EDITORIAL: Why Zendaya Is Playing Mary Jane Watson

EDITORIAL: Why Zendaya Is Playing Mary Jane Watson

In case you forget after the awesome reveal of the MCU Spider-Man, Zendaya was cast in the MCU Spider-Man reboot. She's likely going to be MJ and here's why.

Editorial Opinion
By LEVITIKUZ - Mar 12, 2016 01:03 PM EST
Filed Under: Homecoming

It’s been over 24 hours since we saw the first footage of Spider-Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Everybody seems hyped for the return of Spider-Man who hasn’t been on the big screen since 2007. Many people forget earlier this week, we had a casting for the Spider-Man solo film! Zendaya was cast in the MCU Spider-Man solo film which left everyone wondering who is she playing? Fanboys are again worried over the casting of a possible Mary Jane Watson. It’s like Déjà vu up in here. Most fanboys believe she isn’t playing MJ because Zendaya is half black and Mary Jane is white. Well it’s time to come out of the denial mode. She’s going to play Mary Jane Watson and here’s why.

What We Know So Far About The MCU Spider-Man Film

Before I begin, quick recap on everything we know about the MCU Spider-Man film.
  • Tom Holland will be playing Peter Parker/Spider-Man
  • His suit will likely look like his suit from Captain America: Civil War
  • Marisa Tomei will be playing Aunt May
  • Marvel Studio’s Kevin Feige & Sony’s Amy Pascal is producing
  • Kevin Feige keeps describing the film as “John Hughes like”
  • John Francis Daley and Jonathan Goldstein (directors and writers of The Vacation [a reboot/sequel to a critically acclaimed John Hughes film]) will be writing the script for the movie
  • Jon Watts (Cop Car) will direct the film
  • The comics Jon Watts has been looking at for the film is Brian Michael Bendis’s Ultimate Spider-Man run and Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane
  • Zendaya is cast for the film
  • The Working Title Is “The Summer of George”

Now based off that, I come up with 2 conclusions. Number 1, Jason Alexander needs to be Doc Ock in the MCU. And number 2, Zendaya’s Mary Jane Watson. Before I go into why I think Zendaya will be playing MJ, let’s debunk some fan theories on who she is not playing:

Why Zendaya Isn’t Playing A New Character Named “Michele”

So when Zendaya was cast, Deadline reported that the character she’s playing will be called "Michele". Only Deadline reported that. Variety and Hollywood Reporter never reported that her character is called Michele. Sounds a bit odd wouldn’t you say? Now that’s not trying to disprove or disrespect Deadline but it is odd how these film news site all hear and report this casting but only Deadline reports her character’s name will be Michele? Nobody finds it odd how Hollywood Reporter and Variety didn’t report her character is called Michele? Even after Deadline reported it?

Why Zendaya Isn’t Playing Michelle Gonzales

I have 3 reasons for why Zendaya isn’t playing Michelle Gonzales. First off, Deadline reported the character she’s playing is called “Michele”. Michelle Gonzales has 2 Ls in Michelle. Not one like the name of the character Deadline reports she is playing.

Second, why wouldn’t it be reported that she’s playing “Michelle Gonzales”? I mean you wouldn’t announce Tom Holland in the Spider-Man reboot playing “Peter” or Marisa Tomei playing “May”. So why not say she’s playing “Michelle Gonzales”? Why say she’s playing “Michele”?

Third, after doing some research, Michelle Gonzales isn’t an important character. At all. She’s only appeared in 47 Spider-Man comics. Her first appearance was in Amazing Spider-Man issue #592 which came out June 1, 2009. Her last appearance in a Spider-Man comic was The Astonishing Spider-Man issue #52 which came out December 7, 2011. So she’s only been in Spidey comics for a 2 and a half years and hasn’t been in a Spider-Man comic in over 4 years. Why use her? It make zero sense.

Why Zendaya Isn’t Playing White Tiger

Some people speculate Zendaya could be playing Ava Ayala AKA White Tiger. The only reason people think she could be playing White Tiger is because of the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon and nothing more. Thinking she’s playing a character solely because she looks like a character from a terrible Spider-Man cartoon is stupid.

Why Zendaya Isn’t Playing Liz Allen

People think Zendaya could be playing Liz Allen primarily because she looks like Liz Allen from the Spectacular Spider-Man animated series. However, it’s been reported Zendaya’s character will play a big part in future installments. Why would Liz Allen play a big part in future films? She wouldn’t. So that leaves one theory left.

