siege: Can you spot the missiles?


Rayne: There's about 10 missiles underneith the stadium, it looks as though there's a control panel that could be the only way to stop the missiles at the top of the obital tower of there, not to mention it's also heavily guarded. And...OMG! Cassanova is not planning on blowing them up by a detonator, there all rigged to blow off in 10 minutes!


Siege: Then that doesn't give us much time. Apollo, Get your ass in the sky I want you to take out the sky guards and take out any back up they might have. Titan try and take some of those guards surrounding the arena so me and Nightwolf can infiltrate the top of that tower there so we can stop the missiles. Rayne stand in and keep us in touch as our insider.


Titan: Is this where we all go ready...break!



Siege: Congradulations you've wasted 5 sec's. Move!




(Apollo takes to the sky, the titan leaps into action knocking out the guards.)


(Siege and nightwolf move towards the tower.)


Apollo: Rayne?

Rayne: Yah?


Apollo: If you have trouble please call me!


PAGE 29:

Rayne: Apollo. I'll be fine! Don't worry 'bout me.


Titan: Siege, where are you?


Siege: What is it Titan?


Titan: I'm gunna' need to enter in and take out the rest of the guards.


Siege: Not gunna' need to, give us 2 minutes.


Titan: Great, please be sure to take your time we only have like 7 more minutes left.



(Siege and Nightwolf Are about the enter the tower.)


Siege: You got the left, and I'll take the right.

Nightwolf: Just be sure to keep up!


(The nightwolf enters the building fighting everyone followed by Siege.)


PAGE 30:

(The Soldier contacts Cassanova.)




Cassanova: I'm aware of our current situation.


Soldier: WHAT DO WE DO!!!


Cassanova: Don’t worry, everything will fall into place.




(The Soldiers in the watch sky notice Apollo and in the sky.)


Soldier: There's the protector!


(The Sky watchers fly in the air on force hoovers and start fighting apollo in the sky.)


PAGE 32:

(Gun shot's are going off in the sky from the sky fight and the audience and competators are running like crazy everywhere trying to leave. But the Illuminati block off all the entrances.)


PAGE 33:


Nightwolf; How bout' those missiles?

Siege: Let's do it.


(Cassanova gets up and runs into the crowd.)


PAGE 34:

(Rayne looks at her watch. 5 minutes left.)


Rayne: Dad, Cassanovas escaping and the illuminati have blocked off the exits.


Titan: Don't worry hunny, I'm on it.


(The titan leaps up the arena, throws over the soldiers, and breaks down the door to let out the innocent lives.)



(Apollo is in the sky when he notices soldiers heading towards Rayne.)


(Apollo knocks the soldiers out of the sky, and swoops down to Rayne.)


(Apollo and Rayne are taking out the rest of the soldiers.)


PAGE 35:

(Apollo and rayne start kissing. When the alarm goes off. only one minute left.)


Apollo: That's not good!

Rayne: Everyone we have one minute move out theres no time.


Nightwolf: Siege let's go were done here.

Siege: No! get out of here these people are gunna' die.

Nightwolf: If we die though Siege there's gunna' be noone to stop them think about this as a whole.


Siege: Damn...your right there is no time. Move!



Siege: Everyone meet down at the extraction point!


Rayne: Dad!

Titan: All these people still need to get out!


(He tries something.)


Titan: I got an idea.


(He ripps out the side of the wall so they can all leave faster.)


Titan: Now I'm coming.


PAGE 36:

(Cassanova is entering the car.)


Cassanova: Move. Fast!



(The Alliance is outside the arena riding away on the force hoovers. As the arena blows and caves in. There comunicating through their radio's.)


PAGE 37:

Titan: What happened Siege?


Siege: We didn't have enough time to stop the missiles.


Titan: But atleast I helped get a few 1,000 of them out.

Apollo: Good job Titan.


Titan: That's sir to you and don't kiss my ass!


Nightwolf: There's something I think I should point out.

Siege: What's that?

Nightwolf: Didn't you say Cassanova had a detonator in your vision?



Apollo: What was the detonator for?


(Inside Rayne’s head she hear’s Casanova’s voice.)


Casanova: This was just the beginning.

PAGE 40:

Rayne: No! This wasn't what they were planning. We were right...That was just to throw us off.


Apollo: What were they planning?

Rayne: Something worst...much worst.


