The Next Ten Years: Fan Casting the Future of the MCU

The Next Ten Years: Fan Casting the Future of the MCU

I explore some ideas for who might play the X-Men, Fantastic Four and Spider-Man supporting cast in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Who would you like to see take on these iconic roles?

Editorial Opinion
By SilverbackHero - Feb 28, 2018 04:02 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

As the countdown to Infinity War continues and we fans get closer to witnessing the unprecedented culmination of ten years of filmmaking, it’s exciting to consider what Marvel Studios might bring us in the next decade. It seems Disney may very well purchase 21st Century Fox, which could bring the X-Men and Fantastic Four to the MCU. With Sony and Marvel’s continued arrangement keeping Spiderman and his vast supporting cast of characters in the MCU as well, there are plenty of characters for Marvel Studios to introduce and explore after the untitled fourth Avengers film.


Personally, I would be intrigued to see Marvel spend a few years making films solely focused on the worlds of Spider-Man, the Fantastic Four and the X-Men, featuring cameos from the existing MCU cast of characters. There are plenty of incredible characters and stories to tell there, and this would prevent audiences from becoming comfortable or, unlikely as it may be, bored. Then, when the studio has established another rich world full of superhero characters, reintroduce the original cast and let audiences watch in awe as two casts collide, either in collaboration or conflict. This might be a fun way to build towards an Xmen Vs Avengers event, and challenge audiences as they’re forced to choose between their love for a new, modern cast of superheroes, and their nostolgic attachment to the Avengers they came to love first. 


I’m excited to see who Marvel might recruit to play these characters, and I’d love to hear who  you can see in the roles. 


Scroll down below to let your imagination run wild with me!


Fantastic Four


Reed Richards- Ethan Hawke


Hawke has one of the most impressive and diverse filmographies in Hollywood. He starred in ‘Boyhood’, a film that watched its star age as it was filmed over 12 years, as well as the unique ‘Before’ trilogy, ‘Sinister’ and ‘The Purge’ horror franchises, ‘GATTACA’, ‘Dead Poet’s Society’ and ‘Training Day’. He is always arresting, and often plays intelligent characters. He is even naturally sporting grey temples these days!


Sue Storm- Mary Elizabeth Winstead


Always exuding intelligence and fierce strength, I’d love to see her explore this character with more dramatic weight than it’s been afforded in the past.


Johnny Storm- Ansel Elgort


His character in Baby Driver had an effortless cool and charm despite his quiet demeanor. 


The Thing- Enver Gjokaj


One of the most versatile and underappreciated young actors around, he played countless characters in Joss Whedon’s Dollhouse. He is often hilarious, and strikes a great balance between strength and vulnerability. He also has a heavy, bulky sort of physicality about him.


Doctor Doom- Javier Bardem


With Latveria being a fictional nation, it could easily be rewritten as a more Spanish-flavoured locale to accomodate Bardem’s distinctive and menacing accent. Anyone who saw him in ‘mother!’, where he essentially played God with all his arrogance and pride, knows he would knock this out of the park.


Silver Surfer- Ryan Gosling


Gosling has displayed a talent for playing strong, stoic men of action resigned to lives of necessary violence, such as the one seen in ‘Drive’. The comedic chops he showed off in ‘The Nice Guys’ would also be right at home in an MCU interpretation of the character.




Professor X- Denzel Washington


This was one of the hardest imaginary decisions to make, but possibly my favourite casting choice. It’s difficult to think of an actor that is armed with the skill to balance warmth and wisdom with power and piercing intelligence. Denzel’s quietly powerful turn in the action movie The Equilizer reminded me of Charles Xavier. He played a man who sees a lot, and has a lot of dangerous power, but has a drive to use those skills to help those who can’t help themselves.


Magneto- Liam Neeson


Neeson has become somewhat of a caricature of himself lately, but he remains a powerful force in his old age, and let’s not forget his dramatic prowess. This is the guy who played Oscar Schindler after all. A character who was forced to make some very hard choices for what he thought was right.


