There came a day, unlike any other. When the mightiest superheroes of our world found themselves united against a common treat.

By comics56 - Apr 02, 2011 08:04 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

Nick Fury is standing in the control room of one of S.H.I.E.L.D.´s bases. There are many computer screens, one of them have images of Iron Man (Tony Stark) flying trough the city of New York, other of them have Thor flying and saving a crowded bus from a car that was trowed by a gang, other one have multiples attacks of the Hulk and the fight between him and Abomination. One of the computer screens features Captain America´s shield. Fury presses a button in his communicator.

FURY : Get them to me ,Hill.

HILL [COMINICATOR] : Yes, director Fury.

Cut to Tony Stark in his workshop ,he is working on a silver red armor. It´s stak reactor is in the form of a triangle. There are also other arc reactors in it´s pulses, but those are circular as the regular ones.

J.A.R.V.I.S. : Sir, agent Coulson is in the living room.

TONY : For?

J.A.R.V.I.S. : He says ,director Fury sent him.

TONY : Put him in the screen.

An holographic image of Agent Coulson looking up to the camera is projected in front of Tony. Tony gets far from the hologram and then looks to Coulson.

COULSON : Are you there, Stak?

TONY : I think I am.

COULSON : Why is this place abandoned.

TONY : Don´t live my workshop for weeks.

COULSON : Why you don´t-- Not my problem.

TONY : Just one question: Should I go well dressed?

COULSON : Well, you know. I got agents here to transport you.

Tony is suiting up, technological arms are putting MARK VIII on him. This armor has electric wires all around it. Tony flies away trough a roof gate. Phil Coulson still talking to the camera.

COULSON : Stark? Are you there?

Cut to Thor watching Tv in the coffee shop, he is very distracted. Jane enters the room ,holding some bags and three books. She sits in front of Thor in a table and puts the books in there. She lets the bags in the floor. Thor turns to her and smile.

THOR : Hey.

JANE : Hi. What you did today?

THOR : This.

JANE : Oh.

THOR : You?

JANE : Bought some books for my classes and the food. You know , the food I asked you to buy last week.

THOR : I am very sorry. I got distracted.

JANE : Wouldn´t guess. Dear…

Jane sweetly puts her hand in Thor´s face. Thor looks at her. She is worried about him, he still a fish out of water in Midgard. Thor distracts himself and then Jane slaps him weakly and he turns to her with all his attention.

THOR : Yes!

JANE : You need to find something to do. A job or something.

THOR : I was born to be a warrior, kill demons and giants. There´s something like this in Midgard?

JANE : You could work in a slaughterhouse.

Thor looks at Jane confused, she smiles to him and then she looks to tv. There´s a Casino commercial on there, the casino name is “Hel of a Game”. Donald Blake enters the coffee shop and stands close from them. Jane isn´t happy to see him, Thor smiles and hugs him strongly. Donald fell a lot o pain after the hug, Jane is happy with it.

THOR : Great to see you, friend Blake!

DONALD : Good to see you to…, friend Thor.

THOR : How have you been?

DONALD : We on´t have to do that. I am here for director Fury.

Jane notes a lot of S.H.I.EL.D. agents outside the coffeshop. They are holding guns and there are lots of black cars parked in there.

JANE : What you want with my boyfriend, Blake?

DONALD : He has a debit for S.H.I.E.L.D. , you know that. Don´t you, dear.

JANE : You don´t—

Thor turns Jane to him him, instead of Donald Blake. She is angry, Thor kisses her passionately. She blushes. He looks to her with a serious look in his eyes.

THOR : He is right. I must go.

JANE : Don´t. You own nothing to them!

THOR : You could be dead. As could me.

JANE : Please... Don´t go!

THOR : I promise you, I´ll be back.

Thor leaves the coffee shop along with Donald Blake, they enter in one of the black cars. They are dried away by the agents, soon after that there are no agents near the coffee shop. Jane watches the news and a tear fall from her eye.

JANE : You better be back.

Cut to Bruce Banner And Betty Ross, they are in a train. The train is moving forward, Betty is 6 or 7 months pregnant. Bruce is looking to Betty, he is sad. Betty gets close from him and kisses him.

BETTY : Something wrong?

