Spectacular Spider-man 5

Spectacular Spider-man 5

5th movie in my Spider-man series

By ComicalDisaster - Aug 26, 2011 01:08 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

Spectacular Spider-man 5
1 month after the events of the last movie, and Spider-man is coming under fire from the public. The Bugle has managed to convince quite a few people that he and Doctor Octopus have stolen the new alien life-form that arrived on J.J jrs shuttle.
Apart from his good paying Bugle job and his girlfriend Gwen Stacy Peter’s life is crumbling around him. His past friendships with Harry and Eddie are non-existent and he missed out on the internship at Dr Connors lab because he couldn’t be trusted. Even his Gwen is starting to fade away. Peter is constantly running away to be Spider-man and Gwen is hanging out more with Harry and his girlfriend MJ. The two girls try to get Harry and Peter talking again but Harry refuses it.
A car chase is happening on the streets on NYC and Spider-man stops it in great fashion. As he’s about to swing off, the police shout at him to freeze and fire their guns at him. He dodges them and swings off.
Peter stands on the edge of a tall building looking down and trying to figure out how to fix his life. Suddenly somebody clears their throat behind him and he turns to see Black Cat, this sexy, seductive, older woman who seems to be interested in him. She tells him upfront that she’s a master thief and there’s a bit of flirtatious banter between the two before she tells him she has the alien. Outraged he’s taken the heat for her he tries to subdue her and hand her in to the police but she’s too quick for him, blocking any punches and she loves it. She leaps of a building, hoping Spidey will follow, which he does and she swings off using a grappling hook. Quite impressed, Spidey is hot on her trail before she suddenly throws a glass box off the rooftop. Seeing the alien inside it, Spidey goes for it and catches it on time, but Cat gets away.
Inside SHEILD headquarters, Doc Ock….without his mechanical limbs, is sitting in his prison with a metal collar around his neck. He’s moved by agents to a large chamber and shackled into one set of restraints….around the rest of the room are other people in identical restraints, all with collars on. Electro, Scorpion, Shocker and Sandman. They hear a voice telling them this is group therapy and whenever they are deemed safe enough, will be released into normal prison. Electro and Ock share a look and Ock starts to weave a lie that he’s changed and he is willing to provide his intellect and work for SHEILD to pay off his crimes. SHEILD don’t know whether to believe him but decide to talk on it. After therapy they are all lead to their cells, passing a big metal door labelled “Rhino”
Once the agents leave, Shocker calls from his cell to Ock and asks him how long it’s going to take. He hushes him and ignores him.
Peter takes the alien life form back to Connors lab and sneaks in, planning to leave it back. Connors is still busy clearing out his lab after it had been shut down so should still see it. However the alien goo is fighting more and more and trying to break out of the glass box. Peter is shocked to see it create a crack in one wall. As he leans in to inspect it the alien breaks it again and starts to pour out, firing a tendril to Peters face. Freaking out, Peter tries to yank it off but it starts to coil around his arms and hands while still attatching itself to Peters face. He trips over and the black goo covers him.

Peter wakes up on the other side of the city, he feels so uplifted and stronger than ever before. He leaps of a building and swings within inches of the street below. He spots a grocery store being robbed and swings in, literally tossing the bad guys away and leaving them hanging 15 stories up. He finds he’s doesn’t need his web shooters anymore as the new ‘suit’ creates its own sticky substance and can absorbs bullets. Peter also learns he’s able to ‘turn it off’ when he wants, being able to hide it much easier than his read and blue suit and can change in and out of it within moments.
At SHEILD, agents decide that Ock may be some use to them as a consulting scientist and remove his collar. They take him to a lab where they provide him with his arms, saying they can take them away if it’s too soon. Suddenly they come alive and start to kill the agents as Ock tells them about his odd telepathic link with them and he can’t tell if it’s all in his head or if it’s actually real.
The others are sitting in their cells and suddenly the power cuts out. Electro is happy to see that Ock did it and rips off his collar. Suddenly he is gulfed in electricity and fires his way out of his cell. He does the same for Gargan and Shocker and Marko, who rips off his collar and is able to become sand. Ock returns as the room is bathed in red from the emergency siren goes and he starts to use his metallic arms to pull down the doors of Rhinos door. When they are off its hinges, Rhino bursts out and they greet each other. They then use Rhino as a battering ram as he smashes through SHEILDs walls and they manage to escape.

