EDITORIAL: Can The POWER RANGERS Reboot Actually Work?

EDITORIAL: Can The POWER RANGERS Reboot Actually Work?

While on paper they are teens with attitude, can this 90s franchise become the next YA franchise like The Hunger Games? I explore the reasons why Lionsgate's upcoming reboot can be a game changer.

Editorial Opinion
By Khanlark - Feb 28, 2015 10:02 PM EST
Filed Under: Power Rangers

I will not lie, I grew up a Power Rangers fanatic. Sure, I was not around when the original series was on, but I grew up with Ninja Storm and Dino Thunder, two epic iterations of the series. Last year, it was announced that Lionsgate (known for The Hunger Games series) and Saban (creators of the Power Rangers) would be teaming up to bring a new take on the rangers to the big screen. Following this announcement, we received official word that two of the most talented blockbuster writers had joined the film, and would develop the screenplay. Star Trek producer Roberto Orci also joined the film as a producer, and while many had a problem with The Amazing Spider-Man 2, the film was not Orci’s fault, with the star of the film, Andrew Garfield, even calling Orci’s original screenplay “beautiful.” 


Now, on paper this film seems to have a lot going for it: The writers of X-Men: First Class and the first Thor film, as well as in the hands of a studio who really understands franchises and how to make them truly succeed. However, it appears, that with the Power/Rangers short-film that was  recently released onto YouTube, has somehow had a fairly negative affect on people’s ambitions and hopes for this upcoming reboot. But that is why I am here today. I am here to discuss why I believe the upcoming Power Rangers reboot will be one of the biggest films of next year, and why it is perhaps the best up-and-coming franchise Hollywood has to offer… Get keen, people.

I am not an idiot, I get that the Power Rangers are extremely cheesy, but so is everything else. I mean go back to the 60s, and read some of the original Spider-Man comics, or further back and read the original Batman stuff. Cheesiness, or corniness, whatever you want to call it, has been around comics and franchises ever since the get-go. A lot of people want this new reboot to be grounded, and dark, and a feature-length version of the short film. But, that simply will not work. The Power Rangers have never been portrayed as a serious concept, and honestly, I think it should. I am not talking serious to The Dark Knight-levels, but I am talking about serious to the levels of The Amazing Spider-Man or even X-Men: Days Of Future Past. Funny that I should mention X-Men…

I have always found the Power Rangers to be extremely similar to the X-Men. They are both extended metaphors for being accepted, and being true to yourself. Beautiful stuff. I feel like Lionsgate are really going to bring out this side of the franchise in their upcoming reboot, and will truly explore the high school angle of these “teenagers with attitude.” I mentioned The Amazing Spider-Man earlier, while most people on this site hate the film (I get that it’s opinion and all, but it’s really great) but the film actually has a really fantastic tone. And when I say fantastic, I do not mean great, because that is not the true meaning of the word. I mean fantastical. The Marc Webb-directed film is set in a world similar to our own, and yet explores supernatural themes that we would never encounter, akin to the whole Power Rangers law.


While I am mostly in support of the franchise, there are a ton of things this film needs to change. For instance, please, do not make the Yellow Power Ranger an Asian. I mean, come on people, we are better than that. Do not even get me started on the Black Ranger. I mean, I want to give the original series the benefit of the doubt, but I really cannot. It is actually astonishing how terrible those two ideas were. So, in order to make a unique change, why not make the Red Power Ranger African American, and the Pink Ranger Asian, not racist, not stupid, just normal. 


On the grand scheme of things, a Power Rangers film makes a ton of sense. Teenagers will eat the film up, especially if it appeals to them from a visual and storytelling perspective (just look at the success of The Maze Runner), and children would devour the film for simply being a Power Rangers film. The beautiful thing about the Power Rangers, and I do not know if Lionsgate has considered this, but it is that the film is about teenagers finding themselves, it is, at it’s core, a coming of age film. Sure, the show did not explore their background (i.e. Family life) but, from all the time they spend with their friends, you could assume their home life kinda sucked. 

Explore that sh*t.


