What I Want To See From The Spider-Man Reboot

What I Want To See From The Spider-Man Reboot

Some say [frick] the reboot, but I say this is a chance for Spidey to be redeemed! Check out my thoughts as to what we should see that would make the upcoming film(s)awesome!

Editorial Opinion
By UnfriendlySpidey - Jul 17, 2010 04:07 PM EST
Filed Under: Spider-Man
Source: Wikipedia

Most of this reboot in shrouded in mystery and rumors: Who’s the villain/s? What’s the plot? Who will portray the iconic characters that are the foundation of Spidey’s world?? Will Elena Satine play Mary Jane Watson?? (God I hope she does!!) Unfortunately, I can’t answer those questions for you…but I can give you my opinion on what we DO need from this reboot. The following is what I believe should be in the upcoming Spider-Man flick, and if it’s successful (as in, if it is an awesome movie…) what we should see in its sequel(s).

First, what I believe should happen in the 1st film, which should be called ‘The Amazing Spider-Man’:

-Keep true to Spidey’s origin

As in, he gets bit by a spider…uses his in the powers in the beginning to get money, yadda yadda y’know…Do NOT change his origin in the slightest bit.

-Gwen Stacy as Peter’s love interest

This is KEY. Gwen is his first love and needs to stay as such! Of course establish Mary Jane as well, but as one of Peter’s circle of friends. This was one of my biggest complaints of Raimi’s ‘Spider-Man’ movies, which I’m not going to go into. Long story short: Gwen as Peter’s love interest, Mary Jane isn’t yet… if the main part of the storyline takes place in college, have her date Harry Osborn.

- The Villain(s): (Of course the burglar who kills Uncle Ben, but I’m talking Super-Villains!)

Rumors are floating around that in fact Doctor Curt Connors aka The Lizard will be the main antagonist in the film. I like this idea and would love to see Spidey & the Lizard tangle in the sewers. After much thought, I think it might be possible to make Connors the only villain and still make the movie work. If they base most of the movie on Peter’s beginning as Spider-Man and take the time to correctly establish the important characters in his life, then have Connors as Pete’s first test against a real super-villain (and work with me now, this is all theoretically based on the idea that the movie will be great) then I’m definitely all for this plot.

My alternative to this theory is to introduce Sergei Kravinov -Kraven the Hunter- who has heard of a Lizard man lurking in the sewers of the concrete jungle and a spider creature that is chasing him. This perks the world’s greatest hunter’s interest and he heads to New York to hunt and claim these mysterious creatures as his trophies. So you have the Lizard on the loose, a rookie Spider-Man trying to stop him, all the while Kraven is hunting them both. Boom. :) Either way, I think the movie needs to end with Norman Osborn and the birth of the Green Goblin.

Now what I was honestly thinking from the beginning, (as in, when the reboot was first announced after the cancellation of ‘Spider-Man 4’) is to have Doctor Otto Octavius/Doctor Octopus as Spidey’s first foe. Go big or go home is my mentality for this idea; Octavius is on the loose and our born-yesterday-hero Spidey is put to the ultimate test. But now that I look at it, I think having a slightly less powerful super-villain for the first movie might be the way to go. This way, the movie has more time to focus on number one: Peter Parker; which brings me to my next point for what this movie needs:

-The perfect balance of Peter Parker AND Spider-Man

Another serious problem I had with the ‘Spider-Man’ movies: a lot of Peter Parker and not enough of Spider-Man! It was funny to see how Spidey got less and less face time as ‘Spider-Man’ from 1-3 progressed; the first had the perfect balance of Pete and Spider-Man, ‘2’ (which was the best of the three I might add) had a little more Pete, but at least he was still in costume a lot of the time, and ‘3’…don’t get me started on ‘3’. Let’s put it this way, the movie should’ve been called ‘Whiny Peter Parker 3: The birth of the Emo Peter, Flying Snowboarder Paintball guy & PMS Mary Jane…with a little Spider-Man’. The movie had little to no Spider-Man in it people!! And that’s just the tip of the iceberg with that wretched film. This film and all future films needs an equilibrium of Peter’s face time & Spidey’s. ‘Nuff Said.

-The use of Spider-Sense!!

It doesn’t seem like a big deal, but it is! Pete’s spider-sense is a major defense mechanism/ability that allows him to sense danger or alert him to dodge incoming attacks. It has always been under-played in the movies; in fact I don’t recall him even using it ONCE in ‘3’. Then again, you can’t expect much of anything from that movie :P In other words, we need to see Pete use his Spidey sense on a daily basis in this reboot!

