AGENTS of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 2, Episode 2 "Heavy is the Head" - The Breakdown

AGENTS of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 2, Episode 2 "Heavy is the Head" - The Breakdown

Marvel's Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Followed up their premiere with an amazing episode, "Heavy is the Head" to close out their two-part season opener. Hit the jump to read this weeks #TheBreakdown for more details on the episode, its characters and possible Easter eggs.

Feature Opinion
By efcamachopmp - Oct 01, 2014 09:10 AM EST
Filed Under: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Source: The Voices Inside My Head

Agents second episode continues where the premiere left off, with Lance in distress in a crashed vehicle. His comrades all dead, the Obelisk with Creel and a set of boots approaching. Thankfully it was May and not someone else swooping in for a kill. While May did aid Lance (momentarily) she went off to pursue Creel. Lance who was too injured to assist in her pursuit stayed behind and was captured by Talbots soldiers.

It's hard to complain about AoS because it has been so highly charged from the first scenes of its premiere. This episode followed suit, right from the start, not leting down with the followup.

We got a larger peep hole into the background of the Terrestrial MCU but it was still a peep hole. We get a better sense that there are other forces outside of HYDRA at play for the Obelisk and Reina Flowers re-emerges into the arena. The large focus is of course the pursuit of Creel throughout the episode and that pursuit also gives us a duality in Lance Hunter. One that probably was easily fueled for comic fans  that were aware of his source material. Truthfully, I may have also fueled his characters controversial role with my breakdown pointing out his STRIKE connections in the comic. Something that I realize now may not have the same attachment (at all) in this material. STRIKE was an all HYDRA tactical team inside of SHIELD that was hunting Steve Rogers during the events of Captain America: The Winter Soldier. So the connection that I made is likely utilized to bait comic fans into the wrong perspective. Although the breadcrumbs were solidly placed for the general mainstream fans by focusing his character as a mercenary only considerate of money.
I have a different outlook on Lance Hunter now and while I think there is still more to the character as a wildcard I think he'll still be surprising us down the road.
There were a variety of scenarios opened up during this epsiode. Let's look at this weeks #TheBreakdown for Agents of SH.I.E.L.D. Season 2 Episode 2 "Heavy is the Head" and try and get some perspective on new and existing characters for this season.

Phil Coulson:  Is still behaving like Nick Fury and locking away everything he deals with inside his mind. Although he hasn't lost his sense of humor and seemingly gained an edge for intelligence. Coulson is still a very strong character that Agents is capable of building around. 

This episode allows Coulson to succomb to his stated 'episodes' that cause him to cut large alien patterns into the wall. 

If the first season was solidly rooted in Chitauri Alien Tech, this season i'm now certain (almost certain, fairly certain...) is the season of the Kree. We have the new images for the alien writing Coulson is creating. The scene when he first did this in the first season. The images that materialize on the Obelisk and what I pointed out last week. You are also able to see a slight mark on the Blue Aliens arm that matches these symbols as well. 


Coulson is likely going to soon understand what these symbols mean and is even shaping paperclips into the familiar markings. Whether its a language, form of circuitry, a starchart or an alien DNA pattern (like the structure of say the Inhumans?) we won't know just yet. But this aspect of the series is becoming more prevalent as the foreground material for this season with each new episode. 

Melinda May: May took a small backseat in this episode but had a powerful presence none-the-less. From chasing Creel and almost taking it upon herself to execute him to following through with Coulson's orders. 

She was important in this episode as a strong rock for Coulson to rely on while he allowed himself to give in to the alien impulse forcing, or compelling, him to create the alien markings. 

She is a very solid female role that is amazing to watch on the screen. If there was ever a proper bechdel test to pass it's usually whenever May is in frame. 


Brigadier General Glenn Talbot: Talbot had a few moments that caused doubt toward Lance Hunter. In all honesty, I think knowing the comic source (as mentioned above) is what allowed for that feeling to creep on me more specifically. Because I want to find the characters connection to ulterior motives. 

Talbot is pretty straight forward. He wants to get rid of what remains of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Coulson politely drops a gauntlet on his head all the while giving him a gift with the other hand. 