This new Power Rangers film needs to establish some key ideas. It needs to explore things that make for an interesting movie. For instance, establish these five teenagers as (sort of) strangers. Sure, the Yellow Ranger and the Pink Ranger could know each other, heck the Red Ranger is the most popular kid on campus, so he’s probably met the two girls before. But establish a unit that are not friends. Some people will probably complain about how this is “not following the source material” but the source material simply does not work. Why would a nerd be best friends with two of the hottest girls in school? Why would the school jock be best friends with the school nerd? The original series is such a flawed invention that, if you want to make a great film, you need to take liberties. I would love to see a Power Rangers film where the team is not a team at all, but rather individuals, who cannot win the battle until they work together, similar to Guardians Of The Galaxy or The Avengers


The Power Rangers, as I stated earlier, is a coming of age property. You look at that genre, and there are barely any blockbusters that come to mind. The first Spider-Man and The Amazing Spider-Man, are the only two I can really think of, which has got me thinking: Why not follow in their footsteps? Why not tell the story of five teenagers who are given these powers and must come together, despite being so apart, and using their new found gifts to change the world? I would watch that, in fact, I would watch a lot. Have the Red Power Ranger be a bully, make the Blue Power Ranger a nerd, who is so scared of the Red Ranger that he refuses to stand up for himself. Make the Black Power Ranger the Judd Nelson of the group. The Pink could be the Molly Ringwald, and the Yellow could be the ass-kicker with a smart mouth. If we are talking about influences for this film, then look no further than Josh Trank’s Chronicle. Make it dark, make it edgy, but for the love of God, have some fun. 

So Saban, Lionsgate, if you are listening, tell a story that resonates with teenagers, do not focus on selling toys, or marketing to the TV shows’ audience, be braver and go bolder. As I have said earlier, this film has the potential to jack-start an entire franchise we have yet to explore on the big screen, so make it count. You (the studio) could be looking at the next Hunger Games if you play your cards right, and with a franchise that has an average gross of $700 million+, who wouldn't want to be apart of it? 


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HeisenbergSaysRelax - 2/28/2015, 10:55 PM
I'm cool with anything that uses The Breakfast Club as a point of inspiration for a Power Rangers adaption.
MarkyMarkRises - 2/28/2015, 11:14 PM
You get the power rangers, more than I ever could (never been big on the franchise but I definitely understand/respect the fandom).

Love your ideas and the breakfast club analogies. MarkyMark approves (though is my approval saying much?)

probably not

Thumbed up!
MarkyMarkRises - 2/28/2015, 11:15 PM

I'm relaxed, i'm relaxed


tight, tight, tight
Khanlark - 3/1/2015, 12:01 AM
@HeisenbergSaysRelax & @MarkyMarkRises
Thank you, both. You're inspirations.
Minty - 3/1/2015, 1:58 AM

J/k of course. This was incredible - a really fun read. You've pretty much convinced me that (providing they do indeed carefully follow this excellent plan), there is still hope for a good Power Rangers movie yet.

+100000 for even making a Power Rangers editorial.

+10000000000 for the Breakfast Club analogies.

Abary - 3/1/2015, 3:43 AM
I've never liked the Power Rangers too much, they've always been too childish and cheesy for me. However, if they want to make a lighthearted film version that is actually taken seriously, I could probably get into it.
kong - 3/1/2015, 5:27 AM
Great article!

I think to get teen audience to want to come and see it they'd need to get one of these actors like Dylan O'Brien, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth, or Logan Lerman to be one of the rangers. We'd also need an attractive female lead as well. Being a teen these days I know that my friends and people younger than me (that have outgrown Power Rangers) would say "Power Rangers?! You wanna see that bullshit?" Also the trailer would have to have explosive awesome sauce action.
BawbScharf - 3/1/2015, 9:11 AM
Talk about a fan film destroying expectations on a coming re-boot. This was a good article that sums up what the new movie should be ...also has a lot in common with the fan spec script I have been writing over the last few days. (in mine the kids come from all around the world and range from 14 to 19)

When it comes to the Rangers in thee up coming re-boot ...I think we should prepare for some race swapping or at least color swapping between Jason and Zack and Kimberly and Trini.
the - 3/1/2015, 9:11 AM
I'm not a fan of the "teenagers with attitude" camp of Power Rangers, especially considering the best stories/series came from when they were an adult government sanctioned force. Be it Lightspeed Rescue, Time Force, SPD or RPM. I'd even take the martial arts academy Rangers: Ninja Storm or Jungle Fury over "teenagers with attitude".