BRUCE : No. But I was thinking…

BETTY : About me and the baby?

BRUCE : You need to see a doctor.

BETTY : What?

BRUCE : The baby may have some problems because of the radiation.

BETTY : I know. But what would they do to him if they--

BRUCE : This may cause some problems as well.

BETTY : We know who are the people that can help us.

BRUCE : I have no problem with that. As long as you two be fine.

The train stops, they hear screams. Bruce starts to fell his heart beating faster. Betty is worried, a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent enters their wagon and walks in looking for somebody. Bruce´s eyes start to get green, Betty holds his hand. The agent passes by them, they think they are now clear. The person standing behind Bruce injects something in his neck, Betty screams. The agent then injects something on her, they both faint. Agents enter the wagon and take them away. A agent is talking to somebody by the communicator. She is General Carol Danvers.

CAROL : We got them. And seems to be a little surprise to us, sir.

FURY : Bring them in… fast.

CAROL : Yes, sir.

Cut to a laboratory in somewhere on Manhattan. Dr. Hank Pym is working on some kind of giant weapon. It´s about the size of a 7 year old child. There are two tubes in the table, one green and other red. He puts the both of them inside of the weapon. There´s a small bee-like creature flying around him, it grows and it´s actually Janet Van Dyne. She works with Pym in the laboratory. Janet seems to be bored looking at Hank build the weapon.

HANK : It´s almost done.

JANET : Great.

HANK : Excitement ,Jan! This will help a lot the study of the Vibranium.

JANET : You don´t take me on a date for a month, Hank. Women have needs.

HANK : What are you talking about?! We had dinner yesterday.

JANET : In here! While you was taking some notes!

HANK : I am sorry, Jan. But this is very important.

JANET : Oh! And I am not!

HANK : I didn´t mean that!

Elijah Starr enters the laboratory holding some folders, he puts the folders in the table. Hank looks to Elijah, Janet shrinks and flies away.

HANK : Jan!

ELIJAH : What´s wrong? Insects fight as people do?

HANK : What do you want, Elijah?

ELIJAH : Director Fury sent me to see how was the project going.

HANK : Pretty good. You can go now, Starr.

ELIJAH : You don´t talk to me like that, Pym. I am your superior.

HANK : Oh please! Fury hired you because I said no!

ELIJAH : Imagine that. I wouldn´t be the second in line. Not behind you, the “ant-man”.

HANK : Could you please leave? I have actual work to do. Work you can´t do.

Elijah leaves furious, he gets his phone and calls somebody. Hank keeps working on the giant weapon. Cut to Janet flying through the city, she don´t know where to go. She keeps moving forward.

JANET : Jerk! I am not even worth a diner!

Janet flies to the S.H.I.E.L.D. base, it is a helli-carrier. She enters the place in her insect size and flies to the control room. Fury is standing in the room, he don´t notice Janet. After a while, Tony Stark walks in inside Mark VII and Thor is brought by Donald Blake. Jennifer Walter enters the room wearing a letter suit with S.H.I.E.L.D. logo type in it. Tony opens his helmet and check out Jennifer.

TONY : Hi, Tony Stark. Call me Iron Man.

JENNIFER : Jennifer Walters, She-Hulk.

TONY : So, how is it to be green?

JENNIFER : Good. How´s like to be a rich jerk that objectifies women?

TONY : Nice.

THOR : Nice to meet thy, Stark. I´ve heard a lot of you.

Thor walks to Tony to shakes his hand. Stark seem to be unhappy to see Thor in there, Thor do not understand Tony´s anger.

THOR : Something wrong?

TONY : This is the guy that got an statue in New Mexico?

THOR : I am indeed.

TONY : Get away.

Thor is surprised by Tony´s reaction. Fury walks to Jennifer and put his hand in her shoulder. She looks to him, Thor and Tony keep arguing.

FURY : We need you in the sector A5, family reunion.

JENNIFER : I´ll talk to him, but don´t forget… this is all you fault. Shouldn´t put Ross in charge of that.

FURY : Talk him down. We need him.

Jannifer walks out of the room. After a while ,Natalie Romanov enter the room along with Clint Barton, they both are in their uniforms.

FURY : Now we can start.

