LQ Red Sonja Posters

LQ Red Sonja Posters

Some LQ pictures of Rose McGowan as the redheaded warrior Red Sonja.

Review Opinion
By leray93 - Jan 16, 2009 12:01 AM EST
Filed Under: Red Sonja

Lq Pictures that Douglas Aarniokoski, Robert Rodriguez, & Rose McGowan Presented at the Comic Con'08

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RED SONJA New Look Reveals Star Matilda Lutz In Full Comic-Accurate Costume

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TheMyth - 1/17/2009, 2:55 PM
While I'm not much for Red Sonja comics, I am looking forward to seeing this movie, especialy if she is wielding that huge sword throughout the movie. Furthermore I don't know why people are complaining about Rose McGowen playing the title character. She has matured alot as an actress the past few years. I will more than likely go to theaters to see this.
Booper - 1/17/2009, 8:57 PM
i was a little weary when rose mcgowan was cast but i like what i see so far.
TeenIdol - 1/17/2009, 10:06 PM
Anything Robert Rodriguez does is already classified awesome by me (Except Spy-Kids). Where's my DVD release of Roadracers already?!
LOGAN2010 - 1/17/2009, 10:33 PM
really? rose mcgowen? let me guess, jus cause she has red hair? robert rodriguez god help you if you mess this up!
Jetsaholic - 1/17/2009, 11:05 PM
Looking good...
tjdr59 - 1/18/2009, 5:15 AM
no Clinton Andrews its not because she has red hair, its because he is currently banging her. there is a difference.
Osiris - 1/18/2009, 11:36 AM
I really like Robert Rodriguiez as a director he's made some awesome movies my fave being Desperado, and from what i hear he is a fan of the Red Sonja comics so hopefully it will be true to them. Now about Rose being cast as Sonja i am skeptical about this one she is an ok actress but i don't know if she can pull of Sonja, and i do agree that she only got the part cause she is banging the brains out of Robert.
MarkCassidy - 1/18/2009, 12:39 PM
Personally i think Rodriguiz is a hack thats made one good movie (sin city). Desperado was watchable but then he followed it up with the almighty shitfest Once upon a time in Mexico. And the less said about Planet Terror the better. Lets hope hes learned how to structure a movie properly Miss Sonjas sake
LEEE777 - 1/18/2009, 1:19 PM
Well, didn't like the gal in CHARMED but i gotta say this look's sweet!!! Is there any CONAN cameo in it?? Hey what would be Awesome is if VENOM came through a portal after Spidey 3 an ended up here!!!! Heh heh, yeah i know it'll never happen lol, but it would Amazing!!! Sorry just read the Spidey/Sonja comic a few weeks ago! ; ) p.s = VENOW in his OWN movie!!! R-Rated HORROR an 18!!! : )
rushr - 1/18/2009, 3:03 PM
hey guys check out my piece on venom at http://www.comicbookmovie.com/spider-man_movies/news/?a=5976
please comment and let me know what you think. please no haters.
LEEE777 - 1/18/2009, 5:23 PM
rushr, you get about lol : d i'll have a look dude!
GUNSMITH - 1/18/2009, 9:13 PM
leray93 - 1/18/2009, 10:51 PM
hmm i like it if the rock could be in red sonja as sonja ex lover
theLegend - 1/18/2009, 10:56 PM
if not rose who would you guys rather see as red sonja??
leray93 - 1/19/2009, 5:22 AM
no she didnt because rose got offered the role and she bought robert along

i really dislike when people assume rose got the role because of robert i think people who say that should check there facts first
Show4God - 1/19/2009, 8:10 AM
Id be willing to see this movie if mcgowan wasnt in it. mcgowan is like a bike in hollywood....everyone gets a ride.
Sonny - 1/19/2009, 9:55 AM
Stinker Fo Sho... To far from the source material, why even bother !
loganoneil - 1/19/2009, 9:59 AM
Love 'Red Sonja', but as far as McGowan/Rodriguez are concerned, I couldn't really give two sh!ts! I have a feeling this will be as bad as the original POS movie!
MarkCassidy - 1/19/2009, 10:11 AM
So shes a bit of a slapper, so what! Look how many people in the industry Angelina Jolie has screwed..do people bring that up whenever she gets cast in a movie?