Rayne: Were to late...


(Cassanova is in the car calling the president.)


President: I need good news.

Cassanova: The Alliance went for the Decoy like you said.

President: The world leaders have been evacuated, members from my personal office I have choosen are ready to be moved into play...the coast is clear...ignitiate the phase 1


PAGE 41:

Rayne: Guhg! No…

Apollo: What’s wrong?

Rayne: GASP!


(Rayne see’s every major political building blow up and crumble to the ground, the kremlin, buckinham palace, the imperial palace, the indian palace, everywhere.)



PAGE 42:

(Back at Gerards under ground base. Siege is on the roof when Gerard comes up behind him.)


Siege: Right now is not the best time.

Gerard: Why is that?


Siege: I failed, Cassanova got away, and we fell for cassanovas decoy. For [frick] sake they just destroyed political buildings around the world in one swipe right under our noises. This is not something to celebrate.


Gerard: Did you think I was lying when I said they were crafty? They will destroy you if you let them. If you think this was bad...then you and the rest of them better prepare for what lies ahead. I'll leave you to your thoughts.


Siege: Hey gerard...How did you finally kill Hitler?



Gerard: I killed everyone in my path.


(Rayne is in her bedroom. When her father comes to the door.)


Knock knock!

Titan: Can I come in?


Rayne: Of course.


Titan: I guess this is something I've missed out on, walking into your bedroom, ready to talk to you bout' something.

Rayne: Dad, I forgive you for all of it. We agreed on a fresh start.


PAGE 43:

Titan: I guess what I'm tryin' to say is that I missed everything. All the stages of your life were I should have been I wasn't and I wanna' make up for it but I'm too late. But I guess I'm just gunna' have to start with the now and the future. Starting with you and Apollo.


Rayne: I knew it.


Titan: Me and Apollo got ta' talkin' love. And I approve, if anyone would do what he did for you sweepin' in to your rescue means somethin' to me. And Rayne he really loves you...alot. Don't hurt him.



Rayne: I'm not dad, trust me.


Titan: No I mean leave that to me. hahaha.


Rayne: Hahaha, I love ya' dad.


Titan: I love you to hunny.


(Nightwolf walks to the door.)

Nightwolf: Were in the shit big time now.

Titan: What do ya' mean?


PAGE 44:

(The President is giving a speech from the white house.)

President: Good evening my fellow americans. Yesterday morning, a traggic attack has happened at all the major political houses around the globe. The terrorists that sent us the message was true, they started their party with one hell of a bang. But we as a nation must stand united so their reign of terror ends here right now.


(Shows the political leaders around the globe which are the illuminati leaders being transfered by The antichrist to highly protective hideout.)


The Major political figures around the globe are being transfered to a secluded location. For their own safety. Our US government have appointed political figures have step in to help safe guard America's neighboring countries and their interests.


(Showing the World leaders being moved and the new leaders coming into power all over the world.)


The President: For the first time in history, the fate of our world can crumble. This new terrorist organization has attacked throughout the globe within second’s right under our radar.


(Back to the white house.)

But I promise you something. The safety of our nation and her allias must be protected and war and terrorism must be put to a final end. Which is why we are for the first time ever we will commense the NEW WORLD ORDER! A system where every nation will not be different but the same. Equal. With the same interests and same laws.

(People are cheering in manhattan.)



Titan: [frick] me, I had a feelin' it was comin'.


President: But it's not gunna' be easy, we will need the support of the people of the world to help us make this attempt that this dream of the first time in the world's history we will have tranquility, enlightenment, and peace that will reign over the world forever.


Siege: This isn't good.

Gerard: It's still not the worst of things.


President: And as for the attackers, they are out there. They are the one's responsible for many lives perishing to their wickedness. May they rot in hell. They are the rebellion against political parties everywhere. They recently revealed themselves. They are known...As the Alliance.


Gerard: Now it's bad.


PAGE 45:

President: With this new world order act, we will create a symbol, that not just this great nation, but all nations around the world will not cry in agony to terrorism, noone will stand in our way...No one!

(The world is cheering Abama's name in the streets.)


President: And as for the Alliance, were comin' for you. And you better watch out. Because this nation and the nations of many have become your ultimate enemies. There's nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. We will find you...and you, will, fall!


To Be continued...



 Stay tuned for 5/6                                                                                                                                                                                                

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