A DC fan reviews The Incredible Hulk....and is ANGRY!

A DC fan reviews The Incredible Hulk....and is ANGRY!

The Incredible Hulk, is Edward Norton a big deal??

Review Opinion
By NightBat - Jul 19, 2010 01:07 AM EST
Filed Under: The Incredible Hulk

So….I just got done watching The Incredible Hulk for the third time. First time, it delivers. Second time, it delivers. Third time, guess what? Yeah, it DELIVERS and Edward Norton is BIG part of that.

We all like to forget the Ang Lee “Westminster Dog Show on gamma steroids” that was Hulk. Bad plot, bad acting (with some really good actors in it) and most of all a Hulk that I thought was about to get as big as King Kong. So what does Marvel do? They make up for this abomination (pun intended) by giving us a Hulk movie with great acting, awesome special effects (the transformations were spot on) and an all around expertly balanced film, one that we the fans have LONG been waiting for.

Mixed with elements of the T.V. show and Comic Book, Bruce Banner is on the run in classic style, pitting the government and the Hulk against his true self. From the funny, “You wouldn’t like me when I’m….hungry and “Stretchy pants please”, to the endearing moments between him and Betty, Edward Norton IS Bruce Banner/The Hulk.

While watching this movie I was trying to think about how Marvel can use The Hulk in The Avengers. Not show Banner and JUST The Hulk? NOPE. Recast Banner with someone that LOOKS like Norton? NOPE. How about….NO!!. Marvel, understand that what you’re doing is revolutionary in the Comic Book Movie world and a BIG part of that is by keeping the same actors for your roles. What if Iron man’s mask lifted up in The Avengers and we saw another actor? Robert Downey Jr. has made Tony Stark an extension of himself now and the fans can see that.

THREE Howard Starks, Two (so far) Bruce Banners/Hulks and the fact that you almost lost Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury make me a little more than concerned. Also I’m fine with Chris Evens as Captain America, in my opinion the travesty that was Fantastic Four NEVER happened but you have to listen to your fans. I REALLY hope that this is just a big “funny haha” and that when The Avengers panel happens at Comic Con, Edward Norton steps out right at the end and says, “Hulk Smash….The Avengers, 2012”.

Being a bigger DC fan than Marvel, I’ve always chosen my favorites carefully from the other brand. Spider-Man (Third favorite CBM character of ALL time), Captain America, Wolverine and The Hulk are my choices for Marvels BEST. So Marvel, take it from a DC fan, Edward Norton IS The Hulk and there is still plenty of time before 2012 to make this wrong a right….
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Stumblin - 7/19/2010, 7:49 AM
This wasn't much of a review of the movie as it was a vain cry for Marvel to bring Norton back.

Get over it.
NightBat - 7/19/2010, 8:42 AM
@Stumblin..Vain, wow. This was just a review of the movie and the casting situation, not a "vain" cry to Marvel. I didn't join this site to play name calling games with other members, so if you are over the Edward Norton situation then great, if you didn't like the article, fine but I don't thnk there was any need for you comment
spider1489 - 7/19/2010, 9:15 AM
i think this is a very good article! i really hope that marvel does listen to their fans i dont care how much of a pain in the ass Norton is he did an "incredible" job as banner i really really want him back! i am still in denail!! ahhhh
redson - 7/19/2010, 9:17 AM
@ NightBat

I like your summary of the HULK. I've watched several it times and your right . . . it always delivers.

It maybe correct to say that anyone is replaceable, but that shouldn't always be the case. Re-casting major characters really just messes the fluidity of the 'universe'.

Understandably some actors requests go beyond 'reasonable' means or are way to difficult to work with. No one can say with certainly what the case was with Nortan, but like you said the role seems open and 2012 leaves time to work things out.

Good review.
spider1489 - 7/19/2010, 9:18 AM
i think changing norton also f*cks up what marvel has been doing with tieing the movies together, it takes away the allusion that hulk is part of the marvel movie universe and that is also why i believe this is such a big deal!!! PLUS THEY BETTER NOT CHANGE HOW HULK LOOKS AGAIN DAMN IT!! AAAAHH
NightBat - 7/19/2010, 9:31 AM
@spider1489 and RedSon..thank you!

@RedSon.."Re-casting major characters really just messes the fluidity of the 'universe'"..that's my major point and I'm glad you worded it that way.