Talbot I suspect won't be as large a concern in every proceeding episode after the evets at the end of this episode but I don't think we've seen the last of his shenanigans. Again I relegate his character to that of General Ross chasing the Hulk--he's been quelled for awhile and will be licking his wounds for awhile until it's pertinent for his return.

He represents the bureaucratic stryfe a series like this usually has. In Stargate it was the US Government constantly affecting their leadership, in Battlestar Galactica it was a civilian counsel. Talbot represents a makeshift version of that scenario (even if my comparison is specfic to science fiction series). 

Dr. Reinhardt "Daniel" Whitehall: He's only mentioned in this episode and has no screen time. I suspect we won't be seeing him very much until plots are opened wide and we're taken down major events in the meta-story. 


Grant Ward: Ward is still locked up and had no screentime in this episode. I expect he won't be tapped as a resource unless Coulson needs specific details about HYDRA or certain personnel where information is somehow lacking. 

I'm glad in a sense, we don't need the kind of insane banter Ward was spouting in the premiere in every episode. 

I do suspect that he may be freed by an inside operative at a later point when it's relevant to reveal said operative. My cynical mind and hyperactively objective sense of humor says it can be Trip or Lance...But I'm not holding to those thoughts as a hardline just yet.

Skye: She was a bit more tenuous in this episode. Somewhat whiney and nagging. Chomping at the bit to get into action and to get more answers. So far it seems that Coulsons episodes are being kept from everyone else. We've yet to see if Skye is having the same episodes. 

Then gain she was only given a serum, her brain did not undergo the same surgical procedure Coulson went through. 


Reina Flowers: The enigmatic Reina Flowers has re-emerged with a variety of questions being raised. Among them, that she's no longer with HYDRA and has aligned herself with Skye's father, played by Kyle MacLachlan, and is capable of holding the Obelisk that has killed a couple of people so far--including Izzy Hartley, a waitress and is still unclear if it killed Crusher Creel. 

She also had in her possession a stone that she called "Carbine" and was stated to be three times harder then diamonds found in stardust. What she used in attempts to lure Creel into negotiation. Subsequently he stole from her and fled.

I'm wondering with Age of Ultron around the corner if this material is essentially Vibranium or some variant. It's an interesting and subtle little droplet of something coming down the pipe in AoS and possibly for the rest of the MCU.

Reina was able to pick up the Obelisk "...It let you live."


Carl "Crusher" Creel: Crusher was experiencing instability throughout the episode because of the Obelisk. Even though we saw him absorb a rubber tire to pick up the object it still affected him causing his powers to become unstable. He was also able to bring up the same material in his body to effect others in the same manner as if they touched the Obelisk itself. 

A waitress that bumped into him and accidentally touched the exposed section of his arm ended up dying. 

Crusher was subdued by using a device that Fitz had already created, simply named the Overkill device, which neutralized his abilities. When this was done, the Obelisk completely turned him into stone. 

Coulson ended up delivering him to Talbot anyway as a form of peace offering. Coulson also stated because Crusher could turn to stone originally it was unclear if he could turn himself back to normal. 

I think we may just see him down the road. I also found it interesting that the diner he was in is a similar diner we saw Crusher encounter Bruce Banner in during the animated series, leading up to their epic clash.

Lance Hunter: This episode was very important for the development of this character. The series rollercoastered the debates of his loyalty all the way until the end of the episode. I originally talked about this character, referencing his source material in the comics. Mostly regarding his connection to STRIKE and Captain Britain. 

After watching some of the MCU films again looking for other references regarding SHIELD and HYDRA I realized I had forgotten (almost completely) that Captain America: TWS uses a tactical team of soldiers, alongside Rogers, called STRIKE. 

This team is mostly lead by Agent Rumlow (Crossbones) and turned out to be fully under the control of HYDRA. If I was going to have any other crazy theories for this season, aside from Hunters comic book connection to STRIKE. It would be if those connections are going to be revealed, that Hunter is a HYDRA Infiltrator of some sort, similar to Ward. 

It's all very hard to tell as the character is extremely likable. A fitting replacement for Ward on the team. 

Al Mackenzie: Mack was extremely important in this episode. He helped Fitz become slightly more functional. Even if this aspect of the series is just as sad as it is annoying. You feel bad that Fitz is in this state. However, we do get a better understanding that Fitz may simply have his speech and memory impaired. Not necessarily his abilities or intelligence. 

