Why Justice League Is The Movie DC Fans Deserve, But Not The One They Need Right Now.

Why Justice League Is The Movie DC Fans Deserve, But Not The One They Need Right Now.

With Man Of Steel looking to be a success, DC is looking to follow it up with a Justice League film. But while the news may excites fans, is this the right approach to take? Click the jump for my reasons for why I say, no. Not yet.

Editorial Opinion
By NBAfanaddict - Jun 16, 2013 01:06 PM EST
Filed Under: Justice League
Good day my friends! NBAFANaddict here with a little (figuratively at least) article. This article will deal with why I believe that something along the lines of this:

While epic looking, needs to wait a couple of years.

Want to make sure I point this out first: None of the pictures you see on here are my creations. All credit goes to the various artists:

Daniel Morpheus
http://www.daniel-morpheus.deviantart.com/art/Justice-League-Movie-Poster-269215975<> />
http://diamonddesignhd.deviantart.com<> />
Josh McMahon
http://joshwmc.deviantart.com/gallery/<> />
Benoit Penaud
http://oroster.deviantart.com<> />
Matt Ferguson
http://cakes-and-comics.deviantart.com/gallery/?rnrd=17863<> />
Tommy Sindu
http://tomzj1.deviantart.com<> />
Jonathan Bridges
http://superdude001.deviantart.com<> />
I did edit a picture on here. However, its from a popular meme, so technically....yeah, I did absolutely nothing except write this article. Well, enough blabbering. On with ze show!

"You're are answer to are we alone in the universe"

How ironic that Pa Kent says this to young Clark. For the answer as to whether the heroes in DC Universe well be alone or connected seems to be contingent on the success of "Man Of Steel. And BO numbers seem to suggest we'll soon be seeing the DCCU brought to fruition. I personally saw Man Of Steel yesterday, and thought it was a good movie (and I find myself to be more of a Marvel maniac myself). WB/DC has previously said that if MOS was well-recieved, then a Justice League film would follow. With Man Of Steel seeming to be completing that objective, fans are in pure bliss, and are hoping for DC to appear at the San-Diego Comic-Con to announce cast, director, and start the countdown till the movie is released. And while I would be ecstatic for a JL film (love, love, loved the animated series), I don't think that putting a JL film out right after Man Of Steel is the best route for WB/DC to go. And I have (what I believe) are four valid reasons as to why DC needs to say no to a JL movie. For now at least.

1. First Lets Have A Successful Non-Batman or Superman Film.

Fans are hoping for announcements at comic-con that will produce something like this:

Or this:

And does this not get you hyped up?

For my money though, I think we need announcements that for these things first:

Why? In the entire history of DC Universe comic films, there has not been one movie has that has been one non Batman or Superman movie that was a critical, and/or financial success (aside from Swamp-Thing, V For Vendetta and Watchman) Supergirl, Green Lantern, Steel, Catwoman, Jonah Hex. All failures in their own regard (box office, or critics wise). WB/DC need to focus on making a successful film that doesn't include Supes or Bat(Like, oh, I don't know.... a Wonder Woman film). If they go straight into an ensemble of seven (maybe eight) people, and have only shown to be able to do a couple of the characters right, it has a chance to be "Worlds Finest...And Some Other Chumps". Once they nail down one, or two other characters, then i think they would be better ready to handle the JL. Before they go for the big enchilada, they should work on the little tacos.....supposed to be a metaphor.....similar food....different...size.....yeah, it sounded better in my head.....

Robert Downey Jr. Eyeroll

...Your right Tony, lets just move on....

