EDITORIAL: Bringing Together the Justice League

EDITORIAL: Bringing Together the Justice League

All of my previous editorials detailing my opinion on the rollout for the DCCU, which has thus far featured Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, the Flash, and Batman culminates in this editorial about the Justice League.

Editorial Opinion
By ArkAngel - Dec 16, 2013 07:12 PM EST
Filed Under: Justice League

All of my previous editorials detailing my opinion on the rollout for the DCCU, which has thus far featured Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, the Flash, and Batman culminates in this editorial about the Justice League. After this editorial, there will be one more detailing my thoughts on Arrow and the state of DC’s television properties. But without further ado…the Justice League.

As I have mentioned way back in my first editorial, which served more as an overarching plan for the DCCU as oppose to a focus on individual character, I stated that I believe that in order for the Justice League to be successful (in the plan that I laid out and in the current timeframe), DC should limit the team to its five core members. I’m sure you can guess who those five are. They’re the guys I named above; Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and the Flash. Many people would argue that the Justice League’s core stands at seven (Aquaman? Martian Manhunter? Cyborg?). However, we’ve all witness the extremely limiting screen time given to Hawkeye in the Avengers and his lack of character development. And that’s with only one additional team member: six. Because I am not incorporating Batman or the Flash in a pre-Justice League solo film, sufficient time must be given to develop these characters. And if you haven’t followed my editorials, I am considering the disastrous Green Lantern film as part of canon the character is essentially “established”.

Henry Cavill as Clark Kent/Superman: [ Already casted]

Ben Affleck as Bruce Wayne/Batman: [Already casted]

Gal Gadot as Diana/Wonder Woman: [Already casted] In my Wonder Woman cast, I selected Jamie Alexander to portray Wonder Woman. However, because Gal Gadot was recently casted as Wonder Woman, I decided to update my casting. Wasn’t my choice so I’m not writing anything here to defend the casting. All I will say that I’m willing to give her a chance.

Ryan Reynolds as Hal Jordan/Green Lantern: [Already casted] Yes. If you have not been following my other editorials, I have decided to keep Ryan Reynolds as Hal Jordan.

Garrett Hedlund as Barry Allen/ Flash: (This is cut/paste from my Flash editorial)I ultimately did want someone slightly younger than the other superheroes to play the Flash. However, because I dislike casting anyone younger than 27 or 28, Hedlund, at 29 years old, is the perfect age. Though he doesn’t physically look much like Allen, he is a great actor who has proven himself time and time again. He is also an actor with decent amount of exposure who won’t be overshadowed by the bigger names in the Justice League cast.
I want to honorably mention Chris Pine. He was Hedlund’s biggest contender for the role. However, Chris Pine seems too old, mature, and put together to portray the role I’ve been imagining. Personality-wise, he might be a better funnyman but ultimately chose Hedlund. My actual idea dream casting for Barry Allen is either a 5-years-younger Patrick Wilson or a 3-years-younger, funnier Ryan Gosling. Other considerations include Freddie Stroma and Wilson Bethel.

I’m going to jump a bit and discuss my personal opinion on the current developments towards this Justice League film. As we all know the past few weeks have been very busy news weeks for comic movies and fans all over. One of the bigger news of the week has been the casting of Fast & Furious supporting cast member, Gal Gadot, as the first incarnation of Wonder Woman on the big screen. She is set to appear in a yet-to-be-determined capacity in the Man of Steel sequel. The Flash is rumored to be in that film in some capacity as well. There have certainly been debates on both sides about these addition to the film. Because this isn’t a Superman editorial—already wrote one of those—I’m not going to into terrible detail about what I envision in the sequel. However, those of you who may have followed my editorial will remember my hesitation with adding Batman to what I hoped was going to be a Superman-centric film. So this is where I come out and say that I prefer to have a Trinity film—meaning both Wonder Woman and Batman joining Superman—or a pure Superman solo film (not just Superman and Batman). If any of you read my first editorial, I do envision Wonder Woman having her own solo film before a Justice League film.

