How Far is Too Far?

How Far is Too Far?

Filmmakers all take creative liberties when adapting from comic books. Sometimes it works out, and sometimes its a disaster. But somewhere between Jarvis becoming an AI, and Phoenix becoming an alternate personality, a line needs to be drawn...

Editorial Opinion
By OhioJones - Jul 29, 2009 06:07 PM EST
Filed Under: Other

Okay, so Jarvis isn't the loveable portly butler we know and love from the Iron Man comics. I made my peace with that since it didn't affect the core of the story or the characters (even as an AI, Jarvis was still Jarvis). But on the opposite end of the spectrum we've seen travesties like Fox turning Dark Phoenix into a multiple personality disorder in X3, or Joel Schumaker deciding Bane should be a ‘roided out thug rather than the truly formidable opponent he was in the source material.

So, how far is too far? I, for one, don't mind when filmmakers make minor tweaks to characters' appearance or background, as long as it doesn't affect the "essence" of the character. I think that what happened with Bane was among the worst offenses, while the changes made to Jarvis were essentially harmless.

Let's take a look at a few more examples and see if we can establish a pattern:

Batman Begins: Ra’s al Ghul was never Bruce Wayne’s mentor or trainer, and in my recollection he also used the Lazarus Pit(s) which essentially made him immortal. The original character of Ra’s, as is the case with many characters in the DC Universe, simply would not have fit into the gritty realism Nolan was creating in Batman Begins. Everything else in the film had a pretty solid base in reality, and adding an element like the Lazarus Pit would have bordered on science fiction and would not have meshed well with the rest of the film. Now, I wasn’t exactly on the edge of my seat waiting to see the Lazarus pit, or anything else al Ghul related, so it didn’t ruin the movie experience for me, but I have spoken to a few hardcore Batman readers who were disappointed in the portrayal of the character, although not the movie as a whole. But all in all, Ra’s was still the balance-seeking nutjob who believed a few million lives was a small price to pay to achieve his vision of world order. Check.

X-Men 1: Bryan Singer admittedly had no interest in sticking to the source material. In interviews he has even stated that he wasn't a fan of the X-Men comic books. This, along with the sheer volume of creative liberties he took, makes it hard to figure out where to start. I'll try to leave him alone on the film as a whole, which I thought was fairly well-done (all things considered), and focus more on the character development:

First off, establishing the Jean-Logan-Scott triangle is a must in any X-Men story, and I'm inclined to say that was successful. Check.

Wolverine: Too tall? Maybe. But he was a badass with adamantium claws, a healing factor, and a shady past. Check.

Jean: Telepath/Telekinetic in love with Scott but has hot pants for Logan. Check.

Cyclops: Optic blast, devoted to the team, hates Logan. A lot left out, but no major changes either. Check. Ish.

Storm: Terribly done in my opinion. No hints at an African accent, no hints at being raised as a Goddess, her powers were watered down... All, in all, they made up a new character for Halle Berry and even the character they made up was pretty boring. Anyone who grew up loving Ororo was pulling their hair out in the theater. Bad Singer, bad!

Rogue: Powers, half-check. Dark past, no check. Everything else, epic fail. While she may have played a small part in the movie, what I think the filmmakers failed to realize was that this is someone's favorite character, yet they rewrote her to serve as a plot device.

I think that about sums it up, actually. Every character is SOMEONE's favorite, and no matter how small the part they play within the plot of a film, there are fans out there who will be screaming bloody murder if their hero isn't done some justice on the silver screen.

Granted, there are varying opinions on "doing a character justice." Ask many moviegoers how they felt about the changes mentioned above, and you may get responses varying from a puzzled “What are you talking about, nerd?” to downright outrage that every detail wasn’t carbon copied onto celluloid. I think a good rule of thumb might be to have a “fanboy consultant” on any given character in a comic book movie project. You don’t have to listen to him, I guess, but it wouldn’t hurt to consult with a fan of the character during the production process. Jon Favreu is an admitted Marvel fanboy, and I think we need look no further than Fav’s rendition of Iron Man for an excellent example of how a comic can be brought to the big screen brilliantly.