-Wise-Cracking Spidey!

A characteristic that has been MIA in ALL of the previous films, except for one remark made in ‘1’ to opponent Bonesaw Mcgraw : “That’s a cute outfit, did your husband make it for you?” which was hilarious, but the only glimpse of humorous Spidey we ever got to see in the films! We need to see Pete be the smack-talk wall crawler we all know and love every time he puts on the costume to fight a baddie! There have been rumors that Spidey will in fact be portrayed as the witty-comeback arachnid in the reboot…let’s hope those rumors are true!!

-Now for the point of debate: the Web-Slinger’s web shooters

Originally, Peter, with his genius mind, designed a compound and holsters that could shoot web-like fluid used for him to swing around sky-scrapers, apprehend bad guys, etc. In the movies, Peter had organic web-shooters in his wrists, which was really cool. Honestly, I liked the concept of Pete having organic web-shooters a lot more than his original shooters in the comics. It seems to make more sense; if you get bit by a radioactive spider and gain all the powers and abilities of a spider, shouldn’t you also have its natural ability to produce web? At the same time, I also loved in the comics when Peter would run out of web-fluid at the worst times. I also enjoyed the various web-fluids he created over the years in order to handle certain villains/situations. Either way, I’ll be happy with either portrayal of Spidey’s web-shooters, yet I doubt Webb will mimic Raimi's Spidey and give Pete organic web-shooters.

Now that we’ve kinda got out of what I think we need from the movie, I’m going to delve into the storylines I want to see (and I hope you do as well) and the little things that would be big for Spidey-fans to see in the film(s)!

-The Symbiote Saga

This by far is my absolute favorite storyline/costume of Spidey lore that I want to see the most and done right!!!! Originally, the symbiote was introduced on the planet Battleworld during the ‘Secret Wars’ storyline of the Marvel-verse. After the battle was over, Peter’s costume was trashed. He found a machine that he thought could replace tattered clothing; instead the machine produced a black ball that made his spider-sense go wild. The ball immediately began to crawl up Peter’s arm and spread over his entire body, disintegrating his old costume along the way. The result was the infamous black costume.
He returned to Earth with what he thought was just a super suit, and found that it had amazing abilities; it responded to his mental commands and would change to appear as his civilian clothes or re-appear as his costume at will. It also would make pockets to store Peter’s belongings in his suit and made an endless supply of webbing. As the Peter & the symbiote unknowingly grew closer, it was revealed that the suit wasn’t just a super suit, it was in fact a sentient alien life form that wanted to permanently bond with Peter!

Over the years, the symbiote’s abilities have changed and expanded (like in the 90’s cartoon series ’Spider-Man’, the comic series ‘Ultimate Spider-Man’ which also drastically changed the suit’s origin to a more personal level, and more recently the cartoon series ‘The Spectacular Spider-Man, which by far has been my most favorite portrayal); such as the suit amplified Peter’s strength, agility, and unfortunately, his aggression. In these versions, (with the exception of ‘Ultimate Spider-Man’) the Symbiote actually hitched a ride from space on Astronaut John Jameson’s space shuttle as he returned to Earth. This scenario would work the best for this reboot. In ‘SSM’ (‘Spectacular Spider-Man’) Peter, the geek that he is was so enthusiastic that alien life exists and that it was actually on Earth, that he had to see it for himself. In his attempt to catch a glimpse and the mishaps that ensued, Pete accidentally came in direct contact with the alien life-form and he unknowingly took it on as his new costume. Shocked that the alien had not only formed into a new costume, but responded to his mental commands, was able to change into his street clothes and also enhanced his spider-powers, Pete happily welcomed the new suit and his new look. But as Pete and the suit grow closer, bad things start to happen; the symbiote constantly slithers over Peter in his sleep and goes out for midnight crime-fighting. What’s worse is Peter becomes darker as Spidey and in his personal life as the suit slowly begins to take over his mind.
Like THIS:


In the end, Peter realizes that he doesn’t want the suit anymore because of what it’s doing to him. But the symbiote doesn’t like the idea of them separating and refuses to let go; it aggressively begins to permanently bond with Peter. After some of the battles Peter and the symbiote have faced, Spidey discovered the suit had a weakness: high-frequency sound waves. So he retreated into a church bell tower in a last ditch effort to finally be rid of the alien.

