soda9OCs: Young Justice (Working Title) Character Designs

soda9OCs: Young Justice (Working Title) Character Designs

What's good, fellow CBMers! Took a break from posting on here because I had a lot of school work to finish up, but now that it's summer, I hope to post a little bit more frequently. Today, I present to you my character designs for a CBM film series that my friends and I have created called "Young Justice", which is the working title. Click the jump! Hope you all enjoy!

By oghalfrican232 - Jun 30, 2014 03:06 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

What's happening, peeps! This article will kickstart my future articles about my original creations that my friends and I have created to share with you all. Below there will be designs, character descriptions, and plot outlines. Without further ado, I present to you:


Young Justice is a film series that will follow three high school boys that start to develop powers after they snuck into a science facility and were exposed to alien technology containing crystals that possesed the ability to give any bystander extrodinary powers. There will be four to five films that follow their story as they grow older and come against new threats and meet other powered beings, like themselves. The film is set in a fictional city that is similar to New York City, Boston, Seattle, and Salt Lake City: Belcoast City, which is located on the East Coast (in the films).

Alright! Lets start with the three main characters!

Charles "Charlie" Baker Jr. AKA Heatwave


(Charlie, With glasses, Heatwave (First costume), Charlie's evolution (last film), Full power, Heatwave (Second costume/rebirth), Full power w/ new costume)

Age: 16-19 (Explained below)
Height: 6'0
Weight: 151 lbs
Occupation: High school/College student
Powers: Heat related (Control and create fire, can turn body into smoke, control objects that are heated AKA "heatkinesis" he could slow down a bullet basically), enhanced strength, agility, sense, etc.

Charlie has a natural sense of responsibilty and feels the need to help anyone, even if he doesn't know them. Die hard comic fan. When he becomes 18, his mother would have been murdered by one of his arch enemies and he would go down a dark road, but always stay on the right side of justice.

The age thing. Throughout the film series, our heroes will get older. But now let me explain the blue flames. Durning the climax/final fight in the movie, Charlie finds it within himself his true power, the final evolution of his power. The hottest fire in the universe. And he's finally able to engulf himself in flames. So yeah...its pretty sweet. And what I mean by "Rebirth" is because of him unlocking that power and using it in a big way to defeat the enemy, his body wasn't exactly ready for that so he dies saving everyone. BUT. He comes back because someone finds a way to do it. Moving on.

Patrick "Pat" Blake AKA Boost

(Patrick, Costumed)

Age: 16-23
Height: 5'10
Weight: 148 lbs
Occupation: High school student/College student and intern at Rev Records (record company)
Powers: Super speed, can conduct electricty through vibration, enhanced strength, agility, senses, etc.

Patrick is the big goof ball of the trio. He has been Charlie's friend since middle school. He has an interest in the music industry and producing so he interns at one of the biggest record companies. Also a die hard comic fan. Patrick is the one who brings Charlie back to life four years after the final film. Moving on.

Ian Henshaw AKA Zero

(Ian, Costumed, Evil Zero)

Age: 16-19
Height: 5'11
Weight: 150 lbs
Occupation: High school student
Powers: Telekinesis, Enhanced strength, agility, sense, etc. (His senses become so powerful that he can feel movement all around him with his eyes clothes, as in he could feel an enemy coming up behind him, like Spider Sense)

Ian is the quiet, misunderstood one of the trio. He's been bullied all of his life and has had anger built up inside of him for a long time. But he chooses to be a hero. Well, at first... A few years after gaining his powers, he started becoming extremely powerful and figured if he is, then no one can stop him from hurting and killing people who wronged him. In the final film, he IS the enemy. He becomes the most powerful superbeing on the planet.

Now to move onto the first films main baddie.