With the Power/Rangers fan film, I knew exactly what ideas they were referencing from MMPR, but that was without a doubt a more extreme version of RPM. RPM should be the reboot's template and that fan film (edgy content aside) was a great alternate future MMPR reality (Rita was no longer evil & Bulk + Skull were no longer d*cks by the end of the original show) that Saban/Lionsgate should consider in terms of its direction.

^Yet I know that won't happen...Because the franchise got more serious & was overall better crafted after Disney took over. It then reverted back to "wacky kid's show" under Saban & Nickelodeon. No really, most of the fans who grew up with the franchise can't fathom how cheap & nostalgically obsessed Saban is. If the newer shows are of any indication, the most likely scenario is an updated 'Power Rangers The Movie' or 'Turbo'.

I'd rather get Pacific Rim 2 sooner than I would that reboot.
CombatWombat - 3/1/2015, 9:41 AM
The only time I ever thought Power Rangers were cool was when I was four years old...
the - 3/1/2015, 10:56 AM
@DaveAriKhanlark Also, X-men? Sure, there are rare moments of "being accepted"(by the team, not the world) and a lot of "being true to oneself", but that's a very vague parallel.

Like I said, the whole highschool fiction colliding with insane scifi, supernatural concepts feels like a hard bargain even for guys like Marc Webb and Josh Trank. Why I'd rather have Starship Trooper or SWAT style Rangers as done by Del Toro, Blompkamp, or Jose Padilha.
the - 3/1/2015, 12:43 PM
Holy SH*T screw the live-action Power Rangers...adapt this:

Dibs on that editorial!
TheNameIsBetty - 3/1/2015, 1:29 PM
I don't think the Power Rangers movie needs to be dark either, but the tone of this reboot shouldn't be anything in the ballpark of "cheesy". The thing about cheesiness, especially in regards to the Power Rangers, is that it's largely accidental. Rarely, unless they're making a comedy, does anybody go into a project with the intention of making it cheesy.

That being said, I actually was around for the original Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers, and I remember it quite fondly. The feature film was outstanding, and quite surprisingly it holds up today, even if it rides on nostalgia a little. I think the reboot, in order to be successful, should adapt the original series as closely as possible in every way except the tone -- keep the tone fast and exciting, like the rebooted Star Trek.
HeisenbergSaysRelax - 3/1/2015, 3:57 PM

You're like the first person to understand that my name is an actual quote.

Thank you.
blackandyellow - 3/1/2015, 8:36 PM
Power Rangers are lame as [frick].
Khanlark - 3/1/2015, 8:42 PM
obviously read the article, didn't you?
astromerc - 3/1/2015, 8:47 PM
I hope this is the last story about this crap. Just do a battle of the planets live action . Not Gatchman the americanized Sandy Frank version plz!!!!

Orehrepus - 3/1/2015, 9:30 PM
"I would love to see a Power Rangers film where the team is not a team at all, but rather individuals, who cannot win the battle until they work together, similar to Guardians Of The Galaxy or The Avengers."

I +1 that.

The best depiciton of this is, in my opinion, the first Star Trek reboot. They went back to the part before Kirk-Spock-Bones became a solid trio. JJ got this down pat.

I'm a fan of (and only of) the original Power Rangers. I didn't see the other incarnations. And there's something I need to add regarding the "yellow" Asian and "black" African American.

One: Not all Asians are of Chinese heritage, and there was no single Hollywood movie that addressed this. When they meant Asian (in a group of multicultural people,) it must've been of Chinese heritage. There are Melayu people with brown skin, Indian and Arabic people which are tall with long sharp noses like Caucasians, except with darker skin tones, Japanese, Koreans, and a gazillion others which are not Chinese. And plenty of them are not yellow skinned at all.