In my Superman editorial, I expressed my opinion for Lex Luthor as the main antagonist in this Man of Steel sequel (rumor has it Doomsday is to make an appearance but in my opinion, he is better served if save for the third film). I would have no problem with this Trinity film serve as both sequel to Man of Steel and the Justice League with Lex as the team’s “first enemy”. For those you who believe that having all these characters in a non-Justice League film with lessen the importance or effect (or whatever else you guys have been saying) when the team does “officially” assemble in a Justice League film, I do not think this will happen. Well…it won’t happen if it remains a mostly Superman-centric film with glorified cameo from these two other pieces of the triumvirate. They should, in my opinion, get a maximum of twenty minutes of screen time. This Trinity film would end with the trio deciding that there are enemies out there that they cannot fight alone. They will need a team. Picture cameos of potential roster members may appear before the film ends.

Now we move on to the actual Justice League franchise. As I have also mentioned in previous editorials, I like my franchises deeply committed to a trilogy format. In this way, once the trilogy is over, other, lesser known properties can be given a chance for greater exposure. There are exceptions for both ways (Superman and Batman being one of them). I am still wrestling with the idea of a trilogy of Justice League films. My gut feeling says it shouldn’t be relegated to just a trilogy because, as you will see later on, the roster will change as new character franchises replace old ones. However, is it really a Justice League without Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman? For these two characters specifically, I do not envision them appearing in more than three Justice League films.

What follows is how I personally envision the Justice League franchise playing out. Again, these are my own opinions so feel free to disagree and discuss in the comment sections.

I have debated with myself about whom or what the first primary antagonist in the first film of the planned Justice League should be. Whoever it is has to be a large enough threat that Superman—or even the Trinity—cannot take down by themselves. In the New 52, that threat is Darkseid but, like Thanos is for Marvel, Darkseid is ultimately the baddest of the bad who I believe should serve as the ultimate villain in the climactic film in the trilogy, not the first one. We could also go the route that Marvel has taken with Loki. Use a villain that has already been used, like Lex Luthor (remember that in my DCCU rollout, Lex Luthor appears as the primary antagonist in Superman vs Batman) but in an effort to differentiate the difference between Marvel and DC, I have eliminated that option. Though an alien invasion of sorts is also very similar to what Marvel has ended up doing for The Avengers, it would certainly provide a global crisis involving heroes in every corner of the world. However, DC lacks recognizable and realistic extraterrestrial species like Marvel. Because I have focused the Justice League film on the five core member, I did not want to use the White Martians—then you would have to involve J’onn J’onzz. Nor can you involve the Tamaranians (Starfire), Thanagarian (more on Hawkman/Hawkgirl later in the article), New Gods & Apokoliptians, and the Reach (not only would you have to involve Blue Beetle, it is too similar to what Young Justice: Invasion was about). The threat should also be on Earth so it’s more personal to the characters.

I had seriously considered Mongul, simply because of the strength that he possessed and the Warworld/technology/resources at his disposal. In the end, however, I am not entirely sure how compelling the character is. Who do you guys think should unite the Justice League?

I, however, have a much clearer sense of what should happen in the second and third film in the trilogy. For the second film, I started exploring different ways Amazo could be incorporated in a film—I felt he was a very compelling character that can definitely be featured as a tough nut for the League to crack—however I felt he was a very one-dimensional character and more of a one-off character. Then I thought back to some of the most prolific Justice League storylines. Among them, Brother Eye and Maxwell Lord in Infinite Crisis and the Tower of Babel. So here is what I am suggesting: a mash-up of all of the previous characters and storyline. Batman is responsible for building Brother Eye to secretly monitor all the metahumans on Earth including its saviors and heroes. It is similarly corrupted by Maxwell Lord and used to create a group of five OMACs based on the weakness of each heroes that Lord has also gleaned from the satellite or Batman’s database. These OMACs act as a counterpart to each member of the Justice League. However, instead of the OMACs in the comics, these OMACs resembles Amazo very closely with similar abilities to mimic powers (though perhaps not collectively). Their ability to mimic their heroic counterpart’s powers and knowledge of their weakness makes them very formidable opponents.

So how are these OMACs/Amazos defeated? Well, I advocate for one of two ways. One way is the classic switcheroo. Each Leaguer takes on a teammate’s android counterpart as oppose to their own. However, what if these OMACs/Amazos only mimic their current opponent, each time starting with a clean slate? That’s where version two comes along: introduction to a new hero that Batman doesn’t have on file. I personally advocate for the inclusion of Aquaman. Unlike others, I have always been a fan of Aquaman and besides the core five, I find he is the next most important figure in Justice League lore. Besides that, the sea is a territory untouched by the other heroes as of this point and could be interesting to explore. He will ultimately help the League defeat Lord and his OMACs/Amazos and Brother Eye is dismantle (I don’t necessarily see him an A.I. More like just an advance satellite). Aquaman is then inducted into the Justice League and the character can be then featured in his own solo film after that.