With Fitz' limited help Mack was able to get the cloaking equipment to work for Coulsons "Bus" and was able to modify his "Overkill Device" to takedown Crusher Creel. 



Skye's Father ???: Finally coming out of the shadows and making a large point over the Obelisk. Reina's faithful adoration to power and the next evolution of the human condition is a strong expository force when seeing her behavior toward this character. There is a lot coming this seasons with his presence, the Obelisk along with Skye & Coulson's alien DNA intermixed from the serum they both were given. 


Antoine Triplett: Trip hasn't gotten a lot of development as of yet. He's there and is firmly planted in the story but as a solid soldier. We've yet to see this series actually delve deeply into this character. There is still an air of mystery surrounding him in my opinion. Simply because he was one of John Garrett's agents.

The fact he's been somewhat in the background makes him someone you'd naturally forget. But i'm not so sure, I may simply be in Easter Egg/Plot Point Foreshadowing Hunter mode. I'll just keep him in my sights for the time being.


Sunil Bakshi: Makes a more prominent appearance and had a very specific affect on Crusher. He is still a bit of a mystery and is obviously working for Whitehall but beyond that we do not have a lot of information on him. 


Fitz & Simmons: Simmons is still gone but in Fitz' mind she is very much nearby. Fitz grew as a character a bit this episode. He was able to work through his impediment and aided his fellow agents in taking down Crusher and likely in helping Mack get the cloaking equipment to function. 

He still has a variety of speech based dysfunctions which were difficult to deal with but he was able to get his message across. 

I'm hoping Coulson is able to help Fitz mend his broken mind. However, using Mack as a makeshift translator for the rest of the season will become a frustratingly roughshot situation. While there is a tender aspect to this relationship (proceeding in this manner), it will be highly irritating to say the least.

We did get a glimpse of some tech as Mack was able to figure out what Fitz was trying to say. While we recognized some of the tech, two items stood out. One of which was the Gravitonium, which we'd seen before and hopefully will come into play again this season. Even if Graviton, as a character, is too overpowered for these characters to apprehend. It's not Gravitonium I was interested in. I was curious about the random item he backed away from to find the Overkill Device.



This episode closed out a spectacular premiere with as many answers given as questions were asked and more so with a variety of subtle clues (tossed in) toward the overall goal of the season as much as it was for the MCU.

I feel a very Kree-centric season with all of the breadcrumbs being laid on the ground for us to follow; however, i've learned my lesson harshly when trying to predict Marvel's intentions. While I have solid predictions that have been extremely accurate in the past--many in my circle and community refuse to read some of my pieces to not gain early spoilers about such predictions. But because I have also predicted things that were traps for us to follow, I'm not ruling out that much of what we're being shown is a bait and switch to keep us away from the real intention. 

Eitherway, I have thoroughly enjoyed this episode. I think we're going to see more of Crusher down the road. I think we're in for a set of reveals based on the metal that was glimpsed and some of the random tech we also saw. 

Coulson was right when he said "...That's just the tip of the iceberg." I think that statement was more for our benefit as an audience as it was for Talbot and his men. 

Did anyone else also notice that the cannons on the 'Bus' were interestingly similar to the Insight Weapons on the Helicarriers? Or that there is a slight soundbite of a Klingon vessel decloaking when the Bus comes into view during this scene? I know...totally random! But I had to throw that in there.

Now that the two-parter is complete the rest of the season can open up and focus on the task at hand. From chasing after HYDRA to the recruitment of other agents and heroes in play. Uncovering more about the Obelisk, the Blue Alien, Skye's father and their role in the greater picture toward the MCU and the Marvel Cosmic Universe. 

Agent's hit hard with a second episode closing out the cliffhanger from the premiere but it's numbers are still dropping, 19% from last week which was already low for its premiere episode. Agents will have to continue putting out strong material this season to raise its numbers, otherwise the series may face some hard times down the road.

While the numbers are not helping, the material so far has been stellar and has proven the studio is going to take risks and pull no punches in showcasing the storyline it has prepared this season. What do you think about Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and this weeks episode, 'Heavy is the Head'? 