Two: Not all black people are African-Americans. There are Englishmen, Irish, real Africans, and of course Asians.

And yeah, I don't mind at all if the Black guy or the Asian guy become the leader of the Rangers, whatever the costume color is. Good reading, Dave.
Tiger73 - 3/1/2015, 10:31 PM
I must be one of the very few who never has projected stereotyping on the colors of the rangers. I mean until you pointed it out I never took much notice about the black power ranger actually being black. And sorry but I don't understand your meaning behind the yellow ranger being Asian. (yes I googled it after you stated it and well I still don't see why you would project racism into your otherwise ok article about power rangers) I do recall some groups being in a big hubbub when the white power ranger was introduced,yet the black power ranger had been around long before he came into play. Basically there was no grounds for the controversy but some people will cry about anything.
With all that seriousness outta the way. I would like to ask Where is the gosh darn Voltron movie at? Forget these rangers. Or yeah like the other fella said. Bring on Battle of the Planets. But if it's good I will still see the power rangers as well.
Ace101 - 3/1/2015, 10:34 PM
The thing about the power rangers is the fact that anyone can be any of the Rangers a girl can be the red ranger while a straight black dude can be the pink ranger. Any ranger can be any gender and from anywhere in the world. Its not fixed. Thats what they symbolize.
ahhmynuts - 3/1/2015, 10:46 PM
omg this is horribly written. grammar and sentence structure errors galore. its like a child wrote this. it might as well be titled, "what i want the power rangers movie to be like and some spiderman stuff and other things that are totally irrelevant."This article is all over the freaking place.
i could write a paragraph better than this article on the same subject or what i think the subject of this article is.

my title:
Power Rangers Reboot has blockbuster potential and why

one paragraph article:
The Power Rangers can resonate with so many people that make up a majority of todays ticket sales. The american series debuted sometime in the early 90's and is still alive and kicking today creating a wide-spread fan base of young kids to adults in their 30's. you cant say that about too many brands outside of comic book movies. Some guy on here wrote parallels to the latest spiderman movies and somehow stuck the breakfast club in there in the same breath. I think the better parallel here is the Transformers series. They both peaked around the same time in the 90's and still pump out tv content to date. They make tons of money off of toys and merchandise and can still appeal to the older audience by throwing some good looking actors in there. It's all action, it's all ridiculous, and it's all silly. But that's what could make this movie fun.
Now im not gonna sit here and tell Lionsgate and those guys what to do from my keyboard like some of these wanna-be filmmakers here but i do want to say that this can be bigger than most people realize. People had doubts about how big the transformers movie was going to be but despite their bad reviews on sites like Rotten Tomatoes and IMDB they manage to be some of the top grossing films of all time. I feel it can be the same thing here. The Power Rangers franchise has that level of recognizability and with well known people working on the film, mixing the special effects of todays biggest movies, the sky's the limit. 2016 is a big year for movies and there's some strong competition with the likes of Doctor Strange and the long awaited sequel to Independence Day. It's fair to say some will decide to spend their money on those movies instead but none of those movies have the nostalgialistic(not a word i know made it a goal to finish this in 10 min too close to that mark to check the thesaurus for replacement lol) ability to hit the audience like the Rangers can.
Good luck Rangers -Zordon

its more than a paragraph but i realized i had extra time about mid way through to write more.
Khanlark - 3/1/2015, 10:55 PM
"Now im not gonna sit here and tell Lionsgate and those guys what to do from my keyboard like some of these wanna-be filmmakers here."

So, you complain about my "grammar" and yet you cannot place an apostrophe to save your life. I could seriously read whatever else you wrote, but I really do not care. You're just a troll, and as I have said countless times before...