2. General Audience Awareness

When it comes to the main members of the JL, Superman and Batman are the most well-known when it comes to villains, backstories, and allies. When it comes to the rest (while not as unknown as the Avengers), the general public isn't as knowledgeable about them. Wonder Woman IS well-known. but she is in a similar position to Captain America: You've heard of both of them, but they are known not as much for their character, as more as other things (WW because she was the first female superhero, and Cap because of the ties America). If you asked someone who WW's archenemy was, I doubt they would answer Cheetah. If you asked them who the main Lantern is, just as many people would say John Stewart, as would say Hal Jordan. I don't think most people know that there were other Flashes. And I am almost dead-certain nobody would know who J'onn Jonzz, or Martian Manhunter is. And Aquaman is laughingly known for being able talk to guppies. Marvel's solo films weren't just for building to Avengers, but also to introduce lesser known characters to the general audience, which helped them to start their own franchises. If after Iron Man, they went straight into Avengers, do you think it would've been the smash hit that it was? I'd say no, but lets get a second opinion: What say you "Doctor Who"?


The Doctor agrees...

People were invested in the characters in Avengers because they had gotten to know them; heroes who they before, were not aware of. That's why I hope WB/DC gives out solo films for each character (sans J'onn. Don't know how he would do by himself), and then bring them all together. Familiarity breeds...well yes contempt, but also a sense of comfort. You know the character, and are more excited to seem them, as opposed to if you are seeing them for the first time. To put it in the most basic terms:

one does not simply make a justice league film - One Does Not Simply

Thank you Boromir....On to the next point.

3. There's No Build-Up

"If you make your films more, than just a film, if you dedicate yourself to building them toward something even bigger, and if the fans support you, then you make your movie something else entirely."

"Which is?"

"An event, WB executives..an event!"

(Couldn't help it..)

Thats what Avengers was. It wasn't just a movie: It was an event. It was something that had never been attempted, not only in CBM's, but in movies in general. When Marvel first announced their plans, I don't think people really grasped how excited they would get. But Marvel smartly turned the after credit scenes into one of the their go-to must-see scenes. Nerds flipped out when Samuel L. Jackson graced the screen, eye-patch wearing, announcing he was S.H.I.E.L.D director Nick Fury and wanted to talk to tony about "The Avenger Initiative". They nearly burst a gasket when when they saw Mjolnir at the end of IM2 And, slowly after every movie (even IM2...), the buzz got bigger, and bigger. By the time Avengers came out, it was a bonanza. It wasn't just a regular movie anymore. Everyone was talking about it. And lets step back for a second and remind ourselves of one thing: Apologies to die-hard comic book Avengers fans, but this was the Avengers we were talking about here! A team of B-list/C-list heroes who together were maybe a B+/A- list team. And now there the talk of the town, and their movie is raking in dough like leaves in the fall?? (See the joke is funny because raking...and...and leaves....Ok. i'm stopping now). Can you imagine the insanity and hype that would arise if they built up toward a Justice League film? We would be approaching (if not surpassing) Phantom Menace style hysteria. Let's go off track for a sec; DC could announce plans (hypothetically) at comic con this year for Wonder Woman and Flash films in 14', followed by a Batman reboot and a Aquaman movie in 15'. Yes, your competing with A2, but Batman could hold his own, and Aqauman is a different sort of hero than we've seen, so people will be intrigued by that. End it in 16' with a Incredible Hulk-style sequel/reboot for Green Lantern, and in 2017 bust the doors down with JL. I'm not saying that's how they SHOULD do it (or even how I would do it). I'm just arguing that there are ways they can make Justice League even bigger than a normal movie. If they rush straight into it, it would lose the potential traction it has to be a film of monumental impact.

