There came a day, unlike any other. When the mightiest superheroes of our world found themselves united against a common treat.

By comics56 - Apr 07, 2011 05:04 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

PART 1 :

In somewhere over Afghanistan , a group of Ten Rings members are dealing with someone. They hold a metal folder, one of them opens it and it´s revealed that inside the folder is a triangular arc reactor.

TEN RINGS MEMBER 1 : That´s it. Nice to work with you.

It´s revealed that the man that gave them the folder is a kind of android with a screen in his abdomen that projects a man´s face. This android is Dr. Arnim Zola, an old H.Y.D.R.A. scientist.

ARNIM ZOLA : Your leader is a great person to make those kinds of deal. Tell him that Ultimo was a success.

TEN RINGS MEMBER 1 : He´ll be happy to hear.


Arnim Zola walks to a black and green car. He enters and drives away. The ten rings members enter a truck and drive away. The ruck is full of guns and other kinds of weapons.

Back to S.H.I.E.L.D.´s heli-carrier ,Jennifer Walters is sited in a chair inside a cell along with Bruce Banner. Bruce trapped in metal chains that conduct electricity. Jennifer is worried about Bruce, it affects her that he is in pain. Bruce is very tired.

BRUCE : How did you find me?

JENNIFER : S.H.I.E.L.D. know where you since you ran away.

BRUCE : That´s impossible.

JENNIFER : We are worried with you ,Bruce.

BRUCE : What do you mean? Where´s Betty?

JENNIFER : She is fine. They toke her to somewhere safe.

BRUCE : You need to take me away from here.

JENNIFER : I can´t. I want to talk to you about an offer.

BRUCE : I have to get out, Jennifer. I managed to control the Hulk for 5 months. I need to keep controlling.

JANNIFER : That´s what I want to talk to you about.

Cut to S.H.I.E.L.D. ´s laboratory, it is in the heli-carrier. Captain America still frozen on top of a metal desk, Tony is out of his armor close from him. Thor is standing at the monitors that are checking his heartbeat. Janet and Hank are analyzing his body to see if he isn´t on some kind of come. There´s a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent in the room, she is taking some notes about the progress of Captain America. That agent is Sharon Carter, the grand-nephew of Captain America´s girlfriend during the World War II.

SHARON : You think he´ll be fine?

TONY : No…

SHARON : Really?

TONY : What do you think? He´d been frozen for over 50 years.

HANK : But it seems that he still breathing and also …

TONY : His heart beats. So what? He will die as soon as he get unfrozen.

THOR : I say thy nay!

TONY : What?

SHARON : If he still alive, that would mean a lot for society.

THOR : I though you humans did anything to save a life.

TONY : Those are doctors, Thor.

Thor walks to Tony and looks to Captain America. His face is covered in snow, Thor is intrigued by Captain America´s condition. Janet walks to Sharon Carter. Hank puts his helmet, it looks like an ant´s head, but made of metal.

TONY : What are you doing?

HANK : Ants can analyze him from the inside.

TONY : That´s disgusting.

HANK : Don´t bother me, Tony. Not now.

TONY : Sure. Put you ant inside the man.

Thor pushes Stark, he is tired of Stark´s manners. Hank is hit by Stark after Thor pushes him, Hank falls. Tony activates his portative armor. This armor is inside his clothes, he activates it and then punches Thor. Thor breaks a wall and falls. He rises, his hammer flies to him.

TONY : I´m done with you!

THOR : Shall we see who´s done with who!

Thor throws his hammer in Tony. Thor flies away, breaking some of the heli-carrier walls. Tony flies outside the heli-carrier, Thor´s hammer floats in the air. Thor gets his hammer and points to Stark.

THOR : I won´t take your arrogance anymore!

TONY : I can´t take your word!