"Haters gonna hate, ain'ters gonna ain't."

ahhmynuts - 3/1/2015, 11:15 PM
That's it?? a few apostrophes? lmao thats all you have on it. talk about nitpicking
you cant write an error free article that actually makes sense for your life. and the best complaint you can come up with are my apostrophes. there should be errors in there as i wrote it in 10 minutes. but even then at least it hits the subject consistently and makes more sense than the garbage you write all the time.not a troll just being brutally honest.
ahhmynuts - 3/1/2015, 11:24 PM
its ok to be mad at me for writing something thats better than what you wrote in the time i did when it probably took you days to write what you wrote. to be better at writing just be clear, talk about the subject, dont go off on too many tangents, and dont do the whole *insert threat/demand/advice to the film industry higher ups and hope they see it and i get a job out of this*. it makes you look desperate.
Khanlark - 3/1/2015, 11:30 PM
Borthwick - 3/2/2015, 2:37 AM
id like it to be a little darker with a great script and serious director but that wont sell to kids so it would just end up like transformers and ninja turtle and make a shit loads of merchandise.
TheAmazingAvenger - 3/2/2015, 2:42 AM
I feel like Power Rangers always worked best when they strayed away from the teenagers-with-attitude concept. Some of what you said in your article has already been done by the best PR seasons, namely, In Space, Lost Galaxy, Time Force, SPD, RPM, and at the moment, Dino Charge. These seasons have showed that Power Rangers CAN be mature enough without jeopardizing its core concepts. I really think that we're not addressing the elephant in the room, which is the fact that Roberto Orci has already left the project in favor of Star Trek 3.
Optimist18 - 3/2/2015, 6:43 AM

Great article my friend. Before I get into the nitty-gritty, having just started watching "Ninja Storm" and "Dino Thunder" and realizing that they're fricking awesome, I give you kudos for mentioning them.

That being said, MMPR will always be close to my heart, as I was part of the latter half of the generation that grew up with them. Those were MY Power Rangers, so I'll always love them, warts and all.

All I'm going to say regarding the whole race issue with the yellow and black rangers is it's only racist if you make it racist. That thought never crossed my mind growing up. Also, "Turbo" was the PR season that enacted your African American for Red and Asian for Pink idea for the first time. ;)

I think a "Breakfast Club" approach is by far the most original and innovative I've heard regarding this. It would certainly make it stand out from the original.
HachibiTheMC - 3/2/2015, 6:46 AM
I like Ada Shankar's idea much better. Make it about the fact that they were kids conscripted into a war they didn't understand anything about by basically the Wizard of OZ (a big floating talking head).

The execution, especially the fight choreography left MUCH to be desired, but the concept of kid soldiers was a GREAT addition to the mythos and just added so much more gravity to the entire property.

The ending was fairly cheesy, but you cannot deny how dope the opening is.

Not to mention the dystopian future setting and the sheer chaos of the oepning makes it look like they [the rangers] really are a part of a much larger conflict - one with REAL consequences.

I think they should focus more on the ranger aspect (thinking 1-3 yrs post high school graduation) and leave the teen angst for pretty much every other young adult novel movie out there. It'd be a nice change from the normal tween shit that's been getting pushed out lately.

I mean really, with Hunger Games, The Giver, The Maze, Divergent, plus the ready-made tween-movies like Jupiter Ascending, I'm getting tired of watching post-apocolyptic teenagers navigate their place in the world.

I'd MUCH rather see:
- The Rangers as an intergalactic policing agency a la Green Lantern Corp;
- "Power" as a rank - like the most elite members of the Ranger Corp;
- 5 individuals (our heroes) who are done "trying to navigate" the bumpy path
- They don't believe in the dream and won't buy the magic beans any more and couldn't care less if the world blows itself to hell (maybe this is where we see Tommy get left behind on a mission gone horribly wrong - resulting in the last "Power" rangers walking away from the Corp - make this a rarity like walking away from the Jedi Order to emphasize how big a deal it is)
- Someone begins killing off Corp members - of course, all evidence pointing to Tommy - forcing the last remaining "Power" rangers to reluctantly come out of hiding.

I'd rather see that than more stupid high school locker humor. I'm reserving that portion of my patience for the inevitable Spidey reboot.