Robert Donovan AKA Alpha

(Robert, Diseased, Alpha)

Age: 49
Height: 6'0 (6'3 after gaining power)
Weight: 162 lbs (195 after gaining power)
Occupation: CEO of PrimeTech
Powers: Energy projection (these energies can disingrate people), flight, strength, enhanced senses, speed

Robert Donovan is the owner of the industrial company known as PrimeTech. For twenty years, Robert had been suffering from an unknown disease that was caused by an exposure to an unknown element. For years he has tried to prolong his life, but has come short UNTIL one fateful day, a few soldiers, whose weapons were created by PrimeTech, in Pakistan find five large crystals that were carried in a meteor. He thinks that they could save his life. He uses two of the crystals (the other three give our heroes their powers) for the experiment he conducts with the help of a highly intelligent intern. Unfortuantely, the experiment goes wrong and causes and explosion at the science facility, which also causes the explosion that gives the three boys their powers. The results of the explosion: his rebirth. He is given incredible powers and decides to wreak havoc on anyone who stands in his way.

Now moving onto the lesser heroes and villains that will be featured in the future films. First, we have the members of:


Terrance Ross AKA Big T

(Before powers, After powers, Big T)

Age: 16-23
Height: 5'10 1/2
Weight: 146 lbs
Occupation: High school student/College student and intern at PrimeTech
Powers: Same as Alpha

Terrance is a good friend of the three boys and is a genius in science and technology. Smarter than a lot of professional scientist. Ignore the cane and pretend that he's actually in a wheel chair. Terrance has had leg issues since he was six years old. It's very difficult for him to walk. One day, Robert Donovan notices Terrance's great intellect and gives him a chance to work with him on the private project that would save Robert's life. He is caught in the explosion, and it puts him in a coma. But two years later, he wakes up and discovers he has developed the same powers as Alpha and that he can now walk again! When he's able to, he quickly goes to aid the boys.

Leah Snowden AKA Blink

(Leah, Costumed)

Age: 19-23
Height: 5'7
Weight: 120 lbs
Occupation: High school student/College student and reporter at The Daily Coast (Newspaper)
Powers: Teleportation, Enhanced abilities (Strength, agility, etc.)

Leah is actually a mutant. She was born with her powers and they finally developed when she turned 15. Leah is a fellow student at Belcoast Central High School (same school as the boys). She is also a founding member of the superhero team: The Guardians. The trio will join them in the second or third film. She is also the future wife of Patrick Blake.

Kai Howard AKA Stretch

(Kai, Costumed)

Age: 19-25
Height: 6'2
Weight: 156 lbs
Occupation: Graphic designer
Powers: Able to stretch body to great lengths and sizes

Kai is the leader of the Guardians. He seems to have a chip on his shoulder and is not too fond of people who mess around, so he's not too fond of the trio when he first meets them. He is very serious. His parents died when he six and he was raised by his grandparents and his older sister. He didnt grow up in the safest neighborhood either. One fateful night, he was caught in the crossfire of a gang shootout near an old nuclear powerplant. One of the gang members held him to gun point, which caused Kai to accidentally fall into a vat of toxic chemicals. He was suppose to be dead, but he wasn't. He crawled out of the vat, not able to control his new powers. He couldn't walk right or lift anything up. His limbs would stretch out everytime. He ran away from home for a year until he figured out how to control his powers. This all happened when he was 16.

Denzel Lewis AKA Stronghold

(Before powers, After powers, Costumed)

Age: 18-25
Height: 5'5 (Before powers) 6'5 (After powers)
Weight: 102 lbs (Before powers) 205 lbs (After powers)
Occuptaion: High school/College student and wide reciever for Bellview Titans (Twin city to Belcoast)
Powers: Super strength, super jump (later flight)

Denzel has been bullied since he was in the 7th grade because of his size. The summer before his senior year, everything changed. Coincidentally, Denzel was involved in the same shootout that Stretch was caught in. He was near a barrel full of experimental gases when it got shot and exploded right in front of him. Running on adrenaline, he quickly got up and ran home. From that day, he felt different. He didn't grow or get muscluar yet, but he felt an odd energy. One day, while walking home from school, he's jumped by a few gang members, but to his suprise, and theirs, he starts to show true strength! He takes them all down, throwing them into walls, breaking bones with a single punch and kick. This sudden feat of strength causes him to be bed ridden. Over the course of a month, his body grows and he becomes muscular. He's hardly recognizable when he comes back to school. People actually start to like him. He joins the high school football team. Later marries future Guardian member, Brawler.