4. Too Fast!!

If WB isn't careful, they could end up bad. Picture WB as Nate Robinson (#4) and Paul Pierce (#34) as Man Of Steel. This is what could theoretically happen:

Obviously this isn't whats going to happen to WB if they do make a JL film (I just wanted to use this hilarious gif) but this represent what could transpire if WB moves too fast (again however, it wouldn't be to this hilarious effect) Similar to Pierce nailing a game winner, Man OF Steel was a game-winner (over $135 weekend, and likely going to be even more) And similar to Nate, WB is hoping to piggy-back on its success by putting out a Justice League film that will make Avengers-like dough. But this kind of brings me back to third point: The Avengers was a four-year process, with a plan, and an understanding of where they wanted to go. I'm not seeing that mindset from WB. It seems like there rushing it out in order to compete with Marvel. That doesn't seem to be conducive for success. While I enjoyed Man Of Steel (the final fight between Supes and Zod is easily in my top two CBM fight scenes ever along with Spidey V Doc Ock in SM2) And if they just try and push out a film on MOS heels, it could (like mister Robinson) while not blow up in there face, not give them the expectations they're looking for. Slow and steady win the race. Yes, that statement is ironic when your team has a super-speedster, but work with me. Take a deep breath, fight the urge to compete with Avengers 2, and focus on building your world. All of us on this site will still flock to the theaters to watch it.

Well those are my thoughts and reasons why the proposal for JL to come right after MOS needs to have the same thing done to it as what happens to this guys shot



Now, before I leave thee, let me reiterate as strongly as I can. I. WANT. A. JUSTICE. LEAGUE. MOVIE. Not only would I love to see some my favorite characters on screen (I'll still see it even if it does come right after MOS), but then a true competition would brew between Marvel and DC's movie franchises. And the winner of competition is always the fans. But I don't want a decent Justice League film. I want a great Justice League film. And that is why I would like for WB to wait until they have a viable plan, and not just jump into the fray. Who knows. Maybe at SDCC, they will announce this bullet point plan, and this article will look completely stupid. But until something like that, I'm sticking by my guns.

Well thanks to all who sat through this gif-overloaded-bad joke-ridden article. If you enjoyed it, be on the lookout for more articles from the NBAFANaddict. If you did not enjoy it...well....then don't be on the lookout for more articles from me. Either way, to every one who made it through the article, I thank you. Comments are more than welcome. You know where to sound off. Tell me what you thought of it. I enjoy debate, so don't feel afraid to criticize (respectful as can be please) And with that, I bid thee adieu!

(Had to put one more in there ;)
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inkslinger616 - 6/16/2013, 1:29 PM
Totally could work but I would make Idris Elba the Martian Manhunter and use Hal Jordan...
ManofSteel23 - 6/16/2013, 1:30 PM
I have yet to see anyone notice the word ''trident'' gets used in MOS...easter egg to aquaman??
NovaCorpsFan - 6/16/2013, 1:33 PM
This is in news. Just pointing that out.

Nice read and I agree entirely. JL is the way to go with the future of DC movies.
NovaCorpsFan - 6/16/2013, 1:34 PM
I noticed. It has nothing to do with the character. Its a freakin' word.
Odin - 6/16/2013, 1:34 PM
You make some really good points here, especially on the public knowledge of lesser known characters.
RexDartEskimoSpy - 6/16/2013, 1:38 PM
Good points. All I really have to add is why, in all these fan posters, do they over think the Flash costume? I'm not a big Flash fan but I have to admit his look has been perfect ever since the '50s.

Anyway, I don't think individual movies are necessary before they make Justice League, but I think it's a better way to go. Plus Wonder Woman and Flash cann easily support features. (Green Lantern had his chance and failed.) I'd introduce the Batman and GL in Justice League and see where things go from there.
inkslinger616 - 6/16/2013, 1:40 PM
Btw...that was a good article man. THUMBS UP.
RexDartEskimoSpy - 6/16/2013, 1:42 PM
NEW Batman and Green Lantern, I meant.

I would LOVE to see a Martian Manhunter movie, and his back story would make for a sweet sci-fi
movie, but they'd never make a profit if only me and Levitikuz buy tickets...
NBAfanaddict - 6/16/2013, 1:43 PM
@inkslinger616: Thanks for the comment! Idris would be a sick J'onn! And i'd be fine if they did John Stewart or Hal. Reynolds did a good job with what he was given.