As an actor, I think Edward Norton is amazing. I have NO idea what went on behind the scenes between him and Marvel because I'm not on the inside. All I know is that after watching The Incredible Hulk for the third time, my opinion only got stronger that Edward Norton IS Bruce Banner/The Hulk.

Will I still go see The Avengers without Norton? Duh..I just think that everytime I see Banner/Hulk, I'll keep seeing Norton..
NightBat - 7/19/2010, 9:35 AM
@Anil Rickly..I agree with 98% of your statement and you make some great points....however..

There was emotional depth. The scenes between Bruce Banner and Betty Ross were excellent and you could feel their pull towards each other. OVER done drama, thankfully no.

Yeah you can replace Norton but with what Marvel is trying to do and with Nortons acting ability and eye for storytelling, it just shouldn't happen.
Stumblin - 7/19/2010, 10:30 AM
NightBat, what was wrong with my comment? What name calling game are you talking about? I didn't insult you, just gave my two cents on this particular review which I really felt wasn't. I didn't say that because I want to argue, you made hardly one paragraph critique on the movie, followed with your praise of Norton and how Marvel should bring him back, I think that justifies my comment.

No I didn't like your article and I expressed why, if you put up an article, make sure you take your time with it because this was a waste of time reading.

You might ask, "Why did you comment if it's a waste of time?" This is so I can express my opinion on the matter, hence the comment section for each article.

So if you think their is no need for my non threatening comment then I'm sorry you can't take criticism.
Matador - 7/19/2010, 10:45 AM
Be afraid you could get Nicholas Cage to play Banner cause he does work for peanuts now.
Stumblin - 7/19/2010, 11:04 AM
Me coming back to check on a response has nothing to do with me trying to "stir shit up." I made a comment, and then I defended it don't look so into it, you're making it seem like I'm arguing when I'm not. He's not arguing with me and likewise so I'm not sure where you picking up any animosity from, because I'm not dishing it out. You even said I was just stating an opinion on the article so what's the point of your little rant? Don't start something that isn't here, I usually ignore your comments for good reason.
NightBat - 7/19/2010, 11:20 AM
@Anil Rickly..I totally see what you mean now comparing it to the Ang Lee film, good point!

@Stumblin..I wrote this article RIGHT after I watched the movie and I shouldn't have put it in the "reviews" section because it was more of my emotional reaction to the Edward Norton news..What stuck me was your "vain" and "get over it" comments. I enjoy writing and I LOVE Comic Books and I thought it would be interesting for people to see what a DC fan thought about the Edward Norton situation..that's all

I CAN take criticism and I'm glad you came back and read what I wrote so I could understand fully what you were trying to say the first time. NO I didn't take your comments as "threatening". I've been a huge fan of this website for years and I've read a lot of articles on here and usually when people just drop one or two line negative "comments" then as Anil Rickly says they are trying to "stir stuff up". I don't think this is what you are trying to do but when you leave off with "get over it", it KINDA reads as a "F@*k you..
NightBat - 7/19/2010, 11:21 AM
@Matador....HAHA PLEASE NO
Stumblin - 7/19/2010, 11:35 AM
NightBat, solid.

Just giving you a heads up, I'm brutally honest and will come off harsh, think of it as tough love ha!

NightBat - 7/19/2010, 11:38 AM
@Stumblin....I'm all for honesty and after re-reading my article I can see as how someone would say, "Where the heck is the review"?? I should have put "A DC fan reviews The Incredible Hulk/Edward Norton situation"

Read my other articles and see what you think, I'm always down for advice
NightBat - 7/19/2010, 11:47 AM
@everyone....Why can't more people just become best friends and do karate in the garage??
NightBat - 7/19/2010, 12:13 PM
@Anil Rickly..I guess it all depends if The Avengers is going to go 616 Marvel universe or Ultimate..
NightBat - 7/19/2010, 12:55 PM
@Anil Rickly..I think that's what's going to happen as well
superotherside - 7/21/2010, 12:24 PM
agree and hope Ed is in the avengers too!
Bomblu - 7/21/2010, 1:04 PM
I hope someone will upload a vid of marvel studios revealing their new Bruice Banner... i would truly laugh out loud if 1/2 the theatre boos to the new actor (not to the actor, but to them getting rid of Norton) :P
jusme6 - 7/21/2010, 1:39 PM
Ven0m - 7/21/2010, 6:28 PM
We agree with The Bats... Love the article. Good Work!
NightBat - 7/23/2010, 10:08 AM
Tovonne - 10/16/2010, 3:54 PM
I want someone else to play The Incredible Hulk reboot movie.
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