Jessica Powers AKA Brawler

(Jessica, Powered)

Age: 18-25
Height: 5'9
Weight: 120 lbs
Occupation: High school/College student and model
Powers: Super strength, later flight

Jessica was just a normal girl from Seattle who was liked by everyone in high school. One afternoon, on her way to meet her friends for lunch, she was abducted by some suited gentlemen that drove a black Charger. She later awoke strapped to a table in a dark science lab. She was being experimented on. After the final experiment, she was able to break out of the lab using her newly aquired powers. She is a later member of the Guardians.

Arianna Smith AKA Element

(Arianna, Costumed)

Age: 16-23
Height: 5'6
Weight: 118 lbs
Occupation: High school/College student and dancer
Powers: Absorption

Ari is also a mutant. She discovered her powers when she was thirteen when she accidentally came incontact with a superbeing and absorbed his powers. She was traumitized for the longest time and visited shrinks, etc. She later came to terms with her new abilities and decided to practice how to control her abilites. Founding member of the Guardians.

Joseph Ramirez AKA Prowler

(Joseph, Prowler)

Age: 17-24
Height: 6'1
Weight: 155 lbs
Occupation: High School student
Powers: Lycan abilities (shapeshift, enhanced strength, agility, senses)

Joseph is the protector of his town, Rivera Heights. Unknown to him, his uncle, Victor Trujilo, was once the protector, but was corrupted by the power and his mind became warped. Joseph found an ancient jewel in a cave an hour out from the town that gave him the abilities of the shapeshifting god that roamed the area two thousand years ago. He wears a shock belt to keep himself from transforming further and going mindless.

Raymond Park AKA Head-Shot

(Raymond, Costumed)

Age: 19-25
Height: 6'2
Weight: 194 lbs
Occupation: CEO of Park Industries
Powers: Timewarp (Can travel thorugh time, slow it down, speed it up), Enhanced abilities

Raymond's origin is unknown. He takes over his father, Vincent Park's, technology company when he passes it down to him. He changes Belcoast City in a good way. It's more technologically advance because of him. He works alone, but helps the heroes in the final film.

Austin Richards AKA Icicle

(Austin, Icicle)

Age: 17-23
Height: 5'11
Weight: 150 lbs
Occupation: High school student and works at local skate shop
Powers: Ice related

Austin is a layed back guy straight out of LA. He gained his powers during a vacation in Canada when he and few of his new friends decided to walk out on the ice. He went to the side of the lake that had a strange chemical inside it. He took a wrong step and fell under the ice and into the water the chemicals entered his system. He woke up the next day in his hotel room, not rembering what happened. A founding member of the Guardians.

Jackson "Jackie" Jones AKA Spider Guy

(Jackie, Costumed, Tattoo)

Age: 16-23
Height: 5'11
Weight: 147 lbs
Occupation: High school student and works at local comic shop
Powers: Spider-like abilities (adhesive sticking, spider sense, strength, agility, can shoot web silk from fingers, camouflage)

Jackie is Austin's best friend, growing up in the same neighborhood. He is a die hard comic fan and also a skater. He's the goofball of the two, but also the smartest. One night at a local carnival, he went over and tried out a fortune teller machine. A card came out with a printed spider on the back stating "Fate. Destiny." Unknown to Jackie, the spider comes off of the card and bites him. The next day, he wakes up with a black spider tattoo on his side.

Danielle Foster AKA She-Wolf

(Danielle, Costumed)

Age: 19-25
Height: 5'7
Weight: 122 lbs
Occupation: College student
Powers: Lycan abilities

Danielle was bitten by a werewolf during her senior prom when she wandered through the hall after the power was suddenly shut off. After a few years, she's been able to control her abilities and even has her own pack.

