J.J. Abrams' return to the Star Trek series after four years has been getting a lot of flack which I feel is highly unnecessary, as Star Trek Into Darkness was actually my favorite movie of the year. Read on to find out why I feel the criticism is unfounded.

Editorial Opinion
By Baconman21 - Sep 25, 2013 09:09 PM EST
Filed Under: Star Trek

My first point that I want to make is the fact that the movie had a great villain. Movies these days really aren’t providing great and memorable villains. Benedict Cumberbatch played Khan extremely well. He gave a great performance that I feel deserves more praise. When I saw the movie I was on the edge of my seat at times because I didn’t know what he had up his sleeve. I actually felt sorry for his character as well. People are complaining about Khan but I just can’t see why. Khan was extremely bad ass. I haven’t seen a villain that was both in your face and also the mastermind behind the plot in quite some time. In movies I see a lot of “let’s make the audience believe he’s really the bad guy but then reveal that there’s another bad guy behind the scenes at the end of the movie” kind of deals. Even when Khan was revealed to be helping out another villain he still maintained his dominance throughout the film. Khan literally was unstoppable. When he took on the klingons single handedly my jaw dropped. That scene is one of the best action scenes I’ve seen in a while. It had a great shock and awe factor that I feel is missing in cinema these days.

Into Darkness reminded me of older movies from back in the day. I felt like I was in another world which is the point when watching a movie. J.J. did a really good job visually as well. The enterprise going into warp drive was awesome. Seeing the landscapes of the Klingon world was exciting and mysterious. Seeing Kirk struggle with himself made him relatable. He had to make decisions that didn’t please everyone but had to show that he was assure of himself regardless of the consequences. In the beginning of the movie we see Kirk pretty much fire one of his friends. That alone showed that he was serious about his position. Character interactions in intense moments and situations definitely were a plus. The fact that Kirk and Khan had to work together to take down a common enemy is crazy to me.

Also I have no idea why people are getting offended by a woman showing some skin. Almost every movie that comes out has some kind of sexual innuendo in it. People are up and arms about a scene that last probably 3.5 seconds. RELAX the actual show had scenes of that nature that were much more prominent.
In all honesty how can people complain about this movie? Yes the movie is similar to the wrath of khan but who cares the movie was great. The majority of films being released these days have monotonous plots that aren’t surprising. There’s nothing really surprising anymore in terms of climaxes etc. Into Darkness was a movie experience that was refreshing overall. As a movie goer being on the edge of your seat and not knowing what exactly is going on in the story makes for a great movie experience. STOP complaining about movies that are actually good or else you’ll be given movies that are actually really bad all the time.

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Gnyah123 - 9/25/2013, 9:41 PM
This movie was amazing it sucks it didn't do so well cause iron man 3 was getting cash
but this movie was sick my second CBM after man of steel Chi was incredible I don't get why ppl hats on this movie either it was good def. A good sequel and I liked it better than the first
Gnyah123 - 9/25/2013, 9:44 PM
I will say this 2013 not a good year for CBMs in the box office don't get why ....USA I mean
but as weeks go on they made cash pacific rim for example not so good in USA but killed it over there in Japan etc...made its money back!!
Gnyah123 - 9/25/2013, 9:47 PM
Not sure why ppl bitch about the girl in her bra and pantries yet there are other movies that have hardcore sec scenes lol...
Baconman21 - 9/25/2013, 9:59 PM
I just think this movie was extremely underrated. Theres still a stigma with people about star trek. If you like star trek your a nerd which is ridiculous
PartyHard - 9/25/2013, 10:01 PM
The movie sucked. JJ Abrams makes movies for simpletons. If you enjoyed what he did with Star Trek, you likely are one yourself.
TheRationalNerd - 9/25/2013, 10:04 PM
Man of Steel
The Wolverine
Star Trek: Into Darkness

Best films of the summer!

Just saw Iron Man 3 tonight and it was alright. I guess I heard about the Mandarin twist so many times it didn't surprise me when I watched it. War Machine has officially gotten the back burner...smh
Gnyah123 - 9/25/2013, 10:05 PM
I watched wolverine yesterday and I liked it more than iron man 3 def. A big step from origins ...but decent overall
TheRationalNerd - 9/25/2013, 10:06 PM
However next summer I'm staying away from ALL spoilers! That's why I think so many people enjoyed The Wolverine and Man of Steel because CBM wasn't posting freaking spoilers in their article titles.

Baconman21 - 9/25/2013, 10:08 PM
@TheBlackMan yea war machine was so pointless smh idk what they were thinking not utilizing his character
TheRationalNerd - 9/25/2013, 10:08 PM
And lets not forget that a**hole user @futrpast or whatever the hell his name was going on each article and posting severe Spoilers from Star Trek and Iron Man!

God I just wanted to....

Baconman21 - 9/25/2013, 10:08 PM
@PartyHard to each his own
JDUKE25 - 9/25/2013, 10:10 PM
didn't know there was bashing
TheRationalNerd - 9/25/2013, 10:11 PM

Exactly bro! lol He only had like one scene and that was basically flying...smh

They built him u in the second film and just placed him on the bench in the third film. I was like WTF??!! All these armors and you didn't at least let him get into one?? Or construct an extra for him?

