Thor exceeded expectations... But it could still have been better.

This review contains Spoilers. But really, if you haven't seen the film yet, what the hell are you doing with your life?

Review Opinion
By BlackLanternJake - May 10, 2011 06:05 AM EST
Filed Under: Thor

I'm not going to lie. I was, at one time, a humongous Thor fan. So even though I am currently a "DC Leaner" and am currently living vicariously through Green Lantern comics, the prospect of a Thor feature film was thrilling to the child in me. 2011 seemed to take FOREVER to get here ever since I learned that Thor, Captain America, and Green Lantern were all coming out in the same Summer! Can you say "NERD-GASM!!!!!"

My expectations of the final product were tempered somewhat by my knowledge of the director (Kenneth Branagh had never done anything remotely on the scale of this film before); my knowledge that Natalie Portman (one of the co-conspirators in the villainous plot to murder the Star Wars Franchise) was going to be the female lead; my lack of knowledge concerning Chris Hemsworth (before this past weekend he was simply "Captain Kirk's Dad" from the Star Trek remake), and the knowledge that Marvel was going to be VERY hard pressed to even come within the same ballpark of greatness that was the first and second Iron Man films.

I'll start with what was good about the movie. First, the direction was much better than expected. this wasn't, as I feared, a glorified Shakespearean film. Branagh was very faithful to the source material and adhered to it as much as humanly possible. Second, Natalie Portman did not drag this movie down with her clunky acting the way she helped Hayden Christiansen drag down the Star Wars franchise. In point of fact, Portman probably played her best performance of her career in this film (which, I know, isn't saying much, but it does bear saying). Thirdly, Marvel Studios did a great job of concealing Asgard from the trailers because when the Realm Eternal was finally unvealed before my eyes (in 3D no less!), I was utterly breath-taken and speechless!

In fact, the visual elements in the film were, unsurprisingly, one of the best features of Thor. Compared to dull, dusty, deserted New Mexico, Asgard was like everything one imagines Heaven would look like. I found myself looking forward to every Asgard scene more than the scenes which actually contained Thor in them!

The supporting cast was SUPERB in this movie! Each actor played off the other without missing a beat or coming off as artificial, and just about everyone was faithful to the source material in playing those characters. I was a bit put-off by the casting of "the Token Black Guy" as Heimdall (he's one of my favorite Asgardians), but even that actor blew the role away and completely owned the part! I forget his name as of this writing, but I suspect we'll be hearing more from him in later movies. He was THAT good! Sif was gorgeous, and, I know I'm biased in this opinion, but I would have liked for the romantic undertones between her and Thor to have been brought to the fore just a little bit further. Maybe a moment of feminine tension between Sif and Jane Foster would have spiced things up a bit. Then again I'm a sucker for Love Triangles (it's my ultimate fantasy to be fought over by two beautiful women).

I thought Loki was just a little too "handsome." I know, this is a nitpick, but in the comics Loki is not exactly a good-looking dude. It actively annoyed me that the girls sitting a row in front of me were cooing over how "dreamy" Loki looked. Loki is just not a dreamy dude... er-God. Although, I saw him as a CHICK, and I must say he was far more easy on the eyes in that form. I can't complain about the acting performance though. Tom Hiddleston (another actor I never heard of who, IMHO, "broke out" with this movie), was fantastically evil, yet altogether a sympathetic villain what with his identity issues. It was also apparent that while he did undeniably take advantage of Odin's slumber and tried to kill Thor, he still loved his adopted parents, particularly his father, enough that he never made a direct attempt on their lives. I actually found myself thinking at the end that it was too bad Loki let himself fall into the abyss because you almost got the sense that, had he listened, he could have been perhaps talked back to the light. But then again Loki wouldn't be Loki if he became a good guy.

Not to mention it would have punctured a huge hole in the upcoming Avengers plot.

I have to mention the humorous parts of the movie because the jokes were, for the most part, subtle and well-placed. I laughed out loud whenever Thor started loudly proclaiming his mighty greatness and got embarrasingly interrupted by such puny Human inventions as a Tazer Gun or Sodium Pentathol. Somehow I just can't envision that happening in the Comics, but it worked for the film. It really did.