if people want to bash her cos shes not the greatest actress then thats fine. Personally i think shes decent enough..but i HATE Rodrieguiz so im confident this will suck on every level..hope im wrong though!
TheMyth - 1/19/2009, 2:43 PM
Rodriguez reminds me alot of his brother, M. Night Shayamalan. What... they aren't brothers? Well they like to do about the same thing with movies, which is completely ignore anything but there own view on what a movie should be. HOWEVER, while Shayamalan sucks on many levels and I hate almost all his movies, I haven't seen a Rodriguez movie I didn't enjoy on some level. I concede he isn't the greatest filmaker, but he definitely isn't the worst. As for McGowan being a Hollywood bicycle, I just got my new motivation to make it big, cause thats a sweet ass bike. You all act like there is something wrong with a squirrel gettin' a nut. So a few of her nuts were fellow actors or musicians, how many actress' would any of you like to climb on. Or maybe some of you would prefer an actor, lol, whatever floats your boat. I guess the point is, if people don't want to like it, they will find some reason to hate. Oh, well. I'll be in the theater for this one.
MarkCassidy - 1/19/2009, 7:08 PM
Man im the opposite! the only movie of M Night s that i didnt enjoy was The Happening. Unbreakable, 6th Sense, Signs, The Village wer all either very good or at the very least original and interesting..Rodriguez has no clue how to structure a movie or create a consistent narrative. I mean what on earth was Once Upon A Time In Mexico?? it was like it was directed and written by 4 different people, each making a movie in a different genre! Planet Terror was even worse. And i know people will say "aww but hes an exploitation director, thats his style" BULLSHIT..He makes the movies he does because hes a hack and couldnt direct a serious movie to save his life...sorry rant over!

and Sin City was awesome of course! But i think Mr Miller may have had something to do with that..even if the Spirit did suck
TheMyth - 1/19/2009, 7:42 PM
lol, Unbreakable is the only Shayamalan movie I've been able to stand viewing more than once. Rodriguez does like to jump around a bit, a result of someone trying to emulate Tarantino but hasn't quite gotten it. I'm just sayin Rodriguez ain't terrible, I'm not praising him.
Rob - 1/19/2009, 11:08 PM
Folks, whether you love Rodriguez or hate him, you may as well quit throwing his name around with regard to this film. He's not writing or directing it. He's one of several producers, and not even an exec producer at that. They just put his name on the poster(s) because it gets publicity.
leray93 - 1/19/2009, 11:13 PM
well he is going to be unoffically directing it but he couldnt offically do it because hes contracted to somthing else so he got his "right hand man" Douglas Aarniokoski
TheMyth - 1/20/2009, 1:20 AM
Rodriguez is even quoted as saying he is the unofficial co-director, so he has a whole lot more to do with this movie than you think.
SPANISHVEGETA - 1/20/2009, 11:08 AM
Rose McGowen is smoking but the only real reson why she got this movie is cuz Robert Rodriguez is sticking her, thats why she was in grindhouse deathproof and planet terror and thats why she is going to be in sincity 2. Not saying she wont be good in this one cuz if i was givin it to her i would giver her anything she wants 2 lol.
leray93 - 1/20/2009, 3:32 PM
no thats not true with planet terror she audtioned for it and the role was based on her for death proof she had to audition twice and robert had no say with death proof and with red sonja robert wasnt even invloved at all untill rose GOT HIM invloved
SPANISHVEGETA - 1/21/2009, 6:44 AM
what ever u say bro there was a whole mix up with the situation cuz Robert Rodriquez is married, seems like a Coincidence that she's in every movie he's involved with and now SIN CITY 2 ALSO mighty big Coincidence, take a look at the title of the movie "Robert Rodriquez PRESENTS Red Sonja" starring the woman he's sticking lol.
leray93 - 1/21/2009, 7:19 AM
no they were devorced before the production of grindhouse and robert and rose announced a year and a half later they were going out and rose isnt in every film he makes know so far she is only in one and that planet terror red sonja is dougs film and she is only romoured to be in sin city 2 and robert uses actors over and over again he used bruce wills twice and the reason it say Robert Rodriquez presents is because hes a bigger name then doug just like Quentin Tarantino presents Hostel: Part II becuase there producers
SPANISHVEGETA - 1/21/2009, 8:01 AM
thnx for the info leray i didnt know that but u gotta admit there gonna be together stickin for a long time if there involved in the same movies like they been so far but honestlt didnt know that thanx for the heads up.
Shaman - 1/21/2009, 3:16 PM
Well i feel that she's as cute as a puddle of baby vomit, that's right i said it again and i'm not gonna stop. There are so many actresses out there with much more talent and good looks to offer. I'm almost ashamed to admit that she was actually able to make me like Shannon Doherty more than her in Charmed... oh the humanity. And of course, Rodriguez sucks. Weither he's a producer or a director or a McGowan "hollywood bike" rider. Sin City was good because it looked exactly like the comic book which means that Miller LET Rod point and shoot and that's it. I can't agree more with you Roar about "Once upon a sqwat in mexihole". The only good part about the movie was watching Johnny Depp eat porc!!! Like WTF was THAT idiotic concept?!?!?!?!?!? I think it would be cool For Rod And Rose to go live on a deserted island away from all the cameras. I mean i wouldn't say so IF either of them had done something good with their career and made only a flop or two like Singer or Ratner but sucking IS their career.
leray93 - 1/21/2009, 4:46 PM
imojority of people think robert and rose are good at there jobs im not saying you have to but why comment if your comment are so mean im trying to get people exited for red sonja not make them think that its going to be a bad film. and rose has gotten good review from planet terror, charmed, even little idie pictures she done over 10 years ago and robert has always been a great director even when hes had to make little indie projects on little money
leray93 - 1/21/2009, 11:45 PM
there are more photos Lq in the red sonja gallery

