MS. MARVEL: 6 Ramifications That HUGE Reveal In The Finale Could Have For The MCU - SPOILERS

MS. MARVEL: 6 Ramifications That HUGE Reveal In The Finale Could Have For The MCU - SPOILERS

The Ms. Marvel finale ended with a game-changing bombshell, but what sort of ramifications could that have for the Marvel Cinematic Universe in the future? Here, we explore the most exciting possibilities.

Feature Opinion
By JoshWilding - Jul 15, 2022 01:07 PM EST
Filed Under: Ms. Marvel

During the closing moments of this past Wednesday's Ms. Marvel finale, we learned that the reason Kamala Khan can tap into the power of that Noor bangle is because of a pre-existing "mutation" in her genes. With that reveal came the X-Men '97 theme, and the meaning was clear: Ms. Marvel is a mutant. 

To call this a game-changing revelation would be an understatement, and we're now entering a new era of storytelling in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

With mutants on the horizon, this shared world will truly never be the same again. As we head deeper into Phase 4 and beyond, it's clear Marvel Studios has big plans for the heroes and villains they've acquired from 20th Century Fox, but what does Kamala's mutation really mean for the future? That's what we're taking a closer look at here as we explore the possible fallout. 

To take a look through these exciting possibilities, simply click on the "Next" button below! 

6. A New Generation Of Superheroes 


Bruno has discovered a "mutation" in Kamala's DNA, but the question is, was it already there, or did something activate it? If it's the latter (meaning that Noor bangle), the theory that the Scarlet Witch is a mutant whose powers were "switched on" by the Mind Stone may very well have been confirmed. 

Alternatively, it could be that Kamala's X-Gene has activated because of her age. That's always been the case with mutants, hence why the team was made up of teenagers when they were first introduced. 

As eager as fans will be to see a group of adult X-Men, it makes sense for them to first be teenagers, especially if it's only now that their mutations are making themselves known. We've heard a lot of chatter about the Young Avengers, but it could be the X-Men who are really responsible for ushering in a new generation of superheroes in the MCU. 

5. Fallout From The Blip


Why are mutants only just starting to appear in the MCU? We obviously know that it's a result of Disney's acquisition of 20th Century Fox, and had that not happened, we'd still be getting crappy X-Men and Fantastic Four movies with no connection to this shared world. 

Thankfully, things went another way, but Marvel Studios still needs to come up with a reason for the sudden emergence of mutants. We'd argue that tying this to The Blip makes the most sense as the sheer level of power unleashed when the Infinity Stones were used is bound to have had longer-lasting consequences than what's been shown thus far.

Another possibility is that the Kree's experiments on humanity (which created the Inhumans) will be tied to mutants, and there are a number of ways that could be used to explain those genes suddenly being switched on. Linking these mutations to The Blip still seems like the best idea, though. 

4. Kamala Khan's Comic Accurate Powers


Over the course of Ms. Marvel, we saw Kamala gain a better understanding of her powers and utilise them in a way that paid homage to her comic book counterpart. This culminated with the finale's awesome "embiggen" moment, but the fact is, she's still using Green Lantern-style constructs rather than the abilities we're used to seeing on the page. 

However, if her mutation has only enabled her to use the Noor bangle, what happens if that relic is destroyed or somehow taken from her? 

Well, now we know Kamala is a mutant, the door is open to us seeing her comic-accurate powers down the line. Once her mutation kicks in, Ms. Marvel will no longer need the bangle and can potentially Embiggen and transform in ways that are infinitely more exciting than what we've see in the MCU so far. It's certainly a very real possibility, anyway. 

3. Hated And Feared


Humans hate and fear mutants, something that's always been hard to sell when The Avengers are viewed as heroes. After all, X-Men leader Cyclops being able to shoot lasers from his eyes is a lot less extreme than beloved celebrity Wonder Man transforming into a being of pure energy! 

Ultimately, it boils down to humanity being scared of how hidden mutations in their genes could make them a "mutant" at any time, or, more crucially, their children. That's something Marvel Studios should play on in order to make the X-Men feel truly different, and we've already seen hints that the emergence of kids with superpowers is causing concern. 