Tony shoots many missiles in Thor, he ducks and the missiles explode part of the heli-carrier. The heli-carrier starts to fall. Thor hits Tony with his hammer, breaking one of his missile shooters. Tony shoots a laser that throws Thor to the dower lever of the heli-carrier. Thor breaks Bruce´s cell, Tony goes there and shoots missiles on Thor. Jennifer is attacked by one of the missiles and faints. Thor electrocutes Tony with a lighting, and also breaks Bruce´s chains. Bruce´s eyes start to get green. Tony´s armor fall out and he leaves it. Thor walks to Tony.

THOR : You shall never challenge Thor again!

TONY : If I had my new armor here you would--

THOR : No human weapon or armor can defeat Thor. Not even one of your super creatures.

TONY : I would say that!

Tony points to Thor´s back, Thor turns around and see a giant green creature on front of him. Thor looks to Hulk scared at first, but after a while he smiles to see the creature.

THOR : An ogre!

HULK : Hulk smash!

Hulk punches Thor ,Thor flies away to the wall in the other side of the room. He beats his head, his hammer is shining. Thor rises and throws his hammer in Hulk. Hulk punches the hammer, and it falls. Hulk runs to Thor, grabs him by his head and hits him in the ground. Thor´s nose starts to bleed, Natalie and Clint enter the room. Clint shoots an arrow that contains sedative in the Hulk. Natalie looks to Tony.

NATALIE : Get an armor!

TONY : I have a thing for it--

The Hulk throws Thor in Clint, Natasha runs in the Hulk´s direction and shoots sedative bullets from her pulse shooter. Tony runs away from there ,he gets in one of S.H.I.E.L.D.´s small jets and fly to his workshop in light speed.

TONY : Let´s bust him up! J.A.R.V.I.S….

J.A.R.V.I.S. : Yes, sir.

TONY : Get the Mark H 1 ready.

J.A.R.V.I.S. : Yes, sir.

Back to the heli-carrier , Natalie and Clint are trying to calm Hulk down. Other agents arrive in the room and start shooting at the Hulk. Thor rises from the floor and Mjionir flies to his hand. The hammer shines and then Thor jumps on the Hulk. The two of them fall from the heli-carrier in a small city. The agents stare at them by the hole in the heli-carrier. Natalie leaves the room along with Clint.

NATALIE : We have a huge problem.

CLINT : You don´t say.

NATALIE : Let´s get Hank and Janet.

CLINT : Sure.

Natalie and Clint run to the S.H.I.E.L.D.´s laboratory. Hank is getting a sample of Captain America´s blood. Janet is watching television ,sitting on a desk. She is drinking Dr. Pepper. Natalie walks to Hank, he puts the blood in a refrigerator.


HANK : What?

NATALIE : We need your help.

JANET : Finally! What is it?

CLINT : Take the Hulk down.

JANET : Get this one ,Hank. The next one is mine.

HANK : I am kind of busy in here, Romanoff.

Captain America slowly opens his eyes. Hank and Natalie are surprised to see the World War 2 veteran open his eyes. Janet let her Dr. Pepper falls when she looks to Captain America. Clint stare at him amazed. Sharon Carter smiles when she sees him open his eyes.

CLINT : In the name of God…

NATALIE : I can´t believe.

CLINT : Fury will be happy.


Captain America rises from the desk and shakes all the snow off his body. Hank approaches him and he get scared. Captain America punches Hank and throws him in the wall. Janet shrinks, causing Captain to get scared. She starts to shoot him bio-electric lasers from her hands. He gets his shield and protects himself.

NATALIE : Take him down, Clint!

CLINT : Wasn´t I supposed to do that with the Hulk?

NATALIE : Do it!

Clint attacks Captain America by shooting arrows at him. Captain America protects himself from the arrows with his shield. Then he throws his shield in Clint, who falls fainted. Sharon approaches herself from Captain America. She has a smile on her face. Captain America turns to her, he thinks she makes him remember Peggy.


SHARON : No… My name is Sharon. Sharon Carter.

CAPTAIN AMERICA : Carter? Are you… Peggy´s sister?

SHARON : No. I am her grandniece.

CAPTAIN AMERICA : How? How can it be?

SHARON : We are not in 1943 anymore… It´s 2011. We want to help.