Reese Thompson AKA Surge

(Normal, Powered)

Age: 15-17
Height: 5'8-6'4
Weight: 95 lbs-200 lbs
Occupation: High school student
Powers: Metabolism...meaning, as he eats, he gets stronger

Reese is a mutant and the youngest member of the Guardians. In the final film, he dies trying to save everyone before Charlie goes and fights Ian. He has a good heart. A tragic ending.

Nikkto AKA Brain

Age: Unknown
Height: 6'1
Weight: 167 lbs
Occupation: None
Powers: Mind control, Electromagnetism

Nikkto is from the same planet where the crystal that transformed the trio came from. He crash landed on Earth and was discovered by PrimeTech. He was held captive until the day of the explotion. He is a founding member of the Guardians.

Meagan Fields AKA Livewire

(Megan, Costumed)

Age: 16-23
Height: 5'6
Weight: 120 lbs
Occupation: High school/College student and intern at PrimeTech
Powers: Electrokinesis

Megan's powers are also a result of the explosion at PrimeTech. She was working late on an electrical project that used a special chemical agent. The explosion caused the machine to explode on her.

Lisa Solo AKA Angel

Age: 19
Height: 5'10
Weight: 130 lbs
Occupation: None
Powers: Winged, super strength, speed

Lisa is a test tube baby created in a lab in Alaska. Not much is known about her.

And now here is another villain that is just a rough idea at the moment.

Blood Sucker

(Hungry, Full)

Age: Unknown
Height: 5'10-6'8
Weight: 82 lbs-290 lbs
Occupation: None
Powers: Absorption; Vamperism

Well that's all for now, folks! I hope you enjoyed my designs and ideas. I promise you all, there will be more to come. A possible fan cast, soundtrack ideas, amybe more designs or variations of designs. 

Until next time, DEUCES!

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DCGuy - 6/30/2014, 4:18 PM
worst names ever
oghalfrican232 - 6/30/2014, 4:28 PM
Forgot a villain!

Victor Trujilo AKA Feral

This Joseph's deranged uncle
HulkOnion - 6/30/2014, 5:16 PM

Obvious troll is obvious.

Yea the names could be improved, but these are okay.

It definetly can improve.
NovaCorpsFan - 6/30/2014, 6:26 PM
Haha, when I saw the Bloodsuckers tagged as "Hungry and Full", I got a laugh outta that.

These designs are pretty great though, and the character concepts themselves are cool too. I know how difficult a good concept is to develop from passing thought to possible pop culture icon. Yeah, the names could do with some work too.
kong - 6/30/2014, 6:48 PM
I really like this. Nice world you've set up and nice use of Heromachine, but I think that it got really over excessive. After alpha I think ti should've stopped, also some of the costumes don't seem right for a project like this. I see this has more of a Chronicle not an Avengers. I do like the use of more minorities in the overall lineup of characters though.

I think costumes could improve if they seemed more makeshift. Like this Spider-Man costume vs. this one.

The zero concept is cool, but I think that's been overdone. Maybe the popular guy is the one that becomes evil. But hey it's not my story.

Overall nice job, and there are great ideas here. Also I'd think of a new name ASAP.
oghalfrican232 - 6/30/2014, 6:59 PM
Thanks guys! When you say name change, do you mean the super names or their real name?

Also this is just a rough idea, so things could change.

Thanks for the feedback!
SwanRonson - 6/30/2014, 8:16 PM
I like a lot of the names and stories. The designs are solid too.

Maybe some more females would help, but that's up to you.

Anyway, thumbs up and cheers!
NovaCorpsFan - 7/1/2014, 4:58 PM
Real names are fine, the hero names could do with a few changes.
DCGuy - 7/2/2014, 6:55 PM
not trolling just my opinion, if you're gonna try new things DO NEW don't do generic names.
SidDaAstroSloth - 7/3/2014, 3:17 AM
I liked some of the names.

Spider Guy though?
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