The Department of Damage Control took aim at Spider-Man and Ms. Marvel for being teenagers with powers, and it's easy to imagine them going from Stark Industries drones to Sentinels. This will put a whole new spin on superheroes and makes sure the X-Men aren't just more Avengers. 

2. More Mutations


So, we've established that the MCU could soon be home to a whole host of teenage mutants, but what about other characters from this shared world's past?

Before Eternals decided to basically make those characters androids, we all assumed they might have ties to mutants. That seemed like a missed opportunity, but Marvel Studios can now establish the likes of Namor the Submariner and the Scarlet Witch as mutants whose powers manifested sooner than the rest. Why? Well, it could be very important moving forward.

We're sure no one wants a teenage Professor X and Magneto, so establishing that there are already some mutants out there and in hiding is a must. Introducing the secret island nation of Krakoa could play nicely into this, but we don't think the X-Men will be the MCU's first mutant heroes by any means...

1. Ms. Marvel, Member Of The Avengers X-Men


Given her love of Captain Marvel and all things Avengers, it would hardly be a surprise if Kamala Khan joins the ranks of Earth's Mightiest Heroes down the line. However, what if the plan is to have her join the X-Men instead? 

This will inevitably be controversial among some fans. However, had Marvel Comics introduced Ms. Marvel as a mutant (which was the original plan before the higher-ups pushed the idea of her being an Inhuman), she'd probably be on Krokoa serving as a member of the team by now! For this to happen, though, the MCU needs to hurry up and start introducing Cyclops and company.

As her TV show established, being a young Muslim woman already makes Kamala something of an outsider. With that in mind, she's already a perfect fit for the X-Men, and that's a franchise we can picture exploring her place in the world better than The Avengers ever could. 

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AmazingFILMporg - 7/15/2022, 1:11 PM
Ewwww a mutant🤡

ot: anybody see the video of Terrance Howard trying to scam the people of Uganda?

The guy is a grifter and psychopath
MCUKnight11 - 7/15/2022, 1:15 PM
@AmazingFILMporg - Glad the foresight was seen to boot him out and replace him with Cheadle.
TomK725 - 7/15/2022, 1:15 PM
I wonder what implications this has for "damage control" .....are they what we've been meant to believe or is there another twist coming.
thewanderer - 7/15/2022, 1:26 PM
@TomK725 - I can see them playing a big part going forward, particularly in Young Avengers.
SonOfAGif - 7/15/2022, 1:42 PM
@TomK725 - I mentioned this before but I think The Department of Damage Control is the American Branch of the Sokovia Accords.
thewanderer - 7/15/2022, 1:27 PM
There's no need for her to be part of the X-Men. It's not like every mutant hero is.
inkniron - 7/15/2022, 1:34 PM
@thewanderer - Exactly. It's not like there haven't been mutants on the Avengers as well.
Origame - 7/15/2022, 3:48 PM
@thewanderer - not to mention she was only an inhuman in the comic in so far as that's where her powers came from. Other than explaining powers, she isn't really an inhuman, just another teen superhero.

Really this reveal gives us nothing but the idea mutants are coming, which we knew for a while now.
thewanderer - 7/15/2022, 3:51 PM
@Origame - yes, but it means they are finally here after we've been waiting for so long and thought we may have to wait a little longer.

It's an exciting time.
inkniron - 7/15/2022, 1:33 PM
Bruno has discovered a "mutation" in Kamala's DNA, but the question is, was it already there, or did something activate it? If it's the latter (meaning that Noor bangle), the theory that the Scarlet Witch is a mutant whose powers were "switched on" by the Mind Stone may very well have been confirmed.

Your 2 part question makes no sense. I'll make this one simple for you. If they're going to call her a mutant, it was already there AND it has to be activated to manifest powers. Mutants are born with the X-gene and the mutation if/when it is activated comes from high stress or trauma.

Now, if your asking did the Noor Bangle itself cause her DNA to be mutated, then she is not a mutant but a mutate. I doubt they try to make that the case though if Feige love the X-Men like he says. There have been many stories thoughout the years that dealt with made vs born that way.

As for Wanda, I'm pretty sure that the high stress of being experimented on, not just the mind stone, was enough to activate her mutation.
thewanderer - 7/15/2022, 1:38 PM
@inkniron - this is what I see happening. You're born with the X-Gene, and then radiation from things like the snap, the bangle, the Mind Stone, etc unlock that gene.