A hologram is projected in the center of the room, it shows us footage form the World War II, Captain America is fighting against H.Y.D.R.A. along with the Howling Commandos. Thor looks to the battle amazed, Iron Man gives a smile when he looks to the shield because he knows his father was responsible for that.

FURY : H.Y.D.R.A. was a terrorist organization that acted during WWII. They were lead by Red Skull, but Captain America toke him down. And H.Y.D.R.A. …or we tough so.

TONY : It´s this some kind of history class?

THOR : Shh! That´s amazing!

TONY : The crazy guy don´t talk now, friend.

FURY : Could you guys be quiet?

THOR : Sorry, Fury.

FURY : H.Y.D.R.A. still on the run. But we have no idea of who is behind it now. They have been stealing some S.H.I.E.L.D. and Stark technology for a while.

TONY : No. They didn´t. I would know.

FURY : You know how S.H.I.E.L.D. can keep things under the sheet? H.Y.D.R.A. can do it so better that we only discovered that they were still on a year before a drunk start to wear a suit of armor.

TONY : Who is that piece of work?

FURY : And in the last week, Hawkeye and Black Widow were on an under covered mission inside a chemical company. The company was working for H.Y.D.R.A., and they were making some heavy chemicals. Things that could kill hundreds in 10 seconds.

THOR : Who could be able to make such a villainy?

FURY : We still searching for the big guys. But we are sure they have a great mind behind it. I am almost sure it is this man:

A holographic image of doctor Henry Pym is projected in the center of the room. Janet grows back to her normal size.

JANET : No! That´s not true!

All of the presents in the room turn to Janet. Black Widow points her missile shooter in her pulse to Janet, Clint points his bow and arrow. Thor and Tony are surprised to see Janet standing in front of them.

JANET : Don´t shoot!

FURY : What do you do in here, Mrs. Van Dyne?

THOR : Was that lady there?

TONY : I don´t think so.

FURY : Answer ,Janet.

JANET : Hank isn´t a spy. He don´t work for H.Y.D.R.A.!

FURY : I´m sorry, Mrs. Van Dyne. But some things point to this.

JANET : He gives all his work for S.H.I.E.L.D.! You think I don´t know my husband?

FURY : We found some chemicals with his signature in it.

JANET : That´s—Starr´s fault!


CLINT : No idea. Any of you two?

Clint looks to Thor and Tony. Tony and Thor still confused. Tony looks to Thor and Thor looks to Tony. Any of them know what to say. Tony takes the iniciative.

TONY : No?

JANET : Elijah Starr comes to our lab every single day and take notes about Hank´s work.

FURY : What? I never sent him to your side, Jan. He should be making experiments with insects.

CLINT : Should we go after Starr?

Maria Hill enters the room, she holds a files and gives it to Fury. Thor walks to Janet, he looks at her a bit confused. He wants to know where were she before she appeared. Fury read the files and seems worried.

JANET : What´s wrong with you?

THOR : I ask thy the same. What are you?

JANET : What do you mean?

THOR : One moment you weren´t there and after a glimpse you appear.

JANET : I am…

FURY : Thanks , Agent Hill.

MARIA : No problem. Should I get the Q-Jet ready.

FURY : Yes.

Maria Hill walks out of the room. Tony Stark walks to Fury, he still in his armor. Natalie and Clint look at each other, they know something is wrong.

TONY : What happen, Fury?

FURY : All of you… Get ready!

THOR : Shall we meet our enemy?

TONY : I am getting tired of this guy!

FURY : You are going to the North Pole.

THOR : So we can…

FURY : Get Starr to me and save Dr. Pym.

JANET : Hank?

FURY : He was captured. That means you were right.

JANET : I am going ,Fury! You should know that.

FURY : Don´t make me get worried with you, Jan.

TONY : Let her go. We could use a girl in this mission.

Natalie looks to Tony with an interrogative look. Tony smiles to her. Clint seems to be angry with Tony by his smile.

TONY : Don´t know if anything about you is true.

CLINT : Back off, Stark.

TONY : Who are you, after all?

THOR : That be Clint Barton, or Hawkeye. Special agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. ,friend of mine.

CLINT : Almost all he said.

TONY : Shut up, blondie.

FURY : Direct yourself to the hangar!

TONY : Hangar? Are you joking? I am flying there!