Wolverine- Jensen Ackles

People will complain about his height, as he is only slightly shorter than Jackman, but he has a stockier frame. While Supernatural was once a solid genre show it has become a silly mockery of itself, devolving to something that certainly belongs on the CW. Despite that, Ackles constantly brings his A-game, and he exhibits incredible acting on a regular basis. His role as Dean Winchester has showed his ability to portray great rage, pain and sadness, but also an infectious charm at times. 


Cyclops- Dan Stevens


Stevens has the charisma and likeability to make this sometimes-dull character the Steve Rogers of Marvel’s future.


Jean Grey- Kate Mara


While her role in Fantastic Four did little to show off her ability, that can hardly be seen as her fault, given that that travesty of a film also made Michael B Jordan look bad, and we know how his second comic book role turned out! I think she deserves another chance. Jean Grey is a character that is all about passion, of many kinds, and I think Mara could bring that. I think she’d play her dark side particularly well.


Storm- Nathalie Emmanuel


She brings dignity and resilience to her character in Game of Thrones, and I would love to see her let loose a little more.


Rogue- Alison Brie


I grew to love this actress, as many did, through Community. She has a sass and spirit about her, and is frequently hilarious. 


Gambit- Matthew McConaughey


I’m not entirely sold on this choice, but it sure beats Channing Tatum in my book! McConaughey has plenty of southern charm to spare. I’d also like to see Boyd Holbrook from ‘Logan’ have a crack at this, or even Joaquin Phoenix. James Marsters would have been great when he was younger.


Nightcrawler- Jake Gyllenhaal


This character is all about showmanship and faith, and I think I could see Gyllenhall acing both aspects. Plus he’s already played a Nightcrawler!


Iceman- Jacob Tremblay


Marvel has shown that they play the long game, and as this character is innocent and boyish, why not watch him grow up? Tremblay was fantastic in ‘Wonder’ and ‘Room’. It has been great seeing Holland’s Spider-Man being mentored by Tony Stark, and it would be nice to watch Tremblay be raised by the X-Men. He could be an entry point into their universe, and a way to explore how the school operates, as well as how children are groomed as future soldiers, which has always been an interesting aspect of the X-Men that I think goes unexplored. It would also allow us to see how a young mutant is treated and discovers their strengh and limitations.


Kitty Pryde- Millie Bobby Brown/Cristin Milioti


When Kitty was first introduced she was thirteen, one year younger than Millie is now. She has already portrayed a character exploring new powers in ‘Stranger Things’ as Eleven. Alternatively, if an older approach were taken, I’d love to see the sweet, spunky, pixie-like Cristin Milioti of ‘Black Mirror’ and ‘How I Met Your Mother’ fame give her interpretation.


Angel- Charlie Hunnam


Depending on the approach taken to the character, I think Hunnam could handle the both the privileged and brooding versions of this character, and his look suits. He was excellent in Sons of Anarchy, and needs alittle redemption after his unexciting turn in Pacific Rim.


Beast- Jimmi Simpson


I have to admit I struggled here, because I much prefer the Kelsey Grammar take on the character to the younger Holt version, who I’ve found incredibly boring. But I honestly couldn’t think of anyone better than Kelsey Grammar. I can strangely see Cristoph Waltz or Geoffrey Rush ttrying an older version, but neither has the strength and intensity for the more physical side like Grammar did. Jimmi Simpson plays the brainy, introverted type well, but can also tap into a darker side, as seen in ‘Westworld’. As we’ve seen with Chris Evans, characters that are quiet or stoic are best played by charismatic and charming types, so they don’t come across boring. I think their charisma seeps through their reserved performances. Jimmi Simpson can play the smarmy, confident guy, so I think he could make sure the less exciting Beast didn’t come across dull.


Colossus- Jason Momoa


At first glance this character can seem a little one dimensional and boring, but the contrast between his musclebound appearance and his friendly demeanor can be interesting and fun. Momoa could handle that. Khal Drogo when he needs to be, but in real life a pleasant and charming bloke. 


Jubilee- Chloe Bennett


The best part of the rather lame Agents of Shield. Always fun, just like Jubilee.