That’s how it went down, not that absolute horror and disgraceful portrayal of the symbiote (except for the introduction of the symbiote suit and the bell tower scene) that was portrayed in ‘Spider-Man 3’. After the separation of Pete & the symbiote, the alien begins to wallow in its abandonment; a feeling that turned into absolute hatred towards the wall-crawler. In its anger, it began to search for a new host who hated Peter just as much to exact its revenge. The symbiote found Eddie Brock: a man whose life had been destroyed by both Peter AND Spider-Man (depending on the interpretation you look at). It felt Eddie’s need for vengeance and savored its taste. In result, the alien leapt upon Brock and began to tell him sinister secrets. What Peter didn’t know is that he was bonded with the suit, it delved into his mind and knew all about his life, his feelings and his secrets.

The symbiote told Brock everything; that Peter was Spider-Man, who he loved/cared about, where he lived, everything. With this knowledge and their combined hatred for Peter, the creature that would be poison to Spidey was born: Venom, one of Spider-Man’s greatest enemies (it goes Green Goblin then Venom for me because Norman actually went the distance & caused Gwen’s death). Venom has the same abilities as Peter does; he can wall-crawl, produce web and has super-strength. Venom has one added ability, courtesy of the symbiote, that has the advantage over Spider-Man; Venom cannot be detected by Pete’s spider-sense! If Webb does a great job with sticking mainly to the comics in this reboot, this is the storyline I want to see brought back to justice (I wanted to cry when I saw how the symbiote & Venom were portrayed & played out in ‘Spider-Man 3’)!!! I hope the epic fail of ‘3’ will not impact the return of this storyline & Venom to the big screen (if it does, I will Hulk out!!!!)

-The Death of Gwen Stacy

This is one of the most famous/infamous (depending how you look at it) storyline in Spider-Man history. After Norman Osborn –the Green Goblin- discovers his arch-nemesis’ secret identity, he begins to unleash a whole world of hurt on Peter and his personal life. After a heated battle, Spidey hurled the Goblin into a collection of electrical wires which gave Osborn massive amnesia; wiping all memory of being the Green Goblin and Spider-Man’s secret identity. Several years past and Norman regained his memory in the wake of his son Harry’s mental breakdown (which I doubt this little detail will see the light of day in this reboot). He blames Peter, who he remembers is Spider-Man, and plans his revenge. He kidnaps Peter’s unconscious girlfriend, Gwen Stacy and takes her to the top of the George Washington Bridge.

A fierce battle ensues between the mortal enemies and Spidey gains the upper hand. Unfortunately for the web-slinger, the Goblin always has to have the last laugh and hurled Gwen from the side of the bridge. In a desperate attempt to save her, Peter shoots a web-line to catch his falling love. When he brings her back up, he discovers in horror that she is dead.

Demoralized and filled with rage, Spider-Man begins his hunt for the Green Goblin to end this once and for all. In what was to be their final battle, Peter realized he hated Osborn for the death of Gwen, but he could never kill anybody. Instead when he went to take his foe prisoner, Osborn sealed his own fate; setting a trap for Peter, Osborn mentally ordered his glider to impale Spidey.

Warned by his spider-sense, Peter moved out of the glider’s path just in time; instead of impaling his enemy, Norman had killed himself with his own glider (or so we thought…). This storyline is our one of our hero’s biggest turning points and I think it should be the plot of the 2nd or 3rd film.

-Spidey No-More/Six-Armed Spidey

I love this storyline! Peter eventually gets so fed up with how the public views him, he decides not to be Spider-Man anymore, and creates a formula that in theory would remove his spider powers. Instead, he sprouts four extra arms!! With the help of Dr. Connors, Peter is able to cure himself & lose the extra limbs.

Now I can see them utilizing the ‘No-More Spidey’ part of the storyline again (like Raimi did in ‘2’) and not have him grow the extra arms rather than the latter. But still, a fan boy can always hope! In my opinion, I would like to see this storyline happen after Gwen Stacy’s death; Peter has fallen into deep despair at the loss of his love. He failed as Spider-Man and as Peter to protect those he loves from his enemies. In utter disgust with himself, Norman’s “demise” (or so he thinks if they do it right) & Gwen’s death, has caused Peter to never want to see his red & blues ever again. This would be the perfect end to the Death of Gwen Stacy plotline for the 2nd or 3rd film in my eyes. What do you guys think? Let me know!