Sometime afterwards they are in a warehouse, Shocker needs to get his costume and new gauntlets he has hidden in a safe location and Gargan needs a new Scorpion suit. Rhino asks what they will do now. Ock says Sandman will accompany Shocker to his costume while Electro will go and help Gargan acquire a new suit. He then tells them that they will band together to form the ‘Sinister Seven’ and together they will defeat Spider-man. He reveals he almost had him the last time they met and he believes Spider-man was weaker and worn out from his battle with Sandman moments before. He also informs them that he is a kid. He tells them that if they come together and fight Spider-man at the same time then they’ll finally be able to defeat him. They all agree but Rhino informs them there is only 6 of them. Electro asks why they didn’t break out Osborn. Ock informs him that he’s only met Osborn twice during that month in SHEILD custody and he is in no way ‘a team member’. But he already knows their last member and that’s where he and Rhino are going.
In normal prison, Beck is sitting on his own depressed. He starts drawing random things on his wall with chalk such as dinosaurs, sea monsters, romans, wizards and spaceships when warning siren echoes around the prison. Rhino bursts through and attacks some guards while Doc Ock pulls the bars off of Becks cell. He asks him if he wants revenge on Spider-man and Beck agrees, and the 3 of them escape.
Peter wakes up in bed with his back suit on apart from his mask. He gets changed and heads down to breakfast to see Nick Fury eating some toast. Surprise, he shouts at Fury and he tells him May is out at work and he has important things to discuss.
He informs Peter that Doctor Octopus, Electro, Rhino, Sandman, Shocker and Scorpion escaped from SHEILD custody and then broke Mysterio out of normal prison. He’s come to warn Peter seeing as Otto has seen his face and tells Peter that if he needs help, the Avengers will step in. Peter asks why they can’t now and he says “They’re busy.”

With Shocker, Mysterio and Scorpion prepared the “Sinister Seven” hit the streets, terrorising and destroying the city. With his new black suit, Peter swings off to the rescue, coming into contact with Rhino first. His extra power allows him to swing kick Rhino into a tanker truck that explodes on impact. Rhino is unscathed however, covering his face with his massive hands. Peter dodges Rhinos attacks as well as a large Elephant that charges him. Knowing this is Mysterios work, Peter ignores it and it explodes into smoke. Electro arrives with Scorpion and the duel with him. Peter grabs Electro and throws him into Scorpion and the electricity short circuits Scorpions suit. Annoyed, the two fight each other while Sandman lays into Spidey. He creates a whirlwind of sand and sends people and cars flying. Spidey tries to help the people stuck in the whirlwind but is grabbed by Octopus who tosses him about like a ragdoll. He sends him flying into the air and he’s grabbed by a large flying Ostrich who starts to peck at him. Peter rips out some mechanical wires and the illusion falls apart, the main chunk of it actually being a large remote-controlled airplane. Peter is tried and knows he’s beaten before Shocker unleashes sonic blasts at him. He’s sent into the wall and starts to lose consiounous as the 7 villains surround him. They gloat and Peter jumps away and manages to escape into the subway and hitches a ride on a train, knowing he’s beat.
Peter returns home defeated. His head is filled with angry thoughts, and he feels pathetic that he could defeat the S7, even with the power of his new suit.

Next day, Peter is with Gwen and she tells him that he shouldn’t feel bad and nobody would expect him to defeat all 7. This makes Peter angry and believes Gwen thinks him weak and useless. He leaves her calling after him.
While swinging about he sees a bunch of teens mugging and old lady. Enraged he intervenes and smashes them against the wall. He lifts them by the collar above him and starts punching one in the face and throws him to the ground. Another runs away screaming in fright and Peter sends a tendril out and latches around the teens throat. As he watches the kid choke, he suddenly realises what he’s doing and stops. He goes to help the old lady to her feet but she starts to have a stroke in fear of him. Peter takes her to the hospital. There the hospital staff believes he attacked her and are scared of him and his new suit, despite Peters protests. He leaves the woman at the hospital for treatment.
At home, Peter reflects on what happened and seems to understand the suit now and takes a sample of it, with great difficultly. He studies it in his basement. The alien is a symbiote and needs a host to live, in return it gives its host enhanced strength and speed and enhances certain emotions within the host, mainly aggression and hunger.
Peter thinks about taking it off, but decides to keep it, believing he’ll need it when he fights the sinister 7 again. Peter goes to sleep and begins to have nightmares, mainly about the death of his uncle, the green goblin attacking Aunt May while Doctor Octopus ripped apart Gwen. And Harry cackles beside them like his father as he dons his dad’s old goblin mask.
Peter wakes up drenched in sweat and its early morning. He immediately puts on the suit and feeling a lot better and leaps from his bedroom for a swing.
He arrives at Dr Connors house as Spider-man and drags him to his lab. He tells Connors he never stole the symbiote and got if back off the real thief. With the alien bonded to him he gives Connors the sample he took last night and asks him to see if there’s anything else he can tell him about it. He’s about to leave when Eddie Brock arrives. He’s been helping Connors clear out the lab and is angered to see the “thief” Spider-man back. He tells him that because of the web-slinger, he’s out of a job and wrecked the Connors reputation. Unwilling to listen and explain, Peter punches him right in the face. As soon as this happens Peter is scared witless with himself and Connors helps Brock up, suggesting he should take his rage and use it on the 7 villians tearing up the city.
Peter leaves and comes across Black Cat again. He asks her why she stole the alien and she tells him it was to get his attention and she lifts up his mask and kisses him. Peter kisses back and they start making out on the roof of the building.
An explosion rocks the city just then and Peter controls his lust long enough to swing off, leaving Black Cat alone.