Psylocke- Ana De Armas


She was really interesting in ‘Blade Runner 2048’, and can definetely play the bad girl, like we saw in ‘Knock Knock’. Plus she’s a knockout, which helps, considering her outfit.


Dazzler- Natalie Dormer


I have to admit, I know nothing about this character. But why not?


Mystique- Aubrey Plaza


While I find Jennifer Lawrence’s real life persona incredibly charming and likeable, I always find her quite flat on screen, and her take on Mystique has put me to sleep at every turn. Plaza would make the character cheeky and fun and dangerous again, as she has done on ‘Legion’ playing Lenny/The Shadow King.




I’ve loved Tom Holland as Spider-Man, and I thought Aunt May and Vulture were cast brilliantly. I didn’t think much of the rest of the casting in Homecoming, or the film itself, but I’m still excited to see Spidey’s incredible supporting cast and rogue’s gallery introduced into the MCU. 


J Jonah Jameson- Kevin Kline

(or Steve Carell, or Nick Offerman, or Bob Odenkirk, or Alan Tudyk, or Nicholas Cage...)



I just couldn’t pick, this is such a fun character, that so many actors would have a blast with. I think Kevin Kline would tackle it best, but Steve Carell would be incredible too.


Mary Jane Watson- Olivia Cooke


This young actress has incredible range. She played a sweet, perky, strong teen on Bates Motel, but has also played a great bad girl on several occassions, but to name those times would spoil some of her great roles! She’ll soon hit the big time with her role in a Spielberg film, ‘Ready Player One’. She’s got charm and spunk to boot, and is the right age, and a natural redhead. I personally would like to see Marvel do something new with the character of MJ. She’s massively loved, but is never much more than the damsel. Being as popular as she is, I’d love to see her take on a super-identity of her own, as a female Spider-Man, or something else we’ve never seen before. There aren’t that many great female superheroes in the Marvel pantheon, why not make a new one of an already-cherished character? I’ve never been that interested in Spider-Gwen or Spider Woman so I’d like to see Marvel Studios use MJ to craft a brand new hero. In an ideal world anyway!


Gwen Stacy- Natasha Bassett


This young Australian actress is relatively unknown, but she has performed alongside Olivia Cooke, and recently played Britney Spears in a biographical film (I’m told). She’s sweet, young, and can act. I just like her look for the role. 


Harry Osborn- Chandler Riggs


While some claim he is a poor actor, I vehemently disagree, and have always enjoyed his performances. He’s likeable and has shown an ability to play both light and dark in the Walking Dead,, as well as the conflict between those impulses.


Green Goblin- Gary Oldman


This was a hard one, because I love this character, but struggled to think of anyone more perfect than Willem Defoe for the role. Unfortunately, Defoe’s take wasn’t written too well, and had that horrific costume. I’d love to have seen him do a gritter, nastier version. I personally would like to see the Goblin costume done in a more minimalistic way. Like Ledger’s Joker. Silly masks and grotesque deformities aren’t necessary. Give Gary Oldman some yellow eyes, and then make him smear green paint over his face and see what he does. Oldman has shown time and again that he can transform to suit a role, and I’ll bet an unnatural smile from him would beat any mask. I thought the movie ‘Dracula’ was pretty average but his performance in it was outstanding, unrivalled and iconic, as well as deliciously creepy. He can do sinister, he can do insane, he can do charmingly arrogant businessman. Hell, the man can do Churchill, he’d tackle this with no dramas. 


Doc Ock- Robin Williams/Brendan Gleeson/Conleth Hill


I think Robin Williams would have made the perfect Doc Ock (One Hour Photo and Insomnia? Come on). But Brendan Gleeson could be fun. He was really good in ‘Mr Mercedes’ recently. I’m not sure about this one but I’d love to see if it would work. Alternatively, I’d like to see Conleth Hill, best known as Varys from ‘Game of Thrones’ bring his quiet cunning and intelligence to the part.


Kraven the Hunter- Jeffrey Dean Morgan


I think, done correctly, the perfect Spiderman film would involve a plot involving Kraven abducting Spidey to hunt him in the jungles of another country, in the style of ‘The Most Dangerous Game’. Followed by an uneasy alliance between the two for a third act where they take on another villain together. I’d love nothing more than to see JDM play this role. I’d be massively disappointed to see anyone else cast. 