If they reboot it completely, keeping the kids in high school, I'll most likely pass.
Optimist18 - 3/2/2015, 6:50 AM

Well said.
Optimist18 - 3/2/2015, 6:59 AM

The problem with Shankar's recent little project is that it threw so much gritty and mature crap in there that it almost wasn't PR anymore. That opening with the Rangers using machine guns? WTF? I'll hand it to Shankar, he threw some good ideas in there, but overall, it almost wasn't recognizable as PR. If he intended it to be a parody of the "dark reboot" concept, then cool, because it works that way. But if he was serious, and this was his vision for an update, I'm sorry, but JDF had it pegged. The only reason other cast members were giving it such praise is because they want to stick it to Saban.

And I'm sorry video-gamer generation, not everything has to be turned ultra-violent, dark and gritty for you to legitimize it. Some things just don't work that way.
HachibiTheMC - 3/2/2015, 7:45 AM

I will say that it was a bit "too" dark, as you say, in some parts. I've never been too high on Katee Sackoff - I think she's pretty manly lookin, but I digress...The Black Ranger scene was so epically groan inducing I almost stopped watching, BUT James Vanderbeek was a pleasant surprise as a bad-ass.

However, I thoroughly disagree on the opening.

Whats so hard to wrap your head around them using machine guns? They are soldiers fighting a war, correct? They did use guns (ok, they were more like little kid "pyeew-pyeew" guns but they were guns nonetheless. Just because Ranger's would start Vogue'ing before and after shooting someone and explosions happened behind the intended target doesn't mask the fact they were bussin' caps.

Like I said in my earlier post,the big war scene made the franchise feel like more of a galactic space opera as opposed to a singular instance, confined to earth.

Or would you rather it be the classic Voltron "here are 5 kids - none of whom are old enough to drink, mind you - and the FIVE of them are going to take on the entire enemy empire...and WIN...because, hey...they got ZORDS..."?

Maybe Shankar's treatment and execution were a bit over-the-top,I can agree to that, but IMO the direction he wanted to take the franchise would be a breath of fresh air

Plus, I officially fox with Joseph Kahn now (also directed Punisher: Dirty Laundry)
slipknot1485 - 3/2/2015, 9:34 AM
I'm honestly intrigued to see what they do. But I don't think it will become the next Hunger Games. Not even close. Fans could love it, but u got to get the critics to like it too.
Optimist18 - 3/2/2015, 10:06 AM
@HachibiTheMC ,

All is agreed on in this first paragraph. ;)

I don't know, machine guns just seem so common and mundane for characters like the PRs to be using. But yeah, they be bussin' caps. ;D

I'd love something like that, it's just the display here didn't do it for me.

I'd like for a bit more credibility, perhaps, but at the end of the day, it's not something I expect from PR. I don't really analyze stuff unless I'm given something that's worth analyzing. I don't have to believe this is all real.

If toned down a bit, yes, there's ideas present that would be fabulous to see in an actual film.

"Dirty Laundry" was fricking awesome, and completely appropriate to its source.
thewolfx - 3/2/2015, 10:09 AM

Stfu u clown

Anyways... this movie can work but in order to not piss off old pr fans and new ppl to the franchize

Keep everything from the originaleven the races matching the color of theres suits becuase to me thats a representation of culture and pride . Not shaming it

Just updat the suits with a more modern look and make the zord [frick]in epic
shadowspider9 - 3/2/2015, 11:29 AM
Actually the casting of the black actor as the black ranger and the Asian as the yellow ranger was indeed an accident.

Walter Jones was cast to be Jason't best friend and second in command. A spot that in the original series was the role of the black ranger.

Thu Tang was actually a last minute replacement for the yellow ranger when the original actress bowed out at the very last second.
TechNation - 3/2/2015, 11:53 AM
Big Power Ranger Fan since Mighty Morphin and I watch Sentai, anyway good article. The violent film took it to the extreme and alienated Power Rangers core audience. I like your idea of five totally different people having to put aside their differences to save the world learning to respect each other and eventually becoming friends. I wish instead of Mega and Super Megaforce we got a full scale movie with the pirate them and a cast of mostly past rangers. Megaforce almost made me stop watching, but three episodes in Dino Charge is pretty good.
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