CAPTAIN AMERICA : This can´t be true.

SHARON : I´m sorry, Steve.

CAPTAIN AMERICA : What happen to H.Y.D.R.A., to the Red Skull?

SHARON : It´s complicated…

STEVE : Why should I believe you?

SHARON : Because I know you. My grand aunt told me all the stories about you.

STEVE : Where´s she? What happen to her?

SHARON : She died 15 years ago.

Steve becomes very sad with this news, Sharon gets close from him and hugs him. Janet grows back to her normal size. Natalie helps Hank to get up. Clint looks to the scene very bored. Steve turns to Natalie.

STEVE : Who do you guys work for?

SHARON : Strategic Homelan--

NATALIE : We call it S.H.I.E.L.D. now.

STEVE : I am sorry if I hurt any of your agents.

CLINT : I was holding back.

HANK : I was surprised.

NATALIE : Sure you was. We still need you two in the ground!

STEVE : Something´s wrong?

NATALIE : We have a major treat in the ground.

STEVE : Ground? Where are we?

Sharon takes Steve close from a window, Steve is amazed by the view of the sky. Natalie walks to Steve and puts her hand in his shoulder. Steve turns to Natalie and Sharon.

STEVE : There´s something I could help?

NATALIE : In fact, there is…

Away from there, in an island, there´s a huge place. In the whole island there are many H.Y.D.R.A. agents and weapon facilities. In the center room of the palace there´s a throne. Close from there is a laboratory. Loki and Starr are in the laboratory along with Arnim Zola and Ophelia Sarkissian ,there´s a metal desk on the center of the room. In this desk is lied Carl Creel ,he is connected to many tubes.

ARNIM ZOLA : We are ready to start…

CARL : Will this make me powerful?

LOKI : This will make you the most powerful man on the planet.

CARL : Will it hurt?

LOKI : No…

ELIJAH : Not much.

OPHELIA : Shall we start!

ARNIM ZOLA : Yes, Madame.

Arnim Zola walks to a computer panel. He presses some buttons and then Carl is electrocuted, he screams. Loki and Ophelia smile to see Carl screaming.

Elijah Starr is felling sorry for Carl, he can´t look at the experiment. Creel is starting to melt, Arnim Zola turns to Loki.

OPHELIA : Do your thing, Loki.

LOKI : Shall I…

ARNIM ZOLA : We are losing him! Do IT!

LOKI : Pay attention, mortals!

Loki rises his arms and beans of different colors are born from there. Creel is hit by many of those beans, he explodes and disappears. Arnim Zola turns off the systems. Ophelia looks to Loki surprised, Loki smiles. Starr looks to the desk and then he stands there scared.

OPHELIA : What you did?

LOKI : There are some things that science can´t figure out. Neither can magic.

The metal desk starts to turn into a human form. It turns into Carl, but made of metal. His eyes shine green. Creel walks to Ophelia and Loki, Starr faints when he sees Creel´s new form. Arnim Zola analyze Creel´s body structure with a device that replaces his head. Ophelia smiles when she see Creel kneeing.

LOKI : But they both together can do something.

OPHELIA : Hail… H.Y.D.R.A, Loki.

LOKI : Hail H.Y.D.R.A.!

ARNIM ZOLA : He don´t present anything organic.

LOKI : This is what magic and science can do together.

ARNIM ZOLA : It is nice to work using those two again.

OPHELIA : It is very good to work along with you Loki.

LOKI : Good thing my S.H.I.E.L.D. disguise got discovered.

OPHELIA : Shall we see his potential.

LOKI : Yes. Shall we see Thor and his friends fall.

ARNIM ZOLA : I don´t think Creel will be need for that.

LOKI : What?

A holographic projection of Thor battling Hulk is now in front of Loki and Ophelia. Arnim Zola smiles to see the Incredible Hulk and the God of Thunder fighting. Loki gets angry and leaves the room furious.

OPHELIA : Get Starr to the chamber.

ARNIM ZOLA : Yes. But… Why, madam?