Scorpion- Colin Farrell


This character’s potential action-wise is outstanding, though I feel he’s always been treated equally as both a genuine threat, and a bit of a pathetic villain. Colin Farrell can play menace very well, as seen in ‘Fright Night’ and much more, but my favourite characters he’s played have been those he took on in Martin McDonagh’s films ‘Seven Psychopaths’ and ‘In Bruges’. If you haven’t seen either of them, watch them immediately. In both of these films Colin plays men who are trying hard to be something (a great writer, a hitman) and he’s just failing miserably and hilariously, in a rather charmingly pathetic way. That’s how I see Scorpion. Kind of like Rhino. He wants to be some great villain but he’s just not that great at it. I can kinda see a movie where Steve Carrell is JJ Jameson and Farrell is his equally mustachioed and lame son, and it’s hilarious. 


Oh and I’ve ignored the casting of Michael Mando entirely. I love Better Call Saul but man that was dull, uninspired casting. I might be guilty of it too but I’m not a professional!


Rhino- John Goodman


He’s got that great, big menacing boom of a voice, and massive physicality. He can also be incredibly menacing when he wants to, and incredibly funny too.


Hobgoblin- Simon Baker


I don’t know much about this character, but I love his look and Halloween vibe. I think I’d like to see him play a more sinister, creepy version of the goblin, maybe a little more serial killer than supervillain. I loved Baker in The Mentalist, and on that show he voiced the central villain Red John. He gave it this quiet, gentle but creepy quality that I just loved.


Electro- Tom Waits


I really can’t explain this choice. I can just see him as a working class guy or engineer, covered in grease. And I love the imagery of him in his dark coat sparking electricity everywhere. His devilish voice sounds like it’s been fried by lightning too. I think he could do a really sinister, dark take, which is much needed after the ridiculous TASM2 version, close cousin to Arnie’s Mister Freeze.


Carnage- Damian Lewis

I daresay Carnage will be introduced seperately as part of Hardy’s Venom series, and there’s no telling whether that will ever meet with the MCU. Either way, I can see this happening. Lewis was possessed by an evil butt-worm alien in the terrible Stephen King film Dreamcatcher, but I always loved his over the top, wierd little show of crazy. He’s got the look, and he has a dangerous vibe about him. I’d also like to see Jim Carrey do it, but it would be a dangerous game, as it could end up in Riddler territory. But like many great comedians (Steve Carrell, Robin Williams) he is scary and fantastic when he goes properly dark and dramatic. 


Lizard- Jeff Daniels


He has a warmth and intelligence that would make him very likeable as Dr Connors, but if you’ve seen him in the Netflix miniseries Godless, you know he can play a complex and frightening villain possessed of a powerful conviction. I think he could handle the conflict of the character well as thise two sides push against each other. 


Sandman- Dwayne Johnson


Eh, what the hell.


Mysterio- Peter Dinklage


Okay, bear with me. This character is all about illusion and gusto. Bluster. Reminds me of the quote from Game of Thrones, when Varys tells Dinklage’s Tyrion Lannister that power is ‘a trick, a shadow on the wall. And a small man can cast a vary large shadow.’ Dinklage has a showman like quality about him. As Tyrion, he always seems to be performing. A conversation is an excuse for him to show off his wit to an audience of one. He’s larger than life, so to speak. I’d love to see him play Mysterio as a man unhappy with his lot in life, full of ambition but unable to surpass his limitations, and perpetually discontent and angry with what he’s been dealt. A man who puts on a show, using illusion and tech to make himself look bigger than he is, stronger and more powerful than he is. He has this strong, deep voice as well that contrasts with his modest height. I’d love to see him showing off with all his tricks before Spidey tears them away one by one to reveal a small, petty guy. 


Black Cat- Felicity Jones/Emilia Clarke


I loved the casting of Felicity Jones as Black Cat, and we never really got to see it. We saw her strength in ‘Rogue One’. Her sexy side is always evident. She’d ace it. If not, we know Emilia Clarke can wear that platinum blonde hair!