-The Sinister Six!

This I would absolutely LOVE to see in a Spider-Man flick; the Sinister Six: six of Spidey’s formidable foes: Doctor Octopus, Electro, Kraven the Hunter, the Sandman, the Vulture and Mysterio make up this treacherous group with the sole purpose of destroying Spider-Man. Peter has enough on his plate and now he has to take down six of his most powerful enemies at once! If done correctly, this would be a fantastic flick! Check out my complete fancast of the Spidey Villains


-Harry as the GREEN GOBLIN

Not to be confused with the so-called ‘New Goblin’ whose on a flying snowboard wearing a retractable paintball mask. No, in the comics, Harry Osborn becomes the 2nd Green Goblin after learning his father’s true identity when he died. Harry also learned that his best friend, Peter Parker, was Spider-Man; the man he believed murdered his father. Taking up his father’s mantle, Harry became the new Green Goblin for one purpose: to kill Spider-Man. This in the end leads to Harry’s death as well. ‘Spider-Man 2’ left the door wide open for a spectacular showdown between Harry and Peter, but as we all know, it wasn’t what we thought it would be. This storyline would also co-inside with my idea for the end of the 2nd or 3rd movie; Peter loses Gwen and gives up being Spider-Man & Harry discovers his father’s secret and becomes the new Green Goblin. Or possibly after the Symbiote saga (if they in fact do it!) make the ending Spidey defeating Venom (as in he’s NOT DEAD) and Harry discovering his father’s legacy; ending with Harry becoming the Green Goblin. What do you think of my idea for these plotlines? Let me know!

And the character they need to introduce in the film(s) that has yet to make a silver screen appearance:

-The Black Cat!

Felicia Hardy is the daughter of Walter Hardy, the famous cat burglar. When her father was sentenced to life imprisonment, Felicia decided to take up the family business; designing a program for herself to increase her strength, agility and endurance. She became the Black Cat: a super-thief trained in the arts of safecracking, lock picking & martial arts. As the Black Cat, Felicia made quite a name for herself and even caught our web-slinger’s attention. She eventually fell in love with him and even gave up her life of crime to become a crime-fighter alongside Spidey. Now it was said that Felicia was going to be in ‘Spider-Man 4’, but not as her alter-ego the Black Cat, instead she was going to have a different persona…the Vultress ( 0_0 ) which would’ve been a disaster. No, we need to see Felicia as the Black Cat like she’s supposed to be and I have the puuurrrrfect actress to portray her:

Elisha Cuthbert

To read my reasons of why I picked her, (rather than obvious ones of course :P) check out my fancast for the reboot


Which brings to me to my final thoughts of the little, but big, things I would love to see in the reboot film(s).

-The REAL Green Goblin

The Green Goblin looks like…well…a goblin!
Not a metallic green Cone head!!!

I honestly want to see Osborn don the infamous costume we all know and love from the comics, on the big screen! And pumpkin bombs! Genuine pumpkin bombs with jack-o-lantern designs on the front and kept in a purple satchel on GG’s GD shoulder!! Haha ok I went a little overboard and kinda rant-ish on that last part…All kidding aside, I really want to see the REAL Green Goblin in this reboot…along with his frickin pumpkin bombs. :)

And finally, the smallest and geekiest detail I want to see in the reboot:

-The trademark half Peter-half Spidey…thing! (I don’t remember exactly what it’s called unfortunately :/ )

I don’t know why, I can’t explain it…it’s just so iconic I guess! I loved seeing it in the comics and it’s just something so small yet so big for me that I would completely geek-out over if they do it in the reboot!! :D

So that’s it! This is what I want from the reboot film(s) and what I think all of us Spidey-fans would love to see (again, if it’s done right)! But I can’t speak for everybody, so please, tell me your personal opinions/ideas for the reboot film(s) and what you think of my ideas :D
Until next time!