THOR : Me too! Can you beat me to our destination, Stark?

TONY : I could just beat you… up.

Tony flies away from there ,Thor rises his hand and then his hammer flies to his hand. The hammer was away from there. Fury watches Thor and Tony flying away. Janet is not in the room anymore, Fury presumes she got out of there with Thor and Tony.

FURY : You two could go too.

NATALIE : Yes, sir.

CLINT : On the way!

Natalie and Clint walk out of the room. Fury sits on a chair and keep looking to a computer screen. The holographic projection is turned off.

Cut to H.Y.D.R.A.´s small base in the South Pole. Some H.Y.D.R.A. agents are taking Hank to a cell, he is angry and trying to free himself. Elijah Starr is standing in the front of the cell´s door, the agents put Hank in the room. Elijah enter and closes the room.

HANK : You are very lower than I´d expect, Starr. Working as a double agent? You couldn´t be a uni-agent well.

ELIJAH : I am done with you!

Elijah Starr breaks a metal chair in Hank´s back. Hank falls on the floor and looks to Starr. Starr steps on Hank´s hand,

ELIJAH : You are not even a bit better than me. I am bigger than you, really bigger that you!

HANK : Yes, you are!

ELIJAH : What?

Hank presses a button in his watch and he shrinks after a flash of light. Elijah looks for Hank angry, he wants to smash Hank. Elijah opens the room door and sees a and flying away by it. Elijah knows that Hank is in the top of that ant.

ELIJAH : Kill that ant!

The agents look to Starr confused. His face is red now. He gets a gun from an agent and starts shoot, he kills one agent with no mask [STAN LEE CAMEO].

ELIJAH : Squash it or shoot at it! I need it dead!

The agents start to try to kill them ,they splash their hands so they can squash it. But the ant gets away, Pym is safe for now.

HANK : Fury… all your fault.

A laser destroys the roof of the base and explodes a tank that it hits. Thor´s hammer hits an agent and Thor lands on the top of the exploded tank. His hammer flies back to his hand.

THOR : There shall be war!

Iron Man lands close to Thor, he starts to shoot missiles and lasers at the agents that are attacking them. Thor twists his hammer and the agents fly away. Hank Pym grows back to his size in front of Thor and Iron Man. Thor is very surprised when he sees Hank. Janet flies to Hank and grows back.

HANK : Jan!

JANET : Hank! So good you´re fine.

HANK : Yes I am. You wouldn´t believe, Starr is a –

TONY : Double agent? Big news!

THOR : Why do people keep appearing from the nowhere?!

HANK : Who is this?

JANET : This is Thor. He is very funny and…

Thor throws his hammer in a missile that was aiming for Hank and Janet. Janet shriks and flies to the agents shooting bio-lasers at them. Those lasers are bio- electric. The agents activate a big suit that looks like Stark´s but it is bigger and has no Arc Reactor. The suit is actually a robot, the agents refer to it as ULTIMO. Tony looks to it and isn´t very happy, he flies in its direction.

TONY : Those guys are dead!

The robot shoots a green laser that makes Tony´s armor stop working. Thor looks to Tony and throws his hammer in Ultimo. The robot projects two gravitational fields that make Thor´s hammer hit the wall behind Thor. Thor is fascinated by the technology in the machine.

THOR : Human technology is indeed evil!

Hank Pym pushes Thor away when Ultimo shoots a nuclear laser at him. Thor still distracted by the tech. Hank presses his watch and then, after a flash of light, he grows. Hank Pym is giant now, he punches the robot, it is pushed away, but after that he flies to Hanks face and shoots a laser at him. Hank falls and destroys half the base and shrinks back, but he is now in the snow.

THOR : Friend, Hank!

Janet flies to Hank, she sees him in the snow. Hank rises ,but after that he is hitted by a bullet in his leg and falls again. Thor punches the agent that shoot Hank [Bob]. Janet grows back again and puts her hand in Hank´s face.

JANET : Hank! Talk to me!

HANK : Jan…

JANET : Don´t worry, you´ll be fine!

HANK : It--

JANET : Natalie and Clint are coming!

HANK : It just hit my leg, Jan!

Natalie Romanov and Clint Barton jump from the Q-Jet in the middle of the fight. Ultimo is battling Thor. Natalie and Clint take down agents with guns and arrows.