@superman2013: I noticed the trident reference, but I'm still not exactly sure how it would tie- in to Aquaman. I got excited when I heard it, but didn't see anything that i could decipher from it that would reference the King of the Seas. Thanks for commenting

NovaCorpsfan: Thanks! I wasn't sure since I wasn't posting any new information, and I was just stating an opinion if it belonged in editorial.

Odin: Thank you! I realized that superheroes are still a really niched property, but exposure in movies is helping them become more well known.
kinghulk - 6/16/2013, 1:52 PM
i m not a huge fan of dc comics but i love that wonder woman poster it looks awsome. i would love to see a justice league film as long as they do things diffrent from the avengers(which dc's film seem to be anyway, they seem more serious)i think they need a wonder woman film, a flash film and if they wanted to include him a aqua man film
kinghulk - 6/16/2013, 1:52 PM
forgot to say im a bigger fan of DC's villians that i am it's heroes.
NBAfanaddict - 6/16/2013, 2:01 PM
Rex: Yeah, I know what you mean. Every time I see fan posters for JL, everyone else looks sweet...and then I see flash, and its like "eh...decent I guess". When it comes the individual movies I agree they aren't necessary, but I think they would help enhance the Justice League movie.

Maybe you, me, and Levi could go all buy thousands of tickets each :D I'd see a MM film in a heartbeat.

Inklinsger: Thanks dude!

Jollem: Thanks bro!

FIRG (was going to put you new name in acronym form, read what it was, then decided against it ;): Of the 19 films you referenced 12 of them were Batman and/or Superman films. Out of 19 films listed, only GL:FF and Wonder Woman were origin movies. The rest were based off of story lines that existed in the comics (which would mean people who read them would be more likely to buy them). I'm not saying JL needs a prequel. I'm saying it would help make the movie better if they had prequels. I do believe that if you asked people what they knew of Flash, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, etc, it wouldn't be that much. People on this site would know (thats why we're on this site) but I don't really think most people do. I could be very wrong, but thats just my opinion.
NBAfanaddict - 6/16/2013, 2:03 PM
kinghulk: Yeah, it did look sweet! And yes, DC films already seem to have a different feel than Marvel films (sans Green Lantern, which in my mind was fighting between being a DC film, and an Iron Man copy)
Minato - 6/16/2013, 2:17 PM
Well written article with a lot of personality. I liked it especially this Quote:

"If you make your films more, than just a film, if you dedicate yourself to building them toward something even bigger, and if the fans support you, then you make your movie something else entirely."

"Which is?"

"An event, WB executives..an event!"

I couldnt agree more PS Gosling for Barry Allen
AshleyWilliams - 6/16/2013, 2:24 PM
Good read.
NBAfanaddict - 6/16/2013, 4:04 PM
FIRG: I pointed out that Batman and Superman were huge-well known-successful franchise carrying characters. The Justice League is known for Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman.

Using the sales figures from http://www.the-numbers.com/, this the total money made from the films you listed. Note that this total excludes the DC Showcase (couldn't find figures for it) Flashpoint (won't be released until a month from now). The total comes up to $84,195,183 in sales. Take away the Batman and/or Superman that brings that total down to $31,098,000. Over half of the revenue is generated from Batman/Superman films. The most money made from a JL movie was"New Frontier" which made $5,400,000 dollars. "Superman: Doomsday", "Batman: Gotham Knight" and "Batman: Under The Red Hod" made all made more than $6,000,000. And if you exclude Wonder Woman from the total due to her popularity, the total drops to $23,498,000.

I'm not dissing Batman's and Superman's success. That's all well and good, and bodes nicely for people who say a World's Finest film should come next, but as far as the other characters in JL, I think this shows that people will want to see more Superman/Batman (maybe Wonder WOman) in JL And while they obviously will the "Primus inter pares"(first among equals so to speak) ala Iron Man in Avengers, they won't get as much screen time (since it is a ensemble). And I don't know how well it would work if the other characters don't interest people as much. Believe it will still be successful, but I don't know about Avengers successful, which is what DC is hoping for. That is what I believe.