I was tickled to death by the "Hawkeye" cameo though this is one of those things where I would have loved to see him be more involved in the scene where Thor breaks into the S.H.I.E.L.D. facility. I mean, Clint Barton doesn't even shoot ONE ARROW?! Blasphemy!

At first I thought that huge black dude Thor fought in the mud was somebody important, but it turned out he was just a nameless henchman. Too bad, I was actually entertaining the crazy thought that he might have been fighting with Luke Cage or something there for just a second. THAT would have been supremely cool and would have REALLY got my geek-juices flowing!

The musical score was strictly okay. Nothing really memorable like the soundtracks to Star Wars or Superman. It's too bad too, because an epic musical score would have been one of the things that could have put this film over the top.

Which leads me to the downers that left me thinking this movie could have been a lot better.

It stinks that the "Action Climax" of the film occurred only twenty minutes in (I'm referring to the Frost Giant battle on Jotenheim). Because everything action-wise that happened afterward was a ginormic letdown for me personally.

When I saw in the previews that "The Destroyer" was going to be involved, I got chills down my spine because I knew that The Destroyer was a powerful weapon made specifically to destroy Gods and the potential for a "Battle of the Century" was there for the taking. Hell, The Destroyer even KILLED THOR at one time in the Comics. Imagine my disappointment when, after a brief tussle with Sif and the Warriors Three, his fight with Thor amounts to little more than Thor summoning a mighty Tornado to defeat him. Whoop-de-flippin'-doo!! You know, it wouldn't have killed the film to maybe stretch that little battle out for about, oh... just five more minutes!! In fact, it would have enhanced the experience significantly to have somewhat of a payoff for the long stretch of time in which Thor was very "un-God-like" in powers.

In spite of the dearth of mindless action sequences, the plot moved along quite briskly. Almost too briskly in some parts. The biggest problem I had was the budding romance between Thor and Jane Foster. Maybe "budding" is too "slow" a word for it. In fact it was almost like a firecracker lit off. The two meet, meet again, drive around together through the desert and have a brief conversation, sit and chat about the universe under the stars, run around evacuating the town together, and then... suddenly they're lovers? I've gone through it over and over in my head a dozen times since walking out of the theater and Thor could not possibly have been in New Mexico for longer than a weekend (two days at the most)! How does a God fall hopelessly in love with a Mortal in the space of a weekend?? It's not like Jane Foster was THAT extraordinary of a person. Especially when the woman Thor has known all his life, Sif, was in my opinion much better looking and far more awesome. And what was up with the lack of romantic interaction between those two anyway?! I distinctly remember there being genuine romantic tension between Thor and Sif whenever the two were together. The way Kenneth Branagh directed the film though, you'd think the two were SIBLINGS! The romantic subplot would have been a lot more interesting with a little underlying jealousy thrown in. It certainly can't be accused of being REALISTIC. I mean... who falls madly head-over-heels in love with someone in a matter of hours?! This isn't a cheap romance novel, it's THOR!!!

Another problem I had was the whole "humility" subplot. You know, the whole reason Odin backhanded his son down to Earth in the first place. The film spent so much time and effort building background to the main storyline that it almost neglected the main plot itself! Again, Thor could not have possibly been on Earth for more than 48 hours, yet suddenly he learns to be a good person who doesn't seek mayhem and mindless battle in that short span of time? Where was the catalyst that caused his character transformation?! Where was the moment of clarity?! Was it when he tried to pick up his Hammer and found that he suddenly couldn't? How could that be when he wasn't around when Odin put that particular spell on Mjolnir? There was no way Thor could have known it was his lack of humility and grace that was preventing his picking up the Uru Mallet. Otherwise he wouldn't have gone after the darn thing in the first place, he would have spent time working on his manners. Was it when Loki told him Odin was dead because of Thor? This has to be it, but again, a person doesn't just change his stripes overnight. I don't know. More time could have been spent on this, but then again I know that the film had time constraints and all that jazz. It's tough. I just thought it was all a little rushed.

If I had to assign a star rating to Thor, I would probably give it a solid four out of five or eight out of ten, depending what scale you like. It did exceed my expectations, so I can't find any reason to not like the movie. I'm just a little disappointed because it could have been better! Just a few little tweaks here and there and this movie would have been unbeatable. Instead, I'm still going into the Summer thinking that both Green Lantern AND Captain America are probably going to be the best of the year in terms of CBM's. Of course, I'm also worried about the OPPOSITE problem happening with those two: I am, of course, referring to being disappointed as a result of my own sky-high expectations of those films.

