Gamespy's Warcraft Movie Interview With Chris Metzen

Gamespy's Warcraft Movie Interview With Chris Metzen

See what Chris Metzen has to say about the Warcraft movie.........................................................................

By Spoon366 - Sep 23, 2009 01:09 PM EST
Filed Under: Warcraft
Source: Gamespy
GameSpy: You've just made the big announcement that Sam Raimi will be directing the Warcraft movie. You're co-producing, so what are your thoughts on the announcement?

Chris Metzen, Vice President of Creative Development, Blizzard Entertainment: We're all very, very excited about the announcement. We waited a long time to announce a director. We've been with Legendary for a number of years and we've jammed a lot of ideas, and we've waited for the right personalities, the right chemistry to come together. We're really, really stoked that it finally has. It's pretty surreal that we've finally made the announcement. It's finally like, "It's on, it's official, here we go." We're just stoked to get it going and see this thing starting to take shape.

GameSpy: Was Sam Raimi one of the originally targeted directors?

Chris Metzen: We talked about a lot of different people, and certainly his name was one of the first we had talked about. We're all huge "Spider-Man" fans, and all of his horror content, like "Army of Darkness" is one of my personal favorites. Sam's one of those guys who came out swinging with "Spider-Man," in terms of handling the licensed product and all the geeky fanfare. The passion of fandom, he really translated that into something that everyone could love, and had a lot of heart. And those were really important components for us, in terms of translating a license, in building a cinematic experience that speaks to the license, but really sings to everybody. That was really, really important to us, so he was the perfect partner.

GameSpy: Warcraft will be a live-action film. Don't you feel like your in-house cinematic team could have made a great movie?

Chris Metzen: What I'd say is I'm one of the biggest fans of our cinematic department, and I love what they do and I love getting to work on that stuff too. But at the end of the day, for a movie, we really want something that's going to capture the imagination of the world, and I think you need living, breathing actors, to some degree, to really bring out that accessibility and that emotion. So I'm really excited to see the live-action take shape. But I'm a huge fan of our animation, and who knows what we'll do with that down the line.

GameSpy: The fan base is relying on you to ensure that the movie stays true to Warcraft. Are you prepared to say that it will be?

Chris Metzen: Absolutely! Absolutely.

GameSpy: What most excites you about co-producing the movie?

Chris Metzen: The thing that would excite me most is just that it translates boldly. That it feels like a fan experience, and that a couple years from now, you sit down in a theater and you're like, "They did it. They got it. That feels genuine." It may not be about your Level 12 Night Elf Hunter, specifically, but all the familiarity -- the locales, the places, the characters, the storylines -- it all feels contiguous and one-to-one with your expectations. That's my great hope.
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LEEE777 - 9/23/2009, 2:16 PM
LEEE777 - 9/23/2009, 2:18 PM
WARCRAFT would be an EPIC movie, just like WARHAMMER, and WARHAMMER 40,000!!!

Great article @ SPOON! ; )
alphageek79 - 9/23/2009, 2:21 PM
They all would make great movies. . .as long as they dont screw it up. Anyone know if they have a script for this yet?
alphageek79 - 9/23/2009, 2:51 PM
well most of the horde will have to be cgi.
LEEE777 - 9/23/2009, 3:36 PM
I think it'll be a great movie!

Heck if they can do LOTRS, they can do this! ; )

Ryden - 9/23/2009, 3:51 PM

I don't play Warcraft, never have but Im looking forward to this movie, it should end up being like LOTR but I hope it isn't just a carbon copy of that movie :P
StephenStrange - 9/23/2009, 5:22 PM
do you guys think they mean a WORLD OF WARCRAFT movie or just a Warcraft movie?
theartofoneness - 9/23/2009, 5:49 PM
Apparently Lou Ferrigno has officially signed on to play all the ogres in the movie.
CorndogBurglar - 9/23/2009, 6:49 PM
@ mulder

either way, they take place in the same setting. warcraft 3 was like the setup story for world of warcraft. i've never played WoW (i can't justify paying 30 bucks every 3 months to play it) i think this could be an awesome movie. and if it does well, maybe we'll get a starcraft movie!!! that would be the best!
CorndogBurglar - 9/23/2009, 6:50 PM
@ theartof

really?? i heard it was ryan reynolds.
Duhdaduh - 9/23/2009, 7:35 PM
lou ferrigno orgres!!?? sweet!

i dont play wow or anything (too busy having a life (hahahaha jk! (i actually dont really))) but this could make a decent movie!!!
TheMyth - 9/23/2009, 10:44 PM
DannyRand, the only similarity you mentioned is the orcs. Crazy insect aliens? Psychic ancient alien civilization? Dude, have you played Warcraft? I don't think you have. And if featuring orcs is enough for a lawsuit, Games Workshop is in some trouble themselves. Sounds to me like you are making a cosmetic judgment based on the Orcs alone cause the rest of what you said makes no sense. I have been playing Warcraft since it was an RTS and you lost me at 'aliens'. Are you talking about the Draenei? as for 'psychic alien civilization' I think your thinking of Starcraft. I guess by your logic though, Tolkien Trust should sue Games Workshop for using elves and goblins and so forth. The only thing that is blatant to me is that you don't know what your talking about.

DarthMulder, I saw the interview at Blizzcon and from what I take from Metzen's comments in it, it would be pre-WoW, utilizing heroes like Khadgar and Leroy Jenkins and Tirion Fordring.