Volthoom - 9/25/2013, 10:13 PM
I just saw it and well I really enjoyed it the problems I had with it where that after Kirk's SPOILER death and Spock chasing Khan the ending seemed so like bland.
Baconman21 - 9/25/2013, 10:15 PM
@TheBlackMan yea it was a waste of a potentially great character. He could have been used in the avengers or something. They even made his suit a lot less intimidating. I wanted to see a bulky suit with missiles everywhere.

@JDUKE25 @ShadowPimp723 yes people did unfortunantely
Baconman21 - 9/25/2013, 10:39 PM
@JediPhilosopher yea the next movie should be even better
Genaro - 9/25/2013, 10:47 PM
I loved it. .
....Iron Man 3 sucked.
staypuffed - 9/25/2013, 11:44 PM
I love this new Trek and I really like the old Trek.
TelaVizion - 9/26/2013, 12:20 AM
They shouldn't have a problem with her changing her uniform, cause no one complained about Chris not having his shirt on in the scene with the twins... He had on way less clothing than she did.

ezio619 - 9/26/2013, 6:23 AM
i liked iron man 3,man of steel,star trek,pacific rim,the only one this summer that i didnt think was all that great was elysium,i had alot of problems with it from all fronts.it was okay.
Scooby - 9/26/2013, 8:59 AM
Hey man, movies are subjective. You like what you like, I like what I like. That being said - this movie sucked big sweaty smelly donkey balls.
WYLEEJAY - 9/26/2013, 9:08 AM
I just have to say, I loved this movie. It was great. I HAVE heard people complaining about it being to similar a remake to Wrath of Khan. I'm wondering if these people have ever watched Wrath of Khan. Cause there not similar at all. The only one things that really carr over, is the death of an important character to radiation, and someone screaming KAHN. It was more a homage to the original TV episode when they first encounter Khan. Not the same story, but that's where the rivalry started originally. So, now that Khans still alive, he can come back later with that same rivalry. My only complaint, I was hoping for some kind of explanation as to how Khan is of a different ethnicity. Its a new timeline, not a reboot. There doesnt seem to be an explanation for this other than your just not supposed to care because Cumberbatch was awesome. And he was!
Wolf38 - 9/26/2013, 9:12 AM
To each their own, but I feel that STID absolutely deserves to be bashed. The shoehorning of Cumberbatch's character into being Khan is completely contrived and inane. It is a pure gimmick. Beyond that, I feel that STID is simply not a well-written film, be in terms of dialogue, character development or plot elements. This is precisely the sort of film that we SHOULD complain loudly about. It is a decent action film, but woefully poor as a Star Trek film.

I do not mind Carol showing some skin, nor do I mind action or change.

Accusing STID detractors of being "dorks" who "need to get with the times" is, I have to say, similar to accusing people who do not like the Star Wars prequels of simply having had unrealistic expectations or being stuck in the past. Sometimes, films are just bad in and of themselves, and there is nothing wrong with having high standards BASED on past evidence of what is possible.
Baconman21 - 9/26/2013, 10:49 AM
@Scooby you need a Scooby snack asap
Draganmac - 9/26/2013, 11:22 AM
I totally agree with your editorial. People have gotten waaaay too critical these days about films when they can conveniently hide behind a faceless computer screen and bash away at will. The franchise was badly in need of some overhaul and Abrams stepped in and did what he does best, I didn't see anyone else with a solution five years ago? If this whining and bellyaching continues, we could be left without a Star Trek franchise at all.
Baconman21 - 9/26/2013, 11:45 AM
@Wolf38 I don't understand how you think the movie was poorly written. Can you please give me an example of a film this year that had a great story line?
Baconman21 - 9/26/2013, 11:50 AM
@starfighter to each his own sir
AustinFan4Life - 9/26/2013, 12:01 PM
Khan wasn't the issue of why Star Trek Into Darkness was a bad film, Khan was actually one of the more surprising parts of the film.

There was so many other bad issues with the film & that's before you even get to the issue about Khan. The majority of the grip I give the film is the entire third act of the film, being a copy & paste job of the Wrath of Khan. It's not homeage, it's not nostalgia, because those are bs excuses to be completely honest, what it is though is lazy writing.

I mean I could really nitpick about the inaccuracies through out the film, such as Section 31 for example, that was always a covert C.I.A. like organization, that was not in no way affiliated with Starfleet, even if they always did act in "Starfleet's best interest". They weren't a weapon's manufacturer, like they were described as being in ST:Into Darkness.

That's just one example, but the biggest issues, is the laziest [frick]ing writing I have ever seen in any film, not just Star Trek. Word for word of the entire third act, was ripped directly from the Wrath of Khan. Lazy writing, THAT's what makes ST: Into Darkness, as terrible as it was, because of that, plus numerous inaccuracies throughout the film.

From Section 31, to how Transwarp beaming works(if it actually existed), to the distance between earth & Qo'nos(or Kronos) & how long it would've actually took the Enterprise to reach Qo'nos from earth, I could literally go on, with how many inaccuracies in this film, but other than Khan's actual race, I had no issues Khan, he was one of the things I loved about ST: Into Darkness.
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