Josh Holloway as Aquaman – I was pretty open with the casting of Aquaman in terms of age. However, I found that Josh Holloway, as a season veteran of the entertainment industry, had the best built and look to bring the King of Atlantis to the big screen. Because I am not envisioning a solo film for Aquaman—maybe one…in 2022..more on that later—I am not particularly worry about having the best actor or the biggest name star in the role; just someone who can bring a presence and gravitas to the role. I think Holloway definitely fits the bill. Other considerations include Phillip Winchester and Jason Lewis.
Because I picked Holloway, who is currently age 44, I envision Aquaman as a seasoned character in the sense that he’s definitely been around for a while. He’s had his own adventures but has thus far not revealed himself or the existence of Atlantis to the human world. He is, however, King of Atlantis already and bares scars of previous battles and heroics.

Jim Caviezel as Maxwell Lord – I chose Caviezel to portray Maxwell Lord because I wanted someone of respected age (Caviezel is 45) who may also perhaps portray the physicality that may come with the role. Maxwell Lord is much like a Lex Luthor, rich and charismatic with the ability to sway public opinion. He has to be both dangerous and likable at the same time. I think Caviezel definitely has the ability to portray both sides of the character. He’s a little less known than I would like the actor portraying Lord to be but I couldn’t find anyone else more exposed that I liked for the role.

Alexander Ludwig/Joe Manganiello as Amazo – I envision these incarnations of the OMAC to be fully robotic (meaning there is no virus that takes over people). They access battle situations and adapt to their heroic counterpart but can only mimic/retain one hero’s power at a time (there are five of them) and can switch power depending on who they’re fighting. I imagine them looking more like (the silver-version) Amazo than the OMAC in the comics.
Because the role is virtually a non-speaking role, I didn’t mind casting lesser known actors. My main criteria was height and built. Both Alexander Ludwig and Joe Manganiello fit the build. The main reason separating the two is Ludwig’s facial bone structure (which I favor over Manganiello’s) and Manganiello’s age (which I favor over Ludwig’s). Keep in mind the actors will be playing five versions of themselves.

By now, the third film should be pretty obvious: Darkseid. There is a myriad of possible storylines involving Darkseid that could be very interesting to see on the big screen, but ultimately, I think we should focus on Darkseid’s quest for the Anti-Life Equation. I would also really like to see the mythology and backstory of New Genesis and Apokolips explored. Unlike the previous two films in which I hope the actions centers on or around Earth, this epic end to the Justice League trilogy will take the heroes to the far reaches of the Universe (at least the characters that make sense) possibly through the introduction of the Boom Tube.

Now, I want to take a moment to discuss the Justice League roster in this film. As I’ve mentioned in my Green Lantern editorial, I wouldn’t be adverse to John Stewart replacing Hal Jordan as the League’s Green Lantern (I’ve casted Idris Elba as Stewart). An easy excuse can be made for Jordan’s disappearance and by this point hopefully the audience will have already been acquainted with the character of John Stewart(to whom I gave his own solo film). Like the previous film, a new hero is introduced and effectively completes the Seven that we’ve been acquainted to, especially from the Justice League animated series. So who do I pick as this seventh member.

Chay-Ara/Shiera Sanders Hall. I know she’s not hugely influential in the Justice League roster nor is she the most deserving. However, I am striving towards diversity in the cast and felt uncomfortable with only Wonder Woman as a female hero. Of all the female superheroes I felt that Hawkgirl fit the mold best, having already been exposed to a large audience on her run in the Justice League animated series. Plus, the character as an alien (or at least her background) could complement the universe-spanding storyline very well.