Comment, share, tweet, toss up a batsignal, talk about it with your friends and join our conversation. As always hit that giant red thumb! 

by @EmanuelFCamacho

Up next on #TheBreakdown, The Strain Season 1 EP13 Finale - The Master, Airing 10/05/2014

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Marvel Television Exec Plays Coy When Asked Whether AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D. Should Be Considered MCU Canon

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Pasto - 10/1/2014, 9:41 AM
This episode was the bees knees. Nicely done Manny.
efcamachopmp - 10/1/2014, 9:49 AM
efcamachopmp - 10/1/2014, 9:57 AM
You know that's a good point and i'm not sure it states anything in TWS other than showcasing the new ones with Stark upgrades. Chances are it was either decommissioned or was itself one of the carriers upgraded -- likely Insight 01. But that's a guess. It would be interesting if Coulson commandeered it. I wonder how much of the underwater Insight Helicarrier 'shipyard' was destroyed when the Triskellion was demolished?
efcamachopmp - 10/1/2014, 10:01 AM
@omega It was, but if they play the "What's that Lassie, Coulson is in the shed again!" type of deal every episode I think I'm going to lose it! But that's just me.
Pigdango - 10/1/2014, 10:07 AM
Great recap/breakdown.

I've said from the get go that Skye's Father was the High Evolutionary, and I don't see a reason to back off that just yet.
blackandyellow - 10/1/2014, 10:15 AM
I'm glad someone's finally doing recaps of all the CB shows. Even if I don't watch the show, I'll still read what happened to procrastinate from doing work.
PAF - 10/1/2014, 10:32 AM
This was literally me when Skye's father told Reina to pick up the artifact.

I don't want her to die!
GhostDog - 10/1/2014, 10:40 AM
So Simmons is hydra now??? She always been hydra?
McGee - 10/1/2014, 10:47 AM
I've enjoyed these past few episodes so far. This show is almost as good as the 1980s sitcom Small Wonder.

That's a very high bar.
Trickwil - 10/1/2014, 10:50 AM
I thought this episode was better overall than the first. I felt like it moved really well. there were a ton of twists. it was unpredictable and jarring but rewarding. It revealed enough in the overall story as to keep us interested but also created more openings for interest and new secrets. it's well written as a drama but it also has aspects of a spy show. it's got good mass appeal (almost 5million viewers per episode.) but it's dropping the easter eggs for us huge comic book fans. Great episode better than anything from Season 1 imo.
batz11 - 10/1/2014, 10:52 AM
Really like the direction of this new season...can't wait for next ep...
Ineedrevelation - 10/1/2014, 11:05 AM
This season is way better
Scarilian - 10/1/2014, 11:12 AM

Calling it now that;
- Simmons is actually just spying on Hydra for Coulson, who probably sent her off to find Hydra locations
- Fitz will regain his sanity and question Coulson about where Simmons is
- Simmons will return at some point and Fitz will believe she is just a hallucination in an emotional scene
- Raina is actually 'White Flower' and will be used to tie-in to Namor
- Skye is actually a variation of 'Ms Marvel' while not Carol Danvers she will become a superhero eventually due to the Kree-blood
- Skye's father is actually a member of the 'Undying Ones'
Dmon - 10/1/2014, 11:12 AM
Spoiler Alert:

GOTHAM episode 2 got more viewers this week than AOS did.
NoPhucksGiven - 10/1/2014, 11:22 AM
All this alien shit has to be kree.
McGee - 10/1/2014, 11:27 AM

Dmon - 10/1/2014, 11:29 AM

ImperiousRex - 10/1/2014, 11:30 AM
When Talbot scooped up Lance Hunter in a helicopter, he mentioned "Operation Panther Claw" among Lance's past exploits. I hope that was a (Black) Panther and (Ulysses) Klaw reference.
Scarilian - 10/1/2014, 11:30 AM

The fact that one bad show got more views than another bad show makes you happy? :P
GhostDog - 10/1/2014, 11:46 AM
I think Skye's father is one of the first Inhumans created by the KREE. I think he had a relationship with a human in the Chinese village that spawned Skye. She's like part Inhuman.
McGee - 10/1/2014, 11:47 AM


My shitty show is better than your shitty show.
slickrickdesigns - 10/1/2014, 11:47 AM
I've liked both episodes so far….
But not into Fitz becoming Lassie,
"Whats that Fitz?
You… You want…. You want to…. beeeee…..?
You want to beeeee….. Rain Man?"