In the words of Stan ‘the Man’ Lee: Excelsior!
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Ven0m - 7/17/2010, 4:59 PM
Nice work! Firstly though I dont believe anything like this is gonna come to light UNTIL Sony no longer holds control over Spiderman. Once Marvel regains this then it stands a much better chance. Sadly im one that still says [frick] the reboot! Im not happy with garfield as parker at all.
aol2smoove - 7/17/2010, 5:03 PM
UnfriendlySpidey - 7/17/2010, 5:03 PM
@Ven0m thank you very much! I know it probably won't but a guy can hope right? haha
UnfriendlySpidey - 7/17/2010, 5:04 PM
@aol2smoove hahahaa very funny!
aol2smoove - 7/17/2010, 5:29 PM
lol i actually don't mind the reboot now for some strange reason i have a good feeling it will be dealt right all i want is the characters to be used in the right way i don't mind a bit changes like secret wars cant happen since that story line also have the FF4 in it and fox has right to them so the way The Spectacular Spider Man show did it i wouldn't mind seeing that on screen.

Mary Jane shouldn't be introduce in the 1st movie since shes always been this build up aunt may talks about her with MJ's Aunt Anna to me should just be behind the scenes character like the audience observing things not interacting with it.

For Love Interest it should be Betty Brant & also have Liz Allan since peter new liz while in high school & had a crush until it faded away then liz had a thing 4 pete that whole love triangle Hollywood those lol. sine Peter met Gwen while they were undergraduates at Empire State University she should be saved for later.

UnfriendlySpidey - 7/17/2010, 5:38 PM
@aol2smoove agreed with everything, and I would love to see it play out the way. That's why I said if they make the transition from HS to College, thats when they should introduce Gwen, Harry & MJ as a couple, etc just like in the comics :)

But from my understanding the movie is almost going to play out like an 'Ultimate Spider-Man/'The Spectacular Spider-Man' hybrid...here's hoping no matter what direction they take, it turns out right!!
UnfriendlySpidey - 7/17/2010, 5:52 PM
@NinjaCarm Thanks, yeah it took me a while! I know we probably wont see 60% of the stuff I mentioned, but I had to put it out there!

Awesome! I'll check out your article right now!
OriginalPhysco - 7/17/2010, 5:58 PM
I like but no to Web Shooters. Thats the biggest Spider-Man debate ever! I know all you are saying, “WTF!” I know it sounds ridiculous and the moving eyes based on emotion are only used in the cartoons and comics but think about it in use of science. I know I’m going to receive a whole bunch of negativity for this but if you just look at it from how I am; you could see this being a reality. I know some of the explaining would be about face muscles, veins, etc. If you think of a guy that can create Web Shooters, why can’t he use his brain to make this? Maybe have him smart as Reed Richards (Mr. Fantastic) and make it easily. Like Reed wouldn’t be able to do it in his sleep, really. Or maybe he could get some help from Reed and he could tell him how to make it. Or Maybe only the mask could be indestructible or something. Everyone knows Spider-Man is the only hero that was able to keep his identity a secret from everyone than any other heroes. The only two superheroes that can keep there identity secret the most is Spider-Man and Superman. This mask can help with that. I’m just giving different ideas here.
UnfriendlySpidey - 7/17/2010, 6:08 PM
@Promorus Thanks! Good point, his eyes in the comics do tend to widen or narrow based upon his current emotion and it would be amazing to see it portrayed on the silver screen...they COULD pull it off using CGI, but I'm not sure they'd go the extra mile for that 'little detail' as they probably would view it. But us fanboys/girls can always hope!
TANKGIRL - 7/17/2010, 6:17 PM
great job it's hard on to understand because i am not really good at English but i will try for you lol

keep elena as mj

Destroyer14 - 7/17/2010, 6:23 PM
Cool article. I am skeptical about the reboot. I thought the 90's show Venom was the best incarnation. I may have to make my own article about what I want in the reboot.
AmazingSpiderFan - 7/17/2010, 7:45 PM
You did a SPECTACULAR job.
the only thing you forgot was How he never shuts up when fighting
UnfriendlySpidey - 7/17/2010, 8:13 PM
@Tankgirl thank you very much!! :D Elena IS MJ!! I hope she gets the part!

@Destroyer14 thanks man looking forward to seeing your article! :)

@Anil Rickly well, we'll just agree to disagree 'bout Black Cat haha

@AmazingSpiderFan Thank you very much! I know!!!! Serious face-palmage on my end!! haha Spidey is the quite the smack-talker in the comics and cartoons! I love that fact about him and we need to see it in the reboot!