Someone else brought it up somewhere but I'd kind of like to see Tiamut, the Celestial sticking out of the Indian Ocean, become a "tourist attraction" that also is giving off radiation that is activating the Mutant X-Gene of visitors.
inkniron - 7/15/2022, 1:43 PM
@thewanderer - That would still qualify as trauma. JH actually made a good point, no one is going to want to see Prof X as a kid, so mutants will have to have been around a while.

I guess if radiation triggers it, older ones could have started appearing with the prevalence of microwave ovens and X-Ray.
thewanderer - 7/15/2022, 1:55 PM
@inkniron - unless you make it radiation "not of Earth".
inkniron - 7/15/2022, 2:01 PM
@thewanderer - Meh, we got all that technology from downed alien spacecrafts anyway.
CorndogBurglar - 7/15/2022, 2:07 PM
@inkniron - Not necessarily. Yes, sometimes the X-Gene is triggered due to high tension situations or other factors, but people with X-Genes also just have them manifest eventually without being triggered.

Nothing caused Cyclops' optic blasts to turn on one day. They just did. Nothing made Beast's feet grow big one day, or Angel's wings to sprout out of no where, they were just born with them.

But then you have kids like Rogue who's situation of having her first kiss was enough to activate her X-Gene. Or Jean Grey who's sister's death activated her powers. Or Hope, who was just born with her powers.

It's also interesting that I don't think we've ever seen a mutant who's powers manifested when they were a full grown adult. It always happens before they reach adulthood.

So all this really proves at this point, is that X-Genes exist in people. We still don't know if they NEED to be triggered, or if they can also just manifest on their own.
thewanderer - 7/15/2022, 2:08 PM
@inkniron - my point being, things like "microwave oven radiation" wouldn't work.
CorndogBurglar - 7/15/2022, 2:14 PM
@inkniron - I'm thinking it's like this. Some people are born with X-Genes. But evolution hasn't advanced far enough for everyone with am X-Gene to ever manifest. This is why we can have Xavier, Magneto, or Wolverine with their powers. They are older, and they manifested. Whether it was triggered, or their powers manifested on their own.

But now, decades later, evolution has advanced some more, so now more people with X-Genes are starting to gain their powers as well. Add that on something like the Blip, or other outside forces kickstarting some people's X-Gene, and now we start seeing the real birth of mutantkind.
inkniron - 7/15/2022, 2:30 PM
@CorndogBurglar - There are the few like Beast born that way. Was pretty sure they still attribute it to stress though.

Cyclops and Angel were just puberty manifestations. I thought puberty was stress enough and how most were triggered. Others require that extra push. Hell, Scott's extra push could have been growing up in an orphanage.

Either way, my point stands on mutate vs mutant. The bangle might have triggered it, but it had to be there if they want her to be a mutant.
inkniron - 7/15/2022, 2:37 PM
@CorndogBurglar - Oh, it definitely is a process. They attributed the uptick in mutants to solar radiation in later books, IIRC. I always figured they could use the blip as the trauma that unlocked a bunch, but there still had to be the lead up to it. They are definitely among the people.
CorndogBurglar - 7/15/2022, 3:30 PM
@inkniron - Thats a better way of saying it. Puberty made them manifest in some people. It's almost like if nothing too crazy happens to you, then puberty will eventually do it.

But yeah I totally agree with mutant vs mutate. But because Bruno called it a mutation, and then the X-Men music played, I think its very clear that she's a mutant, and not a mutate.
CorndogBurglar - 7/15/2022, 3:37 PM
@inkniron - Yes, and I think that's the important piece. Mutants have been around the whole time in the MCU. But not in large numbers. It's the blip or something else that is going to be the driver for more of them springing up now.
tRuckRogers46A - 7/15/2022, 4:52 PM
@inkniron - but in the Wandavision flashback ep they showed she had powers before the mindstone/sceptre. When the stark bomb landed and didn't go off.
inkniron - 7/16/2022, 1:13 AM
@tRuckRogers46A - Ok, then the trauma of living in a war torn country or just the stress of puberty unlocked her powers.

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