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thwhtGuardian - 7/29/2009, 6:56 PM
yeah I'd say of all the character changes Jarvis was the best. I mean I think the batman/iron man connections are fairly weak, but the Jarvis/Alfred connection is just to obvious, and with Michal Caine as Alfred no matter who they could have gotten to play jarvis would have been panned. It was a sound decision to make him an AI program.
whatsinthebox - 7/29/2009, 7:05 PM
Alot of the liberties taken were done so to move the story along. Take Peter Parkers web shooters. The movie made them organic so they did not have provide a long back story about how smart he was and how he came to make a substance no one else in the world has come close to making. I didn't like the scene when he made his costume. it would have been like that.

In the Xmen 3 it was The same thing With the Juggernaught. Just make him a mutant and you don't have to go into a long explaination about the Gem that gave him his powers and where it came from.

Great article!
SupahPhreak - 7/29/2009, 7:40 PM
JUGGERNAUT FTW. Even though they also made him british and didn't mention anything about him being Xavier's brother. BUT HE WAS HUGE.
Tobuttica - 7/29/2009, 7:44 PM
Most of your points are great. Thought Bryan Singer douched Storm. I liked Jarvis as AI, but how's it going to work for the Avengers? There were comics where Ra's Al Ghul did mentor Bruce Wayne to take his place and marry his daughter. I'll get back to you on the actual story, but I've read it. It was an odd choice for a villain out of the blocks in Batman Begins, but I think he was going for villains we hadn't seen before, and the way he did it fit into the gritty realism that he was going for. There's just no lazarus pits and I'm okay with that. In the movie-verse, how often would they even be able to use a character like that. The only reason in the comics that they have the pits is to "kill" him off and bring him back. You list of examples is missing the greatest travesty of all. The liberties that Ang Lee took when he made the Hulk were outlandish and cemented that movie near the top of my worst comic movies ever list.
OhioJones - 7/29/2009, 7:53 PM
@ewoksoup, yeah I wasn't gonna get too detailed into X3. It would be a novel... God I hate Fox.
OhioJones - 7/29/2009, 8:19 PM
@tobuttica, I literally forgot that Hulk '03 existed! I must have blocked it out lol!
Tobuttica - 7/29/2009, 8:59 PM
I think a lot of people did. I can't though. I actually paid money to see it in the theaters. That is the only movie I have ever seen in the theater where I've walked out disappointed immediately afterwards. I eventually got to that point with Superman Returns, but I was just excited to see frickin' Superman that I didn't take into account the illegitimate bastard son of Superman as a shit the bed, throwing the 'S' move.
TheDurkinKnight - 7/29/2009, 9:44 PM
Good article thing that needs to be pointed out though is that you mentioned Wolverine being drastically taller than his comic counterpart, and this is true, but according to the comics he's 5'2" which is like, Danny Devito height. This would not have transferred to the big screen AT ALL, especially with the rest of the cast being taller.

I also thought (Speaking of Rah's) that it's funny that Batman bested him, a ninja master, in the first movie, but was nearly killed by an insane clown in the end of the second movie...ironic, no?
OhioJones - 7/29/2009, 9:54 PM
@durkinknight, if wolverine had been 5'2" in xmen, then it would have worked just fine. Part of what makes him cool in the comics is that he's a runt but still a badass. I wouldn't trade Hugh Jackman for anyone though.
SlurpeeGuy - 7/29/2009, 10:04 PM
I just assumed that the Jarvis AI was based on the real Jarvis (who will hopefully be in The Avengers). Sort of the way Pepper has A Jarvis AI in her armor to help her out in the current comics.
Osiris - 7/29/2009, 10:25 PM
everything takes liberties, but the X-men franchise has to be some of the worst, basically going to see a CBM made by FOX is like watching a VGM(video game movie) made by Uwe Boll, you go in knowing your going to be coming out with your balls hurting because there is so much disappointment that you had to punch them repeatedly to stop yourself from killing everyone else in the room due to all the nerd rage.
Osiris - 7/29/2009, 10:28 PM
oh and apparently what I said also goes for anything Anime to movie as well made by FOX, ala dragon ball.