Peter arrives at the scene to find Electro exploding street lamps, cars, traffic lights and an oil tanker. He’s happy to see Spider-man back and fires a bolt at him. Rage building, Peter dodges several times before noticing Black Cat swing in on her grappling hook and throw several ninja stars at Electro. Bemused, Electro fires a bolt and hits her. Screaming, Spider-man swings down and starts pummeling Electro and doesn’t let up, despite the burns and shocks from the baddie himself. He kicks Electro away and Rhino comes round the cornor, he lowers his head and charges. Spidey stands his ground and Peter stops Rhino in his tracks, grabbing his horn and putting all his strength downwards, preventing Rhino from bucking him into the air. Surprised, the big brute struggles but Spider-man makes one fluid motion downwards, smacking Rhinos unprotected face into the pavement and knocking him unconscious. As scorpion arrives on scene as well, Spider-man struggles and lifts Rhinos heavy body above his head and with all his might throws him at Scorpion who is hit and crushed and breathless lying under the man’s heavy mass. With Scorpion trapped, Spidey walks around the side of him grabs his tail and shoves it into his mouth and just before he’s about to rip out the target sensor a young boy at the side-lines watching the fight shouts “No Spider-man. Don’t kill him.” There’s silence as Peter realises what he’s doing. He looks around at all the shocked bystanders. He looks at his hands and runs off in fear.
He looks for Black Cat but she’s gone now and he worries about her.
The police arrive moments later but by that time, Octopus and Sandman have turned up and protect their fallen team members.
Peter swings home and locks himself in his bedroom. The suit is starting to itch. Gwen comes over to see him, asking about the new threads and in his confusion and anger he shouts at her. She doesn’t know what’s wrong and Peter tells her it’s her that’s wrong, she’s holding him back and is always talking about herself and dumps her. Gwen is furious and scared at Peter’s behaviour and leaves, leaving Peter to shout after her that he has a new woman in his life.

Gwen runs off home and she runs into Eddie Brock. The two are on friendly terms, having met with each other a few times through Peter. She tells him Peter is acting like a tool and has dumped her and said she’s holding him back. This makes Eddie hate Peter more and he walks Gwen home.
Later on, Brock is walking home and passes a church when he notices the black figure of Spider-man swoop into the top of the tower beside the bell. Brock goes into the church and stands under the bell tower as Peter struggles to rip the suit off him. He falls into the bell and it starts ringing. The symbiote is in pain due to the sound waves and starts to struggle itself and becomes looser. Peter smacks the bell several more times and the symbiote drips onto the floor and falls towards Brock. Brock is engulfed in it and starts to feel it’s power. He’s terrified and then starts to love it and then becomes obsessed as it covers him. Venom is born.

Attempting to restore his reputation and put a stop to the Sinister Seven. Spider-man, in the good ol red and blue, swings off to the location of Sandman in the middle of Central Park. Arriving on the scene, Sandman calls the others and begins the final battle. Spidey knows that regular punches and kicks won’t work on many of the 7 but has several ideas on beating them. Spidey mainly dodges Sandmans attacks swinging and leaping about and taunting him as he creates tornadoes and large sand balls in order to hit him. Electro turns up and starts firing at Spider-man at all directions, accidently hitting Mysterio and Shocker who also turn up. Another attempt at him winds up ruining Scorpions suit and Spider-man swing kicks him into the pond. Causing an explosion and short-circuiting Electro. Spider-man then goes hand-to hand combat with Scorpion and Sandman attacks as well. Spidey flips Scorpion over the side of the bridge and webs him by his tail so he’s hanging close to the water. Sandman also gets grabbed and tossed into the water and immediantly bursts back out shouting “That won’t work this time!!!!”
Shocker approaches and fires with his Gauntlets. Spidey takes him out easily and steals his gauntlets and fires them at Sandman. The sonic blast disrupts Sandmans form and reduces him to a pile of sand. Spidey sets the vibrating gauntlets on the pile and it constantly moving molecules of sand are unable to reform.