I really want to see Class' portrayed in an obvious way for the film. I want to KNOW just by seeing a character that he/she is a rogue, or warrior, or priest. The same goes for the locales, I want to be able to tell just by sight that a certain scene is taking place in Duskwood, Ashenvale, or Loch Modan. While I'm not to militant about movie adaptation sticking to source for CBM's, when it comes to this, not one iota needs to be changed for transference. It should stay as is and if Raimi can't handle that, then off with his head.
CorndogBurglar - 9/24/2009, 5:49 AM
@ myth

dannyrand was talking about starcraft when he mentioned the insect aliens.

"then they ALSO come out with a Sci-Fi setting, which is EXACTLY like Warhammer 40,000. The Humans, the Crazy Insect Aliens, the Psychic Ancient Alien civilization guys...seems pretty blatant to me. "

when he said this, he started talking about starcraft being like warhammer. and he's right, there are a LOT of similarities between the two. humans=terrans, "crazy insect aliens=zerg, "psychic ancient aliens=protoss
StephenStrange - 9/24/2009, 7:28 AM
OMG.. Lery Jenkins in a MOVIE??? LMAO. That's hilarious!

Anyway I think there is a lot of potential for something like this. But as it goes with game based movies so often, the potential will probably be wasted on Hollywood
TheMyth - 9/24/2009, 8:34 AM
Corndog, That's what I thought, but he didn't come out and say that. He was talking about Warcraft then went on that spiel without clarifying and I took it as him talking about Warcraft. I used to play the Warhammer 40k miniatures game waaaaaaay back in the day as well as some of the PC games that came out for it including the original Warhammer(with the Skaven and when orks were called Greenskins) and I don't see any resemblance between Warhammer and Warcraft other than both of them have Humans and Orcs/Orks. My bad for misinterpreting ;)

DarthMulder, lol, you must play WoW, or at least have played it to an extent. I wouldn't say this is doomed to the same movie-based-on-a-game cycle. If we push SM3 from our minds and look at SM1 and SM2, Raimi did a damn fine job, and with the games creators acting as the producers on top of that, I think we're in pretty good hands, but only time will tell.
CorndogBurglar - 9/24/2009, 9:06 AM
@ myth

warcraft doesn't have any resemblance to warhammer 40000. but there is also a warhammer game just called "Warhammer". it was actually the original warhammer game that takes place in a more traditional fantasy setting (elves, orcs, dwarves and all that. no aliens). he may have been referring to that being similar to warcraft??

but at the same time, those races exist in just about ALL fantasy, so i agree that saying warcraft is just like warhammer because of orcs, is a little silly, because LOTS and LOTS of fantasy have all those races also.
NiteSoul69 - 9/24/2009, 10:11 AM
@ myth

well actually myth, leeroy jenkins was not in pre-WoW, he was a character made by a player in WoW, and yes they said a Warcraft movie at blizz-con not a World of Warcraft movie, so it might be mainly large scale battles and not focusing on individual characters
TheMyth - 9/24/2009, 11:07 AM
NiteSoul, I didn't think he was, as I don't remember ever seeing anything about him in the lore, but I know that Metzen, or someone higher up at Blizz, at one point named him specifically. Metzen did say that heroes of the 2nd and 3rd wars would be featured, like the ones I mentioned above, like Khadgar and Tirion. I personally would love to see Medivh, as he is one of my favorite characters in the lore.
StephenStrange - 9/24/2009, 12:50 PM
lol Myth, I play two or three times a week... whenever I can. I am what you call a "casual player" I guess. None of my tunes are very high lvl. I never pvp or raid or anything like that. I just run around and quest and do proffessions. My wife loves it. We play together

But I have two jobs and three huge hobbies that eat up almost all my time so I can't do it as much as I would like.
NiteSoul69 - 9/24/2009, 6:23 PM
@ myth

i agree, i would love to see some of those characters in the movie, if they could tie in some of the large scale battles for the Warcraft games and some individual characters like the ones u mentioned, would be nice. tons and tons of lore and story they could use and build upon, could be really good movie if they do it right, could be a really bad movie if they dont lol, could get a lotr or dd, lets hope its lotr
TheMyth - 9/24/2009, 11:58 PM
DarthMulder, I been playing for years on Quel'Dorei, alliance, I have a few 80's. I hate PvP, but I do raid, just not as avidly as the more hardcore raiders. I really like questing myself and leveling characters of different class'. Been into the caster's recently, but my mains are 80 Rogue and Shaman. I am a hardcore gamer, so I play a lot whether it be WoW or something on Xbox. If you ever feel like a change of scenery, come to the server I mentioned above and mail a message toon named Glys on the alliance faction. I have toons in all level ranges and don't mind running lower levels around with my mains ;)

NiteSoul, If I were making this movie, I'd go with the opening of the Dark Portal and lead up to a climax of going through the Portal. A sequel could follow that is essentially Reign of Chaos in Live Action. Top the trilogy with Wrath of the Lich King. In a nutshell ;)
Maz36 - 9/26/2009, 12:34 PM
Depending on how far back they want to go in the lore of the whole Warcraft universe, they could even go as far back as Ner'Zhul essentially becoming the first Lich King, or at least getting possessed by him, and thus ultimately starting the war between the Alliance and the Orcish Horde.

There's a lot of content for a movie that can be gleaned from Tides of Darkness, even as far back as Warcraft: Orcs and Humans. They have a literal mountain of content they can use. They pretty much just have to pick where they want to start.

@Myth I think when you mentioned Wrath of the Lich King as the top of the trilogy, maybe you meant Frozen Throne? Perhaps I'm wrong though...
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