CLINT : I bet you I can take more of them down!

NATALIE : Please! You got nothing!

Natalie throws a disk that explodes and kills some agents. Clint keeps shooting arrows at them, but when his arrows end he punches some agents and get their guns. He starts to shoot at everyone. An armor flies to the center of the room, it opens, there´s nobody inside. Tony leaves the other armor and enter the new. This new armor seems to be made for cold places.

Tony shoots lasers at Ultimos, those lasers are red. Elijah in in the interrogatory room, he is talking to someone.

ELIJAH : We need to destroy them.

It´s revealed that this somebody is Loki.

Elijah is very worried, Loki has an evil smile in his face. Elijah gets a communicator from his pocket.

ELIJAH : I am callind on her.

LOKI : Why bother?

ELIJAH : If they get the data…

LOKI : You´ve got the radiation analized?


Loki teleports himself and Elijah to away from there. The fight still going on in the base, Tony destroys Ultimo by throwing a tank at it. Thor fells something wrong and flies to Janet and Hank, he takes them out of there. Natasha and Clint see a dark purple energy sphere star growing in the center of the room, they run from it after realizing it can´t be a good thing. Tony is the only one that don´t notes it.

J.A.R.V.I.S. : Sir, dark matter energy approaching.

TONY : What?

An explosion happen, Tony is played away by it. Thor is flying a bit away from it, holding Hank and Janet. Clint and Natalie are a bit affected by it and are now ling on the ground, covered in snow.

THOR : What be that?

Thor flies to the ground, Hank and Janet jump to the ground. They are all amazed by what is on the floor, covered in snow. It seems to be Captain America, holding his shield.

HANK : It´s Captain America!

THOR : Who´d be that?

JANET : You were on that room along with Fury.

THOR : Oh! But I thought he had fallen.

HANK : As did all of us.

THOR : What did this? A Frost Giant?

HANK : The time, Thor.

THOR : Your villains have strange names on here.

HANK : No! He fell in the water and the water became ice.

THOR : That´s—I have no idea of what to say.

JANET : A bit hot, even know he is frozen.

Hank looks to Janet a bit disappointed. Janet looks to him and puts her head down, she is ashamed. Thor gets close from Captain America.

JANET : Sorry...

THOR : Is he alive?

Captain America´s hand moves a bit. Hank is amazed by it, Janet smile. Thor is surprised to find a frozen human.

HANK : I think so.

RDJ as Tony Stark
Edward Nortos as Bruce Banner
Chris Hemsworth as Thor
Chris Evans as Captain America
Patric Wilson as Hank Pym
Chris Pine as Clint Barton
Scarlet Johanson as Natalie Romanov
Olivia Wilde as Janet Van Dyne
Ali Larter as Carol Danvers
Jesse Spencer as Donald Blake
Clark Gregg as Phil Coulson
Cobie Smulders as Maria Hill
Vin Diesel as Elijah Starr
Tom Hiddlestom as Loki
Natalie Portman as Jane Foster
Liv Tyler as Betty Ross
SLJ as Nick Fury
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screenwriter614 - 4/3/2011, 7:28 AM
A couple pointers:
1. Dont tell the story through doilouge, but action.
2. Dont forget to use scene headers For Example
'Int- Tony Starks Warehouse - Day'
3. Spell check before you post it
4. Re write before you post it... Action lines shouldn't describe everything, leave some up to the reader's imagination...

That aside, good read...
comics56 - 4/3/2011, 8:22 AM
@screenwriter614 - Well, that´s for a script. This is not an script, but kind of a history. I wrote that as I wrote Thor and Hulk. Some words may be wrong, that´s because english is not my first language.
Retardo - 4/3/2011, 9:22 AM
This is a pretty good read man! Nice stuff, makes me feel more pumped for the real thing lol!
comics56 - 4/3/2011, 9:43 AM
@SUP3R - Thanks! After a year building up the stories, I hope it was good. Be sure to read my Thor one and Hulk one too.
GrandWrex - 4/4/2011, 1:12 AM
I like it

Great job:)
comics56 - 4/4/2011, 9:57 AM
@SuperDude001/@QueenSpades/@GrandWrex - Thanks a lot!
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