George Stacy- Andrew Lincoln


We’ve seen him mentor youth through dangerous times on The Walking Dead. We’ve seen him as a cop, a hero, a survivor. He’d be fun.


Morbius- Jeremy Irons


That voice. All insidious authority and ill intent. Creepy and strong.


Chameleon- Aidan Gillen


A man of many faces and a duplicitous nature, with a slippery history and a penchant for lies. Where have we seen that before...?


Hammerhead- Mel Gibson


I can see Mel as an old school crime boss.


Alistair Smythe-Tom Hanks


I’ve never had any interest in this character, and nearly left him out of this fan cast, until I had this idea and he became exciting and interesting to me. I imagine him as the owner and face of a company that builds security tech, well-loved and acting the saint, asking permission to protect people from superheroes who deny enlistment under the Sokovia Accords. He’s given more power than he should have by the frightened public and goes after Spidey. Tom Hanks played a character very similar to this in the critically-panned ‘The Circle’, and I thought he was great as a villain. In that role he played an entrepreuneur in the vein of Steve Jobs who used his iPhone-esque product to obliterate privacy concerns and amass more power as people willingly give their control and freedom to him in exchange for the tech he’s offering. 

So that’s all folks, thanks for reading! I would love to hear what you think. What did you agree with, what didn’t you like, and who would you cast? Comment below!


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Odin - 2/28/2018, 11:56 AM
Buddy, Latveria is a fictional nation in Marvel comics ruled by Dr Doom. Latvia is a real country in East-Europe.
SilverbackHero - 2/28/2018, 12:09 PM
@Odin - Ah right you are. What a difference an ‘er’ makes, eh? Cheers.
TheRealTomServo - 2/28/2018, 7:22 PM
i feel like a lot of these choices are “too big”. you have to balance your casting out with a-listers and some lesser-known performers if you want these fancasts to be feasible. also, i’m pretty sure scorpion is already in the mcu as mac gargan and they’re likely gonna go forward with him in that role. i also found it kinda strange that you have chole bennett in a different role in the same universe.
connorblaze - 2/28/2018, 7:59 PM
@TheRealTomServo - I’d say a third of my choices are small time TV stars, and there are a few relative unknowns in there. But for me personally a fan cast isn’t about realism, it’s your fantasy cast, so why not go big?
I did reference Scorpion already being cast and my reason for choosing someone else in my ideal cast. I’m just not a fan of their choice, and his role was so miniscule that I can see them recasting when he has a bigger role anyway, as they’ve done before.
Anyway thanks for reading 🙂
noahthegrand - 3/3/2018, 12:59 AM
@TheRealTomServo - excuse me. I was just wondering, since you've been able to do so in your articles, how do you insert pictures into them? I mean multiple and not just the header.
ThunderThighs - 3/1/2018, 2:47 AM
Really like the casting choices. It's also nice to see that someone considered Psylocke (besides Wolverine my favorite member of the X-Men) and that someone else wasn't so keen of Homecoming.
SilverbackHero - 3/1/2018, 3:11 AM
@BootyPeep - thanks mate! Yeah Psylocke is great, she’s got a great look, cool powers and a badass attitude, what’s not to like right? Who could you see playing her? Or Wolverine for that matter?
ThunderThighs - 3/1/2018, 3:44 AM
@SilverbackHero - I like your choice for Betsy and I really liked Olivia Munn so far (even though her role was kinda one-dimensional). But I'd probably go with Malese Jow or Celina Jade as Betsy.

Jensen Ackles as Logan is a interesting choice, somehow I wasn't really considering but I can see why he was considered. He has that Rock N Roll charme as Dean, that works for Wolverine, too.
Joe Manganiello would come to mind, too.
TerryTerrapin - 3/1/2018, 10:42 AM
Not gonna lie I quite like a lot of these choices. Ethan Hawke and Jensen Ackles especially, mostly because I would never associate those names with the characters.

Some characters I'd like to see would be:

Jessica Drew - Lyndsy Fonseca
Rick Jones - Dylan O'Brien
Shang Chi - Will Yun Lee
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