OPHELIA : He must pay for having my base destroyed.

Cut to Thor and Hulk´s fight. Thor is being beat up by Hulk. He have almost no more energy. Thor tries to get his hammer ,but Hulk steps on his hand. The creature gets Thor and then throws him away. Hulk turns around and is hit by many missiles, huge missiles. Hulk stands in the smoke fallen, it´s revealed that who shoot those missiles was Tony Stark. Who stands in his new Hulk Buster armor.

TONY : Who dialed Hulk Buster -777?

HULK : Stupid…Metal man!

Hulk rises and runs in Tony´s direction, he punches the armor. Tony is pushed back and the Hulk is a bit electrocuted. Tony uses his Uni-Bean in the Hulk, the creature is very pushed away. The Hulk gets two cars and throws them on Tony. Tony ducks one of the cars and punches the other. The Hulk run in Iron Man´s direction and then the punches the ground because Tony ducked. The Hulk looks up and see an arrow, it hits his neck. Hawkey jumps in front of him and shoots another arrow at him, but this one at his knee. Tony punches the Hulk and the creature hits a wall. Steve Rogers jumps in front of Hawkeye, his costume is ripped off a bit, and he is holding his shield. Tony watches Captain America stands in there amazed.

TONY : Holly crap.

STEVE : This is that creature?

CLINT : Pretty much.

STEVE : Let´s take it down, soldiers!

Steve runs in the Hulk´s direction, Tony looks to Clint and opens his mask. Clint sees that Tony is confused. Natalie jumps in front of Tony and then points to the Hulk.

NATALIE : No time for this ,Stark!

TONY : Who made you the boss?


Tony walks to Hulk and Captain America. Steve is confused to see such a machine and a monster. He throws his shield in the Hulk´s face. The Hulk falls, but soon runs to Captain America. Tony puts himself in front of Captain America and fights Hulk. Head to head, Steve jumps on Tony´s back and hits the Hulk´s neck with his shield. The Hulk screams and falls. Steve falls in front of Tony, he rises his hand.

STEVE : Thank you, robot.

TONY : You´re welcome, human.

STEVE : Who built you?

TONY : Myself. I am the soul of a dead human.

STEVE : What?

Steve stares at Tony with his eyes wide open, he is very confused. Tony open his helmet and smiles to Rogers. Roger laughs when he sees Tony under the suit. The Hulk rises, Steve turns around surprised. The Hulk tries to grab Steve ,but he jumps and kicks the Hulk´s face. Steve lands on the Hulk´s back. Clint shoots and arrow at the Hulk´s back when he turns to Steve. The arrow explodes and when the smoke comes down the Hulk is fainted in the ground. Hank Pym and Janet are revealed to be on top of Tony´s armor, they grown and walk to the Hulk.

STEVE : Why you people keep appearing from nowhere?

TONY : Why can´t Fury find anybody normal for this group?

STEVE : What is that creature, after all?

HANK : This is what the American army have done to make another one of you.


The Hulk comes back to be Bruce Banner. Thor is flying to the others location, thunders and lightings follow him. Thor lands close to Bruce Banner and then he walks to Steve Roger. Steve isn´t surprised to see Thor flying and his hammer shining. Clint and Natasha walk to the Hulk.

THOR : What brought this ogre to Midgard?

CLINT : This isn´t an ogre.

THOR : What was it then?

TONY : Something we call… The Hulk. Nice to see that you couldn´t defeat it.

THOR : Neither could you!

TONY : I did.

STEVE : You didn´t. Mr. Barton did.

TONY : Shhh. He wasn´t here.

THOR : You wouldn´t be able to take down such a creature, Stark.

Nick Fury lands a flying ship, Maria Hill is with him. She holds a notepad. Fury leaves the ship and walks to Bruce Banner. Maria Hill follows him, she has a shotgun in her belt. Fury looks to Thor and Tony angry, he turns to Hank and Janet angry. He walks to Natalie and Clint disappointed ,Steve walks to Nick and shakes his hand. Fury is amazed to meet Steve Roger, Captain America.