Why Zendaya’s Is Playing Mary Jane Watson

Reason 1: It’s Confirmed Mary Jane Watson Will Be Involved In This New Series

Watts’s influences are Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane and Ultimate Spider-Man. If you read either series, you’d know that Mary Jane Watson plays a huge role. I don’t think I need to describe how important Mary Jane is to a comic book series called Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane. Now Mary Jane is probably the biggest character after Peter Parker and Aunt May in Bendis’s entire Ultimate Spider-Man run. So yea MJ will be in the new series.

Reason 2: Zendaya’s Age

Zendaya is only 19. Same age as Tom Holland. In fact, she was born exactly 3 months after Tom Holland was. Now that’s not a reason to cast anyone for a role, just a funny coincidence. Tom was born June 1, 1996 with Zendaya born September 1, 1996. My entire point is given both her and Tom’s age, they will likely be friends in the film.

Reason 3: How The Marvel Cinematic Universe Has Handled Love Interests

For the most part, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has been faithful to the comics in terms of heroes who have the same love interest as the comics.

Captain America had Peggy Carter, Thor had Jane Foster, Bruce Banner had Betty Ross, Jessica Jones had Luke Cage, Scarlett Witch will likely be with Vision which is set up, Matt Murdock was with Elektra, Matt Murdock could be with Karen Page. So far so faithful.

There have been a few minor changes. Tony Stark with Pepper Potts who in the comics was with Happy, Hulk with Black Widow, and Hawkeye with his family but so far so good. It would be odd to have a leading female character in a Spider-Man movie not be Mary Jane Watson or Gwen Stacy given they are eally the only 2 important love interests in Peter’s life. We had Gwen in The Aborted Spider-Man series, so it would make sense logically that Zendaya could be Mary Jane.

Reason 4: After Casting Peter Parker & Aunt May, Why Would You Cast Some Unimportant Character?

So Zendaya is only the third person cast so far in the MCU Spider-Man film. She’s also a female. And the actress is very close in age to the actor playing Spider-Man. And people think she’s playing nobody of significance? This is called denial. She wouldn’t be the third person cast for a rebooted Spider-Man film if she wasn’t anyone important.

It would be like if Holly Hunter’s Senator Finch was announced before the casting of Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luther & Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Which she wasn’t.

Reason 5: Zendaya Tested With Tom Holland

Variety reported that Zendaya tested with Tom Holland for the role. Meaning who she is playing is something close to Peter Parker.

Reason 6: Oh But LEVI It’s Been Reported Zendaya’s Character Will Not Be A Love Interest For Parker Or A Lead Character In The Film. However, Her Character Will Play A Big Part In Future Installments

OH SHOOT! YA GOT ME! Oh wait you didn’t. First off I’d like to highlight something:

Zendaya’s Character Will Not Be A Love Interest For Parker Or A Lead Character In The Film
Will Not Be A Love Interest For Parker Or A Lead Character In The Film
Will Not Be……In The Film
In The Film

You see, they are only stating that Zendaya’s character won’t be a love interest or lead character in THE FIRST SPIDER-MAN FILM! That’s it. Just in the first film. They didn’t say “she will never be a love interest in the series” or “never be a lead character in the series”.

Now I would like to show off 2 female characters in movies who weren’t love interests in their first films.

First off, we got Princess Leia. Do I even need to describe Star Wars? We all seen and know the films. Princess Leia’s story arc in Star Wars doesn’t at all involve her being a love interest. It isn’t until Empire Strikes Back that we see her as a love interest. The entire plot to Empire Strikes Back can be described in these 3 storylines:

Vader looking for Skywalker
Luke training to be a Jedi
Han and Leia’s romance

That’s Empire Strikes Back in a nutshell. It’s simple yet small and personal. Leia doesn’t become a love interest until Empire Strikes Back. She wasn’t one at all in Star Wars. Moving on to Pepper Potts.

Pepper Potts just isn’t a love interest to Tony Stark in Iron Man 1. Both Tony and Pepper don’t make out until the end of Iron Man 2. (you all remember Iron Man 2 right? Right? Only me?)

There is flirting in Iron Man 1 between them as well as keeping the door open for a possible romance between the 2 characters in a sequel but they aren’t a couple. Tony isn’t a love interest to Pepper and Pepper isn’t one to Tony in Iron Man 1. They are just friends who deep down have feelings for one anothing but don't admit it until the sequel.

But LEVI, Why Wouldn’t Sony Just Say She’s Playing Mary Jane Watson?

I think we all can agree that the reports of her character being called “Michele” is likely false since Deadline was the only one to report it. So we have confirmation she’s cast in the reboot but have zero confirmation on the character she’s playing or that character’s name. Why would Sony perhaps cast her as MJ but not reveal who she’s playing? Simple. Sony knows they are in deep shit. From The Aborted Spider-Man 2, to numerous bad Adam Sandler films, to the leaked Sony emails, & this upcoming Sony movie.