Ashley Greene as Shiera Sanders Hall: I don’t really know much about Ashley Greene and doubt her ability a portray a legitimate female action hero. She also really hasn’t done anything except the Twilight films. So why did I pick her? Primarily because she looks the part and is young—the youth of the character will play a pivotal role in the “franchise” somewhat. Other considerations include Olivia Wilde, Jessica Biel, and Erica Cerra.
I envision Shiera Sanders Hall as a basically a re-imagining of Carter Hall/Hawkman. She is a young, rookie archaeologist who, while accompanying a dig in Egypt, accidentally uncovers of what could possibly be remnants of alien presence from ancient times. This is ultimately revealed to be closely related to Apokolips and the Anti-Life Equation. Its rediscovery is what will draw Darkseid to Earth and force the Justice League to protect Hall (Anti-Life Equation in her mind?). I haven’t figured out how the Nth metal will fit into the story exactly but by the end of the third film, after being train by Wonder Woman and Batman, joins the League in fighting off Darkseid.

Michael Ironside as Darkseid – Michael Ironside has already voiced Darkseid and I felt he definitely had the voice for the character. Perhaps he can go with an even deeper voice (something akin to his Sam Fisher voice—deep and menacing). I chose him over other esteemed voice actors because I envision the role of Darkseid using motion capture similar to how the Hulk was portrayed in the Avengers. Ironside looked very similar to Darkseid. The only problem with this is that at his age, Ironside may not be able to play out the stunts that may be required.

I want to take this moment before moving on to discuss the Watchtower. Maybe it’s because I’m a big fan of the Justice League animated television series (because I keep referencing it) but I like the orbital satellite version as oppose to a moon base. I think aesthetically, it would look extremely cool and many sci-fi films have only affirmed this. Also, this idea that the Justice League is potentially a threat in the sky to humanity and Earth is a very interesting concept that I hope to explore, perhaps the in the second film.

Unlike the Avengers, I do not see the Justice League as a government (any government…even U.N.) sponsored superhero team. They formed on their own free will and this, again, may play to that tension between humanity and the team. Thus, there is no need for a base/museum in Washington D.C.

As I’ve mention above, Ashley Greene’s age plays a role in her casting. I’ve also mentioned way back in the beginning of the editorial that limiting the major characters to trilogies would allow other characters to have more exposure. I’ve also alluded to the fact that the Justice League is a trilogy. This latter part is not entirely true. I think, as long as DC continues to maintain a cinematic universe, there should always be a Justice League film to cap a “Phase” even if it is without Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman. The Justice League roster has seen its fair share of shake ups.

Shiera Hall is meant to be the first in the “new generation” of heroes. By the third Justice League film, every major hero will have its trilogy (Batman and Aquaman having had their one solo film). Shiera Hall is introduced as the most recent hero to grace the big screen and will ultimately headline her own Justice League for two additional Justice League films with new heroes until somebody else picks up the mantle as leader. Hopefully by the time her character takes up the mantle of leader of the Justice League, Greene would have a chance to grow into a more exposed, respectable actress. She is an ideal candidate, though, as a supporting character in her Justice League debut. But is it really a Justice League film without the Trinity?

This rotating roster of the Justice League series effectively ends when any of the characters who have already been part of the DCCU are rebooted or recast younger.

Now I want to move on what appears to be the hot topic of the month. Namely, should DC’s Arrowverse be connected/part of their cinematic universe? Now, I’ve been on the fence for a while but based on my casting of Barry Allen, I’m sure you can figure out ultimately where I ended up. To tell you the truth, I couldn’t really care that much either way. The shows and the movies will do just fine without connecting. It will also do just fine if it does connect. Why does it matter? With the exception of Barry Allen, none of the characters that have thus far appeared on Arrow will ever show up in the Justice League or any other cinematic solo feature film of each of the Justice League character. I’m sure you can name a few character that you feel can appear in a film but I’ll leave that debate for my next and last article on Arrow and the state of DC’s television series.

Know this, however, that the main reason why I landed on the side that I did is because I simply cannot accept Grant Gustin in the role of Barry Allen. I gave him the benefit of the doubt when I released my Flash editorial, saying I wanted to see him appear on Arrow first. He made his debut in the episode “The Scientist” and I found it absolutely abysmal—easily one of the worse episode of the season. Might be harsh to say but I was literally cringing every time Gustin opened his mouth in that episode. The next episode, “Three Ghosts”, is a different story. Again, all be discuss in my next and last editorial.

So that’s it for this article guys. Hoped you enjoyed reading it. Let me know what you think and comment in the usual spot.