I even typed it down as a point to make in the article and forgot to put it in!!! I'm actually going to update the article w/ that point thanks for reminding me and glad you enjoyed my article :)

AverageCitizen99 - 7/18/2010, 12:47 AM
Nice work there! :)

I think it'd be best not to retell it because Spidey is one of those characters where you just know who he is. I would like for them to do it in the same manner as 'the Incredible Hulk' did.

Gwen Stacy
I am behind you 100% on this. Gwen has to be the love interest. I'm just surprised that there hasn't been any word on who could be cast as Gwen nor have there been any scoops on who Marc is considering, or if he is even concerned with her. I posted a review on this site once from someone who read the script by James Vanderbilt about the reboot. He said that the script he read would be following in the foot steps of 'the Spectacular Spider-Man' cartoon and had Gwen as the main love interest with Mary Jane as a friend. But from what I'm hearing from him concerning updates about it is that they might be going the 'Twilight' route and make it a full blown love triangle. They are still working on the script so this might not be set in stone. But if not ... TEAM GWEN! ;)

I would most like to see the Lizard as the villain in this film. With earlier reports concerning Michael Fassbender's decision between being a part of either this or 'X-MEN: First Class' it was rumored that the role was supposed to be for Curt Connors, but it didn't state whether he would be the Lizard. Though I think I heard from here that he turned down Spidey because he felt he wouldn't be there all the time so that might be a hint that this could be the Lizard. It would make sense as he is unlike any of the other villains we've seen Peter face before because he is just an animal and it would finally bring a pay off for the fans as we've been waiting for him to appear since the first film.

Kraven could be okay, but I'm not sure because of the budget if they can include him. It is likely they could because he isn't technically a supervillain but a highly trained individual. I don't think that the Lizard has to be the only villain in this though. If you look back at Chris Nolan's Bat-films they had multiple villains. I would see them go with using the more 'Good Fella' esque baddies like Hammerhead or Tombstone because they would add to the 'gritty and contemporary' feel that they have been talking about from the beginning. Plus, Spider-Man as a superhero is a 'crime fighter' not a 'super villain basher.' Though I can't see Doc Ock as the main villain for the first as he was already the villain for 'Spider-Man 2' and it would just be repeating things.

Peter & Spidey
This something that is really needed for the reboot. From the discussions about the script (from the early draft) it sounded like it would go the 'Smallville' route and be more about the drama than the action. I'm okay with that but as for the matter of this it is important to not forget about Spider-Man and who is behind the mask. I really liked the second film and, in my opinion, is to Spider-Man what Nolan's films are to Batman. 'The Spectacular Spider-Man' series is definately a good example for how to balance things out and keep both sides interesting for the audience to care for both 'characters.'

Spider Sense!
A definate must. Though it was used much more often in the first film.

Spidey telling a 'Yo-Momma' joke
Also a must, but am I the only one who thought that the Spider-Man from the films we've seen so far was comical? He might not have breathed out a quip every second he could but he still gave out some wise-cracks though out the series. Just look back at em' and you'll see.

Web Shooters
With this being a reboot, it is more likely to follow the classic idea and just use the web shooters as the organic material was from Sam's films. They could use the 'Ultimate' explanation as it would make the most sense.

The Symbiote Sage
I don't think we will be seeing the symbiote fall from space again as it was already attempted in the third film. It would just feel like a total redo, or it might not. They could just mix the 'Classic' and 'Ultimate' interpretations and follow in the latter's storyline as it would create a deeper connection between Peter and Eddie.

Goodbye Gwen ...
This is something that has to be dealt with in the series. It would show the audience why she is so important to Peter and the mythology. It would also shock audiences to see that Spider-Man failed, especially in a sequence they all remembered from the first film. Seeing her death would just break the crowd's hearts, but I'm not sure if this would get similarities with Rachel's death from 'the Dark Knight' as Bruce failed to save her. Hopefully they won't be thinking about that when they see this.

Six Arms and No (Second) Life
The 'Spider-Man No More' storyline has already been done. I can't see them going back to an old story. The six arms storyline would be interesting though. And it could give Sony a reason to play in with some of the character's more monsterous adversaries like the Lizard and Morbius.

The Sinister Six
With a small inside detail stating there could possibly be more villains this time around they would be the most anticipated to come from this new series. They could follow 'the Spectacular Spider-Man' cartoons example and just feature them as people Pete's encountered in the past who have decided to team up to stop him. I even came up with an idea for a reboot involving them as the villain(s): it would take elements from 'Spider-Man: Blue' in that it would deal with Peter trying to handle the anniversary of Gwen's death (or set after) when all of his previous foes come in and decide to jump on the emotionally bruised arachnid.