now where is loganoneil to back up my FOX bashing
OhioJones - 7/29/2009, 10:37 PM
@slurpeeguy, I thought of that too, but I figured the real Jarvis would have at least been mentioned in the first movie, and probably appear in Iron Man 2, which I haven't heard anything about. I think the Jarvis AI in the RESCUE armor might be based on the movie.
Scorpioxfactor - 7/30/2009, 1:16 AM
loganoneil - 7/30/2009, 2:10 AM
Ohio - one other point about the whole 'Wolverine isn't true to form' thing you failed to mention - in the comic book he's supposed to be this bas-@sseed uber-ninja... a guy who's lived over 100 years and has learned MULTIPLE fighting techniques, yet in the movie he only had three moves: 'Hack', 'Slash' and 'Thrust'. In X2, the fight between he and Deathstrike should have been more evenly matched (or, the edge going to Wolverine), but was it? Deathstrike was kicking his @ss three ways to Sunday, and what did Logan have to offer? I say again -'Hack', 'Slash' and... (Now what am I forgetting? Oh yeah...) 'Thrust' - BORING!!!!!

I could go on (and on and on and on...) about Mr. Singer's 'contributions' to the comic book movie genre, but I don't think the site will allow a post that long. Needless to say, he's not one of my favorite comic book movie directors (I inderstand you "...thought (X1) was fairly well-done (all things considered)...", I thought it was a half-@ssed piece of [excrement] that didn't come even CLOSE to it's potential). He on my hit-list of crappy action directors... right above Joel Schumacher.
Rumblebeast - 7/30/2009, 2:33 AM
Right on scorpioxfactor..more colossus..and i was expecting this huge fight between him and Juggy in X:3 but did we get it?? noooooo. although the Juggy vs. Shadowcat fight was pretty good.

Scarface - 7/30/2009, 5:28 AM
I hated the british juggernaut, i like vinny but not for juugernaut and yeah i think everyone wanted colossus and juggernaut head to head but that would have taken away screen time from wolverine LOL
Supermike - 7/30/2009, 1:32 PM
I hated how they got Two-face and Joker so wrong Two-face got acid throw on him not lit on fire if he was lit of fire he would of i don't know die right there and Joker never wanted to have sex with batman he wanted to show batman that they are alike
thwhtGuardian - 7/30/2009, 2:07 PM
when did joker want to have sex with batman in tdk? I'm pretty sure the whole theme of that movie was how close batman is to being a villain, so I think your joker point is retarded supermike.
Osiris - 7/30/2009, 3:22 PM
Supermike you are a dumb ass, someone would have a chance of dieing from acid more then fire, acid would have melted his whole face not just half because it can't be stopped, fire on the other hand can put out.
ironknight27 - 7/30/2009, 4:51 PM
As far as Jarvis being an AI rather than a person, I think was an interesting decision. Whose to say that the AI program wasn't based off of a "real Jarvis" in the IronMan movie universe.

And as of Joker wanting to have sex with Batman I didnt catch that in the movie. Hell I get more of that feeling off of the Joker from some of the comics I have read than the movie.
superdog - 7/30/2009, 7:17 PM
supermike is an ASSHOLE!!!!!!!!!
SabretoothTiger - 8/3/2009, 3:29 PM
supermike is an ass bag full of ass holes which gets stomped by an ass foot shut the hell up supershite and go beat up people stealin from old ladies as you say
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