FURY : Nice to meet you, Mr. Rogers.

STEVE : You must be Nick Fury. Mrs. Romanov told me about you.

FURY : Yes. I am sorry you had to work with this poor team.

TONY : Hey there, Fury! You have no--

FURY : You and the God of Thunder are the worst ones! If you had controlled you egos the Hulk wouldn´t have set free.

HANK : How the Hulk ended up on S.H.I.E.L.D.´s custody?

FURY : That isn´t your deal. Specially because you couldn´t even press a button to help the other to get them.

HANK : I am not part of that team Fury!

FURY : So …don´t ask me things related to the team.

TONY : I´m part of the team. What the Hulk was doing in S.H.I.E.L.D.´s custody?

HILL : Sir…

FURY : Yes, Mrs. Hill?

HILL : Too many civilians in the area.

FURY : You´re right.

Fury walks to the jet. He looks to the others and then drives away along with Maria Hill. Tony flies with him inside his Hulk Buster armor. Janet flies in her small size. Thor takes Hank and Steve with him. Natalie tie Bruce to a cable and slides back to the helli-carrier with Banner. Clint throws an arrow with a cable and slides to the base by it.

Back to H.Y.D.R.A. Island, Loki is in the hangar. All the agents are getting inside the jets and helicopters.

Ophelia and Arnim Zola enter the hangar and walk to Loki. Loki is angry, Ophelia gives Loki a folder. He opens it and reads it fast.

LOKI : That´s it.

OPHELIA : Yes. But be sure to don´t let you feelings get in the way of it.

LOKI : I won´t. But I will have my fun.

OPHELIA : If you bring Captain America to us…

ARNIM ZOLA : The advances on our super soldiers will be fantastic.

LOKI : Where´s Creel?

OPHELIA : In the number 3 jet, in a contained chamber.

LOKI : Wish me luck, Madam.

Ophelia gets closer form Loki, her lips touches his and they share a kiss. Both of them show no emotion after the kiss. Loki smiles and then enters one of the jets. Arnim Zola and Ophelia walk away.

ARNIM ZOLA : So, Madam… What will we do with Starr?

OPHELIA : Torture him…

ARNIM ZOLA : Isn´t that a bit…

OPHELIA : Unnecessary?


OPHELIA : He is as well.

Back to S.H.I.E.L.D.´s helli-carrier, Fury is in the center of the meeting room. The other are all around the room, Janet is sit in Hank´s lap. Tony is no longer in his Hulk Buster armor. Thor is close from the holographic projector, he is examining it with his eyes. Sharon and Steve are close from the window, she admires him while he admires the view.

FURY : This is why I brought you here…

THOR : For destroy half a city?

FURY : No. I brought you because S.H.I.E.L.D. could really use a team of super heroes like you.

TONY : Go to it.

FURY : You all saw the advances that H.Y.D.R.A. made …

CLINT : That wasn´t half of it.

FURY : H.Y.D.R.A. is mass producing all kinds of weapons. And they are trying to advance with the worse kind…

TONY : The biological.

Thor turns his attention to Fury, he don´t understand the concept of biological weapon. Steve turns around and walks to Fury. He clearly knows what is a biological weapon, it´s something like the super soldier. It is something like him.

STEVE : Like the super soldier?

FURY : We think so.

THOR : What is that super soldier you speaks of?


THOR : Thor Odinson.

STEVE : Mr. Odinson, I was a volunteer during the Second World War…

TONY : He is that Captain America we saw in the little movie before going to H.Y.D.R.A. ,Thor.

THOR : Oh! Mr. Rogers, it is a pleasure.

STEVE: Thank you, I am happy to meet the next generation of heroes. Of soldiers.

TONY : It is really nice to meet you.

STEVE : I would like to say the same, Mr…

TONY : Stark.

STEVE : That can´t be? You´re also alive old man? Don´t remember--

TONY : I am actually Howard´s son. Tony Stark.

JANET : So… How was fighting H.Y.D.R.A. during then?