Next (and Last) Up: Arrow and the State of DC’s Television Properties

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Wolf38 - 12/16/2013, 8:48 PM
Very nice editorial. I particularly like your focus on Hawkgirl. I think that the Thanagarians (sp?) are potentially one of the aces up WB/DC's sleeve. There is some fantastic cinema waiting to happen there, if approached the right way.
gamecreatorjj - 12/16/2013, 9:23 PM
I dont want to see Gustin alongside the League, but I do want to see Amell up there. Personally, he and slade could make great additions if they wanted to go idenity crisis, or just slade for judas contract. I'd rather them connect them and just use Wally as film Flash, as much of a cop out as that might be.
Lhornbk - 12/16/2013, 10:28 PM
Yeah, your opinion of Grant Gustin pretty much ended any possibility of me having any use for your opinion (not that there was much of a possibility anyway, considering that your other editorials were uniformly stupid). Gustin has actually made me interested in Flash, a character I have never liked that much.

Your insistence on including the GL movie and Ryan Reynolds in this also shows just how bad your ideas are. If WB actually did that with a Justice League movie, it would be doomed. Face it, fanboys and general audiences see the Ryan Reynolds GL movie as a dud, a joke. Including him would strip Justice League of all its credibility. Fortunately, I have no doubt that WB will ignore any suggestions about including Ryan Reynolds, and will reboot GL if they put him in Justice League, either changing him to John Stewart or introducing a new Hal Jordan.

I will say that I love Hawkgirl, and would love to see her in a movie. But, I am also realistic. I have a very hard time seeing general audiences accepting her, unless they significantly change her origins, perhaps giving her mechanical wings instead of natural ones (something similar to what Falcon will have in The Winter Soldier.) Even then, I think they would need to wait a long time, give general audiences a chance to accept Aquaman and some other more exotic heroes. And I'm not sure it would work even then. It might be better to try her on TV first. I'm not sure, and I'm not a whiny fanboy who will cry if it never happens. As I said, I'm realistic.
EdgyOutsider - 12/17/2013, 5:10 AM
I like Reynolds but, Green Lantern needs a reboot. Charlie Hunnam for Barry Allen/The Flash. Grant Gustin is good but, I can't see him in a cinematic version as the character. White Martians for the first JL movie, giving us our introduction of Martian Manhunter plus, it would be a darker film that could bring together our heroes. JLA should be Maxwell Lord cause it's more interesting for the team to face a "human" plus, mix in some elements of Tower of Babel into it. Finale should be JL: Apokolips with Darkseid as the villain obviously and it should be the last film with Cavill as Superman as Superman should "sacrifice" himself to take out Darkseid.

But, that's just me.
Odin - 12/17/2013, 5:52 AM
Michael Ironside as Darkeid(even their names are similiar) in live action Jl movie would be cool. He's Darkseid voice is the best. If James Earl Jones has the voice of God, than Michael Ironside has the voice of Satan.
HouseSnow - 12/17/2013, 9:40 AM
Christopher Lee for Darkseid

Pine for Flash

Keep Reynolds

No Aquaman
MadFacedKid - 12/17/2013, 4:00 PM
@Housesnow you are aware he is a founding member in every main universe.... Pre52 and New..
AquamanIsTheBest - 12/17/2013, 6:52 PM
The core is 7...no if's and's or but's
Bats Supes Flash GL Aquaman WW and the other. I would be fine with Martian or cyborg. And no Aquaman till 2022!?!? Howabout no, 2018 at the latest...

Aquaman will be in it, Geoff Johns has confirmed he's a major character in DC's eyes and they won't leave him out
Witcher - 12/17/2013, 10:45 PM
Keep Reynolds as Hal Jordan...

Ryan Reynolds doesn't want to return as Green Lantern in „Justice League”, so screw him. „Green Lantern” needs a reboot.
MightyZeus - 12/18/2013, 12:44 AM
Good editorial but give Green Lantern a reboot or a re imagining ect The Incredible Hulk. May i suggest Chris Pine for Hal Jordan.
HouseSnow - 12/18/2013, 10:46 PM

i don't care, he's a shitty character.
AquamanIsTheBest - 12/19/2013, 7:05 PM
@housesnow ouch, your opinion hurts. It's ok, you can suck it when he gets into Justice a League and gets his own movie. And you want to make PINE flash? And KEEP Reynolds? I'm sorry but do you don't get to say an awesome character sucks and then get away with this BS XD you've gotta be kidding
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