Green Gobby Jr.
This is something that needs to be done correctly this time.

We really dodged a bullet! If Sony really is thinking about going with a more romantic Spider-Man then she would be a neat addition to the cast of women. I would like to see her in a more mysterious light though, like in the video game adaptation for 'Spider-Man 2' and 'the Spectacular Spider-Man' cartoon. Elisha would make a good Felicia, she has the look. ;)

Trick-r-Treat Gobby!
The Goblin suit is the only downside to the first film. I understand that they wanted to update him, but what was the explanation for a demonic looking mask to fit in with it's military funded flight suit? It would be very pleasing to see the good ol' halloween costume on the big screen this time.

That would be a neat little addition in this new series. That and the Spider signal that appears whenever the story is over.

Overall you brought up some good points. Nice read by the way! :)
Destroyer14 - 7/18/2010, 5:35 AM
@AverageCitizen99 Wow, you could make an article on that.
AshleyWilliams - 7/18/2010, 7:54 AM
I agree with everything!
Kudos on the awesome,long,and well thought out editorial @UnfriendlySpidey!
UnfriendlySpidey - 7/18/2010, 10:31 AM
@DelaMortel1872 thanks for your opinion!

@Average thanks for taking time to address all of the points dude! :D glad you enjoyed it!

@Destroyer14 yeah, hes good at that haha

@NightAvenger thank you very much! I really appreciate it
AverageCitizen99 - 7/18/2010, 1:23 PM
Thanks for the compliment there. I'm starting to write a lot now and days and I guess it's starting to show. :)

It was no problem my friend. Just wanted to give you my full thoughts and opinions. Thanks for the heads up about this and contact me again if you can about that update you were talking about adding to this editorial. :)


Thanks for the compliment. ;)
UnfriendlySpidey - 7/18/2010, 2:21 PM
@Average hey NP thank you! Actually the update was the wise-cracking Spidey piece...I forgot to put it in when I originally posted this article, I had it written already...just forgot to add it haha
Ven0m - 7/18/2010, 3:45 PM
I hope we get a good spidey one day. Hopefully they do this one right and I am proving wrong. I can only hope. Spiderman deserves much better. Great Work on this article again dude. It was well done and a good read!
UnfriendlySpidey - 7/18/2010, 5:15 PM
@Venom Yeah, I can only hope too...that's all we got right?? Haha thank you very much, I'm glad you enjoyed it!
StephenJ - 7/19/2010, 9:52 AM
@ UnfriendlySpidey

Great article. I always thought Elisha would make a good Felcia Hardy/ Black Cat in the Raimi Series, but I don't think she would work as well for the reboot. I think their should be a different Actor to portray her in the reboot. And I would love to see the death of Gwen. this Spider-man series needs to take some kind of darker tone imo. not EMO but darker
UnfriendlySpidey - 7/19/2010, 10:03 AM
@ThaBatman thank you I really appreciate it! Now that you mention it, I see where you're coming from for Black Cat. Who would you like to see as Felicia?

Agreed with the darker tone and certainly no where near EMO haha if the rumors are true about the movie, we'll see our grittier Spidey-verse (I hope its true!!) Thanks again
StephenJ - 7/19/2010, 2:49 PM
Actually I honestly don't know.. I was really hoping that they would go the High school route since in Raimi's series he was in college. I really wish that they would do that. It really just depends if they keep with the College idea. I guess it would be fine for Elisha to be Felicia since her and Andrew Garfield are only a year apart in age. I still wish they would go the High school route though (With a younger actor). I think that would leave a lot more time to build the characters and for stories
UnfriendlySpidey - 7/19/2010, 4:37 PM
@ThaBatman I understand, I would love to see Cuthbert portray the Black Cat either way honestly. Hopefully, if done CORRECTLY, they'll keep him in HS &/or College for quite a few films. Here's hoping!!
golden123 - 7/19/2010, 5:37 PM
Didn't Peter Parker make a wisecrack in the 1st film when fighting Gobby in the burning building can't remember what it was though(if I'm remembering correctly).
UnfriendlySpidey - 7/19/2010, 6:42 PM
@Golden123 I remember he called him 'Gobbie' but other than that...wow I don't remember, but you've peaked my interest! I'll get back to you haha
AverageCitizen99 - 7/20/2010, 5:22 AM
Hey buddy! The Venom poll is now up:

Expect a feature on this soon, by the way.