Whew, you made me work to try and back my point up. Thanks! lol

2Challa: Thanks! I hoped people would find it humorous.


KAC: I whole-heartedly agree Cavill. Who I might add, was fantastic as Superman
Tainted87 - 6/16/2013, 4:42 PM
You know I'm not opposed to your ideas here, not really...

...but I have to agree with FIRG/HOES.

Do you only go see movies because you've seen those characters in other movies before? Where would that begin, anyway?

It is a big investment, but there's definitely hype already there. Even with critics TRYING to pick Man of Steel apart (and making asses of themselves), audiences around the globe are making it a smash hit. Selling it across the Father's Day weekend kind of helps there, but come on. It'd stand tall on its own.

Martian Manhunter can be in a successful movie on his own without any introduction in any previous movie, not even an animated one.

Same with freakin Bwanna Beast.

Same with Zatanna.

Same with Red Tornado.

Fan-following means NOTHING when you've got a movie like Avatar dominating records.
NBAfanaddict - 6/16/2013, 5:43 PM
Tainted87: You make valid points. And you are correct, I don't watch movies just because I'm familiar with the characters. But are you not more likely to go see a movie if it has characters you are familiar with? I still believe the Justice League film would be hyped even without any lead ins. I'm making the argument that it would more hyped if they had lead ins. And as for Avatar (and for that matter Titanic), I would call those aberrations. Of the top 20 highest grossing (non-inflated) movies of all time, only those two, and Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest were non-sequel-non adaption movies. Now I'm not saying by any stretch of the imagination that those other 17 movies were only made big by their buzz (either because of films in the series before them or because they were being adapted from a book), but I'm saying it helped them out. But I am not saying at all that movies are just made off of buzz and hype. I am saying, it helps.
NBAfanaddict - 6/16/2013, 5:48 PM
SotoJuiceMan: Well, thanks for reading and commenting anyway! :D I' don't think they have to do it the way Marvel did it. I think Marvel has shown a good way to make movies. Yes DC's characters are more well-known, but I still think that building toward a movie would make a movie more successful. But that's just one man's opinion. :D
RexDartEskimoSpy - 6/16/2013, 6:34 PM
@HOES: But those aren't "real" movies. It's hard enough to get the general moviegoing public to watch top-drawer animated films from Disney and Pixar. You couldn't pay most average folks to watch "cartoons." Their loss.
NBAfanaddict - 6/16/2013, 7:07 PM
FIRG: I get what your saying. You make some very good points. And thanks. I'm enjoy engaging in dialogue with people who actually give out constructive thoughts, and not just noise.
NovaCorpsFan - 6/16/2013, 7:26 PM
Beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep...

*nurse hits chest*

beep beep beep...
aresww3 - 6/17/2013, 3:32 AM
Thumbs up for this. Marvelous.

3. There's No Build-Up

"If you make your films more, than just a film, if you dedicate yourself to building them toward something even bigger, and if the fans support you, then you make your movie something else entirely."

"Which is?"

"An event, WB executives..an event!"

And the award for best comment ever made on this site goes to NBA Fan Addict.
NBAfanaddict - 6/17/2013, 5:22 AM
aresww3: Ha, thanks bud! Glad you found it enjoyable, and funny.
RexDartEskimoSpy - 6/17/2013, 12:16 PM
Some of those movies HOES listed are among the best superhero movies ever made. But the average moviegoer will never see them because 1: they're direct-to-video, which means they "aren't good enough to show in theaters;" and 2: they're cartoons and "cartoons are for kids". Are either of those statements true? Of course not. But that's what people think. People are stupid.
DiamondDesignHD - 7/4/2013, 9:56 AM
Thanks for giving me credit(:
NBAfanaddict - 7/7/2013, 2:23 PM
No problemo! I believe in giving credit where credit is due. Amazing artwork BTW!
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