That may sound weird but let’s think for a second. Firstly, we are 4 months away from the Ghostbusters reboot and we just got the first trailer. We got a first trailer to Fox’s Fant4stic 7 months before release. And the hate for the Ghostbusters reboot is worse than Fant4stic. I mean have you seen that like to dislike ratio on the Ghostbusters trailer on Youtube? I added up all the dislikes all 3 Fant4stic trailers got on the main Fox Youtube account and it’s still less than all the dislikes on the one Ghostbusters trailer. Also top men I know say that Ghostbusters is looking to be a major flop for Sony.

Secondly, fair to say Sony knows they messed up big time with The Aborted Spider-Man 2. If they didn’t, Spider-Man wouldn’t be in the MCU. I repeat.


So Sony is likely going to wait until after Captain America: Civil War to confirm more about the MCU Spider-Man movie. Right now, Sony wants to hear positive feedback for the MCU Spider-Man. Sony hasn’t had positive feedback on a Spider-Man film since 2004 and want to hear that before announcing more castings.

Third, Sony's big summer films are on the decline.

2013 Sony's big summer film was Grown Ups 2 which grossed nearly 247 million
2014 Sony's big summer film was The Aborted Spider-Man 2 which grossed $708,982,323 but given how much was spent on marketing and budget, Sony probably didn't make that much in returns. (Just would like to point out, HOT DAMN! Dawn of the Planet of the Apes outgrossed The Aborted Spider-Man 2 making $710,644,566. Good for that movie. That was an awesome movie and sequel.)

2015 Sony's big summer movie was Pixels which made almost 244 million at the box office.
This summer Sony has Ghostbusters coming out and the Angry Birds film as their big summer movies.

And lastly, Sony will likely lose the rights to James Bond. So you see, Sony isn't even competition to the other film studios. Fox's franchises include Apes, X-Men, Aliens, and more. WB has DC, Harry Potter, Creed, and more. Disney has Pixar, Star Wars, Marvel, and more. You get the point.  Sony has no established franchises other than Spider-Man after Captain America: Civil WarJump Street series.

So Mary Jane will be played by an actress who isn’t white, bet you aren’t happy about that LEVI! TASM series didn't change Gwen or MJ's race

To be honest, do not care. Not one bit. Race has never mattered to me as long as the actor or actress fits the role. I would like to first off say, never cared about a race change. Didn’t mind Billy Dee Williams playing Harvey Dent or Michael B Jordan playing Johnny Storm. While I love Vincent D'onofrio’s Kingpin, I will say I believe physically Michael Clarke Duncan’s Kingpin is superior. I mean Kingpin in the comics is 6’7 450 pounds. Michael Clarke Duncan was 6’5 315 pounds. You couldn’t find an actor closer in height and weight who is more talented than Michael Clarke Duncan to play Kingpin. Vincent’s MCU Kingpin is written way better and I prefer but physically I’d say MCD looks more like Kingpin.

My hype for the MCU Spider-Man is low. Very very very low. I am more interested in MCU Captain America (both Steve and if Bucky takes over), Black Panther, Punisher, and Daredevil than I am Spider-Man. And maybe Hawkeye if they give him a show or movie featuring Lucky. 

Point is The Aborted Spider-Man 2 broke me. While the Spidey suit in Captain America: Civil War looks great, I don’t really care about suit designs if the film isn’t good. I love all 3 Nolan’s Batman films, the Burton Batman films, and the Raimi Spider-Man films. There are some questionable designs for characters in those films but I’m alright with them because the films are all good and the characters are well written in my opinion. That’s what drives a film for me. Visual effects & costumes do not substitute well written characters (looks at Man of Steel & TASM series). I’m not a fan of the fact that the writers (who also directed the film) of The Vacation reboot is writing the MCU Spider-Man film. I’m concerned.

I will say honestly; I believe Marvel Studios hired the wrong director for a job. I believe Ryan Coogler should have gotten the Spider-Man job over directing Black Panther. Fruitvale Station and Creed both featured young leads so to speak. Fruitvale Station main character was a 22-year-old and Creed was a young boxer getting his chance. Both films took place in major cities in Oakland and Philadelphia. Finally, Creed showed how Coogler respected the previous Rocky movies while making the series new and fresh. Most people want him for Black Panther, because he’s a black director. I have no doubt he’ll kill it with Black Panther but I just feel like he’s a better fit for Spider-Man.

At the end of the day, I just want good movies man. I don't care how they are made or presented. If I can watch a movie or a show thinking my time wasn't wasted watching it; I'm good. If Watts, the writers, Holland, Zendaya, and Tomei can give me a Spider-Man movie I walk out of thinking "That wasn't a bad movie man. I wouldn't mind seeing another film from you guys." Then I'm good. So what are your thoughts on Zendaya likely being Mary Jane Watson? I'd say there's a 12% chance she isn't MJ. Are you alright for it? Mad? Is your jimmies rustled? Comment below, let me know. Peace and hopefully the MCU Spider-Man film will be as good as the MCU Spider-Man suit.