Just a fun fact:

Jensen Ackles is married to Daneel Harris ('One Tree Hill') who is best friends with Elisabeth Harnois, her "One Tree Hill' co-star and my pick for Gwen.
UnfriendlySpidey - 7/20/2010, 9:26 AM
@Average well done sir! very cool I didn't know that about Ackles & Harnois! (btw I've always thot Harnois was always gorgeous) Waiting in anticipation on your feature! haha
AverageCitizen99 - 7/20/2010, 10:30 AM
Thanks so much! :)
I got that info about them from IMDB on Elisabeth's page. Elisabeth was also the brides maid at their wedding. I'd really like her for the role of Gwen for a number of reasons. I was the first on this site to have suggested her, but I think I'll leave the reasons for the editorial I'm planning on doing on her. I do know that she's currently filming a new film with Val Kilmer and that her next finished project is a film called "Mars Needs Moms" with Seth Green and Joan Cusack. It's good to see that she's starting to get more well known. And she really is gorgeous!

The feature is now up already. :)

countrymadness - 7/20/2010, 12:07 PM
why not the punisher?
AverageCitizen99 - 7/20/2010, 12:28 PM
I couldn't find a good trailer for 'Keith' as the one I found gave out the whole film, but that film showcased a good performance from Elisabeth that proves to me that she would be great as Gwen. The whole time I was watching it I kept thinking to myself, "She is the girl!" Here is an interview with her and Jesse McCartney as I searched all over and couldn't find a one-on-one interview with just her.

TheLonelyComicBookNerd - 7/21/2010, 7:50 AM
I agree with everything, Unfortunately the Spider-man No more has been done, stick to his original Villains like Chameleon or Vulture, they'll probably change up the symbiote probably like the ultimate series
UnfriendlySpidey - 7/21/2010, 9:10 AM
@CountryMadness I know he made his Marvel debut in the Spidey comics, but unfortunately I don't think they'll even think about touching the Punisher in a Spidey movie with a 150 ft pole...that would be awesome though!!

@Average heck yeah man do it!!

@Scottryan15 thank you and yeah, I was hoping they'd overlook that slight detail that it has been done already haha hopefully they won't scrap doing an important Spidey storyline just cuz its been done already...HOPEFULLY! haha Chameleon & Vulture would be awesome!

And as long as they don't F it up like they did in '3' I'm ok w/ the Ultimate version of the Symbiote...but he needs to wear it almost the entire movie (unlike how he had it for the end of 1 and a 1/4th of an issue in Ultimate! haha)
AverageCitizen99 - 7/21/2010, 9:34 AM
Cool! I've already got 17 votes saying for me to go for it. I'm gonna start on the short bio for today as I was searching for more pics yesterday and found a mineful of em'. And the time span for the ultimate counterpart of the symbiote costume definately needs to be longer. I was surprised to read that he only wore it for one night! It should be in for most of the film, otherwise what's the point in it affecting Peter's morale?
UnfriendlySpidey - 7/21/2010, 10:44 AM
@Average yeah dude looking forward to it! and exactly...the Symbiote needs to be told and given face time properly! the only downside to the Ultimate version is that it takes away the cool abilities from the Symbiote...the ability to change into his clothes (unlike Eddie who is shown otherwise in later issues) the ability to generate pockets, crawling on and off of Pete by his mental commands, the midnight web-slinging/crime fighting while Pete's asleep, etc...

I honestly would rather see the symbiote as its original form (being a sentient alien from outer space)but wouldn't mind the Ultimate version either...haha
AverageCitizen99 - 7/21/2010, 11:32 AM
Yeah, you have some points there. They could always just mix up elements from both incarnations though. That way we've got something new but also familiar to fans.

Turning to another subject, I'm really gonna need your help.

UnfriendlySpidey - 7/21/2010, 1:03 PM
@Average yeah...I hope if they do it (as in, they better [frick]in do it) whatever they decide, they do it right and stick to the comics as close as they can
AverageCitizen99 - 7/21/2010, 6:45 PM
God! I hope I'm not on this again! :(
Kaboom said in an article that not only has the title for the reboot been confirmed but that the FULL supporting cast is likely to make an appearance in Comic-Con. God I hope not! Don't want this to be another casting tardy like with Taylor. :(
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