Mysterio attacks with his T-Rex and Spidey closes his eyes, using his tactic he did last time he fought Mysterio. He ignores the illusions of lions, Dragons and evil wizards and dodges his animatronic bats. A large animatronic eagle attacks with Mysterio on its back. Spider-man jumps onto it and breaks the animatronic circuits, sending it out of control. It flies off and crashes into the trees, Spidey saves Mysterio and leaves him hanging beside Scorpion.
Spidey stops for breath before Rhino returns and charges at him. Spidey lures him out of the park to a nearby construction site. Builders are pouring a huge amount of wet cement into a deep hole and are laying foundations of a new building. Spider-man is cornered at the site by Rhino and Doc Ock. With the cement in place Spider-man lures Rhino into it and he gets stuck and starts to sink. Ocks arms are flying at him and penetrate the wet cement behind Rhinos body. Ocks final arm goes after Spider-man and it chases him around Rhinos body. Peter lands himself in the cement quickly and webs Rhinos back and yanks it down, causing him to topple into the quickly drying cement and prevent Ock getting any of his arms free. Spidey leaps out and in one swift move punches Ock right in the face, knocking him out cold.
All of this was seen on the news. With all 7 villains defeated, SHEILD swoop in for a clean up crew. Spideys costume is ruined and he’s weak and hurt and Nick Fury tells him he’s impressed. Very impressed and tells him that when he turns 18, he has a place in the Avengers if he wants it. Peter doesn’t know what to say and swings off to Gwens.
He arrives at Gwens and she congratulates him on defeat of the Sinister 7 but refuses to take him back. Peter then gets a call from the Bugle and J.J asks if he got photos of Spidey vs 7. Peter facepalms and apologises. J.J fires him. Lost and now alone Peter returns home, his victory hollow and stale. Then he remembers the alien symbiote. He feels stupid for leaving it out there and goes to the church to find it but not a trace.
Norman Osborn watches from his cell as the 6 villains return to jail, bringing along young Quintin Beck as well. He laughs and tells them they are all weak and he can take Spider-man down on his own.
At night on the top of the Empire State Building, Edward Brock sits, looking at the city below him. He laughs to himself with the knowledge he’s gained. His once childhood friend Peter Parker, is Spider-man. He then starts to talk to himself and refer to himself as “we”. He leaps off the building and hurtles to the ground with the promise to break Parkers life as the Symbiote suit appears and covers him completely, Venom has arrived.

Venom is a mixture of 616 and Ultimate…..mostly 616.
I went with Sinister 7 instead of 6 because I had 7 villains introduced that fitted the mould. I haven’t the reasons why each one just decides to get Spidey but they are there…..
Although May, Gwen, Harry and MJ don’t seem to have much to do it would look a lot better in a script and on film.
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superotherside - 8/26/2011, 11:57 AM
@ComicalDisaster good story as always! ;) I like it that you got the sinister six or seven anyway, I personally would have done six but it's not a biggy ;) I like Nick Fury/Peter friendship it's like I always thought it would be... :) at this point not sure exactly where you're going to go with it but... I'd probably kill off Gwen, and have him do this scene with MJ at the end...

anyway great ideas I liked how he acted when he was in the Black suit instead of being just weird... lol...

Again great story looking forward to you next! btw do you have a twitter?
ComicalDisaster - 8/26/2011, 12:21 PM
thanks well I've only got one more to do but I'm also thinking of stories for Vulture, Hobgoblin, Kraven and Kingpin still needs his comeuppance.....

And I have facebook not twitter
superotherside - 8/26/2011, 4:42 PM
@ComicalDisaster ahhh! after this you might even rewrite the story if you want taking some ideas from the original while reinviting it to tell a slightly tighter weave, with maybe more villain's or cameos or just story in it... that's what the professional's do :) btw not trying to downgrade your story... it's great, I'm just trying to give you ideas so you can keep making great stories! :)

lol I'm exactly the opposite no facebook but I have a twitter... lol for some reason I never just got into FB but I got to say twitter is great! and if you ever are interested in finding scoops or getting articles it's a great place to be as several times news sites or people will tweet their article, so you can post it on CBM! while I need to get faster at this... it's still a great way to get them... :) Plus there are some really great people on there! :)

If you do get on twitter here is my profile: here ;)

Also if you get on twitter contact me and I'll be sure to follow you! :)
Armageddon26 - 8/26/2011, 8:42 PM
Like always AMAZING, but I agree with otherside, you should kill Gwen off, which you might already have planned, looking forward for next one :D

BTW, id follow you on Twitter to :)
ComicalDisaster - 8/27/2011, 4:28 AM
Actually otherside I think I do have a twitter and I made it ages ago and then never used it. I may look into it however
And thanks Armageddon26 and I do have that plan....:P But I'm going to stop after this one. It can continue but to stop here at 6 and do a potential fancast of the movies is what I want to do next ;)
superotherside - 8/27/2011, 11:29 AM
@ComicalDisaster awesome ;) hope to hear from you on twitter! :)

sounds great about the fancast as well looking forward to it! :)
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