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LEVITIKUZ - 3/12/2016, 1:45 PM
I just would like to say:

This isn't an opinion piece on why she would make a good MJ
This isn't me thinking she would be a bad MJ
This isn't me bother by race which I don't care about
This isn't me hoping she's MJ

This is me just saying it's likely she's playing MJ & nothing more
Yaf - 3/12/2016, 3:24 PM
@LEVITIKUZ - I wouldn't care if she's playing MJ, I mean I've met Zendaya at a party. Didn't talk to her at all but she seemed fly. What I'm saying is, this would be pretty cool news. I mean she'd look terrible with red hair, but I'm the sort who feels that the spirit of the comic is more important than the aesthetic.
TucksFrom2015 - 3/12/2016, 1:45 PM
"The character she’s playing is called “Michele”. Michelle Gonzales has 2 Ls in Michelle."

TucksFrom2015 - 3/12/2016, 1:56 PM
@DrDoom - "Excuse me Deadline, but I believe you dropped this?"

BlackIceJoe - 3/12/2016, 1:47 PM
If this happens I believe there will be a lot of hate. The reason I say that is because how much hate the Human Torch got for being black. So if MJ is black I'd be shocked if there isn't any hate for this casting.
LEVITIKUZ - 3/12/2016, 1:50 PM
@BlackIceJoe - I believe if she is MJ, yea there will be hate. More hate than Human Torch since she's going to be the MCU MJ & nobody thought Trank's Fant4stic would be good.
CrappyNappy - 3/12/2016, 1:59 PM
Did you make that last gif with Spidey? The colour scheme used is freaking amazing!
LEVITIKUZ - 3/12/2016, 2:01 PM
@CrappyNappy - no. Kane52630 did. He's on tumblr & the Superhero Hype forums. Dude does epic gifs. He has gifs on nearly every episode of Batman TAS
Brainiac13 - 3/12/2016, 2:28 PM
Nice article....I think you maybe right....

MrMartyMarvel - 3/12/2016, 2:34 PM
Very good points, LEVI. I'm personally pulling for Ror's personal choice...

But seriously, if she's MJ, as long she's a redhead I don't care. Of course, I'm not entirely sure how she would look as a redhead given her mixed-race parentage, but still.
Odin - 3/12/2016, 2:47 PM
@MrMartyMarvel - Well if natural red doesn't work, how about her having one or two red stripes as choice of style.
Batnut92 - 3/12/2016, 2:43 PM
I have no issue if this turns out to be true, it isn't like MJ's race is directly tied to her character unlike say Black Panther and if she tested and Marvel liked what they saw than I'll put my trust in them. It isn't like casting has been a major issue for the studio.

Also love that last Gif Levi, that suit just looks spectacular[no pun intended, well maybe a little intended]
Odin - 3/12/2016, 2:43 PM
Internet is full of pictures of Zendaya, could we stop using the one where she looks like some piece of kardashia-freak-circus. Talk about picture not doing justice to...human species. Here's better one:
FishyZombie - 3/12/2016, 3:24 PM
she can't be worse than Kristen Dunst.
pjspider - 3/12/2016, 3:27 PM
This article was far too long to keep my attention, but is there a reason why she couldn't be playing Felicia Hardy/Black Cat? That's a romantic dynamic we haven't seen in any Spider-Man films yet, and certainly has the potential to span more than one film...
DrKinsolving - 3/12/2016, 3:50 PM
I like this article....

I don't think she's MJ. Maybe she'll play a role similar to Betty Brant at the Bugle.... Hopefully we see the Daily Bugle in Civil War, the sooner we see the Bugle and see Jameson, the better, imo

I have no idea who Zendaya playing though
CombatWombat - 3/12/2016, 4:00 PM
ANewPope - 3/12/2016, 4:18 PM
She'll only be into him if he wears this costume:
pjspider - 3/13/2016, 8:16 AM
@ANewPope - The new costume is classic, vintage Marvel Spidey. For those who don't like it, I question whether or not they are true Spidey fans...
SummersClan - 3/12/2016, 5:07 PM
I don't think holding off on Zendaya's true role of MJ is a good idea if that is the case. Best to get the potential backlash out of the way and let people grow use to it. Look at the Ben Affleck casting, they got that right out of the way, which gave everyone time to get use to it for the most part. I don't know, I think she is playing someone else that's different, but I could be wrong. Bella Thorne who fits MJ's typical look congratulated her, almost as if she was auditioning for the same role.
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