All in all, Thor was a great “appetizer,” but I'm more than ready for the “main course,” (GL) and “dessert” (CA)!

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CBMfan001 - 5/10/2011, 7:26 AM
well written article,but I guess any superhero movie even the best will have it's fair share of issues.

but like you said THOR was a decent film,it was not great as some reviews of CBM pointed it out to be(because then you don't have words to describe X2,spiderman and ironman movies)but it was decent,simple and entertaining though not memorable.

so given how THOR could have turned out and how tough it is to meet critical expectations and fan expectations,I think the effort should be applauded and hopefully they will improve when it comes to THOR 2 and will not lose focus on the simplicity factor like ironman 2 did after a terrific predecessor.
BlackLanternJake - 5/10/2011, 8:46 AM
None of the issues I had with the film could be described as MAJOR issues. I did have fun watching it so it was money well spent.

Like I said... It was a great "appetizer" for what is yet to come this Summer.
getdaball1 - 5/10/2011, 1:34 PM
I like your article- your make some great points.....
I try and look back at the 1st Superman movie - with Christopher Reeves - Lois Lane- she needed no time at all to fall for Supes- plus- Superman never really didn't have to fight anyone in his first Movie- he just ran all over the place trying to save people - I wish Thor would have been longer too - as I have been a fan pretty much all my life- but I am happy that he has finally been introduced to others that didn't know him. I'm sure there will be more to come especially if the $$ rolls in more in the next few weeks.
blahblahboy - 5/10/2011, 2:44 PM
I agree withthe sif comment, Thor and her have a kid don't they, Torrun right?
ThomasRochester - 5/10/2011, 7:00 PM
well with watching the many trailers i noticed a few things were missing from the film.
Odin saying "his fate is in his own hand now"
and thor throwing something into the fire which caused a giant explosion.

after reading some of the thor script (couldnt handle reading it beforehand but wanted to see how accurate it was) i realized that many lines were cut out of the film. particularly from Sif and the Warriors Three. So maybe in the bluray release we will get some epic extra scenes from the script which could show that Thor is more human like than the film showed.

Which after realizing he wasnt worthy of lifting the hammer (seems to be common knowledge in asgard that only 1 may wield Mjolnir) he dissapointed Odin. When I dissapoint my dad i hate myself and change immediately. At the end of the movie Thor says he hopes to one day make Odin proud, which could be the sudden change in morals.

Also am I the only one who noticed the look on Sif's face during the scene with Thor behind the car, and while talking to Frigga? She totally had the hots for Thor.
haljordan2814 - 5/10/2011, 9:17 PM
Great review! the first critique my wife had right after we walked out was "They fell in love too fast" lol!

About Thor's moral transformation, I think that was actually well done. It does happen relatively quick, but it is given two very worthy motivations: news of Odin's death, and his 180 degree turnabout on his feelings for Earth and mortals after becoming one. He gains new found humility by feeling he is responsible for his father's death, then becomes the great hero he is by sacrificing himself for humanity. Though I was a little let down by the anticlimactic ending after all that action early on, that scene where he becomes Thor will be hard to beat with any CBM in my opinion. That moment Kicked ASS!!!
odie00 - 5/11/2011, 1:08 AM
i thought the movie was amazing personally. i thought it was way better than iron man 2, and i might even go as far as to say i liked it just as much as the first iron man, they pretty much nailed it. there were some tiny little things that were ehh, but for the most part awesome, and to show hawkeye was effing amazing even tho he was only in it for a few mins, and on top of that the cosmic cube after the credits. that can only mean the avengers movie is going to be crazy with all that going on, cant freaking wait!
GoddamnBatman - 5/13/2011, 2:26 PM
Great review. I saw this movie Wednesday and left thinking some things were missing and couldn't put my finger on it.
You nailed it on the head. The lack of romance and humility, as well as fight scenes make it not quite up to par with Ironman and Hulk. The cgi of the Ironman suits were incredible, but not so much on 'the destroyer'.
But it was cool seeing Thor fly in 3d. I give it 3.5 out of 5
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