STEVE : Not easy. And here?

JANET : Like wise. I´m Janet Van Dyne and…

Janet points to Hank with a smile in her face. Hank rises and walks to Steve, they shake hands. Hank is really happy to meet the world´s greatest soldier.

HANK : Henry Pym. Call me Hank.

STEVE : How do you call this little team?

TONY : Actually…

JANET : Avengers!

THOR : That´s indeed a nice name.

JANET : You´re welcome!

FURY : You two shouldn´t even be here.

JANET : Why that?

FURY : Because neither of you accepted my invite to be part of this team.

STEVE : Can I ask you a question, Nick?

FURY : Of course, Mr. Rogers.

STEVE : Is this a team of heroes or just S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.

TONY : That´s why I liked this guy!

FURY : I understand your question… I really do. But any of these guys would be able to--

Maria enters the room, she walks to Nick Fury. Nick leaves the room along with Hill. All of the presents are confused. Sharon leaves the room following Fury.

THOR : What´s that?!

TONY : Trouble!

STEVE : Should we go?

TONY : Sure! Who´s coming?

Tony leaves the room, Steve and Thor follow him. Hank looks to Janet curious ,they follow the others. Natalie and Clint remain in the room, looking at each other.

CLINT : Should we?


CLINT : They can make trouble!

NATALIE : You´re right. I´ll tell director Fury.

Natalie leaves the room, she is going to the control room. She knows Fury is in there. Clint leaves the room, but he follows the others and not Natalie. Tony indicates a room so that Thor can get something from there. Bruce Banner is contained in the room, Thor defeat the guards, Steve gets Bruce. Janet decides to get some sedatives. Clint is now seeing the trouble he is in. Tony suits up in the room and walk to the hangar. Clint grabs a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent suit and gives it to Steve. Tony open the gates and hack into the control panel off the Q-Jet. All of them enters the Q-Jet and it leaves flying.

TONY : Are you guys ready?

STEVE : Do we at least know where are we going?

TONY : Let´s find out!

Toy hacks into S.HI.E.L.D. archives and finds out what´s wrong. H.Y.D.R.A. is attacking a S.H.I.E.L.D. facility where are contained the world´s greatest weapons. He sees that this is related to Steve because the weapon H.Y.D.R.A. is after is the one that he helped S.H.I.E.L.D. to capture during WWII. Tony reads a secret archive that informs that Thor´s brother (old S.H.I.E.L.D. double agent) is leading the attack.

TONY : Thor… are you ready for a family meeting?

THOR : I hope this does not means what I suspects.

TONY : Your little brother is responsible for it.

THOR : I will finish that demon!

TONY : If you say so.

STEVE : What´s wrong?

TONY : H.Y.D.R.A. is after some kind of cube that you rescued during World War 2. And Thor´s brother is leading the attack.

STEVE : Sorry, buddy.

THOR : You shouldn´t be sorry for me… but for my brother.

Cut to the attack in S.H.I.E.L.D. facility [P.E.G.A.S.U.S.]. A lot of shoots are made, agents of the both side die. Loki watches it in a helicopter he smiles when he looks at the horizon. Carl Creel is standing on Loki´s side in his human form.

CARL : Is it time?

LOKI : Almost!

RDJ as Tony Stark
Edward Nortos as Bruce Banner
Chris Hemsworth as Thor
Chris Evans as Captain America
Patric Wilson as Hank Pym
Chris Pine as Clint Barton
Scarlet Johanson as Natalie Romanov
Olivia Wilde as Janet Van Dyne
Ali Larter as Carol Danvers
Jesse Spencer as Donald Blake
Clark Gregg as Phil Coulson
Cobie Smulders as Maria Hill
Vin Diesel as Elijah Starr
Tom Hiddlestom as Loki
Toby Jones as Arnim Zola
Angelina Jolie as Ophelia/Madam H.Y.D.R.A.
Natalie Portman as Jane Foster
Liv Tyler as Betty Ross
SLJ as Nick Fury
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