Shaman - 1/22/2009, 8:00 AM
Good point Leray, my comments were mean and tasteless but it's cause they don't give me much of a choice. I'm a big fan of any "barbarian" era movie concept and i loved the original Red Sonja and when i first heard that they were going to remake it, man was i ever excited! And then i saw the poster showing Rose and Rod. It made me boil to a point that i wanted to throw everything out the window! Of all the people in the business, why them? It could have been Megan Fox and Snyder! Or Danneel Harris and Raimi! Or Angelina Jolie and Speilberg! Or Mila Jovovich and the Wachowski Bros.! But no, they had to scrape the bottom of the barrel and accomplish a monumental feat in making me happy that Ratner is remaking Conan. So i'm sorry that i was mean and affected your goal which was to excite us all about this movie. My rant is over now, carry on!
SPANISHVEGETA - 1/22/2009, 9:17 AM
true she has the looks but i dont think rose can pull it off with the acting, it's gonna be like a soft core porn movie alot of nude and sex scenes but no good acting just eye candy .
MarkCassidy - 1/22/2009, 9:33 AM
Cool! Thers not alot of other reasons i would be going to see a female barbarian pic! what do you expect? Shakespear? ah no i do want to see good acting too but Mcgowan really isnt that bad, shes the only good thing about Planet Terror and the best thing in Death Proof(aside from Kurt Russel of course!)..i was more worried about her current bedmonkey directing it..but someone said hes only producing it so i dunno, could be good could be poison, guess wel have to wait and see what the trailer is like..then judge the hell out of that!
Shaman - 1/22/2009, 12:06 PM
If there's full frontal everywhere in the movie, even though i hate her, i'll go see it :)
leray93 - 1/22/2009, 5:38 PM
i think the reason people say rose is a bad actress is because people have only seen her in a few things scream,charmed,grindhouse i think you should try to see her in the last stop, strange hearts, or lewis and clark and george not the best films but she shines as an actress

and Shaman im surrpriised you like the orignal i dont know many people that do personally im more exited about this because it promoses to be bloddy dark and more like the comics
Shaman - 1/23/2009, 9:09 AM
Well when i say i liked the original, i meant i found it as entertaining as BOTH conan movies even though none of them were worth any awards. So i'm not familliar with the actual comics BUT i enjoyed all three while most people only liked the first Conan. To be honest, even though Conan's tv show was the stinkiest crap ever, i still enjoyed it. Co-incidently, i also enjoyed Masters of the Universe even though well.. you already know. So i'm hoping it's not gonna look like ANYTHING that Rodrigez or McGowan has ever done and that they astound us all.
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