MercwithMouth - 10/1/2014, 11:58 AM
Episode was phenomenal.

And a bloody good write-up Manny!
TheAbomination - 10/1/2014, 12:20 PM
It was pretty good. But next week's episode is gonna be the sex. We'll learn what the hell Simmons is doing with the good guys.
Hatsas01 - 10/1/2014, 12:52 PM
Sunil Bakshi not only triggered a hypnotic reaction on Creel, put he also seemed to have a precognative sense of danger just as Lance took the shot at Crusher. We may get a real clairvoyant this season
Hatsas01 - 10/1/2014, 12:57 PM
Also, there was a shot of Skye during the stakeout that looked like a web pattern behind her. There may still be hope for a body paint costume in her future
Trickwil - 10/1/2014, 1:39 PM
@Dmon-Gotham is a new show, compare Shield's 2nd episode to Gotham. And There was no 12 inning playoff baseball against Gotham. Sorry to feed the troll but there is seriously bad logic
Trickwil - 10/1/2014, 1:44 PM
@Scarillion-Like the fitz and simmons stuff. I got Skye getting powers but I don't think she'll be a "super hero" just a "gifted" that's not comic book. And I think Her father might be the High Evolutionary. Tieing into AOU.
imaginejim - 10/1/2014, 1:59 PM
I had a good laugh last night when Skye was talking about how Creel could change ANY part of his body into anything he wanted. She's a freak! haha
EyeintheSky57 - 10/1/2014, 2:01 PM
I am thinking the Obelisk is some sort of version of the terrigen mists. It all makes sense in my brain.

Skye has Inhuman blood which allowed her to take the Kree blood/serum without the Coulson-type side effects. Then, when in contact with the obelisk, it will "awaken" her Inhuman "potential".

And right before she dies, she is rescued by the royal family with Lockjaw teleporting them all to the blue area of the moon.

Enter the Inhumans... with a decent history involving both Ronan AND Thanos... it seems like a good building block whether its on ABC, Netflix, or only in the theater.
Kyos - 10/1/2014, 2:19 PM
I really like Season 2 so far!

Although there are always some things that bother me. Like when Hunter zapped three other agents to supposedly get his revenge on Absorbing Man. Last he took down Triplett, who had a precision rifle and clear sight on Creel, only to leave that perfect opportunity and position to take the shot in order to approach Creel in a way that brought him in a significantly worse position to shoot AND basically made sure Creel would know he was coming due to freaked out civilians. Is there more to Hunter acting like an idiot than bad writing?
cocaegelo - 10/1/2014, 3:13 PM
Nice breakdown, awesome episode. :)
FinnisTheKidd - 10/1/2014, 5:05 PM
Okay i have a theory and im sure i haven't been the only one. Flowers and Skye are Inhumans, thats why flowers could touch the obelisk and it let her live. maybe it senses the DNA Inside of her. Also the reason Coulson and Garret see and write the symbols on the wall is because they are freshly exposed to the dna where skye and flowers have had it all along. thats just my thinking though. even though people here hate this show so much, i just wanted to post my thoughts for the first time lol.
Scorpinicus - 10/1/2014, 5:36 PM
I thought the episode was great and had a decent amount of clues for whats to come. I get tired of having to constantly put comments about how people need to stop expecting so much from the show and expecting it to be perfect, for that does not exist. These so called fans need to understand that shows have this little thing called filler episodes, meaning episodes that fill in the gap of the main plot(s), references, cameos etc...overall, the show is doing pretty damn good in staying connected with the rest of the MCU. Actually, Marvel Agents of Shield is to a big extend the glue for all of MCU and honestly i rather have this show the way it is with all its references, MCU clues, cameos, mentions etc...than this show being all about action but nothing to make sense of it and not staying constantly connected to all the Marvel Films and the Marvel Universe.

@FinnisTheKidd Actually the amount of people who like or even love(like me) this show outweighs the amount of people who hate it. For we understand where Marvel is trying to go and what they are trying to do. The people in that badmouth this show are not true fans or even true fans of Marvel period. They make like certain things of Marvel, but they don't love all of Marvel like alot of us do(lol)
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